Chemistry: analytical and immunological testing


  • CPC
  • Y10S436/00
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Y10S436/80Fluorescent dyes Y10S436/801Electron dense compounds Y10S436/802Protein-bacteriophage conjugates Y10S436/803Stabe free radicals Y10S436/804Radioisotope Y10S436/805Optical property Y10S436/806Electrical property or magnetic property Y10S436/807Apparatus included in process claim Y10S436/808Automated or kit Y10S436/809Multifield plates or multicontainer arrays Y10S436/81Tube, bottle, or dipstick Y10S436/811Test for named disease, body condition or organ function Y10S436/812Infectious mononucleosis Y10S436/813Cancer Y10S436/814Pregnancy Y10S436/815Test for named compound or class of compounds Y10S436/816Alkaloids, amphetamines, and barbiturates Y10S436/817Steroids or hormones Y10S436/818Human chorionic gonadotropin Y10S436/819Multifunctional antigen or antibody Y10S436/82Hepatitis associated antigens and antibodies Y10S436/821involving complement factors or complement systems Y10S436/822Identified hapten Y10S436/823Immunogenic carrier or carrier per se Y10S436/824Immunological separation techniques Y10S436/825Pretreatment for removal of interfering factors from sample Y10S436/826Additives Y10S436/827Lectins Y10S436/828Protein A Y10S436/829Liposomes Y10S436/90Breath testing Y10S436/901Drugs of abuse Y10S436/902Dosimeter Y10S436/903Diazo reactions Y10S436/904Oxidation - reduction indicators Y10S436/905Photochemical activation of reactions Y10S436/906Fertility tests Y10S436/907Fetal lung maturity Y10S436/908Gravimetric analysis Y10S436/909Nephelometry Y10S436/91Iron-binding capacity of blood

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents