The goal of the proposed effort is to eventually fabricate a high resolution and high brightness thin film cathodoluminescent phosphor screen for high performance display applications. In order to achieve this, the Phase I experimental results indicate that it is possible to fabricated rare-earth-doped CaS thin film phosphor screen directly on high resolution fiber optic faceplates exhibiting a screen resolution of 114 1p/mm. In addition, it has been shown the quantum efficiency of aluminized thin film CaS screens is comparable to that of well developed ZnS-type powder phosphor screens. In the proposed Phase II effort, additional optimization of various thin film preparation parameters will be carried to further improve screen performance and to establish processes for eventual Phase III manufacturing. The Phase II effort will also consist of fabricating high performance image intensifiers using the new thin film technology. Image tube fabrication and evaluation will be performed by Varian Associates Electron Optical Sensors Division. It is expected that the prototype image tube will exhibit superior overall performance to similar tubes containing optimized powder phosphor screens.