Mark A Handschy, Lisa K. Cotter, Jim D. Cunningham, Timothy J Drabik, and Stephen D. Gaalema, “One-Transistor DRAM FLC/VLSI SLM”, Mar. 15, 1993, Spatial Light Modulators and Applications Technical Digest 1993 (Summaries of papers presented at the Spatial Light Modulators and Applications Topical Meeting, Mar. 15-17, 1993), Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1993, vol. 6, pp. 14-17. |
W.A Crossland, M.J. Birch, D.G. Vass, I. Underwood, S. A. Reid, and S. G. Latham, “Silicon Active Backplane Spatial Light Modulators Using Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals”, Sep. 10, 1990, Spatial Light Modulators and Applications—1990 Technical Digest Series, vol. 14 (Summaries of papers presented at the Spatial Light Modulators and Applications Topical Meeting, Sep. 10-12, 1990), Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1990, vol. 14, pp. 94-97. |
Mark A Handschy and Timothy J Drabik, “Process in Silicon VLSI/Ferroelectric-Liquid-Crystal Micro-Power Optoelectronic Computing Devices”, Sep. 10, 1990, Spatial Light Modulators and Applications—1990 Technical Digest Series, vol. 14 (Summaries of papers presented at the Spatial Light Modulators and Applications Topical Meeting, Sep. 10-12, 1990), Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1990, vol. 14, pp. 98-100. |
Mark A. Handschy, Michael J. O'Callaghan, Michael D. Wand, and Stephen D. Gaalema, “Analog Electro-Optic Modulators for Ferroelectric-Liquid Crystal/VLSI Spatial Light Modulators”, Feb. 2, 1993, SPIE Proceedings—Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Applications II (Feb. 2-4, 1993), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, 1993, vol. 1911, pp. 175-180. |
Michael D. Wand, Rohini Vohra, Mike O'Callaghan, Beth Roberts, and Claus Escher, “An Easily Aligned Deformable Helix Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Mixture and Its Use in Devices”, 1992, SPIE Proceedings, 1992, vol. 1665-16, pp. 176-183. |
W J. A. M. Hartmann, “Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystal Video Display” Sep. 1989, IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices, vol. 36, No. 9, 1989, pp. 1895-1899. |
L.K. Cotter, T.J. Drabik, R.J. Dillon and M.A. Handschy; “Ferroelectric-Liquid-Crystal Silicon-Integrated-Circuit Spatial Light Modulator”; Mar. 1, 1990; Opt. Lett. 15,191. |
I. Underwood, et al.; “A High Performance Spatial Light Modulator”, Jul. 21, 1991; SPIE vol. 1562, 107. |
W.A. Crossland, M.J. Birch, A.B. Davey and D.G. Vass; “Active Backpalane Spatial Light Modulators Using Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystals”; Feb. 9, 1992; SPIE vol. 1665114. |
Ian Underwood, David G. Vass, Antony O'Hara, Dwayne C. Burns, Peter W. McOwan and James Gourlay; “Improving the Performance of Liquid-Crystal-Over-Silicon Spatial Light Modulators: Issues and Achievements”;May, 10, 1994; Applied Optics 33, 2768. |
E.V. Stine and M, Chmielowski; “High-Refresh-Rate Color Sequenced LCD”; Jun. 14, 1994; SID Digest of Techincal Papers 25, 544. |
J.B. Sampsell; “An Overview of the Performance Envelope of Digital-Micormirror-Device-Based Projection Display Systems”; Jun. 14, 1994; SID Digest of Technical Papers 25,669. |
J. C. White, “Colour LCD TV”, May 1988, Physics in Technology, vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 91-100. |