This grant supports development of the next generation of complex systems researchers by providing funding for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty to travel to the 7th Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (NERCCS-7) in Potsdam, New York, 20-22 March 2024. NERCCS targets researchers from universities in New England, New York State, and selected Mid-Atlantic regions. Participants also include faculty, researchers, and scientists in both academia and industry from across the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. This event serves a critical role in uniting these researchers through keynotes, workshops, panel sessions, and opportunities for informal discussions on a range of scientific topics pertaining to complex systems and complex networks. Importantly, this conference strives to advance education, professional development, and careers for student participants through workshops and seminars to enhance their networking and job search /career advancement capabilities. The meeting fosters continuous advancements in these fast-marching and trending fields.<br/><br/>This grant focuses on broadening participation and greater inclusivity at the 7th Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems. Conference themes encompass a modern snapshot across the fields of complex systems, dynamical systems, and network science. Topics include: theoretical foundations of complex systems; nonlinear dynamics and chaos; systems theory; information theory; systems science; game theory; decision theory; socio-economical applications such as self-organization, pattern formation, and collective behavior; structure and dynamics of complex networks; sustainability and adaptability of complex systems; bio-inspired systems; machine learning and evolutionary computation; data-driven approaches to complex systems; applications to the humanities, art, and literature, historical and philosophical aspects of complex systems; and complex systems and education. The host, Clarkson University, is an R2 University emphasizing STEM education at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The outcomes of the conference will be disseminated on a dedicated website as well as in a Special Issue of the Northeast Journal of Complex Systems.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.