Continuous combustion chambers using liquid or gaseous fuel


  • CPC
  • F23R3/00
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F23R3/002Wall structures F23R3/005Combined with pressure or heat exchangers F23R3/007constructed mainly of ceramic components F23R3/02characterised by the air-flow or gas-flow configuration F23R3/04Air inlet arrangements F23R3/045using pipes F23R3/06Arrangement of apertures along the flame tube F23R3/08between annular flame tube sections F23R3/10for primary air F23R3/12inducing a vortex F23R3/14by using swirl vanes F23R3/16with devices inside the flame tube or the combustion chamber to influence the air or gas flow F23R3/18Flame stabilising means F23R3/20incorporating fuel injection means F23R3/22movable F23R3/24of the fluid-screen type F23R3/26Controlling the air flow F23R3/28characterised by the fuel supply F23R3/283Attaching or cooling of fuel injecting means F23R3/286having fuel-air premixing devices F23R3/30comprising fuel prevapourising devices F23R3/32being tubular F23R3/34Feeding into different combustion zones F23R3/343Pilot flames F23R3/346for staged combustion F23R3/36Supply of different fuels F23R3/38comprising rotary fuel injection means F23R3/40characterised by the used of catalytic means F23R3/42characterised by the arrangement or form of the flame tubes or combustion chambers F23R3/425Combustion chambers comprising a tangential or helicoidal arrangement of the flame tubes F23R3/44Combustion chambers comprising a single tubular flame tube within a tubular casing F23R3/46Combustion chambers comprising an annular arrangement of several essentially tubular flame tubes within a common annular casing or within individual casings F23R3/48Flame tube interconnectors F23R3/50Combustion chambers comprising an annular flame tube within an annular casing F23R3/52Toroidal combustion chambers F23R3/54Reverse-flow combustion chambers F23R3/56Combustion chambers having rotary flame tubes F23R3/58Cyclone or vortex type combustion chambers F23R3/60Support structures Attaching or mounting means

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Patents Applicationslast 30 patents