79342739 - METALSTAR


  • Trademark
  • 79342739
  • Serial Number
  • Filing Date
    September 28, 2021
    3 years ago
  • Transaction Date
    September 13, 2024
    6 months ago
  • Status Date
    September 11, 2023
    a year ago
  • Location Date
    September 11, 2023
    a year ago
  • Status Code
  • Current Location
    Employee Name
  • Attorney Docket Number
    Attorney Name
    Nicholas Roy Mattingly
    Law Office Assigned Location Code
  • Owners
Mark Drawing Code
Mark Identification
Case File Statements
  • GS0091: Recorded computer software for electroniRecorded computer software for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying anc monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatus for operating prind measuring apparatus for operating printing machines; Recorded computer softwarting machines; Recorded computer software for electronic monitoring, controllinge for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatus, fo, displaying and measuring apparatus, for installations, equipment, apparatus, fr installations, equipment, apparatus, filters, separators, extraction and conveilters, separators, extraction and conveying devices for the ventilation cleaninying devices for the ventilation cleaning, dust removal and air separation of mag, dust removal and air separation of machines and spaces equipped therewith, aichines and spaces equipped therewith, air filters, blowing machines, fibre separr filters, blowing machines, fibre separators, air compressors and air ejectors ators, air compressors and air ejectors for machines, collecting devices, machinfor machines, collecting devices, machines, equipment and apparatus for compacties, equipment and apparatus for compacting, filling and pressing particles, dustng, filling and pressing particles, dust and fibres separated from machines; Rec and fibres separated from machines; Recorded computer software for electronic morded computer software for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying and monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatus for ventilation instaeasuring apparatus for ventilation installations, ventilation apparatus, air-conllations, ventilation apparatus, air-conditioning, heating, refrigerating, aeratditioning, heating, refrigerating, aerating and ventilating, humidifying and dehing and ventilating, humidifying and dehumidifying installations and apparatus, umidifying installations and apparatus, air treatment installations, air conveyiair treatment installations, air conveying devices, in particular ventilators, bng devices, in particular ventilators, blowing machines and compressors, air healowing machines and compressors, air heaters, air coolers, air filters, and nozzters, air coolers, air filters, and nozzle chambers for humidifying; Recorded cole chambers for humidifying; Recorded computer software for electronic monitorinmputer software for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuringg, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatus for drying ovens, drying appa apparatus for drying ovens, drying apparatus, heat accumulators, heat exchangerratus, heat accumulators, heat exchangers, and parts therefor, in particular acts, and parts therefor, in particular active coatings with catalytic properties, ive coatings with catalytic properties, heat exchanger ceramics, heat exchanger heat exchanger ceramics, heat exchanger stones, heat exchanger surfaces, honeycostones, heat exchanger surfaces, honeycomb structures and integrated catalysts fmb structures and integrated catalysts for exhaust air purifying installations, or exhaust air purifying installations, thermal energy accumulators, solar collethermal energy accumulators, solar collectors, solar modules for heat generationctors, solar modules for heat generation, and regulating and safety accessories , and regulating and safety accessories for gas apparatus; Recorded computer soffor gas apparatus; Recorded computer software for electronic monitoring, controltware for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatusling, displaying and measuring apparatus for producing product security means, a for producing product security means, authentication features, security featureuthentication features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes, security labels, securities, banknotes, and/or components therefor; Recorded s, and/or components therefor; Recorded computer software for electronic monitorcomputer software for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuriing, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatus for applying product securing apparatus for applying product security means, authentication features, securty means, authentication features, security features, security labels and/or comity features, security labels and/or components therefor; Recorded computer softponents therefor; Recorded computer software for electronic monitoring, controllware for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatus ing, displaying and measuring apparatus for packaging product security means, aufor packaging product security means, authentication features, security featuresthentication features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes, security labels, securities, banknotes and/or components therefor; Recorded co and/or components therefor; Recorded computer software for electronic monitorinmputer software for electronic monitoring, controlling, displaying and measuringg, controlling, displaying and measuring apparatus for product security means, a apparatus for product security means, authentication features, security featureuthentication features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes, security labels, securities, banknotes and/or their components; recorded conss and/or their components; recorded consultancy software in the nature of recordultancy software in the nature of recorded computer software for database manageed computer software for database management, recorded sales software in the natment, recorded sales software in the nature of recorded computer software for daure of recorded computer software for database management and software, in the ntabase management and software, in the nature of downloadable software for wirelature of downloadable software for wireless controllers to monitor and control tess controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic deviche functioning of other electronic devices for product security means, authentices for product security means, authentication features, security features, securation features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes; electity labels, securities, banknotes; electronic regulating apparatus in the natureronic regulating apparatus in the nature of electronic apparatus for the remote of electronic apparatus for the remote control of industrial operations, controcontrol of industrial operations, control apparatus in the nature of electronic l apparatus in the nature of electronic apparatus for the remote control of induapparatus for the remote control of industrial operations, monitoring apparatus strial operations, monitoring apparatus in the nature of wireless controllers toin the nature of wireless controllers to monitor and control the functioning of monitor and control the functioning of other electronic devices, quality controother electronic devices, quality control apparatus in the nature of sensing andl apparatus in the nature of sensing and signaling devices for measurement and q signaling devices for measurement and quality control of materials processing buality control of materials processing by laser, production control apparatus iny laser, production control apparatus in the nature of electronic apparatus for the nature of electronic apparatus for the remote control of industrial operatithe remote control of industrial operations, temperature monitoring apparatus inons, temperature monitoring apparatus in the nature of wireless remote temperatu the nature of wireless remote temperature and humidity monitors for building mare and humidity monitors for building maintenance, recorded consultancy softwareintenance, recorded consultancy software in the nature of e.g., recorded compute in the nature of e.g., recorded computer software for database management, recor software for database management, recorded sales software in the nature of recrded sales software in the nature of recorded computer software for database manorded computer software for database management and software for machines, in thagement and software for machines, in the nature of downloadable software for wie nature of downloadable software for wireless controllers to monitor and controreless controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic del the functioning of other electronic devices for printing machines, offset prinvices for printing machines, offset printing machines, rotary web fed printing mting machines, rotary web fed printing machines, rotary sheet fed printing machiachines, rotary sheet fed printing machines, screen printing machines, pad printnes, screen printing machines, pad printing machines, flexographic printing maching machines, flexographic printing machines, gravure printing machines, printinines, gravure printing machines, printing machines for use on sheet metal, printg machines for use on sheet metal, printing machines for use on cans, printing ming machines for use on cans, printing machines for use on hollow bodies, printiachines for use on hollow bodies, printing machines for corrugated cardboard, inng machines for corrugated cardboard, inkjet printing machines and apparatus, inkjet printing machines and apparatus, inkjet printers, in particular with one orkjet printers, in particular with one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-co more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers, laser marking machlour inkjet printers, laser marking machines and apparatus, laser printing machiines and apparatus, laser printing machines and apparatus, marking machines, lacnes and apparatus, marking machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marating machines, digital printing and marking machines, labelling machines, engraking machines, labelling machines, engraving machines, machines and mechanical aving machines, machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, machpparatus for the graphics industry, machines and mechanical apparatus for the fuines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or prrther processing of printed matter or printing materials or paper or plastics orinting materials or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials metal or organic or inorganic materials, namely, for transporting, cutting, pun, namely, for transporting, cutting, punching, folding, collecting, tacking, pacching, folding, collecting, tacking, packaging, compiling, sorting, binding, scakaging, compiling, sorting, binding, scanning, checking, perforating, gluing, stnning, checking, perforating, gluing, stapling, tying, bundling, bookbinding; elapling, tying, bundling, bookbinding; electronic regulating apparatus in the natectronic regulating apparatus in the nature of electronic apparatus for the remoure of electronic apparatus for the remote control of industrial operations, conte control of industrial operations, control apparatus in the nature of electrontrol apparatus in the nature of electronic apparatus for the remote control of iic apparatus for the remote control of industrial operations, monitoring apparatndustrial operations, monitoring apparatus in the nature of wireless controllersus in the nature of wireless controllers to monitor and control the functioning to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic devices, quality conof other electronic devices, quality control apparatus in the nature of sensing trol apparatus in the nature of sensing and signaling devices for measurement anand signaling devices for measurement and quality control of materials processind quality control of materials processing by laser, production control apparatusg by laser, production control apparatus in the nature of electronic apparatus f in the nature of electronic apparatus for the remote control of industrial operor the remote control of industrial operations, temperature monitoring apparatusations, temperature monitoring apparatus in the nature of wireless remote temper in the nature of wireless remote temperature and humidity monitors for buildingature and humidity monitors for building maintenance, recorded consultancy softw maintenance, recorded consultancy software in the nature of recorded computer sare in the nature of recorded computer software for database management, recordeoftware for database management, recorded sales software in the nature of recordd sales software in the nature of recorded computer software for database manageed computer software for database management and software for machines, in the nment and software for machines, in the nature of downloadable software for wirelature of downloadable software for wireless controllers to monitor and control tess controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other electronic deviche functioning of other electronic devices; recorded consultancy software in thees; recorded consultancy software in the nature of recorded computer software fo nature of recorded computer software for database management, recorded sales sor database management, recorded sales software in the nature of recorded computeftware in the nature of recorded computer software for database management and sr software for database management and software in the nature of downloadable sooftware in the nature of downloadable software for wireless controllers to monitftware for wireless controllers to monitor and control the functioning of other or and control the functioning of other electronic devices for product security electronic devices for product security means, authentication features, securitymeans, authentication features, security features, security labels, securities, features, security labels, securities, banknotes; electric and electronic measubanknotes; electric and electronic measuring and testing apparatus and instrumenring and testing apparatus and instruments for adjustment and pre-adjustment, fots for adjustment and pre-adjustment, for subassemblies and parts for printing mr subassemblies and parts for printing machines, offset printing machines, rotarachines, offset printing machines, rotary web fed printing machines, rotary sheey web fed printing machines, rotary sheet fed printing machines, screen printingt fed printing machines, screen printing machines, pad printing machines, flexog machines, pad printing machines, flexographic printing machines, gravure printiraphic printing machines, gravure printing machines, printing machines for use ong machines, printing machines for use on sheet metal, printing machines for usen sheet metal, printing machines for use on cans, printing machines for use on h on cans, printing machines for use on hollow bodies, printing machines for corrollow bodies, printing machines for corrugated cardboard, inkjet printing machinugated cardboard, inkjet printing machines and apparatus, inkjet printers, in paes and apparatus, inkjet printers, in particular with one or more inkjets, singlrticular with one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printerse-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers, laser marking machines and apparatus, , laser marking machines and apparatus, laser printing machines and apparatus, mlaser printing machines and apparatus, marking machines, lacquering machines, paarking machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digickaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, labeltal printing and marking machines, labelling machines, engraving machines, machiling machines, engraving machines, machines and mechanical apparatus for the granes and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, machines and mechanical phics industry, machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or printing materials or printed matter or printing materials or paper or plastics or metal or organic orpaper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials, drying machines, d inorganic materials, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet changing and transferying ovens, pallet changing and transfer machines, stacking machines, machines r machines, stacking machines, machines for handling sheets and plates of metal,for handling sheets and plates of metal, foodstuff distribution machines, machin foodstuff distribution machines, machines and apparatus for the surface treatmees and apparatus for the surface treatment of metals, hot stamping machines and nt of metals, hot stamping machines and apparatus, thermal transfer machines andapparatus, thermal transfer machines and apparatus; ; recorded computer software apparatus; ; recorded computer software for remotely controlling, remotely oper for remotely controlling, remotely operating, remotely monitoring, controlling ating, remotely monitoring, controlling and/or regulating devices for transportiand/or regulating devices for transporting and/or storing printed matter or prinng and/or storing printed matter or printing materials or printed material reelsting materials or printed material reels or paper or paper reels or plastics or or paper or paper reels or plastics or plastics reels or metal or organic or inplastics reels or metal or organic or inorganic materials for printing machines,organic materials for printing machines, offset printing machines, rotary web fe offset printing machines, rotary web fed printing machines, rotary sheet fed prd printing machines, rotary sheet fed printing machines, screen printing machineinting machines, screen printing machines, pad printing machines, flexographic ps, pad printing machines, flexographic printing machines, gravure printing machirinting machines, gravure printing machines, printing machines for use on sheet nes, printing machines for use on sheet metal, printing machines for use on cansmetal, printing machines for use on cans, printing machines for use on hollow bo, printing machines for use on hollow bodies, printing machines for corrugated cdies, printing machines for corrugated cardboard, inkjet printing machines and aardboard, inkjet printing machines and apparatus, inkjet printers, in particularpparatus, inkjet printers, in particular with one or more inkjets, single-colour with one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers, laser or multi-colour inkjet printers, laser marking machines and apparatus, laser prmarking machines and apparatus, laser printing machines and apparatus, marking minting machines and apparatus, marking machines, lacquering machines, packaging achines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digital prinmachines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, labelling macting and marking machines, labelling machines, engraving machines, machines and hines, engraving machines, machines and mechanical apparatus for the graphics inmechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, machines and mechanical apparatudustry, machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed s for the further processing of printed matter or printing materials or paper ormatter or printing materials or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorgan plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials, drying machines, drying ovic materials, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet changing and transfer machinens, pallet changing and transfer machines, stacking machines, machines for handes, stacking machines, machines for handling sheets and plates of metal, foodstuling sheets and plates of metal, foodstuff distribution machines, machines and aff distribution machines, machines and apparatus for the surface treatment of mepparatus for the surface treatment of metals, hot stamping machines and apparatutals, hot stamping machines and apparatus, thermal transfer machines and apparats, thermal transfer machines and apparatus; recorded computer software for the tus; recorded computer software for the transport, packaging and storage of remotransport, packaging and storage of remote controls, remote operators, remote mone controls, remote operators, remote monitoring apparatus, controllers and/or reitoring apparatus, controllers and/or regulators for devices for the transport, gulators for devices for the transport, packaging and storage of printed matter packaging and storage of printed matter or printing materials or printing materior printing materials or printing material reels or paper or paper reels or plasal reels or paper or paper reels or plastics or plastics reels or metal or organtics or plastics reels or metal or organic or inorganic materials for printing mic or inorganic materials for printing machines, offset printing machines, rotarachines, offset printing machines, rotary web fed printing machines, rotary sheey web fed printing machines, rotary sheet fed printing machines, screen printingt fed printing machines, screen printing machines, pad printing machines, flexog machines, pad printing machines, flexographic printing machines, gravure printiraphic printing machines, gravure printing machines, printing machines for use ong machines, printing machines for use on sheet metal, printing machines for usen sheet metal, printing machines for use on cans, printing machines for use on h on cans, printing machines for use on hollow bodies, printing machines for corrollow bodies, printing machines for corrugated cardboard, inkjet printing machinugated cardboard, inkjet printing machines and apparatus, inkjet printers, in paes and apparatus, inkjet printers, in particular with one or more inkjets, singlrticular with one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printerse-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers, laser marking machines and apparatus, , laser marking machines and apparatus, laser printing machines and apparatus, mlaser printing machines and apparatus, marking machines, lacquering machines, paarking machines, lacquering machines, packaging machines, coating machines, digickaging machines, coating machines, digital printing and marking machines, labeltal printing and marking machines, labelling machines, engraving machines, machiling machines, engraving machines, machines and mechanical apparatus for the granes and mechanical apparatus for the graphics industry, machines and mechanical phics industry, machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of apparatus for the further processing of printed matter or printing materials or printed matter or printing materials or paper or plastics or metal or organic orpaper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials, drying machines, d inorganic materials, drying machines, drying ovens, pallet changing and transferying ovens, pallet changing and transfer machines, stacking machines, machines r machines, stacking machines, machines for handling sheets and plates of metal,for handling sheets and plates of metal, foodstuff distribution machines, machin foodstuff distribution machines, machines and apparatus for the surface treatmees and apparatus for the surface treatment of metals, hot stamping machines and nt of metals, hot stamping machines and apparatus, thermal transfer machines andapparatus, thermal transfer machines and apparatus; electronic data carriers for apparatus; electronic data carriers for product security with identification fe product security with identification features, security features, security labeatures, security features, security labels, and banknote checking features; magnls, and banknote checking features; magnetic data carriers for product security etic data carriers for product security with identification features, security fwith identification features, security features, security labels, and banknote ceatures, security labels, and banknote checking features; RFID systems (radio frhecking features; RFID systems (radio frequency identification) in the nature ofequency identification) in the nature of RFID readers; encoded identification ch RFID readers; encoded identification chips and cards in the nature of blank smaips and cards in the nature of blank smart cards embedded with transponders; apprt cards embedded with transponders; apparatus for the payment of goods and servaratus for the payment of goods and services in the nature of electronic and magices in the nature of electronic and magnetic ID cards for use in connection witnetic ID cards for use in connection with payment for goods and services; money-h payment for goods and services; money-receiving apparatus in the nature of elereceiving apparatus in the nature of electronic and magnetic ID cards for use inctronic and magnetic ID cards for use in connection with payment for goods and s connection with payment for goods and services; money-dispensing and -receivingervices; money-dispensing and -receiving apparatus in the nature of cash registe apparatus in the nature of cash registers, calculating machines and data procesrs, calculating machines and data processing equipment and computers; electric asing equipment and computers; electric apparatus, namely, data processing equipmpparatus, namely, data processing equipment for communication with recording medent for communication with recording media, in the nature of cash registers, calia, in the nature of cash registers, calculating machines and data processing eqculating machines and data processing equipment and computers; data processing euipment and computers; data processing equipment in the nature of tablet computequipment in the nature of tablet computers for personalising recording media, inrs for personalising recording media, in the nature of tablet computers; machine the nature of tablet computers; machine-readable recording media, in the nature-readable recording media, in the nature of tablet computers; coded and uncoded of tablet computers; coded and uncoded digital recording media with contactlessdigital recording media with contactless interfaces services in the nature of el interfaces services in the nature of electronic and magnetic ID cards for use iectronic and magnetic ID cards for use in connection with payment for goods and n connection with payment for goods and services; integrated circuits in the natservices; integrated circuits in the nature of blank integrated circuit cards; mure of blank integrated circuit cards; memories for data processing installationemories for data processing installations, in particular non-volatile memories is, in particular non-volatile memories in the nature of blank digital storage men the nature of blank digital storage media; digital recording media in the natudia; digital recording media in the nature of blank digital storage media; electre of blank digital storage media; electric apparatus for processing, in the natric apparatus for processing, in the nature of electronic encryption units; softure of electronic encryption units; software for computer network applications, ware for computer network applications, in particular for internet, intranet andin particular for internet, intranet and extranet applications, namely, software extranet applications, namely, software for operating network access servers; d for operating network access servers; data processing software, in particular fata processing software, in particular for enabling telecommunications with chipor enabling telecommunications with chip card-activated mobile telephones and in card-activated mobile telephones and in particular for operating associated chi particular for operating associated chip cards and mobile telephones, and compup cards and mobile telephones, and computer programs for activating, modifying, ter programs for activating, modifying, testing and displaying data and softwaretesting and displaying data and software structures stored in these telecommunic structures stored in these telecommunications cards; software for the encryptioations cards; software for the encryption and decryption and the signing of datan and decryption and the signing of data; computer operating system software and; computer operating system software and application software for operation of d application software for operation of digital recording media with integrated cigital recording media with integrated circuits, in particular for hardware tokeircuits, in particular for hardware tokens and chip cards, and for operation of ns and chip cards, and for operation of data processing equipment for communicatdata processing equipment for communication with these digital recording media; ion with these digital recording media; computer programs for the development, mcomputer programs for the development, management and maintenance of all the afoanagement and maintenance of all the aforesaid types of software; digital recordresaid types of software; digital recording media, namely, CD-ROMs featuring sofing media, namely, CD-ROMs featuring software for operation of digital recordingtware for operation of digital recording media with integrated circuits; electro media with integrated circuits; electronically/ and optically stored recorded anically/ and optically stored recorded advertising and communication media, espedvertising and communication media, especially downloadable video recordings andcially downloadable video recordings and optical discs featuring film, and video optical discs featuring film, and videos about printing and graphics; mechanicas about printing and graphics; mechanical remote checking and inspecting apparatl remote checking and inspecting apparatus and instruments for quality control ous and instruments for quality control of machines in the nature of scientific af machines in the nature of scientific apparatus for sensing and signaling devicpparatus for sensing and signaling devices for measurement and quality control oes for measurement and quality control of materials processing by laser; mechanif materials processing by laser; mechanical remote checking and inspecting apparcal remote checking and inspecting apparatus and instruments in the nature of scatus and instruments in the nature of scientific apparatus for sensing and signaientific apparatus for sensing and signaling devices for measurement and qualityling devices for measurement and quality control of materials processing by lase control of materials processing by laser; mechanical remote checking and inspecr; mechanical remote checking and inspecting apparatus and instruments in the nating apparatus and instruments in the nature of scientific apparatus for sensingture of scientific apparatus for sensing and signaling devices for measurement a and signaling devices for measurement and quality control of materials processind quality control of materials processing by laser; inkjet printers for documenng by laser; inkjet printers for documents, in particular with one or more inkjets, in particular with one or more inkjets, single-colour or multi-colour inkjetts, single-colour or multi-colour inkjet printers printers
  • GS0071: Industrial Printing machines; offset printing machines; rotary web fed printing machines; rotary sheet fed printing machines; screen printing machines, namely, silk screen printing machines; pad printing machines; flexographic printing machines; gravure printing machines; printing machines for use on sheet metal; printing machines for use on cans; printing machines for use on hollow bodies; printing machines for corrugated cardboard; inkjet printing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial inkjet printing machines; laser marking machines and apparatus, namely, electromechanical marking machines; laser printing machines and apparatus, namely, printing machines for commercial or industrial use; marking machines, namely, electromechanical marking machines; lacquering machines, namely, lacquering machines for industrial purposes; packing machines; coating machines, in particular working rotationally, for web-type and separate materials; digital printing and marking machines based on electrophotography, magnetography, xerography, ink jet, namely, industrial digital printing and marking machines based on electrophotography, magnetography, and xerography; exposure apparatus, being parts for printing machines being structural parts for printing machines for contact printing or creating circuit and print templates; imprinting and marking machines, namely, automatic stamping machines in particular, for the graphics sector, the packaging sector, and data processing; labellers, namely, ecteronic label printing machines for commercial use machines and mechanical apparatus being material production and processing machines for sorting of printed matter or printing materials or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials; palette changing and transferring machines; stacking machines; machines for handling sheets and plates of metal; foodstuff distribution machines; machines and apparatus for the surface treatment of metals namely, machines utilizing rotational motion for high energy surface finishing and material treatment; hot automatic stamping machines and apparatus; thermal transfer machines and apparatus, namely, heat transfer presses; rotary die-cutter machines for punching of printed matter or paper or plastics; flat-bed die-cutter machines for stamping printed matter or paper or plastics; marking machines for printed matter, namely, automatic stamping machines for applying addresses to printed matter; machines and mechanical apparatus for the further processing of printed matter, printing materials, paper, plastics, metal, organic or inorganic materials, namely, for transporting, cutting, punching, folding, collecting, tacking, packaging, compiling, sorting, binding, scanning, checking, perforating, gluing, stapling, tying, bundling, bookbinding; printing plates; flexographic printing plates; machine-operated platforms for storing paper in printing presses during the printing process; printing and document binding machines for industrial use for the further processing of printed matter or printing materials or paper or plastics or metal or organic or inorganic materials, namely, for transporting, cutting, punching, folding, collecting, tacking, packaging, compiling, sorting, binding, scanning, checking, perforating, gluing, stapling, tying, bundling, bookbinding; conveyors being machines, belts for conveyors, conveying apparatus in the nature of conveyors being machines for conveying printed matter, printing materials, printing material reels, paper, paper reels, plastics, plastics reels, metal, organic, and inorganic materials for printing machines, offset printing machines, rotary web fed printing machines, rotary sheet fed printing machines, screen printing machines, pad printing machines, flexographic printing machines, gravure printing machines, printing machines for use on sheet metal, printing machines for use on cans, printing machines for use on hollow bodies, printing machines for corrugated cardboard; machines and mechanical apparatus for the folding of printed matter, namely, industrial paper folding machines for the folding of printed matter and printing materials bending machines and punching machines for punching printing plates and/or flexographic printing plates; conveying machines and conveyor belts for conveying printing plates for printing machines; machines and mechanical apparatus for cleaning rollers in inking apparatus, namely, cleaning machines for cleaning rollers for printing machines; filters being parts of printing machines; separators, namely, machines for separating target materials from mixtures of materials; air suction machines and conveyors for cleaning, dust removing and dust separation for machines; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; air compressors for machines; collecting machines for compacting, filling and pressing of particles, dust and fibres separated from machines, namely, waste compacting machines, filling machines, and industrial machine presses for compacting, filling and pressing of particles, dust and fibres separated from machines; air conveying devices, namely, air compressors; blowing machines, namely, fiber blowing machines; air compressors; machines and mechanical apparatus for applying security labels, namely, printing machines for printing security labels for commercial use, and parts therefor; machines and mechanical apparatus for packaging product security means, identification features, security features, security labels, securities, banknotes, namely, printing machines for printing security labels for commercial use, and parts therefor
  • PM0001: METAL STAR
Case File Event Statements
  • 6/16/2022 - 2 years ago
  • 6/17/2022 - 2 years ago
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  • 9/11/2023 - a year ago
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  • 9/12/2024 - 6 months ago
  • 9/12/2024 - 6 months ago