Use of energy is largely responsible for the economic power of the United States and the prosperity and well being of its citizens. As America is increasing its production of renewable energy, it is important for college students to learn about energy sources, energy use and how to maximize the benefits and reduce the problems associated with energy use. However, the subject of energy and the environment is so large that it often goes beyond the knowledge of any one professor. Professors and students from different backgrounds will come together for a one-day workshop to share their knowledge and develop better ways of teaching students about energy and its uses and the consequences of these uses.<br/><br/>To help advance the convergence among the interdisciplinary fields of energy, Earth and environmental education, the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences will hold the first Energy, Earth and Environmental Education community-building workshop as part of the 2019 AESS Conference at the University of Central Florida. Energy, Earth, environmental and other educators and students in K-12, higher education, and informal education will share best practices and develop new partnerships. The agenda will include classroom issues (content, curriculum, pedagogy and connections between theory and practice) and programs (degree and sub-degree programs) to be explored primarily in small group presentations and discussion. Each session will develop options and examples for integrating energy, Earth and environmental education that will be presented in a report and on a public website.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.