Transference of modulation from one carrier to another


  • CPC
  • H03D7/00
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H03D7/005by means of superconductive devices H03D7/02by means of diodes H03D7/04having a partially negative resistance characteristic H03D7/06by means of discharge tubes having more than two electrodes H03D7/08the signals to be mixed being applied between the same two electrodes H03D7/10the signals to be mixed being applied between different pairs of electrodes H03D7/12by means of semiconductor devices having more than two electrodes H03D7/125with field effect transistors H03D7/14Balanced arrangements H03D7/1408with diodes H03D7/1416with discharge tubes having more than two electrodes H03D7/1425with transistors H03D7/1433using bipolar transistors H03D7/1441using field-effect transistors H03D7/145using a combination of bipolar transistors and field-effect transistors H03D7/1458Double balanced arrangements H03D7/1466Passive mixer arrangements H03D7/1475Subharmonic mixer arrangements H03D7/1483comprising components for selecting a particular frequency component of the output H03D7/1491Arrangements to linearise a transconductance stage of a mixer arrangement H03D7/16Multiple-frequency-changing H03D7/161all the frequency changers being connected in cascade H03D7/163the local oscillations of at least two of the frequency changers being derived from a single oscillator H03D7/165at least two frequency changers being located in different paths H03D7/166using two or more quadrature frequency translation stages H03D7/168using a feedback loop containing mixers or demodulators H03D7/18Modifications of frequency-changers for eliminating image frequencies H03D7/20by means of transit-time tubes H03D7/22by deflecting an electron beam in a discharge tube

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents