This invention belongs to high-precision and high-efficiency intelligent multi-axis NC (Numerical Control) machining filed, featured a feedrate scheduling method for five-axis dual-spline interpolation under physical-axis drive constraints.
Currently, curve interpolation techniques have been widely focused and researched due to their advantages in high approximation precision, smooth motion and easy to stored and transformed NC codes, etc. comparing with traditional linear/circular interpolation techniques. During curve interpolation, the feedrate scheduling for each position on the curved path plays as a premise for high-quality and high-efficiency machining. If the feedrate is too high, the actual axial motion velocity, acceleration, and jerk may exceed their corresponding acceptable limitations, thus inducing phenomenon such as motion wave and machining vibration, which is bad to the machining precision and quality. Otherwise, if the feedrate is too low, the machining efficiency will be degraded although drive constraints can be satisfied. Therefore, it is of great significance to schedule a reasonable feedrate profile for curve interpolation according to the axial drive constraints. At present, although there are lots of studies on feedrate scheduling methods for three-axis curve interpolation, those for five-axis dual-spline interpolation remain lacking. In five-axis dual-spline curve interpolation, the toolpath is determined by a tool-tip motion spline and a motion spline of a second point on the tool axis besides the tool tip. The toolpath is followed by not only three translational axes motion but also two coupled rotary axes motion, which results in strong nonlinear relationship between the tool-tip motion and the joint axes motion, and this poses great challenges for reasonable scheduling of the tool-tip motion feedrate profile. As a result, it becomes one of the most urgent problems in five-axis NC curve interpolation field to schedule the tool-tip speed according to the axial drive constraints.
The existing paper “Feedrate interpolation with axis jerk constraints on 5-axis NURBS and G1 tool path”, Beudaert et al., International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2012, 57:73-82, first discretized the five-axis toolpath with equal time-step, and computed the corresponding allowable displacement range corresponding to each discrete points under drive constraints. After that, the bisection iteration was used to search a time-optimal feed speed value. However, this method generates time-varying speed profile, which makes the feedrate change frequently, and this is bad to the machining quality although the efficiency can be improved as much as possible. Additionally, iterative computation should be fulfilled in each period, which weakens the real-time capability. The paper “A smooth curve evolution approach to the feedrate planning on five-axis toolpath with geometric and kinematic constraints”, Sun et al., International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 97:86-97, proposed a five-axis curve-interpolation feedrate iterative scheduling method based on proportional adjustment of the speed value according to the principle of curve evolution, so as to satisfy the axial drive constraints. However, this method belongs to off line method due to the heavy computational burden, which makes it can hardly be used to real-time interpolator.
Aiming at solving the defects of the existing techniques, a computational efficient feedrate scheduling method with axial drive constraints for five-axis dual-spline interpolation is invented. This method first disperse the toolpath with equal arc length, thus computing the first-to-third-order derivatives of the axial positions with respect to the arc-length parameter. After that, determine the feedrate-sensitive regions with the axial drive constraints and the machining quality and efficiency balancing objective. Finally, determine the acceleration/deceleration-start-point parameter and their corresponding speed values, and schedule constant speed at feedrate-sensitive regions and smooth speed profile within feedrate-non-sensitive regions using S-shape acceleration/deceleration mode. The invented method can effectively balance the motion stability and the efficiency in five-axis dual-spline interpolation, and the computational burden of the algorithm is low, which is good for the real-time capability.
The technique proposal used in the present invention is a feedrate scheduling method for five-axis dual-spline curve interpolation. Its characteristic is that the relationship between the axial motion and tool-tip motion is obtained by computation of the first, second, and third-order derivatives of the axial positions with respect to the arc-length parameter based on tool-tip motion spline equal-arc-length discretization, and the feedrate-sensitive regions are determined with axial drive constraints and the machining quality and efficiency balancing objectives; after that, the acceleration/deceleration-start-point parameters by bi-direction scanning; and finally, schedule constant speed at feedrate-sensitive regions and smooth speed profile within feedrate-non-sensitive regions using S-shape acceleration/deceleration mode. The detail procedure is as follows.
Step One: Establish the relationship between the axial motion and the tool-pose trajectory.
Denote the tool-tip motion spline equation of the dual-NURBS curve to be interpolated as CP=CP (u), and the motion spline of second-point on the tool axis except the tool tip as CQ=CQ(u). First, discretize the tool-tip motion spline with equal arc length. Denote the arc-length step as δs, and the ith discrete point parameter after discretization as ud,i, thus by using the second-order Taylor expansion, the (i+1)th point parameter ud,i+1 can be computed as Eq (1):
where ∥ ∥ stands for the Euclidean norm, additionally, C′P (ud,i) and C″P (ud,i) are the first and second order derivatives of CP (u) with respect to u at ud,i.
Denote the tool tip and the tool-axis vector as R=[Rx, Ry, Rz]T and O=[Ox, Oy, Oz]T, respectively. After obtaining of the discrete-point parameters ud,i, i=1, 2, . . . , Nd (Nd is the total amount of discrete points), compute the i-th tool tip Ri=[Rx,i, Ry,i, Rz,i]T and tool-orientation vector Oi=[Ox,i, Oy,i, Oz,i]T corresponding to i-th discrete point as:
Then, calculate the five joint-axis positions according to the obtained tool tip and tool orientation of Eq. (2) using inverse kinematics of five-axis machine tools, which are denoted in one vector q with five elements corresponding to the five physical axes of the machine tool, respectively. Denote ith joint-axis motion position vector corresponding to i-th tool tip and i-th tool vector as qi, thus, the first-to-third-order derivatives of the physical axial positions with respect to the tool-tip trajectory arc-length parameter can be calculated as:
where qs,i, qss,i, and qsss,i are first-order, second-order, and third-order derivatives of the physical axial positions with respect to the tool-tip trajectory arc-length parameter, respectively. The Eq. (3) expresses the relationship between the axial motion and the tool-pose motion.
Step Two: Determination of the feedrate-sensitive regions
According to the principle of differentiation, the relationship between axial and tool-tip motion velocity, acceleration, and jerk can be derived as:
where {dot over (q)}, {umlaut over (q)}, and are first, second, and third order derivatives of axial motion position with respect to time, i.e. axial velocity, acceleration, and jerk vectors, respectively; in addition, {dot over (S)}, {umlaut over (s)}, and are first, second, and third order derivatives of tool-tip motion position with respect to time, i.e. tool-tip velocity, tangential acceleration, and jerk, respectively.
Denote the physical axial velocity constraint, acceleration constraint, and jerk constraint as {dot over (q)}max, {umlaut over (q)}max, and max, respectively, and the reference tool-tip motion speed constraint as vmax. First, let the tool-tip motion acceleration constraint at,max be the minimum value of the translational axes acceleration constraints in {umlaut over (q)}max, and let the tool-tip motion jerk constraint jt,max be the minimum value of the translational axes jerk constraints in max. Then, aiming at balancing the machining efficiency and motion stability, optimize qt,max and jt,max so as to determine the feedrate-sensitive regions which are defined as the areas where the axial velocity, acceleration, and jerk can be exceeded when maximum tool-tip speed, acceleration, and jerk are utilized. According to Eq. (1), it has
Hereby, the discretized position where one of the inequations |qs,i|vmax>qmax, |qss,i|vmax2+|qs,i|qt,max>{umlaut over (q)}max, and |qsss,i|vmax3+3|qss,j|vmaxat,max+|qss,i|jt,max> can be satisfied is determined as the point inside the feedrate-sensitive regions. Denote the total number of the sensitive regions as Nsr, and the sequence number of the discretized points corresponding to the start and end position of kth sensitive region as ns,k and ne,k, respectively, thus the feedrate-sensitive regions can be expressed by discretized-point sequence number sets as {[ns,k, ne,k]}, k=1, 2, . . . , Nsr. Hence, the total arc length lsr of the feedrate-sensitive regions on the tool-tip motion trajectory can be calculated by:
The total arc length of the tool-tip motion spline is denoted as lt. If lsr<lt/2s indicating that most of the areas on the toolpath belong to feedrate-sensitive regions, where the maximum speed vmax can be adopted, therefore, the motion stability and efficient machining can be simultaneously ensured, and the scheduled federate-sensitive regions are satisfactory. Otherwise, if lsr>lt/2, indicating that most areas on the toolpath belong to feedrate-non-sensitive regions, where the minimum allowable speed values within the corresponding regions should be used, thus the efficiency will be low although the motion stability is permissible. Therefore, the at,max and jt,max values are optimized in this case, so as to optimize the feedrate-sensitive regions. The optimization procedure is to find tangential acceleration and jerk constraints between zero and original at,max and jt,max by using bisection method, so as to make the total arc length of sensitive regions lsr happens to be half of the arc length of the whole toolpath lt, i.e. lsr=lt/2. Finally the parameter set of the obtained feedrate-sensitive regions is expressed as {[us,k, ue,k]}, k=1,2, . . . , Nsr.
Step Three: Calculation of the allowable speed of each feedrate-sensitive region
First, determine the initial constant speed of each feedrate-sensitive region according to axial drive constraints. In order to make a balance between motion stability and efficiency, constant speed is scheduled inside each feedrate-sensitive region, and in this circumstance, the tangential acceleration {umlaut over (s)} and jerk are all zeros. According to Eq. (4), the initial constant speed value {dot over (S)}o,k for kth feedrate-sensitive region can be derived as:
where min( ) means the minimum function.
Then, update the speed values of feedrate-sensitive regions with tangential acceleration and jerk constraints in S-shape acceleration/deceleration mode. When the tangential acceleration and jerk constraints are at,max and jt,max, respectively, the required displacement Sreq ({dot over (S)}start, {dot over (S)}end) from starting velocity {dot over (S)}start to ending velocity {dot over (S)}end in S-shape acceleration/deceleration mode is calculated by:
where the maximum acceleration amax=jt,maxt1, increase acceleration/deceleration time t1, constant acceleration/deceleration time t2 and decrease acceleration/deceleration time t3are calculated as:
The feedrate-sensitive region speed value {dot over (S)}o,k is updated by bi-directional scanning, and the detail procedure is given below.
At first, backward scanning from k=Nsr to k=1 for scheduling of the deceleration procedure speed. The procedure is:
1) Let k=Nsr;
2) When k=Nsr, determine whether ne,k=Ndis satisfied or not, and if ne,k=N d, goto step 3 ; else goto step 5). On contrary, when k≠Nsr, goto step 6).
3) In this case, the ending region of the toolpath belongs to the feedrate-sensitive region. Calculate the required displacement Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, 0) of deceleration process from {dot over (S)}o,k to 0 using Eq. (8), and the arc length of this sensitive region which is denoted as lk:
k=δd·(ne,k-ns,k) (10)
If Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, 0)≤lk/2, goto step 4); else, find a speed value {dot over (S)}B,k to meet Sreq ({dot over (S)}B,k0)=lk/2 using dichotomy method between {dot over (s)}o,k and 0. Update {dot over (S)}o,k by letting {dot over (S)}o,k={dot over (S)}B,k, and recalculate Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, 0), then goto step 4).
4) When the ending region of the toolpath belongs to the feedrate-sensitive region, the final deceleration process must be executed within the sensitive region. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether the axial drive constraints are exceeded when performing deceleration within the last sensitive region. To this end, the number of discretized points of the final deceleration, denoted as nf, is first computed by
where int( ) means round down. According to the relationship between displacement and tangential velocity, acceleration and jerk during S-shape acceleration/deceleration process, reversely solve the discretized-point speed {dot over (S)}f,j, tangential acceleration {umlaut over (s)}f,j, and tangential jerk (j ∈ {nd-nf, . . . , nd}), within the deceleration process of Nsr-th federate-sensitive region. Then solve the request axial speed {dot over (q)}f,j, the axial acceleration {umlaut over (q)}f,j, and the axial jerk f,j (j ∈ {nd-nf, . . . , nd}) within the deceleration process of Nsr-th federate-sensitive region by substituting {dot over (S)}f,j, {umlaut over (S)}f,j, and to Eq. (4). Finally, calculate the minimum ratio Kf between the axial drive limitations and the request axial drive parameters in the final deceleration process by
By comparing Kf and 1, determine a tuning ratio for the tangential speed, acceleration, and jerk in the deceleration process of Nsr-th federate-sensitive region, denoted as Kf,t, by the following equation:
f,t=min(Kf, 1) (13)
Let the tangential acceleration constraint of the deceleration process of Nsr-th federate-sensitive region af,max=Kf,t2·qi,max, and the tangential jerk constraint of the deceleration process of Nsr-th federate-sensitive region jf,max=Kf,t3·jt,max. Then update the allowable speed value corresponding to Nsr-th feedrate-sensitive region by letting {dot over (S)}o,k=Kf,t·{dot over (S)}o,k.
5) When k=Nsr and ne,k≠Nd, which indicating that there exists feedrate-non-sensitive region between the final point on the toolpath and the last sensitive region, schedule a deceleration process within this non-sensitive region. Calculate the required displacement Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, 0) of deceleration process from {dot over (S)}o,k to 0 using Eq. (8), and the arc length lf of this final non-sensitive region by
f=δd·(Nd-ne,k) (14)
If Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, 0)>lr,k, find a speed value {dot over (S)}B,k, to meet Sreq ({dot over (S)}B,k, 0)=lr,k using dichotomy method between 0 and {dot over (S)}o,k. Then, update the allowable speed value {dot over (S)}o,k of this feedrate-sensitive region by letting {dot over (S)}o,k={dot over (S)}B,k and goto step 7).
6) Evaluate whether it is a deceleration procedure. If {dot over (S)}o,k≤{dot over (S)}o,k+1 which indicates it is an acceleration process, goto step 7); else, calculate the required displacement Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, {dot over (S)}o,k+1) of deceleration process from {dot over (S)}o,k to, and the arc length of the kth feedrate-non-sensitive region lr,k:
r,k=δd·(ns,k+1-ne,k) (15)
When Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, {dot over (S)}o,k+1)>lr,k+1, find a speed value {dot over (S)}B,k to meet Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, {dot over (S)}o,k+1)=lr,k+1 using dichotomy method between 0 and {dot over (S)}o,k. Then, update the allowable feedrate value {dot over (S)}o,k of this sensitive region by letting{dot over (S)}o,k={dot over (S)}B,k and goto step 7).
7) If k=1, end the backward scanning; else, let k=k-1 and goto step 2).
Then, forward scanning from k=1 to k=Ksr for scheduling of the feedrate-sensitive region speed values of the acceleration procedure.
1) Let k=1.
2) When k=1 determine whether ns,k=1 is satisfied. If it is satisfied, goto step 3); else goto step 5). On contrary, when k≠1, goto step 6).
3) In this case, the starting region of the toolpath belongs to the feedrate-sensitive region. Calculate the required displacement Sreq (0, {dot over (S)}o,k) of the acceleration process from 0 to {dot over (S)}o,k using Eq. (8), and the arc length of this sensitive region which is denoted as lk using Eq. (10),
If Sreq (0, {dot over (S)}o,k)≤lk/2, goto step 4); else, find a speed value {dot over (S)}F,k to meet Sreq ({dot over (S)}F,k, 0)=lk/2 using dichotomy method between 0 and {dot over (S)}o,k. Then, update the allowable speed value {dot over (S)}o,k of this feedrate-sensitive region by letting {dot over (S)}o,k={dot over (S)}F,k and recalculate Sreq (0, {dot over (S)}o,k) after that, goto step 4).
4) When the starting region of the toolpath belongs to the feedrate-sensitive region, the initial acceleration process must be executed within the sensitive region. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether the axial drive constraints are exceeded when performing acceleration within the first sensitive region. Calculate the number of discretized points of the initial acceleration process, denoted as nb, by
According to the relationship between displacement and tangential speed, acceleration, and jerk of the S-shape acceleration/deceleration mode, reversely solve the tool-tip speed {dot over (S)}b,j, the tangential acceleration {umlaut over (S)}b,j, and the tangential jerk (j ∈ {1, . . . , nb}) within the acceleration process in the first feedrate-sensitive region. Then solve the request axial speed {dot over (q)}b,j, the axial acceleration {umlaut over (q)}b,j, and the axial jerk (j ∈ {1, . . . , nb})at each discretized point within the acceleration process of the first feedrate-sensitive region by substituting {dot over (S)}b,j, {umlaut over (S)}b,j, and to Eq. (4). Finally, calculate the minimum ratio Kb between the axial drive limitations and the request axial drive parameters by
By comparing Kb and 1, determine a tuning ratio for the tangential speed, acceleration, and jerk in the acceleration process of the first federate-sensitive region, denoted as Kb,t by the following equation:
b,t=min(Kb, 1) (18)
Let the tangential acceleration constraint of the acceleration process in the first federate-sensitive region ab,max=Kb,l2·ab,max, and the tangential jerk constraint of the deceleration process in the first federate-sensitive region jb,max=Kb,t3·jmax. Then update the allowable speed value corresponding to the first feedrate-sensitive region by letting {dot over (S)}o,k=Kb,t·{dot over (S)}o,k.
5) When k=1 and ns,k≠1 which indicating that there exists feedrate-non-sensitive region between the start point on the toolpath and the first sensitive region, schedule an acceleration process within this non-sensitive region. Calculate the required displacement Sreq (0, {dot over (S)}o,k) of the acceleration process from 0 to {dot over (S)}o,k using Eq. (8), and the arc length lr,k of this first non-sensitive region by Eq, (15).
If sreq (0, {dot over (S)}o,k)>lr,k, find a speed value {dot over (S)}F,k to meet Sreq (0, {dot over (S)}o,k)=lr,k using dichotomy method between 0 and {dot over (S)}o,k. Then, update the allowable speed value {dot over (S)}o,k of this feedrate-sensitive region by letting {dot over (S)}o,k={dot over (S)}F,k and goto step 7).
6) Evaluate whether it is an acceleration procedure. If {dot over (S)}o,k≥{dot over (S)}o,k+1 is satisfied, indicating that it is an deceleration procedure, goto step 7); else, calculate the required displacement Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, {dot over (S)}o,k+1) of the acceleration process from {dot over (S)}o,k to {dot over (S)}o,k+1, and the arc length lr,k of the k-th non-sensitive region.
If Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, {dot over (S)}o,k+1)>lr,k, find a speed value {dot over (S)}F,k to meet Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, {dot over (S)}o,k+1)=lr,k using dichotomy method between 0 and {dot over (S)}o,k. Then, update the allowable speed value {dot over (S)}o,k of this feedrate-sensitive region by letting {dot over (S)}o,k={dot over (S)}F,k and goto step 7).
7) If k=Nsr−1, goto step 8); Else, let k=k+1 and goto step 2).
8) When ne,k=Nd and Kf,t<1, judge whether the allowable speed {dot over (S)}o,k corresponding to Nsr-th feedrate-sensitive region is updated by acceleration-procedure speed scheduling or not. If yes, calculate the ratio Kba between the speed value after and before updating, and let Kf,t=Kba·Kf,t. Then update the tangential acceleration constraint of the deceleration process in Nsr-th feedrate-sensitive region by af,max=Kf,t2·at,max, and the tangential jerk constraint of the deceleration process in Nsr-th feedrate-sensitive region by jf,max=Kf,t3·jt,max. Thus, end the bi-directional scanning.
After above backward scanning speed scheduling for deceleration procedure and forward scanning speed scheduling for acceleration procedure, the final obtained {dot over (S)}o,k is thus the final axial-drive-constraint limited speed value corresponding to k-th feedrate-sensitive region.
Step Four: Calculation of the acceleration/deceleration-start-point parameters and their corresponding speed values
First, determine whether the arc length lr,k of the non-sensitive region is long enough for acceleration from the allowable speed {dot over (S)}o,k of the k-th sensitive region to the programmed maximum tool-tip motion speed vmax and then deceleration to the allowable speed {dot over (S)}o,k+1 of the (k+1)-th sensitive region. Videlicet judge if the inequation (19) is satisfied.
r,k>Sreq ({dot over (S)}o,k, vmax)+Sreq (vmax, {dot over (S)}o,k+1) (19)
Once Eq. (19) can be satisfied, perform acceleration from {dot over (S)}o,k to vmax and deceleration from vmax to {dot over (s)}o,k+1 processes between the kth and (k+1)th sensitive regions in sequence. The acceleration-start-point parameter is ue,k, and the corresponding feedrate is {dot over (S)}o,k. In addition, the deceleration-start-point parameter udc is computed as
The feedrate corresponding to the deceleration-start point is vmax.
On contrary, if Eq. (19) cannot be satisfied, perform acceleration or deceleration merely between the kth and (k+1)th sensitive regions in order to keep a smooth and stable tool-tip motion. If {dot over (S)}o,k<{dot over (S)}o,k+1 execute the acceleration process. The acceleration-start-point parameter is ue,k and the corresponding feedrate is {dot over (S)}o,k. If {dot over (S)}o,k>{dot over (S)}o,k+1, execute the deceleration process. The deceleration-start-point parameter udc is calculated using the following equation.
The feedrate corresponding to this deceleration-start point is {dot over (S)}o,k
After above computation, denote the total amount of the obtained acceleration/deceleration-start points as n and the set consisted by the acceleration/deceleration-start-point parameters and the corresponding feedrates as {uri, vui}, i=1,2, . . . , n, where uri is the i-th acceleration/deceleration-start-point parameter, and vui is the i-th acceleration/deceleration-start-point speed.
Step Five: Real-time calculation of interpolation-point parameter and feedrate
In real-time interpolation, judge which one of the parameter range [uri, uri+1] that the current interpolation-point parameter uj lays in, and then calculate t1, t2, and t3:
where when i=1, at,m=ab,max and jt,m=jb,max; when i=n, at,m=af,max and jt,m=jf,max; otherwise, at,m=at,max and jt,m=jt,max.
When the elapsed time after the interpolation-point parameter passes into the current range t is smaller than t1+t2+t3, the feedrate vj for current interpolation point is:
where am=jf,max·t1. Otherwise, when t≥t1+t2+t3, the current point feedrate vj=vui+1. Calculate the next interpolation-point parameter uj+1 according to the second-order Taylor's expansion method as:
where T is the interpolation period. Judge whether the ending point of the curve is reached, and if yes, end the interpolation; else, let j=j+1 and back to the beginning of Step Five. Hence, the feedrate scheduling with axial drive constraints for five-axis dual-spline interpolation can be realized.
The beneficial effects of the invented method are summarized below. This method is a feedrate-scheduling method with axial drive constraints for five-axis dual-spline interpolation, so that a smooth feedrate profile for the tool-tip motion can be fast generated according to axial velocity, acceleration, and jerk constraints. This method provide constant speed at feedrate-sensitive regions, so that not only overall iteration is of no need, but also motion stability and efficiency can be harmonized with a high computation efficiency. This method can effectively balance the machining quality and efficiency in five-axis machining, and the computation burden is relatively low, which means a preferable real-time capability.
The specific implementation procedure of the invention is described in detail with an example in combination with the technical scheme and attached figures.
During five-axis dual-spline interpolation, the feedrate scheduling is a tough challenge due to the nonlinear relationship between tool-tip and tool-orientation motions and the joint-axis motion. To deal with this problem thus realizing high-efficiency feedrate scheduling and improving the five-axis machining quality, this invention provides a feedrate-scheduling method for five-axis dual-spline interpolator.
Order: 2;
Control points: {(0, 0, 0), (5, −5, −2), (10, 0, 0), (0, 20, 2), (10, 30, 5), (30, 30, 5), (40, 20 2), (30, 0, 0), (35, −5, −2), (40, 0, 0)};
Weights: {1; 0.5; 2; 1; 2; 2; 1; 2; 0.5; 1};
Knot vector: {0, 0, 0, ⅛, 2/8, ⅜, 4/8, ⅝, 6/8, ⅞, 1, 1, 1}.
In addition, the order, weights and knot vector of the curve 2 are the same with those of curve 1, and the control points of the curve 2 are {(0, 0, 2), (5, −6, 0), (10, 0, 2), (−5, 20, 4), (10, 33, 7), (30, 33, 7), (45, 20, 4), (30, 0, 2), (35, −6, 0), (40, 0, 2)}.
Schedule the five-axis dual-spline interpolation feedrate according to the procedure shown in
First, establish the relationship between axial motion and tool-tip motion. Discretize the curve 1 shown in
Second, determine the feedrate-sensitive regions, Calculate the relation between axial velocity acceleration, and jerk vectors {dot over (q)}, {umlaut over (q)}, and and qs, qss, and qsss according to Eq. (4). Set the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis velocity constraints as 300 mm/s, the acceleration constraints as 1000 mm/s2, and the jerk constraints as 20000mm/s3. Additionally, set the A-axis and C-axis velocity constraints as 30 rad/s, the acceleration constraints as 100 rad/s2, and the jerk constraints as 2000 rad/s3. The constraints are summarized as {dot over (q)}max =[300, 300, 300, 30, 30]T, {umlaut over (q)}max =[1000, 1000, 1000, 100, 100]T, and =[20000, 20000, 20000, 2000, 2000]T. Set the reference tool-tip speed as vmax=30 mm/s. Calculate the parameter sets of the feedrate-sensitive regions coupled with the tangential drive constraints at,max and jt,max according to the axial drive constraints.
Third, calculate the allowable feed speed of each feedrate-sensitive region. The initial sensitive-region speed value {dot over (S)}o is calculated using Eq. (7) according to axial drive constraints. The final sensitive-region speed values are then obtained by bi-directional scanning updating of the {dot over (S)}o according to the tangential acceleration and jerk constraints. At the same time, compute the acceleration limitation ab,max of the initial acceleration procedure, the jerk limitation jb,max of the initial acceleration procedure, the acceleration limitation af,max of the final deceleration procedure, and the jerk limitation jf,max of the final deceleration procedure.
Fourth, calculation of the acceleration/deceleration-start-point parameters and the corresponding speed values. According to the instruction of “Step Four” in the contents of invention, compute the set of acceleration/deceleration-start-point parameters and their corresponding speed values, i.e. {uri, uri}, i=1,2, . . . , n.
Fifth, calculation of the interpolation-point feedrate and parameter. Judge the parameter range that the current interpolation point belongs to, and then calculate the current point feedrate according to the instruction of “Step Four” in the contents of invention. Thus calculate the next-point parameter according to Eq. (24). Judge whether the end of the curve is reached, and if it is not reached, return to calculate the next-point feedrate, otherwise end the algorithm if it is reached.
To sum up, the scheduled five-axis dual-spline interpolation feedrate can keep constant in most regions of the whole spline, and all of the axial drive constraints can be effectively satisfied. The invented feedrate scheduling method with constant speed at feedrate-sensitive regions under axial drive constraints can make a balance between the motion stability and efficiency during five-axis machining, thus improving the performance of the five-axis numerical control machine tools.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
201710809848.2 | Sep 2017 | CN | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/CN2018/071689 | 1/7/2018 | WO | 00 |