Technologies relating to the processing of minerals


  • CPC
  • Y02P40/00
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Sub Industries

Y02P40/10Production of cement Y02P40/12Clinker production Y02P40/121Energy efficiency measures Y02P40/123Integrated production plants Y02P40/125Fuels from renewable energy sources Y02P40/126Waste Y02P40/128Biomass Y02P40/14Reduction of clinker content in cement Y02P40/141Blended cements Y02P40/143Clinker replacement by slag Y02P40/145Clinker replacement by combustion residues Y02P40/146Clinker replacement by ground limestone Y02P40/148Belite cements Y02P40/16Non-limestone based cements Y02P40/165Geopolymers Y02P40/18Carbon capture and storage [CCS] Y02P40/20Cement grinding Y02P40/30Manufacturing or processing of sand or stone Y02P40/40Production or processing of lime Y02P40/42Limestone calcination Y02P40/44Regeneration of lime in pulp and sugar mills Y02P40/45using fuels from renewable energy sources Y02P40/47Reduction of lime consumption Y02P40/49Limestone grinding Y02P40/50Glass production Y02P40/51Producing or shaping of glass Y02P40/52Use of cullet or other waste Y02P40/53Reusing waste heat during processing or shaping Y02P40/535Regenerative heating Y02P40/55Oxy-fuel Y02P40/56Batch or cullet pre-heating Y02P40/57Reduction of reject rates Improving the yield Y02P40/58Fuels from renewable energy sources Y02P40/59CO2 capture Y02P40/60Production of ceramic materials or ceramic elements Y02P40/61Manufacturing of materials for construction Y02P40/615Bricks made from lime and sand Y02P40/63Improving processing, storage or transport systems Y02P40/65Improving kilns Y02P40/67Fuels from renewable energy sources Y02P40/69Substitution of clay or shale by alternative raw materials

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents