Acarbose biosynthesis genes from actinoplanes sp., process for the isolation thereof and the use thereof


  • Patent Grant
  • 5753501
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, February 23, 1996
    28 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, May 19, 1998
    26 years ago
The invention relates to acarbose biosynthesis genes from actinomycetes, predominantly from Actinoplanes sp. SE 50/110 and its mutants, to a process for the isolation of acarbose biosynthesis genes from actinomycetes using a gene probe which has been derived from highly conserved protein regions of known dTDP-glucose dehydratase enzymes for finding the genes acbA (coding for dTDP-glucose synthase), acbB (coding for dTDP-glucose dehydratase) and acbC (coding for a cyclase, in part identical to AroB, bacterial 3-dehydroquinate synthases) or one or more acarbose biosynthesis genes from Actinoplanes sp., and to the use of the acarbose biosynthesis genes.

1. Field of the Invention
The invention relates to acarbose biosynthesis genes from actinomycetes, predominantly from Actinoplanes sp. SE 50/110 and its mutants, to a process for the isolation of acarbose biosynthesis genes from actinomyces using a gene probe which has been derived from highly conserved protein regions of known dTDP-glucose dehydratase enzymes for finding the genes acbA (coding for dTDP-glucose synthase), acbB (coding for dTDP-glucose dehydratase) and acbC (coding for a cyclase, in part identical to AroB, bacterial 3-dehydroquinate synthases) or one or more acarbose biosynthesis genes from Actinoplanes sp., and to the use of the acarbose biosynthesis genes.
2. Description of the Related Art Including Information Disclosed Under 37 CFR 1.97-1.99
Earlier patent applications (for example DE 2 064 092, DE 2 209 834) relate to the finding that a number of actinomycetes, especially the actinoplanaceae, produce oligosaccharide-like inhibitors of glycoside hydrolases, preferably carbohydrate-cleaving enzymes of the digestive tract. The most potent inhibitor of this group described is the compound acarbose, O-4,6-dideoxy-4-��1S-(1S, 4R, 5S, 6S)-4,5,6-trihydroxy-3-(hydroxymethyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-yl!-amino!-.alpha.-D-glucopyranosyl-(1.fwdarw.4)-O-.alpha.-D-glucopy-ranosyl-(1.fwdarw.4)-D-glucopyranose (DE 2 347 782).
Acarbose is used in human medicine for controlling diabetes mellitus. The secondary metabolite acarbose is produced by Actinoplanes sp. SE 50 (CBS No. 961.70) and by a natural variant of this strain, SE 50/110 (CBS 614.71) �DE 22 09 834!, and by selectants and mutants thereof. The original isolate came from near Ruiru in Kenya. The isolation of a saccharase inhibitor of this type is described in the said patent applications, for example in Examples 1 to 4 of the said German Patent Application.
It was to be expected from the structure of acarbose that the deoxyglucose part of the acarbose molecule is produced in accordance with the biosynthesis of 6-deoxysaccharide residues of various antibiotics (for example aminoglycosides such as streptomycin, kasugamycin; macrolides such as erythromycin, tylosin; polyenes such as amphotericin A, B, nystatin; anthracyclines such as daunorubicin; glycopeptides such as vancomycin).
It is possible by means of genetic engineering to isolate certain genes directly from the genome, using, for example, gene probes which bind specifically to the required DNA sequence. It is possible in this way to "fish" the gene which is to be isolated out of a large number of unknown sequences.
It is furthermore known in the case of actinomycetes--especially streptomyces--that in the secondary metabolite producers investigated to date the biosynthesis genes are arranged side by side in a cluster on the chromosome, less often on a plasmid �Martin, J. F., J. Ind. Microbiol 9, 73-90 (1992), Chater, K. F., Ciba Found. Symp., 171 (Secondary Metabolites: Their Function and Evolution) 144-62 (1992)!. It is thus possible to isolate, by "fishing" with gene probes, adjacent, hitherto unknown biosynthesis genes whose significance for the required biosynthesis can then be elucidated.
A corresponding application of molecular biological techniques has not hitherto succeeded for actinoplanaceae, nor was it to be expected for this genetically uncharacterized group of organisms.
Surprisingly, it has now been found that a gene probe which has been derived from highly conserved protein regions of known dTDP-glucose dehydratase enzymes is suitable in Actinoplanes sp. for finding the genes acbA (coding for dTDP-glucose synthase) and acbB (coding for dTDP-glucose dehydratase). It is furthermore surprising that another gene has been found in the form of acbC, which is adjacent to the acbB gene and codes for a cyclase (in part identical to AroB, bacterial 3-dehydroquinate synthases) and is thus involved in the biosynthesis of the unsaturated cyclitol (valienamines).
The present invention relates to:
The complete DNA sequence of acbB and the partial DNA sequences of acbA and acbC.
The complete amino-acid sequence of acbB and the partial amino-acid sequences of acbA and acbC.
A process for isolating secondary metabolite biosynthesis genes from actinomycetes, especially from Actinoplanes, characterized in that a gene probe which has been derived from highly conserved protein regions of known dTDP-glucose dehydratase enzymes is used for finding the genes acbA (coding for dTDP-glucose synthase), acbB (coding for dTDP-glucose dehydratase) and acbC (coding for a cyclase, in part identical to AroB, bacterial 3-dehydroquinate synthases) or one or more acarbose biosynthesis genes from Actinoplanes sp.
A process for isolating biosynthesis genes of acarbose-related natural substances in actinomycetes (for example for validamycin, oligostatins (trestatin), adiposins).
Increasing the acarbose synthetic output in Actinoplanes by an increased gene dose or more effective promoters or by alteration of regulation by genetic manipulation (for example of regulator protein expression or of regulator recognition sites).
Increasing acarbose synthetic output in Actinoplanes by protein engineering in the biosynthesis steps which limit acarbose synthesis (bottleneck enzymes) or to prevent production of additional components. Limitation of the product spectrum in Actinoplanes to the required main product by eliminating unwanted biosynthetic pathways to additional components or unwanted enzymatic breakdown reactions.
Alteration of regulation and thus of the nutrient requirements with a view to improved acarbose productivity in Actinoplanes.
Expression in heterologous host strains (for example in Streptomyces lividans and in other streptomycetes, in rapidly growing bacteria such as E. coli, Bacillus subtilis or Corynebacterium glutamicum, or in yeasts), in order
to achieve an increase in production by improved space-time yields,
to develop a simplified process for purification,
to achieve a specific restriction of the product spectrum.
The use of the acarbose biosynthesis genes for the in vitro synthesis of acarbose or compounds of this class of substances, starting from synthetically or microbially produced precursors.

The invention will now be further described with reference to the drawings, wherein:
FIG. 1 is a schematic showing the sequencing strategy for the BamHI fragment cloned in plasmid pAS2.
FIG. 2 is a map of plasmid pAS1.
FIG. 3 is a map of plasmid pAS2.
FIG. 4 is a map of plasmid pAS2/1.
FIG. 5 is a map of plasmid pAS2/2.
FIG. 6 is a map of plasmid pAS2/3.
FIG. 7 is a map of plasmid pAS2/4.
FIG. 8 is a map of plasmid pAS2/5.
FIG. 9 is a map of plasmid pAS2/6.
FIG. 10 is a map of plasmid pAS2/7.
FIG. 11 is a map of plasmid pAS2/8.
FIG. 12 is a map of plasmid pAS2/9.
FIG. 13 is a map of plasmid pAS2/10.
FIGS. 14A, 14B and 14C collectively depict the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the 2.2 kb BamHI fragment containing the genes acb A,B, C.

The invention is described in detail hereinafter.
All the genetic engineering methods were, unless otherwise indicated, carried out as in J. Sambrook et al. (Molecular Cloning; A laboratory manual; 2nd edition, 1989; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, N.Y., USA).
The gene probe used for the screening was obtained from Actinoplanes sp. SE50/110 by means of a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) using oligonucleotide primers (see Table 1) which have been derived from highly conserved protein regions of known dTDP-glucose dehydratase enzymes. The amplified Actinoplanes sp. SES50/110 DNA fragment was cloned in pUC18 and transformed into E. coli DH5.alpha. (Gibco BRL, Eggenstein, Germany). The resulting plasmid (pASI, see FIG. 2) was isolated from E. coli by the boiling method or by alkaline lysis (Sambrook et al., 1989).
The plasmid pAS1 from E. coli DH5.alpha. was hydrolyzed with the restriction enzymes EcoRI and HindIII. The 0.3 kb EcoRI/HindIII fragment was isolated and labelled by so-called Nick translation with .sup.32 P-labelled deoxynucleotides. This radiolabelled fragment was used as gene probe for isolating acarbose biosynthesis genes and is referred to hereinafter as acb probe.
Acarbose biosynthesis genes were isolated as follows. Chromosomal DNA from Actinoplanes sp. was cleaved with various restriction enzymes (SstI, BglII and BamHI), subjected to gel chromatography and investigated for homologous genes by Southern hybridization with the acb probe. DNA restriction fragments hybridizing with the gene probe have the following sizes: 10 kb (SstI), 9-10 kb (BglII) and 2.2 kb (BamHI). The various DNA fragments hybridizing with the acb probe were eluted from the gel, ligated into the vector pUC 18 and cloned in E. coli DH5.alpha..
The 2.2 kb BamHI DNA fragment was preferably cloned and sequenced. E. coli DH5.alpha. clones which contain Actinoplanes sp. DNA hybridizing with the acb probe were identified by pool hybridization (see Point 7). The plasmid DNA was isolated from the positive clones, and the result of the pool hybridization was verified by Southern hybridization. The resulting plasmid (see FIG. 3) was subjected to a cleavage with various restriction endonucleases, and the resulting DNA fragments were subcloned in pUC18 in E. coli DH5.alpha., and religated and sequenced.
To determine the DNA sequence of the 2.2 kb BamHI fragment of Actinoplanes sp., the following plasmids were constructed (see Point 7), and the sequence of the insert DNA was analyzed: (see FIGS. 1, 14)
pAS 2/1=1.3 kb PstI/BamHI fragment from pAS2 (FIG. 4)
pAS 2/2=1.6 kb SphI/BamHI fragment from pAS2 (FIG. 5)
pAS 2/3=0.9 kb PstI fragment from pAS2 (FIG. 6)
pAS 2/4=0.6 kb SphI fragment from pAS2 (FIG. 7)
pAS 2/5=0.8 kb HincII/HindIII fragment from pAS2/1 (FIG. 8)
pAS 2/6=0.65 kb XhoI/SailI fragment from pAS2 (FIG. 9)
pAS 2/7=0.5 kb XhoI/SailI fragment from pAS2 (FIG. 10)
pAS 2/8=0.28 kb HincII fragment from pAS2/3 (FIG. 11)
pAS 2/9=0.7 kb XhoI/BclI fragment from pAS2/1 (FIG. 12)
pAS 2/10=0.3 kb SstI/BclI fragment from pAS2 (FIG. 13)
The method of F. Sanger et al. (1977) or a method derived therefrom was used for the DNA sequencing. The Autoread sequencing kit (Pharmacia, Freiburg, Germany) was employed in conjunction with the automated laser fluorescence (ALF) DNA sequencer (Pharmacia, Freiburg, Germany). Suitable fluorescein-labelled pUC reverse sequencing and sequencing primers were purchased (Pharmacia, Freiburg, Germany; see Table 1).
Primers for the PCR:
______________________________________Primer name Sequence______________________________________AS 2 5' GCCGCCGAATCCCATGTGGAC 3' (SEQ ID NO: 2)AS 5 5' CCCGTAGTTGTTGGAGCAGCGGGT 3' (SEQ ID NO. 3)______________________________________
Primers for the sequencing reaction:
______________________________________Primer name Sequence______________________________________universal primer 5' GTAAAACGACGGCCAGT 3' (SEQ ID. NO: 4)reverse primer 5' GAAACAGCTATGACCATG 3'______________________________________
Example 1
Cultivation of the E. coli strains, preparation of the plasmid DNA and isolation
E. coli DH5.alpha. was incubated in LB medium at C. Plasmid-harbouring bacteria were maintained under selection pressure (ampicillin, 100 .mu.g/ml). Cultivation took place on an orbital shaker at 270 rpm. Mixtures incubated for at least 16 h were designated overnight cultures (OC).
The cells from 1.5 ml of an OC incubated under selection pressure were used for preparation of plasmid DNA. The plasmids were isolated by the alkaline SDS lysis method (Birnboim & Doly 1979).
For specific hydrolysis of vector DNA, exclusively restriction endonucleases were used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (Gibco BRL, Eggenstein, Germany). 5 U of the particular restriction endonuclease were used to restrict 10 .mu.g of plasmid DNA, incubating at C. for 2 h. In order to ensure complete hydrolysis, the same amount of restriction endonuclease was added a second time and renewed incubation was carried out for at least 1 h.
The cleaved DNA was subjected to electrophoresis on 0.5-1.2% horizontal agarose gels, depending on the size of the DNA fragments. For the elution, the piece of gel which contained the DNA fragment was cut out with a sterile scalpel and weighed. The DNA fragments were eluted from the agarose using the JETsorb kit as instructed (Genomed, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany).
Example 2
Cultivation of Actinoplanes sp. preparation, cleavage of the chromosomal DNA and gel electrophoresis
Actinoplanes sp. SE50/110 was incubated in TSB medium on an orbital shaker at C. for 3 d. The preculture (5 ml) took place in culture tubes at 240 rpm, and the main culture (50 ml) took place in 500 ml flasks with baffles at 100 rpm. After the cultivation, the cells were sedimented by centrifugation and washed twice in TE buffer.
The complete DNA was prepared using 1.5-2 mg of cells (fresh weight) by the phenol/chloroform extraction method (D. A. Hopwood et al. 1985).
Hydrolysis of 20 .mu.g of chromosomal DNA was carried out with 10 U of the appropriate restriction enzyme (Gibco BRL, Eggenstein, Germany) in the relevant buffer at C. for 2 h. In order to ensure complete hydrolysis, the same amount of restriction endonuclease was added a second time, and renewed incubation was carried out for at least 1 h.
The cleaved DNA was subjected to electrophoresis on 0.7% horizontal agarose gels.
DNA fragments were once again eluted using the JETsorb kit (see Point 1).
Example 3
Preparation of the acb gene probe
The fragment from pAS1 prepared as in Point 1 was radiolabelled using the Nick translation system manufactured by Gibco BRL, Eggenstein, Germany, as stated by him. 0.5-1.0 .mu.g of DNA fragment was used for this. �.alpha.-.sup.32 P!dCTP was used (3000 Ci/mmol; Amersham, Braunschweig, Germany). The mixture was then boiled for 10 minutes (denaturation) and immediately added to the hybridization solution (see Point 4).
Example 4
DNA transfer to membranes, DNA hybridization (Southern hybridization) and autoradiography
DNA fragments were transferred from agarose gels to membranes by the Southern transfer method (Southern, E. M., 1975). The agarose gels obtained as in Point 2 were shaken in 0.25M HCl for 20 minutes. The gels were placed on 3 layers of absorbent Whatman 3MM paper (Whatman, Maidstone, England), and a Hybond.TM.-N+membrane (Amersham, Braunschweig, Germany) was placed on top free of air bubbles. Several layers of absorbent paper were placed on top of this. A weight weighing about 1 kg was placed on the stack of filters. The DNA is transferred by sucking through 0.4 m NaOH. After a transfer time of at least 12 h, the nylon filters were rinsed with 2.times.SSC for 5 minutes and dried in air.
The nylon filters were then shaken in 50-100 ml of prehybridization solution in a water bath at C. for at least 2 h. The solution was changed at least twice during this. The hybridization took place in the hybridization cabinet for at least 12 h. 15 ml of hybridization solution which contained the acb probe (see Point 3) were used.
The nylon filters were then washed with 6.times. postwash and 1.times. postwash for 15 minutes each time. The nylon filters were then covered while still in the moist state with cling film. Autoradiography takes place with Hyperfilm MP (Amersham, Braunschweig, Germany) in a lightproof cassette with intensifying screen at C. for at least 16 h.
Example 5
Isolation and cloning of BamHI fragments from the complete DNA of Actinoplanes sp.
Chromosomal DNA from Actinoplanes sp. SE50/110 was completely hydrolyzed with BamHI and subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis, and the DNA fragments of length 1.5-3 kb were eluted from the agarose. The vector plasmid pUC18 was prepared from E. coli DH5.alpha., hydrolyzed with BamHI and treated with alkaline phosphatase (Boehringer, Mannheim, Germany) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Ligation took place in a volume of 20 .mu.l, with the ratio of fragment to vector being 3:1, using 0.01-0.1 .mu.g of DNA in the mixture. 1 U of T4 DNA ligase was used with the appropriate buffer (Gibco BRL, Eggenstein, Germany). Transformation-competent cells of E. coli DH5.alpha. were transformed with complete ligation mixtures (as described by Hanahan 1983). Ampicillin-resistant transformants were transferred to LB-Amp selection plates (100 .mu.g/ml).
Example 6
Identification of clones which contain the dTDP-D-glucose synthase gene
Ampicillin-resistant transformants were investigated for the presence of the dTDP-D-glucose synthase gene. In each case, ten of these clones were streaked onto a selection plate, incubated overnight and washed off the plate with 3 ml of LB medium. The plasmid DNA was then isolated from 20 of such pools of ten (as described by Bimboim & Doly, 1979). In order to delete the cloned BamHI fragments from the polylinker, the 20 different plasmid preparations were hydrolyzed with the restriction endonucleases EcoRI and HindIII. The restriction mixtures were then subjected to electrophoresis on a 0.8% agarose gel, and the DNA was transferred by Southern transfer from the agarose gel to a nylon filter (see Point 4). Hybridization took place once again with the acb probe (see Point 4). One of the pools reacted positively with the acb probe and was fractionated into the ten individual clones. The plasmids thereof were likewise isolated and subjected to the procedure described above. The hybridizing plasmid was called pAS2. It contains a 2.2 kb BamHI fragment.
Example 7
Subcloning of the plasmid pAS2
Starting from the plasmid pAS2, several subclones were produced in order to elucidate the sequence of the double-stranded DNA (FIG. 1; FIGS. 4-13).
pAS2/1 and pAS2/3)
The plasmid pAS2 was hydrolyzed with PstI. The restriction mixture was separated on a 1% agarose gel. The 0.9 kb PstI fragment resulting from the hydrolysis and the plasmid band with the remaining 1.3 kb PstI/BamHI fragment were eluted from the agarose gel (JETsorb kit; Genomed, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany). The plasmid with the 1.3 kb PstI/BamHI fragment was religated to give subclone pAS2/1. The 0.9 kb PstI fragment was cloned in the vector pUC18 (hydrolyzed with PstI) to result in the subclone pAS2/3.
pAS2/2 and pAS2/4)
The plasmid pAS2 was hydrolyzed with, SphI. The plasmid with the 1.6 kb SphI/BamHI fragment was religated to give the subclone pAS2/2. The 0.6 kb SphI fragment was cloned in pUC18 (hydrolyzed with SphI) to result in the subclone pAS2/4.
The plasmid pAS2/1 was hydrolyzed with HincII/HindIII. The resulting 0.8 kb fragment was cloned in pUC18 (hydrolyzed with HindIII/HincII) to result in subclone pAS2/5.
The plasmid pAS2 was hydrolyzed with XhoI/SalI. The resulting 0.65 kb fragment was cloned in pUC18 (hydrolyzed with SalI) to result in subclone pAS2/6.
The plasmid pAS2 was hydrolyzed with XhoI/SalI. The resulting 0.5 kb fragment was cloned in pUC18 (hydrolyzed with SalI) to result in subclone pAS2/7.
The plasmid pAS2/3 was hydrolyzed with HincII. The resulting 0.3 kb fragment was cloned in pUC18 (hydrolyzed with HincII) to result in subclone pAS2/8.
The plasmid pAS2/1 was hydrolyzed with XholI/BclI. The resulting 0.7 kb fragment was cloned in pUC18 (hydrolyzed with SalI/BamHI) to result in subclone pAS2/9.
The plasmid pAS2 was hydrolyzed with SstI/BclI. The resulting 0.3 kb fragment was cloned in pUC18 (hydrolyzed with SstI/BamHI) to result in subclone pAS2/10.
Example 8
DNA sequencing of the 2.2 kb BamHI fragment of Actinoplanes sp.
The plasmids described in Point 7 were sequenced. 6-8 .mu.g of plasmid DNA from one preparation (see Point 1) were used in the sequencing reaction. The sequencing reaction was carried out using the Auto-Read sequencing kit (Pharmacia, Freiburg, Germany). The standard protocol for sequencing dsDNA was used in this case. In order to make it possible to analyze the nucleotide sequence using the A.L.F. (automated laser fluorescence (DNA) sequencer), the fluorescein-labelled universal and reverse sequence primers were used as starter molecules for the sequencing reaction (see Table 1). To prepare the gel, 8 ml of Hydro Link Long Ranger (Serva, Heidelberg, Germany), 33.6 g of urea, 8 ml of 10.times. TBE buffer, ad 80 ml with H.sub.2 O were mixed, sterilized by filtration and degassed for 1 minute. The polymerization was initiated by adding 350 .mu.l of 10% (w/v) ammonium persulphate and 40 .mu.l of N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine. The solution was poured into a gel mould (50.times.50.times.0.05 cm). Electrophoresis took place at 38 W and a constant temperature of C. 1.times. TBE buffer was used as running buffer. Conversion of the metered fluorescence to a DNA sequence took place in an on-line computer (Compaq 386/20e) which also served to control the electrophoresis unit (Program A.L.F. Manger 2.5; Pharmacia).
Buffers and solutions:
Media for cultivating bacteria
LB medium:
______________________________________Tryptone 10 gNaCl 10 gYeast extract 5 gH.sub.2 O ad 1000 ml______________________________________
The pH was adjusted to 7.5 with 4M NaOH.
TSB medium:
______________________________________Tryptone soya broth (Oxoid) 30 gH.sub.2 O ad 1000 ml______________________________________
TE buffer (pH 8.0)
______________________________________ Tris HCl 10 mM Na.sub.2 EDTA 1 mM______________________________________
Standard preparation of plasmid DNA
(modif. of Bimboim & Doly 1979 method)
______________________________________Mix I: 50 mM glucose 50 mM tris HCl (pH 8.0) 10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) 5 mg/ml lysozymeMix II: 200 mM NaOH 1% (w/v) SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate)Mix III: 3M potassium acetate 1.8M formate______________________________________
DNA-DNA hybridization
______________________________________20 .times. SSC: 3M NaCl 0.3M Na citrate pH 7.2______________________________________
Prehybridization solution:
______________________________________6 .times. SSC: 0.01M sodium phosphate buffer pH 6.8 1 mM EDTA 0.5% SDS 0.1% skimmed milk powder______________________________________
Hybridization solution:
The acb probe after the labelling reaction is added to 15 ml of prehybridization solution.
______________________________________6 .times. postwash: 6 .times. SSC 0.5% SDS______________________________________
DNA sequencing:
______________________________________TBE buffer (pH 8.0): 1M tris base 0.83M boric acid 10 mM EDTA______________________________________
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A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA Nucleic Acids Res.; 7, 1513-1523
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  • 1. An isolated and purified DNA fragment selected from the group consisting of:
  • (A) a DNA fragment comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid sequence of acbB of SEQ ID NO: 1;
  • (B) a DNA fragment comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid sequence of acbA of SEQ ID NO: 1; and
  • (C) a DNA fragment comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid sequence of acbC of SEQ ID NO: 1.
  • 2. A vector comprising a DNA fragment according to claim 1.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
195 07 214.6 Mar 1995 DEX
US Referenced Citations (3)
Number Name Date Kind
3876766 Frommer et al. Apr 1975
4019960 Frommer et al. Apr 1977
4062950 Frommer et al. Dec 1977
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