CC0000: The color(s) red and white is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
CD0000: The color red appears on the background rectangle and the color white appears on all of the letters of WINSTON SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY design (color is claimed in the official logo as red #199, using the Goudy Font Family Old Style which includes Roman, bold, italic and small caps. The color red #199 is used with white type or the logo can be used in black with white type. The logo should always be presented with a clear space equivalent to 1/2 the height of the "S" in "State" on all sides. This space allows the logo to be presented clearly, without the clutter of other text or graphic elements interfering with the branding message.
GS0251: Apparel, namely, t-shirts, long sleeve and short sleeve shirts, hats, jackets, sweat pants, sweat shirts, caps, headbands, warm-up suits, socks, wristbands, turtlenecks, mock turtlenecks, polo shirts, wind resistant suits, jerseys, golf shirts, shorts, skirts, football jerseys, basketball jerseys, band uniforms, all athletic team uniforms, namely, football, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, cross county, golf, softball, tennis and volleyball
GS0411: Educational services, namely providing courses of instruction at the college level, by distributing course material in connection with the Evening-Weekend College, Division of Lifelong Learning, College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Studies and Research, School of Education, School of Health Sciences and the School of Business and Economics