Acoustic wave device and process for forming the same

High quality epitaxial layers of piezoelectric material materials can be grown overlying large silicon wafers by first growing an accommodating buffer layer on a silicon wafer. The accommodating buffer layer is a layer of monocrystalline oxide spaced apart from the silicon wafer by an amorphous interface layer of silicon oxide. The amorphous interface layer dissipates strain and permits the growth of a high quality monocrystalline oxide accommodating buffer layer. Any lattice mismatch between the accommodating buffer layer and the underlying silicon substrate is taken care of by the amorphous interface layer.


This invention relates generally to microelectronic structures and devices and to a method for their fabrication, and more specifically to acoustic wave devices and to the fabrication and use of acoustic wave devices, and to monolithic integrated circuits that include acoustic wave devices.


Acoustic wave devices have several applications in the microelectronics industry. For example, acoustic wave devices can be used to perform active or passive signal processing functions suitable for delay lines, attenuators, phase shifters, filters, amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, limiters, and the like. Such acoustic wave devices are often integrated with other microelectronic components such as integrated circuits and RF generators to form assemblies for telecommunication, digital processing, and other applications.

Acoustic wave devices, such as surface acoustic wave and bulk acoustic wave devices, include a transducer coupled to piezoelectric material that converts an electronic signal received from the transducer to an acoustic wave. The acoustic wave devices are often fabricated by forming the transducer on bulk piezoelectric material or on a thin-film of piezoelectric material formed over a substrate such as a sapphire. Attempts have also been made to grow thin-film piezoelectric material over a semiconductor substrate. Formation of such films on semiconductor substrates is desirable because it allows for integration of the acoustic wave devices with other microelectronic devices on a single substrate. However, thin films of piezoelectric material formed on the semiconductor substrate are often of lesser quality than the bulk material because lattice mismatches between the host crystal and the grown crystal cause the grown thin film of piezoelectric material to be of low crystalline quality.

Generally, the desirable characteristics of acoustic wave devices increase as the crystallinity of the piezoelectric film increases. For example, the electromechanical coupling coefficient and the piezoelectric coefficient of a monocrystalline piezoelectric material is typically higher than the coefficient of the same material in polycrystalline or amorphous form. Accordingly, methods for forming monocrystalline piezoelectric films are desirable.

If a large area thin film of high quality monocrystalline piezoelectric material was available at low cost, a variety of semiconductor devices could advantageously be fabricated using that film at a low cost compared to the cost of fabricating such devices on a bulk wafer of the piezoelectric material or in an epitaxial film of such material on a sapphire substrate. In addition, if a thin film of high quality monocrystalline piezoelectric material could be realized on a bulk wafer such as a silicon wafer, an integrated device structure could be achieved that took advantage of the best properties of both the silicon and the piezoelectric material.

Accordingly, a need exists for a microelectronic structure that provides a high quality monocrystalline piezoelectric film over another monocrystalline material such as a semiconductor wafer and for a process for making such a structure.


The present invention is illustrated by way of example and not limitation in the accompanying figures, in which like references indicate similar elements, and in which:

FIGS. 1-4

illustrate schematically, in cross section, device structures in accordance with various embodiments of the invention;

FIG. 5

illustrates graphically the relationship between maximum attainable film thickness and lattice mismatch between a host crystal and a grown crystalline overlayer;

FIG. 6

illustrates schematically an integrated structure including an acoustic wave device;

FIG. 7

illustrates schematically an integrated structure including a surface acoustic wave device;

FIG. 8

illustrates schematically a top view of a transducer; and

FIGS. 9-10

illustrate schematically an integrated structure including a bulk acoustic wave device.

Skilled artisans will appreciate that elements in the figures are illustrated for simplicity and clarity and have not necessarily been drawn to scale. For example, the dimensions of some of the elements in the figures may be exaggerated relative to other elements to help to improve understanding of embodiments of the present invention.


FIG. 1

illustrates schematically, in cross section, a portion of a microelectronic structure


in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Microelectronic structure


includes a monocrystalline substrate


, an accommodating buffer layer


comprising a monocrystalline material, and a layer


of piezoelectric material, which is preferably monocrystalline. In this context, the term “monocrystalline” shall have the meaning commonly used within the semiconductor industry. The term shall refer to materials that are a single crystal or that are substantially a single crystal and shall include those materials having a relatively small number of defects such as dislocations and the like as are commonly found in substrates of silicon or germanium or mixtures of silicon and germanium and epitaxial layers of such materials commonly found in the semiconductor industry.

In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, structure


also includes an amorphous intermediate layer


positioned between substrate


and accommodating buffer layer


. Structure


may also include a template layer


between the accommodating buffer layer and piezoelectric material layer


. As will be explained more fully below, the template layer helps to initiate the growth of the piezoelectric material layer on the accommodating buffer layer. The amorphous intermediate layer helps to relieve the strain in the accommodating buffer layer and, by doing so, aids in the growth of a high crystalline quality accommodating buffer layer.



, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention, is a monocrystalline semiconductor wafer, preferably of large diameter. The wafer can be of a material from Group IV of the periodic table, and preferably a material from Group IVA. Examples of Group IV semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, mixed silicon and germanium, mixed silicon and carbon, mixed silicon, germanium and carbon, and the like. Substrate


can also be of a compound semiconductor material. The compound semiconductor material of substrate


can be selected, as needed for a particular semiconductor structure, from any of the Group IIIA and VA elements (III-V semiconductor compounds), mixed III-V compounds, Group II(A or B) and VIA elements (II-VI semiconductor compounds), and mixed II-VI compounds. Examples include gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium indium arsenide (GaInAs), gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs), indium phosphide (InP), cadmium sulfide (CdS), cadmium mercury telluride (CdHgTe), zinc selenide (ZnSe), zinc sulfur selenide (ZnSSe), and the like.

Preferably, substrate


is a wafer containing silicon or germanium, and most preferably is a high quality monocrystalline silicon wafer as used in the semiconductor industry. Accommodating buffer layer


is preferably a monocrystalline oxide or nitride material epitaxially grown on the underlying substrate. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, amorphous intermediate layer


is grown on substrate


at the interface between substrate


and the growing accommodating buffer layer by the oxidation of substrate


during the growth of layer


. The amorphous intermediate layer serves to relieve strain that might otherwise occur in the monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer as a result of differences in the lattice constants of the substrate and the buffer layer. As used herein, lattice constant refers to the distance between atoms of a cell measured in the plane of the surface. If such strain is not relieved by the amorphous intermediate layer, the strain may cause defects in the crystalline structure of the accommodating buffer layer. Defects in the crystalline structure of the accommodating buffer layer, in turn, would make it difficult to achieve a high quality crystalline structure in piezoelectric material layer



Accommodating buffer layer


is preferably a monocrystalline oxide or nitride material selected for its crystalline compatibility with the underlying substrate and with the overlying piezoelectric material. For example, the material could be an oxide or nitride having a lattice structure substantially matched to the substrate and to the subsequently applied piezoelectric material. Materials that are suitable for the accommodating buffer layer include metal oxides such as the alkaline earth metal titanates, alkaline earth metal zirconates, alkaline earth metal hafnates, alkaline earth metal tantalates, alkaline earth metal ruthenates, alkaline earth metal niobates, alkaline earth metal vanadates, perovskite oxides such as alkaline earth metal tin-based perovskites, lanthanum aluminate, lanthanum scandium oxide, and gadolinium oxide. Additionally, various nitrides such as gallium nitride, aluminum nitride, and boron nitride may also be used for the accommodating buffer layer. Most of these materials are insulators, although strontium ruthenate, for example, is a conductor. Generally, these materials are metal oxides or metal nitrides, and more particularly, these metal oxide or nitrides typically include at least two different metallic elements and have a perovskite crystal lattice structure. In some specific applications, the metal oxides or nitride may include three or more different metallic elements.

Amorphous interface layer


is preferably an oxide formed by the oxidation of the surface of substrate


, and more preferably is composed of a silicon oxide. The thickness of layer


is sufficient to relieve strain attributed to mismatches between the lattice constants of substrate


and accommodating buffer layer


. Typically, layer


has a thickness in the range of approximately 0.5-5 nm.

The piezoelectric material of layer


can be selected, as desired for a particular structure or application. Exemplary materials suitable for piezoelectric material layer


include lead based perovskite materials such as Pb(Zr,Ti)O


and other oxides such as LiNbO


, LiTaO


, and ZnO.

Suitable template materials chemically bond to the surface of the accommodating buffer layer


at selected sites and provide sites for the nucleation of the epitaxial growth of the subsequent piezoelectric material layer


. When used, template layer


has a thickness ranging from about one to about ten monolayers.

FIG. 2

schematically illustrates, in cross section, a portion of a microelectronic structure


in accordance with another exemplary embodiment of the invention. Structure


is similar to structure


, except that structure


includes an amorphous layer


, rather than accommodating buffer layer


and amorphous interface layer



As explained in greater detail below, amorphous layer


may be formed by first forming an accommodating buffer layer and an amorphous interface layer in a similar manner to that described above. Additional buffer layer


is then formed (by epitaxial growth) overlying the monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer. The accommodating buffer layer is then exposed to an anneal process to convert the monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer to an amorphous layer. Amorphous layer


formed in this manner comprises materials from both the accommodating buffer and interface layers, which amorphous layers may or may not amalgamate. Thus, layer


may comprise one or two amorphous layers. Formation of amorphous layer


between substrate


and layer


relieves stresses between layers




and provides a true compliant substrate for subsequent processing.

The process previously described above in connection with

FIG. 1

is adequate for growing monocrystalline piezoelectric material layers over a monocrystalline substrate. However, the process described in connection with

FIG. 2

, which includes transforming a monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer to an amorphous oxide layer, may be better for growing monocrystalline piezoelectric material layers because it allows strain in the structure to relax.

FIG. 3

schematically illustrates, in cross section, a portion of a microelectronic structure


in accordance with another exemplary embodiment of the invention. Structure


is similar to structure


, except that structure


includes an additional conductive layer


interposed between piezoelectric material layer


and template layer



FIG. 4

schematically illustrates, in cross section, a portion of a microelectronic structure


in accordance with yet another exemplary embodiment of the invention. Structure


is similar to structure


, except that structure


includes conductive oxide layer



Conductive layer


is preferably formed of monocrystalline material such that piezoelectric material


may be epitaxially formed over layer


. Suitable layer


materials that can be epitaxially grown over layer


include conductive oxides such as strontium ruthenate, strontium vanadate, and (La,Sr)CoO



The following non-limiting, illustrative examples illustrate various combinations of materials useful in structures






, and


in accordance with various alternative embodiments of the invention. These examples are merely illustrative, and it is not intended that the invention be limited to these illustrative examples.


In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, illustrated in

FIG. 1

, monocrystalline substrate


is a silicon substrate oriented in the (


) direction. The silicon substrate can be, for example, a silicon substrate as is commonly used in making complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits having a diameter of about 200-300 mm. In accordance with this embodiment of the invention, accommodating buffer layer


is a monocrystalline layer of (Sr,Ba)TiO


and the amorphous intermediate layer is a layer of silicon oxide (SiO


) formed at the interface between the silicon substrate and the accommodating buffer layer. The composition of layer


is selected to obtain one or more lattice constants closely matched to corresponding lattice constants of the subsequently formed layer


. The accommodating buffer layer can have a thickness of about 2 to about 100 nanometers (nm) and preferably has a thickness of about 10 nm. In general, it is desired to have an accommodating buffer layer thick enough to isolate the piezoelectric layer from the substrate to obtain the desired properties. Layers thicker than 100 nm usually provide little additional benefit while increasing cost unnecessarily; however, thicker layers may be fabricated if needed. The amorphous intermediate layer of silicon oxide can have a thickness of about 0.5-5 nm, and preferably a thickness of about 1.5-2.5 nm.

In accordance with this embodiment of the invention, piezoelectric material layer


is a layer of (Pb,Zr)TiO


having a thickness of about 100 nm to several microns and preferably a thickness of about 100-5000 nm. The thickness generally depends on the application for which the layer is being prepared.


In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, illustrated in

FIGS. 3 and 4

, a structure is provided that is suitable for the growth of a piezoelectric film over a conductive oxide material. The substrate is preferably a silicon wafer as described above. A suitable accommodating buffer layer material is (Sr,Ba)TiO


, having a thickness of about 2-100 nm and preferably a thickness of about 5-15 nm. The piezoelectric material can be, for example (Pb,Zr)TiO


, having a thickness of about 100 nm to about 5000 nm. Conductive layer


material includes (La,Sr)CoO


, and the layer is about 100 nm-1000 nm thick.

Referring again to

FIGS. 1-4

, substrate


is a monocrystalline substrate such as a monocrystalline silicon or gallium arsenide substrate. The crystalline structure of the monocrystalline substrate is characterized by a lattice constant and by a lattice orientation. In similar manner, accommodating buffer layer


is also a monocrystalline material and the lattice of that monocrystalline material is characterized by a lattice constant and a crystal orientation. The lattice constants of the accommodating buffer layer and the monocrystalline substrate must be closely matched or, alternatively, must be such that upon rotation of one crystal orientation with respect to the other crystal orientation, a substantial match in lattice constants is achieved. In this context the terms “substantially equal” and “substantially matched” mean that there is sufficient similarity between the lattice constants to permit the growth of a high quality crystalline layer on the underlying layer.

FIG. 5

graphically illustrates the relationship of the achievable thickness of a grown crystal layer of high crystalline quality as a function of the mismatch between the lattice constants of the host crystal and the grown crystal. Curve


illustrates the boundary of high crystalline quality material. The area to the right of curve


represents layers that have a large number of defects. With no lattice mismatch, it is theoretically possible to grow an infinitely thick, high quality epitaxial layer on the host crystal. As the mismatch in lattice constants increases, the thickness of achievable, high quality crystalline layer decreases rapidly. As a reference point, for example, if the lattice constants between the host crystal and the grown layer are mismatched by more than about 2%, monocrystalline epitaxial layers in excess of about 20 nm cannot be achieved.

In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, substrate


is a (100) or (111) oriented monocrystalline silicon wafer and accommodating buffer layer


is a layer of strontium barium titanate. Substantial matching of lattice constants between these two materials is achieved by rotating the crystal orientation of the titanate material by 45° with respect to the crystal orientation of the silicon substrate wafer. The inclusion in the structure of amorphous interface layer


, a silicon oxide layer in this example, if it is of sufficient thickness, serves to reduce strain in the titanate monocrystalline layer that might result from any mismatch in the lattice constants of the host silicon wafer and the grown titanate layer. As a result, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention, a high quality, thick, monocrystalline titanate layer is achievable.

Referring now to

FIGS. 1-2

, layer


is a layer epitaxially grown piezoelectric material and that crystalline material is also characterized by a crystal lattice constant and a crystal orientation. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, the lattice constant of layer


differs from the lattice constant of substrate


. To achieve high crystalline quality in this epitaxially grown monocrystalline layer, the accommodating buffer layer must be of high crystalline quality. In addition, in order to achieve high crystalline quality in layer


, substantial matching between the crystal lattice constant of the host crystal, in this case, the monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer, and the grown crystal is desired. With properly selected materials, this substantial matching of lattice constants is achieved as a result of rotation of the crystal orientation of the grown crystal with respect to the orientation of the host crystal. Similarly, with reference to

FIGS. 3-4

, to achieve high crystalline quality of layer


, both accommodating buffer layer


and conductive layer


must be of high crystalline quality.

The following example illustrates a process, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention, for fabricating a microelectronic structure such as the structures depicted in

FIGS. 1-4

. The process starts by providing a monocrystalline semiconductor substrate comprising silicon. In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention, the semiconductor substrate is a silicon wafer having a (100) orientation. The substrate is preferably oriented on axis or, at most, about 0.5° off axis. At least a portion of the semiconductor substrate has a bare surface, although other portions of the substrate, as described below, may encompass other structures. The term “bare” in this context means that the surface in the portion of the substrate has been cleaned to remove any oxides, contaminants, or other foreign material. As is well known, bare silicon is highly reactive and readily forms a native oxide. The term “bare” is intended to encompass such a native oxide. A thin silicon oxide may also be intentionally grown on the semiconductor substrate, although such a grown oxide is not essential to the process in accordance with the invention. In order to epitaxially grow a monocrystalline oxide layer overlying the monocrystalline substrate, the native oxide layer must first be removed to expose the crystalline structure of the underlying substrate. The following process is preferably carried out by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), although other epitaxial processes may also be used in accordance with the present invention. The native oxide can be removed by first thermally depositing a thin layer of strontium, barium, a combination of strontium and barium, or other alkaline earth metals or combinations of alkaline earth metals in an MBE apparatus. In the case where strontium is used, the substrate is then heated to a temperature of about 750° C. to cause the strontium to react with the native silicon oxide layer. The strontium serves to reduce the silicon oxide to leave a silicon oxide-free surface. The resultant surface, which exhibits an ordered 2×1 structure, includes strontium, oxygen, and silicon. The ordered 2×1 structure forms a template for the ordered growth of an overlying layer of a monocrystalline oxide. The template provides the necessary chemical and physical properties to nucleate the crystalline growth of an overlying layer.

In accordance with an alternate embodiment of the invention, the native silicon oxide can be converted and the substrate surface can be prepared for the growth of a monocrystalline oxide layer by depositing an alkaline earth metal oxide, such as strontium oxide, strontium barium oxide, or barium oxide, onto the substrate surface by MBE at a low temperature and by subsequently heating the structure to a temperature of about 750° C. At this temperature, a solid state reaction takes place between the strontium oxide and the native silicon oxide, causing the reduction of the native silicon oxide and leaving an ordered 2×1 structure with strontium, oxygen, and silicon remaining on the substrate surface. Again, this forms a template for the subsequent growth of an ordered monocrystalline oxide layer.

Following the removal of the silicon oxide from the surface of the substrate, in accordance with one embodiment of the invention, the substrate is cooled to a temperature in the range of about 200-800° C. and a layer of strontium titanate is grown on the template layer by molecular beam epitaxy. The MBE process is initiated by opening shutters in the MBE apparatus to expose strontium, titanium and oxygen sources. The ratio of strontium and titanium is approximately 1:1. The partial pressure of oxygen is initially set at a minimum value to grow stoichiometric strontium titanate at a growth rate of about 0.3-0.5 nm per minute. After initiating growth of the strontium titanate, the partial pressure of oxygen is increased above the initial minimum value. The overpressure of oxygen causes the growth of an amorphous silicon oxide layer at the interface between the underlying substrate and the growing strontium titanate layer. The growth of the silicon oxide layer results from the diffusion of oxygen through the growing strontium titanate layer to the interface where the oxygen reacts with silicon at the surface of the underlying substrate. The strontium titanate grows as an ordered monocrystal with the crystalline orientation rotated by 45° with respect to the ordered 2×1 crystalline structure of the underlying substrate. Strain that otherwise might exist in the strontium titanate layer because of the small mismatch in lattice constant between the silicon substrate and the growing crystal is relieved in the amorphous silicon oxide intermediate layer.

After the strontium titanate layer has been grown to the desired thickness, the monocrystalline strontium titanate may be capped by a template layer that is conducive to the subsequent growth of an epitaxial layer of a desired material. For example, the MBE growth of the strontium titanate monocrystalline layer can be capped by terminating the growth with 1-2 monolayers of titanium, 1-2 monolayers of titanium-oxygen or with 1-2 monolayers of strontium-oxygen. Following the formation of the template (if one is formed), the piezoelectric or conductive oxide material is grown using MBE or other suitable techniques.



, illustrated in

FIG. 2

, may be formed by growing an accommodating buffer layer and forming an amorphous oxide layer over substrate


, as described above. The accommodating buffer layer and the amorphous oxide layer are then exposed to an anneal process sufficient to change the crystalline structure of the accommodating buffer layer from monocrystalline to amorphous, thereby forming an amorphous layer such that the combination of the amorphous oxide layer and the now amorphous accommodating buffer layer form a single amorphous oxide layer


. Layer


is then subsequently grown over layer


(or a suitable anneal cap layer formed over layer


). Alternatively, the anneal process may be carried out subsequent to growth of layer



In accordance with one aspect of this embodiment, layer


is formed by exposing substrate


, the accommodating buffer layer, and the amorphous oxide layer to a rapid thermal anneal process with a peak temperature of about 700° C. to about 1000° C. and a process time of about 10 seconds to about 10 minutes. However, other suitable anneal processes may be employed to convert the accommodating buffer layer to an amorphous layer in accordance with the present invention. For example, laser annealing or “conventional” thermal annealing processes (in the proper environment) may be used to form layer


. When conventional thermal annealing is employed to form layer


, an overpressure of one or more constituents of layer


may be required to prevent degradation of layer


during the anneal process.

Conductive layer


—e.g, (La,Sr)CoO


, illustrated in

FIGS. 3 and 4

, may be epitaxially grown using sputter deposition. More particularly, the (La,Sr)CoO


layer may be grown using RF magnetron sputtering (face to face configuration) from a compressed (La,Sr)CoO


target. In accordance with one aspect of the invention, the deposition is performed with oxygen as sputter gas and a substrate temperature of about 400-600° C.

The process described above illustrates a process for forming a semiconductor structure including a silicon substrate, an overlying oxide layer, and a piezoelectric material layer by the processes of molecular beam epitaxy and RF sputtering. The process can also be carried out by the process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD), metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE), atomic layer epitaxy (ALE), physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical solution deposition (CSD), pulsed laser deposition (PLD), or the like. Further, by a similar process, other monocrystalline accommodating buffer layers such as alkaline earth metal titanates, zirconates, hafnates, tantalates, vanadates, ruthenates, and niobates, alkaline earth metal tin-based perovskites, lanthanum aluminate, lanthanum scandium oxide, and gadolinium oxide can also be grown. Further, by a similar process such as MBE, other metallic oxide layers can be deposited overlying the monocrystalline oxide accommodating buffer layer. For example, the piezoelectric material may be grown via PLD by ablating a target of the desired material with an eximer laser and heating the substrate to a temperature of about 300° C. to about 500° C.

Each of the variations of piezoelectric material, conductive material, and monocrystalline oxide accommodating buffer layer may use an appropriate template for initiating the growth of the respective layer. In such a case, suitable template materials may be grown according to the methods described above in connection with growing layer





. illustrates schematically, in cross section, a device structure


in accordance with a further embodiment of the invention. Structure


includes a first region


in which an electrical component


is formed within a substrate


and a second region


in which an acoustic wave device


is formed using a piezoelectric material layer


. Forming acoustic wave device


and device


on a single substrate allows for monolithic integration of one or more of the devices. Such integration, however, is not required to practice the present invention: device


is optionally formed on or within substrate


in accordance with various embodiments of the invention.



preferably includes a monocrystalline semiconductor material. For example and in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the invention, substrate


includes a monocrystalline silicon substrate.

Electrical component


can be a resistor, a capacitor, an active semiconductor component such as a diode or a transistor or an integrated circuit such as a CMOS integrated circuit. For example, electrical semiconductor component


can be a CMOS integrated circuit configured to perform digital signal processing or another function for which silicon integrated circuits are well suited. The electrical semiconductor component in region


can be formed by conventional semiconductor processing as well known and widely practiced in the semiconductor industry. A layer of insulating material


such as a layer of silicon dioxide or the like may overlie electrical semiconductor component



Insulating material


and any other layers that may have been formed or deposited during the processing of semiconductor component


in region


are removed from the surface of region


to provide a bare silicon surface in the region. As is well known, bare silicon surfaces are highly reactive and a native silicon oxide layer can quickly form on the bare surface. A layer of barium or barium and oxygen is deposited onto the native oxide layer on the surface of region


and is reacted with the oxidized surface to form a first template layer (not shown). In accordance with one embodiment of the invention a monocrystalline oxide layer is formed overlying the template layer by a process of molecular beam epitaxy. Reactants including barium, titanium and oxygen are deposited onto the template layer to form the monocrystalline oxide layer. Initially, during the deposition, the partial pressure of oxygen is kept near the minimum necessary to fully react with the barium and titanium to form the monocrystalline barium titanate layer. The partial pressure of oxygen is then increased to provide an overpressure of oxygen and to allow oxygen to diffuse through the growing monocrystalline oxide layer. The oxygen diffusing through the barium titanate reacts with silicon at the surface of region


to form an amorphous layer of silicon oxide on the second region and at the interface between the silicon substrate and the monocrystalline oxide.

In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, the step of depositing the monocrystalline oxide layer is terminated by depositing a second template layer, which can be 1-10 monolayers of titanium, barium, strontium, barium and oxygen, titanium and oxygen, or strontium and oxygen.

In accordance with one aspect of the present embodiment, after monocrystalline oxide layer formation, the monocrystalline titanate layer and the silicon oxide layer, which is interposed between substrate


and the titanate layer, are exposed to an anneal process such that the titanate and oxide layers form an amorphous oxide layer


. However, such an anneal process is not required to practice the present invention: structure


may include a monocrystalline accommodating buffer layer.

Although not illustrated, during structure


formation, layer


material may be deposited over region


. Because the material is deposited over amorphous material layer


, the accommodating buffer layer material will form an amorphous layer in region


. If desired, the accommodating buffer layer material may suitably be removed from region


, or, alternatively, the material may remain in region


to provide additional device



Acoustic wave device


may include either a surface acoustic wave (SAW) or bulk acoustic wave (BAW) device which is formed by growing, preferably epitaxially, a piezoelectric material over oxide


. In accordance with the illustrated embodiment, piezoelectric material such as (Pb,Zr)TiO


is epitaxially grown over oxide layer


. Acoustic wave device


may suitably be coupled to one or more electrical components (e.g., component


) using any suitable interconnect, represented by line


, to form a monolithic integrated system including an acoustic wave device.

FIG. 7

illustrates a structure


in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the invention. As illustrated, structure


includes an electrical component


formed within a substrate


and a SAW device


device formed using a piezoelectric material layer


. Although illustrated with electrical component or device


, such a component is not necessary to practice the present invention.



may include any device or a combination of devices described above in connection with device


. In accordance with one exemplary embodiment, component


includes a driver circuit for SAW device


. In this case, device


is coupled to a first portion of SAW device


via an interconnect illustrated by lines




to drive SAW device





, piezoelectric layer


, and accommodating layer


may include the same materials and may be formed according to the method described above in connection with substrate


and layers




described above in connection with FIG.


. Once monocrystalline piezoelectric material is grown and etched to form layer


, a transducer


is formed on a surface, e.g., a top surface


, of layer



As illustrated in

FIG. 8

, transducer


, in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the invention, includes interdigitated finger electrodes




formed of conductive material. In this case, a resonance frequency of device


is determined by a spacing between adjacent electrode fingers. Other forms of transducers are considered to be within the scope of the invention.

Finger electrodes




may be formed by depositing conductive material such as metal (e.g., aluminum, an aluminum alloy, or platinum), patterning the material, and etching away material to form the electrodes. Alternatively, other processes may be employed to form transducer


. For example, chemical mechanical polishing (CMP)/damascene techniques with copper metal deposition may be used to form electrode



FIG. 9

illustrates a structure


in accordance with another exemplary embodiment of the invention. Structure


includes an (optional) electrical component


formed within a substrate


and a BAW device


device formed using a piezoelectric material layer


. An accommodating layer


and piezoelectric layer


are formed over substrate


using materials and according to the methods discussed above in connection with layers




and substrate


. Similarly, component


may include any electronic device discussed in connection with device


and may be coupled to BAW


, via an interconnect represented as line


, to form a monolithically integrated BAW structure.



operates by applying an alternating bias across piezoelectric layer


sufficient to cause layer


to deform and cause an acoustic wave to transmit through layer


. To effect a bias across piezoelectric material layer


, a transducer including electrodes




, is preferably formed about opposite sides of layer


. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, electrode


is formed of monocrystalline material such as conductive material discussed above in connection with layer


illustrated in

FIGS. 3 and 4

. Forming electrode


of monocrystalline material allows subsequent monocrystalline growth of piezoelectric material layer


over monocrystalline electrode


. Electrode


may be formed of any conductive material such as the materials discussed above in connection with transducer


or electrode


, and may be patterned using deposition and etch or CMP techniques.

A resonance frequency of device


can be manipulated by adjusting a thickness of layer


. Accordingly, the thickness of layer


is often selected based on a desired resonating frequency of device


. Further, because layer


is preferably epitaxially grown, the thickness and thus the resonating frequency of layer


can be tightly controlled.

To facilitate resonating of layer


, a portion of substrate


is preferably removed proximate device


. In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, the portion of substrate


is removed using an etch which selectively etches material of substrate


relative to material comprising layer


. However, in accordance with an alternate embodiment of the invention, a portion of layer


and/or layer


, beneath layer


, may also be removed to further facilitate resonating of layer


. In this case, additional etchants that selectively remove portions of layers




may be employed.

FIG. 10

illustrates a structure


in accordance with yet another exemplary embodiment of the invention. Structure


includes an electrical component


formed within a substrate


and a BAW device


device formed using a piezoelectric material layer


. Similar to structures




, device


is not necessary to practice the present invention, but the inclusion of such devices may advantageously allow for integration of multiple components on a single substrate.



is similar to structure


, except that a lower electrode


is formed on a lower surface of piezoelectric material layer


by etching, from a back side using a suitable patterned mask and etchant(s), substrate


material, an oxide layer


material, and semiconductor material


. Electrode


may then be formed by depositing conductive material onto the lower surface of piezoelectric material layer


. Once BAW device


is formed in accordance with the present invention, device


may be coupled to device


using an interconnect schematically illustrated as lines




, coupled respectively to a top electrode


and lower electrode



Although illustrative structures




, and


have been described as a structure formed on a silicon substrate and having a barium (or strontium) titanate layer, similar devices can be fabricated using other monocrystalline substrates and oxide layers as described elsewhere in this disclosure.

In the foregoing specification, the invention has been described with reference to specific embodiments. However, one of ordinary skill in the art appreciates that various modifications and changes can be made without departing from the scope of the present invention as set forth in the claims below. Accordingly, the specification and figures are to be regarded in an illustrative rather than a restrictive sense, and all such modifications are intended to be included in the scope of present invention.

Benefits, other advantages, and solutions to problems have been described above with regard to specific embodiments. However, the benefits, advantages, solutions to problems, and any element(s) that may cause any benefit, advantage, or solution to occur or become more pronounced are not to be construed as a critical, required, or essential features or elements of any or all the claims. As used herein, the terms “comprises,” “comprising,” or any other variation thereof, are intended to cover a non-exclusive inclusion, such that a process, method, article, or apparatus that comprises a list of elements does not include only those elements but may include other elements not expressly listed or inherent to such process, method, article, or apparatus.

  • 1. An acoustic wave device comprising:a monocrystalline silicon substrate; an MOS circuit formed at least partially in the silicon substrate; a monocrystalline perovskite layer epitaxially formed overlying the silicon substrate; an amorphous interface layer formed underlying the monocrystalline perovskite layer; a layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material having a surface epitaxially formed overlying the monocrystalline perovskite layer; a transducer formed on the surface of the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material; and an interconnection coupling the MOS circuit and the transducer.
  • 2. The device of claim 1 wherein the monocrystalline perovskite layer comprises an insulator selected from the group consisting of alkaline earth metal titanates, zirconates, hafnates, tantalates, ruthenates, niobates and vanadates, tin based perovskites, lanthanum aluminate, lanthanum scandium oxide, and gadolinium oxide.
  • 3. The device of claim 2 wherein the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material comprises a lead based perovskite.
  • 4. The device of claim 3 wherein the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material comprises (Pb,Zr)TiO3.
  • 5. The device of claim 4 further comprising a monocrystalline buffer layer formed between the monocrystalline perovskite layer and the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material.
  • 6. The device of claim 5 wherein the buffer layer comprises a monocrystalline conductive oxide layer.
  • 7. The device of claim 6 wherein the monocrystalline conductive oxide layer comprises a material selected from the group consisting of (La,Sr)CoO3 and SrVO3.
  • 8. The device of claim 2 wherein the amorphous interface layer comprises silicon oxide.
  • 9. The device of claim 1 wherein the monocrystalline perovskite layer comprises (Sr,Ba)TiO3.
  • 10. The device of claim 1 wherein the transducer comprises an interdigitated transducer.
  • 11. A bulk acoustic wave device comprising:a monocrystalline silicon substrate; an MOS circuit formed at least partially in the silicon substrate; a monocrystalline perovskite layer epitaxially formed overlying the silicon substrate; a monocrystalline conductive oxide layer epitaxially formed overlying the monocrystalline perovskite layer; a layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material epitaxially formed overlying the monocrystalline conductive oxide layer; and a conductive electrode formed overlying the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material.
  • 12. The device of claim 11 wherein the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material has a predetermined thickness to determine a resonant frequency of the device.
  • 13. The device of claim 12 wherein the thickness is in the range of about 100 nm to about 5000 nm.
  • 14. The device of claim 12 wherein the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material comprises a lead based perovskite.
  • 15. The device of claim 14 wherein the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material comprises (Pb,Zr)TiO3.
  • 16. The device of claim 12 further comprising a monocrystalline buffer layer formed between the monocrystalline perovskite layer and the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material.
  • 17. The device of claim 16 wherein the buffer layer comprises a monocrystalline conductive oxide.
  • 18. The device of claim 17 wherein the monocrystalline conductive oxide comprises a material selected from the group consisting of (La,Sr)CoO3 and SrVO3.
  • 19. The device of claim 11 further comprising an amorphous interface layer formed underlying the monocrystalline perovskite layer.
  • 20. The device of claim 11 wherein the monocrystalline perovskite layer comprises an insulator selected from the group consisting of alkaline earth metal titanates, zirconates, hafnates, tantalates, ruthenates, niobates and vanadates, tin based perovskites, lanthanum aluminate, lanthanum scandium oxide, and gadolinium oxide.
  • 21. The device of claim 11 wherein the monocrystalline perovskite layer comprises (Sr,Ba)TiO3.
  • 22. The device of claim 11 wherein the monocrystalline conductive oxide comprises a material selected from the group consisting of (La,Sr)CoO3 and SrVO3.
  • 23. The device of claim 11 further comprising interconnect metallization coupling the MOS circuit and the conductive electrode and coupling the MOS circuit and the monocrystalline conductive oxide layer.
  • 24. A bulk acoustic wave device comprising:a monocrystalline silicon substrate having a front surface and a rear surface; a MOS circuit formed at least partially in the silicon substrate; a monocrystalline perovskite layer epitaxially formed overlying the front surface of the silicon substrate; a layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material epitaxially formed overlying the monocrystalline perovskite layer, the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material having an upper surface and a lower surface, the lower surface facing the monocrystalline perovskite layer; a concave recess etched in the rear surface of the silicon substrate and extending through the monocrystalline substrate; a first conductive electrode contacting the lower surface of the monocrystalline piezoelectric material; and a second conductive electrode contacting the upper surface of the layer of monocrystalline piezoelectric material.
  • 25. The device of claim 24 further comprising interconnect metallization coupling the first conductive electrode and the second conductive electrode to the MOS circuit.
  • 26. An acoustic wave device comprising:a monocrystalline silicon substrate; a MOS circuit formed at least partially in the silicon substrate; a first monocrystalline layer comprising (Sr,Ba)TiO3 epitaxially formed overlying the silicon substrate; an amorphous silicon oxide interface layer formed underlying the first monocrystalline layer; a second monocrystalline layer comprising (Pb,Zr)TiO3 having a surface epitaxially formed overlying the first monocrystalline layer; an interdigitated transducer formed on the surface; and interconnect metallization coupling the MOS circuit and the interdigitated transducer.
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