Methine or polymethine dyes


  • CPC
  • C09B23/00
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C09B23/0008substituted on the polymethine chain C09B23/0016the substituent being a halogen atom C09B23/0025the substituent being bound through an oxygen atom C09B23/0033the substitutent being bound through an sulfur atom C09B23/0041the substituent being bound through an nitrogen atom C09B23/005the substituent being a COOH and/or a functional derivative thereof C09B23/0058the substituent being CN C09B23/0066the polymethine chain being part of a carbocyclic ring,( C09B23/0075the polymethine chain being part of an heterocyclic ring C09B23/0083the heteroring being rhodanine in the chain C09B23/0091having only one heterocyclic ring at one end of the methine chain C09B23/02the polymethine chain containing an odd number of >CH- or >C[alkyl]- groups C09B23/04one >CH- group C09B23/06three >CH- groups C09B23/08more than three >CH- groups C09B23/083five >CH- groups C09B23/086more than five >CH- groups C09B23/10The polymethine chain containing an even number of >CH- groups C09B23/102two heterocyclic rings linked carbon-to-carbon C09B23/105two >CH- groups C09B23/107four >CH- groups C09B23/12the polymethine chain being branched "branched" means that the substituent on the polymethine chain forms a new conjugated system C09B23/14Styryl dyes C09B23/141Bis styryl dyes containing two radicals C6H5-CH=CH- C09B23/143the ethylene chain carrying a COOH or a functionally modified derivative, e.g.-CN, -COR, -COOR, -CON=, C6H5-CH=C-CN C09B23/145the ethylene chain carrying an heterocyclic residue C09B23/146(Benzo)thiazolstyrylamino dyes C09B23/148Stilbene dyes containing the moiety -C6H5-CH=CH-C6H5 C09B23/16the polymethine chain containing hetero atoms C09B23/162only nitrogen atoms C09B23/164containing one nitrogen atom C09B23/166containing two or more nitrogen atoms C09B23/168containing only phosphorus atoms

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents