Vehicle fittings, acting on a single sub-unit only, for automatically controlling


  • CPC
  • B60K31/00
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B60K31/0008including means for detecting potential obstacles in vehicle path B60K31/0058responsive to externally generated signalling B60K31/0066responsive to vehicle path curvature B60K31/0075responsive to vehicle steering angle B60K31/0083responsive to centrifugal force acting on vehicle due to the path it is following B60K31/02including electrically actuated servomechanism including an electric control system or a servomechanism in which the vehicle velocity affecting element is actuated electrically B60K31/04and means for comparing one electrical quantity B60K31/042where at least one electrical quantity is set by the vehicle operator B60K31/045in a memory B60K31/047the memory being digital B60K31/06including fluid pressure actuated servomechanism in which the vehicle velocity affecting element is actuated by fluid pressure B60K31/08and one or more electrical components for establishing or regulating input pressure B60K31/10and means for comparing one electrical quantity B60K31/102where at least one electrical quantity is set by the vehicle operator B60K31/105in a memory B60K31/107the memory being digital B60K31/12including a device responsive to centrifugal forces B60K31/14having an electrical switch which is caused to function by the centrifugal force B60K31/16having means to prevent or discourage unauthorised use or adjusting of the controlling means B60K31/18including a device to audibly, visibly, or otherwise signal the existence of unusual or unintended speed to the driver of the vehicle B60K31/185connected to the speedometer display

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents