Access Control Electronics for Wireless Locks

Access control electronics for wireless locks comprise one or more battery operated radios that receive access control codes. The wireless accessed locks locate the electronic components, circuits, sensors and antennas and many of the lock components away from the container being secured and closer to the operator/user. The disclosed access control electronics combine a proximity detection circuit comprising sensor pads and a capacitive sensing circuit and one or more short-range radio frequency antennas for reading RFID devices. The proximity sensor pads are in close proximity with the antennas, without the antennas interfering with the proximity sensing process, and the sensor pads to not attenuate the signals between the RFID devices and the antennas after the RFID devices are detected.

This application relates to access control electronics for wireless locks, and further relates to, incorporates certain aspects of and/or may be used in conjunction with the following pending U.S. patent applications, all of which are herein incorporated by reference: Ser. No. 14/719,218 entitled “Lock” and filed May 21, 2015 (Pub. No. 2015-0252591 A1 published Sep. 10, 2015); Ser. No. 14/728,996 entitled “Lock” and filed Jun. 2, 2015 (Pub No. 2016-0186463 A1 published 12-31-2015); Ser. No. 15/059,633 entitled “Lock” and filed Mar. 3, 2016 (Pub. No. 2016-0186463 A1 published Jun. 30, 2016); and Ser. No. 15/082,019 entitled “Lock” and filed Mar. 28, 2016 (Pub. No. 2016-0208518 A1 published Jul. 21, 2016, the entire disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.


In the embodiment(s) disclosed herein, the lock housing encloses some different and enhanced electronic access control assemblies. Locks that utilize wireless forms of access control have their functional advantages but are very challenging to optimize from an engineering perspective. Wireless access potentially offer convenience and speed for the operator/user, but are demanding in terms of power dissipation, sensitivity to their surroundings, and packaging implementation.

The lock(s) of the embodiment(s) disclosed herein comprise one or more battery operated radios that receive access control codes. Such battery operated radios are problematic for a performance and power dissipation stand point. These radios must be designed to be power efficient to operate on small batteries of less than 1 amp-hour, but the trade-off is the performance of the radios are susceptible to deficiencies such as slow signal detection, false signal detection, and lost signal detection.

Most wireless accessed locks comprise of a lock mechanism, control and radio electronics inside the container being secured, and an antenna to receive the electronic signals located on the outside of the container in order to avoid interference and attenuation from a) the container, b) items stored in the container and c) the lock/latch mechanism materials (which are usually metallic). Mounting an antenna and routing wires to/from an antenna through an opening in the container being secured can be problematic. Containers and the lock/latch mechanisms inside the containers consist of different metallic materials, thicknesses, coatings, etc. Methods of routing the wires vary with different containers and installation workers. To electrically compensate for these variations, the radio circuits are typically designed to withstand attenuation effects from the container, items stored in the container and from the antenna being separate from the radio circuits. Designing for such radio frequency interference and attenuations typically requiring the radio circuits to transmit greater dbm levels and receive lower dbm levels (greater levels of sensitivity and noise filtering). Thus, these radio circuits will dissipate more power than radio circuits and antennas that are in very close proximity to each other and are not separated or surrounded by the container surface, items in the container and/or internal lock mechanisms.

The object of the wireless access embodiments are to offer the advantages of wireless access, but to overcome the problems associated with high power dissipation, radio interference between the multiple radios, interference from components in the secured enclosure such as the metallic enclosure itself and the metallic latch components, and operation inconvenience. It is one advantage to house or package as much of the electronic components, circuits, sensors and antennas and many of the lock components and offset them away from the container being secured and to move them closer to the operator/user. The closer these antennas and circuits are to the user, the more efficient they can operate, the less they are effected and attenuated by the secured container and the more efficient and faster they can operate and the less power they will consume. The closer these circuits can be packaged together the faster and the more power efficient they can operate. By reducing the distance from the radio receiver circuits to the antennas will serve to reduce stray capacitive, inductive and resistance impedance variations between the circuits and the antennas, thus eliminating the need to tune the circuits to compensate for the impedance effects of the secured enclosure.

In order to meet the power requirements and to dissipate less power, the embodiment combines a proximity detection circuit comprising sensor pads and a capacitive sensing circuit and one or more short-range radio frequency antennas (typically 125 KHz and 13.56 MHz) for reading RFID devices. The object is to provide proximity sensor pads in close proximity with the antennas to detect the RFID devices without the antennas interfering with the proximity sensing process, and for the sensor pads to not attenuate the signals between the RFID devices and the antennas after the RFID devices are detected.


The drawing figures depict one or more implementations in accord with the present teachings, by way of example only, not by way of limitation. In the drawing figures, like reference numerals refer to the same or similar elements.

FIG. 100 is an exploded, bottom perspective view of a wireless lock incorporating the access control electronics of the present disclosure.

FIG. 101 is an exploded, top perspective view of the wireless lock incorporating the access control electronics of the present disclosure.

FIG. 102 is a front view of one embodiment of the wireless lock incorporating the access control electronics of the present disclosure.

FIG. 103 is a front view of an alternate embodiment of the wireless lock incorporating the access control electronics of the present disclosure.

FIG. 104 is an overall block diagram of the access control electronics of the present disclosure.

FIG. 105 is a main flow chart diagram of the Capacitive Prox Sensing block of FIG. 104.

FIG. 106A is a diagram showing detail no. 1 of FIG. 105—the IDAC Modulator Sub-unit.

FIG. 106B is a diagram showing detail no. 2 of FIG. 105—the RTOTAL.

FIG. 106C is a diagram showing detail no. 3 of FIG. 105—the Switch Modulator.

FIG. 107 is a voltage chart of the Capacitive Prox Sensing block.

FIG. 108 is a side view of the wireless lock illustrating schematically the detection or signal scope/range of the Prox Sense, the RFID and the Bluetooth access control electronics of the present disclosure.

FIG. 109 is a perspective view illustrating the wireless lock mounted to the drawers of a secured enclosure.


The following description refers to numerous specific details which are set forth by way of examples to provide a thorough understanding of the relevant teachings. It should be apparent to those skilled in the art that the present teachings may be practiced without such details. In other instances, well known methods, procedures, and components have been described at a relatively high-level, without detail, in order to avoid unnecessarily obscuring aspects of the present teachings.

FIGS. 100, 101, 102 and 103 show external and exploded views of a housing 500 that encloses access control electronics comprising two circuit boards comprising radio frequency electronics 501 and 502, 125 KHz RFID antenna 503, battery and holder 504, keypad overlay 505, cover 506. FIG. 101 also shows proximity sensing pads 507, 13.56 MHz antenna 508 (routed around 4 sensor pads 507), Bluetooth antenna 509, latch position sensor 510, connector 511, and battery connector 512. Housing 500 is constructed with an internal wall 513 that serves to allow board 501 to rest on the top surface and remain separated from board 502 seated against wall 513 lower surface. Antenna 503 rests or sits in a generally corresponding sized and shaped pocket or recessed cut out in wall 513. The pocket or recessed cut out does not go completely through the wall. Instead, the antenna 503 rest against a lower/bottom section of the wall at the bottom of the pocket or recessed cut out, and remains separated from board 502. A hole in wall 513 allows connector 511a on board 501 to connect to connector 511b on board 502 when assembled. Housing 500, overlay 505, and cover 506 would typically be constructed from plastic or another non-metallic materials in order not to restrict the radio frequency signals. The lock and latch mechanism are shown at 514. Screws 515 serve to attach and align boards 501, 502, wall 513 together.

This embodiment describes some very unique ways of packaging and providing operation of multiple radios and operating frequencies, battery operated access control and proximity detection in order to conserve power when not in use.

Antenna 508 is connected to 13.56 MHz RFID circuitry and used to communicate with 13.56 MHz RFID transponders or NFC transceivers for access control or lock management. Typically this antenna is flat relative, for example on the top surface of a circuit board. The associated circuitry can both transmit and receive RF information.

Antenna 503 is connected to 125 KHz RFID circuitry and used to communicate with the 125 KHz RFID transponders for access control. Typically this antenna is several layers thick and across of conductive windings. The associated circuitry can both transmit and receive RF information.

Antenna 509 is connected to a Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) circuitry and used to communicate with BLE compatible devices such as smartphones, network routers, etc. for lock access and lock management. The associated circuitry can both transmit and receive RF information.

Proximity sensing pads 507 are used for multiple purposes, such as a) sensing the proximity of a device such as a smartphone, b) sensing a prox card or a dongle or fob enclosing an RFID transponder circuit (as shown in FIGS. 102, 103), and c) sensing a finger operating a capacitive-touch keypad for entering an access code or an operating command.

Pads 507 are typically an electrically conductive material such as copper, and would be connected via circuit board traces to a proximity detecting circuit. Pads 507 may be separate and individual in a horizontal (or vertical row) as shown in FIG. 101. In FIG. 102, overlay 505a shows how a graphic on the overlay outlines how each pad can be touched individually by a finger. In FIG. 103, overlay 505b shows how, in an alternative embodiment, pads 507 can also be configured in two or more rows (or columns) of pads.

FIG. 101 shows pads 507 are individual, but in an alternative embodiment two or more of pads 507 may be electronically connected to become a long horizontal or a tall vertical conductive surface or pad configuration.

The figures show how each antenna and sensing pads can be configured to be on substantially equal horizontal planes, or can be configured to be on slightly different horizontal planes.

Proximity detection of RFID transponders offers some specific challenges. Proximity sensing of objects with capacitive sensing technology is difficult and more challenging than capacitive sensing of a finger because a) due to human placement error an object larger than a finger is usually not placed with as great of precision or it cannot be placed as close to a sensor pad as a finger can be placed directly on a sensor pad, b) proximity sensing usually requires a greater distance to sense an object, requiring a larger sensor pad area to produce a higher electric field strength, and c) a larger sensor pad area increases the pad capacitance, making detection of an object more difficult because detection of smaller changes in capacitance and filtering more noise is required, d) the packaging of RFID transponders vary and are inconsistent, i.e. transponders are packaged inconsistently, packaging materials plastic casings vary in material and thickness.

Due to these challenges the difference in capacitance to detect an object is much more difficult than detecting a finger because the signal to noise ratio is much smaller than it is for detecting a finger. Other challenges are temperature, humidity and moisture or liquid spillage on or around the sensor plate(s).

The detection challenges encountered using traditional analog capacitance sensing circuits are a) false object detection due to the requirement of high sensitivity and poor noise filtering, b) no detection, slow detection, and excessive power consumption in order to achieve accurate and fast object detection.

FIG. 104 is the overall block diagram of the access control. The Capacitive Prox Sensing block 600 is illustrated in the main flow chart diagram of FIG. 105, and in further detail in FIGS. 106A-C and FIG. 107, and described below. The Power Management blocks of Capacitive Prox Sensing block 600 and Processor 601 are timers that periodically wake up their circuits to detect changes from the outside world such as prox cards to be presented and fingers to operate the keypad.

Detailed Flow Chart Description

Referring to FIG. 106A, detail 1 of FIG. 105, the IDAC Modulator Sub-unit, is shown and includes the following steps:

    • A. To start, the 16-bit PRS will receive the amplified oscillator signal and control switches S2 and S3.

B. When the PRS receives a high signal, S2 will be closed, allowing electricity to flow from the voltage source through wire 1a and into capacitor Cx.

    • C. On main flowchart of FIG. 105, the capacitor Cx will be charged by the electricity flowing through wire 1a.
    • D. When the PRS receives a low signal, S2 will trip and stop the flow of electricity from the source to Cx. Simultaneously, S3 will be closed, allowing the capacitor Cx to discharge onto CMOD (also found on the main flowchart of FIG. 105).
    • E. Steps B-D will continue to repeat over and over again as the modulator continuously supplies power to the rest of the capsense circuit.

Referring now to FIG. 105, the main flow chart diagram is shown and includes the following additional steps:

    • F. The voltage of CMOD, an external capacitor, is always being monitored by a comparator. The voltage on the capacitor slowly creeps up as the modulator supplies more and more electricity to CMOD by continually discharging Cx onto CMOD.
    • G. When the voltage on CMOD is greater than the reference voltage, the comparator will output a high signal. This will start a clock which is controlled by the same oscillator as the modulator sub-unit. During this time, the voltage on CMOD will continue to rise as the modulator continues to supply electricity to the capacitor.
    • H. Once the clock expires, two signals will be sent: one high signal will go to the logical AND gate and the other signal will be sent to the switch modulator for S1.
    • I. The signal sent to the AND gate will be wait until the ADCPWM also outputs a high signal.

Referring to FIG. 106C, detail 3 of FIG. 105, the Switch Modulator, is shown and includes the following additional steps:

    • J. The signal sent to the switch modulator will automatically be sent to the switch S1. This will give a path for capacitor CMOD to discharge, making the voltage go below the reference voltage and continue to decline. Additionally, the timer involved in the switch modulator will also be triggered.
    • K. Once the timer has expired, S1 will be opened again, allowing the capacitor to regain a charge and approach the reference voltage again.

Referring back now to FIG. 105, the following additional steps are illustrated:

    • L. The ADCPWM will turn a wave oscillator into discrete high and low signals to be read by login gates. When the ADCPWM decides that the signal should be high, it will report a high signal to the logical AND gate.
    • M. Once the logical AND gate has both the step I and step L high signals, it will return a high signal to the 16-bit timer. This will allow the timer to start counting based on the frequency of the oscillator.
    • N. The counts produced by the timer will be converted into raw counts, which are the easy way for the computer to analyze how many times both the voltage of the capacitor CMOD has been above the reference voltage and the ADCPWM has been high. These raw counts are the best way for the computer to quantify the ratio of time above the reference voltage to time below the reference voltage.
    • O. When the 16-bit timer is no longer enabled, the raw count is recorded and stored as a data point. Using threshold analysis on many consecutive data points (many different raw counts), the capacitive sensing mechanism will be able to determine if the button is pressed.

FIG. 108 shows a side view of the lock mounted to a secured enclosure, for example mounted to the drawers of a cabinet as shown in FIG. 109. FIG. 108 also depicts schematically the detection or signal scope/range of the Prox Sense, the RFID and the Bluetooth access control electronics.

In one embodiment, to reduce power, it is desired to maintain a very limited angle and distance of the prox detection, as well as a narrower angle and/or shorter distance of the Prox detect compared to the RFID signals, as illustrated in FIG. 108.

In another embodiment, to increase speed of reading the prox cards, it is preferred to have the Prox Sense to be at the wider range and longer distance compared to the RFID signals that are set at a more narrow range and shorter distance, generally the reverse or opposite of the scope/ranges depicted in FIG. 108 with respect to the Prox sense and RFID signals.

Accordingly, it should be understood that different ranges of the Prox sense and the RFID signals can be set as desired for different purposes, e.g., increased speed vs. reduced power. The range and the angles are influenced by a number of factors. First, the range and the angles are influenced by the positioning of the sensor pads and antennas with respect to each other in the x, y and z axes. Second, the range and the angles are influenced by the size and surface area of the sensor pads and the antennas.

For example, since one pad 507 is smaller on surface 501 than antenna 508, then the prox detect will be less sensitive, more power efficient but slower to detect. If multiple pads are used for prox detection, then it will be faster to detect but less power efficient.

Other factors which influence theses ranges and the angles are the modulator frequency and other adjustments to the circuit in FIG. 105.

Typically the Bluetooth signal is expected to be the widest and the farthest in terms of angle and distance/range compared to the others.

While the embodiment(s) disclosed herein are illustrative of the structure, function and operation of the exemplary method(s), circuitry, equipment and device(s), it should be understood that various modifications may be made thereto with departing from the teachings herein. Further, the components of the method(s), circuitry, equipment and device(s) disclosed herein can take any suitable form, including any suitable hardware, software, circuitry or other components capable of adequately performing their respective intended functions, as may be known in the art.

While the foregoing discussion presents the teachings in an exemplary fashion with respect to the disclosed method(s), circuitry, equipment, and device(s) for access control electronics for locks, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that the present disclosure may apply to other method(s), system(s), device(s), equipment and circuitry for providing secured access to enclosures, other structures and/or controlled areas. Further, while the foregoing has described what are considered to be the best mode and/or other examples, it is understood that various modifications may be made therein and that the subject matter disclosed herein may be implemented in various forms and examples, and that the method(s), system(s), device(s), equipment and circuitry may be applied in numerous applications, only some of which have been described herein.

  • 1. Access control electronics for wireless locks comprising: a proximity detection circuit; andat least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices.
  • 2. The access control electronics of claim 1, wherein the proximity detection circuit comprises at least one proximity sensor pad and a capacitive sensing circuit.
  • 3. The access control electronics of claim 1, wherein the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna is a 125 KHz RFID antenna.
  • 4. The access control electronics of claim 1, wherein the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna is a 13.56 MHz RFID antenna.
  • 5. The access control electronics of claim 1, wherein the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna includes a 125 KHz RFID antenna and a 13.56 MHz RFID antenna.
  • 6. The access control electronics of claim 1, further comprising a battery for powering the access control electronics.
  • 7. The access control electronics of claim 1, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices are in close proximity.
  • 8. The access control electronics of claim 7, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices are co-planar.
  • 9. The access control electronics of claim 7, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices are on adjacent parallel planes.
  • 10. The access control electronics of claim 1, further comprising a Bluetooth antenna.
  • 11. The access control electronics of claim 1, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices each define a customizable detection range and detection angle.
  • 12. The access control electronics of claim 11, wherein the detection range and detection angle of the proximity detection circuit differ from the detection range and the detection angle of the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices.
  • 13. A wirelessly accessed lock for selectively locking and unlocking a container, the lock comprising: a housing;a proximity detection circuit in the housing; andat least one short-range radio frequency antenna in the housing for reading RFID devices.
  • 14. The lock of claim 13, wherein the proximity detection circuit comprises at least one proximity sensor pad and a capacitive sensing circuit.
  • 15. The lock of claim 13, wherein the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna is a 125 KHz RFID antenna.
  • 16. The lock of claim 13, wherein the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna is a 13.56 MHz RFID antenna.
  • 17. The lock of claim 13, wherein the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna includes a 125 KHz RFID antenna and a 13.56 MHz RFID antenna.
  • 18. The lock of claim 13, further comprising a battery in the housing for powering access control electronics of the lock.
  • 19. The lock of claim 13, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices are in close proximity within the housing.
  • 20. The lock of claim 19, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices are co-planar.
  • 21. The lock of claim 19, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices are on adjacent parallel planes.
  • 22. The lock of claim 13, further comprising a Bluetooth antenna in the housing.
  • 23. The lock of claim 22, wherein the housing includes a wall defining two sides, and wherein the Bluetooth antenna is on one side of the wall, and the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices are on the other side of the wall.
  • 24. The lock of claim 23, wherein the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices includes a 125 KHz RFID antenna and a 13.56 MHz antenna, and wherein the 125 KHz RFID antenna sits in a recess in the wall.
  • 25. The lock of claim 13, wherein the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices each define a customizable detection range and detection angle.
  • 26. The lock of claim 25, wherein the detection range and detection angle of the proximity detection circuit differ from the detection range and the detection angle of the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices.
  • 27. The lock of claim 25, further comprising a Bluetooth antenna in the housing, wherein the Bluetooth antenna defines a detection range and detection angle which is greater than the detection range and the detection angle of the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices.
  • 28. The lock of claim 13, wherein the housing is adapted to be mounted to an exterior surface of the container.
  • 29. A method of wirelessly accessing a lock for selectively locking and unlocking a container, the method comprising the steps of: providing a proximity detection circuit in a housing; andproviding at least one short-range radio frequency antenna in the housing for reading RFID devices.
  • 30. The method of claim 29, wherein the step of providing a proximity detection circuit comprises the steps of providing at least one proximity sensor pad and a capacitive sensing circuit.
  • 31. The method of claim 29, wherein the step of providing at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices comprises the step of providing a 125 KHz RFID antenna.
  • 32. The method of claim 29, wherein the step of providing at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices comprises the step of providing a 13.56 MHz antenna.
  • 33. The method of claim 29 wherein the step of providing at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices comprises the steps of providing a 125 KHz RFID antenna and a 13.56 MHz RFID antenna.
  • 34. The method of claim 29, further comprising the step of providing a battery in the housing for powering access control electronics of the lock.
  • 35. The method of claim 29, further comprising the step of locating the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices in close proximity within the housing.
  • 36. The method of claim 35, further comprising the step of locating the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices on the same planar.
  • 37. The method of claim 35, further comprising the step of locating the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices on adjacent parallel planes.
  • 38. The method of claim 29, further comprising the step of providing a Bluetooth antenna in the housing.
  • 39. The method of claim 38, further comprising providing a wall in the housing defining two sides, and providing the Bluetooth antenna on one side of the wall, and providing the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices on the other side of the wall.
  • 40. The method of claim 39, wherein the step of providing at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices comprises the steps of providing a 125 KHz RFID antenna and a 13.56 MHz RFID antenna, and further comprising the step of locating the 125 KHz RFID antenna in a recess in the wall.
  • 41. The method of claim 29, further comprising the step of customizing detection range and a detection angle of the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices.
  • 42. The method of claim 41, further comprising the step of differing the detection range and detection angle of the proximity detection circuit and the detection range and the detection angle of the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices.
  • 43. The method of claim 41, further comprising the step of providing a Bluetooth antenna in the housing, wherein the Bluetooth antenna defines a detection range and detection angle which is greater than the detection range and the detection angle of the proximity detection circuit and the at least one short-range radio frequency antenna for reading RFID devices.
  • 44. The method of claim 29, further comprising the step of mounting the housing to an exterior surface of the container.

This application relates to and claims priority to co-pending U.S. provisional patent application No. 62/547,584 titled “Access Control Electronics for Wireless Locks”, filed Aug. 18, 2017, the entire disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (2)
Number Date Country
62547584 Aug 2017 US
61823685 May 2013 US
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCT/US2014/038016 May 2014 US
Child 14719218 US
Continuation in Parts (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 15059633 Mar 2016 US
Child 16104120 US
Parent 14719218 May 2015 US
Child 15059633 US