CC0000: The colors magenta, black and white are claimed as a feature of the mark.
CD0000: The mark consists of the words DOUBLESPOT XS EXTENDED SAFETY. There is a solid circle surrounding the letter "D" in the word DOUBLESPOT which is presented in Pantone Rhodamine red. The letters "XS" are also presented in Pantone Rhodamine red. The word DOUBLESPOT is presented in black. The words "EXTENDED SAFETY" are presented in Pantone Rhodamine red.
GS0241: Woven and knitted fabrics, consisting of natural and/or synthetic fibers; non-woven fabrics, consisting of natural and/or synthetic fibers; textile linings for garments; woven and knitted interlining fabrics as well as fleece and non-woven interlining fabrics, all for garments; stiffening interlinings for clothing as yard goods; linings, woven and knitted interlining fabrics as well as fleece and non-woven interlining fabrics, all cut to size as linings and finished interlinings for garments; stiffening interlining cloth for garments; stiffening interlining cloth for shirt collars