Arrangements or methods for the control of AC motors characterised by a control method other than vector control


  • CPC
  • H02P23/00
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H02P23/0004Control strategies in general H02P23/0009using sliding mode control H02P23/0013using fuzzy control H02P23/0018using neural networks H02P23/0022Model reference adaptation H02P23/0027using different modes of control depending on a parameter H02P23/0031implementing a off line learning phase to determine and store useful data for on-line control H02P23/0077Characterised by the use of a particular software algorithm H02P23/0086specially adapted for high speeds H02P23/009using field weakening H02P23/02specially adapted for optimising the efficiency at low load H02P23/03specially adapted for very low speeds H02P23/04specially adapted for damping motor oscillations H02P23/06Controlling the motor in four quadrants H02P23/07Polyphase or monophase asynchronous induction motors H02P23/08Controlling based on slip frequency H02P23/10Controlling by adding a dc current H02P23/12Observer control H02P23/14Estimation or adaptation of motor parameters H02P23/16Controlling the angular speed of one shaft H02P23/18Controlling the angular speed together with angular position or phase H02P23/183of one shaft without controlling the prime mover H02P23/186of one shaft by controlling the prime mover H02P23/20Controlling the acceleration or deceleration H02P23/22Controlling the speed digitally using a reference oscillator, a speed proportional pulse rate feedback and a digital comparator H02P23/24Controlling the direction H02P23/26Power factor control [PFC] H02P23/28Controlling the motor by varying the switching frequency of switches connected to a DC supply and the motor phases H02P23/30Direct torque control [DTC] or field acceleration method [FAM]

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