

  • CPC
  • F04B49/00
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F04B49/002Hydraulic systems to change the pump delivery F04B49/005changing the phase relationship of two working pistons in one working chamber or the phase-relationship of a piston and a driven distribution member F04B49/007Installations or systems with two or more pumps or pump cylinders, wherein the flow-path through the stages can be changed F04B49/02Stopping, starting, unloading or idling control F04B49/022by means of pressure F04B49/025by means of floats F04B49/03by means of valves F04B49/035Bypassing F04B49/04Regulating by means of floats F04B49/06Control using electricity F04B49/065and making use of computers F04B49/08Regulating by delivery pressure F04B49/10Other safety measures F04B49/103Responsive to speed F04B49/106Responsive to pumped volume F04B49/12by varying the length of stroke of the working members F04B49/121Lost-motion device in the driving mechanism F04B49/123by changing the eccentricity of one element relative to another element F04B49/125by changing the eccentricity ot the actuation means F04B49/126with a double eccenter mechanism F04B49/128by changing the eccentricity of the cylinders F04B49/14Adjusting abutments located in the path of reciprocation F04B49/16by adjusting the capacity of dead spaces of working chambers F04B49/18by changing the effective cross-section of the working surface of the piston F04B49/20by changing the driving speed F04B49/22by means of valves F04B49/225with throttling valves or valves varying the pump inlet opening or the outlet opening F04B49/24Bypassing F04B49/243by keeping open the inlet valve F04B49/246by keeping open the outlet valve

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents