An aerially moved payload system having a platform, at least one line, reel, and motor combination for moving the platform, at least one digital microphone, image generating device, and multiplexer are attached to the platform, wherein the multiplexer is capable of embedding any audio signals captured by the a least one digital microphone into any images generated by the at least one image generating device for transmission from the platform to a remotely located control center.

The present invention is directed to aerially moved payloads, and more particularly to sound capture for an aerially moved payload system using digital microphones.


Aerial movement systems are useful in moving a payload, like for example a camera and microphone, over large expanses such as football fields, basketball courts, or even military testing sites. Examples of such systems which may be used to aerially move a payload may be found, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,809,495; 6,873,355; 6,975,089; 7,088,071; 7,127,998; and, 7,239,106 and U.S. Publication No. 2011/0204197. While the remaining description will at times discuss these aerial movement systems with respect to having an image generating device or multiple image generating devices and/or microphones for capturing sound, it should be appreciated by those having ordinary skill in the art that the present application, and all of the previously referenced patents may be utilized to aerially move any payload and is not limited to just a image capturing devices or multiple image capturing devices.

As described in various embodiments of the aforementioned patents, aerial movement systems having a payload, like for example a platform carrying a camera and/or microphone, typically include anywhere from one to five lines (e.g., a cables, ropes, strings, cords, wires, or any other flexible materials) attached to the payload. The one to five lines typically extend to the payload from support beams surrounding the surface and are controlled by one to five motor reels which extend and retract the one to five lines attached to the payload. The motor reels may be controlled using timers, software algorithms, remote controls, or any means known in the art. As the lines are extended and retracted, the payload may be moved in three-dimensions, i.e. in the X-direction, the Y-direction, and the Z-direction.

In order to capture sound in aerially moved payload systems capturing audio and/or video signals, typically analog microphones or condenser coils are used. The captured audio signals are transmitted to a remotely located production or control center.

In current systems, in order to utilize a phased array and filters for sound captured by aerially moved payload systems, multiple analog microphones are used with the audio captured by each microphone transmitted back to the production or control center and filtered at a remote sound board or the like. Remote filtering at the sound board may result in a loss of fidelity and sound quality, while at the same time require additional equipment and engineers to produce the broadcast.

Additionally, analog microphones are typically also incapable of receiving instructions from an individual controlling the microphones to alter signal processing and filter noise or unwanted sound at the microphones. Since the microphones are incapable of receiving instructions, each microphone may have to be continuously used, captured, and transmitted throughout a recording or broadcast, regardless of whether the sound captured by that microphone is ever used. Such results in higher power consumption and additional signals that must be filtered at the remotely located sound board.

Digital microphones are currently used to capture audio in ground applications, i.e. in non-aerially moved payload systems. When used on the ground, current practice is to use copper wires to transmit the digital audio signals to a production or control center. However, as is known in the art, the distance the signals may be transmitted via copper wire is limited due to, for example, noise and interference on the copper wire, and loss of signal strength over distance. Utilizing copper wire to transmit digital audio signals is unsuitable in most aerially moved payload system applications as the distance the signal is required to travel over the copper wire is typically far greater than the distance where interference, noise, and strength of the audio signal are greatly affected by being transmitted over copper.

Additionally, these digital audio signals may not be embedded with video, merely being provided as audio signals, reducing the amount of signals which may be transmitted through any given line.

While some advantages of digital microphones are known in the art, for these reasons, no system to date has attempted to use digital microphones to capture and transmit digital audio from an aerially moved payload system. Currently, there is no system by which digital audio or multiple digital audio signals from a phased array may be effectively transmitted from an aerially moved payload system to a production or control center for use in, for example, a recording or broadcast.

The present invention is provided to solve these and other issues.


Accordingly, the present invention is directed to an aerially moved payload system having a digital microphone or multiple digital microphones which may comprise a phased array.

According to one aspect of the invention, an aerial payload system capable of capturing audio signals using a digital microphone or multiple digital microphones is provided. Each digital microphone may be powered using a phantom power source providing approximately 10V or any required operating voltage to each microphone. A COTS component or power supply may be utilized as a phantom power source so long as it is capable of providing the required voltage. Utilizing a COTS component will provide sufficient power to the microphones while effectively reducing the amount of noise created in the line used to transmit the audio from the payload to the control center. Custom designed power supplies may be used along with the digital microphones, so long as the power supply provides the necessary voltage to drive the microphone(s) included in the payload.

According to another aspect of the invention the payload includes an array of digital microphones. The array of microphones may be capable of sampling and filtering any noise or unwanted sound and providing an enhanced audio signal to a production or control center located remotely from the payload.

According to another aspect of the invention, in order to transmit the captured digital audio signal(s) to the production or control center, the audio signals may be embedded or multiplexed into any captured image signal using a multiplexer. Rather than, or in addition to, using an actual captured video signal, a phantom video signal may be generated at the payload and transmitted to the control center with any captured digital audio signals embedded therein.

According to yet another aspect of the invention, at least one of the payload and control center, or any point there between, may include a digital-to-analog media converter for converting the digital audio signals to analog signals for use with some control center equipment.

Other advantages and aspects of the present invention will become apparent upon reading the following description of the drawings and detailed description of the invention.


FIG. 1 shows an aerially moved payload system as contemplated by the invention;

FIG. 2 shows a configuration of an array of digital microphones for use in an aerial payload system; and,

FIG. 3 shows a flow chart for controlling an aerially moved payload as contemplated by the present invention.


While this invention is susceptible to embodiments in many different forms, there is described in detail herein, preferred embodiments of the invention with the understanding that the present disclosures are to be considered as exemplifications of the principles of the invention and are not intended to limit the broad aspects of the invention to the embodiments illustrated.

An exemplary system 10 for aerially moving a payload 12 is shown in FIG. 1. Payload 12 includes at least one digital microphone 14 carried by platform 16 and powered by a phantom power source which may be provided on the platform or included in payload control box 18. Payload 12 may additionally include at least one image capturing device 20 and/or a phantom video signal generator which may be included on the platform or included in the payload control box. Image capturing devices which may be used with the present invention include but are not limited to a standard or high definition camera having a zoom or prime lens, it may be a digital camera capable of taking both still shots and video or a high-speed, slow motion, or motion detecting camera, or it may be a camera having a lens or filter designed to remove or enhance a particular color, color spectrum, an infrared or ultra-violate camera, a night vision camera, a thermal imaging device, or an elevation or topography imaging or mapping device. Where a phantom video signal is generated and used, the signal may be black burst, black bars, blue or green screen, “snow” or any other generated video signal not captured by a camera. Control box 18 may also include any multiplexers, wave-division multiplexers, coarse wave-division multiplexers, media converters, phantom power sources, modems, demodulators or other equipment needed to transmit and receive data to and from, and control and maneuver, the payload and any devices located thereon.

In order to maneuver payload 12 and platform 16, one or more lines and motor and reel combinations may be utilized. According to one embodiment of the invention, in order to move payload 12 and platform 16 in the x-, y-, and z-directions, at least one line, shown as lines 22a-22d, are connected to the platform in four locations, shown as corners 24a-24d. Coupled to and driving lines 22a-22d is at least one reel and motor combo, shown as motor and reel combinations 26a-26d. Motor and reel combinations 26a-26d act in conjunction with lines 22a-22d to move platform 16 and payload 12 in the x-, y-, and z-directions. In order to further enhance movement, motor and reel combinations 26a-26d may be fixed to support structures 28a-28d surrounding the area over which the platform and payload traverse. Alternatively, sheave 30a-30d may be attached to the support structures to direct the lines from the motor and reel combinations to the platform. Lines 22a-22d may contain, have embedded therein, or have attached thereto, coaxial, optical, or other cables capable of transmitting and receiving information to and from a remote location and payload 12 to provide, for example, any data or signals collected or obtained by payload 12 or operation instructions to any of the devices in payload 12.

While it is contemplated by the invention that a single digital microphone may be included in the payload, in many situations it may be advantageous to include multiple microphones configured in an array. In order to utilize multiple microphones in such an array, it is contemplated by the invention that the microphones may be connected to and arranged around a structure attached to the platform, like for example, ring 32 which is shown in both FIGS. 1 and 2. The microphones maybe arranged in such a manner so as to capture sound from multiple areas surrounding the platform so as to provide a 360 degree coverage of sound surrounding the platform. As an example, the structure may be a ring having a two-foot diameter with sixteen microphones spaced in substantially equal intervals around the ring. In some embodiments, however, it may be desired that the microphones are arranged and spaced in some other manner for a particular situation, like for example concentrated in a particular area or areas around the ring. While shown as a circular ring, the ring or other structure may be formed in any formation which will allow any sound surrounding the platform to be captured by the microphones. Alternatively, rather than provide a ring or similar structure, it is contemplated by the invention that the microphones may be attached directly to the platform and extend or surround the perimeter to capture sound. As a further alternative, the microphones may be attached to a linear or curvilinear structure attached to the platform.

When utilized in an array, the digital microphones may contain onboard digital signal processing (“DSP”), allowing for sampling and filtering of noise or unwanted sound at the microphones rather than the production or control center. The onboard DSP of each microphone or the array of microphones may be adjusted by an individual controlling the microphones to change the sampling or filtering, to modify the sound that is captured by the microphone or array of microphones. Adjustments may be done by, for example, an individual providing control signals to the microphones through the control box on the platform which may adjust or otherwise alter the microphone action. Additionally or alternatively, the digital microphones may have set profiles depending on the environment the microphones are used in. For example, when utilized in a stadium or even a particular stadium, microphones with onboard DSP may be set to pick up, enhance, adjust, and/or filter out particular sounds or ranges of sounds or locations of sound.

With onboard DSP, and the ability of an individual to control the digital microphone DSP, sampling, and filtering of any sound captured by digital microphones on an aerial payload system far exceed that of sound captured by analog microphones as the state of each microphone may be continuously altered to insure the proper sound is captured. Digital microphones having DSP allows the microphones to control at the source which microphones are on and off to capture the sound or area of sound the production or control center wants captured, rather than an individual sitting at a sound board receiving the signals from all the microphones in the array. This allows for a pilot or controller to just move the payload around and capture all sound below without having to worry about an engineer or the like filtering the sound before it is utilized.

Of course rather than, or in addition to, having onboard DSP, it is contemplated by the invention that DSP may be done outside of the microphones, i.e. within the control box located on the platform or at a control center or mixing board remotely located. In such embodiments, sound that has or has not been processed by each microphone may be processed using any means known in the art either on platform or at a mixing sound board.

In order to transmit captured digital audio (100) from the payload to a production or control center in some embodiments, the audio captured by the digital microphone(s) may be directly provided as a digital signal or converted to an analog/coaxial or other non-digital signal and embedded with a video signal using a multiplexer. The audio signal(s) may be embedded with an image signal (104) captured by image capturing device 20 onboard the payload, or alternatively may be embedded in a phantom video signal which is generated on the platform (102), like for example within control box 18. Any image generating device, whether it “generates” images by capturing images or it “generates” images by creating a phantom video signal, may have audio embedded therein for the purposes of transmitting the audio from the payload to the production or control center. Inasmuch as multiple audio signals may be embedded in a single video signal, signals from multiple microphones may be provided along with any video or phantom video signals, allowing numerous microphones to be utilized in a single payload. For example, in some embodiments four digital audio signals may be embedded within a single video signal.

Once the captured digital audio signal is embedded in an image or phantom video signal, the combined signal may be provided to a media converter which converts the combined coaxial signal to a fiber signal (106) for transmission along a fiber optic glass (108). In some embodiments, where substantial numbers of microphones and/or video signals are utilized, after being converted to a fiber signal, multiple converted A/V signals may be multiplexed into a single signal, allowing multiple A/V signals to be transmitted along a single glass. Transmitting along a fiber optic glass rather than a copper wire allows for the audio signal to be transmitted a greater distance without noise or interference affecting the signal, particularly a digital audio signal that is converted to analog at the production or control center. Utilizing a fiber optic signal and glass also allows for multiple audio and video signals to be sent along a single line. For example, a wave-division or coarse wave-division multiplexer may be provided which may enable two or more video signals, with one or both having audio embedded thereon, be joined for transmission along a single glass. Since four or more audio signals may be embedded into each video signal, and multiple combined audio/video signals may be joined using a wave-division or coarse-wave division multiplexer, 32 or more audio signals may be transmitted along a single glass. In some embodiments, as many as 16 audio channels may be embedded into a single video feed, allowing a 16 microphone array to be transmitted in a single video signal.

In order to recover and split the embedded audio signals, one or more multiplexers or wave division multiplexers may be used to split multiple joined audio/video signals apart, and then further separate the embedded audio and video components from each other (110). Where only a single audio/video signal is provided, only a single multiplexer may be required, however where multiple joined audio/video signals are provided along a single glass, two or more multiplexers, wave-division multiplexers or coarse wave-division multiplexers may be required. A media converter may also be used to convert the fiber signals back to coaxial or digital signals (112). If the transmitted signals are in digital format, if required, they may be converted to analog format for broadcast at this time.

In an alternative embodiment, rather than use fiber signals and glass, media converters and transmitters/receivers may be incorporated at the platform or payload and production or control center to convert, transmit, and receive the audio signals and/or embedded audio/video signals using RF transmission. In order to accomplish this, both the control center and control box 18 on platform 16 may include media converters and transceivers for converting the audio or combined audio/video signals to an RF signals (106) and transmitting (108) and receiving the audio signals between the platform and center. The transceivers may likewise be used by any individuals controlling the platform or microphones for providing control signals between the control center and platform. Once transmitted, the RF signals may be converted back to coaxial or digital signals (108) with the audio portion being split from the video portion if embedded (110).

While in the foregoing there has been set forth a preferred embodiment of the invention, it is to be understood that the present invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or central characteristics thereof. The present embodiments, therefore, are to be considered in all respects as illustrative and not restrictive, and the invention is not to be limited to the details given herein. While specific embodiments have been illustrated and described, numerous modifications come to mind without significantly departing from the characteristics of the invention and the scope of protection is only limited by the scope of the accompanying claims.

  • 1. An aerially moved payload system comprising: a platform;at least one line, reel, and motor combination for moving the platform;at least one digital microphone attached to the platform;at least one image generating device attached to the platform; and,a multiplexer attached to the platform, the multiplexer capable of embedding any audio signals captured by the a least one digital microphone into any images generated by the at least one image generating device.
  • 2. The aerially moved payload system of claim 1 further comprising at least one media converter for converting a combined audio signal and generated image to an optical signal.
  • 3. The aerially moved payload system of claim 2 further comprising at least one fiber optic cable attached to or embedded in the at least one line used to move the platform.
  • 4. The aerially moved payload system of claim 1 further comprising an array of digital microphones.
  • 5. The aerially moved payload system of claim 4 further comprising a ring attached to the platform, the ring configured to attach to the array of digital microphones.
  • 6. The aerially moved payload system of claim 4 wherein at least one digital microphone in the array of digital microphones includes digital signal processing.
  • 7. The aerially moved payload system of claim 1 wherein the at least one image generating device is from the group comprising a standard or high definition video camera, a digital camera, a high-speed camera, a slow motion camera, a motion detecting camera, an infrared or ultra-violate camera, a night vision camera, a thermal imaging device, or an elevation or topography imaging or mapping device.
  • 8. The aerially moved payload system of claim 1 wherein the at least one image generating device generates a phantom video signal.
  • 9. The aerially moved payload system of claim 1 further comprising at least one media converter for converting the digital audio signal to a coaxial signal before being embedded with the video signal.
  • 10. The aerially moved payload system of claim 9 further comprising at least two media converters, wherein the second media converter converts the combined audio/video signal from a coaxial signal to an optic signal.
  • 11. The aerially moved payload system of claim 10 further comprising at least one fiber optic cable attached to or embedded in the at least one line used to move the platform.
  • 12. The aerially moved payload system of claim 9 further comprising at least two media converters, wherein the second media converter converts the combined audio/video signal from a coaxial signal to an RF signal.
  • 13. The aerially moved payload system of claim 12 further comprising at least one device capable of transmitting the RF signal from the platform and at least one device capable of receiving the transmitted RF signal in a remote location.
  • 14. The aerially moved payload system of claim 13 wherein the at least one device capable of transmitting the RF signal and the at least one device capable of receiving the RF signal are both transceivers.
  • 15. A method of capturing and transmitting audio using an aerially moved payload system, the method comprising the steps of: capturing one or more audio signals using at least one digital microphone;generating at least one video signal;embedding the one or more audio signals in the at least one video signal;converting the embedded audio/video signal to an RF signal;transmitting the RF signal using at least one device capable of transmitting the RF signal to at least one device capable of receiving the RF signal in a remote location.
  • 16. A method of capturing and transmitting audio using an aerially moved payload system, the method comprising the steps of: capturing one or more audio signals using at least one digital microphone;generating at least one video signal;embedding the one or more audio signals in the at least one video signal;converting the embedded audio/video signal to an optic signal;transmitting the optic signal to a remote location using at least one fiber optic glass.

This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/529,676 entitled “3D Aerial Camera System” filed Aug. 31, 2011; U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/529,697 entitled “Control System for a 3D Aerial Camera” filed Aug. 31, 2011; U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/532,788 entitled “Digital Microphone and Digital Microphone Control System for an Aerially Moved Payload” filed Sep. 9, 2011; U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/532,741 entitled “Control System For An Aerially Moved Payload System” filed Sep. 9, 2011; and, U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/607,993 entitled “Aerial Camera System Having Multiple Payloads” filed Mar. 7, 2012—the contents of all of which are fully incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (5)
Number Date Country
61529676 Aug 2011 US
61529697 Aug 2011 US
61532788 Sep 2011 US
61532741 Sep 2011 US
61607993 Mar 2012 US