Peroxides Peroxyhydrates Peroxyacids or salts thereof Superoxides Ozonides


  • CPC
  • C01B15/00
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C01B15/005Stabilisation of the solid compounds subsequent to the preparation or to the crystallisation, by additives or by coating C01B15/01Hydrogen peroxide C01B15/013Separation Purification Concentration C01B15/0135Purification by solid ion-exchangers or solid chelating agents C01B15/017Anhydrous hydrogen peroxide Anhydrous solutions or gaseous mixtures containing hydrogen peroxide C01B15/022Preparation from organic compounds C01B15/023by the alkyl-anthraquinone process C01B15/024from hydrocarbons C01B15/026from alcohols C01B15/027Preparation from water C01B15/0275Preparation by reaction of water, carbon monoxide and oxygen C01B15/029Preparation from hydrogen and oxygen C01B15/0295by electrical discharge C01B15/03Preparation from inorganic peroxy compounds C01B15/032from metal peroxides C01B15/037Stabilisation by additives C01B15/04Metal peroxides or peroxyhydrates thereof; Metal superoxides; Metal ozonides; Peroxyhydrates thereof C01B15/043of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or magnesium or beryllium or aluminium C01B15/0435of alkali metals C01B15/047of heavy metals C01B15/0475of actinides C01B15/055Peroxyhydrates Peroxyacids or salts thereof C01B15/06containing sulfur C01B15/08Peroxysulfates C01B15/085Stabilisation of the solid compounds, subsequent to the preparation or to the crystallisation, by additives or by coating C01B15/10containing carbon C01B15/103containing only alkali metals as metals C01B15/106Stabilisation of the solid compounds, subsequent to the preparation or to the crystallisation, by additives or by coating C01B15/12containing boron C01B15/123Stabilisation of the solid compounds, subsequent to the preparation or to the crystallisation, by additives or by coating C01B15/126Dehydration of solid hydrated peroxyborates to less hydrated or anhydrous products C01B15/14containing silicon C01B15/16containing phosphorus

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