1. Field of the Invention
The present disclosure relates to the structure and function of nucleic acid molecules. More particularly, it relates to the formation of liquid crystal phases by polynucleotide molecules and its practical applications.
2. Description of the Related Art
LC-phases of solutions of duplex DNA have been characterized by optical [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], x-ray [9], and magnetic resonance [10,11] methods for chain lengths N, ranging from mega-base-pair (bp) semiflexible polymers down to N ˜100 bp rigid rod-like segments of length L ˜33 nm, comparable to the B-DNA bend persistence length, Λp ˜50 nm [12]. These studies have revealed, at temperatures T below the duplex melting and conditions of low ionic strength where B-DNA chains are repulsive: isotropic (I); helixed chiral nematic (N*); uniaxial columnar (CU); higher-ordered columnar (C2); and crystal (X) phases vs. increasing DNA concentration.
The present instrumentalities advance the art by providing a new methodology for DNA purification by selectively separating single stranded DNA molecules that are more complementary to each other from molecules that are less complementary. The methodology disclosed herein may have broad application in DNA/RNA separation, identification, sequencing, or in determining the presence or absence of a particular mutation in a DNA/RNA molecule.
In this disclosure, the behavior of nucleic acid preparations is examined in which the constituent molecules exhibit a varying tendency for liquid crystal phase formation. In such solutions the fact that liquid crystal phases and isotropic or other phases spatially segregate constitute a means of separating the constituent molecules on the basis of their liquid crystal forming tendency. This phenomenon was discovered in studies of solutions of short DNA strands in which it was demonstrated that the tendency for liquid crystal phase formation was correlated with the ability of the single strands to form duplexes, which in turn, depends on their degree of complementarity. The separation of molecules on the basis of liquid crystal formation is thus a new way to separate them on the basis of their degree of complementarity.
It has been discovered that formation of nematic LC phases occurs in B-DNA duplexes of length 6 bp<N<20 bp (2<L<7 nm; 0.8<L/D<2.4). The isotropic-nematic transitions occur for N values an order of magnitude smaller than those predicted from φIN, precluding orientational ordering by the Onsager criterion. Additionally, robust columnar phases have been discovered for 6 bp<N<20 bp. These findings are especially surprising given results reported in previous studies [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20].
The observation of nDNA LCs has led to a novel methods of condensation of complementary nDNA duplexes from a solution of complementary and noncomplementary oligomers. In nDNA mixtures the formation of complementary duplexes and their end-to-end assembly creates rigid anisotropic rods that not only order into LC phases but, because of both a depletion interaction and the incompatibility of rod-like and flexible polymers in solution, also become nearly immiscible with unpaired single stranded oligomers. By mixing a small fraction of complementary strands in nDNA mixtures, the complementary duplexes segregate almost completely into the LC domains that form upon cooling a solution from the I phase. These domains are made up almost entirely of complementary duplex stacks. Within these condensates, end-to-end assembly establishes a high concentration (several molar, estimated below) of contacting oligomer chain ends and terminal reactants, thus broadening the possibility for covalent linking of short complementary oligomers into longer ones [21], by inorganic catalysts, for example [22]. The fact that the LC ordering is found to depend sensitively on complementarity means that LC formation couples complementarity to end contacts among duplexes, and thus to the ability to grow and make more specific the interacting molecules. Thus, molecules that complementarily aggregate and assemble into larger units that phase separate have an advantage in a chemical race to grow in size and specificity over those that cannot phase separate. If the phase-separated domains are liquid crystal then the overall structure of the complementary assemblies generated will be governed by the LC geometry, as is actually the case for the linear structure of base-paired nucleotides. The intrinsic ease of sequence recombination in oligonucleotidic living polymerization provides a base for the synthesis of a large variety of sequences, and thus facilitate the exploration of a variety of structures, a requirement of prebiotic chemistry [21,22].
It is hereby disclosed a polynucleotide complex comprising two to three strands of polynucleotides, wherein said strands have less than 100 base pairs, said polynucleotide complex being capable of forming aggregates, and said aggregates being capable of forming a liquid crystal (LC) domain. In one aspect, these polynucleotide molecules may comprise at least two strands of polynucleotides, preferably 2-3 strands, wherein the at least two strands have from 6 to 20 continuous and complementary base pairs. Under the conditions described in the present disclosure, the two strands base-pair and form liquid crystal (LC) droplets (or domains) and may thus phase-separate from other molecules that remain in their original phase. In another aspect, the at least two strands of polynucleotides may have greater than 5 but less than 100 continuous and complementary base pairs and still possess the capability to phase-separate in an LC form. In another aspect, the strands have less than 30 base pairs, or alternatively, less than 11 base pairs.
In another aspect, it is disclosed a material comprising polynucleotide molecules, said material exhibiting at least one liquid crystal domain and at least one non-liquid crystal domain, wherein both the liquid crystal domain and the non-liquid crystal domain coexist and contain at least one polynucleotide molecule. In a preferred embodiment, the material is in the form of a solution or a melt.
The polynucleotide molecules described herein may thus be purified by taking advantage of their unique LC-forming capabilities. Such molecules may encode polypeptides that are useful in fields such as medicine, agriculture, among others. The polynucleotide molecules may be also administered to an animal or human being for therapeutic purposes. The spontaneous assembly and stacking of polynucleotides may also be employed to study or to simulate the evolution of ribonucleotides in prebiotic era.
The polynucleotide molecules of the present disclosure may be a DNA or RNA molecule. The formation of the liquid crystal phase by the complementary strands may facilitate separation of these DNA or RNA molecules from a mixture of DNA or RNA molecules. In a preferred embodiment, the mixture of DNA or RNA molecules exist in an aqueous phase, from which the LC-forming duplexes may be separated.
Thus, according to the present disclosure, a heterogeneous population of molecules in a solution of melt may be separated by formation of liquid crystal domains (or phases), if these molecules exhibit varying degrees of tendency for forming multi-molecular complexes in a liquid crystal phase. The separation may be effected by separating the molecules in the liquid crystal phase from molecules in the non-liquid crystal phase of the solution or melt. More specifically, certain complementary polynucleotide strands may be separated from a mixture of single-stranded polynucleotide molecules by a process comprising the steps of: (a) allowing some molecules to form a liquid crystal phase; and (b) separating said liquid crystal phase from the rest of said mixture of polynucleotide molecules in a non-liquid crystal phase.
It is also disclosed a method for separating polynucleotide molecules capable of forming a liquid crystal phase from a mixture of polynucleotide molecules wherein some molecules are capable of forming a liquid crystal phase and some molecules are not capable of forming a liquid crystal phase, comprising the steps of (a) allowing some molecules to form a liquid crystal phase; and (b) separating said liquid crystal phase from the rest of said mixture of polynucleotide molecules in a non-liquid crystal phase.
The disclosed method may apply to a mixture or a material in a variety of physical forms, including, for example, a solution or a melt. It is to be recognized that under certain conditions, some potentially complementary strands may fail to base pair with another strand and remain unpaired at the end of the process. Thus, the unpaired single strands may contain potentially complementary as well as noncomplementary strands.
The formation of liquid crystal domains as described in step (a) may be enabled by lowering the temperature and the separation of liquid crystal domains in step (b) may be enabled by sedimentation. Preferably, the sedimentation of liquid crystal domains may be carried out by centrifugation. More preferably, the steps (a) and (b) may be carried out simultaneously. The temperature for LC formation is typically below Tm, but as shown in the Examples, the optimal temperature also depends on the concentration of the polynucleotide.
The present disclosure also provides a method for identifying a target polynucleotide molecule within a population of molecules, which may include, but are not limited to polynucleotides, polypeptides or other molecules. The identification process may generally include the following steps: (a) exposing the population of polynucleotide molecules to a single-stranded probe molecule, said probe molecule being complementary to the target molecule; (b) forming a duplex by base-paring the probe molecule with the target molecule; (c) allowing the duplex to form a liquid crystal phase; and (d) detecting the existence of the liquid crystal phase. The detection step may include characterization of the liquid crystal using optical, x-ray and magnetic resonance methods (Ref 1-11).
The term “liquid crystal domain(s)” refers to the liquid crystal (LC) droplet(s) that are formed by the duplexes of complementary strands. “Non-liquid crystal domain(s)” refers to the phases that are not by definition in liquid crystal state. A solution is a homogenous mixture of one or more substances. For purpose of this disclosure, the material containing a population of polynucleotide molecules may exist in the form of a solution before the formation of liquid crystal domains (or phases) within the material. Strictly speaking, once the liquid crystal domains are form, more than one phases will occur in the material, and the term solution no longer applies to such a multi-phase material. For purpose of this disclosure, the term “solution” may sometimes be used even after the formation of the liquid crystal domains. Such uses are for the sake of convenience and by no means indicate that the material is still in a homogeneous state after the formation of the liquid crystal domains. The terms “pair” and “base pair” are sometimes used interchangeably as a verb to refer to the interaction between complementary nucleotides commonly known in the art.
The series of self-complementary “palindromic” oligos for which data are here presented have sequences chosen so to avoid hairpin conformations and significant partial pairing. Among them is the extensively studied “Dickerson” 12mer, the B-DNA structure of which is maintained even in the lyophilized crystals, and is thus known in detail [23]. nDNA solutions in 4 μm<t<8 μm gaps between glass plates were studied by depolarized transmission light microscopy (DTLM) to probe optical textures; optical reflection interferometry (ORI) to measure refractive indices and thus DNA concentration c; and synchrotron microbeam x-ray diffraction (XRD) to probe local molecular organization. In spite of the challenges presented by the extremely small nDNA sample quantities available, these techniques nonetheless provided unambiguous evidence for helixed nematic (N*) and uniaxial columnar (CU) liquid crystal phases in the nDNA solutions. At higher concentration, more ordered columnar (C2) and crystal-like (X) phases were found, which have not yet been characterized in structure.
The N* phase appears with its chiral helix axis z either parallel (N*PAR) or normal (N*NOR) to the plates, forming either the focal conic (p<1 μm) or fingerprint (p>1 μm) textures in the PAR case (depending on the pitch, p, the distance required for a 2π director reorientation); and forming the Grandjean texture [24] in the NOR case. The pitch was observed to increase with increasing nDNA concentration (see Supplementary Information,
The DTLM observations clearly identify an N* phase in the nDNA solutions but leave open the question of its relation to the N* phase observed in longDNA. An approach widely used to identify unknown but possibly related LC phases is to fabricate a “contact” cell in which a quasi-linear concentration gradient in composition between the two compounds with the phases in question is established. If in DTLM observation a texture spans the concentration range without interruption by another phase, then the structural identity of the phases is established [24]. To compare the nDNA LC phases to those in longDNA, we prepared a contact cell with two distinct concentration gradients along orthogonal axes: a gradient between N=10 bp nDNA and N ˜900 bp DNA (S3h) along one axis, and a gradient in overall DNA concentration in the normal direction, as shown in
At higher nDNA concentration the uniaxial columnar phase (CU) grew from the I upon cooling as a texture of two kinds of areas: (i) developable domains, as seen in
Further structural characterization of the CU phase was carried out using simultaneous DTLM and synchrotron-based microbeam x-ray diffraction. In these experiments the 10 μm×10 μm x-ray beam size was smaller than the texture domain size, so that area detection enabled efficient collection of the diffraction patterns of single 10 μm×10 μm×6 μm thick nDNA LC domains in a DLTM texture.
The next higher concentration phase is another columnar phase (C2) of lower symmetry than the CU, which forms dendrite or tree-branch shaped domains of rectangular morphology and higher birefringence than the CU phase, a result of the higher nDNA concentration. At yet higher concentration a solid-like phase (X) of lower birefringence appears, which might be either a crystal or an amorphous glassy phase. This phase sequence was observed for all of the 6 bp<N<20 bp palindromic nDNAs, with the exception that the C2 phase does not show up for the N=6 bp oligomer.
The DLTM observations were made on cells with roughly linear gradients in c and in these cells each LC phase appeared as distinct domains upon cooling from the I phase only in a particular area of the cell, i.e., in a certain range of local nDNA concentration. That is, there were no thermally induced transitions observed between the different LC phases: they only melted to the I upon heating without transitions to the other LC phases, indicating that the phase boundaries in
As noted above, LC phases are found in nDNA under conditions where strictly repulsive hard rods of similar steric shape would be expected to be isotropic. Here we discuss the observed phase behavior of both longDNA and nDNA, plotted in
The longDNA I-N* phase boundary measured for 147 bp<N<8000 bp [7], and for N=100 [10] is shown in
The experimental N*-CU phase boundary for longDNA (dotted red line and solid circles) can be obtained from the data of Rill, (N=147 bp [6]) and Podgornik (N=150 Kbp [9]). We note that for N>147 bp the concentration cNC for the N*-CU transition depends only weakly on N, as predicted by several of the models [14,15,30,31]. The choice of effective DNA diameter Deff=4.0 nm yields an effective N*-CU transition volume fraction Of φNCU=0.55, close to the model predictions [14,30,31] (
Among the nDNAs the LC phases appear in the N=20 oligomer duplexes at concentrations in the range of those of the longDNAs, in spite of lacking a L/D sufficiently large to enable LC ordering in the HSCYL model. Of particular interest to note in this regard is that the N=20 N*-CU transition concentration (˜450 mg/ml) is nearly the same as that of the longDNA (CNC˜370 mg/ml). Given the lack of dependence of cNC on L for longDNA, this fact suggests that the phase behavior of the N=20 oligomers might be understandable on the basis of the HSCYL model, if their effective length Leff was appropriately adjusted. In the simplest picture this adjustment assumes end-to-end aggregation into units of total length Leff=<N> (base height) [aggregation of <N>/N oligomers] sufficient to increase the N=20 Leff to contact the Onsager line, as shown in the construction in
Justification for obtaining LC formation from such end-to-end aggregation can be found in model “living polymer”—type systems, where monomers with no steric anisotropy can reversibly aggregate into linear chains [15,16]. These chains have an exponential or broader distribution of lengths and thus are intrinsically polydisperse [15,16]. Computer simulations of the LC behavior of spheres, reversibly aggregating into linear chains [16,17], and those of flexible rods [32] show that for large bending rigidity the aggregate I-N transition occurs according to the Onsager prediction if the average aggregate length <L> is used in the Onsager model. In
As the oligomer length is decreased the CU phase and the nematic phase persist for duplexes as short as N=6, although the concentrations required to obtain these phases increase sharply. For N=6 the N-CU transition is found at c=1,200 mg/ml, about two thirds of that of neat duplex DNA cDNA=ρDNA=1,800 mg/ml [29]. Thus the LC phases of the oligomers of smallest N may be better viewed as being like thermotropic LC phases, rather than like those of colloidal particles.
A notable feature of the nDNA phase behavior is the presence of the N* phase even for the smallest nDNA studied. The model systems, ranging from flexible aggregate chains [33] to infinitely long repulsive chains [30] clearly show a requirement for adequate rigidity (Λp<˜10D) for the nematic to appear. For the shortest nDNAs, the systems are of sufficiently high concentration to behave like single component thermotropic LC-forming systems, where axial ratios L/D>˜5 are required to exhibit nematic order. The only possible scenario to account for the nDNA behaving as anisotropic particles with L/D sufficiently large is end-to-end aggregation of the duplexes into oligomer chains of rigidity sufficient to enable nematic ordering. Both the infinite length and aggregate flexible rod models show that in addition to suppressing the N phase: (i) increasing flexibility elevates the concentrations needed to get both the N and CU phases, possibly accounting for the increasing concentration scale for decreasing N; and (ii) since flexibility suppresses LC ordering, estimates of aggregate length using the Onsager line or other rigid chain phase boundaries are lower limits since flexible rods would have to be longer to give the LC phases [30,33].
At this high concentration where LC phases are found for the shortest oligomers, the interaxial distance approaches the chemical diameter [9,23,34] where steric repulsion dominates the interchain interactions. Hence, with decreasing N and increasing concentration, the effective chain diameter evolves from D ˜40 Å to D ˜24 Å. This change shifts the model phase boundaries in
From the estimate of the length of the nDNA duplex chains and the DNA concentration it is, in principle, possible to estimate the end-to-end stacking energy ΔES between the duplexes. Since the x-ray experiments of molecular spacing of Podgornik et al. [9] show that significant osmotic pressure is necessary to achieve the concentrations required for the nDNA LC phases, indicating a net repulsive interaction (electrostatic+steric) between the DNA duplexes, the energy ΔES represents the difference between a pair of duplexes having the position and orientation of lowest energy relative to their mean repulsive interaction. In the systems of fixed concentration studied here the net repulsion is balanced by the confining walls and ΔES represents the energy available to internally structure the phase. In order to add single duplex oligomers to a semi-rigid duplex chain ΔES must be large enough to overcome the loss of orientational entropy ΔS of each new member, requiring ΔES>TΔS˜kBTln(Δω/4π), where ΔΩ is the orientational phase space of the fluctuations in relative orientation of the duplexes in the chain. If the aggregated duplexes are not free to reorient about the helix axis, then an estimate for ΔΩ is ΔΩ-πΔθ2, where Δθ is the mean square fluctuation in the relative orientation of helix axes in an aggregate. If the aggregates are of rigidity comparable to that of longDNA, then Δθ˜0.1 radian and TΔSθ˜6kBT, to be considered a minimum possible fee energy requirement for aggregation, i.e., of imposing common orientation within an aggregate.
Estimates for ΔES can be obtained from various expressions proposed to describe the living polymer size distribution and mean aggregate length either in dilute [19,35] or in semi-dilute [16] solutions. The diversity of assumptions and approximations yields to estimates for the sticking energy ΔES ranging from 4 to 8 kBT per contact, in addition to TΔSθ, each of them, though, not showing significant N dependence (see Supplementary Information). More recent approaches consider reversible aggregation in high concentration system [36,37] and obtain corrections to the scaling laws expected for dilute system, without however enabling explicit energy estimates. Another approach to estimating ΔES is simply from the terminal structure of the DNA duplex itself, noting that the H-bonded base pairs form hydrophobic planar structures which can lower their interfacial energy with adjacent water by moving close enough to another to expel the intervening water (the basic origin of the DNA helicity). This leads to an estimate of ΔES˜25 cal/Å2 mol, frequently used e.g. to roughly estimate the contact energy of biological macromolecules interacting because of hydrophobic pockets [38,39]. Since the area of a H-bonded pair of nitrogeneous bases is about 70 Å2, we estimate a stacking energy ΔES˜6 kBT, in line with living polymerization estimates. This value is about half of the base stacking energy expected for duplets of free Hbonded base pairs [40] and for the stacking of G-quartets [20], and about half of the enthalpic gain experimentally evaluated for the combination of pairing and stacking [41]. Our determination of ΔES is however larger than the base stacking free energy within DNA molecules [42], as expected because of the stacking entropic penalties contributing to the free energy and because of the higher constraints imposed by the backbone to the positional and orientational freedom of the stacked bases. In this respect, the nDNA system constitutes a test bench for base stacking computations.
A variety of additional experiments were performed to probe the dependence of the nDNA LC behavior on oligomer base pair sequence and chain termination. These included study of 12mers that were either palindromic, but with a sequence different from that of the Dickerson oligomer (AACGCATGCGTT) (SEQ ID. No 3), or mixtures of 12mers with different sequences that were complementary, e.g., CCTCAAAACTCC (SEQ ID. No 1)+GGAGTTTTGAGG (SEQ ID. No 2). Each of these exhibits the N and CU phases with concentration ranges comparable to those of the Dickerson 12mer in
The aggregation reported here requires the formation of duplex DNA, which in turn requires a substantial degree of complementary pairing between the two chains. Thus, LC formation is a way to select complementary sequences from solutions of a variety of chains. In fact, we have found that the thermotropic first order transitions to nDNA LC phases reported above can be used to condense complementary duplex nDNA from a mixed solution of complementary and noncomplementary oligomers. This process is sketched in
The origin of this condensation is the contrast in rigidity of single and double stranded oligos. We mix flexible single stranded oligomers (Lss˜4 nm; Λpss˜1-2 nm [43]) and rigid duplexes (Lds˜4 nm; Λpds>>Lds) which form semi-rigid aggregates (Lag˜40 nm; Λpag>˜5 D˜20 nm.
Estimates provided by the various models for the duplex/single chain nDNA oligomers show strong segregation. For the c=400 mg/ml A:B=1:10 mixture of N=12 complementary oligomers shown in
The LC ordering indicates end-to-end adhesion of the duplex nDNA into semi-rigid linear aggregates, which means that the terminal groups on neighboring oligomers are in close proximity, and thus that their effective concentration, ctLc, is high. The most conservative estimate for ct assumes that the duplexes in a chain are uncorrelated with respect to their orientation about the chain axis, and thus that the terminal groups occupy a toroidal-shaped volume vtLC about the chain axis. We estimate this volume to be vtLc˜0.8 nm3, yielding ctLC˜2 Moles/l. The end group concentration in the isotropic phase in
Thus, the present study provides a robust liquid crystal formation methods in a rather wide selection of complementary nDNAs that is absent in noncomplementary nDNA. In addition it demonstrates the link between complementarity and condensation of duplex nDNA, and the role of aggregate shape in establishing this link, i.e., in the generation of assemblies that can form liquid crystal phases. These results provide methods of generating complementarily H-bonded molecular assemblies. Specifically, H-bonded aggregates that are complementary selectively self-assemble so as to enable fluid phase separation. The consequent increased local concentration promotes further growth of the complementary molecular units, then a positive feedback cycle for enhanced selectivity and complementarity is created.
The following examples are meant to illustrate certain embodiments of the prevent invention, and not to limit the scope of the invention.
nDNA oligomers (HPLC purified and ion free) of 6 to 20 base pairs in length were purchased from Bionexus Inc., Oakland (Calif., USA) and Primm srl (Milano, Italy) and obtained as lyophilized powder. To obtain liquid crystal phases nDNA were mixed with distilled deionized water. “LongDNA” was generated from DNA sodium salt from salmon tastes (Sigma-Aldrich D1626) dissolved into pure water and sonicated for 3 hours by a Branson sonicator (SONIFIER 250) to reduce the molecular weight [10] around 500˜900 bp (sample “S3h”). The nDNA and longDNA-H2O solutions were loaded into 4 μm<t<8 μm thick, 1 mm wide channels between two glass plates separated by thin polymer film spacers. We used normal glass slides for the optical microscopy, high refractive index F2 glass (Schott AG, Mainz, Germany, n=1.62) for concentration measurements, and 50 μm thick float glass for x-ray microbeam experiments. The concentration was progressively increased by slow evaporation of water.
The experiments reported in
After loading the sample into the channel, one side of the channel was closed using epoxy glue to slow down the water evaporation rate. Water evaporating slower from one of the channel end induces gradients of DNA concentration, higher at the open end and lower at the closed end. Samples were thermally cycled several times to enhance the concentration gradient. Phase transitions were monitored via depolarized transmitted and reflected light microscopy (DTLM, DRLM) on a polarized optical microscope (Nikon, Eclipse E400 POL) as a function of cell temperature, controlled by a heat stage (Instec, STC200D).
To make a contact preparation of nDNA (10 bp) and poly-DNA S3h, two small droplets of each sample on a glass slide were covered by a cover slip, gently brought in touch and left diffusing one into the other for about one hour. Water was subsequently slowly dried from the edge of the cover slip (top side in
DNA concentration was determined from refractive index n measured through microscope based interferometry. DNA solutions were loaded into a channel and local reflection spectra were measured by a S200 UV-VIS spectrometer (Oceanoptics, Dunedin, Fla.) in the range 450-750 nm, where the DNA absorption spectrum is nearly flat. The observed Fabry-Perot fringes enabled extracting the optical path length across the cells, and thus the local value of n. Interferometry measurements were performed at room temperature (20C). Concentrations were determined from n by assuming dn/dc=1.75 cm3/g, i.e. averaging over the estimates in literature [48,49,50,51], and a DNA density of 1.8 g/cm3. We estimate the accuracy of the method to be within 10% (an error of 0.01 in refractive index corresponds to an error of 0.05 g/cm3 in mass concentration).
To investigate the structure of the liquid crystal phase, x-ray diffraction measurements were carried out using a micro focused synchrotron X-ray beam (20BM at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, USA). The cross section of the beam at the sample was approximately 10 μm.×10 μm. An X-ray energy of 16 keV was used in order to minimize absorption by the 50 μm thick glass slides confining the sample. X-ray scattering from the sample was detected by a 2-dimensional area detector Bruker AXS CCD. The liquid crystal domain structure and beam location on the sample were monitored using DTLM. The beamsize was small compared to the uniaxial columnar domain size.
From the estimate of the length of the nDNA duplex chains obtained by requiring end-toend aggregate whose length would match the Onsager line at the scaled experimental concentration (see
Following Lu&Kindt [52], in turn basing their estimate on Cates [53], average number M of monomers in a chain depend on ε=ΔES/kBT and on the nDNA volume fraction φ as
where ki˜1.45 is a virial coefficient taking into account the steric repulsion between monomers.
Following Horowitz et al. [54], M is can instead be obtained as
Following Teixeira et al. [55], M can be obtained with either through Eq. 1 in the case of “solid” chains, where no monomer interchange can take place, or else, if monomer exchanges within a chain are taken into consideration, by the combination of the two equations below
When incompressibility is added to the description, a different equation is obtained
where x0 and ss are the molar fractions of solute (nDNA duplexes) and solvent (water) respectively.
The nDNA solution involves solute molecules much larger than the solvent molecules. Following Flory [56], the mixing entropy, and thus the chemical potential regulating the equilibrium, should be expressed in terms of volume fractions of solute and solvent, rather than in terms of number density. Following this route, and constraining the total volume of the system to be constant, we find the equilibrium mean length of the aggregates to be
Equations 1-5 can be thus used to extract ΔES from the data, and from the construction in
From Eq. 1: ΔES=5.0±0.5 kBT
From Eq. 2: ΔES=4.3±0.5 kBT
From Eqs. 3: ΔES=8.3±1.2 kBT
From Eq. 4: ΔES=7.0±0.7 kBT
From Eq. 5: ΔES=3.9±0.4 kBT
Noteworthy, for every given model, the energy value extracted from the data does not show any dependence on N, except for the experimental uncertainties.
The following references along with patents and publication of patent applications cited throughout this disclosures are hereby incorporated by reference as if the full contents are reproduced herein:
This application claims priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/893,603 filed Mar. 7, 2007, the content of which is hereby incorporated into this application by reference.
The invention was made with government support under National Science Foundation Grant number DMR0213918. The United States government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
60893603 | Mar 2007 | US |