Zhur Obshchei Khim 27, 72 (1957), pp. 77-83. |
Helv. Chim. Acta, 46, 1963, No. 299, 2658-2666 Von C. A. Grob & J. Zergenyi, "3-Substituierte Dehydrochinuclidine . . . ". |
Helv. Chim. Acta, 55, 1972, No. 243, 2439-2447 Von C. A. Grob, W, Simon & W. D. Treffert, "Die Syntheses Von 4-Akylchin . . . ". |
Heterocycles, vol. 24, No. 4, 1986, pp. 971-977 Ricciardi et al, "Facile Synthesis of Styrylquinuclidines". |
Helv. Chim. Acta, 57, 1974, No. 253, 2332-2338 Von Eros Ceppi & Cyril A. Grob, "Synthese und Basizitata 4-Substituierter . . . ". |
Chemical Abstracts Service: Abstracts Numbers: (Registry numbers of Compds): RN 126453-45-0, 126343-69-9, 126343-66-6, 126343-90-6, 126343-64-4, 126453-42-7, 126343-68-8, 126453-43-8, 126343-67-7, 126453-44-9, 126343-72-4. |