CC0000: The color(s) brown, dark brown, green, dark green, red, dark red, purple, dark purple, yellow, and orange is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
DM0000: The mark consists of the color brown in a large circle with a dark brown letter "C" in the middle of the circle and the words "Organic Matter" in the color of dark brown beneath the letter "C"; the color green appears in a small circle with a dark green letter "N" in the middle of the circle; the color red appears in a small circle with a dark red letter "P" in the middle of the circle; the color purple appears in a small circle with a dark purple letter "K" in the middle of the circle; the color yellow appears in a very small circle with an orange-colored letter "S" in the middle of the circle; the color orange appears in a small circle with the words "Micro Nutrients" in the color of red; the color brown also appears as lines stemming from beneath the circles and as granules of soil/fertilizer being sprinkled forming a pile of soil/fertilizer.