Abstract<br/><br/><br/>Proposal Number: 1034585 <br/><br/>Principal Investigator: Victor Zhirnov <br/><br/>Title: International Mini-Woorkshop series on An Assessment of Options for Post-CMOS Emerging devices and Related materials <br/><br/>The objective of this proposal is to request funds for travel of about 20 faculty members to the International Mini-Workshop series on An Assessment of Options for Post-CMOS Emerging devices and Related materials. <br/>that will be held in 2010. The workshops will be held in Braza, Italy-April 2010, San Francisco, CA July 2010, and Seville, Spain September 2010. These meetings are held adjacent to international conference so that other attendees with the background in Emerging Research Devices (ERD) and Emerging Research Materials (ERM) can participate in the meetings. The University faculty invited to attend these meetings contribute valuable input to the four mini-workshops. This set of mini-workshops is in continuation of the series of workshops that have been held in 2004, 2006 and 2008 <br/><br/>Intellectual merit: <br/><br/>These mini-workshops provide highly interactive forums where key research leaders in the Semiconductor Industry and the related academic communities seek to evaluate the status of nanoelectronics research, discuss potential applications, and define promising future research directions. This will enable the 2011 version of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) to reflect an informed view on key scientific and technical challenges related to post-CMOS information processing technologies proposed for post-CMOS devices, based on new quantitative analyses and projections. <br/><br/>Broader Impact: <br/>The educational value and planning impact of these workshops on the international research community are quite substantial. Several universities (e.g., Stanford, U. Minnesota, U. Tokyo, ) use the ITRS chapters on Emerging Research Devices and Emerging Research Materials resulting from these workshops as texts in their Nanoelectronics courses. Also several international research funding agencies (e.g., the SRC, NSF, and NIST Nanoelectronics Research Initiative, the EU Framework Program 8, ) use the material in these chapters as inputs to their decisions on research directions in their Nanoelectronics research programs.