Aspects of oscillators relating to reduction of undesired oscillations


  • CPC
  • H03B2202/00
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H03B2202/01Reduction of undesired oscillations originated from distortion in one of the circuit elements of the oscillator H03B2202/012the circuit element being the active device H03B2202/015the circuit element being a limiter H03B2202/017the circuit element being a frequency determining element H03B2202/02Reduction of undesired oscillations originated from natural noise of the circuit elements of the oscillator H03B2202/022the noise being essentially white noise H03B2202/025the noise being coloured noise H03B2202/027the noise being essentially proportional to the inverse of the frequency H03B2202/03Reduction of undesired oscillations originated from internal parasitic couplings H03B2202/04Reduction of undesired oscillations originated from outside noise or interferences H03B2202/042the circuit element belonging to the power supply H03B2202/044the circuit element belonging to transmitter circuitry H03B2202/046the circuit element belonging to receiver circuitry H03B2202/048the circuit element being a frequency divider H03B2202/05Reduction of undesired oscillations through filtering or through special resonator characteristics H03B2202/06Reduction of undesired oscillations through modification of a bias voltage H03B2202/07Reduction of undesired oscillations through a cancelling of the undesired oscillation H03B2202/073by modifying the internal feedback of the oscillator H03B2202/076by using a feedback loop external to the oscillator H03B2202/08Reduction of undesired oscillations originated from the oscillator in circuit elements external to the oscillator by means associated with the oscillator H03B2202/082by avoiding coupling between these circuit elements H03B2202/084through shielding H03B2202/086through a frequency dependent coupling H03B2202/088by compensating through additional couplings with these circuit elements

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents