Compositions containing an inorganic nitrogen-oxygen salt


  • CPC
  • C06B31/00
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C06B31/02the salt being an alkali metal or an alkaline earth metal nitrate C06B31/04with carbon or sulfur C06B31/06with an organic non-explosive or an organic non-thermic component C06B31/08with a metal oxygen-halogen salt C06B31/10with carbon or sulfur C06B31/12with a nitrated organic compound C06B31/14the compound being an aromatic C06B31/16the compound being a nitrated toluene C06B31/18the compound being a nitrated phenol C06B31/20the compound being nitroglycerine C06B31/22the compound being nitrocellulose C06B31/24with other explosive or thermic component C06B31/26the other component being nitroglycerine C06B31/28the salt being ammonium nitrate C06B31/285with fuel oil C06B31/30with vegetable matter with resin with rubber C06B31/32with a nitrated organic compound C06B31/34the nitrated compound being starch or sugar C06B31/36with other explosive or thermic component C06B31/38the nitrated compound being an aromatic C06B31/40with an organic non-explosive or an organic non-thermic component C06B31/42with other explosive or thermic component C06B31/44the compound being nitroglycerine C06B31/46with a vegetable matter component C06B31/48with other explosive or thermic component C06B31/50the other component being a nitrated organic compound C06B31/52the compound being nitrocellulose present as 10% or more by weight of the total composition C06B31/54with other nitrated organic compound C06B31/56the compound being nitrogellulose present as less than 10% by weight of the total composition

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents