The invention relates to optical fiber mode controlling devices.
Optical fiber and optical waveguide mode converters are well known and come in a variety of forms. They operate typically by transforming an input mode, usually a fundamental mode, into a higher order mode, or vice versa. An especially attractive mode converter device comprises a long period grating (LPG) formed in an optical fiber. See for example, U.S. Pat. No. 6,768,835, and T. Erdogan, “Fiber grating spectra,” J. Lightwave Technology vol. 15, p. 1277 (1997).
These mode converters operate with a single mode input, and typically a single mode output. Propagating light in more than one mode at a time, and controllably changing the mode of more than one mode at a time, would be an attractive goal, but to date not achieved.
I have designed an optical device and related method wherein a single mode input or a multiple mode input are respectively converted by multiple mode transformers to produce an output with predetermined modes that may be different from the input. In one embodiment the input is multiple modes and the output mode is a single mode. In another embodiment the input is a single mode and the output is multiple modes. In another embodiment the power ratios of the output modes are controllably changed. In another embodiment one or more output modes is different from the input mode(s).
The simplest case of coupling between several copropagating modes is coupling between two modes. Conversion between two modes can be performed with a long period grating (LPG), which periodically changes the effective refractive index of the fiber according to the following equation:
where Λ is the period of the LPG. Assume that the LPG starts at z=0 and ends at z=L (see
1(x, y, z)=C10 exp(iβ1z+iφ1)e1(x, y),
2(x, y, z)=C20 exp(iβ2z+iφ2)e2(x, y) (2)
Here z is the coordinate along the fiber, x, y are the transverse coordinates, ej(x, y) are the real-valued transverse mode distribution, and Cj0 and φj are constants, which determine the amplitudes and the phases of modes, respectively. When these modes enter the section of the fiber containing the LPG, the coordinate dependence can be written in the form:
σjj are the “dc” coupling coefficients[see e.g. T. Erdogan, “Fiber grating spectra,” J. Lightwave Technology vol. 15, p. 1277 (1997)], and Aj(z) are the functions, which are determined by the coupling wave equations:
Here σ is the general “dc” self-coupling coefficient and κ is the “ac” cross-coupling coefficient. Comparing Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), the initial conditions for Aj(z) are:
where μ=√{square root over (σ2+κ2)}. The power of the mode j is determined as:
j(z)=∫dxdyEj(x, y, z)E*j(x, y, z)=|Aj(z)|2 (8)
Here it is assumed that the transverse components of the modes are normalized:
∫dxdyej(x, y)e*j(x, y)=1 (9)
It is possible to find the LPG parameters θ, σ, κ, and L, so that, for arbitrary Cj0 and φj, the requested Aj(L) at z=L can be obtained, which satisfy the energy conservation rule:
1(L)+P2(L)=P1(0)+P2(0) (10)
j(0)=|Aj(0)|2, Pj(L)=|Aj(L)|2 (11)
The corresponding equations for σ, κ, and L are found from Eq. (7):
Eq. (13) is self-consistent only if the right hand side is real. From Eq. (15), the later condition is satisfied if
Re(A*2(0)A1(L))=Re(A1(0)A*2(L)). (16)
Eq. (16) can be satisfied with appropriate choice of the LPG phase shift, θ. Thus, the input modes 1 and 2, with arbitrary amplitudes and phases, can be converted into any other modes, with arbitrary amplitudes and phases, if the condition of the energy conservation, Eq. (10), is fulfilled.
In some applications, it may be necessary to convert two modes with known input powers, P1(0) and P2(0) into two modes with the requested power ratio P2(L)/P1(L) and with no restrictions on the phases of A1(L) and A2(L). This conversion can be performed with the simplified LPG, which satisfies the phase matching condition, σ=0. For example, assume the condition that after passing the coupling region of length L, the light is completely transferred to mode 1 and mode 2 is empty:
1(L)=P1(0)+P2(0), P2(L)=0, Pj(L)=|Aj(L)|2. (17)
This condition can be satisfied independently of the initial phases of A1(0) and A2(0) only if one of the initial powers is zero. For example, if P1(0)=0 then Eq. (4) is satisfied if
cos(κL)=0 (18)
This result is used in mode conversion based on long period fiber gratings.
However, if both of initial powers P1(0) and P2(0) are not zeros, Eq. (17) can be satisfied when the initial phase difference between modes 1 and 2 is
Then the condition of full conversion of modes 1 and 2 into mode 1 is:
The right hand side of this equation is real due to Eq. (19). Thus, in order to perform essentially full conversion of light, which is arbitrarily distributed between two modes, the initial phases of these modes should be adjusted and the coupling coefficient κ and coupling length L should be chosen from Eq. (20). Furthermore, if the phase condition of Eq. (19) is satisfied then it can be shown that the powers of modes can be arbitrarily redistributed with the appropriate choice of coupling parameters. In fact, assume that the ratio of the input mode powers is R0=P1(0)/P2(0). Then in order to arrive at the output mode ratio RL=P1(L)/P2(L), the coupling coefficient κ may be defined from the equation:
where the signs ∓ correspond to ± in Eq. (19). Eq. (20) is derived from Eq. (7) for σ=0. For the condition of full mode conversion, RL=∞, Eq. (21) coincides with Eq. (18). Practically, Eq. (21) can be satisfied by choosing the appropriate LPG strength and length. Eq. (19) can be satisfied by changing the length of the fiber in front of LPG by heating, straining, or with other type of refractive index perturbation or deformation. Such perturbations and deformations are described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,768,835, which is incorporated herein by reference. This condition can be also satisfied by inscribing the LPG at the proper place along the fiber length.
This basic teaching can be extended to the more general case wherein light propagating along M modes with amplitudes A10, . . . , AM0 is converted to the same or other N modes with amplitudes A1f, . . . , AMf. This can be done by a series of two or more mode couplers described above and illustrated in
+ . . . +P
+ . . . +P
0,f|2. (22)
Without loss of generality, assume M=N, which can be always done by adding empty modes. If P10 is the largest power among the initial partial powers and P1f is the smallest power among the final partial powers then, according to Eq. (22), we have P10≧P1f. The first two-mode transformation fills mode 1 with the desired power: P10+P20→P1f+P2′ where P2′=P10+P20−P1f. In the result of this transformation, the problem of conversion is reduced to the case of N−1 modes, which can be solved similarly. Thus, any power redistribution between two sets of N modes can be performed with a series of N−1 two-mode transformations as illustrated in
In the device of
These equations are the generalization of the coupling mode equations, Eq. (5). The initial power distribution is:
1(0)|2, P20=|A1(0)|2, . . . , PN0=|AN(0)|2. (24)
Solution of Eq. (23) with these boundary conditions leads to the following condition of conversion of all modes into the single mode 1:
which can be satisfied only under the condition of the phase shifts:
Eq. (26) means that the difference between phases of all modes except mode 1 should be equal to zero or π, while the difference between the phase of mode 1 and the phases of other modes should be ±π/2. For the particular case of N=2, Eqs. (25) and (26) coincide with Eq. (20) and (19), respectively. Results show that, using LPG mode transformers, it is possible to convert the arbitrary distributed modes into a single mode if the phases of modes are appropriately tuned. The phases of LPGs can be tuned by shifting the positions of individual LPGs with respect to each other by, for example, using the mechanisms described earlier.
A variety of applications will be found for the mode transformers described here. For example, in cladding pumped devices such as lasers and amplifiers it is useful to transform modes in the gain section to enhance interactions between the signal and the pump energy. Conventional cladding-pumped optical fiber lasers and amplifiers operate with the signal light propagating along the core of the fiber and the signal is amplified with pump light propagating along both the fiber cladding and fiber core. At each cross-section of the fiber, signal amplification is performed only by a fraction of the pump light. For this reason, in the process of pumping, the propagating modes of the pump light are attenuated proportionally to their intensity at the fiber core. In particular, the modes of the pump light, which are propagating primarily along the fiber cladding, are attenuated much less than the modes having significant intensity at the fiber core. To ensure effective pumping, it is important to maximize the intensity of the pump light near the fiber core. Transforming the modes in the gain section using mode transformers of the invention produces a mode pattern where most of the modes can be distributed uniformly along the fiber cross-section, and have a finite intensity in the core region. As a result, for sufficiently long fiber almost all of the pump light can be transformed into signal light. The intensity of pump light is thus maximized at the core region, which is important to perform more effective pumping at shorter fiber lengths.
A cladding pumped device with mode transformers according to the invention is shown in
It should be understood that the drawing is not to scale. For example, the gain section 17 is typically much longer.
The LPG mode transformers 19 may be arranged serially, similar to those in
The spacing separating the LPGs in
The construction and design of LPGs is known in the art. Mode converters made using LPGs are described in more detail in U.S. Pat. No. 6,768,835, issued Jul. 27, 2004, which is incorporated herein by reference.
In the embodiment of
In embodiments described by
Similar basic building blocks are reciprocals of those described above. Recognizing that LPG devices are reciprocal devices, the inputs and outputs may be reversed. The transformation of a single mode into multiple modes using LPGs will now be described in detail. In this description, the LPG example used is the embodiment of
Consider a coherent beam emerging from the SLPG converter positioned at the end of a single mode optical fiber, and in particular, an SLPG consisting of five axially symmetric LPGs that couple six LP0j modes. The output beam generated by a linear combination of these modes is determined using the Fresnel diffraction integral in the form of the Hankel transform:
Here R is the fiber radius, Eo(ρ,L) is the field distribution at the end-wall of the fiber, z=L, which in this case is a linear combination of six normalized transverse LP0j modes, eojLP(ρ):
Modes eojLP(ρ) are uniquely determined by the refractive index profile of a fiber. In our modeling, we considered an SMF-28 fiber (R=62.5 μm, ρcore=4.1 μm, refractive index difference 0.36%), for which these modes were calculated numerically. The coefficients Aj in Eq. (27) may be optimized to focus the beam in the near field region or to approach a homogeneous beam profile in the far field region.
For the near field case, in order to increase the peak intensity and to suppress the sidelobes, the beam profile determined by Eq. (27) and (28) can be optimized by variation of the complex-valued coefficients Aj. In our modeling, the objective function is chosen in the form:
where we set A1=1 in the Eq. (28) for Eout(ρ,z). Minimization of F(A2, A3, . . . A6) was performed at fixed z0−L=0.5 mm and z0−L=1 mm by variation of 5 complex parameters A2, A3, . . . A6. The parameter ρm defines the region outside the central peak of the emerging beam where the sidelobes are suppressed. In our modeling, we chose ρm15 μm. The obtained optimum values of Aj are given in Table 1.
The corresponding field amplitude profiles at z0−L=0.5 mm and z0−L=1 mm (near field) are shown in
Table 2 tabulates the fraction of the total beam power inside the 15 mm radius circle at 0.5 mm from the fiber end, and inside the 25 mm radius circle at 1 mm from the fiber end, showing the values for the individual mode beams and the optimized beam.
For any of the LP0j modes in Row 2 of Table 2 the power fraction does not exceed 32%. However, it approaches 99% for the optimized beam. Similarly, the power fraction for the LP0j modes in Row 3 this fraction varies between 16% and 43%, but is equal to 98.3% for the optimized beam. Comparison given by
For the far field case, which is defined by the inequality z'L>>R2/λ, the integral in Eq. (27) is simplified to
Here the scattering amplitude f(θ) and the scattering angle θ are introduced. In numerous applications (e.g. materials processing, laser printing, micromachining in the electronics industry, optical processing) it is desirable to uniformly illuminate a lo specific volume of space with a laser beam. Following the basic teachings described earlier, the SLPG converter can be used as simple, robust, and efficient all-fiber beam homogenizer. The sum of LP0j modes generated by SLPG, Eq. (28) forms a beam that has a very uniform central region. To address homogenizing of the beam in the far-field region, the objective function may be chosen in the form
The function F(A1, A2, A3, . . . A6) was minimized by numerical variation of six real variables A1, A2, A3, . . . A6, choosing the homogenized beam radius, θm, and the field amplitude, E0 manually.
Coefficients Aj in Eq. (28) determine the superposition of output fiber modes to form a beam of the desired shape. The specific design of SLPGs using the example of the homogenized beam considered above may be implemented by determining the SLPG refractive index variation given by:
with parameters Λ1k, φ1k, δn1k, and δn0. Coefficients Aj for this example are given in column 4 of Table 1. Other parameters that determine the SLPG are summarized in Table 3.
The values in the Table 3 are calculated as follows. First, the propagation constants of the LP0j modes of an SMF-28 at wavelength λ=1.55 μm are given in row 2. The overlap integrals I1j and Ijj for these modes are calculated based on the wave equations using the following.
Assume the SLPG is introduced in the core of the optical fiber by a perturbation of the refractive index,
where x and y are the transverse coordinates, z is the longitudinal coordinate, θ(s) is a Heaviside step function, ρcore is the core radius, and Λjk are the periods of harmonics. In the coupled wave theory of a weakly guiding fiber, the field can be written in the scalar form
where ej(x, y) are the transverse components of eigenmodes and βj are the propagation constants. It is assumed that the periods Λjk approximately match the differences between the propagation constants of the fiber modes, i.e., 2π/Λjk≈βj−βk, so that the harmonic (j, k) couples together modes j and k. The coupled mode equation for Aj(z) can be derived from a general coupled mode theory in the form:
where κjk are the coupling coefficients defined by the following equations:
Here, λ is the wavelength of light in free space and the transverse eigenmodes ej(x, y) are normalized,
In Eq. (34), it is assumed that the periods Λjk are positive for j>k and the propagation constants are monotonically decreasing with their number, i.e. βj<βk for j>k . In addition, φjj=0, 1/Λjj=0, Λjk=−Λkj=−φkj, and, as follows from Eq. (35), κjk=κkj.
The values of these integrals are given in rows 3 and 4.
Next, the following equation gives values for the phase shifts, φ1j, the relative values of coupling coefficients, κ1j/κ12, and the corresponding SLPG length L.
From this equation, the coupling coefficients κ1j should be proportional to Aj, i.e. κ1j=CAj, with a constant C to be determined. In theory, Eqs. (36) allow the length of SLPG, L, to be chosen independently of other parameters. However, smaller L requires stronger gratings and includes less LPG periods. Assuming a reasonable value of L=50 mm. Then with Aj from Table 1, column 4, we find C=1.4331×10−5 μm−1 and the values of coupling coefficients κ1j=CAj(j>1) given in row 5 of Table 3. With the known κ1j and I1j, from Eq. (35), we find δn1j=λκ1j/(πI1f) at λ=1.55 μm, which is given in row 6. Index δn0 may be determined from the condition that the overall introduced index variation should be positive:
This value of δhd 0 together with Ijj from row 4 determines the self-coupling coefficients given in row 7.
The periods of gratings, Λ1k, in row 8 may be determined from the following:
2π/Λjk=βk−βj−κkk+κjj, (36)
where the self-coupling coefficients, κjj, and propagation constants, βj, are given in row 6 and 1, respectively. Finally, the LPG phase shifts given in row 9 may be calculated from:
φ1j=(κjj−κ11)L+π/2. (37)
The following table describes the options using the basic building blocks. R refers to the power ratio between modes, α refers to the phase of the input mode, and β refers to the phase of the output mode.
The value of m will be typically 2 to 10. The value of n will be typically 3 to 10. The value of o will be typically 4-10. In the case where several or many modes are involved the values of R between any pair of modes may vary widely.
It should be understood that the chart above describes basic elements of devices constructed according to the principles of the invention. In many cases, the basic elements, and functions of basic elements, will be combined to produce complex mode transforming devices, and the inputs will be multiplied to produce complex outputs with modified mode patterns. Thus although the claims may minimally specify methods and devices comprising these basic elements, it is contemplated that many methods and devices in practice will have added elements and combinations of elements. It should be understood that these variations and extensions are within the scope of the claims.
As mentioned earlier, a variety of applications exist, or will be found, for the devices described herein. Enhancing the gain characteristics of gain devices is described above. In those applications the LPG mode converters are preferably located in the gain section of the device. Other applications will use mode conversion to change the near field mode pattern at the output of an optical fiber. In these applications the LPG mode converters may be formed, for example, in a pigtail attached at the device output.
The specific waveguides in the embodiments shown in the figures are optical fiber waveguides. However, the equations given above are general waveguide equations and apply to other forms of waveguides as well. For example, the invention may be implemented with planar optical waveguides in optical integrated circuits. These options may be described using the generic expression optical or electromagnetic field waveguide.
Various additional modifications of this invention will occur to those skilled in the art. All deviations from the specific teachings of this specification that basically rely on the principles and their equivalents through which the art has been advanced are properly considered within the scope of the invention as described and claimed.
This application is a Continuation-in-Part of application Ser. No. 11/903,759, filed Sep. 25, 2007.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 11903759 | Sep 2007 | US |
Child | 12157214 | US |