This Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) award supports the acquisition of a state-of-the-art Drop Tower Impact Tester at Tuskegee University (TU). This instrument will enable the development of stronger and durable composite materials derived from synthetic and bio-based materials. Particularly, the instrument will improve TU's research support infrastructure for investigating composite materials under low velocity impact. These low impact speeds are a major concern in the composites field because the resulting damage often goes undetected and can lead to catastrophic failure. It is also anticipated that the fundamental research studies enabled by this instrument will result in advancing the use of composite materials in automotive, aerospace, civil, defense, and other industrial applications. The instrument will be used by faculty and students at TU and collaborating partners, thereby encouraging synergistic research collaborations. In addition, a collection of course related projects and experiments will be made available to undergraduate and graduate students. Moreover, this instrument will play a critical role for TU to continue to produce a talented and well-qualified pool of African American STEM graduates. <br/><br/>The failure mechanism under low velocity impact (LVI) is complex as the structure undergoes a series of failure modes: matrix cracking due to through thickness shear stresses, delamination due to mode II interlaminar shear stresses generated by the bending of laminate, and fiber fracture generated by the tensile bending stresses. In addition, the exposure of FRPCs to harsh environmental conditions will further adversely affect the LVI properties. Therefore, for the safe operation over the designed lifetime, LVI characterization of fiber reinforced composites (FRPCs) in regular and harsh conditions is extremely critical. An automated state-of-the-art Instron CEAST-9450 Drop Tower Impact Tester equipped with a thermostatic chamber is suited for testing FRPCs at elevated and cold temperatures. The specific studies that will be carried out using the impact tester include: damage behavior of jute and carbon/jute hybrid nanocomposites; impact performance of biomimetic helicoidal composite structures inspired by mantis shrimp; structural analysis of hybrid composites under fatigue, impact and ballistic loadings; durability of high temperature bismaleimide based carbon composites for aircraft applications; and design, fabrication, testing and analysis of thick composite joints. This equipment will serve as an excellent tool in developing the science and technology of FRPCs, while enhancing the research and education capabilities at Tuskegee University.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.