A Ground Station for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

The invention relates to a ground station for a UAV comprising a housing for accommodating a system on chip (SOC) circuit including a control processor for executing software to wirelessly control functions of the UAV, a first screen, and a second screen, wherein one or both screens are controlled directly by the SOC control processor. The housing may comprise a clam shell housing comprising a first housing member for accommodating the control processor and a second housing member movable relative to the first housing member between a first closed position overlaying said first housing member and a second open position. The arrangement is such that the first housing member has mounted thereon the first screen and the second housing member has mounted thereon the second screen such that both screens are viewable by a user when the second housing member is in its open position.

The invention relates to a ground station for wirelessly controlling operation of a small-sized UAV such as, but not limited to, a drone or a multi-copter.


A multi-rotor or multi-copter, often referred to as a ‘drone’, is a rotorcraft normally with more than two rotors. An advantage of a multi-copter aircraft is the simpler rotor mechanics required for flight control. Unlike single- and double-rotor helicopters which use complex variable pitch rotors whose pitch varies as the blade rotates for flight stability and control, multi-copters typically use fixed-pitch blades. Consequently, control of vehicle motion is achieved by varying the relative speed of each rotor to change the thrust and torque produced by each rotor.

Conventionally available UAVs such as multi-copters or the like typically use a hand held device commonly referred to as a ‘ground station’ to remotely control the multi-copter via a wireless link or connection. Each of the ground station and the multi-copter are provisioned with suitable wireless transceivers for sending and receiving wireless signals including flight control signals, telemetry signals and the like. Many of such conventionally available multi-copters are controlled in flight through a first person view (FPV) image received from a camera on the multi-copter and viewed via a screen associated with the ground station. It is common for the screen used to not comprise an integral component of the ground station, but to comprise a generic electronic device such as a smart phone, phablet or tablet computer mounted on a bracket provided by the ground station. Communication between the ground station and generic electronic device mounted thereon is typically via a short range wireless connection such as a BlueTooth™ wireless connection, but more usually via a WiFi™ wireless connection, although a physical cable such as a Lightning™ connector as provided by Apple™ Inc. may be employed where the generic electronic device is an Apple™ Inc. product such as an Iphone™ or an Ipad™.

With a typical multi-copter ground station set-up, a live video image scene captured by the multi-copter camera is transmitted wirelessly from the multi-copter to the ground station. At the ground station, the received video image signal must be processed and retransmitted over the short range wireless connection or proprietary physical cable connection to the generic electronic device acting as the FPV screen for the ground station. This arrangement also requires that the generic electronic device has suitable software downloaded thereto, prior to use as a ground station screen, to enable it to function as an FPV screen.

A number or problems are encountered with the use of a generic electronic device as a FPV screen for a UAV ground station. One such problem encountered with the typical arrangement is a relatively high latency in video image signal processing which is undesirable. This occurs for a number of reasons, not least that the received digital video image signal processed at the ground station needs to be retransmitted wirelessly from the ground station to the generic electronic device or reformatted to be retransmitted over a proprietary physical cable connected between the ground station and generic electronic device. Furthermore, the generic electronic device is not optimized to function as a FPV screen for a UAV ground station which may also increase the level of latency between what a user sees in the FPV image and what the camera of the UAV is viewing. The greater the amount of latency, the less easy it is to control the UAV and the poorer the user experience of controlling flight of the UAV and gathering images.

Another problem encountered with the typical arrangement as afore-described is that it is not uncommon for the generic electronic device to become dislodged from the bracket of the ground station. Dislodgement of the generic electronic device from the bracket not only distracts the user from exercising flight control over the UAV, but the loss of the FPV image from view may compromise flight control. This can become a critical issue where the UAV is being controlled to fly near to obstacles such as buildings or past trees, etc.

A further problem with the typical arrangement is that, whilst many generic electronic devices are enabled to output high definition (HD) video images such as HDMI images, they are often not provisioned with any input to receive a digital HD video image. Consequently, the route by which a digital HD video image is conveyed from the UAV to the generic electronic device is one which is not optimized from a signal latency point of view.

Also in the typical arrangement, the generic electronic device is required to provide some other functions for the ground station such as provision of a map which requires the generic mobile device to execute a map application and exchange map signals and data with the ground station over the short range wireless connection or proprietary cable. This again involves undesirable latency in system signal transmission.

For UAV ground stations using a generic electronic device such as a mobile phone, mounted on a bracket provided by the ground station, it is usual for the user to install a mobile application (‘app’) on the mobile phone and to connect the mobile phone with the UAV ground station through a Wi-Fi™ or Bluetooth™ connection. Therefore, there are two separate devices for controlling flight of the UAV. In other known arrangements, the ground station for a UAV may be fitted with a single screen. Normally, the single screen can only either display the view of the UAV on-board camera or display the setting of the UAV. This makes for a complex flying experience for some users where they experience difficulty in making adjustments to the UAV's settings whilst attempting to watch the on-board camera view at the same time. In yet other arrangements, a mobile phone or similar device may be also used as the joystick controllers for the UAV. Again, the user must install one or more suitable apps onto the mobile phone to provide virtual joysticks and buttons for controlling the UAV. In this arrangement, the on-board view is shown on the mobile phone's screen while overlapping with virtual joysticks and buttons for controlling the UAV. In yet another arrangement, the user is required to wear external goggles to receive the UAV on-board camera view while holding the joystick controller. This can result in an uncomfortable flying experience for the user since the user's view of the joystick controller is blocked. Even where the goggles allow the user to switch to real-life view, it is not possible have both the UAV on-board camera view and the real-life view at the same time.

Consequently, in the typical UAV ground station arrangement as afore-described, the data transfer paths, signal conversion processes, wireless communication pathways, application processing, and displaying processed image data on the screen of the generic electronic device or goggles associated with the ground station leads to high system latency which diminishes the quality of the user's experience in operating the UAV.


An object of the present invention is to provide an improved ground station for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) such as a drone, multi-copter or other type of small-sized UAV including some fixed wing UAVs.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a ground station for a UAV such as a multi-copter for an improved user experience.

A further object of the present invention is to mitigate or obviate to some degree one or more problems associated with known ground stations for UAVs, or at least to provide a useful alternative.

The above objects are met by the combination of features of the main claim; the sub-claims disclose further advantageous embodiments of the invention.

One skilled in the art will derive from the following description other objects of the invention. Therefore, the foregoing statements of object are not exhaustive and serve merely to illustrate some of the many objects of the present invention.


In a first main aspect, the invention provides a ground station for a UAV, for example, a drone or a multi-copter, comprising: a housing for accommodating a system on chip (SOC) circuit including a control processor for executing software to wirelessly control functions of a UAV; a first screen; and a second screen; wherein one or both screens are controlled directly by the SOC control processor.

In a second main aspect, the invention provides a ground station for a UAV comprising: a clam shell housing comprising a first housing member for accommodating a control processor and a second housing member movable relative to the first housing member between a first closed position overlaying said first housing member and a second open position, the arrangement being such that the first housing member has mounted thereon a first screen and the second housing member has mounted thereon a second screen such that both screens are viewable by a user when the second housing member is in its open position, and wherein both screens are controlled directly by the control processor.

In a third main aspect, the invention provides a ground station for a UAV comprising: a radio frequency module configured to wirelessly receive a high definition (HD) image signal from a camera of a UAV output in a digital format; an image signal processing module for converting said received digital format HD image signal to a MIPI signal; a processor for outputting said MIPI signal to one or both of a first ground station screen and a second ground station screen over a non-wireless connection.

In a fourth main aspect, the invention provides a UAV system comprising: a UAV; and a ground station according to any one of the preceding aspects of the invention.

In a fifth main aspect of the invention, there is provided a non-transitory computer readable medium storing program instructions which when executed by a processor cause a ground station for a UAV to operate in accordance with the present invention.

In a sixth main aspect of the invention, there is provided a system on chip (SOC) circuit including a control processor for executing software to wirelessly control functions of a UAV, for example, a multi-copter; system on chip (SOC) circuit having one or more outputs for outputting signals to a first screen and a second screen; wherein one or both screens are controlled directly by the SOC control processor.

The summary of the invention does not necessarily disclose all the features essential for defining the invention; the invention may reside in a sub-combination of the disclosed features.


The foregoing and further features of the present invention will be apparent from the following description of preferred embodiments which are provided by way of example only in connection with the accompanying figure, of which:

FIG. 1 perspective view of an embodiment of a ground station according to the invention with a second housing member showing in its open position relative to a first, main housing member;

FIG. 2 is a front of the ground station of FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a side view of the ground station of FIG. 1;

FIG. 4 is a top view of the ground station of FIG. 1;

FIG. 5 is another perspective view of the ground station of FIG. 1 showing preferred uses of the first and second screens;

FIG. 6 shows a user's (pilot's) view of the ground station and a UAV being controlled by a user using the ground station;

FIG. 7 is a section of a block diagram of a system on chip (SOC) circuit for the ground station of FIG. 1 showing the path of the FPV video signal through the system;

FIG. 8 is a section of a block diagram of another embodiment of a system on chip (SOC) circuit for the ground station of FIG. 1;

FIG. 9 shows a preferred architecture for the ground station of FIG. 1; and

FIG. 10 shows a flowchart of the map preloading function for the ground station of FIG. 1.


The following description is of preferred embodiments by way of example only and without limitation to the combination of features necessary for carrying the invention into effect.

Reference in this specification to “one embodiment” or “an embodiment” means that a particular feature, structure, or characteristic described in connection with the embodiment is included in at least one embodiment of the invention. The appearances of the phrase “in one embodiment” in various places in the specification are not necessarily all referring to the same embodiment, nor are separate or alternative embodiments mutually exclusive of other embodiments. Moreover, various features are described which may be exhibited by some embodiments and not by others. Similarly, various requirements are described which may be requirements for some embodiments but not other embodiments.

Referring to the drawings, provided is an embodiment of a ground station 10 for a multi-copter. In the following description, embodiments of a multi-copter are described by way of example of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), particularly a small-sized UAV having a weight up to about 40 kg, although this is not a limiting weight size. The ground station 10 comprises a housing 20. In preferred embodiments, the housing 20 may be in two parts and may comprise a clam shell housing having a first housing member 20A and a second housing member 20B. The second housing member 20B is preferably movable relative to the first housing member 20A between a first closed position overlaying said first housing member 20A and a second open position as seen in the drawings.

The second housing member 20B is preferably pivotally mounted on said first housing member 20A. The open position as shown in the drawings is the fully open position, but the second housing member 20B may be opened to any position between its closed and open positions as required by a user. A pivot connection 30 between the first and second housing members 20A, 20B may provide sufficient friction between the housing members to enable the second housing member 20B to hold its position when opened to any position between its closed and opened positions, although it will be understood that any suitable mechanism to effect opening of the second housing member 20B to any position between its closed and open positions may be utilised.

The ground station 10 preferably includes a first screen 40 mounted on the first housing member 20A and a second screen 50 mounted on the second housing member 20B. The arrangement is such that both screens 40, 50 are viewable by a user at least when the second housing member 20B is in its fully open position or near its fully open position.

In the preferred embodiment as shown in the drawings, it can be seen that the second screen 50 is preferably larger in size than the first screen 40. It is also preferred that the first screen 40 has a higher screen resolution than the second screen 50. It is also preferred that the second screen 50 is arranged in a landscape orientation relative to a normal viewing direction and that the first screen 40 is preferably arranged in a portrait orientation relative to a normal viewing direction such that, when the first and second screens 40, 50 are viewed in a normal operation configuration of the ground station 10 they comprise a generally ‘T’ shaped screen arrangement as seen in the drawings.

As seen in FIG. 4, a central axis Y-Y of the first screen 40 is preferably aligned with a central axis X-X of the second screen 50 and the second screen 50 is preferably arranged above the first screen 40 as shown, when viewed from a normal viewing direction.

As better seen in FIG. 5, in use, it is preferred that the second screen 50 is controlled to display a video image received from a camera on the multi-copter and that preferably this comprises a FPV video image 60 to assist a user in controlling flight of the multi-copter. By placing the second screen 50 above the first screen 40 relative to a normal viewing direction has at least the advantage that this reduces the amount by which the user of the ground station 10 must tilt their head upwardly or downwardly when switching from directly viewing the multi-copter in flight to viewing the FPV image 60 on the second screen 50. Furthermore, by arranging the second screen 50 in a landscape orientation with respect to a normal viewing direction enhances the user's ability to exercise flight control using the wide aspect ratio FPV image 60. It will be understood, however, that the functions of the first and second screens 40, 50 may be reversible.

Also as better seen in FIG. 5, it is preferred to use the first screen 40 to display at least a map 70 of a region surrounding or at least forward of the ground station 10 identifying the location of the multi-copter in flight as well as geographical features in the map view 70. In some embodiments, the map view 70 provided on the first screen 40 enables the user to control flight of the multi-copter when it is out of sight or nearly out of sight, i.e. it is at a distance from the user where it is not easily visually distinguishable, e.g. more than about 200 m to 300 m or so away. The map view magnification may be varied by a user. The first screen 40 may be provisioned as a touch sensitive screen to receive user inputs to control magnification of the map view as well as other user inputs.

At least one advantage of arranging the first screen 40 in a portrait orientation is that it enhances the scope or scale of the map view 70 in a forward direction of the ground station 10. Typically, a user controlling flight of a multi-copter using a ground station tends to point the ground station in the general direction of the multi-copter in flight and to also face in such direction. The map view 70 shown on the first screen 40 is preferably not a fixed map view, but is arranged to adjust orientation in response to a detected orientation of the ground station 10. Consequently, there is an unexpected benefit in having the first screen 40 arranged in a portrait orientation in that, based on typical or expected user behaviour in operating the ground station 10, said screen 40 will show a greater extent of the map view 70 in a direction generally in line with a flight direction F of the multi-copter than in a direction Z orthogonal to said flight direction F. It will be understood that the reference to flight direction F is not a reference to an absolute geographical flight direction of the multi-copter, but is a reference to its flight direction relative to the ground station 10 at a point in time when a user holds the ground station 10 pointing generally in the direction of the multi-copter in flight.

In addition to a map view 70, the first screen 40 may be configured to display any of user control icons, multi-copter settings, and multi-copter sensor readings. These further display features may be displayed in an overlay on the map view 70 or in a separate section of the first screen 40.

The second screen 50 may also be provisioned as a touch sensitive screen configured to receive user touch inputs. The second screen 50 may be configured to display any of user control icons, multi-copter settings, multi-copter sensor readings, and a different magnification map view optionally higher than shown on the first screen 40. The second screen 50 may be configured to display any of soft buttons, indicators, graphics and text. The optionally alternative magnification map view may comprise a portion of the map view 70 shown on the first screen 40. These further display features may be displayed in an overlay on the FPV image view 60 or in a separate section of the second screen 50.

In one embodiment, a plane in which a viewing surface of the second screen 50 lies makes an angle in the range of 110 degrees to 170 degrees relative to a plane in which a viewing surface of the first screen 40 lies when the second housing member 20B is in its fully open position relative to the first housing member 20A. In another embodiment, the angle lies in the range of 125 degrees to 145 degrees or in the range of 130 degrees to 140 degrees. It is preferred, however, that the angle is about 135 degrees as this is considered to provide the best ergonomic experience for a user of the ground station 10 when switching between viewing the first or second screens 40, 50 or viewing the multi-copter in flight.

In a preferred embodiment, the first screen 40 is about 12.5 cm in size in its diagonal dimension. One further advantage of arranging the first screen 40 in a portrait orientation is that it allows the ground station width to be reduced while still providing a relatively large screen on the first housing member 20A and whilst still providing room for control joysticks 100A, 100B on either side of the first screen 40.

The control joysticks 100A, 100B are recessed in the first housing member 20A such that, when the second housing member 20B is in its closed position, the tops of the joysticks 100A, 100B do not impede closing of the ground station yet maintaining a relatively compact profile.

In a preferred embodiment, the second screen is about 17.5 cm in size in its diagonal dimension.

In a preferred embodiment, the second screen 50 has an aspect ratio the same or closely related to an aspect ratio of a first person view (FPV) image view 60 processed from the image signal wirelessly received from a camera on the multi-copter.

Referring again to FIGS. 1 to 5, the first housing member 20A of the ground station 10 comprises the first control joystick (left joystick) 100A which controls the UAV's throttle and yaw directions, and the second control joystick (right joystick) 100B which controls the UAVs' pitch and roll directions. The first display screen 40 is positioned between the left and right joysticks 100A, 100B and displays UAV flying data and the ground station's settings to the pilot. While the pilot is flying the UAV, the user can have a quick glance at the first screen 40 to check flying control parameters or to modify these parameters whilst keeping the UAV in sight and also whilst viewing the FPV on the second screen 50.

The invention provides a better User Interface (UI) on a single device (ground station) compared to known arrangements. The two display screens 40, 50 work synchronously where the display of FPV and flight controller interface are shown separately, i.e. on separate screens, but integrally provided in a single integrated ground station device.

As shown in the drawings, the first screen 40 is positioned between the left joystick 100A and the right joystick 100B and functions as a UI display. The UI provided by the operating system (OS) enables a pilot to control the UAV through touch on the first and/or second screens 40, 50.

The left and tight joysticks 100A, 100B together with the portrait orientation of the first screen 40 enables a pilot to access the UI on the first screen 40 using his thumbs. Consequently, the pilot is able to easily and ergonomically switch their thumbs from the controller joysticks 100A, 100B to the first touchscreen 40.

As already described, the second screen 50 is preferably a display monitor functioning as display screen only without any input button or touchscreen function, although these may be provided in some embodiments. The first screen is preferably arranged to display information such as the FPV from the UAV camera as well as a map of the flying area and any UAV alerts, for example. FIG. 6 shows a user's (pilot's) view of the ground station 10 and a UAV 200 being controlled by a user 210 using the ground station 10. It will be seen that the user 210 has a clear view of both the first and second screens 40, 50 as well as the UAV 200 in flight. More specifically, the pilot 210 is able to maintain the angle of view 220 represented by dotted lines 25 in FIG. 6, where the UAV 200, the second screen 50 and the first screen 40 can be viewed in the same general viewing direction, i.e. viewed in line towards the UAV 200 in flight.

The ground station 10 is provided with one or more antennas 80 installed in a suitable location or locations within the second housing member 20B for effecting wireless communication with the multi-copter. Preferably, as shown by dashed lines in FIG. 2, the one or more antennas 80 are mounted within the second housing member 20B such that they do not project from the housing member 20B or the ground station 10, i.e. the ground station 10 does not have external antennas. The one or more antennas 80 may be positioned adjacent and/or above the second screen 50 in a generally vertical orientation with respect to the screen. At least one advantage of positioning the one or more antennas 80 in the second housing member 20B is that this reduces the possibility of a user misaligning the one or more antennas 80, e.g. holding the ground station 10 in an orientation in use such that the one or more antennas 80 are horizontal with the ground.

The first housing member 20A is preferably arranged to house a control processor 110 which is configured to directly control both the first and second screens 40, 50 through a non-wireless connection as shown in FIG. 7. The non-wireless connection preferably comprises one or more hard wired connections 120. The control processor 110 is preferably provided on a system on chip (SOC) circuit 130 which may comprise a SOC integrated circuit and may include or have associated therewith other processors and input and output ports. The first and second screens 40, 50 are each connected to said control processor 110 on said SOC circuit 130 by one or more hard wired connections 120.

A system on a chip or system on chip (SOC) is typically an integrated circuit (IC) that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system into a single chip substrate. It may contain digital, analog, mixed-signal, and radio-frequency functions all on the single chip substrate. It may also include further processors and input/output ports on the integrated circuit or on a PCB of the integrated circuit.

The ground station 10 is configured to wirelessly receive a digital image signal from the camera on the multi-copter and the SOC circuit 130 is configured to process said received image signal to thereby display on said second screen 50 at least the FPV view 60. The ground station 10 is configured to receive a high definition (HD) digital video image from the camera and to convert said HD video image in the SOC circuit 130 to a mobile industry processor interface (MIPI) format for outputting to one or both of the first and second screens 40, 50.

Preferably, the SOC circuit 130 is configured to execute an operating system (OS) software to implement control and other functions for the ground station 10 and/or the multi-copter, where the preferred OS comprises the Android™ OS. Preferably, also, the Android™ OS software executing on the SOC circuit 130 is configured to implement generic mobile device software applications in addition to ground station and multi-copter control instructions.

More specifically, as shown by FIG. 7, the ground station 10 comprises a radio frequency receiver or transceiver 140 configured to wirelessly receive a high definition (HD) image signal from the multi-copter camera and an image signal processing module 150 for converting said received HD image signal to a MIPI signal. The control processor 110 is configured to output said MIPI signal to one or both of the first screen 40 and the second screen 50 on said hard wired connection 120. Preferably, the image signal processing module 150 and the processor 110 are both provisioned on the SOC 130, but may co-exist on the SOC circuit board/PCB.

The ground station 10 may be provided with a splitter module 160 for splitting said received HD image signal into a first HD image signal output from the splitter module 160 to the image signal processing module 150 and a second HD image signal output from the splitter module 160 to a HD user output connector 170. The splitter module 160 is preferably provisioned on the SOC 130, but may co-exist on the SOC circuit board/PCB. The radio frequency receiver or transceiver 140 may comprise a first person view (FPV) image module. The receiver part of the digital video downlink module (image module) provides a low latency video streaming function. The HD image signal is preferably a High Definition Media Interface (HDMI) signal.

The dual screens 40, 50 on the ground station 10 are controlled by the SOC 130. The use of such embedded chip in a stand-a-lone system such as the ground station 10 provides faster computing processing than with known ground station arrangements which provides better synchronization between the dual screens 40, 50. As shown in FIG. 8, the SOC 130 is preferably adapted to include two video processing chips 150A, 150B capable of processing HD video signals and streaming the video data respectively through a CSI port 111 and a HDMI-DSI port 112.

The SOC 130 may be configured to assist the dual screen ground station 10 by showing multi-alerts on both screens 40, 50. The dual screens 40, 50 can also benefit other computing functions in addition to UAV flight control by showing, for example, a photo editing menu on one screen 40 and a finished photo editing process on the other screen 50.

UAV image data are taken from the UAV's camera and transmitted to the ground station 10 through the WiFi™ system preferably using an Amimon™ module on the UAV and a similar module in the ground station 10. The format of the received images is HDMI format.

The ground station 10 is able to convey the FPV via the HDMI splitter 160 and optionally send this to an external display 180 via an HDMI output port 114/output connector 170. However, it is not possible to import the HDMI data into the Android™ OS chip 110 since this format is not supported as the video input of Android™. Consequently, it is necessary in the first video processing chip 150A to convert the HDMI video signal into a camera signal suitable for receipt by the Android™ OS by converting HDMI to CSI2, where CSI is denoted as the Camera Serial Interface (CSI). CSI is an Android™ OS standard for video input. The advantages of using Android™ OS in this stage are: firstly, this is a touchscreen OS where the pilot can access the menu with ease. Secondly, Android™ OS is open for development which lead easy programming with other components since Android™ has many programming functions available for connecting to other sensors.

One function of the SOC 130 is to display image data and/or Android™ interfaces on the two screens 40, 50. Video/image data is output to one screen 50 via the Android™ OS chip 110 MIPI-DSI port 111. The standard Android™ SOC 130 has only one MIPI-DSI port 111. Therefore, the SOC 130 is configured with the second video processing chip comprising an additional HDMI to MIPI-DSI converter chip 150B in order to use the HDMI output 115 available on the Android™ OS chip 110 to convey the video/image data to the other screen 40 on the HDMI-DSI port 112.

By providing an additional screen on top of a single screen in an Android™ OS configured device, a HDMI to DSI integrated-circuit (converter chip) 150B is configured in the SOC 130 in order to convert the Android™ HDMI output into a MIPI-DSI output where the resultant image can be displayed on one of the ground station screens 40, 50 where the other screen is connected to the ordinary MIPI-DSI output of the Android™ SOC chip 110.

FIG. 9 shows a preferred architecture for the ground station 10. The user layer or input layer 300 shows the main operations including the radio channel (RC) control 304 and user operations including app user operation 302 and joystick actuation 306.

The applications are executed at the interface layer 400 which transmits data between the user layer 300 and the physical layer 500. The interface layer primarily comprises an Android™ application program interface (API) 402 and a USB to 12C serial interface 404.

The physical or hardware layer 500 comprises the physical circuit components for enabling operation of the UAV under control of the ground station 10. The physical layer 500 includes the SOC 130 which is preferably an Android™ system-on-chip and which comprises the central processing unit of ground station 10; an Amimon™ module 502 which supports 1080 p @ 60 fps of UAV aerial images whereby images are taken from UAV's camera and transmitted to this ground station through the Amimon module 502; and a RC and telemetry module 504 which provides the user-controlled aircraft joystick input process and aircraft flight control data transmission. The physical layer 500 may include various buttons including a scroll wheel interface small board signal processing unit 506 to receive the ground station's button and scroll wheel input signals; a ‘lid board’ 508 which is used for connecting the UAV camera to the SOC 130, including the camera driver and any light sensors; and a ‘charge board’ 510 for charge management of the ground station and/or UAV batteries.

The combination of the two ground station screens 40, 50 operating synchronously with the Android™ OS upgrades the level of control over the UAV by the ground station 10. This allows the two screens 40, 50 to interact with each other to provide better flying experience. The first screen 40 runs the normal OS function. The second screen is controlled by an app rather than just showing the FPV from the 5G video WiFi™ transmission from the UAV. Consequently, a pilot can easily give instructions to access the OS, and hence to modify the FPV view and change to display another page or application. The operation of the OS is arranged such that an orientation lock is enabled which means that the running OS will not change the image orientation while the pilot moves or rotates the ground station 10 during flight operation to avoid distracting the pilot. Furthermore, it is possible to display the secondary screen 50 through an app where the actual display of the two screens 40, 50 can be split on a single screen. It is also possible to display one or both of the two screens 40, 50 using an external monitor via a Bluetooth™ or WiFi™ connection.

When the OS detects receipt of a HDMI signal, the Android™ OS presentation API switches on to enable the Android™ presentation dialog. The two screens 40, 50 each access the OS synchronously. This is possible because the Android™ OS has a secondary display development and since version 4.2 Android™ OS has opened up such developments for app developers.

The two controller joysticks 100A, 100B are capable of giving instruction to the OS in contrast to known ground stations which use game console configured joysticks.

The Android secondary display function can be enabled for splitting one or other of the screens 40, 50 in a shared screen thereby enabling more applications to be displayed to the UAV pilot when operating the ground station 10. Thus, the single UAV dual screen ground station as disclosed herein is able to display two or more applications synchronously.

Moreover, the controller joysticks 100A, 100B and buttons are able to be used to provide instructions to the OS and thus to provide additional analogue input to the ground station's menu under control of the Android™ OS.

The ground station 10 is configured to support a photo editing function taking advantage of the two integrated screens 40, 50. Image data comprising photographs can be downloaded from the UAV to enable the pilot to modify the received image data. In operation, a photo editing menu is displayed on preferably the first screen 40. A preview version of the photograph is preferably displayed on the second screen 50. Preferably, the edited version is displaying on the second screen 50 synchronously with display of the editing menu on the first screen 40. The pilot may use the photo editing options provided by the menu displayed on the first screen 40 to make edits to the photograph previewed on the second screen 50. This allows the pilot to decide whether or not to keep or to discard the edited version of the photograph displayed on the second screen 50.

Furthermore, using the photo editing function, the pilot can enlarge a part of the displayed photograph in the menu screen 40 and keep the original resolution of the picture in the display screen 50 thereby enabling the pilot to make a quick comparison between the enlarge part of the photograph and the original.

In the event that the UAV and/or ground station detect a problem or a change in operational status, the ground station 10 is configured to receive any such alert signal and display the alert to the pilot. Preferably, the alert ise displayed on both of the screens 40, 50. When there is more than one alert then the ground station 10 is configured to receive and process all such alerts in an alert list which will also be displayed on both screens 40, 50. The second screen 50 preferably displays the alert(s) at the edge of the screen keep the FPV as clear as possible. The list of alerts is preferably displayed in a list format on the first screen 40. This gives a degree of flexibility to the pilots to decide whether they react or discard the alerts, or change the priorities of the alert list. Alerts may include battery level, telemetry range near limit, weak GPS signal, etc.

The ground station may also be provided with a vibration motor to alert the pilot by way of vibration as well as with an optional sound alert.

In known ground station configurations, it is usual for the ground station to connect to a network such as the internet to download map information while the UAV is in flight. The map information is very important because it not only shows the street and building locations, but defines any “no fly zones”. Thus, it provides necessary and important information for flight path planning. However, it is not convenient to require users to connect to the internet during flight. The ground station 10 of the invention if therefore configured with a map preloading function to download sufficient map information before the flight.

A common UAV application is autonomously flying through a desired way point or points. Detailed street map data provides the street and building location information. This information is necessary for the pilot to design the required way points on a flight path. Moreover, ‘no fly zones’ comprise increasingly important map information for the pilot to take into account. A no fly zone defines an area in which it is not permitted to fly a UAV according to, for example, airspace regulations. These areas are usually near important installations such as airports, but may include residential area. Flying in these areas may cause potential harm to other airspace users, such as commercial or private aircraft. In addition, the military of each country also defines area in which it is not permitted to fly UAVs for national security reasons, among others.

In many known ground station configurations, the ground stations utilize smart phones or the like to display the UAV camera view and the location information of the UAV. Hence, the map information is downloaded to the smart phone from the internet in real time. If the internet is not available during flight, the map information cannot be accessed.

In the present application, the ground station is configured to preload map information when the internet is available to avoid the UAV flying without map information. Hence, the UAV is capable of flying with sufficient map information even in the absence of an internet connection.

The map preloading function of preferably utilizes both screens 40, 50 of the ground station 10. On the first screen 40, there is displayed an area that the user is interested to download some map information for. The top screen preferably simultaneously displays a zoomed out view around the area of interest. Thus, the user has a broad view around the area which will is preferred to be downloaded. By choosing the interested area, the map information size can also be minimized. Thus, there is no excess of internal memory used on the region that the user is not interested in.

FIG. 10 shows a flowchart of the map preloading function 600. In a first step 610, the map preloading function 600 is initialized. In a second optional step 620, previously preloaded map information records are recovered and in a further optional step 630 these are displayed. The optional steps 620 and 630 enable a pilot to select a previously downloaded map information record for reuse in which case the map preloading function 600 may terminate. The previously preloaded map information record may be recovered from the ground station 10 itself or from a server. In the event that there is no previously downloaded map information record which is required by the user, the method moves to step 640 of creating a new record, i.e. creating new map data. In a next step 650, the user selects an area of interest. The user may choose the area of interest by GPS coordinates, other map references, area or place name, etc. Once an area of interest is identified in step 650, the user may in step 660 manipulate a displayed map image by zooming in or out and/or moving the displayed map image to more precisely identify an area of actual interest for a subsequent UAV flight. Once the user is happy with the defined area of interest, the map data for that area may in step 670 be downloaded from the map information server to the ground station 10 for subsequent use by the user in designing a flight path for the UAV and/or flying the UAV within the defined area. Consequently, the ground station 10 can be pre-provisioned with only sufficient map data for a selected flight thereby reducing the amount of map data to be stored and proceeded by the ground station 10 and without the need for an internet or other communication network connection at the time of flight. In general, the invention relates to a ground station for a multi-copter comprising a housing for accommodating a system on chip (SOC) integrated circuit including a control processor and associated PCB with additional processors and input/output ports for executing software to wirelessly control functions of the multi-copter, a first screen, and a second screen, wherein one or both screens are controlled directly by the SOC control processor and associated circuit. The housing may comprise a clam shell housing comprising a first housing member for accommodating the control processor and a second housing member movable relative to the first housing member between a first closed position overlaying said first housing member and a second open position. The arrangement is such that the first housing member has mounted thereon the first screen and the second housing member has mounted thereon the second screen such that both screens are viewable by a user when the second housing member is in its open position.

The ground station in accordance with the invention provides a ground station with a SOC circuit and associated PCB with additional processors and input/output ports having an embedded HD video processing capability. The image view displayed on the second screen is fully customizable because the received UAV image signal is processed in the SOC circuit containing the SOC integrated circuit before being outputted on the second screen.

Furthermore, the ground station can be used as a standalone device for outputting HD video images to external devices using its HD output connector. This enables the ground station to be used to stream video images from the UAV in real-time to external devices and to transmit such video images in real-time over a network such as the internet. The ground station can also be used as an audio editor and other functions where the provision of two screens is yet a further advantage.

The ground station in accordance with the invention provides one screen or display dedicated to showing the multi-copter (drone) camera view whilst keeping most, if not all, flight information on another screen or display. Where only one screen is provided, as in many conventional ground stations, the user may be required to switch between an FPV image view and a map view for example, or to tolerate a very cluttered FPV view.

The ground station in accordance with the invention overcomes or reduces the latency delays typically encountered in conventional multi-copter systems by using low latency modules and circuits and by also minimising the number of times that the multi-copter camera image signal needs to be processed, transmitted or converted between signal formats.

The ground station in accordance with the invention enables easy user manipulation or adjustment of the second screen tilt for more comfortable viewing particularly in high ambient light conditions. The ground station also employs high light output screens to increase readability under bright light conditions. The ground station may include an inbuilt light sensor to automatically adjust the screen backlights according to sensed conditions and/or user preferences.

The ground station in accordance with the invention may be provisioned with a forward facing camera, preferably on the second housing member 20B, to capture images of the user.

The invention generally relates to a two-joystick drone (UAV) ground station, i.e. a drone controller, which allows a user (pilot) to control operation of the drone using dual monitor screens integrally provided on the ground station. The dual screens when viewed in a normal operating configuration comprise a “T” shape layout which enables the user to maintain two separate screens in view for both control setting and displaying the camera view of the drone. The bottom screen, namely the first screen, is positioned in the portrait orientation between the two controller joysticks in the main controller unit. The first screen is preferably a touchscreen and controlled by a computer operating system which aids the user in adjusting the drone's settings within a menu screen displayed in the first screen. The top screen, namely the second screen, is positioned on the foldable cover in a landscape orientation. One function of the second screen is to act as a display screen to display the First Person View (FPV) of the drone camera as well as other important drone information such as, for example, battery level and drone status. The two screens are interactive and controlled by a shared program installed with the Android™ operating system (OS) which links the two screens together synchronously. To achieve this more efficiently, the ground station uses an embedded Android™ SoC board to connect the two screens for more efficient interaction/interoperation. The novel dual screen UAV ground station according to the invention provides a user with easy hand control of the UAV operation with both physical and visual experience in a single unit.

The present description illustrates the principles of the present invention. It will thus be appreciated that those skilled in the art will be able to devise various arrangements that, although not explicitly described or shown herein, embody the principles of the invention and are included within its spirit and scope.

Moreover, all statements herein reciting principles, aspects, and embodiments of the invention, as well as specific examples thereof, are intended to encompass both structural and functional equivalents thereof. Additionally, it is intended that such equivalents include both currently known equivalents as well as equivalents developed in the future, i.e., any elements developed that perform the same function, regardless of structure.

While the invention has been illustrated and described in detail in the drawings and foregoing description, the same is to be considered as illustrative and not restrictive in character, it being understood that only exemplary embodiments have been shown and described and do not limit the scope of the invention in any manner. It can be appreciated that any of the features described herein may be used with any embodiment. The illustrative embodiments are not exclusive of each other or of other embodiments not recited herein. Accordingly, the invention also provides embodiments that comprise combinations of one or more of the illustrative embodiments described above. Modifications and variations of the invention as herein set forth can be made without departing from the spirit and scope thereof, and, therefore, only such limitations should be imposed as are indicated by the appended claims.

In the claims hereof, any element expressed as a means for performing a specified function is intended to encompass any way of performing that function. The invention as defined by such claims resides in the fact that the functionalities provided by the various recited means are combined and brought together in the manner which the claims call for. It is thus regarded that any means that can provide those functionalities are equivalent to those shown herein.

In the claims which follow and in the preceding description of the invention, except where the context requires otherwise due to express language or necessary implication, the word “comprise” or variations such as “comprises” or “comprising” is used in an inclusive sense, i.e. to specify the presence of the stated features but not to preclude the presence or addition of further features in various embodiments of the invention.

It is to be understood that, if any prior art is referred to herein, such prior art does not constitute an admission that the prior art forms a part of the common general knowledge in the art.

  • 1. A ground station for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) comprising: a housing accommodating a control processor for executing software to wirelessly control functions of a UAV;a first screen; anda second screen;wherein the first screen is arranged in a portrait orientation and the second screen is arranged in a landscape orientation with respect to the housing and wherein one or both screens are controlled by the control processor.
  • 2. The ground station according to claim 1, wherein the first screen is positioned below the second screen with respect to the housing when viewed from a normal viewing direction.
  • 3. The ground station according to claim 1, wherein the first screen and the second screen comprise a ‘T’ shaped screen arrangement.
  • 4. The ground station according to claim 1, wherein the housing accommodates a system on chip (SOC) circuit including the control processor.
  • 5. The ground station according to claim 4, wherein both screens are controlled directly by the SOC control processor through a non-wireless connection which is preferably a hard wired connection between the SOC control processor and each of said first and second screens.
  • 6. The ground station according to claim 1, wherein the second screen is larger in size than the first screen.
  • 7. The ground station according to claim 5, wherein the SOC control processor is configured with the Android™ operating system (OS).
  • 8. The ground station according to claim 1, wherein the first screen is configured to display a flight control data and the second screen is configured to display a first person view of image data captured by a camera of the UAV.
  • 9. The ground station according to claim 8, wherein the flight control data comprises a flight control menu and the first screen is positioned between left and right flight control joysticks such that a user operating the joysticks with his thumbs can manually access the flight control menu with his thumbs.
  • 10. A ground station for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) comprising: a housing accommodating a system on chip (SOC) circuit including a control processor for executing software to wirelessly control functions of a UAV;a first screen; anda second screen;wherein both screens are controlled directly by the SOC control processor configured with the Android™ operating system (OS) to display two or more applications synchronously.
  • 11. The ground station according to claim 10, wherein the SOC circuit is provided with a first video processing chip to process an incoming HDMI signal to a CSI signal for input to the SOC control processor configured with the Android™ operating system (OS) and a second video processing chip for processing a HDMI signal output by the SOC control processor to a DSI signal.
  • 12. A The ground station according to claim 10, wherein the first screen is an interactive first screen configured to display a photograph editing menu and the second screen is configured to display a photograph to be edited in response to user input received at the first screen.
  • 13. The ground station according to claim 10, wherein the control processor is configured to display alert signals simultaneously on both the first screen and the second screen.
  • 14. A ground station for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) comprising: a housing accommodating a control processor for executing software to wirelessly control functions of a UAV;an interactive first screen; anda second screen;wherein the first screen is configured to display a map of a selected area and the second screen is configured to simultaneously display a zoomed out map of the same area but including surrounding areas and wherein, in response to user inputs received at the first screen, the selected map area can be manipulated to thereby select a map are for downloading to the ground station.
  • 15. (canceled)
  • 16. The ground station according to claim 10, wherein the first screen is an interactive screen configured to display a map of a selected area and the second screen is configured to simultaneously display a zoomed out map of the same area but including surrounding areas and wherein, in response to user inputs at the first screen, the selected map area can be manipulated to thereby select a map area for downloading to the ground station.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
PCT/CN2016/102363 Oct 2016 CN national
Parent Case Info

This is a US national phase entry patent application claiming priority to PCT application No. PCT/CN2017/106758 filed Oct. 18, 2017, which is incorporated herein for all purposes, and which claims priority to PCT application No. PCT/CN2016/102363 filed on Oct. 18, 2016, which is also incorporated herein for all purposes.

PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/CN2017/106758 10/18/2017 WO 00