The PROSPER PUIs project aims to significantly increase faculty participation in sponsored research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs), enhancing the nation's research enterprise. This project will highlight the innovative use of sponsored project managers and graduate assistants to provide targeted post award support. By demonstrating the success of these roles, the project will inspire public interest in investing in and diversifying the national research infrastructure.<br/><br/>The PROSPER PUIs project aims to catalyze nationally transformative ideas and scalable models by integrating sponsored project managers (SPMs) and graduate assistants (SPGAs) into the research infrastructure at PUIs. These roles will provide direct project support to Principal Investigators (PIs), bridging the gap between pre-award and post-award activities and alleviating the administrative burden on faculty. The project's primary goal is to increase research engagement and efficiency at emerging research and primarily undergraduate institutions. Participants will include faculty, research administrators, and students from Southern Utah University, with collaborations from national and regional professional societies such as the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA). By sharing the project's outcomes, including the training curriculum, with other PUIs the initiative aims to enhance the research administration workforce and expand research capacity nationwide, ultimately strengthening the national research enterprise.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.