Apparatus or processes for treating or working the shaped or preshaped articles


  • CPC
  • B28B11/00
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B28B11/001Applying decorations on shaped articles B28B11/002Apparatus for washing concrete for decorative purposes or similar surface treatments for exposing the texture B28B11/003the shaping of preshaped articles B28B11/005Using heat to allow reshaping B28B11/006Making hollow articles or partly closed articles B28B11/007Using a mask for plugging B28B11/008Blow moulding B28B11/02for attaching appendages B28B11/04for coating or applying engobing layers B28B11/041for moulded articles undergoing a thermal treatment at high temperatures, such as burning, after coating B28B11/042with insulating material B28B11/043filling cavities or chambers of hollow blocks B28B11/044with glaze or engobe or enamel or varnish B28B11/045by dipping B28B11/046by rolling B28B11/047by pooring B28B11/048by spraying or projecting B28B11/049Recycling of the coating material B28B11/06with powdered or granular material B28B11/08for reshaping the surface B28B11/0809Hand tools therefore B28B11/0818for roughening, profiling, corrugating B28B11/0827for corrugating, profiling or the like of plates such as asbestos cement sheets B28B11/0836for pottery articles B28B11/0845for smoothing B28B11/0854for making screw-threads or the like in the surface of the shaped article B28B11/0863for profiling B28B11/0872Non-mechanical reshaping of the surface B28B11/0881Using vibrating mechanisms B28B11/089Using impacting tools B28B11/10by using presses B28B11/12for removing parts of the articles by cutting B28B11/125Cutting-off protruding ridges, also profiled cutting B28B11/14for dividing shaped articles by cutting B28B11/145for dividing block-shaped bodies of expanded materials B28B11/16for extrusion or for materials supplied in long webs B28B11/161in vertically operating extrusion presses B28B11/163in which the cutting device is moved longitudinally with the moving strand B28B11/165mounted on a carrier B28B11/166with devices for determining the correct cutting moment B28B11/168in which the material is cut-out from a strand or web by means of a frame-shaped knife B28B11/18for removing burr B28B11/22for cleaning B28B11/24for curing, setting or hardening B28B11/241using microwave heating means B28B11/242by passing an electric current through wires, rods or reinforcing members incorporated in the article B28B11/243Setting B28B11/245Curing concrete articles B28B11/246Underwater curing B28B11/247Controlling the humidity during curing, setting or hardening B28B11/248Supports for drying

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents