Preparation of ethers Preparation of compounds having groups, groups or groups


  • CPC
  • C07C41/00
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C07C41/01Preparation of ethers C07C41/02from oxiranes C07C41/03by reaction of oxirane rings with hydroxy groups C07C41/05by addition of compounds to unsaturated compounds C07C41/06by addition of organic compounds only C07C41/08to carbon-to-carbon triple bonds C07C41/09by dehydratation of compounds containing hydroxy groups C07C41/14by exchange of organic parts on the ether-oxygen for other organic parts C07C41/16by reaction of esters of mineral or organic acids with hydroxy or O-metal groups C07C41/18by reactions not forming ether-oxygen bonds C07C41/20by hydrogenation of carbon-to-carbon double or triple bonds C07C41/22by introduction of halogens by substitution of halogen atoms by other halogen atoms C07C41/24by elimination of halogens C07C41/26by introduction of hydroxy or O-metal groups C07C41/28from acetals C07C41/30by increasing the number of carbon atoms C07C41/32by isomerisation C07C41/34Separation Purification Stabilisation Use of additives C07C41/36by solid-liquid treatment by chemisorption C07C41/38by liquid-liquid treatment C07C41/40by change of physical state C07C41/42by distillation C07C41/44by treatments giving rise to a chemical modification C07C41/46Use of additives C07C41/48Preparation of compounds having group C07C41/50by reactions producing groups C07C41/52by substitution of halogen only C07C41/54by addition of compounds to unsaturated carbon-to-carbon bonds C07C41/56by condensation of aldehydes, paraformaldehyde, or ketones C07C41/58Separation Purification Stabilisation Use of additives C07C41/60Preparation of compounds having groups or groups

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents