Apparatus and method for cueing a theatre automation system


  • Patent Grant
  • 6700640
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, March 2, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, March 2, 2004
    20 years ago
In a digital cinema system comprising a decoder and an auditorium manager, where the auditorium manager configured to sequence the presentation of scheduled programs, a method of cueing a theatre automation system is claimed. A cue command is received from the decoder. The cue command is configured to a format acceptable by the theatre automation system. The cue command is then relayed to the theatre automation system.


I. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to digital cinema. More specifically, the present invention relates to an apparatus and method for cueing and supplementing a theatre automation system in a digital cinema system.

II. Description of the Related Art

In the traditional film industry, theatre operators receive reels of celluloid film from a studio or through a distributor for eventual presentation in a theatre auditorium. The reels of film include the feature program (a full-length motion picture) and a plurality of previews and other promotional material, often referred to as trailers. The theatre operator may also be required or choose to present some its own trailers, often comprising of local promotional and advertising material.

For presentation, a theatre operator builds a “platter”, or playlist. This involves sequencing reels of celluloid film in the order in which it is to be presented, and physically splicing together the film to be played by the projector. In between trailers, or between a trailer and the feature, it is sometimes desirable to display a “black screen”. A black screen is several seconds of blank film, which provides for a transition and somewhat of a dramatic affect between different trailers or features. To create a black screen, the theatre operator physically splices blank film into the desired areas in the same manner as trailers are put together.

A theatre operator also inserts cues and milestones onto celluloid film by physically attaching trigger strips onto the film. Cues may be attached in between programming, or within a particular feature or trailer. Currently, a theatre operator controls auditorium environment through the use of a theatre automation systems. Theatre automation systems control such functions as turning lights on and off, opening and closing curtains, and changing the projector lens. Theatre automation systems control these functions by reading a trigger strip physically placed onto the film as the film passes through a reader connected to the theatre automation system. Trigger strips are typically metallic or optical pieces of tape adhered onto the film. When the tape passes under the reader, an electrical signal is output to the theatre automation system. There are many theatre automation systems available and no uniform way in which theatre automation systems operate. That is, where a trigger strip is placed relative to a frame on the film will cause different theatre automation systems to behave differently. For example, a trigger strip may be placed on a left edge of the film, called an inboard cue, the center of the film, called a center cue, or the right edge of the film, called an outboard cue. Other theatre automation systems interpret only a single trigger strip regardless of where the trigger strip is placed relative to a frame on the film, or mandate in what position the strip must be placed (inboard, center, or outboard) in order to be read. Further still, other theatre automation systems attach meaning to combinations or sequences of trigger strips.

If a theatre operator wants to insert a cue during a presentation of a program, as studios sometimes mandate, the operator must physically look at the frames on the reel of film to determine where the cue should be inserted. Alternatively, the operator may estimate where a trigger strip should be placed by knowing that “x” number of feet of film is equal to about “y” seconds during presentation. For example, a “lights on” cue may be inserted ten seconds after the credits begin. The theatre operator would then physically attach the metallic or optical strip onto the proper place on the film by estimating how many feet of film translates into a ten second delay.

Trailers and features each have associated ratings, which define the appropriateness of the material for a given audience. In the United States, ratings are labeled to motion pictures and trailers by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). However, different jurisdictions have different ratings systems, and not all jurisdictions are consistent as to the rating level of a given program. Accordingly, a theatre operator in a given jurisdiction need be conscious of the types of programs he plans to display together.

Moreover, trailers and features are filmed using a specific display aspect ratio. The display aspect ratio refers to how the image was filmed and how the studio wants the image to be displayed. Typically, images are presented on projectors using either a scope lens or a flat lens. The cinema scope has a ratio of 2.35:1 and a flat lens has a ratio of 1:85:1. The ratio refers to the horizontal plane versus the vertical plane from the size the image is projected onto the screen. Further, various projectors are sensitive to the type of scanning or chroma sampling.

Along with reels of films comprising features and trailers, the theatre operator receives one or more soundtracks to be played with each film. Soundtracks come in a variety of languages and sound formats. Sound formats, such as stereo, 7.1, or 5.1, refer to the number of channels the sound format requires. Because sound systems vary greatly from theatre to theatre, the studio or distributor typically ship multiple soundtracks for a given film.

When a theatre operator is building a platter or playlist, the operator must be careful to ensure that the playlist is created accurately. For example, each image program should have the appropriate soundtrack loaded, in terms of language and sound format. Moreover, the image programs on the platter should have the appropriate ratings. That is, one wants to ensure that an “R” rated trailer is not displayed with a “G” rated movie. Further, cues must be inserted in the proper places and the correct lens needs to be attached to the projector in order for viewing at the proper display aspect ratio. However, human error is inevitable and all too frequent.

Further, an evolution of the film industry is occurring as the industry moves from celluloid film to digitized image and audio programs. Theatres are not equipped to process digital programming to create “digital platters.”


With the advent of Digital Cinema systems, full-length motion pictures, trailers, advertisements and other audio/image “cinema-quality” programs are delivered to theatres throughout the world using digital technology. Digital Cinema systems deliver motion pictures that have been digitized, compressed and encrypted to theatres using either physical media distribution (such as DVD-ROM's) or electronic transmission methods, such as satellite.

Authorized theatres automatically receive the digitized programs and store them, typically while still encrypted and compressed. At each showing, the digitized information is retrieved via a local area network from the storage medium, then is decrypted, decompressed and displayed using cinema-quality electronic projectors featuring high quality digital sound.

Accordingly, an apparatus and method for cueing and supplementing a theatre automation system in a digital cinema system is described. Specifically, the digital cinema system comprises a decoder and an auditorium manager. The auditorium manager is configured to sequence the presentation of scheduled programs. A cue command is received from the decoder, and configured into a format acceptable by the theatre automation system. The cue command is then relayed to the theatre automation system. In an embodiment, the cue command is verified such so that the cue is scheduled to occur in between scheduled programs, and that an embedded cue is scheduled to occur during a program. If either of these cases is not true, a warning indicative of an error is issued.

It is an aspect of an embodiment to allow for convenient and accurate input of cues and offset cues, and to be able to reference cues on an event basis.

It is another aspect of an embodiment to allow for convenient and accurate input of black screens, and to be able to reference black screens on an event basis.

It is another aspect of an embodiment provide the flexibility to interface with a plurality of theatre automation systems.


The features, objects, and advantages of the invention will become more apparent from the detailed description set forth below when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which like reference characters identify correspondingly throughout and wherein:

FIG. 1

illustrates a block diagram of a digital cinema system;

FIG. 2

illustrates a theatre manager and its associated interfaces;

FIG. 3

illustrates a flowchart of the process of creating a playlist;

FIG. 4

illustrates a window showing a list of image programs;

FIG. 5

illustrates a window showing details of a selected program;

FIG. 6

is a continuation of

FIG. 3

, illustrating additional features of a selected program;

FIG. 7

illustrates a window showing available audio programs for a selected image program;

FIG. 8

illustrates a window showing selecting or creating a cue;

FIG. 9

illustrates a window showing selecting or creating an offset cue;

FIG. 10

illustrates a window showing a black screen;

FIG. 11

illustrates a window showing a warning indicative of incompatibility due to a ratings mismatch;

FIG. 12

illustrates a window showing a created playlist;

FIG. 13

illustrates cueing of a theatre automation system; and

FIG. 14

illustrates a cueing apparatus for a theatre automation system.


A digital cinema system


is illustrated in FIG.


. The digital cinema system


comprises two main systems: at least one central facility or hub


and at least one presentation or theatre subsystem


. The hub


and the theatre subsystem


are of a similar design to that of pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/075,152, filed on May 8, 1998, entitled, “Apparatus and Method for Distribution of High Quality Image and Audio Programs to Remote Locations,” and pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/564,174, filed May 3, 2000, entitled, “Apparatus and Method for Encoding and Storage of Digital Image and Audio Signals,” and pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/563,880, filed May 3, 2000, entitled, “Apparatus and Method for Decoding Digital Image and Audio Signals,” all assigned to the same assignee as the present invention, and are incorporated by reference herein.

In an embodiment, image and audio information are compressed and stored on a storage medium, and distributed from the hub


to the theatre subsystem


. Generally, one theatre subsystem


is utilized for each theatre or presentation location in a network of presentation locations that is to receive image or audio information, and includes some centralized equipment as well as certain equipment employed for each presentation auditorium.

In the central hub


, a source generator


receives film material and generates a digital version of the film. The digital information is compressed and encrypted by a compressor/encryptor (CE)


, and stored on a storage medium by a hub storage device


. A network manager


monitors and sends control information to the source generator


, the CE


, and the hub storage device


. A conditional access manager


provides specific electronic keying information such that only specific theaters are authorized to show specific programs.

In the theatre subsystem


, a theatre manager


controls one or multiple auditorium subsystems


. The theatre manager


controls loading, building a playlist, and controlling and monitoring presentation of image and audio information. The theatre manager may also maintain a history of image and audio programs presented. In an embodiment, each theatre manager may comprise of many auditorium managers, based on the number of auditoriums in a given theatre. In such cases, each auditorium manager controls loading, building a playlist, controlling and monitoring presentation, and maintaining a history of its respective auditorium. Each auditorium manager also interfaces with existing theatre automation systems (TAS)


for control of environmental functions.

Based on control information received from the theatre manager


, a theatre storage device


transfers compressed information stored on the storage medium to a playback module


. The playback module


receives the compressed information from the theatre storage device


, and prepares the compressed information to a predetermined sequence, size and data rate. The playback module


outputs the compressed information to a decoder


. The decoder


inputs compressed information from the playback module


and performs decryption, decompression and formatting, and outputs the image and audio information to a projector


and a sound module


. The projector


plays the image information and the sound module


plays sound information on a sound system, both under control of the theatre manager



FIG. 2

illustrates a block diagram


of the theatre or auditorium manager


and its interfaces. The auditorium manager


comprises of lists or databases of image programs


and audio programs


. The auditorium manager may also comprise user definable or lists of cues


and black screens


. A playlist builder


is configured to allow a user to build a playlist. The playlist builder


is configured to interface with a compatibility checker


to avoid mismatching. Upon successful compatibility, a final playlist


is created. The final playlist is configured to interface with a scheduler


, which is configured to schedule final playlist


for presentation in a designated auditorium at a designated time. Upon playback through an auditorium subsystem


, the auditorium manager


interfaces with an existing theatre automation system


as necessary for environmental control.

FIG. 3

illustrates a flowchart of the process in which the theatre manager or auditorium manager may create a playlist


. In operation, a list of image programs are displayed to the user


. In an embodiment that is described in further detail with respect to

FIG. 4

, a separate “select program” window is presented. The list of image programs


comprise feature programs, such as motion pictures, and trailer programs, which are typically credits, previews or other promotional or advertisement information. Slides, black screens and other image programs may also be listed.

Once a user selects an image program into the playlist (


), a list of available audio programs, or soundtracks, is presented (


). In an embodiment that is described in further detail with respect to

FIG. 7

, a separate “select sound sets” window is presented. The list of available audio programs


presented may be limited to those compatible with the selected image program


. The user then selects (


) the audio program to be associated with the selected image program. If only one audio program is available for the selected image program, the audio program is automatically selected. The selected audio program


may then be linked (


) with the selected image program


. The user then may select additional image programs


and associated audio programs


to build the playlist.

The user may also be presented with a list of cues


. In an embodiment that is described in further detail with respect to

FIG. 8

, a separate “cue properties” window is presented. When a cue is selected (


), the playlist saves a command executable at a predetermined time that sends a signal to an existing theatre automation system to control the auditorium environment. Aspects that may be controlled include turning on or off theatre lights, opening or closing curtains, or adjusting masking. Masking refers to short curtains on each side of a screen that frame the screen, so that the projected image fits nicely onto the screen within the masking. Cues may also dictate the type of projector or the projector lens. Currently, projectors have multiple lenses that may change from a flat lens to a scope lens. Cues may also control the type of audio system being used. In another embodiment, the cues generated may control many types of theatre automation systems.

A user may also wish to insert a black screen


. If so, the user selects an insert black screen icon and an insert black screen window is presented. Details are described herein with respect to FIG.


. The user may then select the length of time for the black screen to be displayed (



When the user does not wish to add any additional information, the user can select to save the platter or playlist


. This initiates a compatibility check process


. In an embodiment that is described in further detail with respect to

FIG. 11

, a warning indicative of incompatibility window is presented. A warning is issued when indicators such as ratings, aspect ratio, language, audio format, scanning, projector lens, and chroma sampling are mismatched. Upon successful completion of the compatibility check process, the playlist is created and the process ends


. The created playlist, or digital platter, may then be scheduled for later viewing.

In an alternate embodiment, a user may be presented with a single list of image and audio programs. The user then may select any combination of image and audio programs into the playlist. In yet another embodiment, the user may initiate “select program”, “select sound sets”, “select cue”, “select offset cue” and “select black screen” windows by selecting an icon. The user may select an icon using any standard user input device, such as a keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, or voice commands.

In yet another embodiment, the compatibility check process


may occur at any point where compatibility may be an issue. For example, upon selection of multiple image and audio programs, compatibility with respect to language, sound format, cues or projector requirements may be run.

In another embodiment, the playlist builder is a computer readable medium containing instructions for controlling a computer system to display at least one image program and at least one audio program, each image and audio program comprising encoded data representing image information. The computer readable medium also verifys the compatibility of the selected image programs and the selected audio programs.

In another embodiment, the playlist builder is a computer program product comprising a computer usable medium having computer readable code embodied therein for creating a playlist. The computer usable medium comprises means for displaying at least one image program and at least one audio program, each image and audio program comprising encoded data representing image information. The computer program product also comprises means for verifying the compatibility of the selected image programs and the selected audio programs.

In another embodiment, the playlist builder is a memory for storing data for access by a process being executed by a processor. The memory comprises a structure for maintaining information on creating a playlist of digitized image and audio programs. The memory also comprises an indicator that indicates compatibility of the image program and audio programs.

FIG. 4

illustrates a window displaying a list of image programs


. In an embodiment, the list of programs comprise a name field


, a duration field


, and a ratings field


. Those skilled in the art will recognize that additional fields regarding program attributes may also be listed, such as aspect ratios or designations indicative of the type of image program, such as feature, trailer, or advertisement. The display may also comprise an indicator field


showing whether a program has been selected. The name field


provides for the name of the image program and, optionally, a descriptive reference. The duration field


indicates the length of time needed for the image program to be presented at a normal operational rates of speed. The rating field


indicates the rating of the program. The rating


defines the appropriateness of the material for a given audience. In the United States, ratings are labeled to motion pictures and trailers by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). However, different jurisdictions have different rating systems. Accordingly, the ratings field


may be altered given a given jurisdiction's ratings scheme.

The window of image programs


may also comprise an add button


and a details button


. If the user selects the add button


, the selected program is selected and added to the playlist. A separate playlist window may be created upon selecting a program. Selection of the details button


initiates a program details window, which provides additional and more specific information about the selected image program. The program details window is described in greater detail with respect to

FIGS. 5 and 6

. A close button


closes the select programs screen


. Also, a help button


may be provided to further assist a user in the selection process.

If a user selects the details button


, a program details window


is launched, which is illustrated in

FIGS. 5 and 6

. The program details window


may have a number of fields that further describe any given image program. Typically, the settings in the various fields of the details window originate from the media descriptor files, or meta data files. Fields may include a duration field


, a ratings field


, a feature field


, an auditable field


, a media identification field


, a description field


, a media size field


, a copyright field


, and a created field


. The auditable field


refers to program that maintains a history of which programs were played at given times and auditoriums. In an embodiment, the field is configurable such that the user may activate or inactivate this function. The media identification field


, or program distribution identifier, refers to a unique identifier for a given image or audio program. The media size field


refers to the size, in bytes, of the selected program. The copyright field


indicates the owner of the copyright for the selected program. The created field


refers to the time and place the digitized program was created.

The program details screen may also include additional image information, ratings information, and milestone information. Additional fields include a pixel width field


, a pixel height field


, a pixel aspect ratio field


, a scanning field


, a chroma sampling field


, and a color space field


(shown in FIG.


). The pixel width field


refers to the number of pixels along a horizontal dimension of the image program. The pixel height field


refers to the number of pixels along a horizontal dimension of the image program. The pixel aspect ratio field


refers to ratio of the pixel width and pixel height.

The scanning field


refers to indicators such as the type of scanning used to create, and therefore needed to decode, the image program. There are two main types of scanning: progressive scanning and interlaced scanning. Both refer to how image frames are updated. In progressive scanning, pixels are rendered in sequence, row by row. In interlace scanning, pixels are rendered in an every other row format. Accordingly, pixels in each even row may be rendered, followed by pixels in each odd row. The chroma sampling field


refers to an indicator as to how color components are sampled in color components YCrCb. Chroma sampling formats include 4:4:4, 4:4:2, and 4:2:0. Entries in the scanning field


and the chroma sampling field


are significant for projector compatibility reasons. Certain projectors may only be able to process programs scanned or chroma sampled in particular ways.

FIG. 6

illustrates additional ratings field


that indicate the rating indicator of the program in different jurisdictions. Accordingly, a theatre operator may select the rating for a given program, and thereby affect the ratings compatibility function, based on jurisdiction.

FIG. 6

also illustrates a milestone field


. The milestone field


may comprise a description field


and a time code field


. The description field


allows for a easily understood reference that corresponds to a given time. The time code field


indicates the time at which the milestone described in the description field


occurs. Generally, milestones refer to content related events. Milestones may be points of interest that occur in a feature or trailer, and is a label of the point of interest that occurs at a particular time. Examples of points of interest include opening of credits, start of closing credits, special effects, closing credits going to black, or closing credits on black. Frequently, the closing credits may start coming over the screen and then, at some sudden point, the background will go black and the viewer is able to view the rest of the detailed credits. Functionally, operation of a milestone is similar to that of a cue. That is, a trigger is sent to the theatre operating system to initiate some environmental control at the times indicated.

FIG. 7

illustrates a display of an audio programs select menu window


. In

FIG. 7

, the audio select menu is limited to audio programs available for a particular selected image program. Such a limitation minimizes error when building a playlist. However, this may be configurable to allow for any audio program to be selected with any image program. In the example of

FIG. 7

, the image program “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” was selected. The selection of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” image program initiated the window of potential audio programs


. The audio programs window may comprise of a number of fields, such as an identification field


, a language field


, an audio channel field


, and a description field


. The identification field


is a unique identifier for a given audio program. The language field


indicates the language of the particular audio program. The channel field


indicates the sound format of the particular audio program. In an embodiment, the sound formats available are compatible with the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineer (SMPTE) standard 323M. SMPTE standard 322M describes standard channel type assignments. For example, sound format 5.1 supports left, right, center, left surround, right surround, subwoofer, mono surround, left total, and right total audio outputs.

In another embodiment, a ratings indicator may be associated with each audio program. Certain audio programs originally created for mature audiences may be “toned down” to become more appropriate for younger audiences. Accordingly, more than one audio program of the same audio format may be available.

The description field


indicates a description of the audio program. In addition, a help button


is also available to assist a user in selection of audio programs. Upon selection of an “OK” button


, the selected audio program is linked to the selected image program. Upon playback, linking allows the display of the image program and the audio program to be synchronized. The process of linking the two programs is transparent to the user.

FIG. 8

illustrates a window of selecting or creating a cue insert


. It is an aspect of an embodiment to allow for convenient and accurate input of cues. Further, it is another aspect to allow cues to be referenced by events, instead of merely being referenced by time. In an embodiment, if a user wants to insert a cue, the user clicks on the cue icon button


that initiates a cue properties window


. The cue properties window


comprises a cue description field


and several fields to indicate the cue type: an inboard cue


, a center cue


, and an outboard cue


. The selection of various combinations of inboard


, center


, and outboard


may be thought of as a three bit system indicating to the theatre automation system the type of cue to be inserted. Certain theatre automation systems attach meaning to the combinations of cues and thus behave differently based on the combination of the inboard cue


, center cue


, and outboard cue


. In other words, selecting different combinations of inboard


, center


, and outboard


imply different functions to different theatre automation systems. Accordingly, selection of cues emulates input commands to theatre automation systems.

FIG. 9

illustrates a display screen of selecting or creating an offset cue insert


. In an embodiment, upon selection of an offset cue icon


the cue properties window


for an offset cue insert is initiated. The offset cue window


may comprise of a number of fields, including a cue description field


, an inboard cue


, a center cue


, and an outboard cue


. The cue properties window


also allows a user to select a reference point


from which an offset cue insert is triggered. In an embodiment, milestones are used as the list of reference points. A reference point, for example, may be start of program, as illustrated in FIG.


. The user may then select a time offset


as being none, before, or after, and input a number of minutes and seconds in minutes:seconds field


from which the cue will be offset.

An offset cue insert may be placed anywhere within a program of the playlist that the theatre operator desires. For example, an offset cue may initiate a special effect to occur within a certain time period of a function in a movie. For example, if a scene in a movie has a rocket launch at time 1 hour 26 minutes 32 seconds, the operator may want to have a special effect, such as wind, to occur 5 seconds after the time of the rocket launch. Accordingly, the user would select a reference point in field


to be rocket launch, and select the after box in the time offset field. The user may then insert “0:5” in the minute:seconds field for the effect of wind to occur 5 seconds after the launch of the rocket. Internally, the time of “rocket launch” from the start of the program is known. Thus, the inserting an offset of five seconds (0:5 in field


) may actually be interpreted as 1 hour, 26 minutes 37 seconds from start of program.

During playback, when a cue is triggered, an electrical signal is sent through a relay card to an existing theatre automation system. In an embodiment, the auditorium manager allows for configuration of the relay card to operate with a plurality of theatre automation systems. The auditorium manager also allows for a user configurable signal, based on requirements of the theatre automation system.

FIG. 13

illustrates cueing of a theatre automation system


. A cue or embedded cue command


is received from the decoder. The auditorium manager then configures


the cue command to a format acceptable by the theatre automation system. Configuration is accomplished by reference to a theatre automation system database


. The database comprises of information regarding various makes and models of theatre automation systems. In an embodiment, the database allows for user defineable fields in configuring cue commands. This is advantageous in that there may be theatre automation systems available which the database


does not have information on. Upon proper configuration of the cue command, the command is relayed


to the theatre automation system. In an embodiment, the cue commands are output from the auditorium manager to the theatre automation system through a serial port, where a relay card has a two-way interface with the auditorium manager.

FIG. 14

illustrates a cueing apparatus


for a theatre automation system. A cue field


is displayed. In an embodiment, the display is part of the auditorium manager display. Upon a user entering the cue or cue offset time (as described with respect to FIGS.




), a verifier


checks for accuracy of the cue. Cues are to be scheduled in between programs, whereas Cue offsets, or embedded cues, are scheduled to be during programs. Since cues and cue offsets have a user definable time component, it is possible to misappropriate a cue or cue offset. If the cue or cue offset is verified, it is scheduled


along with other programming. If not, a warning indicator


is issued, and may allow the user to redefine the cue or embedded cue.

FIG. 10

illustrates a black screen properties window


. It is an aspect of an embodiment to allow for convenient and accurate creation of a black screen insert. To display a black screen for a period of time, the user simply inputs the number of seconds desired in black screen duration field


. A black screen insert entry is created in the playlist in the same manner as any image program or cue. In an embodiment, a black screen command in the playlist is interpreted in the decoder upon playback. Thus, the decoder plays plain black screen for n number of seconds as defined in the black screen duration field


. This is advantageous in that, unlike cues, no interaction with existing theatre automation systems is necessary.

FIG. 11

illustrates a display issuing a warning indicative of incompatibility


due to a ratings mismatch. Because the human element has been removed from the process of building a playlist, errors due to incompatibility of and between image programs, audio programs and projectors is minimized. As illustrated in

FIG. 11

, the platterbuilder




comprises a name field


, a duration field


, a rating field


, an aspect ratio field


, and a details field


. The details field


contains information such as the language of the audio program associated with the image program and the sound format. If any of the programs selected in the platter have a mismatch, the warning window


is displayed. For example, as illustrated in

FIG. 11

, the rating for “Preview: 2001: A Space Odyssey” is rated PG, while the remainder of the programs have a rating of G. Accordingly, the warning window


shows an incompatibility of the ratings field. Similarly, warnings with respect to aspect ratio, language, sound format, or projector compatibility may also be issued.

Further, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that any level of warning may be issued to the user, including not allowing the user to complete building a platter due to certain mismatches. For example, a warning may be sufficient when a PG program is in the same platter as G programs. However, if an image program with a rating of X is intermixed with other programs with the rating of G, the warning may be changed to an absolute prohibition of building such a platter. Similarly, absolute prohibitions may be issued for language incompatibility, language incompatibility, or aspect ratio incompatibility.

In an embodiment, each rating is assigned a numerical value that is compared in software to determine if a ratings mismatch occurred. For example, a value of 10 may be given to a rating of G, and a value of 20 may be given to a rating of PG. Therefore, an apparatus or method may simply compare ratings by comparing numerical values.

Similarly, international ratings may be handled in the same manner. A warning may also be issued if a rating for one program is of a given jurisdiction and a rating of another program is of another jurisdiction. Further, comparisons may be made as to the ratings in different jurisdictions based on the underlying rationale for a rating in a given jurisdiction.

FIG. 12

illustrates a window


of a created playlist. The playlist


shows a start time field


, a name field


, a duration field


, a rating field


, an aspect ratio field


, a details field


, and a time elapsed bar


. The start time field


indicates the running time that a particular cue occurs or an image program is displayed. The details field


indicates, for cues, the type of cue selected (inboard, center, outboard) and, for programs, the language and sound format selected. An example of an embedded cue is illustrated in box


. An inboard cue is set to occur 1 minute and 42 seconds after the 4 minute and 43 second mark. As the program “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” is being played, starting at the 4 minute 43 second mark, a signal for the embedded cue is triggered 1 minute and 42 seconds later, or at the 6 minute 25 second mark (box


) and sent to the theatre automation system.


FIG. 12

, the time elapsed bar


is illustrated toward the bottom of the display. The time elapsed bar


indicates which program is being played at a given time and the sequence of events to occur from the beginning to the end of the platter. If the user selects a pointer, such as pointer


, the program corresponding to the pointer will highlight. Accordingly, if a user selects pointer


(for example, by using a mouse), row


reflecting “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” will highlight. Similarly, if row


is highlighted, point


may also be highlighted.

FIG. 12

also illustrates a number of user selectable icons, such as a new platter icon


, a select platter icon


, a save platter icon


, a work on another drive icon


, a cut icon


, a copy icon


, a paste icon


, a select program icon


(described in detail with respect to FIG.


), a add cue icon


(described in detail with respect to FIG.


), a add embedded cue icon


(described in detail with respect to FIG.


), a add black screen icon


(described in detail with respect to FIG.


), a detailed properties icon


(described in detail with respect to FIGS.




), a delete entry icon


, a select sound sets


(described in detail with respect to FIG.


), an up-arrow icon


and a down-arrow icon



The up-arrow icon


and the down-arrow icon


allow a user to easily and quickly arrange selected programs, black screens and cues. If a user selects, for example, the down-arrow icon


and has the “cue lights down” row


highlighted, the user may sequence the highlighted column by using the arrow keys of a keyboard, or clicking and dragging with a mouse, or any other user input device. Thus, selected programs and cues may be easily sequenced to occur in any order the user desires.

The start time


associated with programs or cues adjust accordingly. In the case of an embedded cue, the embedded cue (as illustrated in box


) is linked to its corresponding program. For example, the embedded cue in box


is linked to the program “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” If the user highlights the column for the program “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and wishes to resequence it, the embedded cue will automatically be resequenced with that program. The start time fields


will adjust for each entry accordingly.

FIG. 12

also illustrates an insert cue icon


. In an embodiment, as opposed to having a drop-down menu of a selection of types of cues, the user may optionally select the input cue icon to select a given cue, or define its own cue.

As used herein, image programs comprise encoded image information, and may comprise a number of image files. Similarly, audio programs comprise encoded audio information, and soundtracks and may comprise a number of audio files. Accordingly, it is recognized that image programs and audio programs may be combined or subdivided into groups of encoded data in any number of manageable image files and audio files.

As examples, the various illustrative logical blocks, flowcharts, windows, and steps described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein may be implemented or performed in hardware or software with an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), a programmable logic device, discrete gate or transistor logic, discrete hardware components, such as, e.g., registers and FIFO, a processor executing a set of firmware instructions, any conventional programmable software and a processor, or any combination thereof. The processor may advantageously be a microprocessor, but in the alternative, the processor may be any conventional processor, controller, microcontroller, or state machine. The software could reside in RAM memory, flash memory, ROM memory, registers, hard disk, a removable disk, a CD-ROM, a DVD-ROM or any other form of storage medium known in the art.

The previous description of the preferred embodiments is provided to enable any person skilled in the art to make or use the present invention. The various modifications to these embodiments will be ready apparent to those skilled in the art, and the generic principles to find herein may be applied to other embodiments without the use of inventive faculty. Thus, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown herein but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features disclosed herein.

  • 1. In a digital cinema system, a method of cueing a theatre automation system, the method comprising:receiving a cue; configuring the cue to a format acceptable by a first theatre automation system, the first theatre automation system format selectable from a plurality of theatre automation system formats; and relaying the cue to the theatre automation system.
  • 2. The method as set forth in claim 1, wherein configuring the cue further comprises verifying that the cue is scheduled to occur in between scheduled programs.
  • 3. The method as set forth in claim 2, further comprising displaying a warning indicative of an error if the cue is not scheduled to occur during a scheduled program.
  • 4. The method as set forth in claim 1, wherein the cue is an embedded cue.
  • 5. The method as set forth in claim 4, wherein configuring the embedded cue further comprises verifying that the embedded cue is scheduled to occur during a scheduled program.
  • 6. The method as set forth in claim 5, further comprising displaying a warning indicative of an error if the embedded cue is not scheduled to occur during a scheduled program.
  • 7. The method as set forth in claim 1, wherein the cue is a black screen.
  • 8. In a digital cinema system, an apparatus of cueing a theatre automation system, the apparatus comprising:means for receiving a cue; means for configuring the cue to a format acceptable by a first theatre automation system, the first theatre automation system format selectable from a plurality of theatre automation system formats; and means for relaying the cue to the theatre automation system.
  • 9. The apparatus as set forth in claim 8, wherein the means for configuring the cue further comprises means for verifying that the cue is scheduled to occur in between scheduled programs.
  • 10. The apparatus as set forth in claim 9, further comprising means for displaying a warning indicative of an error if the cue is not scheduled to occur during a scheduled program.
  • 11. The apparatus as set forth in claim 8, wherein the cue is an embedded cue.
  • 12. The apparatus as set forth in claim 11, wherein configuring the embedded cue further comprises means for verifying that the embedded cue is scheduled to occur during a scheduled program.
  • 13. The apparatus as set forth in claim 12, further comprising means for displaying a warning indicative of an error if the embedded cue is not scheduled to occur during a scheduled program.
  • 14. In a digital cinema system, a computer readable medium containing instructions for controlling a computer system to perform a method, the method comprising:receiving a cue command from the decoder; configuring the cue command to a format acceptable by a first theatre automation system, the first theatre automation system format selectable from a plurality of theatre automation system formats; and relaying the cue command to the theatre automation system.
  • 15. A computer program product comprising:a computer usable medium having computer readable code embodied therein for cueing a theatre automation system, the computer usable medium comprising: means for receiving a cue; means for configuring the cue to a format acceptable by the theatre automation system, the first theatre automation system format selectable from a plurality of theatre automation system formats; and means for relaying the cue to the theatre automation system.
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