Joining sheets or plates


  • CPC
  • F16B5/00
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F16B5/0004Joining sheets, plates or panels in abutting relationship F16B5/0008by moving the sheets, plates or panels substantially in their own plane, perpendicular to the abutting edge F16B5/0012a tongue on the edge of one sheet, plate or panel co-operating with a groove in the edge of another sheet, plate or panel F16B5/0016with snap action F16B5/002both sheets, plates or panels having a groove F16B5/0024the sheets, plates or panels having holes F16B5/0028using I-shaped connectors F16B5/0032by moving the sheets, plates, or panels or the interlocking key parallel to the abutting edge F16B5/0036and using hook and slot or keyhole-type connections F16B5/004and using C-shaped clamps F16B5/0044and using interlocking keys of circular, square, rectangular or like shape F16B5/0048hinge-like F16B5/0052the interlocking key acting as a dovetail-type key F16B5/0056by moving the sheets, plates or panels or the interlocking key perpendicular to the main plane F16B5/006and using ring-shaped clamps F16B5/0064and using C-shaped clamps F16B5/0068and using I-shaped clamps with flanges moving towards each other F16B5/0072and using screw-thread F16B5/0076and using expanding clamps F16B5/008by a rotating or sliding and rotating movement F16B5/0084characterised by particular locking means F16B5/0088with locking means moving substantially perpendicular to the main plane F16B5/0092with locking means rotating about an axis parallel to the main plane and perpendicular to the abutting edge F16B5/0096by using permanent deformation F16B5/01by means of fastening elements specially adapted for honeycomb panels F16B5/02by means of fastening members using screw-thread F16B5/0208using panel fasteners F16B5/0216the position of the plates to be connected being adjustable F16B5/0225allowing for adjustment parallel to the plane of the plates F16B5/0233allowing for adjustment perpendicular to the plane of the plates F16B5/0241with the possibility for the connection to absorb deformation F16B5/025specially designed to compensate for misalignement or to eliminate unwanted play F16B5/0258using resiliently deformable sleeves, grommets or inserts F16B5/0266using springs F16B5/0275the screw-threaded element having at least two axially separated threaded portions F16B5/0283with an externally threaded sleeve around the neck or the head of the screw-threaded element for adjustably fastening a plate or frame or the like to a fixed element F16B5/0291the threaded element being driven through the edge of a sheet plate with its axis in the plane of the plate F16B5/04by means of riveting F16B5/045without the use of separate rivets F16B5/06by means of clamps or clips F16B5/0607joining sheets or plates to each other F16B5/0614in angled relationship F16B5/0621in parallel relationship F16B5/0628allowing for adjustment parallel or perpendicular to the plane of the sheets or plates F16B5/0635fastened over the edges of the sheets or plates F16B5/0642the plates being arranged one on top of the other and in full close contact with each other F16B5/065the plates being one on top of the other and distanced from each other F16B5/0657at least one of the plates providing a raised structure F16B5/0664at least one of the sheets or plates having integrally formed or integrally connected snap-in-features F16B5/0685Joining sheets or plates to strips or bars F16B5/0692joining flexible sheets to other sheets or plates or to strips or bars F16B5/07by means of multiple interengaging protrusions on the surfaces F16B5/08by means of welds or the like F16B5/10by means of bayonet connections F16B5/12Fastening strips or bars to sheets or plates F16B5/121fastened over the edge(s) of the sheet(s) or plate(s) F16B5/123Auxiliary fasteners specially designed for this purpose F16B5/125one of the auxiliary fasteners is comprising wire or sheet material or is made thereof F16B5/126at least one of the sheets, plates, bars or strips having integrally formed or integrally connected snap-in-features F16B5/128a strip with a C-or U-shaped cross section being fastened to a plate such that the fastening means remain invisible

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