Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are an important class of solid-state devices that convert electric energy to light. Improvements in these devices have resulted in their use in light fixtures designed to replace conventional incandescent and fluorescent light sources. The LEDs have significantly longer lifetimes and, in some cases, significantly higher efficiency for converting electric energy to light.
The conversion efficiency of individual LEDs is an important factor in addressing the cost of high power LED light sources. The conversion efficiency of an LED is defined to be the electrical power dissipated per unit of light that is emitted by the LED. Electrical power that is not converted to light in the LED is converted to heat that raises the temperature of the LED. The light conversion efficiency of an LED decreases with increasing current through the LED.
LEDs are typically powered from a DC power source or a modulated square wave source so that a constant current flows through the LED while the LED is “on”. The current is set to provide high efficiency. In light sources with variable intensity, the intensity of the light is controlled by changing the duty factor of the modulated square wave so that the current flowing through the LED is at a value consistent with providing the desired efficiency.
Conventional lighting systems typically must be powered from an AC power source. Hence, an LED-based light source typically includes an AC-DC power converter. The cost of the power converter represents a significant fraction of the cost of a typical LED light source. In addition, the power losses in the power converter reduce the overall efficiency of the light source.
To avoid these costs, LED light sources that operate directly from an AC power source without the power first being converted to DC have been proposed. Such light sources typically include two strings of LEDs. The LEDs are connected in series in each string. One string is powered on when the AC waveform is in the positive half of the sine wave, and the other is powered when the AC waveform is in the negative half of the sine wave.
This simple driving scheme suffers from low efficiency and flicker. Consider a single LED that is driven by an AC waveform. In general, the LED is characterized by a minimum voltage that must be applied to forward bias the LED so that a current will flow through the LED. During the half of the AC cycle in which the diode is forward biased, the LED will remain off until the sine wave reaches this voltage. During the portion of the sine wave in which the LED is on, the average current must be set to the optimum current from a power efficiency point of view. Hence, during a portion of the cycle, the current will be higher than the optimum power, and the efficiency of the LED will be reduced. During the portion of the sine wave in which the voltage is less than that required to turn on the LED, the LED will be dark. This gives rise to a flicker in the intensity at a frequency that is twice the frequency of the AC light source.
In a co-pending application, U.S. Ser. No. 12/504,994, filed on Jul. 17, 2009, an improved AC LED light source is described in which each LED in a series string is connected in parallel with a switch that shorts that LED when the AC voltage across the string is insufficient to drive all of the LEDs in the string. In this manner, the LEDs that remain are driven with a current more nearly equal to the optimum current, and hence, the efficiency losses described above are reduced. While this arrangement improves the overall conversion efficiency, the resultant light source still suffers from flicker. In addition, the average number of LEDs that are powered over the AC voltage cycle is low, and hence, the number of LEDs needed to provide a predetermined light output is increased relative to DC driven LED light sources.
The present invention includes a lighting apparatus and method for operating LED based lighting devices. The apparatus includes a receiver that receives a potential from a power source whose output varies as a function of time, an energy storage device, and an LED array. The energy storage device stores energy from the power source when the driving potential is greater than a predetermined value. The LED array is characterized by a forward bias potential having a plurality of different selectable values, the LED array generating light when a potential between first and second power terminals is greater than the selected forward bias potential. A source selector connects the energy storage device to the first and second power terminals when the potential from the power source is less than a predetermined value. A controller that varies the forward bias potential such that the difference between the forward bias potential and the potential between the first second terminals at any given time is less than a predetermined value.
Normally, LEDs are driven by a constant current source to prevent damage to the LED that operates from a DC power supply. As noted above, the cost of the power source represents a significant portion of the overall cost of the light source. To avoid this cost, it has been suggested that LEDs could be operated from any AC power source. In such a scheme, a full wave rectified AC power source is connected directly to the LED. Hence, the LED is driven by a power source that is no longer a constant current source. Since the current through an LED is an exponential function of the driving voltage at voltages above the minimum voltage at which the LED will be turned on, care must be taken to make sure that the voltage does not reach a point at which the current through the LED will cause damage to the LED. In addition, it is useful to maintain the current below that at which the efficiency of the LED is reduced and too much heat is generated.
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In the above identified co-pending application, a scheme that reduces these power losses is described. In one of these embodiments, the LED shown in
In operation, the switches are operated as follows. When the voltage from source 39 is less than two Vf, switch 44 is closed and the remaining switches are in the open position. As the voltage increases about two Vf, switch 44 is opened and switch 43 closes thereby applying the voltage across LEDs 37 and 38. When the voltage increases further to at least three Vf, switch 42 is closed and the remaining switches are set in the open position and hence the voltage is applied across LEDs 36, 37, and 38. This process continues until the voltage from source 39 is greater than five Vf. At this point, all of the switches are open and the voltage appears across the entire series string of LEDs. As the voltage decreases from its peak voltage, the process is repeated in reverse.
The embodiment shown in
Denote the number of LEDs in the series connected string by N. In the example shown in
While the above embodiments significantly reduce flickering by assuring that at least one or two LEDs are powered at all times, there are still variations in the light output over the cycle of the input AC waveform. These variations can be further reduced by replacing the series connected string of LEDs shown in
Each of the intermediate sections 72 includes one LED and three switches. Switch 75 allows the anode of the LEDs to be connected to power bus 77. Switch 76 allows the cathode of the LED to be connected to power bus 78. Switch 74 allows the anode of the LED to be connected to the cathode of the LED adjacent to it in the string. The initial section 71 lacks switch 74. Similarly the last section 73 lacks switch 76.
The various switches are operated by a switch controller analogous to that described above. By appropriately setting the switches in the array, the array can be configured as a plurality of series connected LED strings that are operated in parallel or a single LED string having a variable number of LEDs that are connected in series. In one aspect of the invention, the number of LEDs in the array is a power of two. Refer now to
When the voltage source can no longer support five LEDs in series, the array is reconfigured to provide two sets of four LEDs in series that are driven in parallel as shown in
When the voltage source can no longer support four LEDs in series, the array is reconfigured to provide two sets of three LEDs in series that are driven in parallel as shown in
When the voltage source can no longer support three LEDs in series, the array is reconfigured to provide four sets of two LEDs in series that are driven in parallel as shown in
The above described embodiments of the present invention utilize particular configurations of LED arrays and a particular storage device. However other forms of storage devices and other forms of LED arrays could be utilized. Refer now to
Light source 110 utilizes a variable power source 113 in which the output power varies as a function of time. This variation may be sinusoidal as described above or any other voltage waveform that has a maximum potential which is greater than the maximum forward bias potential of the LED array and a minimum output potential which is less than the minimum forward bias potential that is selectable by controller 112.
An energy storage device 114 stores energy from variable power source 113 when the output potential from variable power source 113 is greater than some predetermined value. In the embodiment shown above, energy storage device 114 utilizes a capacitor that is charged to the potential at the maximum value of the output potential of variable power source 113. However, other devices could be utilized. For example, energy storage device 114 could include a small rechargeable battery.
A source selector 115 switches between the variable power source 113 and the output of the energy storage device 114 to provide power to LED array 111. In one aspect of the invention, controller 112 switches power sources when the output of variable power source 113 can no longer provide power at a potential above the minimum value of the forward bias potential of LED array 111.
Current controller 116 is used to maintain the voltage across LED array 111 and a value such that the LEDs are protected from overload. The current provided to LED array 111 may depend on the specific value of the forward bias potential that is currently selected. For example, if LED array 111 is reconfigured from a series string of LEDs to two strings of LEDs driven in parallel, current controller 116 must then increase the current available to LED array 111 to supply the additional current needed to drive the team strings in parallel. In the embodiment shown in
The above-described embodiments of the present invention have been provided to illustrate various aspects of the invention. However, it is to be understood that different aspects of the present invention that are shown in different specific embodiments can be combined to provide other embodiments of the present invention. In addition, various modifications to the present invention will become apparent from the foregoing description and accompanying drawings. Accordingly, the present invention is to be limited solely by the scope of the following claims.