This award supports a conference that fosters connections and builds research collaborations between Historically Black Colleges/Universities (HBCUs), Minority-Serving institutions (MSIs), and research-intensive institutions (R1s). The proposal responds to NSF?s Dear Colleague Letter, Build and Broaden: Enabling New Social, Behavioral and Economic Science Collaborations with Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs). The goal of the Build and Broaden program, and this workshop, is to foster connections that enable the submission of competitive collaborative research proposals. The resulting projects would support research activity and funding at both an HBCU/MSI and an R1 institution, providing valuable research experiences and lasting research infrastructure investment at both institutions. The conference includes invited faculty mentors who are developmental science scholars committed to working with families from underrepresented groups, using diverse methodologies, and using within-group research designs to study the roots of intimate/marital relationships. These senior, tenured scholars have strong records of securing external funding to support their research programs and have demonstrated the ability to effectively mentor and collaborate with other researchers. Faculty mentors will present their research and provide the scaffolding needed for individuals who are less knowledgeable about relevant programs at NSF and the research funding process in general. Faculty mentors will meet with scholars appointed at HBCUs/MSIs and exchange ideas. <br/><br/>An evaluation survey will be conducted with all participants to assess the quality of the meeting, its impact on attendees, and the initial success at producing new collaborative partnerships. Follow up surveys will be used to assess how successful the meeting was at producing collaborative grant proposals that would not otherwise have been submitted. Understanding the developmental implications of interpersonal family function is important to many researchers, educators, practitioners, and policy makers. The proposed meeting seeks to enhance the breadth of talent and perspectives engaged in the research process, and in so doing to make new discoveries in this area.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.