Acoustic respiratory monitoring sensor with probe-off detection

Embodiments described herein include sensors and sensor systems having probe-off detection features. For example, sensors and physiological monitors described herein include hardware and/or software capable of providing an indication of the integrity of the connection between the sensor and the patient. In various embodiments, the physiological monitor is configured to output an indication of a probe-off condition for an acoustic sensor (or other type of sensor). For example, in an embodiment, a signal from an acoustic sensor is compared with a signal from a second sensor to determine a probe-off condition.

The “piezoelectric effect” is the appearance of an electric potential and current across certain faces of a crystal when it is subjected to mechanical stresses. Due to their capacity to convert mechanical deformation into an electric voltage, piezoelectric crystals have been broadly used in devices such as transducers, strain gauges and microphones. However, before the crystals can be used in many of these applications they must be rendered into a form which suits the requirements of the application. In many applications, especially those involving the conversion of acoustic waves into a corresponding electric signal, piezoelectric membranes have been used.

Piezoelectric membranes are typically manufactured from polyvinylidene fluoride plastic film. The film is endowed with piezoelectric properties by stretching the plastic while it is placed under a high-poling voltage. By stretching the film, the film is polarized and the molecular structure of the plastic aligned. A thin layer of conductive metal (typically nickel-copper) is deposited on each side of the film to form electrode coatings to which connectors can be attached.

Piezoelectric membranes have a number of attributes that make them interesting for use in sound detection, including: a wide frequency range of between 0.001 Hz to 1 GHz; a low acoustical impedance close to water and human tissue; a high dielectric strength; a good mechanical strength; and piezoelectric membranes are moisture resistant and inert to many chemicals.


For purposes of summarizing the disclosure, certain aspects, advantages and novel features of the inventions have been described herein. It is to be understood that not necessarily all such advantages can be achieved in accordance with any particular embodiment of the inventions disclosed herein. Thus, the inventions disclosed herein can be embodied or carried out in a manner that achieves or optimizes one advantage or group of advantages as taught or suggested herein without necessarily achieving others.

Embodiments described herein include sensors and sensor systems having probe-off detection features. For example, sensors and physiological monitors described herein include hardware and/or software capable of providing an indication of the integrity of the connection between the sensor and the patient. In various embodiments, the physiological monitor is configured to output an indication of a probe-off condition for an acoustic sensor (or other type of sensor). For example, in an embodiment, a signal from an acoustic sensor is compared with a signal from a second sensor to determine a probe-off condition.

In certain embodiments, a method of determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient can include receiving an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor coupled with a medical patient. Further, the method can include receiving a second physiological signal from a second sensor coupled with the medical patient. Moreover, the method can include comparing, with one or more processors, the acoustic physiological signal and the second physiological signal. In some embodiments, in response to said comparison, the method can include outputting an indication of whether one or both of the non-invasive acoustic sensor and the second sensor is properly connected to the patient.

Additionally, in certain embodiments, a system for determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient can include one or more processors that can receive an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor coupled with a medical patient. The system can further receive a second physiological signal from a second sensor coupled with the medical patient. Moreover, the system can determine, with one or more processors, whether the acoustic physiological signal is at least partially correlated with the second physiological signal. Additionally, in response to a determination that the acoustic physiological signal is at least partially correlated with the second physiological signal, the system can output an indication of whether one or both of the non-invasive acoustic sensor and the second sensor is properly connected to the patient.

Furthermore, in some embodiments, a method of determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient can include receiving an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor, the acoustic physiological signal reflecting first physiological information of a patient. Further, the method can include receiving a photoplethysmograph signal from an optical sensor, the photoplethysmograph signal reflecting second physiological information of the patient. The method can also include comparing, with one or more processors, the acoustic physiological signal and the photoplethysmograph signal. Moreover, in response to said comparing, the method can further include outputting an indication of whether the acoustic sensor is properly connected to the patient.

In certain embodiments, a method of determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient, the method can include receiving an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor coupled with a medical patient. Further, the method can include analyzing low frequency content of the acoustic physiological signal with one or more processors. The method can also, in response to said analysis of the low frequency content, include outputting an indication of whether the acoustic sensor is properly connected to the patient. In some embodiments, the method can further include receiving a second acoustic physiological signal from a second acoustic sensor positioned over a chest of the medical patient. Furthermore, the method can include identifying a second heart sound feature in the second acoustic waveform where in some embodiments said analyzing the low frequency content of the acoustic physiological signal includes identifying a feature of the acoustic physiological signal that corresponds to the second heart sound feature in the second acoustic waveform.

Moreover, in some embodiments, a method of determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient, can include receiving an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor coupled with a medical patient. The method can further include extracting a low frequency waveform from the acoustic physiological signal. In addition, the method can include comparing the low frequency waveform with a database of pulse rate waveforms with one or more processors. The method can include in response to determining that the low frequency waveform does not have a substantial match in the database of pulse rate waveforms, outputting a probe-off indication.


Throughout the drawings, reference numbers can be re-used to indicate correspondence between referenced elements. The drawings are provided to illustrate embodiments of the inventions described herein and not to limit the scope thereof.

FIGS. 1A-B are block diagrams illustrating physiological monitoring systems in accordance with embodiments of the disclosure.

FIG. 2 is a top perspective view illustrating portions of a sensor system in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure.

FIGS. 3A-C are block diagrams of example embodiments of patient monitoring systems with probe-off detection.

FIG. 4 illustrates a further embodiment of a patient monitoring system.

FIG. 5 illustrates plots of example acoustic waveforms that can be used to identify probe-off condition.

FIGS. 6, 7A-B, 8 illustrate embodiments of processes for identifying the probe-off condition.

FIG. 9 illustrates an embodiment of processes for identifying the probe-off condition.

FIG. 10 illustrates example features for improving the location accuracy of an acoustic sensor.

FIGS. 11A-E illustrate various patterns of detected pulse rates for different patients based on neck placement.

FIGS. 12A-B depict example algorithms for identifying the probe-off condition.

FIG. 13 depicts an example algorithm for identifying the probe-off condition.

FIGS. 14A-B illustrate example multiparameter physiological monitor displays.


Various embodiments will be described hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings. These embodiments are illustrated and described by example only, and are not intended to be limiting.

I. Introduction

Certain existing patient monitoring systems include biological sound sensors that capture patient bodily sounds (e.g., heart sounds, breathing, digestive system sounds, vocalization and other speech sounds, etc.) and physiological monitors which process the captured sounds to determine physiological parameters. Such systems generally rely on a robust connection between the sensor and the patient to reliably detect and process the targeted bodily sounds. As such, a probe-off condition, such as (for example) a faulty or unstable connection between the sensor (e.g., the probe) and the patient, can lead to a number of problems, particularly where the patient monitor or medical personnel are not made aware of the issue.

When the physiological monitor is not aware of a faulty connection between the sensor and patient, the monitor may misinterpret readings detected by the sensor. For example, the monitor may indicate false alarm conditions. In one instance, where the system is configured to detect patient breathing sounds and determine a corresponding respiratory rate, the monitor may falsely determine that the patient is not breathing, instead of merely indicating that the sensor has detached from the patient's skin. The system may additionally detect significant amounts of environmental noise due to a probe-off condition, and then improperly present the detected noise as physiological signal. Moreover, medical personnel may similarly misinterpret results presented by the monitor when the personnel are not aware of a faulty connection, possibly leading to misdiagnoses or other issues.

Embodiments described herein include sensors and sensor systems having probe-off detection features. For example, sensors and physiological monitors described herein include hardware and/or software capable of providing an indication of the integrity of the connection between the sensor and the patient. In various embodiments, the physiological monitor is configured to output an indication of a probe-off condition for an acoustic sensor (or other type of sensor). For example, in an embodiment, a signal from an acoustic sensor is compared with a signal from a second sensor to determine a probe-off condition. The second sensor may be an optical sensor, electroencephalography (EEG) sensor, electrocardiograph (ECG) sensor, a second acoustic sensor, combinations of the same, or another type of sensor. In one embodiment, the pulse rate of a patient can be independently measured with both the acoustic sensor and the second sensor. A lack of correlation between pulse rate measured by both sensors may indicate a probe-off condition for either the acoustic sensor or the second sensor. Other techniques for determining probe-off conditions are described in greater detail below, including embodiments where a single acoustic sensor is used to determine a probe-off condition.

The probe-off techniques described herein can be used in a variety of ways to improve patient monitoring. For example, the patient monitor can provide medical personnel with an indication of the quality of the attachment state of the sensor, such as “sensor connected,” “sensor disconnected,” “sensor improperly connected,” an indication (e.g., a percentage or other alphanumeric indication) as to the degree of the connection quality, or some other indication of the connection quality, combinations of the same, or the like.

Additionally, the sensor, monitor, and/or user may use the indication of the attachment state to avoid false positive (e.g., alarm) conditions. For example, where a system is monitoring patient breathing sounds and the sensor becomes disconnected, the monitor can use the probe-off functionality to avoid reporting a false alarm to medical personnel that the patient is not breathing. Instead, the monitor can report the probe-off and/or false alarm condition to personnel, who can in turn fix the faulty connection. A wide variety of other uses or combinations of the uses described herein are possible. For example, in one embodiment, the sensor or monitor stops detecting and/or reporting sound information when the sensor is not properly attached to a patient. Moreover, by alerting medical personnel to probe-off conditions, the probe-off module reduces the risk that the probe-off condition and therefore physiological sounds of interest will go un-monitored for extended periods of time.

While described with respect to acoustic sensors configured to detect physiological sounds of a patient, many of the techniques described herein are compatible with other types of patient sensors (e.g., pulse oximetry sensors, capnography sensors, ECG sensors, EEG sensors, bioimpedance sensors, blood pressure sensors, and the like).

II. Example Acoustic System Overview

Prior to describing probe-off features in detail, an overview of example acoustic monitoring sensors and systems is provided below with respect to FIGS. 1A-1C. Example embodiments describing probe-off functionality are described below with respect to FIGS. 2-13.

In various embodiments, an acoustic monitoring system includes an acoustic signal processing system that measures and/or determines any of a variety of physiological parameters of a medical patient. For example, in an embodiment, the physiological monitoring system includes an acoustic monitor. The acoustic monitor may be an acoustic respiratory monitor which can determine any of a variety of respiratory parameters of a patient, including respiratory rate, expiratory flow, tidal volume, minute volume, apnea duration, breath sounds, riles, rhonchi, stridor, and changes in breath sounds such as decreased volume or change in airflow. In addition, in some cases the acoustic signal processing system monitors other physiological sounds, such as heart rate to help with probe off detection, heart sounds (S1, S2, S3, S4, and murmurs), and change in heart sounds such as normal to murmur or split heart sounds indicating fluid overload. Moreover, the acoustic signal processing system may (1) use a second probe over the chest for additional heart sound detection; (2) keep the user inputs to a minimum (example, height); and/or (3) use a Health Level 7 (HL7) interface to automatically input patient demography.

In certain embodiments, the physiological monitoring system includes an electrocardiograph (ECG or EKG) system that measures and/or determines electrical signals generated by the cardiac system of a patient. The ECG system can include one or more sensors for measuring the electrical signals. In some embodiments, the electrical signals are obtained using the same sensors used to obtain acoustic signals.

In still other embodiments, the physiological monitoring system includes one or more additional sensors used to determine other desired physiological parameters. For example, in some embodiments, an optical photoplethysmograph sensor determines the concentrations of analytes contained in the patient's blood, such as oxyhemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, other dyshemoglobins, total hemoglobin, fractional oxygen saturation, glucose, bilirubin, and/or other analytes. In other embodiments, a capnograph determines the carbon dioxide content in inspired and expired air from a patient. In other embodiments, other sensors determine blood pressure, pressure sensors, flow rate, air flow, and fluid flow (first derivative of pressure). Other sensors may include a pneumotachometer for measuring air flow and a respiratory effort belt, a bioimpedance sensor for measuring respiratory effort, an EEG sensor for measuring brain activity, and the like. In certain embodiments, these sensors are combined in a single processing system which processes signal output from the sensors on a single multi-function circuit board or multiple circuit boards.

Referring specifically to the drawings, FIGS. 1A, 1B, and 2 illustrate example patient monitoring systems, sensors, and cables that can be used to provide acoustic physiological monitoring of a patient, such as respiratory monitoring, with probe-off detection.

For example, FIG. 1A shows an embodiment of a physiological monitoring system 10. In the physiological monitoring system 10, a medical patient 12 is monitored using one or more sensors 13, each of which transmits a signal over a cable 15 or other communication link or medium to a physiological monitor 17. The physiological monitor 17 includes a processor 19 and, optionally, a display 11. The one or more sensors 13 include sensing elements such as, for example, acoustic piezoelectric devices, electrical ECG leads, pulse oximetry sensors, or the like. The sensors 13 can generate respective signals by measuring a physiological parameter of the patient 12. The signals are then processed by one or more processors 19. The one or more processors 19 then communicate the processed signal to the display 11 if a display 11 is provided. In an embodiment, the display 11 is incorporated in the physiological monitor 17. In another embodiment, the display 11 is separate from the physiological monitor 17. The monitoring system 10 is a portable monitoring system in one configuration. In another instance, the monitoring system 10 is a pod, without a display, and is adapted to provide physiological parameter data to a display.

For clarity, a single block is used to illustrate the one or more sensors 13 shown in FIG. 1A. It should be understood that the sensor 13 shown is intended to represent one or more sensors. In an embodiment, the one or more sensors 13 include a single sensor of one of the types described below. In another embodiment, the one or more sensors 13 include at least two acoustic sensors. In still another embodiment, the one or more sensors 13 include at least two acoustic sensors and one or more ECG sensors, pulse oximetry sensors, bioimpedance sensors, capnography sensors, and the like. In each of the foregoing embodiments, additional sensors of different types are also optionally included. Other combinations of numbers and types of sensors are also suitable for use with the physiological monitoring system 10.

In some embodiments of the system shown in FIG. 1A, all of the hardware used to receive and process signals from the sensors are housed within the same housing. In other embodiments, some of the hardware used to receive and process signals is housed within a separate housing. In addition, the physiological monitor 17 of certain embodiments includes hardware, software, or both hardware and software, whether in one housing or multiple housings, used to receive and process the signals transmitted by the sensors 13.

As shown in FIG. 1B, the acoustic sensor 13 can include a cable 25. The cable 25 can include three conductors within an electrical shielding. One conductor 26 can provide power to a physiological monitor 17, one conductor 28 can provide a ground signal to the physiological monitor 17, and one conductor 28 can transmit signals from the sensor 13 to the physiological monitor 17. For multiple sensors, one or more additional cables 115 can be provided.

In some embodiments, the ground signal is an earth ground, but in other embodiments, the ground signal is a patient ground, sometimes referred to as a patient reference, a patient reference signal, a return, or a patient return. In some embodiments, the cable 25 carries two conductors within an electrical shielding layer, and the shielding layer acts as the ground conductor. Electrical interfaces 23 in the cable 25 can enable the cable to electrically connect to electrical interfaces 21 in a connector 20 of the physiological monitor 17. In another embodiment, the sensor 13 and the physiological monitor 17 communicate wirelessly.

FIG. 2 an embodiment of a sensor system 100 including a sensor 101 suitable for use with any of the physiological monitors shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B. The sensor system 100 includes a sensor 101, a sensor cable 117, a patient anchor 103 attached to the sensor cable 117, and a connector 105 attached to the sensor cable 117. The sensor 101 includes a shell 102 configured to house certain componentry of the sensor 101, and an attachment subassembly 104 positioned the sensor 101 and configured to attach the sensor 101 to the patient.

The sensor 101 can be removably attached to an instrument cable 111 via an instrument cable connector 109. The instrument cable 111 can be attached to a cable hub 120, which includes a port 121 for receiving a connector 112 of the instrument cable 111 and a second port 123 for receiving another cable. In certain embodiments, the second port 123 can receive a cable connected to a pulse oximetry or other sensor. In addition, the cable hub 120 could include additional ports in other embodiments for receiving additional cables. The hub includes a cable 122 which terminates in a connector 124 adapted to connect to a physiological monitor (not shown). In another embodiment, no hub is provided and the acoustic sensor 101 is connected directly to the monitor, via an instrument cable 111 or directly by the sensor cable 117, for example. Examples of compatible hubs are described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/904,775, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety herein. Examples of acoustic sensors are described in U.S. Patent Application No. 61/703,731, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety herein.

The component or group of components between the sensor 101 and the monitor in any particular embodiment may be referred to generally as a cabling apparatus. For example, where one or more of the following components are included, such components or combinations thereof may be referred to as a cabling apparatus: the sensor cable 117, the connector 105, the cable connector 109, the instrument cable 111, the hub 120, the cable 122, and/or the connector 124. It should be noted that one or more of these components may not be included, and that one or more other components may be included between the sensor 101 and the monitor, forming the cabling apparatus.

In an embodiment, the acoustic sensor 101 includes one or more sensing elements (not shown), such as, for example, a piezoelectric device or other acoustic sensing device. Where a piezoelectric membrane is used, a thin layer of conductive metal can be deposited on each side of the film as electrode coatings, forming electrical poles. The opposing surfaces or poles may be referred to as an anode and cathode, respectively. Each sensing element can be configured to mechanically deform in response to sounds emanating from the patient (or other signal source) and generate a corresponding voltage potential across the electrical poles of the sensing element.

The shell 102 according to certain embodiments houses a frame (not shown) or other support structure configured to support various components of the sensor 101. The one or more sensing elements can be generally wrapped in tension around the frame. For example, the sensing elements can be positioned across an acoustic cavity disposed on the bottom surface of the frame. Thus, the sensing elements according to some embodiments are free to respond to acoustic waves incident upon them, resulting in corresponding induced voltages across the poles of the sensing elements.

Additionally, the shell 102 can include an acoustic coupler not shown), which advantageously improves the coupling between the source of the signal to be measured by the sensor (e.g., the patient's body) and the sensing element. The acoustic coupler 102 of one embodiment includes a bump positioned to apply pressure to the sensing element so as to bias the sensing element in tension. For example, the bump can be positioned against the portion of the sensing element that is stretched across the cavity of the frame. In one embodiment, the acoustic coupler further includes a protrusion (not shown) on the upper portion of the inner lining, which exerts pressure on the backbone 110 (discussed below) and other internal components of the sensor 101.

The attachment portion 107 helps secure the sensor assembly 101 to the patient. The illustrated attachment portion 107 includes first and second attachment arms 106, 108. The attachment arms can be made of any number of materials, such as plastic, metal or fiber. Furthermore, the attachment arms can be integrated with the backbone (discussed below). The underside of the attachment arms 106, 108 include patient adhesive (e.g., in some embodiments, tape, glue, a suction device, etc.), which can be used to secure the sensor 101 to a patient's skin. The example attachment portion 107 further includes a resilient backbone member 110 which extends into and forms a portion of the attachment arms 106, 108. The backbone 110 can be placed above or below the attachment arms 106, 108, or can be placed between an upper portion and a lower portion of the attachment arms 106, 108. Furthermore, the backbone can be constructed of any number of resilient materials, such as plastic, metal, fiber, combinations thereof, or the like.

As the attachment arms 106, 108 are brought down into contact with the patient's skin on either side of the sensor 102, the adhesive affixes to the patient. Moreover, the resiliency of the backbone 110 causes the sensor 101 to be beneficially biased in tension against the patient's skin and/or reduces stress on the connection between the patient adhesive and the skin. Further examples of compatible attachment portions, associated functionality and advantages are described in U.S. application Ser. No. 12/643,939 (the '939 application) previously incorporated by reference. For example, embodiments of attachment portions are shown in and described with respect to FIGS. 2B, 2C, 9A-9D and 10 of the '939 application, and are explicitly incorporated by reference herein.

Moreover, as will be described in greater detail, the attachment portion 107 can also advantageously work together with other sensor componentry to provide an indication to the monitor or to the user as to the attachment state of the sensor.

The acoustic sensor 101 can further include circuitry for detecting and transmitting information related to biological sounds to the physiological monitor. These biological sounds can include heart, breathing, and/or digestive system sounds, in addition to many other physiological phenomena. The acoustic sensor 101 in certain embodiments is a biological sound sensor, such as the sensors described herein. In some embodiments, the biological sound sensor is one of the sensors such as those described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/044,883, filed Mar. 7, 2008, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference herein (the '883 application). In other embodiments, the acoustic sensor 101 is a biological sound sensor such as those described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,661,161 or U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/643,939, filed on Dec. 21, 2009 (the '939 application), both of which are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety. Other embodiments include other suitable acoustic sensors. For example, in certain embodiments, compatible acoustic sensors can be configured to provide a variety of auscultation functions, including live and/or recorded audio output (e.g., continuous audio output) for listening to patient bodily or speech sounds. Examples of such sensors and sensors capable of providing other compatible functionality can be found in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/905,036 entitled PHYSIOLOGICAL ACOUSTIC MONITORING SYSTEM, filed on Oct. 14, 2010, previously incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.

While an example sensor system 100 has been provided, embodiments described herein are compatible with a variety of sensors and associated components.

III. Example Systems and Sensors Incorporating Probe-Off Functionality

FIGS. 3A through 3C are block diagrams illustrating embodiments of patient monitoring systems 300 having probe-off detecting features. The probe-off detecting features can be useful for determining the connection state of the acoustic sensor on the patient.

FIG. 3A illustrates an embodiment of a patient monitoring system 300A. The patient monitoring system 300A includes an acoustic sensor 310, an optical sensor 320, and a patient monitor 330. The acoustic sensor 310 can include one or more acoustic sensor elements 312, such as any of the piezoelectric elements described above. In some embodiments, the acoustic sensor 310 can also include a high pass filter 314 and a low pass filter 316. In alternative embodiments, one or both of the filters 314 and 316 may be implemented in the patient monitor 330 instead or in addition to in the acoustic sensor 310.

In some embodiments, the acoustic sensor element(s) 312 produce one or more physiological signals indicative of one or more physiological sounds emanating from a patient's body. For example, the acoustic sensor elements 312 may produce a physiological signal that is indicative of a particular type of physiological sound, which is sometimes referred to herein as the target physiological sound. A variety of target physiological sounds are possible, for example, breathing or respiratory sounds, heart sounds, digestive sounds, vocalization and other speech sounds, and the like. For example, when an acoustic sensor is placed on the neck at or near the carotid artery, the target sounds can include both heart and respiratory sounds. The acoustic sensor 310 can also capture such sounds by being placed near an artery on the wrist, arm, or leg or may be placed on the chest directly over or near the heart.

The target sounds may occur in different frequency ranges. For example, respiratory sounds are typically found in a higher frequency range than heart sounds. Accordingly, it may be possible to select one or more target sounds by filtering frequency bands from the physiological signal 318. As such, the high pass filter 314 and low pass filter 316 can filter these frequency bands to separate heart sounds and respiratory sounds. The filters 314, 316 may be implemented in hardware (such as electronic circuitry) and/or software or firmware (such as in a processor).

In an embodiment, the high pass filter 314 selects a portion of the incoming signal corresponding to frequencies higher than a selected cut-off frequency. In one embodiment, the cut-off frequency of the high pass filter 314 can be selected so as to include respiratory sounds in a passband of the filter 314. These respiratory sounds may be in the range of about 100 Hz to about 1 kHz. Accordingly, the cutoff frequency can be at or below 100 Hz in one embodiment. However, higher or lower cutoff frequencies may be chosen for the high pass filter 314. The signal selected by the high pass filter 314 may be output to a respiratory rate calculator 332 of the patient monitor 330, which calculate and output the respiratory rate 342 of the patient.

The low pass filter 316 can select a portion of the incoming signal corresponding to frequencies lower than a cut-off frequency of the low pass filter 316. In one embodiment, the cut-off frequency of the low pass filter 316 is chosen so as to enable the filter 316 to select frequencies associated with heart rate or pulse rate sounds. Heart sounds typically have a frequency range lower than 3 Hz. A normal heart at rest beats at about 60 times a minute, or about once per second. Thus, in one embodiment, the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter 316 is about 3 Hz. Other values for the cut-off frequency are possible, such as, for example, about 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 20 Hz, or lower than 3 Hz. The signal output by the low pass filter 316 can be provided to a probe-off detector 334 of the patient monitor 330, which can provide an indication of any probe-off condition between the sensor and the patient, such as whether or not the sensor 310 is properly attached to the patient. Whether the sensor is properly attached to the patient may depend on the integrity of a connection between the acoustic sensor 310 and the patient. For example, the sensor 310 may be in some physical contact with the patient, but may not be fully attached to the patient or completely detached, resulting in false or weak signal measurements.

The patient monitor 330 can include hardware (such as one or more processors and/or electronic circuitry), software, and/or firmware for measuring a physiological parameter such as respiratory rate. Inputs to the parameter calculator 110 can include, among others, optical sensor data provided by the optical sensor 320 and the outputs of the filters 314, 316 described above.

The optical sensor 102 can be a pulse oximetry sensor, a co-oximetry sensor, or the like. The optical sensor 320 can use spectrophotometry techniques to measure a variety of blood constituents, including for example, oxygen saturation, hemoglobin, methemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, other hemoglobin species, concentrations of the same, and the like. In addition, the optical sensor 320 can also be used to measure a variety of other physiological parameters, including pulse rate, perfusion, and the like. The optical sensor 320 can include one or more emitters that shine one or more wavelengths of light through tissue of a living person, such as through a finger, toe, or foot. One or more detectors can receive the transmitted light after attenuation by the tissue and can generate one or more signals responsive to the attenuated light.

The optical sensor 102 may operate at one or more wavelengths. In one embodiment, the optical sensor 102 operates at a single wavelength, e.g., using a single emitter (or multiple emitters of the same wavelength) to produce a photoplethysmograph output. However, the optical sensor 102 may also operate at multiple wavelengths to generate a photoplethysmograph. The photoplethysmograph (sometimes referred to herein as a “plethysmograph,” “photopleth,” “pleth” or “PPG”) can be a waveform that represents changes in blood volume as measured by one or more wavelengths of light irradiated at a tissue site of a patient. These changes in blood volume can be caused by arterial pulsation, and as such, can be related to pulse rate. Thus, the photoplethysmograph can include pulse rate information, which the parameter calculator 336 can analyze to derive an indication of pulse rate for a patient.

Advantageously, in certain embodiments, the probe-off detector 334 of the patient monitor 330 can use the optical sensor data (including photpleth data) together with the acoustic sensor output of the low pass filter 316 to detect a probe-off condition of either sensor 310, 320. In one embodiment, the probe-off detector 334 can use the optical sensor data and the selected portion of the physiological signal from the low pass filter 316 to provide an indication 346 as to the quality of the connection between the acoustic sensor 310 and the patient, such as whether or not the sensor 310 is properly attached to the patient. For example, if the output of the low pass filter 316 includes sounds corresponding to pulse rate and the photoplethysmograph includes pulse rate information, the probe-off detector 334 can consider the acoustic sensor 310 and optical sensor 320 to be properly attached. If the output of the low pass filter 316 does not include a detectable pulse rate and the photopleth does (as detected by the probe-off detector 334), the probe-off detector 334 may conclude that the acoustic sensor is not properly attached and output a probe off indication 346 accordingly. Similarly, if the probe-off detector 334 detects pulse rate in the output of the low pass filter 316 but not in that of the photopleth, the probe-off detector 334 can output a probe-off indicator 346 that indicates the optical sensor 320 may not be properly attached. In some embodiments, instead of outputting a probe-off indicator 346, the probe-off detector can output a check sensor placement indicator.

The probe-off detector 334 can compare the output of the two sensors 310, 320 in a variety of ways to determine whether either sensor 310, 320 is in a probe-off state. For instance, the probe-off detector 334 can correlate the signals from the optical sensor 320 and acoustic sensor 310 to determine connection quality or probe on/off condition of the acoustic sensor 310. In one embodiment, this correlation involves comparing the pulse rate obtained from both sensors. If the pulse rate is obtained from both sensors and it is similar or within a threshold, then there is a high likelihood that one or both of the sensors are properly attached to the patient, and the probe-off detector 334 does not output a probe-off condition. In another embodiment, the probe-off detector 334 can calculate a cross-correlation (or convolution or other similar calculation, in either the time or frequency domain) between the signals obtained from the optical sensor 320 and the acoustic sensor 310. The probe-off detector 334 can indicate that a probe-off condition exists if the area under the cross-correlated signal is above a certain threshold or if there are peaks in the cross-correlated spectrum above a certain threshold. In some embodiments, the probe-off detector 334 outputs an indication for the connection state of the sensor for displayed on a display connected to the patient monitor 330. The output can also include an audible and/or visual alarm. An example of indicator is described below with respect to FIG. 13.

In other embodiments (not shown), the high pass filter 314 and low pass filter 316 may be omitted from the acoustic sensor 310. Instead, the output of the acoustic sensor elements 312 can be provided directly to the probe-off detector 334, which can attempt to detect pulse rate in this output. Similarly, the output of the acoustic sensor elements 312 can be provided to the respiratory rate calculator 332, which can calculate respiratory rate from this output.

FIG. 3B illustrates another embodiment of a probe-off monitoring system 300B. In the depicted embodiment, the patient monitoring system 300B includes the acoustic sensor 310 of FIG. 3A and one or more other sensors 322. The one or more other sensors 322 can include, for example, one or more additional acoustic sensors, ECG sensors, electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, optical sensors, and/or bioimpedance sensors. The one or more other sensors 322 may be positioned at various locations on the patient's body (see, e.g., FIG. 4).

In some embodiments, the other sensor 322 is a second acoustic sensor. The second acoustic sensor can be placed in a second location on the patient's body apart from the location of the acoustic sensor 310. For example, if the acoustic sensor 310 is placed on the patient's neck, the second acoustic sensor can be placed over the heart, wrist (e.g., over the ulnar or radial artery), leg, chest, back, etc. of the patient. Alternatively, two acoustic sensors (310, 322) can be placed together in one location. The one or more sensors 322 may also include a third (or more) acoustic sensor(s). The third acoustic sensor can be placed at or near an artery at a different location.

The acoustic sensor 310 and one or more other sensors 322, for example, can be coupled to the probe-off detector 334. The low pass filter 316 can select the portion of the physiological signal 318 corresponding to a patient's heart sound or pulse rate. The one or more other sensors 322 can output a second physiological signal that is provided to the probe-off detector 334. If the other sensor 322 includes an acoustic sensor, the acoustic sensor may also include a loss pass filter that outputs a filtered signal including heart rate information. The probe-off detector 334 can correlate the physiological signal 318 from the acoustic sensor 310 with a second physiological signal to determine probe off/on of the acoustic sensor 310.

In some embodiments, the probe-off detector can also use physiological signals from other sensors, for example, an ECG sensor, or an EEG sensor. In one embodiment, the signal from the ECG sensor can be used to calculate pulse rate of the patient by the probe-off detector 334. The pulse rate can be then compared with that obtained from the acoustic sensor 310. If the measured pulse rate from the acoustic sensor is substantially similar to the measured pulse rate from the ECG sensor, as determined by the probe-off detector 334, then an indication of probe-on condition may be optionally displayed on the monitor. If the two rates are, however, not within a threshold value, an indication of probe-off condition may be displayed on the monitor. Other algorithms can be used to correlate the output of the two (or more) sensors 310, 322, as will be described in greater detail below. Likewise, the other sensor(s) 322 can include an EEG sensor that includes pulse oximetry functionality for detecting pulse rate, which the probe-off detector 334 can correlate to determine probe-off or on conditions.

FIG. 3C illustrates another embodiment of a patient monitoring system 300C. In the depicted embodiment, the patient monitoring system 300C can determine probe-off or probe-on condition of the acoustic sensor 310 without using one or more other sensors 320, 322 of FIGS. 3A and 3B. As in FIGS. 3A and 3B, the low-pass filter 316 can output a filtered signal that may include heart rate information. The patient monitor 330 includes, in addition to the respiratory rate calculator 332 and probe-off detector 334, a pulse rate calculator 338 that can attempt to calculate a pulse rate from the output of the low pass filter 316. The pulse rate calculator 338 can provide an indication of whether a pulse rate was detected to the probe-off detector 334, which can determine from this information whether the acoustic sensor 310 is properly connected. If a pulse rate is not detected, the probe-off detector 334 can output a probe-off indicator. In addition, the pulse rate calculator 338 may also output the calculated pulse rate 352 on a display of the patient monitor 330. In some embodiments, instead of outputting a probe-off indicator, the probe-off detector can output a check sensor placement indicator (see, e.g., FIG. 14B).

FIG. 4 illustrates another embodiment of a patient monitoring system 400. The features of the patient monitoring system 400 can be combined with any of the features of the systems described elsewhere herein. Likewise, any of the features described elsewhere herein can be incorporated into the patient monitoring system 400. In the depicted embodiment, the patient monitoring system 400 includes a cable hub 406 that enables one or many sensors to be selectively connected and disconnected to the cable hub 406.

The monitoring system 400 includes a cuff 410 with a patient device 416 for providing physiological information to a patient monitor 420 or which can receive power from a power supply (420). The patient monitor 420 can implement any of the functionality of the patient monitors 330 described above. The cuff 410 can be a blood pressure cuff or merely a holder for the patient device 416. The patient device 416 can instead be a wireless transceiver. The patient device 416 is also coupled with an optical finger sensor 402 via cable 407. Further, the patient device 416 is coupled with the cable hub 406 via a cable 405a. The cable hub 406 can be selectively connected to one or more sensors. In the depicted embodiment, example sensors shown coupled to the cable hub 406 include an ECG sensor 408a and a brain sensor 440. The ECG sensor 408a can be single-lead or multi-lead sensor. The brain sensor 440 can be an electroencephalography (EEG) sensor and/or an optical sensor. An example of EEG sensor that can be used as the brain sensor 440 is the SEDLine™ sensor available from Masimo® Corporation of Irvine, Calif., which can be used for depth-of-anesthesia monitoring among other uses. Optical brain sensors can perform spectrophotometric measurements using, for example, reflectance pulse oximetry. The brain sensor 440 can incorporate both an EEG/depth-of-anesthesia sensor and an optical sensor for cerebral oximetry.

The ECG sensor 408a is coupled to an acoustic sensor 404 and one or more additional ECG leads 408b. For illustrative purposes, four additional leads 408b are shown, for a 5-lead ECG configuration. In other embodiments, one or two additional leads 408b are used instead of four additional leads. In still other embodiments, up to at least 12 leads 408b can be included. Acoustic sensors can also be disposed in the ECG sensor 408a and/or lead(s) 408b or on other locations of the body, such as over a patient's stomach (e.g., to detect bowel sounds, thereby verifying patient's digestive health, for example, in preparation for discharge from a hospital). Further, in other embodiments, the acoustic sensor 404 can connect directly to the cable hub 406 instead of to the ECG sensor 408a.

The cable hub 406 can enable one or many sensors to be selectively connected and disconnected to the cable hub 406. It can be advantageous to obtain physiological signals from multiple sensors to determine probe-off conditions, e.g., by correlation as described above. For example, a signal from the acoustic sensor 404 can be correlated with a signal from the ECG sensor 408. The cable hub can enable capturing signals from multiple sensors for correlation. Advantageously, in certain embodiments, the correlation from multiple sensors can enable indication of a probe-off condition.

IV. Example Waveforms

Turning to FIG. 5, a plot 500 is shown that includes a set of five example waveforms. An acoustic heart sounds waveform 530 and the acoustic wrist pulse waveform 540 are illustrated, along with a third acoustic waveform (an acoustic carotid pulse waveform) 550 and an ECG waveform 560. The plot 500D helps to illustrate the correlation performed by the probe-off detector in certain embodiments. The use of two sensors results in two physiological signals, which can be correlated to identify the connection state of one of the sensors.

In one embodiment, the physiological signal 250 from the acoustic sensor 310 of FIGS. 3A-B can be correlated with the plethysmograph waveform 570. For example, the peak 572 of the plethysmograph waveform 570 can be correlated with the peak 552 of the physiological signal 550 from the acoustic sensor in accordance with the system of FIG. 3A. Depending on the success of correlation, the probe-off detector 334 of FIGS. 3A-B can determine the connection quality of the acoustic sensor 310. Correlating peaks can be done by cross-correlation algorithms and signal processing.

In another embodiment, the physiological signal 250 from the acoustic sensor 310 of FIGS. 3A-B can be correlated with one or more of the physiological signals 530, 540, or 560. For example, the peak 532 of the third physiological signal 530 from the third acoustic sensor 530 can be correlated with the peak 552 of the physiological signal 550 from the acoustic sensor in accordance with the system of FIG. 3B. Similarly, the peak 542 of the second physiological signal 540 can be correlated with the peak 552 of the physiological signal 550 from the acoustic sensor. These peaks represent or are related to heart rate of the patient. In some implementations, the physiological signal 550 from the acoustic sensor can be correlated with more than one of the signals 530, 540, 560, or 570.

V. Probe-Off Detection Process

FIGS. 6, 7, and 8 illustrate embodiments of processes 600, 700, and 800 respectively for determining whether the sensor is properly attached to the patient. These processes can be implemented by any of the systems 100, 300, 400 described above. In particular, each of these processes can be implemented by any of the probe-off detectors 334 described above. Advantageously, in certain embodiments, these processes can determine, based at least partly on non-invasive physiological measurements, whether to trigger an indication of a probe-off condition.

Referring specifically to FIG. 6, at block 610, a first physiological acoustic signal is received from an acoustic sensor coupled to the patient. Similarly, a photoplethysmograph signal is received from the patient through an optical sensor at block 612. The probe-off detector 334 calculates a correlation at block 614 between the acoustic signal and the photoplethysmograph signal as described above. At block 616, the probe-off detector 334 determines based on the calculation whether the two signals are correlated. If the two signals are correlated, then in an optional step at block 620, an output indication of successful connection condition is sent. This correlation can include computing a cross-correlation, convolution, or the like as described above. The correlation can be done in the time domain or the frequency domain. Correlation can also include calculating a Pearson correlation coefficient based on both signals. In the alternative, if the two signals are not correlated, then an output indication of probe-off condition is sent at block 618.

FIG. 7A illustrates another embodiment of a process 700A for determining whether a sensor is properly attached to a patient. At block 710, a first physiological acoustic signal is received from an acoustic sensor coupled to the patient. Similarly, a second physiological signal is received from the patient through an optical sensor at block 712. The probe-off detector calculates a correlation at block 714 between the acoustic signal and the second physiological signal as described above. At block 716, the probe-off detector determines based on the calculation whether the two signals are correlated, e.g., as described above. If the two signals are correlated, then in an optional step at block 720, an output indication of successful connection condition is sent. In the alternative, if the two signals are not correlated, then an output indication of a probe-off condition is sent at block 718.

FIG. 7B illustrates yet another embodiment of a process 700B for determining whether a sensor is properly attached to a patient. At block 730, an acoustic signal is received from a patient, and at block 732, a second physiological signal is received from the patient (using any other sensor). At block 734, the probe-off detector 334 calculates a first pulse rate (PRA) from the acoustic signal and a second pulse rate (PRP) from the second physiological signal. The probe-off detector 334 then determines, at block 736, whether an absolute value of the difference between the two pulse rates is within a threshold value. If so, the probe-off detector 334 can optionally output an indication of a probe-on condition at block 740. If not, the probe-off detector 334 can output an indication of a probe-off condition at block 738.

The process 700B can therefore facilitate rapid and processing resource efficient calculation of a probe-off (or on) condition because, instead of performing a cross-correlation or the like, the process 700B obtains the difference between two pulse rate calculations. However, in certain embodiments, the features of the process 700B can be combined with any of the other processes described herein. For instance, the probe-off detector 334 can implement the features of the process 700B as well as calculate the cross-correlation between the two signals as described above. The probe-off detector 334 can use both the cross-correlation and the difference between the two calculated pulse rates to determine whether a probe-off condition is present. Additional embodiments for combining the output of different algorithms are described in greater detail below.

FIG. 8 illustrates an embodiment of a process 800 for determining whether the sensor is properly attached to the patient. At block 810, a physiological acoustic signal is received from an acoustic sensor coupled to the patient. The pulse rate calculator and the probe-off detector independently or in combination, attempt to detect a pulse rate from the received signal at block 812. At block 814, the probe-off detector determines whether a pulse is detected. If the pulse is detected, then in an optional step at block 818, an output indication of successful connection condition is sent. In the alternative, if the pulse is not detected, then an output indication of a probe-off condition is sent at block 816. Effectively, the process 800 determines whether the sensor is properly attached to the patient with respect to the embodiments described in FIG. 3C.

FIG. 9 illustrates an embodiment of a process 900 for determining whether the sensor is properly attached to the patient. At block 910, a physiological acoustic signal is received from an acoustic sensor coupled to the patient. The acoustic signal is transformed into a frequency domain equivalent transformed signal at block 912. In one embodiment, a fast Fourier transform (“FFT”) of the acoustic signal generates the transformed frequency domain signal, producing a signal having a plurality of frequency bins. At block 914, the energy in the low frequency bins is calculated. Energy in the low frequency bins can reflect the presence of heart rate. In one embodiment, the energy in the lowest frequency bin is calculated. In another embodiment, the energy in a plurality of the lowest frequency bins are calculated. The energy can be calculated by taking the magnitude of the FFT signal. Alternatively, the power in each bin can be calculated by computing the power spectral density of the acoustic signal.

If the energy is calculated from multiple bins, the sum of the energy may be computed to compute an overall energy for a plurality of bins. If the energy (or overall energy) in the low frequency bin or bins meets or exceeds a threshold value, then in an optional step at block 918, an output indication of successful connection condition is sent. In the alternative, if the pulse is not detected, then an output indication of a probe-off condition is sent at block 920.

VI. Using Pulse Shape Information to Detect Pulse Rate in an Acoustic Sensor

Other algorithms than those described above can be used to detect pulse rate, and therefore a probe-on (or off) condition, in an acoustic sensor. Some additional examples of such algorithms are described below. Further, it can be useful to obtain a more accurate indication of where on the neck an acoustic sensor should be placed to more accurately detect the carotid pulse. Placing the acoustic sensor directly over the carotid artery, for instance, may result in a higher signal to noise ratio (SNR) for detecting pulse rate than if the acoustic sensor is placed elsewhere. Improving SNR for detecting pulse rate can improve the accuracy of probe-off detection algorithms implemented by the systems described herein. FIG. 10 illustrates example features for improving the location accuracy of an acoustic sensor. FIGS. 11A through E illustrate various patterns of detected pulse rates for different patients based on neck placement. Using these patterns, an algorithm can be constructed that attempts to match an individual patient's pulse rate patterns to one or more pulse rate patterns of many patients to further improve pulse rate detection and therefore probe-off detection accuracy. FIG. 12 depicts an example algorithm that the probe-off detector 334 described above can use pattern matching for probe-off detection.

Referring to FIG. 10, an acoustic sensor 1004 is shown placed over the neck of a patient in the proximity of the jugular vein or the carotid artery at a first position. The positions described here are with respect to the location of the artery or the vein. One or more acoustic signals may be obtained at this first position. The acoustic sensor 1004 is then moved to different positions with respect to the carotid artery or the jugular vein as shown in FIG. 10. One or more acoustic signals may be obtained at multiple positions over the neck of a patient in the proximity of the jugular vein or the carotid artery. These measurements may be repeated for a group of subjects. In one embodiment, the measurements are obtained for a group of five or more subjects. Although not shown, a laser interferometer may be used to detect where on the patient's skin the highest peak vibrations are corresponding to pulse rate, and this interferometer data can be compared and/or correlated with the acoustic sensor data to improve placement of the acoustic sensor on a patient.

FIGS. 11A through E illustrate example acoustic waveforms obtained at different positions (e.g., as shown schematically in FIG. 10) as the sensor is placed over the neck of the five subjects. For example, FIG. 11A shows acoustic pulse waveforms 1102 at a first position for a first subject. Acoustic waveform 1104 corresponds to a second subject at the first position. Likewise, acoustic pulses 1106, 1108, and 1110 correspond to a third, fourth, and a fifth subject, respectively with all of the measurements taken at the first position.

Waveforms 1112, 1114, 1116, 1118, and 1120 in FIG. 11B correspond to acoustic pulses for a first, second, third, fourth, and a fifth subject, respectively at a second position. Similarly, waveforms shown in FIGS. 11C-E correspond to the group of five subjects at different positions. In one embodiment, the group of five subjects remains the same between positions. In another embodiment, the group of five subjects may be different.

At some of these positions, the variation between the acoustic waveforms between the subjects may vary significantly. The signal may also be noisy and may not contain distinctive features. For example, in FIG. 11A and FIG. 11E, the variation between waveforms 1102, 1104, 1106, 1108, and 1110 may be significant.

There are, however, some other positions on the neck with respect to the artery where if the acoustic sensor 1004 is placed, the signals are substantially similar over multiple subjects. For example, FIG. 11C illustrates substantially similar acoustic signals 1122, 1124, 1126, 1128, and 1130 obtained by placing an acoustic sensor at a second position with respect to the artery over five different subjects. Signals obtained from the second position also contain features, for example, a positive peak 1132, as compared to signals obtained from other positions. In another embodiment, these signals may be obtained from multiple different patients or test subjects.

In an embodiment, data representing these waveforms can be stored in a database or the like. Together, they can form an orthogonal set of basis waveforms, or eigenwaveforms, that can be used to match an individual patient's waveform with one in the set of basis waveforms (see FIG. 12). Accordingly, it may be advantageous to obtain a large sample set, for example, of acoustic pulse measurements from hundreds or thousands of patients.

VII. Probe-Off Detection Using Pulse Matching

The pulse shape vectors or template signals described with respect to FIG. 11 or other pulse shape template signals can be used to identify probe-off conditions. In one embodiment, the pulse shape vectors are stored in the patient monitor. These stored pulse shapes can be correlated with an acoustic pulse signal received from a patient. The patient may be someone whose pulse shape was not previously measured and does not have one or more pulse shape vectors stored in the set of pulse shape vectors. In another embodiment, the patient may be from the same group of subjects used to obtain a set of recorded pulse shapes. In yet another embodiment, one or more of the patient's own pulse shape previously measured and stored may be used for determining whether the sensor is properly attached to the patient. In some embodiments, the acoustic pulse signals may go through one or more low pass filters (described above) before morphology detection described with respect to FIGS. 12A-C, and 13.

Any of the probe-off detection processes described below or elsewhere herein can be used together by the probe-off detector 334. The probe-off detector 334 can arbitrate between the output of the processes or algorithms so as to output an overall probe-off detection decision. For example, each process described herein can compute a confidence value that represents the process's confidence in its probe-off (or on) determination. The probe-off detector 334 can thus execute the processes in parallel (at least in part) and evaluate their results based on the computed confidences (or execute the processes serially and then afterwards evaluate them together). The probe-off detector 334 can also apply greater weight to some of the processes than others, so as to emphasize the output of such processes over others. The probe-off detector 334 can further adapt the weights applied to each process over time based on confidence. Moreover, in other embodiments, the probe-off detector 334 combines the output of the processes to come up with an overall score or indication that represents whether or not the probe is on or off.

FIG. 12A illustrates an embodiment of a process 1200 that can determine whether the sensor is properly attached to a patient using pulse matching. The process 1200 can be implemented by any of the systems described herein, such as any of the probe-off detectors described herein.

At block 1210, one or more pulse shape waveforms may be measured from the patient using an acoustic sensor. The probe-off detector can perform pulse matching at block 1214 between the patient's pulse waveform and the set of pulse waveforms obtained and stored as described above. In one embodiment, the probe-off detector implements a matched filter to compare the patient's pulse waveform with the plurality of waveforms in the stored waveform data (collected from and/or extrapolated from other patients). In another embodiment, the probe-off detector performs the matching by first performing a wavelet transform or the like of the patient's pulse waveform using one or more of the stored waveforms. The wavelet transform can use the stored waveforms as a set of basis functions or wavelets (e.g., a Hilbert basis), which can be compared with the patient's pulse waveform to determine a degree to which the patient's waveform matches any of the stored waveforms. Thus, the output of the wavelet transform may include wavelet spectral-domain content that is indicative of which pulses the patient's waveform matches. For example, if the patient's pulse wave matches one of the stored waveforms, the wavelet transform output corresponding to that stored waveform may have a value that indicates a match between the patient's waveform and the stored waveform. The match may be less than a perfect match (e.g., due to noise) while still indicating that the patient's waveform likely corresponds to other physiologically-possible waveforms in the waveform storage. In other embodiments, the probe-off detector can use similar techniques in place of wavelet techniques using other transforms, such as the Short Time Fourier Transform, the Chirplet transform, or the Gabor transform, combinations of the same, or the like.

Viewed another way, pulse matching can be obtained by correlating a known or template signal, the set of pulse vectors, with the received acoustic signal to detect the presence of the pulse shape in the acoustic signal. This correlation can be an n-dimensional correlation (n being an integer) depending on the number of pulse shape vectors in the set. In another embodiment, pulse matching may be obtained from cross-correlation of the received acoustic signal with one or more of the set of pulse vectors. In one embodiment, the signals are not matched if the area under the cross-correlated signal is below a threshold value.

If the patient's pulse waveform matches any of the waveforms in the set of waveforms, then in an optional step at block 1218, an output indication of successful connection condition is sent. In the alternative, if the two signals are not matched, then an output indication of a probe-off condition is sent at block 1220.

FIG. 12B illustrates an embodiment of a process 1200B that can determine whether the sensor is properly attached to a patient by detecting one or more physiological characteristics in the pulse waveforms based on the acoustic signals received from an acoustic sensor coupled to a patient. The process 1200B can be implemented by any of the systems described herein, such as any of the probe-off detectors described herein.

Acoustic signals that correspond to respiration, pulse rate, or other physiological phenomenon may be distinguished from noise by recognizing that the human body constraints such acoustic signals to certain boundary conditions. For example, while an acoustic sensor can pick up an acoustic signal from skin vibration, skin vibration may be confined to physical boundary conditions imposed by the elasticity of the skin and surrounding tissue connected to the skin. These physical boundary conditions can impose limits on the characteristics (such as amplitude) of an acoustic signal that corresponds to respiration or pulse rate. Noise signals may have greater amplitudes than respiratory and pulse rate signals, particularly if the noise is due to a sensor that is not properly attached to the patient. Thus, acoustic signal amplitude and other signal characteristics may be evaluated by a hardware processor to distinguish respiratory rate and pulse rate signals from noise, which can facilitate probe-off detection.

At block 1230, an acoustic signal can be received from a patient using an acoustic sensor attached to the neck, chest, or elsewhere on the body. The acoustic signal may be low-pass filtered to focus on potential pulse waveform data residing at low frequencies as described above. At block 1232, the probe-off detector 334 can detect one or more characteristics in the received signal that may correspond to expected physiological characteristics. For instance, the probe-off detector 334 can detect whether the amplitude of the acoustic signal exceeds a predetermined limit. The predetermined limit can correspond to observed and/or theoretical maximum skin displacement (which may be patient-dependent and corrected for baseline shift).

The probe-off detector 334 can also determine physiological characteristics from the shape of the acoustic signal. For example, the probe-off detector 334 can look for a characteristic (such as a small dip) in the pulse wavefrom that may match a dichrotic notch typically found in a photoplethysmograph waveform. The dichrotic notch is an example characteristic indicative of an actual physiological pulse signal instead of noise. Thus, if the probe-off detector 334 detects a dichrotic notch, the probe-off detector 334 can determine that the acoustic sensor 310 is attached to the patient. The probe-off detector 334 can also detect other characteristics in the pulse to evaluate a potential probe-off condition. Other characteristics may include features corresponding to the heart sounds, and in particular, the second heart sound (S2), inflection points, peaks, and dips. In one embodiment, when the first characteristic is detected corresponding to a physiological feature in a pulse waveform, the probe-off detector can look for a second characteristic in the pulse waveform following the first characteristic. The second characteristic may be based on a stored waveform shapes and/or physiological phenomenon. Accordingly, in some embodiments, the detection can include looking for two or more features in the pulse waveform in particular order.

In some embodiments, the probe-off detector 334 can check for one or more other characteristics described above and output a confidence measurement based on the number of characteristics detected. Thus, based on the detecting one or more characteristics, in an optional step at block 1236, an output indication of a successful connection condition can be sent, indicating that the sensor is properly placed on the patient. In the alternative, if no characteristics are detected or if the signal does not have physical characteristics other than noise, then an output indication of a probe-off condition is sent at block 1238.

FIG. 13 illustrates an embodiment of a process 1300 that can determine whether the sensor is properly attached to a patient by matching one or more characteristics in the pulses received from acoustic sensors positioned at different parts of a patient's body. The process 1300 can be implemented by any of the systems described herein, such as any of the probe-off detectors described herein. At block 1310, a first acoustic waveform from a first sensor located at a first position on the body of a patient may be obtained by a patient monitor. At block, 1312, a second acoustic waveform from a second sensor located at a second position on the body of the patient may be obtained by the patient monitor.

The first acoustic waveform from the first acoustic sensor may include different physiological features compared to the second acoustic waveform from a second acoustic sensor depending on the placement of each of the acoustic sensors on body of a patient. The first acoustic signal may also share some features with the second acoustic signal depending on receiving some shared physiological characteristics. Accordingly, the first and the second acoustic signals may have some shared and some different morphologies. In addition, the first and the second acoustic signal may be orthogonal because they are collected from different parts of the body. As an example, the first acoustic sensor can be placed near a carotid artery at the neck of a patient and the second acoustic sensor can be placed on the chest near the heart of the patient. The second acoustic signal received near the chest may include features corresponding to both the first and second heart sounds (S1 and S2), while the first acoustic signal near the carotid artery at the neck may include a feature corresponding to the second heart sound (S2) but not the first (S1). The probe-off detector 334 can correlate the two acoustic signals to determine whether both signals include the S2 sound. If so, the probe-off detector 334 can determine that one or both of the acoustic sensors is properly placed on the patient.

Accordingly, at step 1314, if the characteristic is found in both acoustic signals, the probe-off detector 334 can optionally output an indication of successful a connection. If the characteristic is not found in both signals, then an output indication of a probe-off condition is sent at block 1260.

VIII. Example User Interface

FIGS. 14A-B illustrate example multiparameter physiological monitor displays 1400. The display 1401a can output a probe-off indicator 1414a. The probe-off indicator 1414a can be generated using any of the techniques described above. The example display 1400 shown includes parameter data for respiratory rate, including a measured respiratory rate value 1412 in breaths per minute (bpm) and an acoustic physiological signal 1406. The probe-off indicator 1414a can separately indicate the connection quality of the attached acoustic sensor. The display 1401A also includes parameter data for SpO2 1402, and pulse rate 1404 in beats per minute (BPM). In the depicted embodiment shown in FIG. 14A, the probe-off indicator 1414A includes text that indicates that the sensor is not properly attached to the patient. In some embodiments, the probe-off indicator 1114A includes text indicating that the sensor placement needs to checked, as shown in FIG. 14B. The text displayed in the probe-off indicator 114 may depend on a confidence calculation from one of the probe-off detection processes described above. Each one of the probe-off processes described above may have different confidence rating depending on how accurately the particular process or combination of processes can predict a probe-off condition. The confidence rating may be stored in the patient monitor. In some embodiments, more than one of probe-off processes (described above) can be used to determine the probe-off indicator 1114A.

IX. Additional Embodiments

Each of the algorithms for detecting a probe-off condition described above, although described separately, can work together to refine a probe-off detector. For instance, some or all of the techniques described herein may operate in parallel (and/or in series) to produce a decision from each algorithm. The patient monitor can implement decision logic to decide whether to output a probe-off indication or alarm based on the outputs of the various algorithms. Each algorithm may also output a confidence score that indicates a degree to which the algorithm is confident that its result is accurate. The confidence score may be in any suitable range, such as [0, 1] or some other range. The decision logic can use the confidence scores to determine whether to output a probe-off indicator. Further, confidence scores or indicators can be output by an individual algorithm that is not being used in a parallel fashion.

As an example, the probe-off detector may determine 1) whether energy in the low frequency spectrum exceeds a threshold, 2) whether pulse rate calculated from an acoustic sensor and from an optical sensor are within a threshold range, and 3) whether the pulse waveform of the patient matches any pulse waveforms in a dataset of waveform data, as described above. The probe-off detector can assign a confidence score based on the results of each algorithm. A decision logic module of the probe-off detector can then evaluate, based on these scores and outputs, whether to output an indication of a probe-off condition. In an embodiment, if the majority of the algorithms indicated that probe-off likely occurred, the decision logic can output a probe-off indication. In another embodiment, if fewer than a majority of the algorithms output a probe-off indication but the confidence scores of these algorithms exceeds a threshold, the decision logic may output a probe-off indication. Many other embodiments and configurations of the decision logic are possible.

In certain embodiments, a method of determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient can include receiving an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor coupled with a medical patient. In some embodiments, the method can further include receiving a second physiological signal from a second sensor coupled with the medical patient. The method can also include the step of comparing, with one or more processors, the acoustic physiological signal and the second physiological signal. In some embodiments, the method can include step of, in response to said comparison, outputting an indication of whether one or both of the non-invasive acoustic sensor and the second sensor is properly connected to the patient.

The method of preceding paragraph, wherein the step of outputting an indication can include text indicating that a sensor connection needs to be checked.

In some embodiments, a method of determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient can include receiving an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor coupled with a medical patient. The method can further include the step of extracting a low frequency waveform from the acoustic physiological signal. In some embodiments, the method can include the step of detecting one or more characteristics in the low frequency waveforms that correspond to predetermined physiological features and in response to detecting that the low frequency waveform does not have any characteristics, outputting a probe-off indication. In an alternate embodiment, the method can include the step of detecting a first feature in the low frequency waveform that corresponds to a first physiological feature and detecting a second feature in the waveform that corresponds to a second physiological feature in time. In response to detecting the second feature, the method can include the step of outputting an indication whether the sensor is properly connected to the patient.

In some embodiments, a method of determining a connection state between a non-invasive acoustic sensor and a medical patient can include receiving a first acoustic physiological signal from a first acoustic sensor coupled with a medical patient and receiving a second acoustic physiological signal from a second acoustic sensor coupled with the medical patient at different location than the first acoustic sensor. The method can further include the step of extracting a low frequency waveforms from the first and the second acoustic physiological signals. In some embodiments, the method can include the step of matching a characteristic in the first acoustic physiological signal to a characteristic in the second acoustic physiological signal. In response to matching, the method can include the step of outputting an indication whether the sensor is properly connected to the patient.

X. Terminology

Embodiments have been described in connection with the accompanying drawings. However, it should be understood that the figures are not drawn to scale. Distances, angles, etc. are merely illustrative and do not necessarily bear an exact relationship to actual dimensions and layout of the devices illustrated. In addition, the foregoing embodiments have been described at a level of detail to allow one of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the devices, systems, etc. described herein. A wide variety of variation is possible. Components, elements, and/or steps can be altered, added, removed, or rearranged. While certain embodiments have been explicitly described, other embodiments will become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art based on this disclosure.

Conditional language used herein, such as, among others, “can,” “could,” “might,” “may,” “e.g.,” and the like, unless specifically stated otherwise, or otherwise understood within the context as used, is generally intended to convey that certain embodiments include, while other embodiments do not include, certain features, elements and/or states. Thus, such conditional language is not generally intended to imply that features, elements and/or states are in any way required for one or more embodiments or that one or more embodiments necessarily include logic for deciding, with or without author input or prompting, whether these features, elements and/or states are included or are to be performed in any particular embodiment.

Depending on the embodiment, certain acts, events, or functions of any of the methods described herein can be performed in a different sequence, can be added, merged, or left out altogether (e.g., not all described acts or events are necessary for the practice of the method). Moreover, in certain embodiments, acts or events can be performed concurrently, e.g., through multi-threaded processing, interrupt processing, or multiple processors or processor cores, rather than sequentially.

The various illustrative logical blocks, modules, circuits, and algorithm steps described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein can be implemented as electronic hardware, computer software, or combinations of both. To clearly illustrate this interchangeability of hardware and software, various illustrative components, blocks, modules, circuits, and steps have been described above generally in terms of their functionality. Whether such functionality is implemented as hardware or software depends upon the particular application and design constraints imposed on the overall system. The described functionality can be implemented in varying ways for each particular application, but such implementation decisions should not be interpreted as causing a departure from the scope of the disclosure.

The various illustrative logical blocks, modules, and circuits described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein can be implemented or performed with a general purpose processor, a digital signal processor (DSP), an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), a field programmable gate array (FPGA) or other programmable logic device, discrete gate or transistor logic, discrete hardware components, or any combination thereof designed to perform the functions described herein. A general purpose processor can be a microprocessor, but in the alternative, the processor can be any conventional processor, controller, microcontroller, or state machine. A processor can also be implemented as a combination of computing devices, e.g., a combination of a DSP and a microprocessor, a plurality of microprocessors, one or more microprocessors in conjunction with a DSP core, or any other such configuration.

The blocks of the methods and algorithms described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein can be embodied directly in hardware, in a software module executed by a processor, or in a combination of the two. A software module can reside in RAM memory, flash memory, ROM memory, EPROM memory, EEPROM memory, registers, a hard disk, a removable disk, a CD-ROM, or any other form of computer-readable storage medium known in the art. An exemplary storage medium is coupled to a processor such that the processor can read information from, and write information to, the storage medium. In the alternative, the storage medium can be integral to the processor. The processor and the storage medium can reside in an ASIC. The ASIC can reside in a user terminal. In the alternative, the processor and the storage medium can reside as discrete components in a user terminal.

While the above detailed description has shown, described, and pointed out novel features as applied to various embodiments, it will be understood that various omissions, substitutions, and changes in the form and details of the devices or algorithms illustrated can be made without departing from the spirit of the disclosure. As will be recognized, certain embodiments of the inventions described herein can be embodied within a form that does not provide all of the features and benefits set forth herein, as some features can be used or practiced separately from others. The scope of certain inventions disclosed herein is indicated by the appended claims rather than by the foregoing description. All changes which come within the meaning and range of equivalency of the claims are to be embraced within their scope.

  • 1. A method of automating detection of whether a sensor is properly attached to a patient, the method comprising: receiving an acoustic physiological signal from an acoustic sensor configured to be attached to a neck of the patient;transforming the acoustic physiological signal into a frequency domain;extracting energy of low frequency components in the frequency transformed acoustic physiological signal;determining a first pulse rate from the extracted energy of the low frequency components;receiving a second pulse rate responsive to processing of photoplethysmograph (PPG) waveform from an optical sensor that is configured to couple with a finger of the patient and is separate from the acoustic sensor;comparing the first pulse rate with the second pulse rate for a determination of a likelihood of good quality attachment of the acoustic sensor with a skin of the patient; andin response to said comparison, outputting an indication of automated detection of whether the acoustic sensor is properly attached or detached from the skin of the patient.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the extraction of energy comprises adding magnitude of low frequency components of the transformed acoustic physiological signal.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the extraction of energy comprises computing a power spectral density of the acoustic physiological signal.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the indication comprises an alarm.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the transform comprises wherein the transform comprises one or more of the following: a wavelet transform, a short-time Fourier transform, a chirplet transform, and a Gabor transform.
  • 6. A system of automating detection of whether a first sensor is properly attached to a patient, the system comprising one or more hardware processors configured to: receive a first phisiological signal from the first sensor, said first sensor configured to be positioned on a patient's neck or chest;receive a second physiological signal from a second sensor configured to be positioned on the patient's limb, wherein the second sensor is separate from the first sensor;transform the first physiological signal into a frequency domain;extract energy of low frequency components in the frequency transformed first physiological signal;determine a first pulse rate from the extracted energy of the low frequency components;determine a second pulse rate from the received second physiological signal;compare the first pulse rate with the second pulse rate for a determination of a likelihood of good quality attachment of the first sensor with a skin of the patient; andin response to said comparison, output an indication of automated detection of whether the first sensor or the second sensor is properly attached or detached from the skin of the patient.
  • 7. The system of claim 6, wherein the low frequency components include frequencies corresponding to a heart rate.
  • 8. The system of claim 6, wherein the extraction of energy comprises adding magnitude of low frequency components of the transformed first physiological signal.
  • 9. The system of claim 6, wherein the extraction of energy comprises computing a power spectral density of the first physiological signal.
  • 10. The system of claim 6, wherein the indication comprises an alarm.
  • 11. The system of claim 6, wherein the transform comprises wherein the transform comprises one or more of the following: a wavelet transform, a short-time Fourier transform, a chirplet transform, and a Gabor transform.
  • 12. A system of automating detection of whether a first sensor is properly attached to a patient, the system comprising one or more hardware processors configured to: receive a first physiological signal from a rist sensor, said first sensor configured to be positioned on a patient's neck or chest;receive a second physiological signal from a second sensor, said second sensor configured to be positioned on a limb of the patient, wherein the second sensor is separate from the first sensor;determine a first pluse rate from the first physiological signal,determine a second pulse rate from the second physiological signal;compare the first pulse rate with the second pulse rate; andin response to said comparison, output an indication of automated detection of whether the first or the second sensor is properly attached or detached from a skin of the patient.
  • 13. The system of claim 12, wherein the first pulse rate is determined by extracting low frequency components in the first physiological signal.
  • 14. The system of claim 12, wherein the indication comprises an alarm.
  • 15. The system of claim 12, wherein the second sensor comprises an optical sensor.
  • 16. The system of claim 15, wherein the second physiological signal comprises a photoplethysmograph (PPG) signal.

This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/137,629, filed Dec. 20, 2013, titled “Acoustic Respiratory Monitoring Sensor With Probe-Off Detection,” which claims benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/748,381, filed Jan. 2, 2013, titled “Acoustic Respiratory Monitoring Sensor With Probe-Off Detection”, the disclosure of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

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8768423 Shakespeare et al. Jul 2014 B2
8771204 Telfort et al. Jul 2014 B2
8777634 Kiani et al. Jul 2014 B2
8781543 Diab et al. Jul 2014 B2
8781544 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2014 B2
8781549 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2014 B2
8788003 Schurman et al. Jul 2014 B2
8790268 Al-Ali Jul 2014 B2
8801613 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2014 B2
8821397 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2014 B2
8821415 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2014 B2
8830449 Lamego et al. Sep 2014 B1
8831700 Schurman et al. Sep 2014 B2
8840549 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2014 B2
8847740 Kiani et al. Sep 2014 B2
8849365 Smith et al. Sep 2014 B2
8852094 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2014 B2
8852994 Wojtczuk et al. Oct 2014 B2
8868147 Stippick et al. Oct 2014 B2
8868150 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2014 B2
8870792 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2014 B2
8886271 Kiani et al. Nov 2014 B2
8888539 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2014 B2
8888708 Diab et al. Nov 2014 B2
8892180 Weber et al. Nov 2014 B2
8897847 Al-Ali Nov 2014 B2
8909310 Lamego et al. Dec 2014 B2
8911377 Al-Ali Dec 2014 B2
8912909 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2014 B2
8920317 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2014 B2
8921699 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2014 B2
8922382 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2014 B2
8929964 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2015 B2
8942777 Diab et al. Jan 2015 B2
8948834 Diab et al. Feb 2015 B2
8948835 Diab Feb 2015 B2
8965471 Lamego Feb 2015 B2
8983564 Al-Ali Mar 2015 B2
8989831 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2015 B2
8996085 Kiani et al. Mar 2015 B2
8998809 Kiani Apr 2015 B2
9028429 Telfort et al. May 2015 B2
9037207 Al-Ali et al. May 2015 B2
9060721 Reichgott et al. Jun 2015 B2
9066666 Kiani Jun 2015 B2
9066680 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2015 B1
9072474 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2015 B2
9078560 Schurman et al. Jul 2015 B2
9084569 Weber et al. Jul 2015 B2
9095316 Welch et al. Aug 2015 B2
9106038 Telfort et al. Aug 2015 B2
9107625 Telfort et al. Aug 2015 B2
9107626 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2015 B2
9113831 Al-Ali Aug 2015 B2
9113832 Al-Ali Aug 2015 B2
9119595 Lamego Sep 2015 B2
9131881 Diab et al. Sep 2015 B2
9131882 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2015 B2
9131883 Al-Ali Sep 2015 B2
9131917 Telfort et al. Sep 2015 B2
9138180 Coverston et al. Sep 2015 B1
9138182 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2015 B2
9138192 Weber et al. Sep 2015 B2
9142117 Muhsin et al. Sep 2015 B2
9153112 Kiani et al. Oct 2015 B1
9153121 Kiani et al. Oct 2015 B2
9161696 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2015 B2
9161713 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2015 B2
9167995 Lamego et al. Oct 2015 B2
9176141 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2015 B2
9186102 Bruinsma et al. Nov 2015 B2
9192312 Al-Ali Nov 2015 B2
9192329 Al-Ali Nov 2015 B2
9192351 Telfort et al. Nov 2015 B1
9195385 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2015 B2
9211072 Kiani Dec 2015 B2
9211095 Ai-Ali Dec 2015 B1
9218454 Kiani et al. Dec 2015 B2
9226696 Kiani Jan 2016 B2
9241662 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2016 B2
9245668 Vo et al. Jan 2016 B1
9259185 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Feb 2016 B2
9267572 Barker et al. Feb 2016 B2
9277880 Poeze et al. Mar 2016 B2
9289167 Diab et al. Mar 2016 B2
9295421 Kiani et al. Mar 2016 B2
9307928 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2016 B1
9323894 Kiani Apr 2016 B2
D755392 Hwang et al. May 2016 S
9326712 Kiani May 2016 B1
9333316 Kiani May 2016 B2
9339220 Lamego et al. May 2016 B2
9341565 Lamego et al. May 2016 B2
9351673 Diab et al. May 2016 B2
9351675 Al-Ali et al. May 2016 B2
9364181 Kiani et al. Jun 2016 B2
9368671 Wojtczuk et al. Jun 2016 B2
9370325 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2016 B2
9370326 McHale et al. Jun 2016 B2
9370335 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2016 B2
9375185 Ali et al. Jun 2016 B2
9386953 Al-Ali Jul 2016 B2
9386961 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2016 B2
9392945 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2016 B2
9397448 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2016 B2
9408542 Kinast et al. Aug 2016 B1
9436645 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2016 B2
9466919 Lamego et al. Sep 2016 B2
9445759 Kiani et al. Oct 2016 B1
9474474 Lamego et al. Oct 2016 B2
9480422 Al-Ali Nov 2016 B2
9480435 Olsen Nov 2016 B2
9492110 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2016 B2
9510779 Poeze et al. Dec 2016 B2
9517024 Kiani et al. Dec 2016 B2
9532722 Lamego et al. Jan 2017 B2
9538949 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2017 B2
9538980 Telfort et al. Jan 2017 B2
9549696 Lamego et al. Jan 2017 B2
9554737 Schurman et al. Jan 2017 B2
9560996 Kiani Feb 2017 B2
9560998 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2017 B2
9566019 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2017 B2
9579039 Jansen et al. Feb 2017 B2
9591975 Dalvi et al. Mar 2017 B2
9622692 Lamego et al. Apr 2017 B2
9622693 Diab Apr 2017 B2
D788312 Al-Ali et al. May 2017 S
9636055 Al-Ali et al. May 2017 B2
9636056 Al-Ali May 2017 B2
9649054 Lamego et al. May 2017 B2
9662052 Al-Ali et al. May 2017 B2
9668679 Schurman et al. Jun 2017 B2
9668680 Bruinsma et al. Jun 2017 B2
9668703 Al-Ali Jun 2017 B2
9675286 Diab Jun 2017 B2
9687160 Kiani Jun 2017 B2
9693719 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2017 B2
9693737 Al-Ali Jul 2017 B2
9697928 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2017 B2
9717425 Kiani et al. Aug 2017 B2
9717458 Lamego et al. Aug 2017 B2
9724016 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2017 B1
9724024 Al-Ali Aug 2017 B2
9724025 Kiani et al. Aug 2017 B1
9743887 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2017 B2
9749232 Sampath et al. Aug 2017 B2
9750442 Olsen Sep 2017 B2
9750461 Telfort Sep 2017 B1
9775545 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2017 B2
9778079 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2017 B1
9782077 Lamego et al. Oct 2017 B2
9787568 Lamego et al. Oct 2017 B2
9808188 Perea et al. Nov 2017 B1
9833152 Kiani et al. Dec 2017 B2
9833180 Shakespeare et al. Dec 2017 B2
9839379 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2017 B2
9839381 Weber et al. Dec 2017 B1
9847002 Kiani et al. Dec 2017 B2
9847749 Kiani et al. Dec 2017 B2
9848800 Lee et al. Dec 2017 B1
9848806 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2017 B2
9848807 Lamego Dec 2017 B2
9861298 Eckerbom et al. Jan 2018 B2
9861304 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2018 B2
9861305 Weber et al. Jan 2018 B1
9867578 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2018 B2
9872623 Al-Ali Jan 2018 B2
9876320 Coverston et al. Jan 2018 B2
9877650 Muhsin et al. Jan 2018 B2
9877686 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2018 B2
9891079 Dalvi Feb 2018 B2
9895107 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2018 B2
9913617 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2018 B2
9924893 Schurman et al. Mar 2018 B2
9924897 Abdul-Hafiz Mar 2018 B1
9936917 Poeze et al. Apr 2018 B2
9943269 Muhsin et al. Apr 2018 B2
9949676 Al-Ali Apr 2018 B2
9955937 Telfort May 2018 B2
9965946 Al-Ali May 2018 B2
9980667 Kiani et al. May 2018 B2
D820865 Muhsin et al. Jun 2018 S
9986919 Lamego et al. Jun 2018 B2
9986952 Dalvi et al. Jun 2018 B2
9989560 Poeze et al. Jun 2018 B2
9993207 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2018 B2
10007758 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2018 B2
D822215 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2018 S
D822216 Barker et al. Jul 2018 S
10010276 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2018 B2
10032002 Kiani et al. Jul 2018 B2
10039482 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2018 B2
10052037 Kinast et al. Aug 2018 B2
10058275 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2018 B2
10064562 Al-Ali Sep 2018 B2
10086138 Novak, Jr. Oct 2018 B1
10092200 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2018 B2
10092249 Kiani et al. Oct 2018 B2
10098550 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2018 B2
10098591 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2018 B2
10098610 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2018 B2
10111591 Dyell et al. Oct 2018 B2
D833624 DeJong et al. Nov 2018 S
10123726 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2018 B2
10123729 Dyell et al. Nov 2018 B2
10130289 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2018 B2
10130291 Schurman et al. Nov 2018 B2
D835282 Barker et al. Dec 2018 S
D835283 Barker et al. Dec 2018 S
D835284 Barker et al. Dec 2018 S
D835285 Barker et al. Dec 2018 S
10149616 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2018 B2
10154815 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2018 B2
10159412 Lamego et al. Dec 2018 B2
10188296 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2019 B2
10188331 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2019 B1
10188348 Kiani et al. Jan 2019 B2
RE47218 Ali-Ali Feb 2019 E
RE47244 Kiani et al. Feb 2019 E
RE47249 Kiani et al. Feb 2019 E
10194847 Al-Ali Feb 2019 B2
10194848 Kiani et al. Feb 2019 B1
10201298 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2019 B2
10205272 Kiani et al. Feb 2019 B2
10205291 Scruggs et al. Feb 2019 B2
10213108 Ai-Ali Feb 2019 B2
10219706 Al-Ali Mar 2019 B2
10219746 McHale et al. Mar 2019 B2
10226187 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2019 B2
10226576 Kiani Mar 2019 B2
10231657 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2019 B2
10231670 Blank et al. Mar 2019 B2
10231676 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2019 B2
RE47353 Kiani et al. Apr 2019 E
10251585 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2019 B2
10251586 Lamego Apr 2019 B2
10255994 Sampath et al. Apr 2019 B2
10258265 Poeze et al. Apr 2019 B1
10258266 Poeze et al. Apr 2019 B1
10271748 Al-Ali Apr 2019 B2
10278626 Schurman et al. May 2019 B2
10278648 Al-Ali et al. May 2019 B2
10279247 Kiani May 2019 B2
10292628 Poeze et al. May 2019 B1
10292657 Abdul-Hafiz et al. May 2019 B2
10292664 Al-Ali May 2019 B2
10299708 Poeze et al. May 2019 B1
10299709 Perea et al. May 2019 B2
10299720 Brown et al. May 2019 B2
10305775 Lamego et al. May 2019 B2
10307111 Muhsin et al. Jun 2019 B2
10325681 Sampath et al. Jun 2019 B2
10327337 Triman et al. Jun 2019 B2
10327713 Barker et al. Jun 2019 B2
10332630 Ai-Ali Jun 2019 B2
10335033 Al-Ali Jul 2019 B2
10335068 Poeze et al. Jul 2019 B2
10335072 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2019 B2
10335545 Cabiri Jul 2019 B2
10342470 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2019 B2
10342487 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2019 B2
10342497 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2019 B2
10349895 Telfort et al. Jul 2019 B2
10349898 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2019 B2
10354504 Kiani et al. Jul 2019 B2
10357206 Weber et al. Jul 2019 B2
10357209 Al-Ali Jul 2019 B2
10366787 Sampath et al. Jul 2019 B2
10368787 Reichgott et al. Aug 2019 B2
10376190 Poeze et al. Aug 2019 B1
10376191 Poeze et al. Aug 2019 B1
10383520 Wojtczuk et al. Aug 2019 B2
10383527 Al-Ali Aug 2019 B2
10388120 Muhsin et al. Aug 2019 B2
10398320 Kiani et al. Sep 2019 B2
10405804 Al-Ali Sep 2019 B2
10413666 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2019 B2
10420493 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2019 B2
D864120 Forrest et al. Oct 2019 S
10433776 Al-Ali Oct 2019 B2
10441181 Telfort et al. Oct 2019 B1
10441196 Eckerbom et al. Oct 2019 B2
10448844 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2019 B2
10448871 Al-Ali Oct 2019 B2
10456038 Lamego et al. Oct 2019 B2
10463284 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2019 B2
10463340 Telfort et al. Nov 2019 B2
10470695 Al-Ali Nov 2019 B2
10471159 Lapotko et al. Nov 2019 B1
10478107 Kiani et al. Nov 2019 B2
10503379 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2019 B2
10505311 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2019 B2
10512436 Muhsin et al. Dec 2019 B2
10524706 Telfort et al. Jan 2020 B2
10524738 Olsen Jan 2020 B2
10531811 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2020 B2
10531819 Diab et al. Jan 2020 B2
10531835 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2020 B2
10532174 Al-Ali Jan 2020 B2
10537285 Sherim et al. Jan 2020 B2
10542903 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2020 B2
10548561 Telfort et al. Feb 2020 B2
10555678 Dalvi et al. Feb 2020 B2
10568514 Wojtczuk et al. Feb 2020 B2
10568553 O'Neil et al. Feb 2020 B2
10608817 Haider et al. Mar 2020 B2
D880477 Forrest et al. Apr 2020 S
10617302 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2020 B2
10617335 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2020 B2
10637181 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2020 B2
D886849 Muhsin et al. Jun 2020 S
D887548 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Jun 2020 S
D887549 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Jun 2020 S
10667764 Ahmed et al. Jun 2020 B2
D890708 Forrest et al. Jul 2020 S
10721785 Al-Ali Jul 2020 B2
10736518 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2020 B2
10750984 Pauley et al. Aug 2020 B2
D897098 Ai-Ali Sep 2020 S
10779098 Iswanto et al. Sep 2020 B2
10827961 Iyengar et al. Nov 2020 B1
10828007 Telfort et al. Nov 2020 B1
10832818 Muhsin et al. Nov 2020 B2
10849554 Shreim et al. Dec 2020 B2
10856750 Indorf Dec 2020 B2
D906970 Forrest et al. Jan 2021 S
D908213 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Jan 2021 S
10918281 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2021 B2
10932705 Muhsin et al. Mar 2021 B2
10932729 Kiani et al. Mar 2021 B2
10939878 Kiani et al. Mar 2021 B2
10956950 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2021 B2
D916135 Indorf et al. Apr 2021 S
D917046 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Apr 2021 S
D917550 Indorf et al. Apr 2021 S
D917564 Indorf et al. Apr 2021 S
D917704 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2021 S
10987066 Chandran et al. Apr 2021 B2
10991135 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2021 B2
D919094 Al-Ali et al. May 2021 S
D919100 Al-Ali et al. May 2021 S
11006867 Al-Ali May 2021 B2
D921202 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2021 S
11024064 Muhsin et al. Jun 2021 B2
11026604 Chen et al. Jun 2021 B2
D925597 Chandran et al. Jul 2021 S
D927699 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2021 S
11076777 Lee et al. Aug 2021 B2
11114188 Poeze et al. Sep 2021 B2
D933232 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2021 S
D933233 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2021 S
D933234 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2021 S
11145408 Sampath et al. Oct 2021 B2
11147518 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2021 B1
11185262 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2021 B2
11191484 Kiani et al. Dec 2021 B2
D946596 Ahmed Mar 2022 S
D946597 Ahmed Mar 2022 S
D946598 Ahmed Mar 2022 S
D946617 Ahmed Mar 2022 S
11272839 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2022 B2
11289199 Al-Ali Mar 2022 B2
RE49034 Al-Ali Apr 2022 E
11298021 Muhsin et al. Apr 2022 B2
D950580 Ahmed May 2022 S
D950599 Ahmed May 2022 S
D950738 Al-Ali et al. May 2022 S
D957648 Al-Ali Jul 2022 S
11389093 Triman et al. Jul 2022 B2
11406286 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2022 B2
11417426 Muhsin et al. Aug 2022 B2
11439329 Lamego Sep 2022 B2
11445948 Scruggs et al. Sep 2022 B2
D965789 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2022 S
D967433 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2022 S
11464410 Muhsin Oct 2022 B2
11504058 Sharma et al. Nov 2022 B1
11504066 Dalvi et al. Nov 2022 B1
D971933 Ahmed Dec 2022 S
D973072 Ahmed Dec 2022 S
D973685 Ahmed Dec 2022 S
D973686 Ahmed Dec 2022 S
D974193 Forrest et al. Jan 2023 S
D979516 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2023 S
D980091 Forrest et al. Mar 2023 S
11596363 Lamego Mar 2023 B2
20010034477 Mansfield et al. Oct 2001 A1
20010039483 Brand et al. Nov 2001 A1
20020010401 Bushmakin et al. Jan 2002 A1
20020058864 Mansfield et al. May 2002 A1
20020133080 Apruzzese et al. Sep 2002 A1
20030013975 Kiani Jan 2003 A1
20030018243 Gerhardt et al. Jan 2003 A1
20030144582 Cohen et al. Jul 2003 A1
20030156288 Barnum et al. Aug 2003 A1
20030212312 Coffin, IV et al. Nov 2003 A1
20040106163 Workman, Jr. et al. Jun 2004 A1
20050055276 Kiani et al. Mar 2005 A1
20050234317 Kiani Oct 2005 A1
20060073719 Kiani Apr 2006 A1
20060161054 Reuss et al. Jul 2006 A1
20060189871 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2006 A1
20070055151 Shertukde et al. Mar 2007 A1
20070073116 Kiani et al. Mar 2007 A1
20070180140 Welch et al. Aug 2007 A1
20070244377 Cozad et al. Oct 2007 A1
20070263208 Yelin et al. Nov 2007 A1
20070282478 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2007 A1
20080064965 Jay et al. Mar 2008 A1
20080094228 Welch et al. Apr 2008 A1
20080221418 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2008 A1
20090036759 Ault et al. Feb 2009 A1
20090093687 Telfort et al. Apr 2009 A1
20090095926 MacNeish, III Apr 2009 A1
20090240467 Anbari Sep 2009 A1
20090247984 Lamego et al. Oct 2009 A1
20090275813 Davis Nov 2009 A1
20090275844 Al-Ali Nov 2009 A1
20100004518 Vo et al. Jan 2010 A1
20100030040 Poeze et al. Feb 2010 A1
20100099964 O'Reilly et al. Apr 2010 A1
20100234718 Sampath et al. Sep 2010 A1
20100270257 Wachman et al. Oct 2010 A1
20110001605 Kiani et al. Jan 2011 A1
20110028806 Merritt et al. Feb 2011 A1
20110028809 Goodman Feb 2011 A1
20110040197 Welch et al. Feb 2011 A1
20110082711 Poeze et al. Apr 2011 A1
20110087081 Kiani et al. Apr 2011 A1
20110087115 Sackner Apr 2011 A1
20110105854 Kiani et al. May 2011 A1
20110118561 Tari et al. May 2011 A1
20110125060 Telfort et al. May 2011 A1
20110137297 Kiani et al. Jun 2011 A1
20110172498 Olsen et al. Jul 2011 A1
20110208015 Welch et al. Aug 2011 A1
20110213212 Al-Ali Sep 2011 A1
20110213271 Telfort Sep 2011 A1
20110230733 Al-Ali Sep 2011 A1
20110237911 Lamego et al. Sep 2011 A1
20110237969 Eckerbom et al. Sep 2011 A1
20110319724 Cox Dec 2011 A1
20120046557 Kiani Feb 2012 A1
20120059267 Lamego et al. Mar 2012 A1
20120088984 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2012 A1
20120123231 O'Reilly May 2012 A1
20120165629 Merritt et al. Jun 2012 A1
20120179006 Jansen et al. Jul 2012 A1
20120209082 Al-Ali Aug 2012 A1
20120209084 Olsen et al. Aug 2012 A1
20120226117 Lamego et al. Sep 2012 A1
20120227739 Kiani Sep 2012 A1
20120283524 Kiani et al. Nov 2012 A1
20120296178 Lamego et al. Nov 2012 A1
20120319816 Al-Ali Dec 2012 A1
20120330112 Lamego et al. Dec 2012 A1
20130023775 Lamego et al. Jan 2013 A1
20130041591 Lamego Feb 2013 A1
20130045685 Kiani Feb 2013 A1
20130046204 Lamego et al. Feb 2013 A1
20130060147 Welch et al. Mar 2013 A1
20130096405 Garfio Apr 2013 A1
20130096936 Sampath et al. Apr 2013 A1
20130190581 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2013 A1
20130197328 Diab et al. Aug 2013 A1
20130211214 Olsen Aug 2013 A1
20130243021 Siskavich Sep 2013 A1
20130253334 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2013 A1
20130267804 Al-Ali Oct 2013 A1
20130274572 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2013 A1
20130296672 O'Neil et al. Nov 2013 A1
20130296713 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2013 A1
20130317370 Dalvi et al. Nov 2013 A1
20130324808 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2013 A1
20130331660 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2013 A1
20130331670 Kiani Dec 2013 A1
20130338461 Lamego et al. Dec 2013 A1
20130345921 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2013 A1
20140012100 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2014 A1
20140034353 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2014 A1
20140051953 Lamego et al. Feb 2014 A1
20140058230 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Feb 2014 A1
20140066783 Kiani et al. Mar 2014 A1
20140077956 Sampath et al. Mar 2014 A1
20140081100 Muhsin et al. Mar 2014 A1
20140081175 Telfort Mar 2014 A1
20140094667 Schurman et al. Apr 2014 A1
20140100434 Diab et al. Apr 2014 A1
20140114199 Lamego et al. Apr 2014 A1
20140120564 Workman et al. May 2014 A1
20140121482 Merritt et al. May 2014 A1
20140121483 Kiani May 2014 A1
20140127137 Bellott et al. May 2014 A1
20140129702 Lamego et al. May 2014 A1
20140135588 Al-Ali et al. May 2014 A1
20140142401 Al-Ali et al. May 2014 A1
20140163344 Al-Ali Jun 2014 A1
20140163402 Lamego et al. Jun 2014 A1
20140166076 Kiani et al. Jun 2014 A1
20140171763 Diab Jun 2014 A1
20140176944 Addison Jun 2014 A1
20140180038 Kiani Jun 2014 A1
20140180154 Sierra et al. Jun 2014 A1
20140180160 Brown et al. Jun 2014 A1
20140187973 Brown et al. Jul 2014 A1
20140194709 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2014 A1
20140194711 Al-Ali Jul 2014 A1
20140194766 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2014 A1
20140206963 Ai-Ali Jul 2014 A1
20140213864 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Jul 2014 A1
20140243627 Diab et al. Aug 2014 A1
20140266790 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140275808 Poeze et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140275835 Lamego et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140275871 Lamego et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140275872 Merritt et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140275881 Lamego et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140276115 Dalvi et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140288400 Diab et al. Sep 2014 A1
20140303520 Telfort et al. Oct 2014 A1
20140316217 Purdon et al. Oct 2014 A1
20140316218 Purdon et al. Oct 2014 A1
20140316228 Blank et al. Oct 2014 A1
20140323825 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2014 A1
20140323897 Brown et al. Oct 2014 A1
20140323898 Purdon et al. Oct 2014 A1
20140330092 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2014 A1
20140330098 Merritt et al. Nov 2014 A1
20140330099 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2014 A1
20140333440 Kiani Nov 2014 A1
20140336481 Shakespeare et al. Nov 2014 A1
20140343436 Kiani Nov 2014 A1
20140357966 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2014 A1
20150005600 Blank et al. Jan 2015 A1
20150011907 Purdon et al. Jan 2015 A1
20150012231 Poeze et al. Jan 2015 A1
20150018650 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2015 A1
20150032029 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2015 A1
20150038859 Dalvi et al. Feb 2015 A1
20150045637 Dalvi Feb 2015 A1
20150073241 Lamego Mar 2015 A1
20150080754 Purdon et al. Mar 2015 A1
20150087936 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2015 A1
20150094546 Al-Ali Apr 2015 A1
20150097701 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150099950 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150099951 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150099955 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150101844 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150106121 Muhsin et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150112151 Muhsin et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150116076 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2015 A1
20150126830 Schurman et al. May 2015 A1
20150133755 Smith et al. May 2015 A1
20150141781 Weber et al. May 2015 A1
20150165312 Kiani Jun 2015 A1
20150196237 Lamego Jul 2015 A1
20150216459 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2015 A1
20150230755 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2015 A1
20150238722 Al-Ali Aug 2015 A1
20150245773 Lamego et al. Sep 2015 A1
20150245794 Al-Ali Sep 2015 A1
20150257689 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2015 A1
20150272514 Kiani et al. Oct 2015 A1
20150351697 Weber et al. Dec 2015 A1
20150351704 Kiani et al. Dec 2015 A1
20150359429 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2015 A1
20150366472 Kiani Dec 2015 A1
20150366507 Blank Dec 2015 A1
20150374298 Al-Ali et al. Dec 2015 A1
20150380875 Coverston et al. Dec 2015 A1
20160000362 Diab et al. Jan 2016 A1
20160007930 Weber et al. Jan 2016 A1
20160029932 Al-Ali Feb 2016 A1
20160029933 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2016 A1
20160045118 Kiani Feb 2016 A1
20160051205 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2016 A1
20160058338 Schurman et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160058347 Reichgott et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160066823 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160066824 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160066879 Telfort et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160072429 Kiani et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160073967 Lamego et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160081552 Wojtczuk et al. Mar 2016 A1
20160095543 Telfort et al. Apr 2016 A1
20160095548 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2016 A1
20160103598 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2016 A1
20160113527 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2016 A1
20160143548 Al-Ali May 2016 A1
20160166182 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2016 A1
20160166183 Poeze et al. Jun 2016 A1
20160166188 Bruinsma et al. Jun 2016 A1
20160166210 Al-Ali Jun 2016 A1
20160192869 Kiani et al. Jul 2016 A1
20160196388 Lamego Jul 2016 A1
20160197436 Barker et al. Jul 2016 A1
20160213281 Eckerbom et al. Jul 2016 A1
20160228043 O'Neil et al. Aug 2016 A1
20160233632 Scruggs et al. Aug 2016 A1
20160234944 Schmidt et al. Aug 2016 A1
20160270735 Diab et al. Sep 2016 A1
20160283665 Sampath et al. Sep 2016 A1
20160287090 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2016 A1
20160287786 Kiani Oct 2016 A1
20160296159 Larson Oct 2016 A1
20160296169 McHale et al. Oct 2016 A1
20160310052 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2016 A1
20160314260 Kiani Oct 2016 A1
20160324486 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2016 A1
20160324488 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2016 A1
20160327984 Olsen Nov 2016 A1
20160328528 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2016 A1
20160331332 Al-Ali Nov 2016 A1
20160367173 Dalvi et al. Dec 2016 A1
20170000394 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2017 A1
20170007134 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2017 A1
20170007190 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2017 A1
20170007198 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2017 A1
20170014083 Diab et al. Jan 2017 A1
20170014084 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2017 A1
20170021099 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2017 A1
20170024748 Haider Jan 2017 A1
20170027456 Kinast et al. Feb 2017 A1
20170042488 Muhsin Feb 2017 A1
20170055847 Kiani et al. Mar 2017 A1
20170055851 Al-Ali Mar 2017 A1
20170055882 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2017 A1
20170055887 Al-Ali Mar 2017 A1
20170055896 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2017 A1
20170079594 Telfort et al. Mar 2017 A1
20170086723 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2017 A1
20170143281 Olsen May 2017 A1
20170147774 Kiani May 2017 A1
20170156620 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2017 A1
20170173632 Al-Ali Jun 2017 A1
20170187146 Kiani et al. Jun 2017 A1
20170188919 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2017 A1
20170196464 Jansen et al. Jul 2017 A1
20170196470 Lamego et al. Jul 2017 A1
20170202490 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2017 A1
20170224216 Al-Ali Aug 2017 A1
20170224231 Ai-Ali Aug 2017 A1
20170224233 Ai-Ali Aug 2017 A1
20170224262 Al-Ali Aug 2017 A1
20170231537 Al-Ali Aug 2017 A1
20170245790 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2017 A1
20170251974 Shreim et al. Sep 2017 A1
20170251975 Shreim et al. Sep 2017 A1
20170311891 Kiani et al. Nov 2017 A1
20170340293 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2017 A1
20170360310 Kiani et al. Dec 2017 A1
20180008146 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2018 A1
20180013562 Haider et al. Jan 2018 A1
20180014752 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2018 A1
20180055390 Kiani et al. Mar 2018 A1
20180064381 Shakespeare et al. Mar 2018 A1
20180070867 Smith et al. Mar 2018 A1
20180082767 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2018 A1
20180085068 Telfort Mar 2018 A1
20180087937 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2018 A1
20180103874 Lee et al. Apr 2018 A1
20180103905 Kiani Apr 2018 A1
20180125368 Lamego et al. May 2018 A1
20180125430 Al-Ali et al. May 2018 A1
20180132769 Weber et al. May 2018 A1
20180146901 Al-Ali et al. May 2018 A1
20180146902 Kiani et al. May 2018 A1
20180153442 Eckerbom et al. Jun 2018 A1
20180153446 Kiani Jun 2018 A1
20180153448 Weber et al. Jun 2018 A1
20180168491 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2018 A1
20180184917 Kiani Jul 2018 A1
20180192924 Al-Ali Jul 2018 A1
20180192953 Shreim et al. Jul 2018 A1
20180199871 Pauley et al. Jul 2018 A1
20180206795 Al-Ali Jul 2018 A1
20180206815 Telfort Jul 2018 A1
20180213583 Al-Ali Jul 2018 A1
20180214090 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180216370 Ishiguro et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180218792 Muhsin et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180225960 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180238718 Dalvi Aug 2018 A1
20180242853 Al-Ali Aug 2018 A1
20180242923 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180242926 Muhsin et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180247353 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180247712 Muhsin et al. Aug 2018 A1
20180256087 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2018 A1
20180285094 Housel et al. Oct 2018 A1
20180289325 Poeze et al. Oct 2018 A1
20180296161 Shreim et al. Oct 2018 A1
20180300919 Muhsin et al. Oct 2018 A1
20180310822 Indorf et al. Nov 2018 A1
20180310823 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2018 A1
20180317826 Muhsin Nov 2018 A1
20180317841 Novak, Jr. Nov 2018 A1
20180333055 Lamego et al. Nov 2018 A1
20180333087 Al-Ali Nov 2018 A1
20190000317 Muhsin et al. Jan 2019 A1
20190000362 Kiani et al. Jan 2019 A1
20190015023 Monfre Jan 2019 A1
20190029574 Schurman et al. Jan 2019 A1
20190029578 Al-Ali et al. Jan 2019 A1
20190058280 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2019 A1
20190069813 Ai-Ali Mar 2019 A1
20190076028 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2019 A1
20190082979 Al-Ali et al. Mar 2019 A1
20190082985 Hong Mar 2019 A1
20190090760 Kinast et al. Mar 2019 A1
20190090764 Al-Ali Mar 2019 A1
20190117070 Muhsin et al. Apr 2019 A1
20190117139 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2019 A1
20190117141 Al-Ali Apr 2019 A1
20190117930 Al-Ali Apr 2019 A1
20190122763 Sampath et al. Apr 2019 A1
20190133525 Al-Ali et al. May 2019 A1
20190142283 Lamego et al. May 2019 A1
20190142344 Telfort et al. May 2019 A1
20190150856 Kiani et al. May 2019 A1
20190167161 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2019 A1
20190175019 Al-Ali et al. Jun 2019 A1
20190192076 Mchale et al. Jun 2019 A1
20190200941 Chandran et al. Jul 2019 A1
20190201623 Kiani Jul 2019 A1
20190209025 Al-Ali Jul 2019 A1
20190214778 Scruggs et al. Jul 2019 A1
20190216319 Poeze et al. Jul 2019 A1
20190216379 Al-Ali et al. Jul 2019 A1
20190221966 Kiani et al. Jul 2019 A1
20190223804 Blank et al. Jul 2019 A1
20190231199 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2019 A1
20190231241 Al-Ali et al. Aug 2019 A1
20190231270 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Aug 2019 A1
20190239787 Pauley et al. Aug 2019 A1
20190239824 Muhsin et al. Aug 2019 A1
20190254578 Lamego Aug 2019 A1
20190261857 Al-Ali Aug 2019 A1
20190269370 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2019 A1
20190274627 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2019 A1
20190274635 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2019 A1
20190290136 Dalvi et al. Sep 2019 A1
20190298270 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2019 A1
20190304601 Sampath et al. Oct 2019 A1
20190304605 Ai-Ali Oct 2019 A1
20190307377 Perea et al. Oct 2019 A1
20190320906 Olsen Oct 2019 A1
20190320959 Al-Ali Oct 2019 A1
20190320988 Ahmed et al. Oct 2019 A1
20190325722 Kiani et al. Oct 2019 A1
20190350506 Ai-Ali Nov 2019 A1
20190357812 Poeze et al. Nov 2019 A1
20190357813 Poeze et al. Nov 2019 A1
20190357823 Reichgott et al. Nov 2019 A1
20190357824 Al-Ali Nov 2019 A1
20190358524 Kiani Nov 2019 A1
20190365294 Poeze et al. Dec 2019 A1
20190365295 Poeze et al. Dec 2019 A1
20190374135 Poeze et al. Dec 2019 A1
20190374139 Kiani et al. Dec 2019 A1
20190374173 Kiani et al. Dec 2019 A1
20190374713 Kiani et al. Dec 2019 A1
20190386908 Lamego et al. Dec 2019 A1
20190388039 Al-Ali Dec 2019 A1
20200000338 Lamego et al. Jan 2020 A1
20200000415 Barker et al. Jan 2020 A1
20200015716 Poeze et al. Jan 2020 A1
20200021930 Iswanto et al. Jan 2020 A1
20200029867 Poeze et al. Jan 2020 A1
20200037453 Triman et al. Jan 2020 A1
20200037891 Kiani et al. Feb 2020 A1
20200037966 Al-Ali Feb 2020 A1
20200046257 Eckerbom et al. Feb 2020 A1
20200054253 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2020 A1
20200060591 Diab et al. Feb 2020 A1
20200060628 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2020 A1
20200060629 Muhsin et al. Feb 2020 A1
20200060869 Telfort et al. Feb 2020 A1
20200111552 Ahmed Apr 2020 A1
20200113435 Muhsin Apr 2020 A1
20200113488 Al-Ali et al. Apr 2020 A1
20200113496 Scruggs et al. Apr 2020 A1
20200113497 Triman et al. Apr 2020 A1
20200113520 Abdul-Hafiz et al. Apr 2020 A1
20200138368 Kiani et al. May 2020 A1
20200163597 Dalvi et al. May 2020 A1
20200196877 Vo et al. Jun 2020 A1
20200253474 Muhsin et al. Aug 2020 A1
20200253544 Belur Nagaraj et al. Aug 2020 A1
20200275841 Telfort et al. Sep 2020 A1
20200288983 Telfort et al. Sep 2020 A1
20200321793 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2020 A1
20200329983 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2020 A1
20200329984 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2020 A1
20200329993 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2020 A1
20200330037 Al-Ali et al. Oct 2020 A1
20210022628 Telfort et al. Jan 2021 A1
20210104173 Pauley et al. Apr 2021 A1
20210113121 Diab et al. Apr 2021 A1
20210117525 Kiani et al. Apr 2021 A1
20210118581 Kiani et al. Apr 2021 A1
20210121582 Krishnamani et al. Apr 2021 A1
20210161465 Barker et al. Jun 2021 A1
20210236729 Kiani et al. Aug 2021 A1
20210256267 Ranasinghe et al. Aug 2021 A1
20210256835 Ranasinghe et al. Aug 2021 A1
20210275101 Vo et al. Sep 2021 A1
20210290060 Ahmed Sep 2021 A1
20210290072 Forrest Sep 2021 A1
20210290080 Ahmed Sep 2021 A1
20210290120 Al-Ali Sep 2021 A1
20210290177 Novak, Jr. Sep 2021 A1
20210290184 Ahmed Sep 2021 A1
20210296008 Novak, Jr. Sep 2021 A1
20210330228 Olsen et al. Oct 2021 A1
20210386382 Olsen et al. Dec 2021 A1
20210402110 Pauley et al. Dec 2021 A1
20220026355 Normand et al. Jan 2022 A1
20220039707 Sharma et al. Feb 2022 A1
20220053892 Al-Ali et al. Feb 2022 A1
20220071562 Kiani Mar 2022 A1
20220096603 Kiani et al. Mar 2022 A1
20220151521 Krishnamani et al. May 2022 A1
20220218244 Kiani et al. Jul 2022 A1
20220287574 Telfort et al. Sep 2022 A1
20220296161 Al-Ali et al. Sep 2022 A1
20220361819 Al-Ali et al. Nov 2022 A1
20220379059 Yu et al. Dec 2022 A1
20220392610 Kiani et al. Dec 2022 A1
20230028745 Al-Ali Jan 2023 A1
20230038389 Vo Feb 2023 A1
20230045647 Vo Feb 2023 A1
20230058052 Al-Ali Feb 2023 A1
20230058342 Kiani Feb 2023 A1
20230069789 Koo et al. Mar 2023 A1
20230087671 Telfort et al. Mar 2023 A1
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