This award provides support for the planning, organizing and managing of the annual 2021 NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSE) Grantees Conference to be held virtually on December 7 and 8, 2021. The NSE conference serves as a program review and research networking meeting that highlights ongoing research and educational activities in NSF’s nanotechnology science and engineering programs. The main theme of this conference is ‘nanomanufacturing’, which is an integral part of NSF’s Advanced Manufacturing program but also plays an important role in other NSF nanotechnology-related research programs such as ones that involve electronics, chemistry, physics, biology, environment, etc. The conference provides attendees, particularly women and under-represented minorities, with unique opportunities to network with and learn from other researchers. The conference provides a forum for interdisciplinary collaborations in diverse nanotechnology fields. It presents and discusses the role nanomanufacturing plays in OSTP priority areas and grand challenges, e.g., quantum information science, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, advanced wireless, bioengineering. This award benefits the nation through the education and training of a skilled and diverse manufacturing workforce, which is better prepared to provide transformative solutions to the challenges in their chosen fields.<br/><br/>The conference discusses two general topics in the context of nanomanufacturing: (1) Nanotechnology Foundations for Emerging Science and Technology and (2) Nanomanufacturing for Tomorrow. Each general topic is made up of several special topics. These are (a) Trends in Basic Research in Nanomanufacturing; (b) Nanomanufacturing for Quantum Systems; (c) Nanomanufacturing for Semiconductors and Advanced Wireless Systems; (d) Nanomanufacturing for Sustainability, Climate Change and Renewable Energy; (e) AI and Cyber Applications in Nanomanufacturing; (f) Bio-nanomanufacturing; (g) Synthetic Biology; (h) Nanomanufacturing in SBIR/STTR; (i) Resources for Nanomanufacturing, e.g., NNCI, NCN. Additional topics could involve a discussion on nano centers and nanotechnology education, and poster presentations by NSF principal investigators and other Federal Agencies. The conference discusses past achievements and accomplishments in manufacturing at the nanoscale, identify research gaps that are preventing novel ideas from moving forward, and determine opportunities for future research.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.