International Classifications
Filing Date
October 28, 2024
3 months ago
Transaction Date
October 28, 2024
3 months ago
Status Date
October 28, 2024
3 months ago
Status Code
Attorney Docket Number
Attorney Name
Brian R. Pollack
Mark Drawing Code
Mark Identification
Case File Statements
- GS0101: Medical devices, namely, laparoscopic surgical devices, insufflation needles, cannulas, and trocars; Medical devices, namely, trocars; Medical devices, namely, visualization stylets, digital imaging cameras for imaging interior anatomical structures, visualization stylets with removable covers, visualization stylets with removable optical covers; Medical devices to facilitate insufflation of the peritoneum; needles to facilitate insufflation of the peritoneum; conduits to facilitate insufflation of the peritoneum; Medical access ports; cannulas for accessing the peritoneum; Arthroscopic surgical devices; arthroscopes; medical devices to provide access to joints; visualization stylets for use in arthroscopic surgical procedures; cannulas for use in arthroscopic procedures; Medical devices to provide thoracic access; thoracic access ports; visualization stylets for use in thoracic medical procedures; cannulas for use in thoracic medical procedures; Medical devices for use in pulmonary procedures; visualization stylets for use in pulmonary medical procedures; cannulas for use in pulmonary medical procedures; Medical devices for use in endoscopic cranial surgical procedures; visualization stylets for use in cranial surgical procedures; cannulas for use in cranial surgical procedures; Medical devices for use in spinal medical procedures; visualization stylets for use in spinal medical procedures; cannulas for use in spinal medical procedures; Minimally invasive surgical devices; Minimally invasive surgical ports; Minimally invasive surgical visualization devices; Surgical devices for use in battlefield medical procedures; access cannulas for use in battlefield medical procedures; devices for accessing anatomy in battlefield medical procedures; visualization devices for use in battlefield medical procedures; Surgical devices for use in emergency medical procedures; access cannulas for use in emergency medical procedures; devices for accessing anatomy in emergency medical procedures; visualization devices for use in emergency medical procedures; Medical devices, namely uterine manipulators for performing medical procedures on a uterus; medical devices for performing hysterectomies; Medical devices, namely, laparoscopic surgical devices, insufflation needles, cannulas, and trocars; Medical devices, namely, trocars; Medical devices, namely, visualization stylets, Medical access ports; devices for introducing deflectable containers through anatomic openings; Medical devices, namely laparoscopic surgical devices in the manner of surgical access ports; laparoscopic surgical systems for dissection and removal of internal anatomical structures; laparoscopic surgical systems for dissection and removal of internal anatomic structures; transvaginal surgical systems for dissection and removal of internal anatomic structures; Medical devices, namely cutters to cut tissue; tissue cutters arranged in a linked serial relationship; minimally invasive dissection devices; specimen collection containers; bags for receiving tissue specimens; bags for receiving tissue specimens having integral cutters; retractors for maintaining openings formed in anatomical structures; retractors and support structures for maintaining openings in tissue structures; retractor rings for coupling to specimen containers; retractor rings for coupling to specimen bags; Medical Devices, namely devices for inspecting the urinary tract; urinary catheters; devices for illuminating portions of the urinary tract; devices for inspecting the urinary bladder; Medical devices, namely suturing devices for facilitating closure of openings formed in the female reproductive tract; suturing devices for attachment of vaginal surgical mesh; suturing devices for attaching surgical mesh; Medical devices, namely devices for accessing and inspecting the Fallopian tubes and ovaries; devices for collecting tissue biological samples from the female reproductive tract; visual catheter for hysteroscopic applications, visual catheter for transit of the fallopian tubes and visual examination of the peritoneal cavity; Medical devices, namely devices for treating stress urinary incontinence; devices for treating the female urinary tract; devices for modifying the geometry of the urinary tract; devices for modifying the geometry of the female urinary tract; devices for introducing fascial anchors into human anatomy; dissection catheters including balloons to facilitate tissue dissection; adjustable anchors configured to clamp onto tethers or sutures; devices for locking and unlocking adjustable anchors onto tethers or sutures; anchors for securement into a vaginal canal; anchors configured to be locked and unlocked to sutures or tethers within a vaginal canal
Case File Event Statements
10/28/2024 - 3 months ago
Type: NWAP