This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will focus on the development of a system for generating microfocus x-ray excitation beams for X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) analysis applications. The resulting instrument will create dual-energy x-rays with high flux in a narrow energy band. Micro-XRF is a powerful, non-destructive, and widely used technique for the determination of elemental composition and elemental mapping, which relies on the measurement of characteristic fluorescent x-rays generated when atoms are excited by x-rays, electrons or other ionizing particles. This method is used in a broad range of applications including mining, semiconductor, forensics, materials research, and even biological research. The project will enable development of Micro-XRF systems with substantially improved elemental detection sensitivity over a large range of atomic numbers (Z) and with higher spatial resolution. The proposed product is expected to significantly impact more than half of the current $900 million x-ray fluorescence market.<br/><br/>The intellectual merit of this project is the development of a coaxial dual mirror system which will focus two x-ray beams of different energies onto the sample at high spatial resolution and high flux, enabling a substantial improvement in spatial resolution and enhancing the compositional spot analysis and mapping capabilities of micro X-ray fluorescence analysis (micro-XRF) applications. The proposed project will result in three major advantages for users of micro-XRF: 1) high analytical sensitivity to both low- and high-atomic number elements by the utilization of two x-ray energy ranges, 2) high x-ray flux due to improved optical design, and 3) a longer working distance which will add flexibility and ease integration of the new device into existing equipment.