DM0000: The mark consists in a circular seal with the edge constituted by a thin continuous circular line, inside of which a fine pearls thread runs, inside is represented the Alma Mater studiorum, covered of toga of ermine, in teaching attitude, with a great book opened in her lap and the left hand raised, she is placed side by side from two figures of seated students, of profile, one engrossed in reading, the other busy writing; behind the head of the Mater, like aureole, is placed a banner on which is represented a radiant heart supported from two angels suspended beside the fastigium of the throne, on the sides of which it's written: "Universitas/Catholica/Sacred Cordis/lesu"; to the feet of the throne, under two small volutes, there is the writing: "Mediolani".
GS0411: Education; training, sporting and cultural activities
GS0421: Scientific and technological services, research, analysis, projects