A portion of the disclosure of this patent document and appendices contain material which is subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of this patent document or the patent disclosure, as it appears in the patent and Trademark Office patent file or records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights whatsoever.
The present invention relates to the field of programmable sequencing devices, or, more particularly, the field of remote controls for consumer electronic devices. The present invention provides an enhanced interface for facilitating human input of a desired control sequence in a programmable device by employing specialized visual feedback. Some of the most popular programmable products include VCRs, answering machines, microwave ovens, alarm clocks, thermostats, cameras, home security systems, lighting systems, and automobiles.
Significant difficulties are experienced by users when programmable complex devices are infrequently used or programmed, or when a user attempts to use uncommon functions of these devices, such as, for example video cassette recorders (hereinafter “VCRs”). Studies have concluded that 80% of users cannot correctly program their VCRs. This has been due, in part, to the fact that manufacturers continue to add more features to existing devices, without simplifying those which already exist.
People learn most efficiently through the interactive experiences of doing, thinking, and knowing. For ease-of-use, efficiency, and lack of frustration of the user, utilizing the device should be intuitive. Users should be able to operate the device without referring to an instruction manual. Well-designed products should contain visual clues which prompt and convey their meanings, however, prior art devices do not always live up to this ideal. This problem is accentuated by various manufacturers and designers who focus on the production and design of feature-rich systems, rather than on ones which are also “User Friendly” and thus easier to use. Therefore, many products are extremely complex and thus difficult to use, thereby preventing all but the most technically advanced people from using them.
The act of programming, or determining a sequence of operations to be performed by, for example, a VCR, several steps are required. In addition to setting the clock, the user must assign a is program number, set the current date and current time, select the start and stop times, choose the channel from which to record, and choose a tape speed. These actions require a minimum of four actuators (“Program”, “+”, “−”, and “Enter”). Presently, some VCR controls contain up to 123 buttons, double function keys, and symbols which are not immediately recognized by the user.
In order to simplify commonly-used functions, a number of methods have been devised. Certain VCRs employ a bar-code reader in order to allow entry of programming steps from a menu of functions, or from an encoded description of an event to be programmed. However, this method suffers from the limitation that the channel, time and duration must be available in encoded form, otherwise the use of the device will not simplify the use or programming of the VCR. These machines come with a laminated sheet of bar codes. In order to program the VCR, the user must press a button on a wand, which lights its tip, and then run or pass the tip over a bar-code, to set each step separately. Finally, when all the information has been scanned in, the user must press the “Transmit” button. The “VCRplus+” is a device which allows the entry of a code representing a channel, time, date and duration of a program to be recorded, which when entered into the remote control device, is translated into commands for programming the VCR, and transmitted through an infrared link to the VCR, thus programming the VCR. This system has the limitations that the published codes must be available, and manually entered, which may be thus be erroneously entered, and the system does not allow for rescheduled programs, so that any variation in schedule will result in a defective recording. The time and date in the VCR device must also be set accurately for this system to operate.
On-screen programming systems exist; however, these generally require the user to scroll through menus and option choices without allowing direct entry of programming information. Direct-entry systems are available with, for example, programmable controllers with keypad entry. However, these do not generally have full information visual displays, meaning that all vital information is not or cannot be simultaneously displayed, and must be “multiplexed”, meaning that data must share display space with other data, displayed at different times. In a VCR with on-screen programming, all programming information feedback is displayed on the television screen, and prompts are provided to guide the user through the necessary steps. Some VCRs have numeric keypads to enter the information, while others allow choices to be entered by the selection method, which depends on the use of “up” and “down” arrow keys to select a desired option.
The other major presently used method, which is available on most VCRs, as well as other types of programmable devices, is Display Panel Programming. This method is generally inadequate because full instructions are not normally available on the display panel, and the amount of information simultaneously displayed is limited. Users do not need a television set to see the displayed information, but they might have trouble reading the small, usually multifunctional multiplexed display and keypad. When programming the VCR, information may be entered on the display panel using the selection method, with either the “up” key or both “up” and “down” keys, or by direct entry in devices that support such a system.
The remote control device of a VCR is often the primary input device, and it sometimes has control functions not accessible from a keypad input present on the VCR itself. Remote controls often contain many buttons, which may be found overwhelming and confusing by the user. This results in under-utilization of the various actuators or buttons, and consequently, various useful features are unused or inaccessible, or the programming operation is inefficient. The extra clutter results in a greater “search time”, the time needed to locate and execute a desired function, and thus it takes longer to program the VCR. The general structure of the search time in programming a VCR is shown diagrammatically in
Many techniques have been used to facilitate the programming of devices such as VCRs, including:
As the technology becomes more mature, and VCRs and other types of programmable consumer electronic devices become less expensive, a proportionally less-educated segment of society will be confronted with these devices. While education and ability to program a VCR are not necessarily correlated, the present invention is directed toward improving the interface to allow all segments of the population to effectively interface with these programmable devices. By making the user interface more intuitive, and facilitating program entry by all levels of users, the present method and apparatus allow a manufacturer to produce a single device, without regard to the ability of the user to learn the programming steps. It is also noted that, because of their previous inability to provide a programmable consumer electronic device with various user interface levels, manufacturers have had to compromise the programming power of their user interface to allow less than advanced users to program it, or to compromise the usability of the device in order to make the full programming power available.
The following references are relevant to the interface aspects of the present invention, are contained in the appendix hereto, and are expressly incorporated herein by reference:
Hoffberg, Linda I, “AN IMPROVED HUMAN FACTORED INTERFACE FOR PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES: A CASE STUDY OF THE VCR” Master's Thesis, Tufts University (Master of Sciences in Engineering Design, November, 1990); “Bar Code Programs VCR”, Design News, Feb. 1, 1988, 26; “The Highs and Lows of Nielsen Homevideo Index”, Marketing & Media Decisions, November 1985, 84-86+; “The Quest for ‘User Friendly’”, U.S. News & World Report, Jun. 13, 1988. 54-56; “The Smart House: Human Factors in Home Automation”, Human Factors in Practice, December 1990, 1-36; “VCR, Camcorder Trends”, Television Digest, Vol. 29:16 (Mar. 20, 1989); Abedini, Kamran, “An Ergonomically-improved Remote Control Unit Design”, Interface '87 Proceedings, 375-380; Abedini, Kamran, and Hadad, George, “Guidelines For Designing Better VCRs”, Report No. IME 462, Feb. 4, 1987; Bensch, U., “VPV—VIDEOTEXT PROGRAMS VIDEORECORDER”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 34(3):788-792; Berger, Ivan, “Secrets of the Universals”, Video, February 1989, 45-47+; Beringer, D. B., “A Comparative Evaluation of Calculator Watch Data Entry Technologies: Keyboards to Chalkboards”, Applied Ergonomics, December 1985, 275-278; Bishop, Edward W., and Guinness, G. Victor Jr., “Human Factors Interaction with Industrial Design”, Human Factors, 8(4):279-289 (August 1966); Brown, Edward, “Human Factors Concepts For Management”, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 1973, 372-375; Bulkeley, Debra, “The Smartest House in America”, Design News, Oct. 19, 1987, 56-61; Card, Stuart K., “A Method for Calculating Performance times for Users of Interactive Computing Systems”, IEEE, 1979, 653-658; Carlson, Mark A., “Design Goals for an Effective User Interface”, Electro/82 Proceedings, 3/1/1-3/1/4; Carlson, Mark A., “Design Goals for an Effective User Interface”, Human Interfacing with Instruments, Session 3; Carroll, Paul B., “High Tech Gear Draws Cries of “Uncle”, Wall Street Journal, Apr. 27, 1988, 29; Cobb, Nathan, “I don't get it”, Boston Sunday Globe Magazine, Mar. 25, 1990, 23-29; Davis, Fred, “The Great Look-and-Feel Debate”, A+, 5:9-11 (July 1987); Dehning, Waltraud, Essig Heidrun, and Maass, Susanne, The Adaptation of Virtual Man-Computer Interfaces to User Requirements in Dialogs, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1981; Ehrenreich, S. L., “Computer Abbreviations—Evidence and Synthesis”, Human Factors, 27(2):143-155 (April 1985); Friedman, M. B., “An Eye Gaze Controlled Keyboard”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, 1984, 446-447; Gilfoil, D., and Mauro, C. L., “Integrating Human Factors and Design: Matching Human Factors Methods up to Product Development”, C. L. Mauro Assoc., Inc., 1-7; Gould, John D., Boies, Stephen J., Meluson, Antonia, Rasammy, Marwan, and Vosburgh, Ann Marie, “Entry and Selection Methods For Specifying Dates”. Human Factors, 32(2):199-214 (April 1989); Green, Lee, “Thermo Tech: Here's a common sense guide to the new thinking thermostats”, Popular Mechanics, is October 1985, 155-159; Grudin, Jonathan, “The Case Against User Interface Consistency”, MCC Technical Report Number ACA-HI-002-89, January 1989; Harvey, Michael G., and Rothe, James T., “VideoCassette Recorders: Their Impact on Viewers and Advertisers”, Journal of Advertising, 25:19-29 (December/January 1985); Hawkins, William J., “Super Remotes”, Popular Science, February 1989, 76-77; Henke, Lucy L., and Donohue, Thomas R., “Functional Displacement of Traditional TV Viewing by VCR Owners”, Journal of Advertising Research, 29:18-24 (April-May 1989); Hoban, Phoebe, “Stacking the Decks”, New York, Feb. 16, 1987, 20:14; “How to find the best value in VCRs”, Consumer Reports, March 1988, 135-141; Howard, Bill, “Point and Shoot Devices”, PC Magazine, 6:95-97 (August 1987); Jane Pauley Special, NBC TV News Transcript, Jul. 17, 1990, 10:00 PM; Kolson, Ann, “Computer wimps drown in a raging sea of technology”, The Hartford Courant, May 24, 1989, B1; Kreifeldt, J. G., “A Methodology For Consumer Product Safety Analysis”, The 3rd National Symposium on Human Factors in Industrial Design in Consumer Products, August 1982, 175-184; Kreifeldt, John, “Human Factors Approach to Medical Instrument Design”, Electro/82 Proceedings, 3/3/1-3/3/6; Kuocheng, Andy Poing, and Ellingstad, Vernon S., “Touch Tablet and Touch Input”, Interface '87, 327; Ledgard, Henry, Singer, Andrew, and Whiteside, John, Directions in Human Factors for Interactive Systems, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1981; Lee, Eric, and MacGregor, James, “Minimizing User Search Time Menu Retrieval Systems”, Human Factors, 27(2):157-162 (April 1986); Leon, Carol Boyd, “Selling Through the VCR”, American Demographics, December 1987, 40-43; Long, John, “The Effect of Display Format on the Direct Entry of Numerical Information by Pointing”, Human Factors, 26(1):3-17 (February 1984); “Low-Cost VCRs: More For Less”, Consumer Reports, March 1990, 168-172; Mantei, Marilyn M., and Teorey, Toby J., “Cost/Benefit Analysis for Incorporating Human Factors in the Software Lifecycle”, Association for Computing Machinery, 1988; Meads, Jon A., “Friendly or Frivolous”, Datamation, Apr. 1, 1988, 98-100; Moore, T. G. and Dartnall, “Human Factors of a Microelectronic Product: The Central Heating Timer/Programmer”, Applied Ergonomics, 1983, 13(1):15-23; “Nielsen Views VCRs”, Television Digest, Jun. 23, 1988, 15; Norman, Donald A., “Infuriating By Design”, Psychology Today, 22(3):52-56 (March 1988); Norman, Donald A., The Psychology of Everyday Things, New York, Basic Book, Inc. 1988; Platte, Hans-Joachim, Oberjatzas, Gunter, and Voessing, Walter, “A New Intelligent Remote Control Unit for Consumer Electronic Device”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-31(1):59-68 (February 1985); Rogus, John G. and Armstrong, Richard, “Use of Human Engineering Standards in Design”, Human Factors, 19(1):15-23 (February 1977); Rosch, Winn L., “Voice Recognition: Understanding the Master's Voice”, PC Magazine, Oct. 27, 1987, 261-308; Sarver, Carleton, “A Perfect Friendship”, High Fidelity, 39:42-49 (May 1989); Schmitt, Lee, “Let's Discuss Programmable Controllers”, Modern Machine Shop, May 1987, 90-99; Schniederman, Ben, Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1987; Smith, Sidney J., and Mosier, Jane N., Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software, Bedford, Mass., MITRE, 1986; Sperling, Barbara Bied, Tullis Thomas S., “Are You a Better ‘Mouser’ or ‘Trackballer’? A Comparison of Cursor—Positioning Performance”, An Interactive/Poster Session at the CHI+GI'87 Graphics Interface and Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference; Streeter, L. A., Ackroff, J. M., and Taylor, G. A. “On Abbreviating Command Names”, The Bell System Technical Journal, 62(6):1807-1826 (July/August 1983); Swanson, David, and Klopfenstein, Bruce, “How to Forecast VCR Penetration”, American Demographic, December 1987, 44-45; Tello, Ernest R., “Between Man And Machine”, Byte, September 1988, 288-293; Thomas, John, C., and Schneider, Michael L., Human Factors in Computer Systems, New Jersey, Ablex Publ. Co., 1984; Trachtenberg, Jeffrey A., “How do we confuse thee? Let us count the ways”, Forbes, Mar. 21, 1988, 159-160; Tyldesley, D. A., “Employing Usability Engineering in the Development of Office Products”, The Computer Journal”, 31(5):431-436 (1988); “VCR's: A Look At The Top Of The Line”, Consumer Reports, March 1989, 167-170; Verplank, William L., “Graphics in Human-Computer Communication: Principles of Graphical User-Interface Design”, Xerox Office Systems; “VHS Videocassette Recorders”, Consumer Guide, 1990, 17-20; Voyt, Carlton F., “PLC's Learn New Languages”, Design News, Jan. 2, 1989, 78; Whitefield, A. “Human Factors Aspects of Pointing as an Input Technique in Interactive Computer Systems”, Applied Ergonomics, June 1986, 97-104; Wiedenbeck, Susan, Lambert, Robin, and Scholtz, Jean, “Using Protocol Analysis to Study the User Interface”, Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, June/July 1989, 25-26; Wilke, William, “Easy Operation of Instruments by Both Man and Machine”. Electro/82 Proceedings, 3/2/1-3/2/4; Yoder, Stephen Kreider, “U.S. Inventors Thrive at Electronics Show”, The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 10, 1990, B1; Zeisel, Gunter, Tomas, Philippe, Tomaszewski, Peter, “An Interactive Menu-Driven Remote Control Unit for TV-Receivers and VC-Recorders”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 34(3):814-818;
The following cited patents and publications are relevant to pattern recognition and control aspects of the present invention, and are herein expressly incorporated by reference:
U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,163, incorporated herein by reference, discloses a method for determining a desired image signal range from an image having a single background, in particular a radiation image such is as a medical X-ray. This reference teaches basic image enhancement techniques.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,068,664, incorporated herein by reference, discloses a method and device for recognizing a target among a plurality of known targets, by using a probability based recognition system. This patent document cites a number of other references, each incorporated herein by reference, which are relevant to the problem of image recognition: Vannicola et al, “Applications of Knowledge based Systems to Surveillance”, Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE National Radar Conference, 20-21 Apr. 1988, pp. 157-164; Ksienski et al., “Low Frequency Approach to Target Identification”, Proc. of the IEEE, 63(12):1651-1660 (December 1975); Appriou, A., “Interet des theories de l'incertain en fusion de donnees”, Colloque International sur le Radar Paris, Apr. 24-28, 1989; Appriou, A., “Procedure d'aide a la decision multi-informateurs. Applications a la classification multi-capteurs de cibles”, Symposium de ('Avionics Panel (AGARD) Turquie, Apr. 25-29, 1988; Arrow, K. J., “Social choice and individual valves”, John Wiley and Sons Inc. (1963); Blair, D., R. Pollack, “La logique du choix collectif” Pour la Science (1983); Scharlic, A., “Decider sur plusieurs criteres. Panorama de l'aide a la decision multicritere” Presses Polytechniques Romandes (1985); Keeney, R. L., B. Raiffa, “Decisions with multiple objectives: Preferences and value tradeoffs”, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1976); Jeffrey, R. J., “The logic of decision”, The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London (1983)(2nd Ed.); Roy, B., “Classements et choix en presence de points de vue multiples”, R.I.R.O.-2eme annee-no. 8, pp. 57-75 (1968); Roy, B., “Electre III: un algorithme de classements fonde sur une representation floue des preferences en presence de criteres multiples”, Cahiers du CERO, 20(1):3-24 (1978); Duda, R. O., P. E. Hart, M. J. Nilsson, “Subjective Bayesian methods for rule-based inference systems”, Technical Note 124-Artificial Intelligence Center-SRI International; Bhatnagar, R. K., L. N. Kamal, “Handling uncertain information: a review of numeric and non-numeric methods”, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, L. N. Kamal and J. F. Lemmer, Eds. (1986); Dempster, A. P., “Upper and lower probabilities induced by a multivalued mapping”, Annals of mathematical Statistics, no. 38 (1967); Dempster, A. P., “A generalization of Bayesian inference”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 30, Series B (1968); Shafer, G., “A mathematical theory of evidence”, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. (1976); Dubois, D., N. Prade, “Combination of uncertainty with belief functions: a reexamination”, Proceedings 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Los Angeles (1985); Kyburg, H. E., “Bayesian and non Bayesian evidential updating”, Artificial Intelligence 31:271-293 (1987); Fua, P. V., “Using probability density functions in the framework of evidential reasoning Uncertainty in knowledge based systems”, B. Bouchon, R. R. Yager, Eds. Springer Verlag (1987); Chao, J. J., E. Drakopoulos, C. C. Lee, “An evidential reasoning approach to distributed multiple hypothesis detection”, Proceedings of the 20th Conference on decision and control, Los Angeles, Calif., December 1987; Yager, R. R., “Entropy and specificity in a mathematical theory of Evidence”, Int. J. General Systems, 9:249-260 (1983); Ishizuka, M., “Inference methods based on extended Dempster and Shafer's theory for problems with uncertainty/fuzziness”, New Generation Computing, 1:159-168 (1983), Ohmsha, Ltd, and Springer Verlag; Zadeh, L. A., “Fuzzy sets”, Information and Control, 8:338-353 (1965); Zadeh, L. A., “Probability measures of fuzzy events”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 23:421-427 (1968); Kaufmann, A., “Introduction a la theorie des sous-ensembles flous”, Vol. 1, 2 et 3-Masson-Paris (1975); Sugeno, M., “Theory of fuzzy integrals and its applications”, Tokyo Institute of Technology (1974); Bellman, R. E., L. A. Zadeh, “Decision making in a fuzzy environment”, Management Science, 17(4) (December 1970); Dubois, D., N. Prade, “Fuzzy sets and systems-Theory and applications”, Academic Press, New York (1980); Zadeh, L. A., “Fuzzy sets as a basis for a theory of possibility”, Fuzzy sets and Systems 1:3-28 (1978); Dubois, D., “Modeles mathematiques de l'imprecis et de l'incertain en vue d'applications aux techniques d'aide a la decision”, Doctoral Thesis, University of Grenoble (1983); Dubois, D., N. Prade, “Theorie des possibilites: application a la representation des connaissances en informatique”, Masson, Paris (1985).
Thus, the image or object recognition feature of the present invention may be implemented in the manner of U.S. Pat. No. 5,068,664. Further, it is clear that this recognition feature may form an integral part of certain embodiments of the present invention. It is also clear that the various features of the present invention would be applicable as an adjunct to the various elements of the system disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,068,664.
U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,065,447, and 4,941,193, both incorporated herein by reference, relate to the compression of image data by using fractal transforms. These are discussed in detail below. U.S. Pat. No. 5,065,447 cites a number of references, all incorporated herein by reference, relevant to the use of fractals in image processing: U.S. Pat. No. 4,831,659; Barnsley et al., “Hidden Variable Fractal Interpolation Functions”, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. 30332, July, 1986; Barnsley, M. F., and Demko, S., “Iterated Function Systems and The Global Construction of Fractals”, Proc. R. Soc. Lond., A399:243-275 (1985); Barnsley, M. F., Ervin, V., Hardin, D., Lancaster, J., “Solution of an Inverse Problem for Fractals and Other Sets”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 83:1975-1977 (April 1986); “A New Class of Markov Processes for Image Encoding”, School of Mathematics, Georgia Inst. of Technology (1988), pp. 14-32; “Fractal Modelling of Biological Structures”, Perspectives in Biological Dynamics and Theoretical Medicine, Koslow, Mandell, Shlesinger, eds., Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 504, 179-194 (date unknown); Elton, J., “An Ergodic Theorem for Iterated Maps”, Journal of Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 7 (1987); “Construction of Fractal Objects with Iterated Function Systems”, Siggraph '85 Proceedings, 19(3):271-278 (1985); “Fractal Modelling of Real World Images, Lecture Notes for Fractals: Introduction, Basics and Perspectives”, Siggraph (1987); Peterson, Ivars, “Packing It In-Fractals . . . ”, Science News, 131(18):283-285 (May 2, 1987); “Fractal Geometry-Understanding Chaos”, Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine, p. 16 (Spring 1986); “Fractals—A Geometry of Nature”, Georgia Institute of Technology Research Horizons, p. 9 (Spring 1986); Fractal Modelling of Biological Structures, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology (date unknown); Barnsley et al., “A Better Way to Compress Images”, Byte Magazine, January 1988, pp. 213-225; Derra, Skip, “Researchers Use Fractal Geometry, . . . ”, Research and Development Magazine, March 1988; “Data Compression: Pntng by Numbrs”, The Economist, May 21, 1988; Baldwin, William, “Just the Bare Facts, Please”, Forbes Magazine, Dec. 12, 1988; Barnsley et al., “Harnessing Chaos For Images Synthesis”, Computer Graphics, 22(4):131-140 (August, 1988); Barnsley et al., “Chaotic Compression”, Computer Graphics World, November 1987; Gleick, James, “Making a New Science”, pp. 215, 239, date unknown.
Byte Magazine, January 1988, supra, cites: Mandelbrot, B., “The Fractal Geometry of Nature”, W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1982, 1977; and Barnsley, M. F., “Fractals Everywhere”, Academic Press, Boston, Mass., 1988, both of which are also incorporated herein by reference.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,063,603, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a dynamic method for recognizing objects and image processing system therefor. This reference discloses a method of distinguishing between different members of a class of images, such as human beings. A time series of successive relatively high-resolution frames of image data, any frame of which may or may not include a graphical representation of one or more predetermined specific members (e.g., particular known persons) of a given generic class (e.g. human beings), is examined in order to recognize the identity of a specific member; if that member's image is included in the time series. The frames of image data may be examined in real time at various resolutions, starting with a relatively low resolution, to detect whether some earlier-occurring frame includes any of a group of image features possessed by an image of a member of the given class. The image location of a detected image feature is stored and then used in a later-occurring, higher resolution frame to direct the examination only to the image region of the stored location in order to (1) verify the detection of the aforesaid image feature, and (2) detect one or more other of the group of image features, if any is present in that image region of the frame being examined. By repeating this type of examination for later and later occurring frames, the accumulated detected features can first reliably recognize the detected image region to be an image of a generic object of the given class, and later can reliably recognize the detected image region to be an image of a certain specific member of the given class. Thus, the personae recognition feature of the present invention may be implemented in this manner. Further, it is clear that this recognition feature may form an integral part of certain embodiments of the present invention. It is also clear that the various features of the present invention would be applicable as an adjunct to the various elements of the system disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,063,603.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,055,658, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a security system employing digitized personal characteristics, such as voice. The following cited references are incorporated herein by reference: Naik et al., “High Performance Speaker Verification . . . ”, ICASSP 86, Tokyo, CH2243-4/86/0000-0881, IEEE 1986, pp. 881-884; “Voice Recognition and Speech Processing”, Elektor Electronics, September 1985, pp. 56-57; Shinan et al., “The Effects of Voice Disguise . . . ”, ICASSP 86, Tokyo, CH2243-4/86/0000-0885, IEEE 1986, pp. 885-888.
Parts of this system relating to speaker recognition may be used to implement a voice recognition system of the present invention for determining an actor or performer in a broadcast.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,164, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a hierarchical constrained automatic learning neural network for character recognition, and thus represents an example of a trainable neural network for pattern recognition, which discloses methods which are useful for the present invention. This patent cites various references of interest, which are incorporated herein by reference: U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,760,604, 4,774,677 and 4,897,811; Rumelhart, D. E., et al., Parallel Distr. Proc.: Explorations in Microstructure of Cognition, vol. 1, 1986, “Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagation”, pp. 318-362; Lippmann, R. P., “An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets”, IEEE ASSP Magazine, 4(2):4-22 (April 1987); LeCun, Y., Connectionism in Perspective, R. Pfeifer, Z. Schreter, F. Fogelman, L. Steels, (Eds.), 1989, “Generalization and Network Design Strategies”, pp. 143-55; LeCun, Y., et al., “Handwritten Digit Recognition Applications of Neural . . . ”, IEEE Comm. Magazine, pp. 41-46 (November 1989).
U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,048,100, 5,063,601 and 5,060,278, all incorporated herein by reference, also relate to neural network adaptive pattern recognition methods and apparatuses. It is clear that the methods of U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,048,100, 5,060,278 and 5,063,601 may be used to perform the adaptive pattern recognition functions of the present invention. More general neural networks are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,040,134 and 5,058,184, both incorporated herein by reference, which provide background on the use of neural networks. In particular, U.S. Pat. No. 5,058,184 relates to the use of the apparatus in information processing and feature detection applications.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,058,180, incorporated herein by reference, relates to neural network apparatus and method for pattern recognition, and is thus relevant to the intelligent pattern recognition functions of the present invention. This patent cites the following documents of interest, which are incorporated herein by reference: U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,876,731 and 4,914,708; Computer Visions, Graphics, and Image Processing 1987, 37:54-115; Jackel, L. D., H. P. Graf, J. S. Denker, D. Henderson and I. Guyon, “An Application of Neural Net Chips: Handwritten Digit Recognition,” ICNN Proceeding, 1988, pp. II-107-15; Carpenter, G. A., S. Grossberg, “The Art of Adaptive Pattern Recognition by a Self-Organizing Neural Network,” IEEE Computer, March 1988, pp. 77-88; Pawlicki, T. F., D. S. Lee, J. J. Hull and S. N. Srihari, “Neural Network Models and their Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition,” ICNN Proceeding, 1988, pp. II-63-70; Gullichsen E., E. Chang, “Pattern Classification by Neural Network: An Experiment System for Icon Recognition,” ICNN Proceeding on Neural Networks, March 1987, pp. IV-725-32; Grossberg, S., G. Carpenter, “A Massively Parallel Architecture for a Self-Organizing Neural Pattern Recognition Machine,” Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (1987, 37, 54-115), pp. 252-315; Lippman, R. P., “An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets,” IEEE ASSP Magazine, April 1987, pp. 4-22.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,161, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a video image pattern recognition system, which recognizes objects in near real time.
U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,817,176 and 4,802,230, both incorporated herein by reference, relate to harmonic transform methods of pattern matching of an undetermined pattern to known patterns, and are useful in the pattern recognition method of the present invention. U.S. Pat. No. 4,998,286, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a harmonic transform method for comparing multidimensional images, such as color images, and is useful in the present pattern recognition methods.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,060,282, incorporated herein by reference, relates to an optical pattern recognition architecture implementing the mean-square error correlation algorithm. This method allows an optical computing function to perform pattern recognition functions. U.S. Pat. No. 5,060,282 cites the following references, incorporated herein by reference, which are relevant to optical pattern recognition: is Psaltis, D., “Incoherent Electro-Optic Image Correlator”, Optical Engineering, 23(1):12-15 (January/February 1984); Kellman, P., “Time Integrating Optical Signal Processing”, Ph. D. Dissertation, Stanford University, 1979, pp. 51-55; Molley, P., “Implementing the Difference-Squared Error Algorithm Using An Acousto-Optic Processor”, SPIE, 1098:232-239, (1989); Rhodes, W., “Acousto-Optic Signal Processing: Convolution and Correlation”, Proc. of the IEEE, 69(1):65-79 (January 1981); Vander Lugt, A., “Signal Detection By Complex Spatial Filtering”, IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, IT-10, 2:139-145 (April 1964); Psaltis, D., “Two-Dimensional Optical Processing Using One-Dimensional Input Devices”, Proceedings of the IEEE, 72(7):962-974 (July 1984); Molley, P., et al., “A High Dynamic Range Acousto-Optic Image Correlator for Real-Time Pattern Recognition”, SPIE, 938:55-65 (1988).
U.S. Pat. No. 5,063,602, incorporated herein by reference, also relates to an optical image correlators.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,160, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a motion-pattern recognition apparatus. The apparatus recognizes a motion of an object which is moving and is hidden in an image signal, and discriminates the object from the background within the signal. The apparatus has an image forming unit comprising non-linear oscillators, which forms an image of the motion of the object in accordance with an adjacent-mutual-interference-rule, on the basis of the image signal. A memory unit, comprising non-linear oscillators, stores conceptualized meanings of several motions. A retrieval unit retrieves a conceptualized meaning close to the motion image of the object. An altering unit alters the rule, on the basis of the conceptualized meaning. The image forming unit, memory unit, retrieval unit and altering unit form a holonic-loop. Successive alterations of the rules by the altering unit within the holonic loop change an ambiguous image formed in the image forming unit into a distinct image. U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,160 cites the following references, incorporated herein by reference, which are relevant to the task of discriminating a moving object in a background: U.S. Pat. No. 4,710,964; Shimizu et al, “Principle of Holonic Computer and Holovision”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication, 70(9):921-930 (1987); Omata et al, “Holonic Model of Motion Perception”, IEICE Technical Reports, Mar. 26, 1988, pp. 339-346; Ohsuga et al, “Entrainment of Two Coupled van der Pol Oscillators by an External Oscillation”, Biological Cybernetics, 51:225-239 (1985).
It is clear that U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,160 discloses an adaptive pattern recognition system that may be useful in various embodiments of the present invention. It is also clear that the interface and control systems of the present invention provide useful adjuncts to the elements disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,160.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,065,440, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a pattern recognition apparatus, which compensates for, and is thus insensitive to pattern shifting, thus being useful for decomposing an image into its structural features and recognizing the features. U.S. Pat. No. 5,065,440 cites the following references, incorporated herein by reference, which are also relevant to the present invention: U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,543,660, 4,630,308, 4,677,680, 4,809,341, 4,864,629, 4,872,024 and 4,905,296.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,166, incorporated herein by reference, relates to a pattern recognition system, in which a local optimum match between subsets of candidate reference label sequences and candidate templates. It is clear that this method is useful in the pattern recognition aspects of the present invention. It is also clear that the interface and control system of the present invention are useful adjuncts to the method disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,067,166.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,048,095, incorporated herein by reference, relates to the use of a genetic learning algorithm to adaptively segment images, which is an initial stage in image recognition. This patent has a software listing for this method. It is clear that this method is useful in the pattern recognition aspects of the present invention. It is also clear that the interface and control system of the present invention are useful adjuncts to the method disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,048,095.
In addition, the following patents are considered relevant to the data compression and pattern recognition functions of the apparatus and interface of the present invention and are incorporated herein by reference: U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,950,733; 4,044,243; 4,254,474; 4,326,259; 4,442,544; 4,449,240; 4,468,704; 4,491,962; 4,501,016; 4,543,660; 4,547,811; 4,630,308; 4,656,665; 4,658,429; 4,660,166; 4,677,680; 4,682,365; 4,685,145; 4,710,822; 4,710,964; 4,719,591; 4,731,863; 4,736,439; 4,742,557; 4,752,890; 4,760,604; 4,764,971; 4,771,467; 4,773,099; 4,774,677; 4,790,025; 4,799,270; 4,803,736; 4,805,224; 4,805,255; 4,809,341; 4,817,171; 4,821,333; 4,823,194; 4,831,659; 4,833,637; 4,837,842; 4,845,610; 4,864,629; 4,872,024; 4,876,731; 4,887,304; 4,888,814; 4,891,762; 4,897,811; 4,905,296; 4,906,099; 4,914,708; 4,926,491; 4,932,065; 4,933,872; 4,941,193; 4,944,023; 4,958,375; 4,958,375; 4,965,725; 4,972,499; 4,979,222; 4,987,604; 4,989,258; 5,014,219; 5,014,327; 5,018,218; 5,018,219; 5,020,112; 5,022,062; 5,034,991; 5,038,379; 5,040,134; 5,046,121; 5,046,122; 5,046,179; 5,048,112; 5,050,223; 5,051,840; 5,052,043; 5,052,045; 5,052,046; 5,053,974; 5,054,093; 5,054,095; 5,054,101; 5,054,103; 5,055,658; 5,055,926; 5,056,147; 5,058,179; 5,058,180; 5,058,186; 5,059,126; 5,060,276; 5,060,277; 5,060,279; 5,060,282; 5,060,285; 5,061,063; 5,063,524; 5,063,525; 5,063,603; 5,063,605; 5,063,608; 5,065,439; 5,065,440; 5,065,447; 5,067,160; 5,067,161; 5,067,162; 5,067,163; 5,067,164; 5,068,664; 5,068,723; 5,068,724; 5,068,744; 5,068,909; 5,068,911; H 331; and Re. 33,316. The aforementioned patents, some of which are mentioned elsewhere in this disclosure, and which form a part of this disclosure, may be applied in known manner by those skilled in the art in order to practice various embodiments of the present invention.
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The above-mentioned references are exemplary, and are not meant to be limiting in respect to the resources available to those skilled in the art. Of course it should be realized that the hardware available and the choice of specific method or software algorithm are interactive, and therefore must be specified together, however, it is noted that in view of the present disclosure, it is obvious to combine compatible technologies to achieve the advanced interface and control system of the present invention.
A new mechanism for easing the programming process is disclosed. The interface of the present invention serves to minimize the learning and searching times, better reflect users' expectations, provide better matching to human memory limits, be usable by both novices and experienced users, reduce intimidation of novice users by the device, and simplify the entering of programming data. The present invention optimizes the input scheme for programming an event-driven device, and can also be applied to many types of programmable devices. Thus, certain human factors design concepts, heretofore unexploited in the design of consumer electronics devices and industrial controls, have been incorporated. Background and theory of various aspects of the present invention is disclosed in “An Improved Human Factored Interface For Programmable Devices: A Case Study Of The Vcr”, Master's Thesis, Tufts University (Master of Sciences in Engineering Design, November, 1990, publicly available January, 1991), by Linda I. Hoffberg, [an inventor of the present invention]. This thesis, and cited references, are incorporated herein by reference. (This thesis publication, and references cited therein, are attached as an appendix hereto.) Also incorporated by reference are: Hoffberg, Linda I., “Designing User Interface Guidelines For Time-Shift Programming of a Video Cassette Recorder (VCR)”, Proc. of the Human Factors Soc. 35th Ann. Mtg. pp. 501-504 (1991); and Hoffberg, Linda I., “Designing a Programmable Interface for a Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) to Meet a User's Needs”, Interface 91 pp. 346-351 (1991).
One aspect of the present invention relates to a programmable device that comprises a menu-driven interface in which the user enters information using a direct manipulation input device. Such a type of interface scheme is disclosed in Verplank, William L., “Graphics in Human-Computer Communication: Principles of Graphical User-Interface Design”, Xerox Office Systems, which is incorporated herein by reference; the references cited therein: Foley, J. D., Wallace, V. L., Chan, P., “The Human Factor of Computer Graphics Interaction Techniques”, IEEE CG&A, November 1984, pp. 13-48; Koch, H., “Ergonomische Betrachtung von Schreibtastaturen”, Humane Production, 1, pp. 12-15 (1985); Norman, D. A., Fisher, D., “Why Alphabetic Keyboards Are Not Easy To Use: Keyboard Layout Doesn't Much Matter”, Human Factors 24(5), pp. 509-519 (1982); Perspectives: High Technology 2, 1985; Knowlton, K., “Virtual Pushbuttons as a Means of Person-Machine Interaction”, Proc of Conf. Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition and Data Structure, Beverly Hills, Calif., May 1975, pp. 350-352; “Machine Now Reads, enters Information 25 Times Faster Than Human Keyboard Operators”, Information Display 9, p. 18 (1981); “Scanner Converts Materials to Electronic Files for PCs”, IEEE CG&A, December 1984, p. 76; “New Beetle Cursor Director Escapes All Surface Constraints”, Information Display 10, p. 12, 1984; Lu, C., “Computer Pointing Devices: Living With Mice”, High Technology, January 1984, pp. 61-65; “Finger Painting”, Information Display 12, p. 18, 1981; Kraiss, K. F., “Neuere Methoden der lnteraktion an der Schnittstelle Mensch-Maschine”, Z. F. Arbeitswissenschaft, 2, pp. 65-70, 1978; Hirzinger, G., Landzettel, K., “Sensory Feedback Structures for Robots with Supervised Learning”, IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, St. Louis, March 1985; Horgan, H., “Medical Electronics”, IEEE Spectrum, January 1984, pp. 90-93, are also incorporated herein by reference.
The apparatus typically involves a remote control entry device, and the interface of the present invention contains a displayed graphical interface for programming programmable devices. The present invention seeks more accurate programming through the use of program verification to ensure that the input program is both valid and executable. Thus, it has a mechanism to store and check to verify that there are no conflicting programs. An apparatus according to the present invention can be connected, for example, to any infrared programmable device in order to simplify the programming process. By way of example only, an improved video cassette recorder (VCR) interface forms the basis of a disclosed is example. It is, of course, realized that the present method and apparatus may be applied to any programmable controller, i.e., any device which monitors an event or sensor and causes an event when certain conditions or parameters are met, and may also be used in other programming environments, which are not event driven.
A directional sensor based infrared remote control is disclosed in Zeisel, Tomas, Tomaszewski, “An Interactive Menu-Driven Remote Control Unit for TV-Receivers and VC-Recorders”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 34, No. 3, 814-818, incorporated herein by reference, which relates to a control for programming with the West German Videotext system. This is a different implementation of the Videotext programming system than described in Bensch, U., “VPV—VIDEOTEXT PROGRAMS VIDEORECORDER”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 34, No. 3, 788-792 (1988), incorporated herein by reference, which describes the system of Video Program System Signal Transmitters, in which the VCR is programmed by entering a code for the Video Program System signal, which is emitted by television stations in West Germany. Each separate program has a unique identifier code, transmitted at the beginning of the program, so that a user need only enter the code for the program, and the VCR will monitor the channel for the code transmission, and begin recording when the code is received. The VPV disclosed does not intelligently interpret the transmission, rather the system reads the transmitted code as a literal label, without any analysis or determination of a classification of the program type. The present invention incorporates an intelligent program recognition and characterization system, making use of any of the available cues, which allows an intelligent determination of the true nature of the broadcast and therefore is able to make a determination of whether parameters should be deemed met even with an inexact match to the specified parameters. Additionally, VPV also does not incorporate the interface of the present invention, and is much more like the “VCRPlus+” device.
The videotext signal of the prior art includes a digitally encoded text message which may be displayed in conjunction with the displayed image, similar to the closed caption system. The West German system demonstrates how the signal may be received by a computer and interpreted. However, the prior art does not disclose how this signal may be used to index and catalog the contents of a tape, nor does it disclose how this signal may be used to classify or interpret the character of the broadcast. In other words, in one embodiment of the present invention, the videotext or closed caption signal is not only interpreted as a literal label, as in the prior art, but is also further processed and analyzed to yield data about the content of the broadcast, other than merely the simultaneously broadcast information.
Beyond the visible region of an NTSC broadcast video frame are a number of scan lines which are dedicated to presenting digital information, rather than analog picture information. These are normally coded as modulating the luminance signal only, with a bit timing which is far below the available bandwidth. It is therefore possible to use this area for transmitting additional information relating to the broadcast information, in particular, the characteristics of the video broadcast, and doing so could provide significant advantages, used in conjunction with the interface and intelligent pattern recognition controller of the present invention. If this information were directly available, there would be a significantly reduced need for advanced image recognition functions, which require costly hardware devices, while still maintaining the advantages of the present invention. It is noted, however, that this requires the cooperation of broadcasters, as well as possibly the FCC, which would be difficult to obtain. Further, governmental regulation of even private commercial broadcasting is likely, e.g. the Justice Department and the F.T.C., so that it remains likely that the implementation of the system of the present invention will require the user to maintain the image recognition and characterization system, rather than rely on a broadcast of the characterization along with the source material. It is nevertheless within the skill of the art to implement such a broadcast system. It should be noted that both are included within the scope of the present invention.
According to the present invention, if such characterizations are broadcast, they may, as stated above, make use of unused available spectrum bandwidth within the NTSC channel space, or other broadcast system channel space, or may be “simulcast” on a separate channel, such as an FM sideband or separate transmission channel. Use of a separate channel would allow a separate organization, other than the network broadcasters, to provide the characterization data for distribution to users of devices that make use of the present intelligent system for controlling a VCR. Thus, the characterization generating means need not be directly linked to the local user machine in order to fall within the scope of the present invention.
A menu based remote control-contained display device is disclosed in Platte, Oberjatzas, and Voessing, “A New Intelligent Remote Control Unit for Consumer Electronic Device”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-31, No. 1, February 1985, 59-68, incorporated herein by reference. This system does not incorporate on-screen programming, nor various aspects of the display of the present invention.
Research has been performed on video cassette recorder (“VCR”) usability, technology, is implementation, programming steps, current technology, input devices, and human mental capacity. This research has resulted in a new paradigm for the entry of programming data into a sequential program execution device, such as a VCR, by casual users.
Four major problems in the interfaces of VCRs were found to exist. The first is that users spend far too much time searching for necessary information, which is necessary in order to complete the programming process. Second, people do not program the VCR to record at a later time (time-shift) frequently, and thus forget the programming steps in the interim. Third, the number of buttons on many remote control devices has become overwhelming. Fourth, people have become reluctant to operate or program VCRs because of their difficult operation. It was found that, by minimizing the learning and searching times, the user's programming time and frustration level can be greatly reduced. These concepts are easily applied to other special purpose programmable devices, and also to general purpose programmable devices wherein the programming paradigm is event-driven, as well as other programming systems. It should also be noted that it is within the scope of the present invention to provide an improved interface and programming environment for all types of programmable devices, and in this regard, the present invention incorporates adaptive features which optimize the programming environment for both the level of the user and the task to be programmed.
In optimizing the interface, four elements are most important: the input device, the display format, the sequence of the programming operation, and the ability of the device to properly interpret the input as the desired program sequence.
The present invention proceeds from an understanding that an absence of user frustration with respect to a programmable consumer or industrial device or interface, may be as important as the potential functionality thereof. The interface must be designed to minimize the user's frustration level. This can be accomplished by clearly furnishing the possible choices, presenting the data in a logical sequence, and leading the user through the steps necessary to program the device.
Research has indicated that survey respondents liked color coding and on-screen programming, while they disliked small print, blinking displays, confusing menus and too much information on the display. They also liked remote control access, with provisions for programming the VCR from the front panel, if desired, with large, well labelled single function buttons, keypad entry, natural layout of functions, “up” and “down” keys, an uncluttered display panel, a “help” key, simplified programming with fewer steps, one-touch recording, and an “OK” or “ready” indicator. Finally, they desired step-by-step instructions, the is ability to backtrack to correct mistakes, a well ordered programming sequence, automatic completion of strings which must be entered, automatic compensation for lack of leading “0”, and feedback of correct or erroneous inputs or status conditions.
Other objects and features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. It is to be understood, however, that the drawings are designed solely for the purposes of illustration and not as a definition of the limits of the invention, for which reference should be made to the appended claims.
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a programmable apparatus for receiving instructions from a programmer and causing an action to occur on the happening of an event, comprising: an input device, producing an input instruction signal; a control means for receiving said input instruction signal, and storing a program instruction associated with said input instruction signal, said control means storing sufficient program instructions to perform an action on the occurrence of an event, said control means monitoring a status of said apparatus to determine the occurrence of various events, comparing the determined events with the program instructions, and performing said action on the occurrence of said event; a display means for interactively displaying information related to the instructions to be received, and responsive thereto, controlled by said control means, so that the programmer is presented with feedback on a current state of the apparatus and said program instruction; wherein said control means further comprises means for detecting one or more characteristics of said input instruction signal independent of said program instruction selected from the group consisting of a velocity component, an efficiency of input, an accuracy of input, an interruption of input, a high frequency component of input and a past history of input by the programmer, whereby when said control means detects a characteristic indicating that said display means is displaying information in a suboptimal fashion, said control means controls said display means to display information in a more optimal fashion.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide a programmable apparatus for receiving instructions from a programmer and causing an action to occur on the happening of an event, comprising: an input device, producing an input instruction signal; a control means for receiving said input instruction signal, and storing a program instruction associated with said input instruction signal, said control means storing sufficient program instructions to perform an action on the occurrence of an event, said control means monitoring a status of said apparatus to determine the occurrence of various events, comparing the determined events with the program instructions, and performing said action on the occurrence of said event; a display means for interactively displaying information related to the instructions to be received, and responsive thereto, controlled by said control means, so that the programmer is presented with feedback on a current state of the apparatus and said program instruction; wherein said control means further comprises means for detecting a need by the programmer for more detailed information displayed on said display means, by detecting one or more characteristics of said input instruction signal independent of said program instruction selected from the group consisting of a velocity component, an efficiency of input, an accuracy of input, an interruption of input, a high frequency component of input and a past history of input by the programmer, whereby when said control means detects a characteristic indicating that said display means is insufficiently detailed information, said control means controls said display means to display more detailed information.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a programmable apparatus having a data input, said apparatus receiving instructions from a programmer and causing an action to occur on the receipt of data indicating an event, comprising: an input device, producing an input instruction signal; a control means for receiving said input instruction signal, and storing a program instruction associated with said input instruction signal, said control means storing sufficient program instructions to perform an action on the receipt of data indicating an event, said control means monitoring the data input; a display means for interactively displaying information related to the instructions to be received, and responsive thereto, controlled by said control means, so that the programmer is presented with feedback on a current state of the apparatus and said program instruction; wherein said control means receives a programming preference indicating a desired event from said input device which does not unambiguously define said event, and said control means monitors said data and causes the occurrence of the action when a correlation between said programming preference and said monitored data is above a predetermined threshold, indicating a likely occurrence of said desired event.
It is also object of the present invention to provide the programmable aforementioned apparatus, wherein said input device is remote from said display means, and provides a direct manipulation of display information of said display means, further comprising means for verifying said program instructions so that said program instructions are executable by said control means. The control means may further comprise a calendar.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide a programmable apparatus, wherein said control means provides an option, selectable by said input means in conjunction with said display means, for changing an input program instruction prior to execution by said control means, so that said apparatus enters a state wherein a new program instruction may be input to substitute for said changed input step, wherein said control means verifies said program instructions so that said program instructions are executable by said control means.
It is still another object of the present invention to provide a programmable apparatus, wherein said control means further causes said display means to display a confirmation screen after said program instructions are input, so that the programmer may confirm said program instructions.
Another object of the present invention provides a programmable information storage apparatus having a data input, for receiving data to be stored, said apparatus receiving instructions from a programmer and causing an action to occur on the receipt of data indicating an event, comprising: means for storing data from said data input; an input device, producing an input instruction signal; a control means for receiving said input instruction signal, and storing a program instruction associated with said input instruction signal, said control means storing sufficient program instructions to perform an action on the receipt of data from said data input indicating an event, said control means monitoring the data input to determine the occurrence of various events, comparing the determined events with the program instructions, and performing for storing the data said action on the occurrence of said event; wherein said control means receives identifying data from at least one of said input device and the data input, said identifying data being stored separately from said input data on a storage medium. The programmable information storage apparatus may also include means for reading said identifying data stored separately on said storage medium, and may also receive as an input said identifying data.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a programmable information storage apparatus, wherein said control means further comprises means for recognizing character data present in a data stream of said input data, said identifying data comprising said recognized character data.
It is a still further object of the present invention to provide a video tape recording apparatus, comprising a video signal receiving device, a recording device for recording said video signal, wherein said control analyzes said video signal for the presence of a symbol, and recognizes said symbol as one of a group of recognized symbols, and said control stores said recognized symbol separately from said video signal.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a recording device for recording an analog signal sequentially on a recording medium, comprising means for characterizing the analog signal, wherein data representing said characterization and a location of the analog signal on the recording medium are stored in a directory location on the recording medium separately from the analog signal.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide an interface for a programmable control for input of a program for a controller to execute, which performs an action based on an external signal, comprising an input device, a controller for receiving data from said input device and from an external stimulus, a plant being controlled by said controller based on an input from said input device and said external stimulus, and a display device being controlled by said controller, for providing visual feedback to a user operating said input device, wherein: a predetermined logical sequence of programming options is presented to the user on said display device, in a plurality of display screens, each of said display screens differing in available programming choices; said logical sequence including a correct sequence of choices to set an operable control program, so that no necessary steps are omitted; said external stimulus comprises a timing device, and said display comprises a display option for programming said plant to perform an action at a time which is input through said input device as a relative position on said display device, said relative position including a means for displaying an absolute time entry and means for displaying a relative time entry, said display also comprising a display option means for performing an action at a time; said control comprises means for presenting the user, on said display device, with a most probable action, which may be selected by the user through activation of said input device without entering data into said controller through said input device relating to both said action and said event; said display also comprising means for indicating completion of a programming step after entry of data, which means will not allow the user to indicate to said controller that said programming step is completed if information necessary for execution of said step is not available to said controller; and said controller being capable of controlling said display device to present information to the user relating to the use of the apparatus if necessary for use of the device by the user.
Another object of the present invention provides a system for presenting a program to a viewer, comprising: a source of program material; means for determining a viewer preference; means for receiving the program material from said source; means for characterizing the program material based on its content; means for correlating said characterized content of the program material with said determined viewer preference to produce a correlation index; and means for presenting the program material to the viewer, if said correlation index indicates a probable high correlation between said characterization of the program material and said viewer preference.
Still another object of the present invention is to provide a system, wherein said program material is encrypted, further comprising: means for decrypting the program material to produce a decryption event; and means for charging an account of the viewer based on the occurrence of a decryption event.
Another object of the present invention is to allow said means for characterizing the program material to operate without causing a decryption event. Further, the system may comprise a memory for storing the program material while said characterizing means produces characterized content and said correlating means produces said correlation index. The characterizing means may also characterize the program material stored in memory, and the program material stored in memory may be compressed.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a system for presenting a program to a viewer, comprising: a source of program material; means for determining a viewer preference; means for receiving the program material from said source; means for storing the program material; means for preprocessing the program material to produce a reduced data flow information signal retaining information relating to a character of the program material and eliminating data not necessary to characterize the program material; means for characterizing said information signal based on its content; means for correlating said characterized content of said information signal with said determined viewer preference to produce a correlation index; and means for presenting said stored program material to the viewer, if said correlation index indicates a probable high correlation between said characterization of said information signal and said viewer preference. The system may also include a means for storing said information signal, wherein said characterizing means characterizes said stored information signal, and also a memory for storing the program material while said characterizing means produces characterized content and said correlating means produces said correlation index.
It is a still further object of the present invention to provide a system, further comprising means for storing a characterization of the program material, further comprising feedback means for inputting a feedback signal from the viewer indicating a degree of agreement with said presented stored program material, wherein said feedback signal and said stored characterization are used by said viewer preference determining means to determine a new viewer preference.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a controller for controlling a plant, having a sensor for sensing an external event and producing a sensor signal, an actuator, responsive to an actuator signal, for influencing said external event, and a control means for receiving said sensor signal and producing an actuator signal, comprising: means for inputting a program; means for storing said program; means for characterizing said sensor signal to produce a characterized signal; and means for comparing said characterized signal with a pattern stored in a memory to produce a comparison index, wherein said actuator signal is produced on the basis of said comparison index and said program, wherein said characterization comprises an Affine transformation of said sensor signal. The characterization may comprise both an Affine transformation and a Fourier transformation.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a method for automatically recognizing digital image data consisting of image information, the method comprising the steps performed by a data processor of: storing a plurality of templates; storing the image data in the data processor; generating a plurality of addressable domains from the stored image data, each of the domains representing a portion of the image information; creating, from the stored image data, a plurality of addressable mapped ranges corresponding to different subsets of the stored image data, the creating step including the substep of: executing, for each of the mapped ranges, a corresponding procedure upon the one of the subsets of the stored image data which corresponds to the mapped ranges; assigning identifiers to corresponding ones of the mapped ranges, each of the identifiers specifying for the corresponding mapped range a procedure and a address of the corresponding subset of the stored image data; optionally subjecting a domain to a transform selected from the group consisting of a predetermined rotation, an inversion, a predetermined scaling, and a predetermined frequency domain preprocessing; selecting, for each of the domains or transformed domains, the one of the mapped ranges which most closely corresponds according to predetermined criteria; representing the image information as a set of the identifiers of the selected mapped ranges; and selecting, from the stored templates, a template which most closely corresponds to the set of identifiers representing the image information. The step of selecting the mapped ranges may also include the substep of selecting, for each domain, a most closely corresponding one of the mapped ranges.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a method wherein the step of selecting the most closely corresponding one of the mapped ranges includes the step of selecting, for each domain, the mapped range which is the most similar, by a method selected from one or more of the group consisting of selecting minimum Hausdorff distance from the domain, selecting the highest cross-correlation with the domain, selecting the highest fuzzy correlation with the domain and selecting the minimum mean square error with the domain.
Another object of the present invention provides a method wherein the step of selecting the most closely corresponding one of mapped ranges includes the step of selecting, for each domain, the mapped range with the minimum modified Hausdorff distance calculated as D[db,mrb]+D[1−db,1−mrb], where D is a distance calculated between a pair of sets of data each representative of an image, db is a domain, mrb is a mapped range, 1−db is the inverse of a domain, and 1−mrb is an inverse of a mapped range.
Another object of the present invention provides a method wherein the digital image data consists of a plurality of pixels each having one of a plurality of associated color map values, further comprising the steps of: optionally transforming the color map values of the pixels of each domain by a function including at least one scaling function for each axis of the color map, each of which may be the same or different, and selected to maximize the correspondence between the domains and ranges to which they are to be matched; selecting, for each of the domains, the one of the mapped ranges having color map pixel values which most closely correspond to the color map pixel values of the domain according to a predetermined criteria, wherein the step of representing the image color map information includes the substep of representing the image color map information as a set of values each including an identifier of the selected mapped range and the scaling functions; and selecting a most closely corresponding stored template, based on the identifier of the color map mapped range, the scaling functions and the set of identifiers representing the image information. The first criteria may comprise minimizing the Hausdorff distance between each domain and the selected range.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a method further comprising the steps of: storing delayed image data, which represents an image of a moving object differing in time from the image data in the data processor; generating a plurality of addressable further domains from the stored delayed image data, each of the further domains representing a portion of the delayed image information, and corresponding to a domain; creating, from the stored delayed image data, a plurality of addressable mapped ranges corresponding to different subsets of the stored delayed image data; matching the further domain and the domain by subjecting a further domain to one or both of a corresponding transform selected from the group consisting of a null transform, a predetermined rotation, an inversion, a predetermined scaling, and a predetermined frequency domain preprocessing, which corresponds to a transform applied to a corresponding domain, and a noncorresponding transform selected from the group consisting of a predetermined rotation, an inversion, a predetermined scaling, a translation and a predetermined frequency domain preprocessing, which does not correspond to a transform applied to a corresponding domain; computing a motion vector between one of the domain and the further domain, or the set of identifiers representing the image information and the set of identifiers representing the delayed image information, and storing the motion vector; compensating the further domain with the motion vector and computing a difference between the compensated further domain and the domain; selecting, for each of the delayed domains, the one of the mapped ranges which most closely corresponds according to predetermined criteria; representing the difference between the compensated further domain and the domain as a set of difference identifiers of a set of selected mapping ranges and an associated motion vector and representing the further domain as a set of identifiers of the selected mapping ranges; determining a complexity of the difference based on a density of representation; and when the difference has a complexity below a predetermined threshold, selecting, from the stored templates, a template which most closely corresponds to the set of identifiers of the image data and the set of identifiers of the delayed image data.
Another object of the present invention provides an apparatus for automatically recognizing digital image data consisting of image information, comprising: means for storing template data; means for storing the image data; means for generating a plurality of addressable domains from the stored image data, each of the domains representing a different portion of the image information; means for creating, from the stored image data, a plurality of addressable mapped ranges corresponding to different subsets of the stored image data, the creating means including means for executing, for each of the mapped ranges, a procedure upon the one of the subsets of the stored image data which corresponds to the mapped range; means for assigning identifiers to corresponding ones of the mapped ranges, each of the identifiers specifying for the corresponding mapped range an address of the corresponding subset of stored image data; means for selecting, for each of the domains, the one of the mapped ranges which most closely corresponds according to predetermined criteria; means for representing the image information as a set of the identifiers of the selected mapped ranges; and means for selecting, from the stored templates, a template which most closely corresponds to the set of identifiers representing the image information.
Embodiments of the present invention are shown in the figures in the drawings, in which:
a and 12b graphically compares the actual and theoretical time necessary for setting the programs in the prior art and the interface of the present invention;
Many design considerations were found to be important in the improved interface of the present invention:
The interface should preferably employ only minimal amounts of abbreviations and the use of complete words is especially preferred. However, standard abbreviations and symbols are acceptable, and displayed character strings may be shortened or truncated in order to reduce the amount of information that is to be displayed, where necessary or desirable. An option may be provided to the user to allow full words, which may decrease the information which may be conveyed on each screen and increase the number of screens that must be displayed, or abbreviations and symbols, which may minimize the number of displayed screens of information, thus allowing the user to make the compromise. This aspect of the system may also be linked to the adaptive user level function of the present invention, wherein abstract symbols and abbreviations are presented to advanced users, while novices are presented with full words, based on an implicit indication of user level. These abstract symbols and abbreviations may be standard elements of the system, or user designated icons. Of course, the user could explicitly indicate his preference for the display type, thus deactivating the automatic adaptive user level function.
Some display systems have a higher available resolution than others, and the interface is preferably arranged to optimize the intended display for the resolution limits and display format of the intended or available display device. Further, even with sufficient resolution, certain displays are of small size, and thus the visibility of the information may also be optimized by taking into consideration the size, resolution, contrast, brightness of the display, ambient conditions, characteristics of the human visual system, factors specific for a known user, and the available options of the apparatus. Thus, the interface may employ a number of methods to optimize the visibility of the information for a variety of display devices, storage formats and transmission standards, which may include: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, CCIR-601, HDTV, MUSE, IDTV, VHS, S-VHS, Beta, SuperBeta, Hi-8 mm, videotel or picturephone (Px64), computer display standards (CGA, HGC, EGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, Macintosh™, 8514, Private Eye™, LCD, etc.), etc., over a number of size ranges, e.g. about 1 cm2 to about 10 m2, with a resolution range including displays having about 16 dot matrix characters or about 16 by 64 dots to about 2,048 by 2,048 dots. Techniques such as antialiasing, font substitution, hinting, precompensating for expected distortion, etc., may all be employed to improve the readability of the display under various circumstances.
A preferred embodiment of the interface of the present invention, by automatic sequencing of steps, leads the user through the correct sequence of actions to set a program on the screen, so that no necessary steps are omitted, and no optional steps are accidentally omitted. These steps are shown diagrammatically in
A built-in calendar menu screen is employed so that the user cannot set the device with a program step that relies on a non-existent date. Technology that will help eliminate the human problem of setting the wrong (yet existing) date may also be employed. Such technology might include accessing an on-line or other type of database containing media programming information, and prompting the user regarding the selected choice. In situations where it is applicable, the interface should prompt the user as to how many characters the interface is expecting, such as when entering the year.
A preferred embodiment of the present invention has an easily accessible CHANGE or CANCEL feature, which facilitates backtracking or reprogramming the immediately previously entered information rather than forcing the user to repeat all or a substantial portion of the programming steps. A method of the is type described is shown in
A preferred embodiment of the present invention provides, in the event that a color screen is available, conservatively used color coding, which allows the user to effectively and quickly acknowledge the function of each aspect of the screen. The preferred colors are royal blue for “help,” red for mistakes, light blue for information previously entered, and yellow for current information being entered. Of course, other colors could be used, according to the user's or designer's preference, cultural differences, and display parameters.
A preferred embodiment of the interface contains a confirmation screen which displays to the user all of the categories and selections previously explicitly entered or otherwise inferred, and should be easily understandable. This is shown in
The entering of information on each screen is preferably consistent throughout the program. All of the screens preferably have similar layouts. “Buttons” or screen locations which are keyed to a particular function, which appear on multiple screens, should appear in approximately the same location on all screens. However, in certain cases, relatively more important information on a given screen may be displayed more prominently, and possibly in a different screen location, in order to reduce the search time. Further, when other factors dictate, each screen may be independently optimized for the prescribed function. For example, a representation of an analog clock dial may be used to set time information. However, even if the format does change, a standard scheme should be maintained, such as the use of a particular color to indicate that a particular program aspect has been changed.
The interface should display data consistent with standards and conventions familiar to users. For, e.g., when entering dates, users are most familiar with calendars. However, this type of presentation of choices does not eliminate the human problem of entering incorrect information, e.g., setting a wrong, but existing, date. The problem of ensuring the accuracy of user input may be addressed by an intelligent interface which stores data concerning programming, user preferences, and by means of some logical method, such as Boolean logic, fuzzy logic, neural network theory, or any other predictive system, determines if an entry is likely in error. Of course, these predictive systems would also provide an initial default entry, so that the a priori most probably action or actions are initially presented to the user. In addition to following conventions of information presentation to the user, the interface of the present invention may also provide emulations of other user interfaces of which a particular user may be familiar, even if these are not optimized according to the presently preferred embodiments of the present invention, or not otherwise well known. These emulations need not be of the same type of device, so that a broad based standard for entry of information into programmable controls, regardless of their type, may be implemented. By allowing emulation, the interface of the present invention could provide compatibility with a standard or proprietary interface, with enhanced functionality provided by the features of the present interface. These enhanced functional intelligent aspects of the controller may be implemented by means of software programming of a simple microcomputer, or by use of more specialized processors, such as a Fuzzy Set Processor (FSP) or Neural Network Processor. Of these, FSP's are preferred because they have the advantage of being easier to program through the use of presumptions or rules for making the fuzzy inferences, while Neural Networks are less easily programmed and their network weighing values are not easily understood in the abstract. Thus, neural networks tend to require extensive “training”, while Fuzzy Set Processors may be explicitly programmed without the need of duplicating or simulating actual operating conditions.
The most frequently used choices preferably should be displayed as the default setting. The screen cursor preferably appears at the “accept” screen button, when the screen is displayed. This default can either be set in advance, or acquired by the system. In the case of acquired defaults, these may be explicitly set by the user or adaptively acquired by the system through use. The interface of the present invention may be taught, in a “teach” mode, the preferences of the user, or may also acquire this information by analyzing the actual choices made by the user during operation of the interface and associated controller. This type of operation is shown schematically in
The cursor is preferably distinctive and readily distinguished from other parts of the screen. This may be by color, attribute (i.e. blinking), size, font change of underlying text, or by other means.
The user can preferably exit the programming sequence at any time by selecting a “Main Menu” button which may be on the lower left-hand corner of every screen. The user is preferably provided with an adequate amount of feedback, and error messages should be directive in nature. An acknowledgement is preferably displayed after each entry. The user should preferably not be able to go to the next programming step until the current step has been completed. A message to convey why the user can not continue should appear when an attempt to prematurely continue is recognized.
The “help” function is available for when the subject does not know what to do. The “help” screen(s) preferably explains the functions of each of the available buttons or functions, but may also be limited to those that are ambiguous. The “help” screen may also be used to indicate a current status of the interface and the controller. Further, the “help” function may also provide access to various other functions, such as advanced options and configurations, and thus need not be limited to merely providing information on the display. The help system may incorporate a hypertext-type system, wherein text or information relating to concepts that are conceptually linked may be easily accessed from one another, and in a logical sequence. To eliminate the possibility of the user trying to make selections on merely informative help screens, the cursor, in these cases, should be locked to a choice which returns the user to where they left off in the programming sequence, and this choice should be highlighted. The “help” function may also comprise “balloon help” similar to the system adopted by Apple Computer, Inc. in Macintosh Operating System 7.0 and later versions.
The interface preferably initiates the programming sequence where the user wants to be, so that the interface has so-called “smart screens”. For example, when a VCR is first powered up, and the time and date are not stored in the machine, the “set date” and “set time” screens should appear. The sequence of screens may also vary depending on the system predicted requirements of the user and various aspects of the improved interface of the present invention. This is shown schematically in
The preferable input device for the interface of the present invention provides as few buttons as possible to achieve the required functionality, thus reducing potential user intimidation, focusing the user's attention on the interactive display screen, where the available choices are minimized to that number necessary to efficiently allow the user to program the discrete task presented. A computer mouse with 1 to 3 buttons is the preferred input device, for use with a general purpose computer as a controller, while a trackball on a remote control device is especially preferred for limited purpose controllers because it does not require a flat surface for operation. Other stationary or movement sensitive input devices may, of course be used, such as joysticks, gyroscopes, sonic echo-location, magnetic or electrostatic location devices, RF phase location devices, etc. The present interface minimizes the number of necessary keys present on an input screen, while maintaining the functionality of the interface. It is noted that a strict minimization without consideration of functionality, might lead to inefficiency. For example, if the user wants to record a program which airs Monday-Friday, he would have to set five separate programs, rather than one program if a “weeknights” choice is made available.
The interface preferably should be easy to learn and should not require that a user have prior knowledge of the interface in order to use it. An attempt has been made to minimize the learning curve, i.e., to minimize the time it takes to learn how to use the device. Research has shown that people do not program their VCRs often, and they often forget the sequence of steps between recording sessions. Thus, the present invention incorporates an adaptive user level interface, wherein a novice user is presented with a simpler interface with fewer advanced features initially available, so that there is less searching for the basic functions. A more advanced user is presented with more advanced choices and functions that are available initially. Thus, as shown in
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, in a VCR, in order to track the content of the tape, a directory or a catalog is recorded, preferably digitally, containing the programming information, as well as additional information about the recorded programs, in a header, i.e., at the beginning of the tape, or in other locations on the tape. The device may also catalog the tape contents separately, and based on an identification of the tape, use a separately stored catalog. A format for storing information is shown in
The present invention also allows encryption and decryption of material, much as the Videocipher series systems from General Instruments, and the fractal enciphering methods of EMC2 and Iterated Systems, Inc. The present invention, however, is not limited to broadcasts, and instead could implement a system for both broadcasts and prerecorded materials. In the case of copying from one tape to another, such a system could not only provide the herein mentioned library functions of the present invention, it could also be used to aid in copy protection, serial copy management, and a pay-per-view royalty collection system. Such a system could be implemented by way of a telecommunication function incorporated in the device, shown as block 1808 of
The encryption may be of any type, but for sensitive material, i.e. where mere distortion of the material (e.g., loss of synchronization information and phase distortion) would be insufficient, an analog multiple subband transform, with spread spectrum band hopping and digital encryption of various control signals, would be particularly difficult for the user to view without authorization, and could be effectively implemented with conventionally available technology. The fractal compression and encryption of the EMC2 and Iterated Systems, Inc. system is also particularly preferred. Of course, if a digital storage format is employed, a strict digital encryption system may be used. The implementation of these encryption systems is known to those skilled in the art. These may include the NBS, VSS and NSA encryption standards, as well as various proprietary standards.
Menu options are preferably displayed in logical order or in their expected frequencies. Research has shown that a menu-driven interface is best for applications involving new users and does not substantially hinder experienced users. Menu selection is preferably used for tasks which involve limited choices. They are most helpful for users with little or no training. Each menu should preferably allow only one selection at a time. Most of the information is preferably entered using a numeric keypad (entry method), rather than using up and down arrow keys (selection method). If there is more than one keystroke required, the user must then select an “OK” button to continue in the programming sequence. However, if the selection method is used, all of the choices are displayed on the screen at once. In addition, no leading zeros are required. The number of steps required to complete the task through a sequence of menus should be minimized. The choice of words used to convey information should not be specific computer terms, but rather normal, everyday terms which are easy to understand. In addition, very few abbreviations should be used. All necessary information which the user needs should preferably be displayed at once. A user preferably should not have to rely on his memory or his previous experience, in order to find the correct choice, at least at the lower user levels. If all selections cannot be displayed at once, a hierarchical sequence is preferably used. A main menu should preferably provide a top level to which the user can always return and start over.
Users of VCRs are concerned with the layouts of both the control panel on the VCR device and the remote control. The vast majority prefer on-screen programming, which utilizes the remote control rather than the control panel, and express a preference for entering the numbers over pressing the “up” and “down” arrow keys for selecting the time and channel. Some favor choosing the “start” and “stop” times over choosing the “start” time and duration. When using existing VCRs, users generally want more feedback, and they want to know when the VCR is ready to program. Subjective data indicates that it is preferable to reduce the amount of time required to set the clock and two programs on a VCR to a maximum of 7 minutes, wherein the reduction should focus on lessening the search time, which is the amount of time consumed because users do not know what to do next.
Searching and learning times should be kept to a minimum in order to obtain a subjectively better interface. The system's logic should reflect the users' expectations, offer visual clues and feedback, and stay within human memory limits. For example, the VCR should turn on not only with the “Power” button, but also by inserting a tape into the device. In addition, the sequence of steps for setting the machine to is record, if the user does not indicate implicitly or explicitly that he knows how to use the device, should assume that the user is a novice. Nothing should be taken for granted. By developing an improved interface, an attempt is made to: Reduce the searching time; Reduce the learning time; Simplify the entering of data; and, Reduce the intimidation experienced by certain persons when using electronic devices.
In one embodiment of the present invention, the apparatus comprises a program entry device for a VCR. The human interface element has an infrared device to allow wireless communication between the human interface device and the VCR apparatus proper. The human interface device also includes a direct-manipulation type input device, such as a trackball or joystick. Of course it is understood that various alternatives can be employed, such as: the so-called “J-cursor” or “mousekey” which embeds a two (x,y) or three (x,y,p) axis pressure sensor in a button conformed to a finger, present in a general purpose keyboard; a keyboard joystick of the type described in Electronic Engineering Times, Oct. 28, 1991, p. 62, “IBM Points a New Way”; a so-called “isobar” which provides a two axis input by optical sensors (φ,x), a two and one half axis (x,y,digital input) input device, such as a mouse or a “felix” device, infrared, acoustic, etc.; position sensors for determining the position of a finger or pointer on a display screen (touch-screen input); goniometer input (angle position, such as human joint position detector), etc. Thus, there are many available technologies which are adaptable for the present cursor positioning device. Many of these devices are summarized in Kraiss, K. F., “Alternative Input Devices For Human Computer Interaction”, Forschunginstitut Für Anthropotecahnik, Werthhoven, F. R. Germany, incorporated herein by reference. A new device, which may also be suitable is the GyroPoint, available from Gyration Inc., which provides 2-D or 3-D input information in up to six axes of motion: height, length, depth, roll, pitch and yaw. While such a device is generally considered too complex and costly for use with a VCR, the many degrees of freedom available may provide suitable input for other types of controllers, such as those based on “Artificial Reality” or which track a moving object, where many degrees of freedom and a high degree of input accuracy is required.
These input devices may be broken down into a number of categories: direct inputs, i.e. touch-screen and light pen; indirect inputs, i.e. trackball, joystick, mouse, touch-tablet, bar code scanner (see, e.g., Atkinson, Terry, “VCR Programming: Making Life Easier Using Bar Codes”), keyboard, and multi-function keys; and interactive input, i.e. Voice activation/instructions (see, e.g., Rosch, Winn L., “Voice Recognition: Understanding the Master's Voice”, PC Magazine, Oct. 27, 1987, 261-308); and eye tracker and data suit/data glove (see, e.g. Tello, Ernest R., “Between Man And Machine”, Byte, September 1988, 288-293; products of EXOS, Inc; Data Glove).
Each of the aforementioned input devices has advantages and disadvantages, which are summarized in the Table of Advantages and Disadvantages.
Recent studies suggest that a “direct manipulation” style of interface has advantages for menu selection tasks. This type of interface provides visual objects on the screen which can be manipulated by “pointing” and “clicking” on the them. For example, the popular Graphical User Interfaces (“GUIs”), known in the art, use a direct manipulation style interface. A device such as a touch-screen, with a more natural selection technique, is technically preferable to the direct manipulation method. However, its low accuracy and high cost make other inputs more commercially practical. In addition, the user must be within arms' length of the touch-screen display. In a cursor positioning task, Albert (1982) found the trackball to be the most accurate pointing device and the touch-screen to be the least accurate when compared with other input devices such as the light pen, joystick, data tablet, trackball, and keyboard. Epps (1986) found both the mouse and trackball to be somewhat faster than both the touch-pad and joystick, but he concluded that there were no significant performance differences between the mouse and trackball as compared with the touch-pad and joystick.
It is noted that many present devices, intended for use in computers having graphic interfaces, would advantageously make use of an input device which is accessible, without the necessity of moving the user's hands from the keyboard. Thus, for example, Electronic Engineering Times (EET), Oct. 28, 1991, p. 62, incorporated herein by reference, discloses a miniature joystick incorporated into the functional area of the keyboard. This technique is directed at a different aspect of user interaction with a programmable device than the preferred embodiment of the present invention, in that the input device does not have a minimal number of keys. While the device disclosed in EET is intended for use in a full function keyboard, the preferred embodiment of the present invention is directed towards the minimization of the number of keys and avoidance of superfluous keys by provision of a pointing device. Of course, the present invention could be used with a full function input device, where appropriate, and the joystick of EET (Oct. 28, 1991, p. 62) would be suitable in this case.
In a study of menu selection tasks comparing the mouse and the trackball, the accuracy data showed no significant difference between the two. The key finding shows that both mouse users and trackball users performed better with the trackball on the menu selection task. It should be noted that this is was not the case for all tasks. However, the definition of the menu selection task used by Sperling, Bied, Tullis, in “Are You a Better ‘Mouser’ or ‘Trackballer’? A Comparison of Cursor—Positioning Performance”, An Interactive/Poster Session at the CHI+GI'87 Graphics Interface and Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, incorporated herein by reference, which involved moving the cursor through a list of items and making a selection, is similar in nature to the selection tasks used in the present invention.
User dissatisfaction is generally proportionate to the length of “search time”, the time necessary in order to locate and execute the next desired function or instruction. Search time may be minimized by the inclusion of up to a maximum of 4-8 choices per screen and by use of consistent wording and placement of items on the display.
The present invention proceeds from the understanding that there are a number of aspects of a programmable interface that are desirable:
1. Users should be able to operate the system successfully, without wide disparities in time. It should take, e.g., a normal person interacting with a VCR interface, less than seven minutes to set the time and two programs. Searching time spent in setting the clock, programming, getting into the correct mode, and checking whether or not the VCR is set correctly should be kept to a minimum through the appropriate choices of menu layout and the presentation of available choices.
2. Programming should be a stand-alone process, and not require an instruction manual. A help system should be incorporated in the interface. Word choices should be understandable, with a reduction in the use of confusing word terminology. Error messages should be understandable. The system should provide the ability to cancel, change or exit from any step.
3. The system should provide on-screen understandable information, with adequate visual feedback. The displays should be consistent. Color coding should be employed, where applicable, using, e.g. blue—new input; red—error condition; yellow—static, unchanged value. Layouts should be logical, and follow a predictable pattern. There should be a maximum of 4-8 choices per screen to minimize searching time. Keys should be labelled with text rather than with ambiguous graphics. However, a combination of both may be preferable in some cases.
4. Tasks should be simple, require a short amount of time and not create user frustration. The system should guide the user along a decision path, providing automatic sequencing of steps. The most frequently used choices should be provided as defaults, and smart screens may be employed. The learning curve should be minimized through the use of easily understandable choices. As a user becomes more sophisticated, the interface may present more advanced choices.
5. There should be a reminder to set the timer and to insert the tape once the programming information is entered. This reminder may also be automated, to eliminate the forgotten step of setting the timer, so that the VCR automatically sets the timer as soon as the necessary information is entered and a tape is inserted. Once the program is set in memory, a message should appear if a tape is not inserted. If the VCR is part of a “jukebox” (automatic changer), the tape may be automatically loaded. The VCR should preferably turn on when a tape is inserted. In addition, users should also be able to control the VCR with a Power button.
6. The VCR should be programmable from both the remote device and the control panel.
7. Each operation should require only one keypress, if possible, or otherwise reduce the number of keypresses required. There should be a 12 hour clock, not a 24 hour clock. There should be an on-screen keypad with entry keys, not “up” and “down” selector keys, allowing for the choice of specific day or time entry. There should be a “start” and a “stop” recording time, rather than “start” time and “length of program” or duration exclusively. The number of buttons on the remote control should be minimized so that as few buttons as are required are provided. The input device should provide for the direct manipulation of screen elements. A menu driven interface should be provided.
The interface of the present invention provides an automatic sequencing of steps which does not normally let the user continue until the previous step is complete. This is shown schematically in
The interface of the present invention would study the initial behavior of the user to determine the expected user level of that user. An apparatus for performing this function is shown schematically in
The intelligence of the device of the present invention is not limited by the foregoing examples; the user could also input characteristics of the program material that are desired, and characteristics of that program material which is not desired. The device would then, over time, monitor various broadcast choices, and determine which most closely match the criterion, and thus be selected. For example, if the user prefers “talk-shows”, and indicates a dislike for “situation comedies” (“sitcoms”), then the device could scan the various available choices for characteristics indicative of one or the other type of programming, and perform a correlation to determine the most appropriate choice(s). A sitcom, for example, usually has a “laugh track” during a pause in normal dialogue. The background of a sitcom is often a confined space, from different angles, which has a large number of props. A talk-show, on the other hand, more often relies on actual audience reaction (possibly in response to an “applause” sign), and not prerecorded or synthesized sounds. The set is simple, and the broadcast often shows a head and neck, or full body shot with a bland background. A signal processing computer, programmed for audio and/or video recognition, could differentiate between at least the two types with some degree of efficiency, and with a possibly extended sampling time, have excellent recognition accuracy. Further, with the aid of feedback, the search criterion would be improved. Thus, a user could teach the interface through trial and error to record the desired programs. Thus, the presently described recognition algorithms may be adaptive and learning, and need not apply a finite set of predetermined rules in operation. For such a learning task, a neural network processor may be implemented, as known in the art.
The feature extraction and correlation system of the present invention is shown in
The pattern recognition function of the present invention could be used, in a VCR embodiment of the present invention to, e.g., to edit commercials out of a broadcast, either by recognition of characteristics present in commercials, in general, or by pattern recognition of specific commercials in particular, which are often repeated numerous times at various times of the day, and on various broadcast channels. Further, certain media present a recognizable audio or video cue when a commercial break has ended. (E.g. often sports events, such as the Olympic Games, will have theme music or distinctive video screens.) The present device need not respond immediately to such cues, and may incorporate a delay, which would store the information while a decision is being made. The temporary storage medium may be independent of the pattern recognition system. Thus, there may actually be two data streams: the first serving as the desired signal to be stored, and the second to the pattern recognition system. This system is advantageous because is allows a broadcast quality temporary storage, which may be analog in nature, to be separate from the digital signal processing and pattern recognition stage, which need only retain significant information for the pattern recognition, and therefore may be highly compressed, and devoid of various types of information which are irrelevant or of little importance to the pattern recognition functions. Further, the temporary storage may employ a different image compression algorithm, e.g. MPEG II or MPEG++, which is optimized for retention of visually important information, while the recognition system may use a compression system optimized for pattern recognition, which may retain information relevant to the recognition function which is lost in other compression systems, while discarding other information which would be visually important. Further, the compression algorithm is integral to the recognition function, preparing the data for the pattern matching and characterization, and therefore should be optimized for high throughput. In other words, the initial compression may include redundant information, if necessary in order to achieve real-time or near real-time recognition, and, thus may actually result in a larger intermediate data storage requirement than the instantaneous data presented to the recognition system; however, the term “compression”, in this case, applies to the long term status of the device, and in a real-time recognition function, the amount of data stored for use in recognition will always be less than the cumulative amount of data presented, except during the very initial stages of data acquisition.
The image may be compressed using the so called “fractal transform”, using the method of Barnsley and Sloan, which is implemented and available in product form from Iterated Systems, Inc., Norcross, Ga., as the FTC-II, which incorporates eight fractal transform integrated circuit chips, 1 MByte of RAM, and an Intel i80960CA-25 μP, and operates in conjunction with P.OEM software, which operates under MS-DOS. FTC-II hardware compression requires approximately 1 second per frame, while software decompression on an Intel 80486-25 based MS-DOS computer, using “Fractal Formatter” software, can be performed at about 30 frames per second, which allows approximately real time viewing. This is a non-symmetrical algorithm, requiring more processing to compress than to decompress the image. This method is advantageous because the transform allows compression up to about 2456:1, while still maintaining an aesthetically acceptable result. Further, since the method emphasizes the structure of the image, as opposed to the frequency decomposition used in DCT methods (JPEG, MPEG), the fractal method could be used as a part of the image recognition system. Further, the compression system might also be applicable to audio compression as well, so that a single hardware system could incorporate the basic functions of the device. It is noted that the audio compression and image recognition functions cannot be performed on the FTC-II board, and require a separate device. It should also be noted that an even more efficient compression-pattern recognition system could be constructed by using the fractal compression method in conjunction with other compression methods, which may be more efficient under certain circumstances, such as discrete cosine transform (DCT) or wavelet techniques.
Barnsley and Sloan's method for automatically processing digital image data consisting of image information, fully disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,065,447 and 4,941,193, both expressly incorporated herein by reference, consists of the steps of storing the image data in the data processor, then generating a plurality of uniquely addressable domain blocks from the stored image data, each of the domain blocks representing a different portion of the image information such that all of the image information is contained in at least one of the domain blocks. A plurality of uniquely addressable mapped range blocks corresponding to different subsets of the stored image data are created, from the stored image data, with each of the subsets having a unique address. This step includes the substep of executing, for each of the mapped range blocks, a corresponding procedure upon the one of the subsets of the stored image data which corresponds to the mapped range block. Unique identifiers are then assigned to corresponding ones of the mapped range blocks, each of the identifiers specifying for the corresponding mapped range block a procedure and a address of the corresponding subset of the stored image data. For each of the domain blocks, the one of the mapped range blocks which most closely corresponds according to predetermined criteria is selected. Finally, the image information is represented as a set of the identifiers of the selected mapped range blocks. This method allows a fractal compression of image data. In particular, Drs. Barnsley and Sloan have optimized the match of the domain blocks with the mapping region by minimizing the Hausdorff distance. A decompression of the data precedes analogously in reverse order starting with the identifiers and the mapping regions to produce a facsimile of the original image. This system is highly asymmetric, and requires significantly more processing to compress than to decompress.
Basically, the fractal method proceeds from an understanding that real images are made up of a plurality of like subcomponents, varying in size, orientation, etc. Thus, a complex block of data may be described by reference to the subcomponent, the size, orientation, etc. of the block. The entire image may thus be described as the composite of the sub-images. This is what is meant by iterative function systems, where first a largest block is identified, and the pattern mapping is repetitively performed to describe the entire image.
The FTC-II board, as applied in the present invention, is used in conjunction with a frame-grabber board, such as Matrox, Quebec, Canada, Image-LC board, or a Data Translation DT1451, DT2651, DT2862, DT2867, DT2861 or DT2871, which may perform additional functions, such as preprocessing of the image signal, and may be further used in conjunction with an image processing system, such as the Data Translation DT2878.
A fractal-based system for real-time video compression, satellite broadcasting and decompression is also available from Iterated Systems, Inc. and Entertainment Made Convenient2, Inc. (EMC2). In such a system, since the compressed signal is transmitted, the remote receiving system need not apply decompression prior to the intelligent pattern recognition function of the present invention. This system also incorporates anti-copy encryption and royalty and accounting documentation systems. Thus, the interface of the present invention could interact with the standard accounting system to allow royalty-based recording, and possibly implement a serial-copy recording prevention system. It is noted that the EMC2 system does not incorporate the intelligent features of the present invention. In particular, a user must still explicitly select a program, rather than allow an intelligent system to assist in selection and programming of the device. This system is described in “EMC2 Pushes Video Rental By Satellite”, Electronic Engineering Times, Dec. 2, 1991, p. 1, p. 98, which is incorporated herein by reference.
Thus, one embodiment of the device may incorporate a memory for storing a program, before being transferred to a permanent storage facility, such as tape. Such a memory may include a hard disk drive, magnetic tape loop, a rewritable optical disk drive, or semiconductor memories, including such devices as wafer scale memory devices. This is shown diagrammatically as the intermediate storage 2210 of
Various available DSP chips, exemplary board level signal processing products and available software are described in more detail in “32-bit Floating-Point DSP Processors”, EDN, Nov. 7, 1991, pp. 127-146, incorporated herein by reference.
It should also be noted that the compression algorithm may be lossless or lossy, depending on the application. Various different methods and paradigms may be used. For example, DCT (discrete cosine transform), wavelets, fractals, and other known transform methods may be used. These may be implemented by various known means. A compressed image may also be advantageously used in conjunction with the image recognition system of the present invention, as described above. In such a case, the compression system would retain the information most important in the recognition function, and truncate the unimportant information.
A further method of performing pattern recognition, especially of two dimensional patterns, is optical pattern recognition, where an image is correlated with a set of known image patterns represented on a hologram, and the product is a pattern according to a correlation between the input pattern and the provided known patterns. Because this is an optical technique, it is performed nearly instantaneously, and the output information can be reentered into an electronic digital computer through optical transducers known in the art. Such a system is described in Casasent, D., Photonics Spectra, November 1991, pp. 134-140, which is incorporated herein by reference. The references cited therein provide further details of the theory and practice of such a system, and they are also incorporated herein by reference. Lendaris, G. G., and Stanely, G. L., “Diffraction Pattern Sampling for Automatic Target Recognition”, Proc. IEEE 58:198-205 (1979); Ballard, D. H., and Brown, C. M., Computer Vision, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (1982); Optical Engineering 28:5 (May 1988)(Special Issue on product inspection); Richards J., and Casasent, D., “Real Time Hough Transform for Industrial Inspection” Proc. SPIE Technical Symposium, Boston 1989 1192:2-21 (1989); Maragos, P., “Tutorial Advances in Morphological Image Processing” Optical Engineering 26:7:623-632 (1987); Casasent, D., and Tescher, A., Eds., “Hybrid Image and Signal Processing II”, Proc. SPIE Technical Symposium, April 1990, Orlando Fla. 1297 (1990); Ravichandran, G. and Casasent, D., “Noise and Discrimination Performance of the MINACE Optical Correlation Filter”, Proc. SPIE Technical Symposium, April 1990, Orlando Fla., 1471 (1990); Weshsler, H. Ed., “Neural Nets For Human and Machine Perception”, Academic Press, New York (1991).
These optical recognition systems are best suited to applications where an uncharacterized input signal frame is to be compared to a finite number of visually different comparison frames (i.e., at least one), and where an optical correlation will provide useful information. Thus, if a user wished to detect one of, e.g., “Johnny Carson”, “Dan Rather”, “Willard Scott”, or “Jane Pauley”, a number of different views of these persons would be formed as a holographic correlation matrix, which could be superimposed as a multiple exposure, stacked in the width dimension, or placed in a planar matrix, side by side. The detection system produces, from the uncharacterized input image and the holographic matrix, a wavefront pattern that is detectable by photonic sensors. It is preferred that if multiple holographic images of a particular characterization are employed, that they each produce a more similar resulting wavefront pattern than the other characterizations, in order to enhance detection efficiency. The optical pattern recognition method is limited in that a holographic image must be prepared of the desired pattern to be detected, and that optically similar images might actually be of a different image, if the differences are subtle. However, this method may be used in conjunction with electronic digital pattern recognition methods, to obtain the advantages of both.
If image compression is used, once an image is compressed, it need not be decompressed and returned to NTSC or other standard transmission or format for storage on tape, and thus the compressed image information may be stored in the same format as is present in the temporary storage medium. Thus, the block labelled intermediate processing 2211 of
It is also noted that the interface of the present invention need not be limited to audio-visual and multimedia applications, as similar issues arise in various programmable controller environments. Such issues are disclosed in Carlson, Mark A., “Design Goals for an Effective User Interface”, Electro/82 Proceedings, 3/1/1-3/1/4; Kreifeldt, John, “Human Factors Approach to Medical Instrument Design”, Electro/82 Proceedings, 3/3/1-3/3/6; Wilke, William, “Easy Operation of Instruments by Both Man and Machine”, Electro/82 Proceedings, 3/2/1-3/2/4; Green, Lee, “Thermo Tech: Here's a common sense guide to the new thinking thermostats”, Popular Mechanics, October 1985, 155-159; Moore, T. G. and Dartnall, “Human Factors of a Microelectronic Product: The Central Heating Timer/Programmer”, Applied Ergonomics, 1983, Vol. 13, No. 1, 15-23; and “The Smart House: Human Factors in Home Automation”, Human Factors in Practice, December 1990, 1-36, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. In such a case, the pattern recognition function would be used to execute a contingent program. For example, in a programmable temperature controller application, a sensor or sensor array could be arranged to detect a “door opening”. On the occurrence of the door opening, the system would recognize this pattern, i.e. a mass of air at a different temperature entering the environment from a single location, or a loss of climate controlled air through a single location. In either event, the system would take appropriate action, including: halt of normal climate control and impose a delay until the door is closed; after closure, set a time constant for assimilation of the replaced air with the climate controlled air; based on the actual climatic condition after assimilation, or a predicted climatic condition after assimilation, begin a climate compensation control; optionally, during the door opening, control a pressure or flow of air to counterbalance the normal flow through the door, by using a fan or other device. The climate may differ in temperature, humidity, pollutants, or the like, and appropriate sensors may be employed. This generalized system is shown in
It is also noted that the present technology could also be applied to any sort of mass storage, such as for a personal computer. In such a case, a characteristic of the computer file, which is analogous to the broadcast program in temporary storage of a VCR, is classified according to some criteria, which may be explicit, such as an explicit header or identifying information, or implicit, such as a document in letter format, or a memorandum, as well as by words and word proximity. In particular, such a recognition system could differentiate various clients or authors based on the content of the document, and these could be stored in different manner. The text analysis system of a text-based computer storage system is analogous to the program classification system of the VCR embodiment of the present invention. However, there is a further analogy, in that the VCR could incorporate optical character recognition of text displayed in the program material, or directly receive text information as a part of a closed caption or videotext system. Thus, the VCR device of the present invention could recognize and classify programs based on textual cues, and make decisions based on these cues. This might also provide a simple method of discriminating program material, for example, if a commercial does not include close caption or Second Audio Program (SAP), while the desired program does, or vice versa, then a commercial could be discriminated from a program with very little computational expenditure.
Other characteristics of this interface include color coding to help prompt the user as to which data he/she must enter. Red text signifies instructions or errors, yellow text represents data which must be entered or has not been changed, and blue text shows newly entered program data or status information. Blue buttons represent buttons which should normally be pressed during the programming sequence. Red buttons signify an erratic pattern in the data entry, such as the “cancel” and “return to main menu” buttons. Of course, these colors can be replaced by other display attributes, such as intensity, underline, reverse video, blinking and pixel dithering pattern, in addition to the use of various fonts. Such a situation would include a monochrome monitor or display.
The date may be entered in the form of a calendar rather than as numbers (i.e., 9/6/91). This calendar method is advantageous because users may wish to input date data in one of three ways: day of the week, day relative to the present, and day of the month. The present method allows the current date to be highlighted, so that the calendar may be used to easily enter the absolute day, absolute date, and relative day. Further, the choices “today” and “tomorrow”, the most frequently used relative recording times, are included in addition to a month-by-month calendar. This information is provided to avoid an unnecessary waste of time and user frustration. Thus, another aspect of the present invention is to provide a partially redundant interactive display input system which allows, according to the highest probability, the choices to be prominently displayed and easily available, in addition to allowing random access to all choices.
The present device allows common user mistakes to be recognized and possibly addressed, such as the confusion between 12:00 PM and 12:00 AM with midnight and noon, respectively. Therefore, the options of “noon” and “midnight” are provided in addition to a direct numeric clock input. When entering time information, leading zeros need not be entered, and such information may be entered in either fashion.
The criteria for system acceptance of input depends on how many keystrokes are required on the screen. If only one keystroke is required to complete input of the information, upon depressing the key, the programming sequence will continue. If more than one keypress is required, the user must depress the “OK” button to continue programming. This context sensitive information entry serves to avoid unnecessary input.
An on-line “help” system and on-line feedback is preferably provided to the user throughout various aspects of the interface. Other features include minimizing the number of keypresses required to program the device. These features, together with other aspects of the present invention allow the user to achieve a greater efficiency with the input device than with prior art devices.
The interface of the present invention applied to a VCR control comprises a virtual keypad entry device, a directional input control for a cursor on a display screen, and a selection button. The input device has an input corresponding to a direction of movement relative to the cursor position. Thus, since the present input device seeks to minimize the physical control elements of the human interface device, the display elements for a preferred embodiment of the present interface include:
1. number keys 0-9
2. enter key
3. cancel key
4. status indicator
5. return to menu option button
6. program type indicator: program once, program once a week, program Monday-Friday, program everyday
7. Day indicators: 7 week days, today, tomorrow
8. Noon and midnight choices
9. Help button
10. Main menu options: Review, Enter new recording time, Set time, Set date
11. Timer button
12. Power button
13. AM/PM choices
14. 31 day calendar
15. 12 month Choices
16. 3 tape speed choices
The interface of the present invention includes an internal clock, 4 program memory, and the capability to display a graphical color interface. By providing the user with the aforementioned features, this design is a unique implementation for an instrument to be used for programming an event driven controller via an interactive display. All information that the user needs is displayed on the screen to avoid the unnecessary searching for information. This information includes the current date and current time.
The simulation of the AKAI VCR VS303U (on-screen programming) and the interface of the present invention, were tested to evaluate users' performances. The AKAI interface of the prior art, hereinafter referred to as the prior art interface, was chosen because users made the fewest errors while using this machine, and no subject quit while programming, as compared to three other VCRs tested, a Panasonic PV4962 (Bar Coder), an RCA VKP950 (on-screen programming), Panasonic PV4700 (Display Panel).
The present embodiment was constructed and tested using HyperPAD™, a rapid prototyping package for an IBM-PC Compatible Computer. It is, of course obvious that the present embodiment could be incorporated in a commercial VCR machine by those skilled in the art, or be implemented on many types of general purpose computers with output screens which allow on-screen feedback for the programming operation. Further, the present embodiment can control an infrared remote controlled VCR or translate the programming information and program an infrared remote control through an interface to an infrared transmitter.
An IBM PC-AT compatible (MS-DOS, Intel 80286-10 MHz) computer was used to test the two simulations. In order to simulate the use of a remote control device in programming the VCR, an infrared device made by NView™ was attached to the computer. This device came with a keyboard that was used to “teach” a Memorex™ Universal Remote so that the desired actions could be obtained. By using a universal remote, the computer could be controlled by using a remote control.
The present embodiment incorporates a mouse input device. It is understood that a small trackball with a button for selection, mounted on a remote control would be preferred. However, a computer mouse is easily available, and the mouse and trackball data are essentially similar for the type of task used in this study, with trackball performance being slightly faster. For daily use on a VCR however, a trackball would be a more preferable input device because it does not require a hard, flat surface, which is not always available to a user, such as in the situation where a person is watching television while sitting in a chair or sofa.
A Genius™ Mouse was used as the input device in the prototype of the interface of the present invention. With the mouse, the user could view all of the choices at once on the display screen, and then make a selection from the items on the screen by moving the cursor and then pressing the left mouse button.
Two simulations were prototyped. The first was a simulation of the existing AKAI On-Screen VCR, Model Number VS-303U, hereinafter referred to as the prior art interface. The second was the newly devised interface of the present invention. Data from each test was exported to data files on the computer so that specific actions, types of action, mouse clicks, number of times each screen is entered, and time spent on each screen may be compared.
Subjective data was also collected; it was verbally supplied by the subject during and after the testing. Usability tests were run, using the “Thinking-Aloud” technique. This method requires users to verbalize their thoughts as they interact with the system. This technique is especially useful in discovering strategies which users employ in approaching tasks, pin-pointing problems, and discovering the reasons why they occur. In addition, demographic data, such as each subject's age, occupation, and experience using VCRs and mice was also recorded.
The design was optimized according to the above-mentioned criteria through a procedure of testing, alteration of the simulation, and retesting. The alterations were maintained if they resulted in an improvement in subjective and/or objective criteria. Those alterations that did not result in improvement were reverted to a previous state. It is proposed that the interface be individually optimized for persons of various demographic groups, ages, education levels, etc., so that, in accordance with an object of the invention, the interface best matches a particular user's expectations. Simultaneous multivariate alterations were also implemented in order to demonstrate an interactive effect between various implementations. In such testing, subjective factors were weighted more heavily than objective factors because the purpose was to determine a qualitative effect, rather than a quantitative comparison. The resultant qualitative measurement of a multivariate alteration indicated whether the complex of changes displayed any advantage over the previous state. If an advantage was demonstrated, the multivariate alteration was decomposed into its quantum changes, full quantitative studies were performed, and statistical analysis completed. Thus, by incorporating subjective analysis, multivariate alterations in the interface could be quickly analyzed for their advantages as compared with a similar precursor.
Experimental Testing
After an optimized design was obtained, the final testing was conducted as a repeated measures experiment of naive subjects. The tasks required were to set the clock and 3 programs to simulate a situation where the subject might go on vacation and, upon arrival home, have the desired programs on tape. Three programs were set so that the learning time between programs could be more accurately studied. The subjects did not know which interface was the experimental one.
Each subject used both simulations, so as to eliminate the effect of between subject variability. The order in which the subjects used the interfaces was counterbalanced so as to offset the effect of learning. In all, 23 subjects were tested. However, data from only 16 subjects was used in the calculations because seven of the test participants quit while performing the programming tasks on the simulation of the prior art interface. Because these subjects were not able to complete all of the tasks, their data could not be validly compared with that of subjects who had fully completed the tasks.
Data Analysis
The objective data was analyzed according to Stuart Card's (1979) method, disclosed in Card, Stuart K., “A Method for Calculating Performance times for Users of Interactive Computing Systems”, IEEE, 1979, 653-658, incorporated herein by reference, involving calculating performance times for users of interactive computing systems. He calculated the way in which the time to perform a task can be determined from the design phase by breaking the entire task into individual components. However, he focused his calculations on experienced users, not novices. This is a fundamental difference, in both theory and result, and this method has been herein validated by the present inventor.
Some of the interface factors affecting user performance include:
The optimized interface of the present invention sought to minimize the first three of these aspects. Recall and Learning were, for the present purpose, considered as identical since data collected has shown that most people perform the task being studied (time-shift programming) less than once a month and thus have to re-learn the task each time. Functionality was also disregarded because it was a negligible factor between tasks.
The most important factor considered in the present optimized interface focuses on time. Knowing the sequence of user actions and the response time of the system, the required user time can be predicted by application of the following equation:
One goal of the interface of the present invention is to minimize Tacquire. By Card's model, the execution time is the time, tj, for each of these operators j weighted by the frequency, nj, with which they occur, plus the total system response time, TR, to the steps performed by the user. The formula for the execution time is:
Despite the endless number of possibilities that can be performed using a computer, according to Card's work, the steps necessary to perform the tasks required and their respective times can be divided into four categories:
1. The time required to use the mouse to point to the object and click: tp=1.10 seconds
2. The time to mentally prepare before pointing to a command: tM=1.35 seconds
3. The time to enter input:
Prior Art interface: tK=0.75 seconds for typing complex codes
Interface of the present invention: tK=0.2 seconds for an average typist or mouse user
4. The computer response time: tR=Variable
The subjects' entry times, actions, and the computer response time were then subtracted from the total time required to perform the task in order to determine Tacquire. This technique gives estimates accurate to about 20% of actual times required by users.
Computer Response Time
TR, the average computer response time, was calculated individually for each subject. In order to attain a baseline, the researcher, an expert user of the systems, performed the tasks on both a 10 MHz (Intel 80286 based) and a 33 MHz (Intel 80386DX based) computer. The faster processor had a negligible computer response time, taken as TR=0. The time using the faster computer was then subtracted from the time using the slower computer to achieve a measure of how much slower the 10 MHz computer was.
An additional time delay, due to the software used and dependent upon the number of screens accessed, was then subtracted from the change in time. This number was then divided by the number of keypresses required to complete the task to produce a number representing the number of seconds per keypress. The computer response times obtained were: 1.11 seconds per keypress for the prior art interface; and 0.18 seconds per keypress for the interface of the present invention.
The large difference between these numbers was confirmed when many users commented that they had to wait for the outcome of their input on the prior art interface.
Errors are often made by the users and they can be classified as follows:
In the interface of the present invention, the errors of omission are remedied by the fact that the user cannot continue programming if the current step is not completed. In the prior art interface, this is not the case and critical actions may be overlooked.
Errors of commission seem inevitable. In the prior art interface, there were an average of 34.3 errors per subject, or 9% of the total number of buttons pressed. In the interface of the present invention, there were an average of 7.2 errors per subject, or 6% of the total number of keystrokes. In order to determine significance, a T-Test was applied and the difference between error rates of the two systems was found to be significant at α<0.10. Sequential effects were eliminated by the testing procedure and did not affect the results obtained.
Simulation of the Prior Art Interface
In programming the simulation of the AKAI interface of the prior art, the average time that it took the 16 subjects to complete the setting of the clock and the recording of three programs was 1,476.9 seconds (24.6 minutes). An average of 451.4 seconds (7.5 minutes) of each trial, or 31% of the total time, can be attributed to computer response time (TR) using 1.11 seconds per keypress. This time can then be subtracted from the subjects' total time. Thus, the new average becomes 1,025.5 seconds (17.1 minutes). The fastest time recorded was 498 seconds (8.3 minutes) and the slowest time was 2,844.4 seconds (47.4 minutes). Table 1 shows the subjects and the time it took to complete the programming sequence for the prior art interface.
No subject was able to complete the programming tasks in the desirable minimum time of seven minutes, and only eight subjects (50%) were able to finish in less than 14 minutes, double the ideal time goal established as a result of the previous testing. Two subjects (13%) required more than 21 minutes, triple the goal set, to perform these tasks. The seven minute time period was selected as a result of subjective data gathered earlier in research.
Only four subjects (25%) were able to correctly perform the tasks required. An additional six subjects (38%) did not select the timer button. Only one person realized his error (setting the wrong date). The problems encountered which led to incorrect recordings, and their frequency are as follows:
Simulation of the Interface of the Present Invention
The average time required to complete the experimental tasks with the interface of the present invention was 560.1 seconds (9.3 minutes). The average computer response time, TR, assuming it took 0.18 seconds per keypress, was 57.5, or 11% of the total time. When this is deducted from the total time, the new average is 502.7 seconds (8.4 minutes). The shortest length of time recorded for programming was 143.5 seconds (2.4 minutes) and the maximum was 1,187.7 seconds (19.8 minutes). Ten of the subjects (63%) took less than seven minutes to set the clock and three programs, thus meeting the original goal of a maximum of seven minutes, and 13 subjects (81%) took less than 14 minutes. Table 2 shows the subjects and the time it took each to successfully complete the tasks on the interface of the present invention. This table can be seen graphically in
Statistical Analysis
The data was analyzed using SPSS-X, a statistical package. The tasks can be divided into six programming steps:
The average time for the 16 subjects, and their standard deviations can be seen in Table 3 The number of subjects and the tasks they could not accomplish can be seen in Table 4.
The interface of the present invention reduced the average programming time by 54%. However, the standard deviations are high for both cases, and equal slightly more than half of the total time. T-Tests for each of the six programming steps showed no significance. However, when subjected to the Pearson Correlation, some significance was found (p<0.10).
Ten subjects (63%) were able to correctly perform the programming tasks using the interface of the present invention. Altogether, four users did not set the timer, and two of these did not set the timer on the prior art interface. Three subjects reported that they probably could have performed the tasks quicker if they were not using a mouse as the input device. None of the subjects who made mistakes using the interface of the present invention realized their errors. The problems encountered using the present invention and their frequencies are as follows:
All measurements were subjected to separate Analysis of Variance tests. The differences between all measures were found to be statistically significant at α<0.01, except search time, which was significant at α<0.05.
The CHI Square test was performed to determine whether the probability of the times for each measurement is the same, or whether they are statistically different from one another. The results indicated that differences exist only between Clock Set, Program 2, and Program 3 and are significant at p<0.01.
According to Stuart Card's theory, the total amount of time from the design stage can be calculated according to the following formula:
where: TM—Mentally Prepare; TK—Key in; TP—Point with mouse
The Prior Art Interface
To perform the necessary tasks on the prior art interface, a minimum of 130 keypresses was required for each of the 18 subjects. Using the formula above, an average of 273 seconds is calculated for TEXECUTE. However, in the actual testing situation, an average of 342.1 keypresses were made per subject, 2.6 times the minimum number of keypresses required. According to Card's formula, it should have taken 718.4 seconds for 342.1 keypresses (TM=1.35, TK=0.75). It actually took an average of 1,025.5 seconds per subject, which is 1.4 times more than the theoretical time expected. Both the additional keypresses and the extra time can be attributed to TACQUIRE, which is dependent on the details of the task and whether it is given from without or generated from within the user.
Some of the extra keypresses can be attributed to the fact that all of the subjects had trouble deciphering the coded buttons and were confused by the week numbers and how to select the Mon-Fri option. Nine users thought that they had to “Memorize” the clock setting sequence after each step, and the subjects did not always mentally calculate whether using the “+” or “−” key would be faster, and if they realized their error, they commented that they had not selected the shortest route. One subject did not realize that there were “+” and “−” keys and therefore, when he missed setting the time by one minute, he had to cycle around 59 extra times, thus incurring 59 extra keypresses.
The Interface of the Present Invention
The interface of the present invention required a theoretical minimum of 70 keypresses per subject, which was only 54% of the number of keypresses required by the simulation of the prior art interface. It can be noted that the time to perform the task of programming the interface of the present invention was also reduced by 54%. This results in a theoretical average of 185.5 seconds per subject, 87.5 seconds less than the prior art interface. The actual testing situation resulted in an average of 103.6 keypresses per subject, 68% more keypresses than the required minimum (TM=1.35, TK=0.2, TP=1.10). Although the interface of the present invention required far fewer keypresses than the simulation of the prior art interface, by Card's calculations, it should have taken 274.5 seconds for 103.6 keypresses. However, it took an average of 502.7 seconds per subject, 1.8 times more than the predicted time. This can be attributed to TACQUIRE.
Some of the extra keypresses could be attributed to four subjects who originally entered the date as “90” rather than “1990”, five subjects who tried to enter information on the help screens, five subjects who selected the places where the numbers are displayed on the screen before selecting from the numeric keypad, and six subjects who had trouble selecting AM/PM. All of these errors resulted in extra keypresses, and therefore consumed additional time.
Several factors may account for the disparity between the times found in this study when compared with the formulas developed by Card. The major difference may be due to the fact that the formulas derived by Card are for experienced users, not novices. Thus, these numbers might indicate how well users might perform after a period of using the system. CHI Square tests, showed significance at <0.01 for both the theoretical and actual times for the keypresses and for the theoretical and actual number of keypresses. In designing the interface, an effort was made to reduce the learning time. Thus, Card's equations are appropriate since all users are considered to be experts. As can be seen in a comparison of the values between the two interfaces, the calculations of TEXECUTE for the interface of the present invention came much closer to that of the theoretical values than did the calculations for the prior art interface, thus proving that the interface of the present invention did reduce the learning time. The results for the theoretical time for minimum number of keypresses, theoretical time for the actual number of keypresses, and actual time can be seen in
Searching Time
The Prior Art Interface
The prototypes can be divided into screens which represent the programming steps. In order to set the simulation of the prior art interface, a minimum of 13 screens must be entered by the user. The average for the trials of the 16 subjects was 36.8 screens per subject, almost three times more screens than were necessary. Table 5 shows the screens, the minimum number of times they must be accessed, the average number of times that each was accessed, the average amount of time spent on each screen, and the standard deviation of the number of screens opened.
Subjects were confused when using the simulation of the prior art interface. The CLOCK ADJUST screen was displayed when the program began, and the subjects did not understand the directions on the screen. Fourteen out of the sixteen subjects pressed “CLOCK ADJUST” and then “C” which returned them to where they had started. Even if they were able to figure out that this was the correct screen on which to set the clock, 12 out of the 16 subjects wanted to “Memorize” after each step of setting the time and date, rather than after everything was set. This could account for the large number of times that the CLOCK SET, CLOCK ADJUST, and CLOCK screens were accessed. All subjects seemed to spend a great deal of time on the CLOCK SET page, trying to figure out which buttons to use. All subjects were extremely confused between “A+”, “A−”, “B+”, and “B−”. In fact, one subject never realized the difference between the “+” and “−” keys, and if, for example, he missed setting the channel, he cycled around another 98 times. In addition, users accidentally accessed Program 4 and turned on and off the VCR several times. The proportion of time spent setting the programs for the prior art interface and the interface of the present invention are shown in
The Interface of the Present Invention
To set the clock and three programs on the interface of the present invention, at least 32 screens must be opened. In testing, subjects opened an average of 42.9 screens, an average of 34% more screens than the minimum required. Although more screens are required to be opened in the interface of the present invention, the percentage of extra screens opened is much smaller than that of the prior art interface. Table 6 shows the screens which must be accessed, the minimum number of times they must be used, the average number of times subjects looked at them, the average amount of time subjects spent using them, and the standard deviation of the number of screens opened.
When the VCR was first turned on, subjects viewed a prompt instructing them to set the time. Two subjects looked for a Main Menu at this point, and exited the screen before setting the time. The only occasion where the subjects had to enter the Main Menu screen was to set programs to record or to reset the current time or current date. This screen was accessed more times than necessary, possibly because several subjects selected the “Main Menu” button on the screen before setting the time, date, or pressing the “OK” button.
Help screens were accessed either when the user was confused as to what to do, or just for curiosity (from users' comments). The one “Help” button that provided the most assistance was MAIN MENU HELP. It told the users to “POWER OFF” and then to set the Timer to “ON” when programming was finished.
Only 34% more screens were opened when programming the interface of the present invention, whereas in the prior art interface, the additional number of screens opened approached 300%. This indicates that there was much more confusion when using the prior art interface. The two simulations showed significance at p<0.10 for the number of screens opened when subjected to a CHI Square test of independence.
Mental Preparation Time
The Prior Art Interface
Both interfaces required that a confirmation button be pressed before proceeding to the next step. In the prior art interface, “C” represented this confirmation. At the end of each sub-task (setting the time, program 1, program 2, and program 3), it was necessary to press “C” after the instructions OK to Memorize appeared on the screen. Pressing this button would either advance the user to the CLOCK screen if he were on the CLOCK ADJUST screen, or the PROGRAM screen if he were on one of the programming screens. Theoretically, “C” on the prior art interface must be pressed a minimum of five times by each subject to complete the task, and 10.5 seconds is consumed in doing this. In testing, this button was pressed an average of 9.1 times by each the 16 subjects, which is almost double the number of keypresses required. Each keypress should theoretically have taken 2.1 seconds. However, in actuality, it took 12.1 seconds per “C” keypress, which is almost six times more than the theoretical value calculated using Card's formula.
The extra keypresses can be attributed to the fact that five users thought that they had to press the “C” button after each category they changed. The extra time can be attributed to the fact that, as many subjects commented, they were doing the tasks by trial and error and had to recheck all of the information carefully to make sure it was correct. While test participants were using the prior art interface, many made comments that the numbers seemed to be changing by themselves. What had really happened was that the test participants were not looking at the correct place on the screen to see the changes and were confused by the blinking numbers, or they had entered information faster than it could be displayed, and as a result, pressed too many buttons and passed the desired choice.
The Interface of the Present Invention
The interface of the present invention used a blue “OK” button on the bottom of each screen that required more than one keypress. These screens included: the current year, current time, start time, stop time, channel, and the confirmation screen. Pressing “OK” either brought the user to the next step of the programming sequence or back to the Main Menu from the confirmation screen. It was necessary for each subject to press this button a minimum of 14 times to complete the task, which would theoretically have taken 37.1 seconds. In the testing situation, “OK” was pressed an average of 18.5 times per subject. This was only 33% more than the minimum number of keypresses required. The average time was 6.9 seconds per “OK” pressed, which was 2.6 times more than the theoretical 2.65 per keypress found by applying Card's formula.
Comparison of Interfaces
Comparing the results from the two interfaces
on length of mental preparation time for pressing of the confirmation buttons, the interface of the present invention took considerably less time. If the user is confident about the information he enters, it takes less time to confirm the data entered. When subjected to a t-Test, there was no significance for the number of times that “C” or “OK” was pressed, or between the time that it took for the two buttons to be pressed.
The Prior Art Interface
Test participants were asked to rate each interface using the subjective ratings, including the Cooper-Harper Rating Scale. Using these ratings, the simulation of the prior art interface was rated and can be seen in Table 7.
The results show that this interface is perceived to be almost at the unsatisfactory level according to the Cooper-Harper Scale and on the “dislike” and “difficult” ends of the other scales. A T-Test on the subjective data showed no significance.
The number of keystrokes required was found to directly affect the total time. When the selection method was used in the prior art interface, most subjects did not calculate whether going up or down would be faster, thus resulting in extra keypresses. The total time for each critical step and the errors made were proportional to the number of keypresses. Both interfaces took approximately the same percentage of the total time for the critical steps. The percentages for these critical steps can be seen in Table 8 and
The interface of the present invention was able to remedy all of the above mentioned problems. Results of the evaluations for the interface of the present invention can be seen in Table 9.
The results show that the interface of the present invention was well-liked. It was rated at the “Good” level on the Cooper Harper rating scale and on the “like” and “easy” ends of the other two scales.
An analysis of users' comments regarding the interface of the present invention revealed the reasons for their evaluations. The frequency with which their likes and dislikes occurred confirms the fact that the newly developed interface clearly offers users what they want, and remedies problems perceived in the use of the prior art interfaces. Table 10 lists favorable comments made by the subjects.
When subjects compared the simulation of the interface of the present invention with the simulation of the prior art interface, they unanimously preferred the interface of the present invention over any other VCR they had used. After the testing, some of the suggestions that subjects made for alternate input devices include: touch-screen, cursor control, voice, trackball, and automatic tracking of the remote.
Overall, the critical times for programming the interface of the present invention were at least half of those for the prior art interface. The new design reduced the programming time by 54% and reduced the is errors by 500%.
The number of screens opened above the minimum number required had an effect on search time. In the prior art interface, 283% more screens were opened, whereas in the interface of the present invention, screens were opened only 34% more frequently. However, overall, the same percentage of time was spent searching on both interfaces.
Mental preparation time was measured in both simulations by pressing the confirmation buttons. The time delay in pressing “C” and “OK” respectively increases the times for the critical steps in the prior art and new simulations. The interface of the present invention took considerably less time. If the user is confident about the information entered, it takes less time to confirm the entry.
All measures remained in the same proportions to the total time in both interfaces. However these times were significantly reduced when 30% of the sample gave up while trying to program the prior art interface, therefore this data was excluded.
Attending to the user's needs is important in designing any interface, and must be modified for each application. By reducing the searching, learning times, and entry times, the mental load is also minimized. Some tradeoffs are necessary as a result of subjective and objective data. It is extremely difficult to design an interface for all levels of users. Thus, a menu system was used in an attempt to satisfy all users.
It must be noted that, in addition to reducing the programming time, the interface of the present invention reduced the number of incorrect recordings by 50%. The severity of the errors is unimportant here because one wrong entry will cause an irretrievable mistake and the user will not record the intended program. One study reported that faulty inputs, which lead to missing the program, can be reported by almost every present day owner of a VCR.
The “smart screen” aspect of the present invention is further explored in the present example. This aspect of the invention allows the interface to anticipate or predict the intent of the user, to provide, as a default user choice, the most likely action to be taken by the user of the programmable device as a default, which may be either accepted or rejected by the user, without delay to the user. The intelligent selection feature may also automatically choose an option and execute the selected option, without further intervention.
When a user regularly applies the VCR device, for example, to record a given television show is which appears weekly on a given television channel, at a given time, on a given channel, such an action could be immediately presented to the user as a first option, without forcing him to explicitly program the entire sequence.
Further, if an entire television programming guide for a week or month is available as a database, the interface could actively determine whether the desired show is preempted, a repeat, changed in time or programming slot, etc. Thus, the interface could present information to the user, of which he might not be aware, and predict an action based on that information. Such a device could, if set in a mode of operation that allows such, automatically execute a sequence of instructions based on a predicted course of action. Thus, if a user is to be absent for a period, he could set the machine to automatically record a show, even if the recording parameters are not known at the time of setting. Of course, this depends on the availability of a database of current broadcast schedules, however, such a database may generally be available. An on-line database system of known type may be used and need not be described in detail herein.
The smart screens may be implemented as follows. The controller may be, for example, a Macintosh ci computer, operating under Macintosh 7.0 operating system. The Hypercard 2.0 software may be used to implement the screen interface, which incorporates the above-described features, which is generally compatible with the Hyperpad software described above. HyperCard is mentioned due to its capabilities to reference external programs, thus allowing interfacing to various software and hardware devices. A more global scripting language, such as Frontier by UserLand Software Inc., may also be used, especially where low level hardware control of interfaced devices, such as a VCR, multimedia adapter, or the like is desired. Other scripting languages include versions of REXX, by IBM, available on many platforms. The input device is an Apple ADB mouse, and the output display is an 8 bit or 24 bit graphics color adapter connected to, e.g., a 14″ color monitor. In addition, various parameters concerning the use of the interface are stored in the computer's memory, and a non-volatile mass storage device, such as a hard disk drive, or EEPROM or EPROM, as well as battery backed RAM could also be used.
From the stored information regarding the prior use of the interface by the user, including prior sessions and the immediate session, and a current state of the machine, a predicted course of action or operation may be realized. This predicted operation is, in the context of the current user interface state, the most probable next action to be taken by the user.
The predicted operation is based on: the identity of the user, if more than one user operates the interface and machine, the information already entered into the interface during the present programming is session, the presently available choices for data entry, settings for the use of the machine, which may be present as a result of a “setup” operation, settings saved during a prior session, and a database of programming choices. In the case of a HyperCard script, the interface software calls another program which has access to the necessary data in the memory, as well as access to any remote database which may be necessary for the function. Using a predictive technology, such as Boolean logic, fuzzy logic, neural network logic, or other type of artificial intelligence, a most probable choice may be presented to the user for his approval, or another alternative choice may be selected. Further, a number of most probable choices may be presented simultaneously or in sequence, in order to improve the probability that the user will be immediately or quickly presented with an acceptable choice. If multiple choices are presented, and there is limited room on the display, two (or more) similar choices may be merged into a single menu selection, which may be resolved in a secondary menu screen.
The following is an example of a user wishing to program the machine interface of a VCR to record, e.g., “Married With Children” (Fox, Sunday, 9:00 p.m.), every time it occurs. The interface would first perform a self diagnostic to determine whether the machine is set up and operating correctly. This would include a determination of whether the clock has been set and thereafter operating continuously. Of course, the clock could have, in practice, a battery to minimize the occurrence of problems relating to clock function. The interface would then, if the clock is not properly set, and if there is no telecommunication or other external means for automatically determining the exact time, present the user with a menu selection to set the proper time. If the user does not have access to a source of the exact time, the step may be deferred. If the machine has access to an external source of the exact time, it would then preferably access this source first. This could include a telephone connection to a voice line which repeats the time. The computer would then perform a speech recognition algorithm which would be used to determine the time. Such a speech recognition algorithm could also be used as a part of the user interface for other purposes. Alternatively, a modem could be used to obtain the time in digitally coded form, which would alleviate the need for speech recognition capabilities for this function. An on-line connection could also be used in order to obtain information concerning television scheduling. A further alternative would be to access a video signal which contains time information. For example, many cable broadcasting systems have a channel which continuously broadcasts the time. The interface could tune to this channel, acquire a representation of the screen image, and perform a character recognition algorithm to determine the time. This character recognition algorithm could also be used to decipher information regarding programming schedules, which may appear on certain cable broadcast channels. Thus, the interface determines a need for setting of the clock, and then takes measures to fulfill the necessary function, through any and all available resources, which may include speech recognition, character recognition, digital telecommunication means, radio wave reception and interpretation, and links to other devices.
The system next must determine what function the user wishes to perform. In this regard, if more than one user has access to the system, the user identifies himself to the interface, in a user identification step 1701 or an analogous action, which may be a coded entry, or a selection from the menu. If the interface has voice recognition capability, then the user may be recognized by his voice pattern, or merely by stating his name. The interface then accesses the memory for a profile of the past use of the machine by the user, which may include the entire prior history, relevant abstracts of the history, or derived user preferences, as shown in the personalized startup based on user profile step 1702, which information is also stored and used in the past user history determining element 2107. These choices differ in the amount is of storage necessary in order to retain the desired information.
Thus, if the user has only used the VCR to record, e.g., the NBC 11 o'clock news, i.e., record all days from 11:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on NBC, in the past, the most likely current predicted choice would be the NBC 11 o'clock news. If the interface were to present a number of choices, having lower probability, then it would interpret the recording history to be “news” based on a database of broadcast information. Therefore, a prediction of lower probability would be ABC or CBS news at, e.g., 11:00 p.m., and the NBC news at, e.g., 5:00 p.m. Thus, these three choices would be initially presented to the user, along with a menu selection to reject these predicted choices. In this case, the user would select the “reject” selection, and would be presented with a next predicted desired menu choice. Since the user history, in this case, does not provide for another choice of high probability, the user would be prompted to explicitly choose the program sequence by day, time, channel, and duration. The user would then enter the starting time for recording according to the methods described above. The interface would then search its databases regarding the user and broadcast listings to present a most likely choice, as well as all available alternatives. In this case, the user history is of little help, and is not used to predict. In other cases, the system would use its intelligence to “fill in the blanks”, which could, of course, be rejected by the user. The most likely choices would then be those programs that begin at the selected time. If the user had input the channel, instead of starting time, then the presented choices would be the broadcast schedule of the channel, e.g. Fox, for the selected day. The user then selects one of the available choices, which would complete the programming sequence. If no database of broadcasts is available, then the user must then explicitly define all parameters of the broadcast. When the programming is completed, the interface must then update its user database, prompt the user to set the VCR to record, by, e.g., inserting a blank or recordable tape.
The user would then proceed to explicitly program the VCR interface to record “Married with Children” on Fox at 9:00 p.m. on Sunday evening. If a database is available, it might also show that “Married with Children” is also syndicated in re-runs, and therefore may be available on other channels at other times. Thus, during the subsequent session, both the premier showing and re-run of “Married With Children” would be available predicted choices, along with the 11 o'clock News on NBC.
Having demonstrated a preference for “Married with Children”, the interface would then characterize the program. This would include, for example, a characterization of the soundtrack, the background, foreground, actors and actresses present, credits, etc. The interface would then attempt to is correlate the features present in the reference selection with other available selections. This comparison may be with a preformed database, providing immediate results, or prospectively, after entry of the reference selection. Of course, a number of correlation functions may proceed simultaneously, and various choices may be merged to form a compound reference selection. Further, as various “episodes” of the reference selection occur, the system appends and integrates the most recent occurrence with the stored reference information.
Returning to the programming process, if the user instead wishes to record weather reports on all channels, the interface may be of further help. The interface may control a plurality of tuner elements 2502 of a video signal reception device 2501, so that a plurality of broadcasts may be simultaneously received. Using the mass storage and possibly image data compression described above, a plurality of broadcasts may also be recorded simultaneously in the intermediate storage 2503. The mass storage may be multiple VCRs, optical storage, or magnetic storage, including disk and tape. The optical recording tape produced by ICI, Inc. might also be a useful storage medium for large volumes of data, as might be generated by recording multiple video signals. In this case, the interface 2506 would access its associated database 2413 to determine, at a given time, which channels have “news”. The interface could also randomly or systematically monitor broadcasts for “special reports”. The interface would then monitor these channels for indicia of a “weather” broadcast. For example, the newscaster who appears to report the weather on a given show is usually the same, so that a pattern recognition system 2505 of the video frame could indicate the presence of that newscaster. In addition, the satellite photographs, weather radar, computer generated weather forecast screens, etc. are often similar for each broadcast. Finally, news segments, such as “weather” often appear at the same relative time in the broadcast. Using this information, the interface could begin recording at a beginning of a news segment, such as “weather”, stop recording during commercials, and continue recording after return from break, on all selected channels. It is noted that the system of the present invention is intelligent, and may therefore “learn” either explicitly, or through training. Therefore, if the system made an error during the process, the user would define the error to the system, e.g., a substitute newscaster or rearrangement of news segments, so that the system is less likely to make the same error again. Thus, while such a system is inherently complex, it poses significant advantages for an user. Further, while the system is complicated, the interface provides simplicity, with inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning.
It is noted that various algorithms and formulae for pattern recognition, correlation, data is compression, transforms, etc., are known to those skilled in the art, and are available in compendiums, such as Netravali, Arun N., and Haskell, Barry G., “Digital Pictures Representation and Compression”, Plenum Press, New York (1988); Baxes, Gregory A., “Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Primer”, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (1984); Gonzalez, Rafael C., “Digital Image Processing”, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. (1987), and, of a more general nature, Press, William H. et al, “Numerical Recipes in C The Art of Scientific Computing”, Cambridge University Press, 1988, which are incorporated herein by reference.
A further example of the use of the advanced intelligent features of the present invention would be the use of the system to record, e.g., “live” musical performances. These occur on many “talk” shows, such as “Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” (NBC, 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m., weeknights), “Saturday Night Live” (NBC 11:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday-Sunday), and other shows such as the “Grammy Awards”. The interface, if requested by the user to record such performances, would seek to determine their occurrence by, e.g.: analyzing a broadcast schedule; interacting with the on-line database 2411; and by reference to the local database 2413. When the interface determines with high probability that a broadcast will occur, it then monitors the channel(s) at the indicated time(s), through the plurality of tuners 2502. In the case of pay-per-view systems and the like, which incorporate encrypted signals, an encryption/decryption unit 2509 is provided for decrypting the transmitted signal for analysis and viewing. This unit also allows encryption of material in other modes of operation. During the monitoring, the interface system acquires the audio and video information being broadcast, through the signal receiver 2408, and correlates this information with a known profile of a “live musical performance”, in the preference and event correlator 2412. This must be distinguished from music as a part of, e.g., a soundtrack, as well as “musicals” which are part of movies and recorded operas, if these are not desired. Further, music videos may also be undesirable. When the correlation is high between the broadcast and a reference profile of a “live musical performance”, the system selects the broadcast for retention. In this case, the information in the intermediate storage 2503 is transferred to the plant 2507, which includes a permanent storage device 2508. The intermediate storage 2503 medium is used to record a “buffer” segment, so that none of the broadcast is lost while the system determines the nature of the broadcast. This, of course, allows an extended period for the determination of the type of broadcast, so that, while real-time recognition is preferred, it is not absolutely necessary in order to gain the advantages of the present invention.
Thus, while it is preferable to make a determination in real time, it is possible to make an ex post is facto determination of the nature of the broadcast program. By using an available delay, e.g., about 5 to about 300 seconds, or longer, the reliability of the determination can be greatly increased as compared to an analysis of a few frames of video data, e.g., about 15 to about 300 mS. As stated above, the determination storage need not be uncompressed nor lossless, so long as features necessary to determine the character of the broadcast are present. However, it is preferred that for broadcast recording, the storage be as accurate as possible, so that if a compression algorithm is implemented, it be as lossless as possible. The MPEG II standard would be applicable in this situation. In a preferred situation, approximately 5 minutes of broadcast material is analyzed in order to make a determination of the content. This material is stored in two media. First, it is stored by normal means on video tape. Second, it is received in parallel by the computer control, where the data is subject to a number of recognition and characterization processes. These are performed in parallel and in series, to form an extracted feature storage matrix.
A preferred method incorporates one or more digital signal processor based coprocessor elements, which may be present on, e.g., Nubus cards in the Macintosh ci or other computer type. These elements may be based on C-Cube CL550 (JPEG compression), AT&T DSP32C, AT&T DSP3210, AMD 29000 series, Motorola DSP 96000ADS, Texas Instruments TMS 32050, etc, or a combination of types. A typical board containing a DSP is the MacDSP3210 by Spectral Innovations Inc., containing an AT&T digital signal processor and an MC68020 CISC processor, and uses Apple Real-time Operating System Executive (A/ROSE) and Visible Cache Operating System (VCOS). It is preferred that the processors employed be optimized for image processing, because of their higher throughput in the present applications, to process the video signals, and more general purpose signal processors to analyze the audio signals, because of the greater availability of software to analyze audio signals on these processors, as well as their particular strengths in this area. An array processor which may be interfaced with a Macintosh is the Superserver-C available from Pacific Parallel Research Inc., incorporating parallel Inmos Transputers. Such an array processor may be suitable for parallel analysis of the image segment and classification of its attributes. Pattern recognition, especially after preprocessing of the data signal by digital signal processors and image compression engines, may also be assisted by logical inference engines, such as FUTURE (Fuzzy Information Processing Turbo Engine) by The Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering (LIFE), which incorporates multiple Fuzzy Set Processors (FSP), which are single-instruction, multiple data path (SIMD) processors. Using a fuzzy logic paradigm, the processing system may provide a is best fit output to a set of inputs more efficiently than standard computational techniques, and since the presently desired result requires a “best guess”, rather than a very accurate determination, the present interface is an appropriate application of this technology. As noted above, these processors may also serve other functions such as voice recognition for the interface, or extracting text from video transmissions and interpreting it. It is also noted that, while these coprocessing engines are now costly, the present emergence of high levels of integration of functionality on semiconductor chips, as well as the development of optical computers will dramatically reduce the cost of implementing this aspect of the present invention; however, the present state of the art allows the basic functions to be performed.
It is noted that various methods are available for determining a relatedness of two sets of data, such as an image or a representation of an image. These include the determination of Hausdorff distance, fuzzy correlation, arithmetic correlation, mean square error, neural network “energy” minimization, covariance, cross correlation, and other known methods, which may be applied to the raw data or after a transformation process, such as an Affine transformation, a Fourier transformation, a warping transformation, a color map transformation, and the like. Further, it is emphasized that, in image or pattern recognition systems, there is no need that the entire image be correlated or even analyzed, nor that any correlation be based on the entirety of that image analyzed. Further, it is advantageous to allow redundancy, so that it is not necessary to have unique designations for the various aspects of the data to be recognized, nor the patterns to be identified as matching the uncharacterized input data.
The MSHELL from Applied Coherent Technology is a software system that runs on a Mercury MC3200 array processor, in conjunction with a Data Translation DT2861 or DT2862. The NDS1000 Development System from Nestor, Inc., provides image recognition software which runs on a PC compatible computer and a Data Translation DT2878. The above mentioned processing hardware and software, as known, is incorporated herein.
The C-Cube CL550 is fully disclosed in “C-Cube CL550 JPEG Image Compression Processor”, Preliminary Data Book, August 1991, and addendum dated Nov. 20, 1991, incorporated herein by reference, and products incorporating the CL550 include the JPEG Video Development Kit (ISA bus card with Chips and Technologies PC video 82C9001A Video Window Controller), and the C-Cube CL550 Development Board/PC for ISA Bus (CL550, for use with Truevision TARGA-16 or ATVista cards) or for NuBus (Macintosh). The so-called C-Cube “CL950” (unofficially announced) is a MPEG decoder device. Such a device as the CL950 may be particularly useful for use in the present VCR for reproducing is compressed program material, which may be compressed by the present apparatus, or may be used for decompressing pre-compressed program material.
It is noted that all functions of a VCR would also be simplified by the use of such powerful processors, and thus it is not only these advanced functions which are facilitated by the processors. It is also noted that these image recognition functions need not necessarily all be executed local to the user, and may in fact be centralized. This would be advantageous for two reasons: first, the user need not have an entire system of hardware in the VCR, and second, many of the operations which must be performed are common to a number of users, so that there is a net efficiency to be gained.
The interface of the present invention incorporates an intelligent user interface level determination. This function analyzes the quality of the user input, rather than its content. Thus, this differs from the normal interface user level determination which requires an explicit entry of the desired user level, which is maintained throughout the interface until explicitly changed. The present interface may incorporate the “smart screen” feature discussed above, which may, through its analysis of the past user interaction with the interface predict the most likely predicted user input function. Thus, the predictive aspects of Example 1 may be considered a species of the intelligent user level interface of Example 2. However, the following better serves to define this aspect of the invention.
The input device, in addition to defining a desired command, also provides certain information about the user which has heretofore been generally ignored or intentionally removed. With respect to a two-dimensional input device, such as a mouse, trackball, joystick, etc., this information includes a velocity component, an efficiency of input, an accuracy of input, an interruption of input, and a high frequency component of input. This system is shown schematically in
This list is not exclusive, and is somewhat dependent on the characteristics of the specific input device. For a mouse, trackball, or other like device, the velocity or speed component refers to the speed of movement of the sensing element, i.e. the rotating ball. This may also be direction sensitive, i.e., velocity vector. It is inferred that, all other things being equal, the higher the velocity, the more likely that the user “knows” what he is doing.
The efficiency of input refers to two aspects of the user interface. First, it refers to the selection of that choice which most simply leads to the selection of the desired selection. For example, if “noon” is an available choice along with direct entry of numbers, then the selection of “noon” instead of “12:00 p.m.” would be more efficient. The second aspect of efficiency has to do with the path taken by the user in moving a menu selection cursor from a current position to a desired position. For example, a random curve or swiggle between locations is less efficient than a straight line. This effect is limited, and must be analyzed in conjunction with the amount of time it takes to move from one location of a cursor on the screen to another; if the speed of movement is very rapid, i.e. less than about 400 mS for a full screen length movement, then an inefficiency in path is likely due to the momentum of the mouse and hand, momentum of the rolling ball, or a physiological arc of a joint. This aspect is detected by the physio-dynamic optimization detector 2114. Thus, only if the movement is slow, deliberate, and inefficient, should this factor weigh heavily. It is noted that arcs of movement, as well as uncritical damping of movement around the terminal position may be more efficient, and a straight path actually inefficient, so that the interface may act accordingly where indicated. Thus, an “efficient” movement would indicate an user who may work at a high level, and conversely, an inefficient movement would indicate a user who should be presented with simpler choices.
Likewise, if a movement is abrupt or interrupted, yet follows an efficient path, this would indicate a probable need for a lower user interface level. This would be detected in a number of elements shown in
While the interface may incorporate screen buttons which are smart, i.e. those which intelligently resolve ambiguous end locations, the accuracy of the endpoint is another factor in determining the probable level of the user. Thus, for example, if a 14″ color monitor screen is used, having a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels, an accurate endpoint location would be within a central area of a screen button of size about 0.3″ by about 1.0″, would be an area of about 0.25″ by about 0.75″. A cursor location outside this location, but inside the screen button confines would indicate an average user, while a cursor location outside the screen button may be inferred to indicate the button, with an indication that the user is less experienced in using the pointing device.
Finally, in addition to the efficiency of the path of the cursor pointing device, a high frequency component may be extracted from the pointer signal by the high frequency signal component detector 2112, which would indicate a physical infirmity of the user (tremor), a distraction in using the interface, indecision in use, or environmental disturbance such as vibration. In this case, the presence of a large amount of high frequency signal indicates that, at least, the cursor movement is likely to be inaccurate, and possibly that the user desires a lower user level. While this is ambiguous based on the high frequency signal content alone, in conjunction with the other indicia, it may be interpreted. If, for example, the jitter is due to environmental vibrations, and the user is actually a high level user, then the response of the user level adjust system would be to provide a screen display with a lowered required accuracy of cursor placement, without necessarily qualitatively reducing the implied user level of the presented choices, thus, it would have an impact on the display simplification 2103, with only the necessary changes in the current user level 2101.
It is noted that, the adaptive user level interface is of use in uncontrolled environments, such as in a moving vehicle, especially for use by a driver. An intelligent system of the present invention would allow the driver of such a vehicle to execute control sequences, which may compensate for the limited ability to interact with an interface while driving. Thus, the driver need not explicitly control all individual elements, because the driver is assisted by an intelligent interface. Thus, for example, if it begins raining, the interface would predict the windshield wipers should be actuated, the windows and any roof opening closed, and possibly the headlights activated. Thus, the driver could immediately assent to these actions, without individually actuating each control. In such a case, the screen interface would provide a small number of choices, which may be simply selected. Further, under such conditions, there would likely be a large amount of jitter from the input device, which would be filtered to ease menu selection. Further, this jitter would indicate an unstable environment condition, which would cause the interface to present an appropriate display.
Likewise, the present interface could be used to control complex telecommunications functions of advanced telephone and telecommunications equipment. In such a case, the user display interface would be a video display, or a flat panel display, such as an LCD display. The interface would hierarchically present the available choices to the user, based on a probability of selection by the user. The input device would be, for example, a small track ball near the keypad. Thus, simple telephone dialing would not be substantially impeded, while complex functions, such as call diversion, automated teledictation control, complex conferencing, caller identification-database interaction, and videotel systems, could easily be performed.
Another aspect of the present invention relates to the cataloging and indexing of the contents of a storage medium. While random access media normally incorporate a directory of entries on a disk, and devices such as optical juke boxes normally are used in conjunction with software that indexes the contents of the available disks, serial access mass storage devices, such as magnetic tape, do not usually employ an index; therefore, the entire tape must be searched in order to locate a specific selection.
In the present invention, an area of the tape, preferable at the beginning of the tape or at multiple locations therein, is encoded to hold information relating to the contents of the tape. This encoding is shown in
The recording method is preferable a block encoding method with error correction within each block, block redundancy, and interleaving. Methods are known for reducing the error rate for digital signals recorded on unverified media, such as videotape, which are subject to burst errors and long term non-random errors. Such techniques reduce the effective error rate to acceptable levels. These are known to those skilled in the art and need not be discussed herein in detail. A standard reference related to this topic is Digital Communications by John G. Proakis, McGraw-Hill (1983), which is incorporated herein by reference. The digital data recording scheme is best determined according to the characteristics of the recording apparatus. Therefore, if an, e.g. Sony Corporation helical scan recording/reproducing apparatus was employed, one of ordinary skill in the art would initially reference methods of the Sony Corporation initially for an optimal error correcting recording scheme, which are available in the patent literature, in the U.S., Japan, and internationally, and the skilled artisan would also review the known methods used by other manufacturers of digital data recording equipment. Therefore, these methods need not be explained herein in detail.
The catalog of entries is also preferably stored in non-volatile memory, such as hard disk, associated with the VCR controller. This allows the random selection of a tape from a library, without need for manually scanning the contents of each tape. This also facilitates the random storage of recordings on tape, without the requirement of storing related entries in physical proximity with one another so that they may be easily located. This, in turn, allows more efficient use of tape, because of reduced empty space at the end of a tape. The apparatus is shown schematically in
In order to retrieve an entry, the user interacts with the same interface that is used for programming the recorder functions; however, the user selects different menu selections, which guide him to the available selections. This function, instead of focusing mainly on the particular user's history in order to predict a selection, would analyze the entire library, regardless of which user instituted the recording. Further, there would likely be a bias against performing identically the most recently executed function, and rather the predicted function would be an analogous function, based on a programmed or inferred user preference. This is because it is unlikely that a user will perform an identical action repeatedly, but a pattern may still be derived.
It is noted that the present library functions differ from the prior art VHS tape index function, because the present index is intelligent, and does not require the user to mark an index location and is explicitly program the VCR to shuttle to that location. Rather, the index is content based. Another advantage of the present library function is that it can automatically switch media. Such a system might be used, for example, if a user wishes to record, e.g., “The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson” in highly compressed form, e.g. MPEG at 200:1 compression, except during the performance of a musical guest, at which time the recording should be as lossless as possible. A normal VCR could hardly be used to implement such a function even manually, because the tape speed (the analogy of quality level) cannot be changed in mid recording. The present system could recognize the desired special segment, record it as desired, and indicate the specific parameters on the information directory. The recorded information may then be retrieved sequentially, as in a normal VCR, or the desired selection may be preferentially retrieved. If the interface of the present invention is set to automatically record such special requests, the catalog section would then be available for the user to indicate which selections were recorded based upon the implicit request of the user. Because the interface has the ability to characterize the input and record these characterizations in the index, the user may make an explicit request different from the recording criteria, after a selection has been recorded. The controller would then search the index for matching entries, which could then be retrieved based on the index, and without a manual search of the entire tape. Other advantages of the present system are obvious to those of ordinary skill in the art.
A library system is available from Open Eyes Video, called “Scene Locator”, which implements a non-intelligent system for indexing the contents of a videotape. See NewMedia, November/December 1991, p. 69.
It is noted that, if the standard audio tracks are used to record the information, then standard audio frequency modems and recording/receiving methods are available. These standard modems range in speed from 300 baud to 19,200 baud, e.g. v.FAST, v.32bis, etc. While these systems are designed for dial-up telecommunications, and are therefore slower than necessary and incorporate features unnecessary for closed systems, they require a minimum of design effort and the same circuitry may be multiplexed and also be used for telecommunication with an on-line database, such as a database of broadcast listings, discussed above.
The Videotext standard may also be used to record the catalog or indexing information on the tape. This method, however, if used while desired material is on the screen, makes it difficult to change the information after it has been recorded, because the videotext uses the video channel, during non-visible scan periods thereof.
The use of on-line database listings may be used by the present interface to provide information to be downloaded and incorporated in the index entry of the library function, and may also be used as part of the intelligent determination of the content of a broadcast. This information may further be used for explicitly programming the interface by the user, in that the user may be explicitly presented with the available choices available from the database.
The present invention may incorporate character recognition from the video broadcast for automatic entry of this information. This is shown schematically in
The character recognition is performed in known manner on a buffer memory containing a frame of video, from a device such as a Data Translation DT2851, DT2853, DT2855, DT2867, DT2861, DT2862 and DT2871. A contrast algorithm, run on, for example, a Data Translation DT2858, DT2868, or DT2878, first removes the background, leaving the characters. This works especially well where the characters are of a single color, e.g. white, so that all other colors are masked. After the “layer” containing the information to be recognized is masked, an algorithm similar to that used for optical character recognition (OCR) is employed. These methods are well known in the art. This may be specially tuned to the resolution of the video device, e.g. NTSC, S-VHS, IDTV, EDTV, MUSE, PAL, SECAM, etc. In addition, since the text normally lasts for a period in excess of one frame, a spatial-temporal image enhancement algorithm may be employed to improve the quality of the information to be recognized.
The present invention may also be incorporated into other types of programmable controls, for example those necessary or otherwise used in the control of a smart house. See, “The Smart House: Human Factors in Home Automation”, Human Factors in Practice, December 1990, 1-36. The user interface in such a system is very important, because it must present the relevant data to the user for programming the control to perform the desired function. A smart house would likely have many rarely used functions, so that the presentation of both the data and the available program options must be done in the simplest manner consistent with the goal of allowing the user to make the desired program choice. For example, a smart house system might be used to execute the program “start dishwasher, if more than half full, at 9:00 p.m.” A user who wishes to delay starting until 11:00 p.m. would be initially presented with the default time as an option, which would be simply modified by correcting the starting time. The next time the user wishes to program the device, an algorithm would change the predicted starting time to, e.g. 10:00 p.m., which is a compromise between the historical choices.
The smart house system also controls the climate control system. Thus, it could coordinate temperatures, air flow and other factors, based on learned complex behaviors, such as individual movement within the dwelling. Since the goal of the programming of the smart house is not based on the storage of discrete information, but rather the execution of control sequences at various times and under certain circumstances, the control would differ in various ways from that of a VCR. However, the user interface system, adaptive user level, help system, and the like would be common to both types of system. This differs from the Fuzzy Logic controlled air conditioner available (in Japan) from Mitsubishi in that that device does not have an intelligent interface of the present invention. It should also be noted that the control for the VCR could be the same control as that for the smart house, so that the common elements are not redundant. Therefore, by applying a single control to many tasks, a common user interface is used, and the cost is reduced.
The present Example relates to a programmable environmental controller application. In this case, a sensor or sensor array is arranged to detect a change in the environment which is related to a climatic condition, such as an open door. On the occurrence of the door opening, the system would apply a pattern recognition analysis to recognize this particular sensor pattern, i.e. a mass of air at a different temperature entering the environment from a single location, or a loss of climate controlled air to a single location. These sensor patterns must be distinguished from other events, such as the action of appliances, movement of individuals in the vicinity of the sensor, a shower and other such events. It is noted that in this instance, a neural network based adaptive controller may be more efficient, because the installation and design of such a system is custom, and therefore it would be difficult to program a priori. In this case, a learning system, such as a neural network, may be more efficient and produce a better result than other adaptive methods. The training procedure could be fully automated, so long as sufficient sensors are provided for controlling the system, and also that an initial presumption of the control strategy is workable during the training period. In this case, the initial strategy incorporated is the prior art “bang-bang” controller, which operates as a simple thermostat, or multi-zone thermostat. As a better starting point, a fuzzy logic temperature controller may be modeled and employed. Other known strategies which are not often used in environmental control include the proportional-integral-differential controller (PID).
In this example, which may be described with reference to
The preferred method of receiving sensor information is through a serial digital or multiplexed analog (i.e., 4-20 mA transmitter) data transmission scheme, with minimal local processing of the sensor data by the microprocessor 2302 with the serial link 2302a in the sensor head. This system allows the central control 2303 to incorporate the desired processing, e.g., by the pattern recognition system 2304, etc., while minimizing the installation expense. A simple microprocessor device 2302 in the sensor head interfaces the sensing elements, and may provide analog-to-digital conversion, or other conversion which may be necessary, of the sensor signal. In the case of a serial digital data transmission, the local microprocessor formats the sensor data, including a code indicating the sensor serial number and type, the sensor status (i.e., operative, defective, in need of maintenance or calibration, etc.), the sensor data, and an error correcting code. In the case that the data is transmitted on a local area network, the microprocessor also arbitrates for bus usage and the messaging protocol.
The control, it must be understood, has a number of available operative systems at its disposal, comprising the plant 2306. In this case, the system is a forced air heating and cooling system. This system has a heating unit, a humidifier, blowers, a cooling unit (which also dehumidifies), ducts, dampers, and possible control over various elements, such as automated door openers.
As described above, the system is installed with a complete array of sensors, some of which may be shared with other control systems in the environment, and begins operation with a basic acceptable initial control protocol. The system then receives data from the sensors, and correlates data from the various sensors, including the event sensors, with the operation of the systems being controlled. In such a case, a “door open” event may be correlated with a change in other measured variables. The system then correlates the control status with the effect on the interrelation of the measured variables. Thus, the system would detect that if the blower is operating while the door is open, then there is a high correlation that air will flow out of the door, unless a blower operates to recirculate air from a return near the door. Thus, the system will learn to operate the proximate return device while the door is open and the blower is on. Once this correlation is defined, the system may further interrelate the variables, such as a wind speed and direction outside the door, effects of other events such as other open doors, the absolute and relative speeds of the blowers and the return device, the effect of various damper devices, etc. It is further noted that, under some circumstances, an exchange of air through an open door is desired, and in such instance, the system may operate to facilitate the flow through such an open door. Finally, the system must be able to “learn” that conditions may exist which produce similar sensor patterns which should be handled differently. An example is a broken or inoperative sensor. In such a case, the system must be able to distinguish the type of condition, and not execute an aggressive control algorithm in an attempt to compensate for an erroneous reading or otherwise normal event. This requires the intelligent control of the present invention.
It is further noted that energy efficiency is a critical issue in climate control systems, and an absolute and continuous control over the internal environment may be very inefficient. Thus, the starting of large electrical motors may cause a large power draw, and simultaneous starting of such equipment may increase the peak power draw of a facility, causing an increase in the utility rates. Further, some facilities may operate on emergency or private power generation (co-generation) which may have different characteristics and efficiency criteria. These must all be considered in the intelligent control. It is also noted that a higher efficiency may also be achieved, in certain circumstances, by employing auxiliary elements of the climate control system which have a lower capacity and lower operating costs than the main elements. Thus, for example, if one side of a building is heated by the sun, it may be more efficient to employ an auxiliary device which suitably affects only a part of the building. Thus, if such equipment is installed, the aggregate efficiency of the system may be improved, even if the individual efficiency of an element is lower. The present intelligent control allows a fine degree of control, making use of all available control elements, in an adaptive and intelligent manner.
Returning to the situation of a door opening event, the system would take appropriate action, including: interruption of normal climate control until after the disturbance has subsided and normal conditions are achieved; based on the actual climatic conditions or predicted climatic conditions begin a climate compensation control, designed to maximize efficiency and also maintain climatic conditions during the disturbance, as well as return to normal after the disturbance; optionally, during the door opening disturbance, the system would control a pressure or flow of air to counterbalance a flow through the door, by using a fan, blower or other device, or halting such a device, if necessary. It is also noted that the climatic control system could also be outfitted with actuators for opening and closing doors and windows, or an interface with such other system, so that it could take direct action to correct the disturbance, e.g., by closing the door. The climate between the internal and external ambients may differ in temperature, humidity, pollutants, or the like, and appropriate sensors may be employed.
It is thus realized that the concepts of using all available resources to control an event, as well as using a predictive algorithm in order to determine a best course of action and a desired correction are a part of the present invention.
A remote control of the present invention may be constructed from, for example, a Micromint (Vernon, Conn.) RTC-LCD, RTC-V25 or RTC-HC11 or RTC180 or RTC31/52, and RTC-SIR, in conjunction with an infrared transmitter and receiver, input keys and a compatible trackball, which may provide raw encoder signals, or may employ a serial encoder and have a serial interface to the processor module. A power supply, such as a battery, is used. The use, interfacing and programming of such devices is known to those skilled in the art, and such information is generally available from the manufacturer of the boards and the individual circuit elements of the boards. The function of such a remote control is to receive inputs from the trackball and keys and to transmit an infrared signal to the controller. The processor and display, if present, may provide added functionality by providing a local screen, which would be useful for programming feedback and remote control status, as well as compressing the data stream from the trackball into a more efficient form. In this case, certain of the extracted information may be relevant to the determination of the user level, so that information related to the user level would be analyzed and transmitted separately to the controller by the infrared transmitter. If the local LCD screen is used in the programming process, then the main controller would transmit relevant information to the remote display, by a reverse infrared link. These components are known in the art, and many other types may also be used in known manner.
The interface and intelligent control of the present invention are applicable to control applications in medicine or surgery. This system may also be described with reference to the generic system drawings of
In addition to providing the aforementioned intelligence and ease of use, the present example also comprises a control 2402, and may interface with any of the sensors and devices, performing standard control and alarm functions. However, because the present control 2402 is intelligent and has pattern recognition capability, in addition to full data integration from all available data sources, it may execute advanced control functions. For example, if the present control 2402 is interfaced to a controlled infusion pump for, e.g., morphine solution, in e.g., a terminally ill patient, then certain parameters must be maintained, while others may be flexible. For example, a maximum flow rate is established as a matter of practice as a safety measure; too high a flow rate could result in patient death. However, a patient may not need a continuous infusion of a constant dose of narcotic. Further, as the patient's status changes, the level of infusion may be advantageously altered. In particular, if the renal status of the patient were to change, the excretion of the drug may be impaired. Therefore, if the controller had a urinary output monitor, it could immediately suppress the morphine infusion as soon as the renal output is recognized as being decreased, and further indicate an alarm condition. Further, it may be advantageous to provide a diurnal variation in the infusion rate, to provide a “sleep” period and a period of heightened consciousness with correspondingly lower levels of narcosis.
As another example of the use of the present device as a medical controller, the control 2402 could be interfaced with a cardiac catheter monitor, as a part of the signal receiver 2408. In such a case, normally, alarms are set based on outer ranges of each sensor measurement, and possibly a simple formula relating two sensor measurements, to provide a useful clinical index. However, by incorporating the advanced interface and pattern recognition function of the present invention, as well as its ability to interface with a variety of unrelated sensors, the present device, including the present control, may be more easily programmed to execute control and alarm functions, may provide a centralized source of patient information, including storage and retrieval, if diverse sources of such information are linked, and may execute advanced, adaptive control functions. The present control 2402 is equipped to recognize trends in the sensor data from the signal receiver 2408, which would allow earlier recognition and correction of various abnormal conditions, as well as recognizing improvements in conditions, which could allow a reduction in the treatment necessary. Further, by allowing a fine degree of control, parameters may be maintained within optimal limits for a greater percentage of the time. In addition, by monitoring various sensors, various false alarms may be avoided or reduced. In particular, false alarms may occur in prior art devices even when sensors do not indicate a dangerous condition, merely as a safety precaution when a particular parameter is out of a specified range. In such a case, if a cause of such abnormal condition may be identified, such as patient movement or the normal activities of the patient's caretakers, then such condition may be safely ignored, without indicating an alarm. Further, even if a sensor parameter does in and of itself indicate a dangerous condition, if a cause, other than a health risk, may be identified, then the alarm may be ignored, or at least signaled with a different level of priority. By providing an intelligent and active filter for false alarm events, the system may be designed to have a higher level of sensitivity to real health risks, and further to provide a finer level of control based on the sensor readings.
The present invention is also of use in automated securities, debt, variable yield and currency trading systems, where many complex functions are available, yet often a particular user under particular circumstances will use a small subset of the functionality available at a given time. Such a situation would benefit from the present interface, which provides adaptive user levels, prioritized screen information presentation, and pattern recognition and intelligent control. A securities trading system is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,034,916, for a mouse driven Fast Contact Conversational Video System, incorporated herein by reference. The present system relates primarily to the user terminal, wherein the user must rapidly respond to external events, in order to be successful. In such a case, the advantages of the interface aspects are obvious, and need not be detailed herein. However, the pattern recognition functions of the present invention may be applied to correspond to the desired actions of the trader, unlike in prior intelligent trading systems, where the terminal is not individually and adaptively responsive to the particular user. Thus, the system exploits the particular strengths of the user, facilitating his actions, including: providing the desired background information and trading histories, in the sequence most preferred by the user; following the various securities to determine when a user would execute a particular transaction, and notifying the user that such a condition exists; monitoring the success of the user's strategy, and providing suggestions for optimization to achieve greater gains, lower risk, or other parameters which may be defined by the user. Such a system, rather than attempting to provide a “level playing field”, allows a user to use his own strategy, providing intelligent assistance.
The fractal method employing Affine transforms may be used to recognize images. This method proceeds as follows. A plurality of templates are stored in a memory device, which represent the images to be recognized. These templates may be preprocessed, or processed in parallel with the remainder of the procedure, in a corresponding manner. Image data, which may be high contrast line image, greyscale, or having a full color map, the greyscale being a unidimensional color map, is stored in the data processor, provided for performing the recognition function. A plurality of addressable domains are generated from the stored image data, each of the domains representing a portion of the image information. It is noted that the entire image need not be represented, only those parts necessary for the recognition, which may be determined by known means. From the stored image data, a plurality of addressable mapped ranges are created, corresponding to different subsets of the stored image data. Creating these addressable mapped ranges, which should be uniquely addressable, also entails the step of executing, for each of the mapped ranges, a corresponding procedure upon the one of the subsets of the stored image data which corresponds to the mapped ranges. Identifiers are then assigned to corresponding ones of the mapped ranges, each of the identifiers specifying, for the corresponding mapped range, a procedure and a address of the corresponding subset of the stored image data. The treatment of the template and the image data is analogous, so that the resulting data is comparable. The domains are optionally each subjected to a transform, which may be a predetermined rotation, an inversion, a predetermined scaling, and a predetermined frequency domain preprocessing transform. This transform is used to optimize the procedure, and also to conform the presentation of the image data with the template, or vice versa. Each of the domains need not be transformed the same way. For each of the domains or transformed domains, as may be the case, the one of the mapped ranges which most closely corresponds according to predetermined criteria, is selected. The image is then represented as a set of the identifiers of the selected mapped ranges. Finally, from the stored templates, a template is selected which most closely corresponds to the set of identifiers representing the image information. It is preferred that, for each domain, a most closely corresponding one of the mapped ranges be selected. By performing analogous operations on a template and an unrecognized object in an image, a correspondence between the two may be determined.
In selecting the most closely corresponding one of the mapped ranges, for each domain, the mapped range is selected which is the most similar, by a method which is appropriate, and may be, for example, selecting minimum Hausdorff distance from the domain, selecting the highest cross-correlation with the domain, the minimum mean square error with the domain and selecting the highest fuzzy correlation with the domain. Neural network energy minimization may also yield the best fit, and other techniques may also be appropriate.
In particular, the step of selecting the most closely corresponding one of mapped ranges according to the minimum modified Hausdorff distance includes the step of selecting, for each domain, the mapped range with the minimum modified Hausdorff distance calculated as D[db,mrb]+D[1−db,1−mrb], where D is a distance calculated between a pair of sets of data each representative of an image, db is a domain, mrb is a mapped range, 1−db is the inverse of a domain, and 1−mrb is an inverse of a mapped range.
In the case where the digital image data consists of a plurality of pixels, each having one of a plurality of associated color map values, the method includes a matching of the color map, which as stated above, includes a simple grey scale. In such a case, the method is modified to optionally transform the color map values of the pixels of each domain by a function including at least one scaling function, for each axis of said color map, each of which may be the same or different, and selected to maximize the correspondence between the domains and ranges to which they are to be matched. For each of the domains, the one of the mapped ranges having color map pixel values is selected which most closely corresponds to the color map pixel values of the domain according to a predetermined criteria, wherein the step of representing the image color map information includes the substep of representing the image color map information as a set of values each including an identifier of the selected mapped range and the scaling functions. The correspondence method may be of any sort and, because of the added degree of complexity, may be a different method than that chosen for non-color images. The method of optimizing the correspondence may be minimizing the Hausdorff distance or other “relatedness” measurement between each domain and the selected range. The recognition method concludes by selecting a most closely corresponding stored template, based on the identifier of the color map mapped range and the scaling functions, which is the recognized image.
In the case of moving images, the method is further modified to accommodate time varying images. These images usually vary by small amounts between frames, and this allows a statistical improvement of the recognition function by compensating for a movement vector, as well as any other transformation of the image. This also allows a minimization of the processing necessary because redundant information between successive frames is not subject to the full degree of processing. Of course, if the image is substantially changed, then the statistical processing ceases, and a new recognition function may be begun, “flushing” the system of the old values. The basic method is thus modified by storing delayed image data information, i.e., a subsequent frame of a moving image. This represents an image of a moving object differing in time from the image data in the data processor. A plurality of addressable further domains are generated from the stored delayed image data, each of the further domains representing a portion of the delayed image information, and corresponding to a domain. Thus, an analogous transform is conducted so that the further domains each are corresponding to a domain. A plurality of addressable mapped ranges corresponding to different subsets of the stored delayed image data are created from the stored delayed image data. The further domain and the domain are optionally matched by subjecting a further domain to a corresponding transform selected from the group consisting of a predetermined rotation, an inversion, a predetermined scaling, and a predetermined frequency domain preprocessing transform, which corresponds to a transform applied to a corresponding domain, and a noncorresponding transform selected from the group consisting of a predetermined rotation, an inversion, a predetermined scaling, a translation and a predetermined frequency domain preprocessing transform, which does not correspond to a transform applied to a corresponding domain. For each of the further domains or transformed further domains, the one of the mapped ranges is selected which most closely corresponds according to predetermined criteria. A motion vector is then computed between one of the domain and the further domain, or the set of identifiers representing the image information and the set of identifiers representing the delayed image information, and the motion vector is stored. The further domain is compensated with the motion vector and a difference between the compensated further domain and the domain is computed. For each of the delayed domains, the one of the mapped ranges is selected which most closely corresponds according to predetermined criteria. The difference between the compensated further domain and the domain is represented as a set of difference identifiers of the selected mapping ranges and an associated motion vector.
This method is described with respect to
This system is shown in
The system also has a template input 2610, which may receive data from the sensor 2602, if accompanied by identifying information. Thus, the pattern storage memory 2609 stores a pattern, such as an image pattern, along with an identifier.
The control 2601 also has an input device 2604, an on-screen display interface 2605, and a program memory 2606, for inputting instructions from a user, providing feedback to the user, and recording the result of the user interaction, respectively. Finally, a characterization network 2607 characterizes the sensor 2602 data, which may be provided directly from the sensor 2602 or preprocessing circuitry, or through the control 2601. A correlator 2608 correlates the output of the characterization network with the stored patterns, representing the templates from the template input 2610. The system therefore operates to recognize sensor patterns, based on the correlator 2608 output to the control 2601.
A determination is made of the complexity of the difference based on a density of representation. In other words, the error between the movement and transform compensated delayed image and the image is quantified, to determine if the compensation is valid, or whether the scene is significantly changed. When the difference has a complexity below a predetermined threshold, a template is selected, from the stored templates, which most closely corresponds or correlates with both the set of identifiers of the image data and the set of identifiers of the delayed image data, thus improving recognition accuracy, by allowing a statistical correlation or other technique. For example, if the two images both have a high correlation with one template, while a first of the images has a slightly higher correlation with another template, while the second image has a much lower correlation with that other template, then the system would score the first template as a better match to the first image.
It should be understood that the preferred embodiments and examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be construed as limiting the scope of the present invention, which is properly delineated only in the appended claims.
This application is a Continuation of Ser. No. 13/244,152 filed Sep. 23, 2011, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,352,400, issued Jan. 8, 2013, which is a Division of Ser. No. 10/389,865 filed Mar. 14, 2003, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,032,477, issued Oct. 4, 2011. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/389,865 is a Continuation-in-part of: Ser. No. 10/189,832 filed Jul. 3, 2002 now Abandoned, which is a Continuation of Ser. No. 09/241,135, filed Feb. 1, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,400,996, issued Jun. 4, 2002; Ser. No. 10/162,079, filed Jun. 3, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,640,145, issued Oct. 28, 2003, which is a Continuation of Ser. No. 09/241,135, filed Feb. 1, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,400,996 issued Jun. 4, 2007; Ser. No. 09/680,049, filed Oct. 5, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,850,252, issued Feb. 1, 2005, which claims benefit of priority from 60/157,829, filed Oct. 5, 1999; Ser. No. 09/304,536, filed May 4, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,418,424, issued Jul. 9, 2002; Ser. No. 09/260,802, filed Mar. 2, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,242,988, issued Jul. 10, 2007; and Ser. No. 09/497,071, filed Feb. 2, 2000 now Pending, each of which is expressly incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
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4424415 | Lin | Jan 1984 | A |
4425579 | Merrell | Jan 1984 | A |
4426937 | Sietmann et al. | Jan 1984 | A |
4427847 | Hofmann et al. | Jan 1984 | A |
4428057 | Setliff et al. | Jan 1984 | A |
4429385 | Cichelli et al. | Jan 1984 | A |
4431389 | Johnson | Feb 1984 | A |
4437151 | Hurt et al. | Mar 1984 | A |
4438511 | Baran | Mar 1984 | A |
4439788 | Frame | Mar 1984 | A |
4441256 | Cummings et al. | Apr 1984 | A |
4441526 | Taft et al. | Apr 1984 | A |
4442544 | Moreland et al. | Apr 1984 | A |
4445118 | Taylor et al. | Apr 1984 | A |
4449240 | Yoshida | May 1984 | A |
4450477 | Lovett | May 1984 | A |
4450531 | Kenyon et al. | May 1984 | A |
4451825 | Hall et al. | May 1984 | A |
4454529 | Philofsky et al. | Jun 1984 | A |
4454556 | DePuy | Jun 1984 | A |
4455025 | Itkis | Jun 1984 | A |
4456925 | Skerlos et al. | Jun 1984 | A |
4458920 | Ozaki | Jul 1984 | A |
4459657 | Murao | Jul 1984 | A |
4459667 | Takeuchi | Jul 1984 | A |
4463357 | MacDoran | Jul 1984 | A |
4464625 | Lienhard et al. | Aug 1984 | A |
4465220 | Ledlow et al. | Aug 1984 | A |
4465902 | Zato | Aug 1984 | A |
4466125 | Kanayama | Aug 1984 | A |
4467424 | Hedges et al. | Aug 1984 | A |
4468704 | Stoffel et al. | Aug 1984 | A |
4468930 | Johnson | Sep 1984 | A |
4471273 | Melocik et al. | Sep 1984 | A |
4471319 | Metz | Sep 1984 | A |
4471518 | Gold | Sep 1984 | A |
4471520 | Houck et al. | Sep 1984 | A |
4472663 | Melocik | Sep 1984 | A |
4476336 | Sherwin | Oct 1984 | A |
4476488 | Merrell | Oct 1984 | A |
4476584 | Dages | Oct 1984 | A |
4479373 | Montorfano et al. | Oct 1984 | A |
4481437 | Parker | Nov 1984 | A |
4481584 | Holland | Nov 1984 | A |
4484044 | Yoshigae | Nov 1984 | A |
4485383 | Maher | Nov 1984 | A |
4486832 | Haubner et al. | Dec 1984 | A |
4488179 | Kruger et al. | Dec 1984 | A |
4491694 | Harmeyer | Jan 1985 | A |
4491962 | Sakou et al. | Jan 1985 | A |
4492036 | Beckwith, Jr. | Jan 1985 | A |
4492170 | Solomon | Jan 1985 | A |
4492952 | Miller | Jan 1985 | A |
4494114 | Kaish | Jan 1985 | A |
4494121 | Walter et al. | Jan 1985 | A |
4494197 | Troy et al. | Jan 1985 | A |
4495112 | Itou et al. | Jan 1985 | A |
4495283 | Araki et al. | Jan 1985 | A |
4495654 | Deiss | Jan 1985 | A |
4499006 | Valone et al. | Feb 1985 | A |
4499009 | Yamanaka et al. | Feb 1985 | A |
4499022 | Battais et al. | Feb 1985 | A |
4499057 | Burgard et al. | Feb 1985 | A |
4499601 | Matthews | Feb 1985 | A |
4501016 | Persoon et al. | Feb 1985 | A |
4502313 | Phalin et al. | Mar 1985 | A |
4504545 | Kurita et al. | Mar 1985 | A |
4504546 | Sallay | Mar 1985 | A |
4506301 | Kingsley et al. | Mar 1985 | A |
4508271 | Gress | Apr 1985 | A |
4508845 | Dromard et al. | Apr 1985 | A |
4508999 | Melocik et al. | Apr 1985 | A |
4509986 | Hooykaas | Apr 1985 | A |
4511918 | Lemelson | Apr 1985 | A |
4511947 | Melocik et al. | Apr 1985 | A |
4514665 | Melocik et al. | Apr 1985 | A |
4518350 | Mueller et al. | May 1985 | A |
4518902 | Melocik et al. | May 1985 | A |
4519086 | Hull et al. | May 1985 | A |
4519462 | Kelley | May 1985 | A |
4520674 | Canada et al. | Jun 1985 | A |
4521021 | Dixon | Jun 1985 | A |
4521644 | Bernard, Jr. | Jun 1985 | A |
4521885 | Melocik et al. | Jun 1985 | A |
4526078 | Chadabe | Jul 1985 | A |
4527194 | Sirazi | Jul 1985 | A |
4527508 | Juve | Jul 1985 | A |
4527608 | Bak et al. | Jul 1985 | A |
4528335 | Selby et al. | Jul 1985 | A |
4528563 | Takeuchi | Jul 1985 | A |
4528643 | Freeny, Jr. | Jul 1985 | A |
4529410 | Khaladji et al. | Jul 1985 | A |
4529435 | Lavanish | Jul 1985 | A |
4529436 | Pasarela | Jul 1985 | A |
4529437 | Colle et al. | Jul 1985 | A |
4529919 | Melocik et al. | Jul 1985 | A |
4531187 | Uhland | Jul 1985 | A |
4532589 | Shintani et al. | Jul 1985 | A |
4535453 | Rhodes et al. | Aug 1985 | A |
4535866 | Shiga | Aug 1985 | A |
4536791 | Campbell et al. | Aug 1985 | A |
4538072 | Immler et al. | Aug 1985 | A |
4539642 | Mizuno et al. | Sep 1985 | A |
4542897 | Melton et al. | Sep 1985 | A |
4543577 | Tachibana et al. | Sep 1985 | A |
4543660 | Maeda | Sep 1985 | A |
4543665 | Sotelo et al. | Sep 1985 | A |
4544295 | Hashimoto et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4546382 | McKenna et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4546387 | Glaab | Oct 1985 | A |
4546439 | Gene Esparza | Oct 1985 | A |
4547438 | McArthur et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4547439 | Genies | Oct 1985 | A |
4547778 | Hinkle et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4547811 | Ochi et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4547899 | Nally et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4548815 | Ponsford et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4549004 | von Au et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4549014 | Georgiev et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4550317 | Moriyama et al. | Oct 1985 | A |
4550663 | DeViaris | Nov 1985 | A |
4552456 | Endo | Nov 1985 | A |
4553261 | Froessl | Nov 1985 | A |
4555192 | Ochiai | Nov 1985 | A |
4555651 | Melocik et al. | Nov 1985 | A |
4558464 | O'Brien, Jr. | Dec 1985 | A |
4561907 | Raicu | Dec 1985 | A |
4567359 | Lockwood | Jan 1986 | A |
4567756 | Colborn | Feb 1986 | A |
4567757 | Melocik et al. | Feb 1986 | A |
4570227 | Tachi et al. | Feb 1986 | A |
4571131 | Date | Feb 1986 | A |
4572079 | Theurer | Feb 1986 | A |
4573072 | Freeman | Feb 1986 | A |
4575223 | Shimono et al. | Mar 1986 | A |
4575579 | Simon et al. | Mar 1986 | A |
4575628 | Bankart et al. | Mar 1986 | A |
4575679 | Chung et al. | Mar 1986 | A |
4575755 | Schoeneberger et al. | Mar 1986 | A |
4575763 | Elabd | Mar 1986 | A |
4575769 | Arnoldi | Mar 1986 | A |
4578678 | Hurd | Mar 1986 | A |
4579482 | Gastaldi et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4579882 | Kanbe et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4579906 | Zabrocki et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4580742 | Moosberg et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4581762 | Lapidus et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4581769 | Grimsley et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4582942 | Comninellis et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4584412 | Aicher et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4584709 | Kneisel et al. | Apr 1986 | A |
4588458 | Previsani | May 1986 | A |
4589423 | Turner | May 1986 | A |
4591730 | Pennoni | May 1986 | A |
4591752 | Thouret et al. | May 1986 | A |
4591823 | Horvat | May 1986 | A |
4591976 | Webber et al. | May 1986 | A |
4592004 | Bocker et al. | May 1986 | A |
4592280 | Shores | Jun 1986 | A |
4592282 | Niemi et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4593367 | Slack et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4593814 | Hagiwara et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4593819 | Will | Jun 1986 | A |
4595560 | Buchner et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4595625 | Crass et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4595662 | Mochida et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4596005 | Frasier | Jun 1986 | A |
4596010 | Beckner et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4596362 | Pralle et al. | Jun 1986 | A |
4596988 | Wanka | Jun 1986 | A |
4597653 | Seely et al. | Jul 1986 | A |
4597772 | Coffman | Jul 1986 | A |
4599620 | Evans | Jul 1986 | A |
4600921 | Thomas | Jul 1986 | A |
4602279 | Freeman | Jul 1986 | A |
4603349 | Robbins | Jul 1986 | A |
4603677 | Gile et al. | Aug 1986 | A |
4603689 | Horner | Aug 1986 | A |
4604007 | Hall et al. | Aug 1986 | A |
4605964 | Chard | Aug 1986 | A |
4606815 | Gibson | Aug 1986 | A |
4607842 | Daoust | Aug 1986 | A |
4607867 | Jansen | Aug 1986 | A |
4607872 | Herner | Aug 1986 | A |
4609089 | Kobayashi et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4609092 | Takai | Sep 1986 | A |
4609095 | Lenherr et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4609098 | Morgan et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4609104 | Kasper et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4610025 | Blum et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4612850 | Kanazashi et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4613867 | Golinsky | Sep 1986 | A |
4614342 | Takashima | Sep 1986 | A |
4614452 | Wang | Sep 1986 | A |
4614474 | Sudo | Sep 1986 | A |
4614533 | Schallner et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4614545 | Hess | Sep 1986 | A |
4614546 | Schroer et al. | Sep 1986 | A |
4616214 | Naito | Oct 1986 | A |
4617406 | Willging | Oct 1986 | A |
4617407 | Young et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4619943 | Rao | Oct 1986 | A |
4619946 | Sapienza et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4619976 | Morris et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4620036 | Ono et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4620225 | Wendland et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4620235 | Watt | Oct 1986 | A |
4620247 | Papciak et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4620253 | Garwin et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4620259 | Oshizawa | Oct 1986 | A |
4620265 | Lerude et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4620266 | Baumann et al. | Oct 1986 | A |
4620268 | Ferenc | Oct 1986 | A |
4621285 | Schilling et al. | Nov 1986 | A |
4622557 | Westerfield | Nov 1986 | A |
4624108 | Leiber | Nov 1986 | A |
4625080 | Scott | Nov 1986 | A |
4625222 | Bassetti et al. | Nov 1986 | A |
4626634 | Brahm et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4626658 | Gray et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4626670 | Miller | Dec 1986 | A |
4626676 | Gerardin | Dec 1986 | A |
4626677 | Browne | Dec 1986 | A |
4626678 | Morita et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4626788 | Ishigaki | Dec 1986 | A |
4626801 | Field | Dec 1986 | A |
4626850 | Chey | Dec 1986 | A |
4626891 | Achiha | Dec 1986 | A |
4626929 | Ichinoi et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4626933 | Bucska et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4626939 | Takai et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4627620 | Yang | Dec 1986 | A |
4628608 | Kuhlmann et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4630108 | Gomersall | Dec 1986 | A |
4630308 | Hongo | Dec 1986 | A |
4630685 | Huck, Jr. et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4630910 | Ross et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4631542 | Grimsley | Dec 1986 | A |
4631735 | Qureshi | Dec 1986 | A |
4632058 | Dixon et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4632109 | Paterson | Dec 1986 | A |
4632197 | Karpa | Dec 1986 | A |
4632198 | Uchimura | Dec 1986 | A |
4632199 | Ober et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4632200 | Doyen et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4633507 | Cannistra et al. | Dec 1986 | A |
4633966 | Fotheringham | Jan 1987 | A |
4634402 | Hazebrook | Jan 1987 | A |
4636848 | Yamamoto | Jan 1987 | A |
4636951 | Harlick | Jan 1987 | A |
4637182 | Ellsworth et al. | Jan 1987 | A |
4637540 | Fujita et al. | Jan 1987 | A |
4638188 | Cray | Jan 1987 | A |
4638445 | Mattaboni | Jan 1987 | A |
4639978 | Boden | Feb 1987 | A |
4640339 | Klaren | Feb 1987 | A |
4641205 | Beyers, Jr. | Feb 1987 | A |
4642639 | Nelson | Feb 1987 | A |
4642775 | Cline et al. | Feb 1987 | A |
4644141 | Hagen et al. | Feb 1987 | A |
4644351 | Zabarsky et al. | Feb 1987 | A |
4644368 | Mutz | Feb 1987 | A |
4644903 | Shaver | Feb 1987 | A |
4644907 | Hunter | Feb 1987 | A |
4645049 | Matsuda et al. | Feb 1987 | A |
4645458 | Williams | Feb 1987 | A |
4645873 | Chomet | Feb 1987 | A |
4646089 | Takanabe et al. | Feb 1987 | A |
4646096 | Brown | Feb 1987 | A |
4646250 | Childress | Feb 1987 | A |
4647784 | Stephens | Mar 1987 | A |
4648042 | Staiger | Mar 1987 | A |
4649524 | Vance | Mar 1987 | A |
4651157 | Gray et al. | Mar 1987 | A |
4652884 | Starker | Mar 1987 | A |
4653109 | Lemelson et al. | Mar 1987 | A |
4654377 | Mohring et al. | Mar 1987 | A |
4654867 | Labedz et al. | Mar 1987 | A |
4654879 | Goldman et al. | Mar 1987 | A |
4656179 | Bernath et al. | Apr 1987 | A |
4656463 | Anders et al. | Apr 1987 | A |
4656476 | Tavtigian | Apr 1987 | A |
4656665 | Pennebaker | Apr 1987 | A |
4656976 | Rhoads | Apr 1987 | A |
4657256 | Okada | Apr 1987 | A |
4657258 | Melov et al. | Apr 1987 | A |
4657264 | Wehber | Apr 1987 | A |
4657799 | Nann et al. | Apr 1987 | A |
4658094 | Clark | Apr 1987 | A |
4658298 | Takeda et al. | Apr 1987 | A |
4658370 | Erman et al. | Apr 1987 | A |
4658429 | Orita et al. | Apr 1987 | A |
4659970 | Melocik | Apr 1987 | A |
4660166 | Hopfield | Apr 1987 | A |
4663630 | Numaho et al. | May 1987 | A |
4666379 | Smith | May 1987 | A |
4666384 | Kaga et al. | May 1987 | A |
4666461 | Dorer, Jr. | May 1987 | A |
4666480 | Mann | May 1987 | A |
4666490 | Drake | May 1987 | A |
4666580 | Beaver et al. | May 1987 | A |
4666757 | Helinski | May 1987 | A |
4667203 | Counselman, III | May 1987 | A |
4668515 | Bankit et al. | May 1987 | A |
4668952 | Imazeki et al. | May 1987 | A |
4669185 | Westover et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4669186 | Liu | Jun 1987 | A |
4670688 | Sigai et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4671654 | Miyahara et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4671772 | Slade et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4672683 | Matsueda | Jun 1987 | A |
4672860 | Parker | Jun 1987 | A |
4673936 | Kotoh | Jun 1987 | A |
4674041 | Lemon et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4674048 | Okumura | Jun 1987 | A |
4675755 | Baumeister et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4677466 | Lert, Jr. et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4677555 | Goyet | Jun 1987 | A |
4677563 | Itoh et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4677680 | Harima et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4677686 | Hustig et al. | Jun 1987 | A |
4677845 | Izumi et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4678329 | Lukowski, Jr. et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4678792 | Nickl et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4678793 | Klaus et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4678814 | Rembaum | Jul 1987 | A |
4679137 | Lane et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4679147 | Tsujii et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4680715 | Pawelek | Jul 1987 | A |
4680787 | Marry | Jul 1987 | A |
4680835 | Horng | Jul 1987 | A |
4681576 | Colon et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4682365 | Orita et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4682953 | Doerfel et al. | Jul 1987 | A |
4683860 | Shimamura et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4684247 | Hammill, III | Aug 1987 | A |
4684331 | LaGrange et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4685145 | Schiller | Aug 1987 | A |
4685821 | Marsh | Aug 1987 | A |
4686006 | Cheshire et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4686009 | McCabe | Aug 1987 | A |
4686356 | Ueda et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4686357 | Douno et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4686995 | Fournial et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4687732 | Ward et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4688244 | Hannon et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4689022 | Peers et al. | Aug 1987 | A |
4689867 | Tolliver | Sep 1987 | A |
4690610 | Fotheringham | Sep 1987 | A |
4690859 | Porter et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4691097 | Theiss et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4691104 | Murata et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4691106 | Hyun et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4691149 | Baumgartner et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4691351 | Hayashi et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4691354 | Palminteri | Sep 1987 | A |
4691385 | Tupman | Sep 1987 | A |
4694458 | Midavaine et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4694463 | Hirth et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4694490 | Harvey et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4695175 | Tsukada et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4695429 | Lupoli et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4695587 | Terahara et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4695953 | Blair et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4695975 | Bedrij | Sep 1987 | A |
4696290 | Steffee | Sep 1987 | A |
4696291 | Tyo | Sep 1987 | A |
4697209 | Kiewit et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4697248 | Shirota | Sep 1987 | A |
4697251 | Birrittella et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4697256 | Shinkai | Sep 1987 | A |
4697281 | O'Sullivan | Sep 1987 | A |
4697282 | Winter et al. | Sep 1987 | A |
4697503 | Okabe et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4698632 | Baba et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4699458 | Ohtsuki et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4699527 | Hutzel | Oct 1987 | A |
4699540 | Gibbon et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4700191 | Manor | Oct 1987 | A |
4700301 | Dyke | Oct 1987 | A |
4701135 | Volk et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4701197 | Thornton et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4701760 | Raoux | Oct 1987 | A |
4701794 | Froling et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4701934 | Jasper | Oct 1987 | A |
4702077 | Lilley et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4702475 | Elstein et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4703444 | Storms, Jr. et al. | Oct 1987 | A |
4704763 | Sacks et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4706056 | McCullough | Nov 1987 | A |
4706074 | Muhich et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4706081 | Hart et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4706121 | Young | Nov 1987 | A |
4706675 | Ekins | Nov 1987 | A |
4706688 | Don Michael et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4706772 | Dawson et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4707126 | Ohshima et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4707926 | Decker, Jr. | Nov 1987 | A |
4709195 | Hellekson et al. | Nov 1987 | A |
4709407 | Baba | Nov 1987 | A |
4710822 | Matsunawa | Dec 1987 | A |
4710955 | Kauffman | Dec 1987 | A |
4710964 | Yamaguchi et al. | Dec 1987 | A |
4711543 | Blair et al. | Dec 1987 | A |
4713008 | Stocker et al. | Dec 1987 | A |
4713767 | Sato et al. | Dec 1987 | A |
4713775 | Scott et al. | Dec 1987 | A |
4716404 | Tabata et al. | Dec 1987 | A |
4716804 | Chadabe | Jan 1988 | A |
4718080 | Serrano et al. | Jan 1988 | A |
4718107 | Hayes | Jan 1988 | A |
4719591 | Hopfield et al. | Jan 1988 | A |
4722054 | Yorozu et al. | Jan 1988 | A |
4722410 | Melocik et al. | Feb 1988 | A |
4725840 | Orazietti | Feb 1988 | A |
4727492 | Reeve et al. | Feb 1988 | A |
4727962 | Nelson | Mar 1988 | A |
4728922 | Christen et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4730690 | McNutt et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4731613 | Endo et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4731863 | Sezan et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4733356 | Haeussermann et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4734690 | Waller | Mar 1988 | A |
4734786 | Minakawa et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4734928 | Weiner et al. | Mar 1988 | A |
4736439 | May | Apr 1988 | A |
4737927 | Hanabusa et al. | Apr 1988 | A |
4737978 | Burke et al. | Apr 1988 | A |
4739398 | Thomas et al. | Apr 1988 | A |
4740778 | Harding et al. | Apr 1988 | A |
4741245 | Malone | May 1988 | A |
4741412 | Sable | May 1988 | A |
4742557 | Ma | May 1988 | A |
4743913 | Takai | May 1988 | A |
4744761 | Doerfel et al. | May 1988 | A |
4745468 | Von Kohorn | May 1988 | A |
4745549 | Hashimoto | May 1988 | A |
4747148 | Watanabe et al. | May 1988 | A |
4748678 | Takeda et al. | May 1988 | A |
4750197 | Denekamp et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4750215 | Biggs | Jun 1988 | A |
4751512 | Longaker | Jun 1988 | A |
4751578 | Reiter et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4751642 | Silva et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4751669 | Sturgis et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4751983 | Leskovec et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4752677 | Nakano et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4752890 | Natarajan et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4754280 | Brown et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4754283 | Fowler | Jun 1988 | A |
4754326 | Kram et al. | Jun 1988 | A |
4754465 | Trimble | Jun 1988 | A |
4755872 | Bestler et al. | Jul 1988 | A |
4755905 | Telecky, Jr. | Jul 1988 | A |
4757267 | Riskin | Jul 1988 | A |
4757450 | Etoh | Jul 1988 | A |
4757455 | Tsunoda et al. | Jul 1988 | A |
4758959 | Thoone et al. | Jul 1988 | A |
4760527 | Sidley | Jul 1988 | A |
4760604 | Cooper et al. | Jul 1988 | A |
4761684 | Clark et al. | Aug 1988 | A |
4761742 | Hanabusa et al. | Aug 1988 | A |
4763270 | Itoh et al. | Aug 1988 | A |
4763418 | Decker, Jr. | Aug 1988 | A |
4764971 | Sullivan | Aug 1988 | A |
4764973 | O'Hair | Aug 1988 | A |
4768110 | Dunlap et al. | Aug 1988 | A |
4769697 | Gilley et al. | Sep 1988 | A |
4771467 | Catros et al. | Sep 1988 | A |
4773024 | Faggin et al. | Sep 1988 | A |
4773099 | Bokser | Sep 1988 | A |
4774672 | Tsunoda et al. | Sep 1988 | A |
4774677 | Buckley | Sep 1988 | A |
4775935 | Yourick | Oct 1988 | A |
4776464 | Miller et al. | Oct 1988 | A |
4776750 | Griswold, Jr. et al. | Oct 1988 | A |
4780717 | Takanabe et al. | Oct 1988 | A |
4780759 | Matsushima et al. | Oct 1988 | A |
4781514 | Schneider | Nov 1988 | A |
4782447 | Ueno et al. | Nov 1988 | A |
4783741 | Mitterauer | Nov 1988 | A |
4783752 | Kaplan et al. | Nov 1988 | A |
4783754 | Bauck et al. | Nov 1988 | A |
4783829 | Miyakawa et al. | Nov 1988 | A |
4785463 | Janc et al. | Nov 1988 | A |
4786164 | Kawata | Nov 1988 | A |
4787063 | Muguet | Nov 1988 | A |
4789933 | Chen et al. | Dec 1988 | A |
4790025 | Inoue et al. | Dec 1988 | A |
4790402 | Field et al. | Dec 1988 | A |
4791420 | Baba | Dec 1988 | A |
4791572 | Green, III et al. | Dec 1988 | A |
4792995 | Harding | Dec 1988 | A |
4796189 | Nakayama et al. | Jan 1989 | A |
4796191 | Honey et al. | Jan 1989 | A |
4796997 | Svetkoff et al. | Jan 1989 | A |
4797920 | Stein | Jan 1989 | A |
4799062 | Sanderford, Jr. et al. | Jan 1989 | A |
4799270 | Kim et al. | Jan 1989 | A |
4801938 | Holmes | Jan 1989 | A |
4802022 | Harada | Jan 1989 | A |
4802103 | Faggin et al. | Jan 1989 | A |
4802230 | Horowitz | Jan 1989 | A |
4803103 | Pithouse et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4803348 | Lohrey et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4803736 | Grossberg et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4804893 | Melocik | Feb 1989 | A |
4804937 | Barbiaux et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4804949 | Faulkerson | Feb 1989 | A |
4805099 | Huber | Feb 1989 | A |
4805224 | Koezuka et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4805225 | Clark | Feb 1989 | A |
4805231 | Whidden | Feb 1989 | A |
4805255 | Hed | Feb 1989 | A |
4807131 | Clegg | Feb 1989 | A |
4807158 | Blanton et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4807714 | Blau et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4809005 | Counselman, III | Feb 1989 | A |
4809065 | Harris et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4809178 | Ninomiya et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4809331 | Holmes | Feb 1989 | A |
4809341 | Matsui et al. | Feb 1989 | A |
4812820 | Chatwin | Mar 1989 | A |
4812843 | Champion, III et al. | Mar 1989 | A |
4812845 | Yamada et al. | Mar 1989 | A |
4812991 | Hatch | Mar 1989 | A |
4814711 | Olsen et al. | Mar 1989 | A |
4814989 | Dobereiner et al. | Mar 1989 | A |
4815020 | Cormier | Mar 1989 | A |
4815030 | Cross et al. | Mar 1989 | A |
4817171 | Stentiford | Mar 1989 | A |
4817176 | Marshall et al. | Mar 1989 | A |
4817950 | Goo | Apr 1989 | A |
4818171 | Burkholder | Apr 1989 | A |
4818997 | Holmes | Apr 1989 | A |
4819053 | Halavais | Apr 1989 | A |
4819174 | Furuno et al. | Apr 1989 | A |
4819195 | Bell et al. | Apr 1989 | A |
4819860 | Hargrove et al. | Apr 1989 | A |
4821102 | Ichikawa et al. | Apr 1989 | A |
4821294 | Thomas, Jr. | Apr 1989 | A |
4821309 | Namekawa | Apr 1989 | A |
4821333 | Gillies | Apr 1989 | A |
4823122 | Mann et al. | Apr 1989 | A |
4823194 | Mishima et al. | Apr 1989 | A |
4823901 | Harding | Apr 1989 | A |
4825457 | Lebowitz | Apr 1989 | A |
4829372 | McCalley et al. | May 1989 | A |
4829434 | Karmel et al. | May 1989 | A |
4829442 | Kadonoff et al. | May 1989 | A |
4829453 | Katsuta et al. | May 1989 | A |
4829569 | Seth-Smith et al. | May 1989 | A |
4829872 | Topic et al. | May 1989 | A |
4831539 | Hagenbuch | May 1989 | A |
4831659 | Miyaoka et al. | May 1989 | A |
4833469 | David | May 1989 | A |
4833477 | Tendler | May 1989 | A |
4833637 | Casasent et al. | May 1989 | A |
4837700 | Ando et al. | Jun 1989 | A |
4837842 | Holt | Jun 1989 | A |
4839835 | Hagenbuch | Jun 1989 | A |
4841302 | Henry | Jun 1989 | A |
4841562 | Lem | Jun 1989 | A |
4841575 | Welsh et al. | Jun 1989 | A |
4842275 | Tsatskin | Jun 1989 | A |
4843562 | Kenyon et al. | Jun 1989 | A |
4843568 | Krueger et al. | Jun 1989 | A |
4843631 | Steinpichler et al. | Jun 1989 | A |
4845610 | Parvin | Jul 1989 | A |
4845739 | Katz | Jul 1989 | A |
4846297 | Field et al. | Jul 1989 | A |
4847698 | Freeman | Jul 1989 | A |
4847699 | Freeman | Jul 1989 | A |
4847700 | Freeman | Jul 1989 | A |
4847862 | Braisted et al. | Jul 1989 | A |
4849731 | Melocik | Jul 1989 | A |
4852146 | Hathcock et al. | Jul 1989 | A |
4853859 | Morita et al. | Aug 1989 | A |
4855713 | Brunius | Aug 1989 | A |
4855915 | Dallaire | Aug 1989 | A |
4856787 | Itkis | Aug 1989 | A |
4857999 | Welsh | Aug 1989 | A |
4860352 | Laurance et al. | Aug 1989 | A |
4861220 | Smith | Aug 1989 | A |
4862015 | Grandfield | Aug 1989 | A |
4862175 | Biggs et al. | Aug 1989 | A |
4862422 | Brac | Aug 1989 | A |
4864284 | Crayton et al. | Sep 1989 | A |
4864592 | Lee | Sep 1989 | A |
4864629 | Deering | Sep 1989 | A |
4866434 | Keenan | Sep 1989 | A |
4866450 | Chisholm | Sep 1989 | A |
4866700 | Berry et al. | Sep 1989 | A |
4866776 | Kasai et al. | Sep 1989 | A |
4868859 | Sheffer | Sep 1989 | A |
4868866 | Williams, Jr. | Sep 1989 | A |
4869635 | Krahn | Sep 1989 | A |
4870422 | Counselman, III | Sep 1989 | A |
4870579 | Hey | Sep 1989 | A |
4872024 | Nagai et al. | Oct 1989 | A |
4873662 | Sargent | Oct 1989 | A |
4875164 | Monfort | Oct 1989 | A |
4876527 | Oka et al. | Oct 1989 | A |
4876592 | Von Kohorn | Oct 1989 | A |
4876659 | Devereux et al. | Oct 1989 | A |
4876731 | Loris et al. | Oct 1989 | A |
4878170 | Zeevi | Oct 1989 | A |
4878179 | Larsen et al. | Oct 1989 | A |
4879658 | Takashima et al. | Nov 1989 | A |
4881270 | Knecht et al. | Nov 1989 | A |
4882689 | Aoki | Nov 1989 | A |
4882696 | Nimura et al. | Nov 1989 | A |
4882732 | Kaminaga | Nov 1989 | A |
4884217 | Skeirik et al. | Nov 1989 | A |
4884348 | Zeller et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4885632 | Mabey et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4887068 | Umehara | Dec 1989 | A |
4887304 | Terzian | Dec 1989 | A |
4888699 | Knoll et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4888814 | Yamaguchi et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4888890 | Studebaker et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4890230 | Tanoshima et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4890233 | Ando et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4890321 | Seth-Smith et al. | Dec 1989 | A |
4891650 | Sheffer | Jan 1990 | A |
4891761 | Gray et al. | Jan 1990 | A |
4891762 | Chotiros | Jan 1990 | A |
4893183 | Nayar | Jan 1990 | A |
4893346 | Bishop | Jan 1990 | A |
4894655 | Joguet et al. | Jan 1990 | A |
4894662 | Counselman | Jan 1990 | A |
4894734 | Fischler et al. | Jan 1990 | A |
4896370 | Kasparian et al. | Jan 1990 | A |
4897642 | DiLullo et al. | Jan 1990 | A |
4897811 | Scofield | Jan 1990 | A |
D306162 | Faulkerson et al. | Feb 1990 | S |
4899285 | Nakayama et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4899370 | Kameo et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4901340 | Parker et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4901362 | Terzian | Feb 1990 | A |
4901364 | Faulkerson et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4902020 | Auxier | Feb 1990 | A |
4902986 | Lesmeister | Feb 1990 | A |
4903211 | Ando | Feb 1990 | A |
4903212 | Yokouchi et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4903229 | Schmidt et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4904983 | Mitchell | Feb 1990 | A |
4905162 | Hartzband et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4905163 | Garber et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4905168 | McCarthy et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4905286 | Sedgwick et al. | Feb 1990 | A |
4905296 | Nishihara | Feb 1990 | A |
4906099 | Casasent | Mar 1990 | A |
4906940 | Greene et al. | Mar 1990 | A |
4907159 | Mauge et al. | Mar 1990 | A |
4908629 | Apsell et al. | Mar 1990 | A |
4908707 | Kinghorn | Mar 1990 | A |
4908713 | Levine | Mar 1990 | A |
4908758 | Sanders | Mar 1990 | A |
4910493 | Chambers et al. | Mar 1990 | A |
4910677 | Remedio et al. | Mar 1990 | A |
4912433 | Motegi et al. | Mar 1990 | A |
4912475 | Counselman, III | Mar 1990 | A |
4912643 | Beirne | Mar 1990 | A |
4912645 | Kakihara et al. | Mar 1990 | A |
4912648 | Tyler | Mar 1990 | A |
4912756 | Hop | Mar 1990 | A |
4914609 | Shimizu et al. | Apr 1990 | A |
4914708 | Carpenter et al. | Apr 1990 | A |
4914709 | Rudak | Apr 1990 | A |
4918425 | Greenberg et al. | Apr 1990 | A |
4918516 | Freeman | Apr 1990 | A |
4918609 | Yamawaki | Apr 1990 | A |
4920432 | Eggers et al. | Apr 1990 | A |
4920499 | Skeirik | Apr 1990 | A |
4924402 | Ando et al. | May 1990 | A |
4924417 | Yuasa | May 1990 | A |
4924699 | Kuroda et al. | May 1990 | A |
4925189 | Braeunig | May 1990 | A |
4926255 | Von Kohorn | May 1990 | A |
4926327 | Sidley | May 1990 | A |
4926336 | Yamada | May 1990 | A |
4926491 | Maeda et al. | May 1990 | A |
4928105 | Langner | May 1990 | A |
4928106 | Ashjaee et al. | May 1990 | A |
4928107 | Kuroda et al. | May 1990 | A |
4928246 | Crawley et al. | May 1990 | A |
4928247 | Doyle et al. | May 1990 | A |
4930158 | Vogel | May 1990 | A |
4930160 | Vogel | May 1990 | A |
4931926 | Tanaka et al. | Jun 1990 | A |
4931985 | Glaise et al. | Jun 1990 | A |
4932065 | Feldgajer | Jun 1990 | A |
4932910 | Hayday | Jun 1990 | A |
4933872 | Vandenberg et al. | Jun 1990 | A |
4937751 | Nimura et al. | Jun 1990 | A |
4937752 | Nanba et al. | Jun 1990 | A |
4939521 | Burin | Jul 1990 | A |
4941125 | Boyne | Jul 1990 | A |
4941193 | Barnsley et al. | Jul 1990 | A |
4943925 | Moroto et al. | Jul 1990 | A |
4944023 | Imao et al. | Jul 1990 | A |
4945501 | Bell et al. | Jul 1990 | A |
4945563 | Horton et al. | Jul 1990 | A |
RE33316 | Katsuta et al. | Aug 1990 | E |
4947151 | Rosenberger | Aug 1990 | A |
4947244 | Fenwick et al. | Aug 1990 | A |
4947261 | Ishikawa et al. | Aug 1990 | A |
4949088 | Ryan et al. | Aug 1990 | A |
4949187 | Cohen | Aug 1990 | A |
4949268 | Nishikawa et al. | Aug 1990 | A |
4949391 | Faulkerson et al. | Aug 1990 | A |
4951029 | Severson | Aug 1990 | A |
4951211 | De Villeroche | Aug 1990 | A |
4951212 | Kurihara et al. | Aug 1990 | A |
4952936 | Martinson | Aug 1990 | A |
4952937 | Allen | Aug 1990 | A |
4954824 | Yamada et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4954828 | Orr | Sep 1990 | A |
4954837 | Baird et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4954951 | Hyatt | Sep 1990 | A |
4954958 | Savage et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4954959 | Moroto et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4955693 | Bobba | Sep 1990 | A |
4956870 | Hara | Sep 1990 | A |
4958220 | Alessi et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4958375 | Reilly et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4958379 | Yamaguchi et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4959719 | Strubbe et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4959720 | Duffield et al. | Sep 1990 | A |
4961074 | Martinson | Oct 1990 | A |
4962473 | Crain | Oct 1990 | A |
4963865 | Ichikawa et al. | Oct 1990 | A |
4963889 | Hatch | Oct 1990 | A |
4963994 | Levine | Oct 1990 | A |
4964077 | Eisen et al. | Oct 1990 | A |
4965285 | Bair | Oct 1990 | A |
4965725 | Rutenberg | Oct 1990 | A |
4965821 | Bishop et al. | Oct 1990 | A |
4965825 | Harvey et al. | Oct 1990 | A |
4967273 | Greenberg | Oct 1990 | A |
4968877 | McAvinney et al. | Nov 1990 | A |
4968981 | Sekine et al. | Nov 1990 | A |
4969036 | Bhanu et al. | Nov 1990 | A |
4969093 | Barker et al. | Nov 1990 | A |
4970652 | Nagashima | Nov 1990 | A |
4972431 | Keegan | Nov 1990 | A |
4972484 | Theile et al. | Nov 1990 | A |
4972499 | Kurosawa | Nov 1990 | A |
4974149 | Valenti | Nov 1990 | A |
4974170 | Bouve et al. | Nov 1990 | A |
4975707 | Smith | Dec 1990 | A |
4975904 | Mann et al. | Dec 1990 | A |
4975905 | Mann et al. | Dec 1990 | A |
4976619 | Carlson | Dec 1990 | A |
4977455 | Young | Dec 1990 | A |
4977679 | Saito et al. | Dec 1990 | A |
4979222 | Weber | Dec 1990 | A |
4982344 | Jordan | Jan 1991 | A |
4982346 | Girouard et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4983980 | Ando | Jan 1991 | A |
4984255 | Davis et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4985863 | Fujisawa et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4986384 | Okamoto et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4986385 | Masaki | Jan 1991 | A |
4987486 | Johnson et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4987492 | Stults et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4987604 | Rouch | Jan 1991 | A |
4988981 | Zimmerman et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4989090 | Campbell et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4989151 | Nuimura | Jan 1991 | A |
4989256 | Buckley | Jan 1991 | A |
4989258 | Takahashi et al. | Jan 1991 | A |
4991011 | Johnson et al. | Feb 1991 | A |
4991304 | McMurtry | Feb 1991 | A |
4992940 | Dworkin | Feb 1991 | A |
4992947 | Nimura et al. | Feb 1991 | A |
4992972 | Brooks et al. | Feb 1991 | A |
4994908 | Kuban et al. | Feb 1991 | A |
4995078 | Monslow et al. | Feb 1991 | A |
4996642 | Hey | Feb 1991 | A |
4996645 | Schneyderberg Van Der Zon | Feb 1991 | A |
4996703 | Gray | Feb 1991 | A |
4996707 | O'Malley et al. | Feb 1991 | A |
4998286 | Tsujiuchi et al. | Mar 1991 | A |
5001554 | Johnson et al. | Mar 1991 | A |
5001777 | Liautaud | Mar 1991 | A |
5003317 | Gray et al. | Mar 1991 | A |
5003584 | Benyacar et al. | Mar 1991 | A |
5005084 | Skinner | Apr 1991 | A |
5006855 | Braff | Apr 1991 | A |
5008678 | Herman | Apr 1991 | A |
5008853 | Bly et al. | Apr 1991 | A |
5009429 | Auxier | Apr 1991 | A |
5010491 | Biasillo et al. | Apr 1991 | A |
5010500 | Makkuni et al. | Apr 1991 | A |
5012334 | Etra | Apr 1991 | A |
5012349 | de Fay | Apr 1991 | A |
5014098 | Schlais et al. | May 1991 | A |
5014206 | Scribner et al. | May 1991 | A |
5014219 | White | May 1991 | A |
5014234 | Edwards, Jr. | May 1991 | A |
5014327 | Potter et al. | May 1991 | A |
5016272 | Stubbs et al. | May 1991 | A |
5016273 | Hoff | May 1991 | A |
5017926 | Ames et al. | May 1991 | A |
5018169 | Wong et al. | May 1991 | A |
5018218 | Peregrim et al. | May 1991 | A |
5018219 | Matsuzaki et al. | May 1991 | A |
5019899 | Boles et al. | May 1991 | A |
5020112 | Chou | May 1991 | A |
5020113 | Lo et al. | May 1991 | A |
5021792 | Hwang | Jun 1991 | A |
5021794 | Lawrence | Jun 1991 | A |
5021976 | Wexelblat et al. | Jun 1991 | A |
5022062 | Annis | Jun 1991 | A |
5025261 | Ohta et al. | Jun 1991 | A |
5025310 | Sekiya et al. | Jun 1991 | A |
5025324 | Hashimoto | Jun 1991 | A |
5027400 | Baji et al. | Jun 1991 | A |
5028888 | Ray | Jul 1991 | A |
5030957 | Evans | Jul 1991 | A |
5031104 | Ikeda et al. | Jul 1991 | A |
5031224 | Mengel et al. | Jul 1991 | A |
5031228 | Lu | Jul 1991 | A |
5031330 | Stuart | Jul 1991 | A |
5033101 | Sood | Jul 1991 | A |
5034807 | Von Kohorn | Jul 1991 | A |
5034916 | Ordish | Jul 1991 | A |
5034991 | Hagimae et al. | Jul 1991 | A |
5036314 | Barillari et al. | Jul 1991 | A |
5036329 | Ando | Jul 1991 | A |
5036537 | Jeffers et al. | Jul 1991 | A |
5038022 | Lucero | Aug 1991 | A |
5038102 | Glasheen | Aug 1991 | A |
5038211 | Hallenbeck | Aug 1991 | A |
5038379 | Sano | Aug 1991 | A |
5038390 | Ravi Chandran | Aug 1991 | A |
5039979 | McClive | Aug 1991 | A |
5040134 | Park | Aug 1991 | A |
5041833 | Weinberg | Aug 1991 | A |
5041967 | Ephrath et al. | Aug 1991 | A |
5043736 | Darnell et al. | Aug 1991 | A |
5043881 | Hamazaki | Aug 1991 | A |
5043902 | Yokoyama et al. | Aug 1991 | A |
5045861 | Duffett-Smith | Sep 1991 | A |
5045937 | Myrick | Sep 1991 | A |
5046011 | Kakihara et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5046113 | Hoki | Sep 1991 | A |
5046121 | Yonekawa et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5046122 | Nakaya et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5046130 | Hall et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5046179 | Uomori et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5047867 | Strubbe et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5048095 | Bhanu et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5048100 | Kuperstein | Sep 1991 | A |
5048112 | Alves et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5049884 | Jaeger et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5049885 | Orr | Sep 1991 | A |
5050223 | Sumi | Sep 1991 | A |
5051817 | Takano | Sep 1991 | A |
5051840 | Watanabe et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5051998 | Murai et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5052043 | Gaborski | Sep 1991 | A |
5052045 | Peregrim et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5052046 | Fukuda et al. | Sep 1991 | A |
5052799 | Sasser et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5053889 | Nakano et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5053974 | Penz | Oct 1991 | A |
5054093 | Cooper et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5054095 | Bernsen et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5054101 | Prakash | Oct 1991 | A |
5054103 | Yasuda et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5054110 | Comroe et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5055658 | Cockburn | Oct 1991 | A |
5055851 | Sheffer | Oct 1991 | A |
5055926 | Christensen et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5056056 | Gustin | Oct 1991 | A |
5056106 | Wang et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5056147 | Turner et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5057915 | Von Kohorn | Oct 1991 | A |
5058108 | Mann et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5058179 | Denker et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5058180 | Khan | Oct 1991 | A |
5058183 | Schmidt et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5058184 | Fukushima | Oct 1991 | A |
5058186 | Miyaoka et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5058698 | Yoshida et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5059126 | Kimball | Oct 1991 | A |
5059969 | Sakaguchi et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5060262 | Bevins, Jr. et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5060276 | Morris et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5060277 | Bokser | Oct 1991 | A |
5060278 | Fukumizu | Oct 1991 | A |
5060279 | Crawford et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5060282 | Molley | Oct 1991 | A |
5060285 | Dixit et al. | Oct 1991 | A |
5061063 | Casasent | Oct 1991 | A |
5061936 | Suzuki | Oct 1991 | A |
5062143 | Schmitt | Oct 1991 | A |
5063385 | Caschera | Nov 1991 | A |
5063524 | Ferre et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5063525 | Kurakake et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5063601 | Hayduk | Nov 1991 | A |
5063602 | Peppers et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5063603 | Burt | Nov 1991 | A |
5063605 | Samad | Nov 1991 | A |
5063608 | Siegel | Nov 1991 | A |
5065326 | Sahm | Nov 1991 | A |
5065439 | Takasaki et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5065440 | Yoshida et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5065447 | Barnsley et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5067082 | Nimura et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5067160 | Omata et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5067161 | Mikami et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5067162 | Driscoll, Jr. et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5067163 | Adachi | Nov 1991 | A |
5067164 | Denker et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5067166 | Ito | Nov 1991 | A |
5068656 | Sutherland | Nov 1991 | A |
5068663 | Valentine et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5068664 | Appriou et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5068723 | Dixit et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5068724 | Krause et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5068733 | Bennett | Nov 1991 | A |
5068744 | Ito | Nov 1991 | A |
5068909 | Rutherford et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5068911 | Resnikoff et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5070404 | Bullock et al. | Dec 1991 | A |
5072227 | Hatch | Dec 1991 | A |
5072395 | Bliss et al. | Dec 1991 | A |
5073931 | Audebert et al. | Dec 1991 | A |
5075693 | McMillan et al. | Dec 1991 | A |
5075771 | Hashimoto | Dec 1991 | A |
5075863 | Nagamune et al. | Dec 1991 | A |
5076662 | Shih et al. | Dec 1991 | A |
5077557 | Ingensand | Dec 1991 | A |
5077607 | Johnson et al. | Dec 1991 | A |
5079553 | Orr | Jan 1992 | A |
5081667 | Drori et al. | Jan 1992 | A |
5081703 | Lee | Jan 1992 | A |
5083129 | Valentine et al. | Jan 1992 | A |
5083218 | Takasu et al. | Jan 1992 | A |
5083256 | Trovato et al. | Jan 1992 | A |
5083271 | Thacher et al. | Jan 1992 | A |
5083860 | Miyatake et al. | Jan 1992 | A |
5084822 | Hayami | Jan 1992 | A |
5086385 | Launey et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5086390 | Matthews | Feb 1992 | A |
5086394 | Shapira | Feb 1992 | A |
5087919 | Odagawa et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5088645 | Bell | Feb 1992 | A |
5089826 | Yano et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5089885 | Clark | Feb 1992 | A |
5089978 | Lipner et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5090049 | Chen | Feb 1992 | A |
5093718 | Hoarty et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5093873 | Takahashi | Mar 1992 | A |
5093918 | Heyen et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5095480 | Fenner | Mar 1992 | A |
5095531 | Ito | Mar 1992 | A |
5097269 | Takayama et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5099319 | Esch et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5099422 | Foresman et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5101356 | Timothy et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5101416 | Fenton et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5101444 | Wilson et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5103400 | Yamada et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5103459 | Gilhousen et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5103498 | Lanier et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5105184 | Pirani et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5107256 | Ueno et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5108334 | Eschenbach et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5109279 | Ando | Apr 1992 | A |
5109399 | Thompson | Apr 1992 | A |
5109431 | Nishiya et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5109439 | Froessl | Apr 1992 | A |
5109482 | Bohrman | Apr 1992 | A |
5111400 | Yoder | May 1992 | A |
5111401 | Everett, Jr. et al. | May 1992 | A |
5111516 | Nakano et al. | May 1992 | A |
5113259 | Romesburg et al. | May 1992 | A |
5113496 | McCalley et al. | May 1992 | A |
5115223 | Moody | May 1992 | A |
5115233 | Zdunek et al. | May 1992 | A |
5115245 | Wen et al. | May 1992 | A |
5115398 | De Jong | May 1992 | A |
5115501 | Kerr | May 1992 | A |
5117232 | Cantwell | May 1992 | A |
5117360 | Hotz et al. | May 1992 | A |
5119081 | Ikehira | Jun 1992 | A |
5119102 | Barnard | Jun 1992 | A |
5119301 | Shimizu et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5119475 | Smith et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5119479 | Arai et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5119504 | Durboraw, III | Jun 1992 | A |
5119507 | Mankovitz | Jun 1992 | A |
5121326 | Moroto et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5122802 | Marin | Jun 1992 | A |
5122803 | Stann et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5122886 | Tanaka | Jun 1992 | A |
5122957 | Hattori | Jun 1992 | A |
5123046 | Levine | Jun 1992 | A |
5123052 | Brisson | Jun 1992 | A |
5123057 | Verly et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5123087 | Newell et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5124908 | Broadbent | Jun 1992 | A |
5124915 | Krenzel | Jun 1992 | A |
5126748 | Ames et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5126851 | Yoshimura et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5127487 | Yamamoto et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5128525 | Stearns et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5128669 | Dadds et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5128874 | Bhanu et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5128979 | Reich et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5130792 | Tindell et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5131020 | Liebesny et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5132992 | Yurt et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5133021 | Carpenter et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5133024 | Froessl | Jul 1992 | A |
5133045 | Gaither et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5133052 | Bier et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5133075 | Risch | Jul 1992 | A |
5133079 | Ballantyne et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5134406 | Orr | Jul 1992 | A |
5134649 | Gutzmer | Jul 1992 | A |
5134719 | Mankovitz | Jul 1992 | A |
5136659 | Kaneko et al. | Aug 1992 | A |
5136687 | Edelman et al. | Aug 1992 | A |
5136696 | Beckwith et al. | Aug 1992 | A |
5141234 | Boylan et al. | Aug 1992 | A |
5142161 | Brackmann | Aug 1992 | A |
5142574 | West, Jr. et al. | Aug 1992 | A |
5144317 | Duddek et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5144318 | Kishi | Sep 1992 | A |
5146226 | Valentine et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5146227 | Papadopoulos | Sep 1992 | A |
5146231 | Ghaem et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5146404 | Calloway et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5146552 | Cassorla et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5148154 | MacKay et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5148179 | Allison | Sep 1992 | A |
5148452 | Kennedy et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5148497 | Pentland et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5148522 | Okazaki | Sep 1992 | A |
5151701 | Valentine et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5151789 | Young | Sep 1992 | A |
5153512 | Glasheen | Oct 1992 | A |
5153598 | Alves, Jr. | Oct 1992 | A |
5153836 | Fraughton et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5155490 | Spradley, Jr. et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5155491 | Ando | Oct 1992 | A |
5155591 | Wachob | Oct 1992 | A |
5155688 | Tanaka et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5155689 | Wortham | Oct 1992 | A |
5157384 | Greanias et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5157691 | Ohkubo et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5159315 | Schultz et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5159474 | Franke et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5159549 | Hallman, Jr. et al. | Oct 1992 | A |
5159556 | Schorter | Oct 1992 | A |
5159668 | Kaasila | Oct 1992 | A |
5161027 | Liu | Nov 1992 | A |
5161107 | Mayeaux et al. | Nov 1992 | A |
5161204 | Hutcheson et al. | Nov 1992 | A |
5161886 | De Jong et al. | Nov 1992 | A |
5162997 | Takahashi | Nov 1992 | A |
5164729 | Decker et al. | Nov 1992 | A |
5164904 | Sumner | Nov 1992 | A |
5168147 | Bloomberg | Dec 1992 | A |
5168353 | Walker et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5168452 | Yamada et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5168529 | Peregrim et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5168565 | Morita | Dec 1992 | A |
5170171 | Brown | Dec 1992 | A |
5170388 | Endoh | Dec 1992 | A |
5170427 | Guichard et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5170466 | Rogan et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5170499 | Grothause | Dec 1992 | A |
5172321 | Ghaem et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5172413 | Bradley et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5173710 | Kelley et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5173777 | Dangschat | Dec 1992 | A |
5173949 | Peregrim et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5175557 | King et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5177680 | Tsukino et al. | Jan 1993 | A |
5177685 | Davis et al. | Jan 1993 | A |
5177796 | Feig et al. | Jan 1993 | A |
5179439 | Hashimoto | Jan 1993 | A |
5179449 | Doi | Jan 1993 | A |
5179652 | Rozmanith et al. | Jan 1993 | A |
5182555 | Sumner | Jan 1993 | A |
5182640 | Takano | Jan 1993 | A |
5184123 | Bremer et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5184295 | Mann | Feb 1993 | A |
5184303 | Link | Feb 1993 | A |
5184311 | Kraus et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5185610 | Ward et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5185761 | Kawasaki | Feb 1993 | A |
5185857 | Rozmanith et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5187589 | Kono et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5187787 | Skeen et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5187788 | Marmelstein | Feb 1993 | A |
5187797 | Nielsen et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5187805 | Bertiger et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5189612 | Lemercier et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5189619 | Adachi et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5189630 | Barstow et al. | Feb 1993 | A |
5191410 | McCalley et al. | Mar 1993 | A |
5191423 | Yoshida | Mar 1993 | A |
5191532 | Moroto et al. | Mar 1993 | A |
5192957 | Kennedy | Mar 1993 | A |
5192999 | Graczyk et al. | Mar 1993 | A |
5193215 | Olmer | Mar 1993 | A |
5194871 | Counselman, III | Mar 1993 | A |
5195134 | Inoue | Mar 1993 | A |
5196846 | Brockelsby et al. | Mar 1993 | A |
5200822 | Bronfin et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5200823 | Yoneda et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5201010 | Deaton et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5202828 | Vertelney et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5202829 | Geier | Apr 1993 | A |
5202915 | Nishii | Apr 1993 | A |
5202985 | Goyal | Apr 1993 | A |
5203199 | Henderson et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5203704 | McCloud | Apr 1993 | A |
5206500 | Decker et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5206651 | Valentine et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5206806 | Gerardi et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5208665 | McCalley et al. | May 1993 | A |
5208756 | Song | May 1993 | A |
5210540 | Masumoto | May 1993 | A |
5210611 | Yee et al. | May 1993 | A |
5210787 | Hayes et al. | May 1993 | A |
5212739 | Johnson | May 1993 | A |
5214504 | Toriu et al. | May 1993 | A |
5214793 | Conway et al. | May 1993 | A |
5216228 | Hashimoto | Jun 1993 | A |
5218367 | Sheffer et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5218620 | Mori et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5220420 | Hoarty et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5220501 | Lawlor et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5220507 | Kirson | Jun 1993 | A |
5220509 | Takemura et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5220640 | Frank | Jun 1993 | A |
5220648 | Sato | Jun 1993 | A |
5220657 | Bly et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5220664 | Lee | Jun 1993 | A |
5220674 | Morgan et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5222155 | Delanoy et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5223844 | Mansell et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5223914 | Auda et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5223924 | Strubbe | Jun 1993 | A |
5224151 | Bowen et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5224706 | Bridgeman et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5225842 | Brown et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5225902 | McMullan, Jr. | Jul 1993 | A |
5227874 | Von Kohorn | Jul 1993 | A |
5228077 | Darbee | Jul 1993 | A |
5228695 | Meyer | Jul 1993 | A |
5228854 | Eldridge | Jul 1993 | A |
5229590 | Harden et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5229754 | Aoki et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5229756 | Kosugi et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5230048 | Moy | Jul 1993 | A |
5231493 | Apitz | Jul 1993 | A |
5231494 | Wachob | Jul 1993 | A |
5231568 | Cohen et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5231584 | Nimura et al. | Jul 1993 | A |
5231698 | Forcier | Jul 1993 | A |
RE34340 | Freeman | Aug 1993 | E |
D338841 | Davis et al. | Aug 1993 | S |
5233423 | Jernigan et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5233533 | Edstrom et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5235509 | Mueller et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5235633 | Dennison et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5239296 | Jenkins | Aug 1993 | A |
5239463 | Blair et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5239464 | Blair et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5239617 | Gardner et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5241428 | Goldwasser et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5241465 | Oba et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5241542 | Natarajan et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5241620 | Ruggiero | Aug 1993 | A |
5241625 | Epard et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5241645 | Cimral et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5243149 | Comerford et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5243528 | Lefebvre | Sep 1993 | A |
5245537 | Barber | Sep 1993 | A |
5245909 | Corrigan et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5247285 | Yokota et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5247306 | Hardange et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5247347 | Litteral et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5247363 | Sun et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5247433 | Kitaura et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5247440 | Capurka et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5247564 | Zicker | Sep 1993 | A |
5247651 | Clarisse | Sep 1993 | A |
5249043 | Grandmougin | Sep 1993 | A |
5250951 | Valentine et al. | Oct 1993 | A |
5251106 | Hui | Oct 1993 | A |
5251205 | Callon et al. | Oct 1993 | A |
5251294 | Abelow | Oct 1993 | A |
5251316 | Anick et al. | Oct 1993 | A |
5251324 | McMullan, Jr. | Oct 1993 | A |
5252951 | Tannenbaum et al. | Oct 1993 | A |
5253061 | Takahama et al. | Oct 1993 | A |
5253066 | Vogel | Oct 1993 | A |
5253275 | Yurt et al. | Oct 1993 | A |
5255386 | Prager | Oct 1993 | A |
5257195 | Hirata | Oct 1993 | A |
5257789 | LeVasseur | Nov 1993 | A |
5257810 | Schorr et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5259038 | Sakou et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5260778 | Kauffman et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5261042 | Brandt | Nov 1993 | A |
5261081 | White et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5262775 | Tamai et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5262860 | Fitzpatrick et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5263167 | Conner, Jr. et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5263174 | Layman | Nov 1993 | A |
5265025 | Hirata | Nov 1993 | A |
5265033 | Vajk et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5266958 | Durboraw, III | Nov 1993 | A |
5267171 | Suzuki et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
RE34476 | Norwood | Dec 1993 | E |
5268689 | Ono et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5268927 | Dimos et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5269067 | Waeldele et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5270706 | Smith | Dec 1993 | A |
5270936 | Fukushima et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5272324 | Blevins | Dec 1993 | A |
5272483 | Kato | Dec 1993 | A |
5272638 | Martin et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5274387 | Kakihara et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5274560 | LaRue | Dec 1993 | A |
5274667 | Olmstead | Dec 1993 | A |
5274714 | Hutcheson et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5276451 | Odagawa | Jan 1994 | A |
5276737 | Micali | Jan 1994 | A |
5278424 | Kagawa | Jan 1994 | A |
5278568 | Enge et al. | Jan 1994 | A |
5278759 | Berra et al. | Jan 1994 | A |
5280530 | Trew et al. | Jan 1994 | A |
5283560 | Bartlett | Feb 1994 | A |
5283570 | DeLuca et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5283575 | Kao et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5283639 | Esch et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5283641 | Lemelson | Feb 1994 | A |
5283731 | Lalonde et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5283734 | Von Kohorn | Feb 1994 | A |
5283819 | Glick et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5283829 | Anderson | Feb 1994 | A |
5283856 | Gross et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5285272 | Bradley et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5285284 | Takashima et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5285523 | Takahashi | Feb 1994 | A |
5287199 | Zoccolillo | Feb 1994 | A |
5288078 | Capper et al. | Feb 1994 | A |
5288938 | Wheaton | Feb 1994 | A |
5291068 | Rammel et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5291202 | McClintock | Mar 1994 | A |
5291412 | Tamai et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5291413 | Tamai et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5292254 | Miller et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5293163 | Kakihara et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5293318 | Fukushima | Mar 1994 | A |
5293484 | Dabbs, III et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5293513 | Umezu et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5295154 | Meier et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5295491 | Gevins | Mar 1994 | A |
5296861 | Knight | Mar 1994 | A |
5296931 | Na | Mar 1994 | A |
5297204 | Levine | Mar 1994 | A |
5297249 | Bernstein et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5298674 | Yun | Mar 1994 | A |
5299132 | Wortham | Mar 1994 | A |
5300932 | Valentine et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5301028 | Banker et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5301243 | Olschafskie et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5301354 | Schwendeman et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5301368 | Hirata | Apr 1994 | A |
5303297 | Hillis | Apr 1994 | A |
5303313 | Mark et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5303393 | Noreen et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5305007 | Orr et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5305195 | Murphy | Apr 1994 | A |
5305197 | Axler et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5305386 | Yamato | Apr 1994 | A |
5305389 | Palmer | Apr 1994 | A |
5307173 | Yuen et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5307421 | Darboux et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5309437 | Perlman et al. | May 1994 | A |
5309474 | Gilhousen et al. | May 1994 | A |
5311173 | Komura et al. | May 1994 | A |
5311516 | Kuznicki et al. | May 1994 | A |
5314037 | Shaw et al. | May 1994 | A |
5315302 | Katsukura et al. | May 1994 | A |
5315670 | Shapiro | May 1994 | A |
5317320 | Grover et al. | May 1994 | A |
5317321 | Sass | May 1994 | A |
5317403 | Keenan | May 1994 | A |
5317647 | Pagallo | May 1994 | A |
5317677 | Dolan et al. | May 1994 | A |
5319363 | Welch et al. | Jun 1994 | A |
5319445 | Fitts | Jun 1994 | A |
5319454 | Schutte | Jun 1994 | A |
5319455 | Hoarty et al. | Jun 1994 | A |
5319548 | Germain | Jun 1994 | A |
5319707 | Wasilewski et al. | Jun 1994 | A |
5320356 | Cauda | Jun 1994 | A |
5320538 | Baum | Jun 1994 | A |
5321241 | Craine | Jun 1994 | A |
5323234 | Kawasaki | Jun 1994 | A |
5323240 | Amano et al. | Jun 1994 | A |
5323321 | Smith, Jr. | Jun 1994 | A |
5323322 | Mueller et al. | Jun 1994 | A |
5324028 | Luna | Jun 1994 | A |
5325183 | Rhee | Jun 1994 | A |
5325423 | Lewis | Jun 1994 | A |
5326104 | Pease et al. | Jul 1994 | A |
5327144 | Stilp et al. | Jul 1994 | A |
5327529 | Fults et al. | Jul 1994 | A |
5329611 | Pechanek et al. | Jul 1994 | A |
5331327 | Brocia et al. | Jul 1994 | A |
5334974 | Simms et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5334986 | Fernhout | Aug 1994 | A |
5335079 | Yuen et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5335246 | Yokev et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5335277 | Harvey et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5337155 | Cornelis | Aug 1994 | A |
5337244 | Nobe et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5339086 | DeLuca et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5339239 | Manabe et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5339392 | Risberg et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5341138 | Ono et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5341140 | Perry | Aug 1994 | A |
5341301 | Shirai et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5343239 | Lappington et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5343251 | Nafeh | Aug 1994 | A |
5343300 | Hennig | Aug 1994 | A |
5343399 | Yokoyama et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5343493 | Karimullah | Aug 1994 | A |
5345388 | Kashiwazaki | Sep 1994 | A |
5345594 | Tsuda | Sep 1994 | A |
5347120 | Decker et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5347285 | MacDoran et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5347286 | Babitch | Sep 1994 | A |
5347295 | Agulnick et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5347306 | Nitta | Sep 1994 | A |
5347456 | Zhang et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5347477 | Lee | Sep 1994 | A |
5347600 | Barnsley et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5347632 | Filepp et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5349531 | Sato et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5349670 | Agrawal et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5351075 | Herz et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5351078 | Lemelson | Sep 1994 | A |
5351194 | Ross et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5351235 | Lahtinen | Sep 1994 | A |
5351970 | Fioretti | Oct 1994 | A |
5353023 | Mitsugi | Oct 1994 | A |
5353034 | Sato et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5353121 | Young et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5353218 | De Lapa et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5355146 | Chiu et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5355302 | Martin et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5355480 | Smith et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5357276 | Banker et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5359332 | Allison et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5359367 | Stockill | Oct 1994 | A |
5359527 | Takanabe et al. | Oct 1994 | A |
5359529 | Snider | Oct 1994 | A |
5360971 | Kaufman et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5361393 | Rossillo | Nov 1994 | A |
5363105 | Ono et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5364093 | Huston et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5365055 | Decker et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5365282 | Levine | Nov 1994 | A |
5365447 | Dennis | Nov 1994 | A |
5365450 | Schuchman et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5365451 | Wang et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5365516 | Jandrell | Nov 1994 | A |
5367453 | Capps et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5369584 | Kajiwara | Nov 1994 | A |
5369588 | Hayami et al. | Nov 1994 | A |
5371348 | Kumar et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5371551 | Logan et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5373330 | Levine | Dec 1994 | A |
5373440 | Cohen et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5374952 | Flohr | Dec 1994 | A |
5375059 | Kyrtsos et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5375235 | Berry et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5377317 | Bates et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5377354 | Scannell et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5377706 | Huang | Jan 1995 | A |
5377997 | Wilden et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5379224 | Brown et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5381158 | Takahara et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5381338 | Wysocki et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5382957 | Blume | Jan 1995 | A |
5382958 | FitzGerald | Jan 1995 | A |
5382983 | Kwoh et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5383127 | Shibata | Jan 1995 | A |
5384867 | Barnsley et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5385519 | Hsu et al. | Jan 1995 | A |
5388147 | Grimes | Feb 1995 | A |
5388198 | Layman et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5389824 | Moroto et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5389930 | Ono | Feb 1995 | A |
5389934 | Kass | Feb 1995 | A |
5390125 | Sennott et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5390238 | Kirk et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5390281 | Luciw et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5392052 | Eberwine | Feb 1995 | A |
5393067 | Paulsen et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5394333 | Kao | Feb 1995 | A |
5396227 | Carroll et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5396429 | Hanchett | Mar 1995 | A |
5396546 | Remillard | Mar 1995 | A |
5398074 | Duffield et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5398138 | Tomita | Mar 1995 | A |
5398189 | Inoue et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5398190 | Wortham | Mar 1995 | A |
5398310 | Tchao et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5398932 | Eberhardt et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5400018 | Scholl et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5400034 | Smith | Mar 1995 | A |
5400254 | Fujita | Mar 1995 | A |
5401946 | Weinblatt | Mar 1995 | A |
5402347 | McBurney et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5402441 | Washizu et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5403015 | Forte et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5404442 | Foster et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5404458 | Zetts | Apr 1995 | A |
5404505 | Levinson | Apr 1995 | A |
5404579 | Obayashi et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5404661 | Sahm et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5405152 | Katanics et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5406491 | Lima | Apr 1995 | A |
5406492 | Suzuki | Apr 1995 | A |
5408415 | Inoue et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5410326 | Goldstein | Apr 1995 | A |
5410343 | Coddington et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5410344 | Graves et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5410367 | Zahavi et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5410480 | Koseki et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5410643 | Yomdin et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5410750 | Cantwell et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5412573 | Barnea et al. | May 1995 | A |
5412660 | Chen et al. | May 1995 | A |
5412720 | Hoarty | May 1995 | A |
5412773 | Carlucci et al. | May 1995 | A |
5414432 | Penny, Jr. et al. | May 1995 | A |
5414756 | Levine | May 1995 | A |
5414773 | Handelman | May 1995 | A |
5416508 | Sakuma et al. | May 1995 | A |
5416695 | Stutman et al. | May 1995 | A |
5416712 | Geier et al. | May 1995 | A |
5416856 | Jacobs et al. | May 1995 | A |
5417210 | Funda et al. | May 1995 | A |
5418526 | Crawford | May 1995 | A |
5418537 | Bird | May 1995 | A |
5418538 | Lau | May 1995 | A |
5418622 | Takeuchi | May 1995 | A |
5418684 | Koenck et al. | May 1995 | A |
5418717 | Su et al. | May 1995 | A |
5418951 | Damashek | May 1995 | A |
5420592 | Johnson | May 1995 | A |
5420593 | Niles | May 1995 | A |
5420594 | FitzGerald et al. | May 1995 | A |
5420647 | Levine | May 1995 | A |
5420794 | James | May 1995 | A |
5420825 | Fischer et al. | May 1995 | A |
5420975 | Blades et al. | May 1995 | A |
5421008 | Banning et al. | May 1995 | A |
5422624 | Smith | Jun 1995 | A |
5422813 | Schuchman et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5422816 | Sprague et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5423554 | Davis | Jun 1995 | A |
5424951 | Nobe et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5425058 | Mui | Jun 1995 | A |
5425100 | Thomas et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5425890 | Yudin et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5426594 | Wright et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5426732 | Boies et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5428559 | Kano | Jun 1995 | A |
5428606 | Moskowitz | Jun 1995 | A |
5428636 | Meier | Jun 1995 | A |
5428727 | Kurosu et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5428730 | Baker et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5428774 | Takahashi et al. | Jun 1995 | A |
5429361 | Raven et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5430552 | O'Callaghan | Jul 1995 | A |
5430558 | Sohaei et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5430653 | Inoue | Jul 1995 | A |
5430812 | Barnsley et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5430948 | Vander Wal, III | Jul 1995 | A |
5431407 | Hofberg et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5432520 | Schneider et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5432542 | Thibadeau et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5432561 | Strubbe | Jul 1995 | A |
5432841 | Rimer | Jul 1995 | A |
5432902 | Matsumoto | Jul 1995 | A |
5432932 | Chen et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5433446 | Lindstedt, Jr. | Jul 1995 | A |
5434574 | Hayashi et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5434777 | Luciw | Jul 1995 | A |
5434787 | Okamoto et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5434788 | Seymour et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5434789 | Fraker et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5434933 | Karnin et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5434966 | Nakazawa et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5434978 | Dockter et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5436653 | Ellis et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5436834 | Graf et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5437462 | Breeding | Aug 1995 | A |
5438357 | McNelley | Aug 1995 | A |
5438361 | Coleman | Aug 1995 | A |
5438630 | Chen et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5438687 | Suchowerskyj et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5440262 | Lum et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5440400 | Micheron et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5440678 | Eisen et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5441047 | David et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5442363 | Remondi | Aug 1995 | A |
5442389 | Blahut et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5442553 | Parrillo | Aug 1995 | A |
5442557 | Kaneko | Aug 1995 | A |
5442771 | Filepp et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5444450 | Olds et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5444499 | Saitoh | Aug 1995 | A |
5444779 | Daniele | Aug 1995 | A |
5446659 | Yamawaki | Aug 1995 | A |
5446736 | Gleeson et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5446891 | Kaplan et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5446919 | Wilkins | Aug 1995 | A |
5446923 | Martinson et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5448638 | Johnson et al. | Sep 1995 | A |
5450329 | Tanner | Sep 1995 | A |
5450490 | Jensen et al. | Sep 1995 | A |
5451964 | Babu | Sep 1995 | A |
5452217 | Kishi et al. | Sep 1995 | A |
5452442 | Kephart | Sep 1995 | A |
5454043 | Freeman | Sep 1995 | A |
5455570 | Cook et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5455892 | Minot et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5458123 | Unger | Oct 1995 | A |
5459304 | Eisenmann | Oct 1995 | A |
5459306 | Stein et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5459517 | Kunitake et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5459522 | Pint | Oct 1995 | A |
5459660 | Berra | Oct 1995 | A |
5459667 | Odagaki et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5461365 | Schlager et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5461383 | Ono et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5461415 | Wolf et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5461699 | Arbabi et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5462275 | Lowe et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5462473 | Sheller | Oct 1995 | A |
5464946 | Lewis | Nov 1995 | A |
5465079 | Bouchard et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465089 | Nakatani et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465113 | Gilboy | Nov 1995 | A |
5465204 | Sekine et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465308 | Hutcheson et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465325 | Capps et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465353 | Hull et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465358 | Blades et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465385 | Ohga et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5465413 | Enge et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5467264 | Rauch et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5467425 | Lau et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5469206 | Strubbe et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5469371 | Bass | Nov 1995 | A |
5469740 | French et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5471214 | Faibish et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5471218 | Talbot et al. | Nov 1995 | A |
5471629 | Risch | Nov 1995 | A |
5473466 | Tanielian et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5473538 | Fujita et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5473602 | McKenna et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5475597 | Buck | Dec 1995 | A |
5475651 | Bishop et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5475687 | Markkula, Jr. et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5477228 | Tiwari et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5477262 | Banker et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5477447 | Luciw et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5479264 | Ueda et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5479266 | Young et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5479268 | Young et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5479408 | Will | Dec 1995 | A |
5479479 | Braitberg et al. | Dec 1995 | A |
5479482 | Grimes | Dec 1995 | A |
5479497 | Kovarik | Dec 1995 | A |
5479932 | Higgins et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5481278 | Shigematsu et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5481294 | Thomas et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5481296 | Cragun et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5481542 | Logston et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5481712 | Silver et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5483234 | Carreel et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5483278 | Strubbe et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5483466 | Kawahara et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5483827 | Kulka et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5485161 | Vaughn | Jan 1996 | A |
5485163 | Singer et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5485197 | Hoarty | Jan 1996 | A |
5485219 | Woo | Jan 1996 | A |
5485221 | Banker et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5485518 | Hunter et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5485565 | Saund et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5486822 | Tenmoku et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5487132 | Cheng | Jan 1996 | A |
5488196 | Zimmerman et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5488409 | Yuen et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5488425 | Grimes | Jan 1996 | A |
5488484 | Miyano | Jan 1996 | A |
5490208 | Remillard | Feb 1996 | A |
5491517 | Kreitman et al. | Feb 1996 | A |
5493692 | Theimer et al. | Feb 1996 | A |
5495292 | Zhang et al. | Feb 1996 | A |
5495537 | Bedrosian et al. | Feb 1996 | A |
5495576 | Ritchey | Feb 1996 | A |
5495609 | Scott | Feb 1996 | A |
5496177 | Collia et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5497314 | Novak | Mar 1996 | A |
5497479 | Hornbuckle | Mar 1996 | A |
5498003 | Gechter | Mar 1996 | A |
5498711 | Highsmith et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5499103 | Mankovitz | Mar 1996 | A |
5499108 | Cotte et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5500671 | Andersson et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5500741 | Baik et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5500920 | Kupiec | Mar 1996 | A |
5500937 | Thompson-Rohrlich | Mar 1996 | A |
5502504 | Marshall et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5502774 | Bellegarda et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5502803 | Yoshida et al. | Mar 1996 | A |
5504482 | Schreder | Apr 1996 | A |
5504491 | Chapman | Apr 1996 | A |
5504518 | Ellis et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5504675 | Cragun et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5505449 | Eberhardt et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5506584 | Boles | Apr 1996 | A |
5506768 | Seem et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5506886 | Maine et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5506897 | Moore et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5506963 | Ducateau et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5507491 | Gatto et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5508731 | Kohorn | Apr 1996 | A |
5508815 | Levine | Apr 1996 | A |
5509009 | Laycock et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5510793 | Gregg, III et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5510798 | Bauer | Apr 1996 | A |
5510838 | Yomdin et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5511134 | Kuratomi et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5511153 | Azarbayejani et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5511160 | Robson | Apr 1996 | A |
5512707 | Ohshima | Apr 1996 | A |
5512908 | Herrick | Apr 1996 | A |
5512935 | Majeti et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5512963 | Mankovitz | Apr 1996 | A |
5513110 | Fujita et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5513254 | Markowitz | Apr 1996 | A |
5515042 | Nelson | May 1996 | A |
5515043 | Berard et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515098 | Carles | May 1996 | A |
5515099 | Cortjens et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515106 | Chaney et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515173 | Mankovitz et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515284 | Abe | May 1996 | A |
5515285 | Garrett, Sr. et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515419 | Sheffer | May 1996 | A |
5515453 | Hennessey et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515471 | Yamamoto et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515511 | Nguyen et al. | May 1996 | A |
5515972 | Shames | May 1996 | A |
5516105 | Eisenbrey et al. | May 1996 | A |
5517199 | DiMattei | May 1996 | A |
5517254 | Monta et al. | May 1996 | A |
5517256 | Hashimoto | May 1996 | A |
5517257 | Dunn et al. | May 1996 | A |
5517331 | Murai et al. | May 1996 | A |
5517578 | Altman et al. | May 1996 | A |
5517598 | Sirat | May 1996 | A |
5519403 | Bickley et al. | May 1996 | A |
5519452 | Parulski | May 1996 | A |
5519620 | Talbot et al. | May 1996 | A |
5519718 | Yokev et al. | May 1996 | A |
5519760 | Borkowski et al. | May 1996 | A |
5521696 | Dunne | May 1996 | A |
5521841 | Arman et al. | May 1996 | A |
5521984 | Denenberg et al. | May 1996 | A |
5522155 | Jones | Jun 1996 | A |
5522798 | Johnson et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5523796 | Marshall et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5523950 | Peterson | Jun 1996 | A |
5524065 | Yagasaki | Jun 1996 | A |
5524195 | Clanton, III et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5524637 | Erickson | Jun 1996 | A |
5525989 | Holt | Jun 1996 | A |
5525996 | Aker et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5526034 | Hoarty et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5526035 | Lappington et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5526041 | Glatt | Jun 1996 | A |
5526127 | Yonetani et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5526405 | Toda | Jun 1996 | A |
5526427 | Thomas et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5526479 | Barstow et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5528234 | Mani et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5528245 | Aker et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5528246 | Henderson et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5528248 | Steiner et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5528304 | Cherrick et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5528391 | Elrod | Jun 1996 | A |
5528490 | Hill | Jun 1996 | A |
5529138 | Shaw et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5529139 | Kurahashi et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5529660 | Kogan et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5530440 | Danzer et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5530447 | Henderson et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5530655 | Lokhoff et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5530852 | Meske, Jr. et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5530914 | McPheters | Jun 1996 | A |
5532469 | Shepard et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5532706 | Reinhardt et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5532732 | Yuen et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5532754 | Young et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5532923 | Sone | Jul 1996 | A |
5533141 | Futatsugi et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5534697 | Creekmore et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5534911 | Levitan | Jul 1996 | A |
5534917 | MacDougall | Jul 1996 | A |
5535302 | Tsao | Jul 1996 | A |
5535321 | Massaro et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5535323 | Miller et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5535380 | Bergkvist, Jr. et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5537141 | Harper et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5537472 | Estevez-Alcolado et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5537528 | Takahashi et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5537586 | Amram et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5538181 | Simmons et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5539395 | Buss et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5539398 | Hall et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5539427 | Bricklin et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5539449 | Blahut et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5539450 | Handelman | Jul 1996 | A |
5539645 | Mandhyan et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5539822 | Lett | Jul 1996 | A |
5539829 | Lokhoff et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5541419 | Arackellian | Jul 1996 | A |
5541590 | Nishio | Jul 1996 | A |
5541606 | Lennen | Jul 1996 | A |
5541638 | Story | Jul 1996 | A |
5541662 | Adams et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5541738 | Mankovitz | Jul 1996 | A |
5542102 | Smith et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5543591 | Gillespie et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5543789 | Behr et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5543856 | Rosser et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5543929 | Mankovitz et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5544225 | Kennedy, III et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5544254 | Hartley et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5544358 | Capps et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5544661 | Davis et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5544892 | Breeding | Aug 1996 | A |
5546445 | Dennison et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5546475 | Bolle et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5546518 | Blossom et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5548322 | Zhou | Aug 1996 | A |
5548345 | Brian et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5548515 | Pilley et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5548645 | Ananda | Aug 1996 | A |
5548667 | Tu | Aug 1996 | A |
5549300 | Sardarian | Aug 1996 | A |
5550055 | Reinherz et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5550551 | Alesio | Aug 1996 | A |
5550575 | West et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5550576 | Klosterman | Aug 1996 | A |
5550578 | Hoarty et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5550863 | Yurt et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5550928 | Lu et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5550930 | Berman et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5550965 | Gabbe et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5552773 | Kuhnert | Sep 1996 | A |
5552833 | Henmi et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5553076 | Behtash et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5553123 | Chan et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5553221 | Reimer et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5553277 | Hirano et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5553609 | Chen et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5554983 | Kitamura et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5555286 | Tendler | Sep 1996 | A |
5555363 | Tou et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5555416 | Owens et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5555443 | Ikehama | Sep 1996 | A |
5555495 | Bell et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5556749 | Mitsuhashi et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5557254 | Johnson et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5557338 | Maze et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5557658 | Gregorek et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5557721 | Fite et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5557724 | Sampat et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5557728 | Garrett et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5557765 | Lipner et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5559312 | Lucero | Sep 1996 | A |
5559508 | Orr et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5559548 | Davis et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5559549 | Hendricks et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5559550 | Mankovitz | Sep 1996 | A |
5559707 | DeLorme et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5559945 | Beaudet et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5560011 | Uyama | Sep 1996 | A |
5561649 | Lee et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5561704 | Salimando | Oct 1996 | A |
5561707 | Katz | Oct 1996 | A |
5561709 | Remillard | Oct 1996 | A |
5561718 | Trew et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5561796 | Sakamoto et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5563607 | Loomis et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5563665 | Chang | Oct 1996 | A |
5563786 | Torii | Oct 1996 | A |
5563928 | Rostoker et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5563948 | Diehl et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5563988 | Maes et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5563996 | Tchao | Oct 1996 | A |
5564001 | Lewis | Oct 1996 | A |
5564038 | Grantz et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5565874 | Rode | Oct 1996 | A |
5565909 | Thibadeau et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5565910 | Rowse et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5566274 | Ishida et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5567988 | Rostoker et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5568153 | Beliveau | Oct 1996 | A |
5568272 | Levine | Oct 1996 | A |
5568390 | Hirota et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5568450 | Grande et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5568452 | Kronenberg | Oct 1996 | A |
5569082 | Kaye | Oct 1996 | A |
5570113 | Zetts | Oct 1996 | A |
5570295 | Isenberg et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5570415 | Stretton et al. | Oct 1996 | A |
5572201 | Graham et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5572204 | Timm et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5572246 | Ellis et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5572401 | Carroll | Nov 1996 | A |
5572428 | Ishida et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5572442 | Schulhof et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5572528 | Shuen | Nov 1996 | A |
5572604 | Simard | Nov 1996 | A |
5572643 | Judson | Nov 1996 | A |
5574804 | Olschafskie et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5574845 | Benson et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5574963 | Weinblatt et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5576642 | Nguyen et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5576716 | Sadler | Nov 1996 | A |
5576755 | Davis et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5576950 | Tonomura et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5576951 | Lockwood | Nov 1996 | A |
5576952 | Stutman et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5577266 | Takahisa et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5577981 | Jarvik | Nov 1996 | A |
5579013 | Hershey et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5579239 | Freeman et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5579285 | Hubert | Nov 1996 | A |
5579471 | Barber et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5579535 | Orlen et al. | Nov 1996 | A |
5579537 | Takahisa | Nov 1996 | A |
5580249 | Jacobsen et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581276 | Cipolla et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581462 | Rogers | Dec 1996 | A |
5581479 | McLaughlin et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581658 | O'Hagan et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581665 | Sugiura et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581670 | Bier et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581681 | Tchao et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581764 | Fitzgerald et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5581800 | Fardeau et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583542 | Capps et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583543 | Takahashi et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583560 | Florin et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583561 | Baker et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583563 | Wanderscheid et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583653 | Timmermans | Dec 1996 | A |
5583763 | Atcheson et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583774 | Diesel | Dec 1996 | A |
5583776 | Levi et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5583966 | Nakajima | Dec 1996 | A |
5583980 | Anderson | Dec 1996 | A |
5584050 | Lyons | Dec 1996 | A |
5585798 | Yoshioka et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5585838 | Lawler et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5585858 | Harper et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5585865 | Amano et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5585866 | Miller et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5585958 | Giraud | Dec 1996 | A |
5586024 | Shaibani | Dec 1996 | A |
5586025 | Tsuji et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5586218 | Allen | Dec 1996 | A |
5586257 | Perlman | Dec 1996 | A |
5586317 | Smith | Dec 1996 | A |
5586766 | Forte et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5586936 | Bennett et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5586937 | Menashe | Dec 1996 | A |
5588074 | Sugiyama | Dec 1996 | A |
5588148 | Landis et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5588650 | Eman et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5589892 | Knee et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5590219 | Gourdol | Dec 1996 | A |
5590256 | Tchao et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5592212 | Handelman | Jan 1997 | A |
5592482 | Abraham | Jan 1997 | A |
5592549 | Nagel et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5592551 | Lett et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5592560 | Deaton et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5592566 | Pagallo et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5593349 | Miguel et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5594469 | Freeman et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5594490 | Dawson et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5594509 | Florin et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5594640 | Capps et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5594661 | Bruner et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5594780 | Wiedeman et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5594810 | Gourdol | Jan 1997 | A |
5594911 | Cruz et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5595445 | Bobry | Jan 1997 | A |
5596373 | White et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5596697 | Foster et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5596705 | Reimer et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5597162 | Franklin | Jan 1997 | A |
5597307 | Redford et al. | Jan 1997 | A |
5597309 | Riess | Jan 1997 | A |
5598456 | Feinberg | Jan 1997 | A |
5598460 | Tendler | Jan 1997 | A |
5600364 | Hendricks et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5600366 | Schulman | Feb 1997 | A |
5600561 | Okamura | Feb 1997 | A |
5600573 | Hendricks et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5600646 | Polomski | Feb 1997 | A |
5600711 | Yuen | Feb 1997 | A |
5600733 | MacDonald et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5600765 | Ando et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5600775 | King et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5600781 | Root et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5602376 | Coleman et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5602570 | Capps et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5602582 | Wanderscheid et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5602739 | Haagenstad et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5603502 | Nakagawa | Feb 1997 | A |
5604542 | Dedrick | Feb 1997 | A |
5604820 | Ono | Feb 1997 | A |
5604823 | Ono | Feb 1997 | A |
5605334 | McCrea, Jr. | Feb 1997 | A |
5606374 | Bertram | Feb 1997 | A |
5606506 | Kyrtsos | Feb 1997 | A |
5606618 | Lokhoff et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5606655 | Arman et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5606726 | Yoshinobu | Feb 1997 | A |
5608624 | Luciw | Mar 1997 | A |
5608778 | Partridge, III | Mar 1997 | A |
5610653 | Abecassis | Mar 1997 | A |
5610815 | Gudat et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5610821 | Gazis et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5610984 | Lennen | Mar 1997 | A |
5611020 | Bigus | Mar 1997 | A |
5611730 | Weiss | Mar 1997 | A |
5612719 | Beernink et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5613032 | Cruz et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5613190 | Hylton | Mar 1997 | A |
5613191 | Hylton et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5613912 | Slater | Mar 1997 | A |
5614940 | Cobbley et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5615109 | Eder | Mar 1997 | A |
5615116 | Gudat et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5615175 | Carter et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5616078 | Oh | Apr 1997 | A |
5616876 | Cluts | Apr 1997 | A |
5617085 | Tsutsumi et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5617312 | Iura et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5617371 | Williams | Apr 1997 | A |
5617483 | Osawa | Apr 1997 | A |
5617526 | Oran et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5617565 | Augenbraun et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5619247 | Russo | Apr 1997 | A |
5619249 | Billock et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5619274 | Roop et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5619710 | Travis, Jr. et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5621416 | Lennen | Apr 1997 | A |
5621454 | Ellis et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5621456 | Florin et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5621484 | Cotty | Apr 1997 | A |
5621579 | Yuen | Apr 1997 | A |
5621662 | Humphries et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5621793 | Bednarek et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5621903 | Luciw et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5623494 | Rostoker et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5623601 | Vu | Apr 1997 | A |
5623613 | Rowe et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5624265 | Redford et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5624316 | Roskowski et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625406 | Newberry et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625464 | Compoint et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625668 | Loomis et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625693 | Rohatgi et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625711 | Nicholson et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625715 | Trew et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625783 | Ezekiel et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5625814 | Luciw | Apr 1997 | A |
5625833 | Levine et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5627547 | Ramaswamy et al. | May 1997 | A |
5627564 | Yang | May 1997 | A |
5627915 | Rosser et al. | May 1997 | A |
5627960 | Clifford et al. | May 1997 | A |
5629626 | Russell et al. | May 1997 | A |
5629693 | Janky | May 1997 | A |
5629733 | Youman et al. | May 1997 | A |
5629981 | Nerlikar | May 1997 | A |
5630119 | Aristides et al. | May 1997 | A |
5630159 | Zancho | May 1997 | A |
5630204 | Hylton et al. | May 1997 | A |
5630206 | Urban et al. | May 1997 | A |
5630757 | Gagin et al. | May 1997 | A |
5631995 | Weissensteiner et al. | May 1997 | A |
5632007 | Freeman | May 1997 | A |
5632041 | Peterson et al. | May 1997 | A |
5633484 | Zancho et al. | May 1997 | A |
5633630 | Park | May 1997 | A |
5633872 | Dinkins | May 1997 | A |
5634051 | Thomson | May 1997 | A |
5634590 | Gorski et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5634849 | Abecassis | Jun 1997 | A |
5635925 | Kishi et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5635978 | Alten et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5635979 | Kostreski et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5635982 | Zhang et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5635986 | Kim | Jun 1997 | A |
5635989 | Rothmuller | Jun 1997 | A |
5636276 | Brugger | Jun 1997 | A |
5636346 | Saxe | Jun 1997 | A |
5637826 | Bessacini et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5638078 | Wichtel | Jun 1997 | A |
5638092 | Eng et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5638279 | Kishi et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5638300 | Johnson | Jun 1997 | A |
5638426 | Lewis | Jun 1997 | A |
5640193 | Wellner | Jun 1997 | A |
5640323 | Kleimenhagen et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5640484 | Mankovitz | Jun 1997 | A |
5641288 | Zaenglein, Jr. | Jun 1997 | A |
5642434 | Nakao et al. | Jun 1997 | A |
5643088 | Vaughn et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5644354 | Thompson et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5644686 | Hekmatpour | Jul 1997 | A |
5644735 | Luciw et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5646603 | Nagata et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5646612 | Byon | Jul 1997 | A |
5646843 | Gudat et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5648768 | Bouve | Jul 1997 | A |
5648824 | Dunn et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5649060 | Ellozy et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5649061 | Smyth | Jul 1997 | A |
5649284 | Yoshinobu | Jul 1997 | A |
5650826 | Eitz | Jul 1997 | A |
5650831 | Farwell | Jul 1997 | A |
5651068 | Klemba et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5652570 | Lepkofker | Jul 1997 | A |
5652613 | Lazarus et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5652615 | Bryant et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5652849 | Conway et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5652909 | Kodosky | Jul 1997 | A |
5654747 | Ottesen et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5654748 | Matthews, III | Aug 1997 | A |
5654771 | Tekalp et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5654886 | Zereski, Jr. et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5655117 | Goldberg et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5655214 | Mullett | Aug 1997 | A |
5655966 | Werdin, Jr. et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5656804 | Barkan et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5657072 | Aristides et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5657397 | Bokser | Aug 1997 | A |
5657414 | Lett et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5659195 | Kaiser et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5659350 | Hendricks et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5659367 | Yuen | Aug 1997 | A |
5659368 | Landis | Aug 1997 | A |
5659638 | Bengtson | Aug 1997 | A |
5659653 | Diehl et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5659732 | Kirsch | Aug 1997 | A |
5659742 | Beattie et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5659793 | Escobar et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5660391 | Klasee | Aug 1997 | A |
5661516 | Carles | Aug 1997 | A |
5661652 | Sprague et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5661755 | Van De Kerkhof et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5663514 | Usa | Sep 1997 | A |
5663733 | Lennen | Sep 1997 | A |
5663734 | Krasner | Sep 1997 | A |
5663757 | Morales | Sep 1997 | A |
5663808 | Park | Sep 1997 | A |
5664046 | Abecassis | Sep 1997 | A |
5664948 | Dimitriadis et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5666293 | Metz et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5666498 | Amro | Sep 1997 | A |
5666645 | Thomas et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5668554 | Orr et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5668573 | Favot et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5668880 | Alajajian | Sep 1997 | A |
5668897 | Stolfo | Sep 1997 | A |
5669061 | Schipper | Sep 1997 | A |
5669817 | Tarantino | Sep 1997 | A |
5671343 | Kondo et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5671411 | Watts et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5671607 | Clemens et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5673305 | Ross | Sep 1997 | A |
5673322 | Pepe et al. | Sep 1997 | A |
5675390 | Schindler et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5675494 | Sakurai et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5675507 | Bobo, II | Oct 1997 | A |
5675752 | Scott et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5677684 | McArthur | Oct 1997 | A |
5677708 | Matthews, III et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5677710 | Thompson-Rohrlich | Oct 1997 | A |
5677837 | Reynolds | Oct 1997 | A |
5677981 | Kato et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5678057 | Rostoker et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5678175 | Stuart et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5678182 | Miller et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5679077 | Pocock et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5680607 | Brueckheimer | Oct 1997 | A |
5682142 | Loosmore et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5682196 | Freeman | Oct 1997 | A |
5682206 | Wehmeyer et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5682229 | Wangler | Oct 1997 | A |
5682437 | Okino et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5682439 | Beernink et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5682525 | Bouve et al. | Oct 1997 | A |
5683082 | Takemoto et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5684488 | Liautaud et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5684525 | Klosterman | Nov 1997 | A |
5684526 | Yoshinobu | Nov 1997 | A |
5684860 | Milani et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5684863 | Katz | Nov 1997 | A |
5684873 | Tiilikainen | Nov 1997 | A |
5684891 | Tanaka et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5684918 | Abecassis | Nov 1997 | A |
5686910 | Timm et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5686954 | Yoshinobu et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5687215 | Timm et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5687254 | Poon et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5687331 | Volk et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5687971 | Khaladkar | Nov 1997 | A |
5688174 | Kennedy | Nov 1997 | A |
5689245 | Noreen et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5689269 | Norris | Nov 1997 | A |
5689431 | Rudow et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5689442 | Swanson et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5689648 | Diaz et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5689663 | Williams | Nov 1997 | A |
5689666 | Berquist et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5690582 | Ulrich et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5691476 | Madaras | Nov 1997 | A |
5691724 | Aker et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5691903 | Racette, III | Nov 1997 | A |
5692073 | Cass | Nov 1997 | A |
5692214 | Levine | Nov 1997 | A |
5694163 | Harrison | Dec 1997 | A |
5694176 | Bruette et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5694381 | Sako | Dec 1997 | A |
5696403 | Rostoker et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5696503 | Nasburg | Dec 1997 | A |
5696695 | Ehlers et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5696824 | Walsh | Dec 1997 | A |
5696905 | Reimer et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5696964 | Cox et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5696965 | Dedrick | Dec 1997 | A |
5697844 | Von Kohorn | Dec 1997 | A |
5699052 | Miyahara | Dec 1997 | A |
5699053 | Jonsson | Dec 1997 | A |
5699056 | Yoshida | Dec 1997 | A |
5699107 | Lawler et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5699255 | Ellis et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5699441 | Sagawa et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5699497 | Erdahl et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5701120 | Perelman et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5701328 | Schuchman et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5701369 | Moon et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5701383 | Russo et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5701419 | McConnell | Dec 1997 | A |
5701424 | Atkinson | Dec 1997 | A |
5701497 | Yamauchi et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5702104 | Malek et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5702305 | Norman et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5703367 | Hashimoto et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5704029 | Wright, Jr. | Dec 1997 | A |
5704837 | Iwasaki et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5706145 | Hindman et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5706191 | Bassett et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5706498 | Fujimiya et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5707287 | McCrea, Jr. | Jan 1998 | A |
5707289 | Watanabe et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5708767 | Yeo et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5708780 | Levergood et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5708825 | Sotomayor | Jan 1998 | A |
5708845 | Wistendahl et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5709603 | Kaye | Jan 1998 | A |
5710565 | Shirai et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5710601 | Marshall et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5710605 | Nelson | Jan 1998 | A |
5710831 | Beernink et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5710833 | Moghaddam et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5710834 | Rhoads | Jan 1998 | A |
5710884 | Dedrick | Jan 1998 | A |
5710918 | Lagarde et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5711715 | Ringo et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5712899 | Pace, II | Jan 1998 | A |
5712979 | Graber et al. | Jan 1998 | A |
5713045 | Berdahl | Jan 1998 | A |
5713574 | Hughes | Feb 1998 | A |
5713795 | Kohorn | Feb 1998 | A |
5714698 | Tokioka et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5715020 | Kuroiwa et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5715371 | Ahamed et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5715400 | Reimer et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5715834 | Bergamasco et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5717391 | Rodriguez | Feb 1998 | A |
5717452 | Janin et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5717814 | Abecassis | Feb 1998 | A |
5717846 | Iida et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5717860 | Graber et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5717923 | Dedrick | Feb 1998 | A |
5718431 | Ornstein | Feb 1998 | A |
5719579 | Torre et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5719918 | Serbetciouglu et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5721781 | Deo et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5721827 | Logan et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5722041 | Freadman | Feb 1998 | A |
5722418 | Bro | Mar 1998 | A |
5724070 | Denninghoff et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5724091 | Freeman et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5724103 | Batchelor | Mar 1998 | A |
5724106 | Autry et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5724424 | Gifford | Mar 1998 | A |
5724425 | Chang et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5724472 | Abecassis | Mar 1998 | A |
5724521 | Dedrick | Mar 1998 | A |
5724567 | Rose et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5724985 | Snell et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5726688 | Siefert et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5726702 | Hamaguchi et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5726893 | Schuchman et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5726898 | Jacobs | Mar 1998 | A |
5726911 | Canada et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5727057 | Emery et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5727060 | Young | Mar 1998 | A |
5729212 | Martin | Mar 1998 | A |
5729217 | Ito et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5729279 | Fuller | Mar 1998 | A |
5729741 | Liaguno et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5731785 | Lemelson et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5731788 | Reeds | Mar 1998 | A |
5731844 | Rauch et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5732074 | Spaur et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5732125 | Oyama | Mar 1998 | A |
5732214 | Subrahmanyam | Mar 1998 | A |
5732227 | Kuzunuki et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5732338 | Schwob | Mar 1998 | A |
5732949 | Josephs | Mar 1998 | A |
5734337 | Kupersmit | Mar 1998 | A |
5734348 | Aoki et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5734589 | Kostreski et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5734699 | Lu et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5734720 | Salganicoff | Mar 1998 | A |
5734786 | Mankovitz | Mar 1998 | A |
5734831 | Sanders | Mar 1998 | A |
5734853 | Hendricks et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5734893 | Li et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5734923 | Sagawa et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5735525 | McCrea, Jr. | Apr 1998 | A |
5735742 | French | Apr 1998 | A |
5737444 | Colla et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5737507 | Smith | Apr 1998 | A |
5737529 | Dolin, Jr. et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5737533 | de Hond | Apr 1998 | A |
5737619 | Judson | Apr 1998 | A |
5737700 | Cox et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5740252 | Minor et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5740274 | Ono et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5740369 | Yokozawa et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5740532 | Fernandez et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5740549 | Reilly et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5742086 | Rostoker et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5742289 | Naylor et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5742762 | Scholl et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5742797 | Celi, Jr. et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5742816 | Barr et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5742829 | Davis et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5742845 | Wagner | Apr 1998 | A |
5742905 | Pepe et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5745116 | Pisutha-Arnond | Apr 1998 | A |
5745126 | Jain et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5745573 | Lipner et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5745640 | Ishii et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5745681 | Levine et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5745710 | Clanton, III et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5745758 | Shaw et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5745759 | Hayden et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5746656 | Bezick et al. | May 1998 | A |
5748191 | Rozak et al. | May 1998 | A |
5748716 | Levine | May 1998 | A |
5748732 | Le Berre et al. | May 1998 | A |
5748742 | Tisdale et al. | May 1998 | A |
5748780 | Stolfo | May 1998 | A |
5748805 | Withgott et al. | May 1998 | A |
5748867 | Cosman et al. | May 1998 | A |
5748926 | Fukuda et al. | May 1998 | A |
5749060 | Graf et al. | May 1998 | A |
5749075 | Toader et al. | May 1998 | A |
5749081 | Whiteis | May 1998 | A |
5749735 | Redford et al. | May 1998 | A |
5749785 | Rossides | May 1998 | A |
5751211 | Shirai et al. | May 1998 | A |
5751282 | Girard et al. | May 1998 | A |
5751286 | Barber et al. | May 1998 | A |
5751338 | Ludwig, Jr. | May 1998 | A |
5751831 | Ono | May 1998 | A |
5751956 | Kirsch | May 1998 | A |
5752051 | Cohen | May 1998 | A |
5752159 | Faust et al. | May 1998 | A |
5752160 | Dunn | May 1998 | A |
5752217 | Ishizaki et al. | May 1998 | A |
5753970 | Rostoker | May 1998 | A |
5754060 | Nguyen et al. | May 1998 | A |
5754308 | Lopresti et al. | May 1998 | A |
5754657 | Schipper et al. | May 1998 | A |
5754771 | Epperson et al. | May 1998 | A |
5754938 | Herz et al. | May 1998 | A |
5754939 | Herz et al. | May 1998 | A |
5755621 | Marks et al. | May 1998 | A |
5756981 | Roustaei et al. | May 1998 | A |
5757916 | MacDoran et al. | May 1998 | A |
5758068 | Brandt et al. | May 1998 | A |
5758110 | Boss et al. | May 1998 | A |
5758257 | Herz et al. | May 1998 | A |
5758259 | Lawler | May 1998 | A |
5759101 | Von Kohorn | Jun 1998 | A |
5760530 | Kolesar | Jun 1998 | A |
5760713 | Yokoyama et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5760739 | Pauli | Jun 1998 | A |
5760742 | Branch et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5760821 | Ellis et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5761320 | Farinelli et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5761372 | Yoshinobu et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5761477 | Wahbe et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5761516 | Rostoker et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5761606 | Wolzien | Jun 1998 | A |
5761655 | Hoffman | Jun 1998 | A |
5761662 | Dasan | Jun 1998 | A |
5764139 | Nojima et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5764770 | Schipper et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5764794 | Perlin | Jun 1998 | A |
5764809 | Nomami et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5764906 | Edelstein et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5764923 | Tallman et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5765152 | Erickson | Jun 1998 | A |
5767457 | Gerpheide et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5767804 | Murphy | Jun 1998 | A |
5767893 | Chen et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5767894 | Fuller et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5767913 | Kassatly | Jun 1998 | A |
5767922 | Zabih et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5768382 | Schneier et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5768418 | Berman et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5768421 | Gaffin et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5768426 | Rhoads | Jun 1998 | A |
5768437 | Monro et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5768528 | Stumm | Jun 1998 | A |
5768607 | Drews et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5768680 | Thomas | Jun 1998 | A |
5770533 | Franchi | Jun 1998 | A |
5771275 | Brunner et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5771347 | Grantz et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5771353 | Eggleston et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774170 | Hite et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774357 | Hoffberg et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774539 | Maass et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774591 | Black et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774650 | Chapman et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774664 | Hidary et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774666 | Portuesi | Jun 1998 | A |
5774670 | Montulli | Jun 1998 | A |
5774825 | Reynolds | Jun 1998 | A |
5774827 | Smith, Jr. et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774828 | Brunts et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774859 | Houser et al. | Jun 1998 | A |
5774869 | Toader | Jun 1998 | A |
5777360 | Rostoker et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5777374 | Rostoker et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5777451 | Kobayashi et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5777580 | Janky et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5777614 | Ando et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5778181 | Hidary et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5778182 | Cathey et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5778333 | Koizumi et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5779242 | Kaufmann | Jul 1998 | A |
5779549 | Walker et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5781101 | Stephen et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5781226 | Sheehan | Jul 1998 | A |
5781228 | Sposato | Jul 1998 | A |
5781245 | Van Der Weij et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5781246 | Alten et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5781662 | Mori et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5781723 | Yee et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5781734 | Ohno et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5781879 | Arnold et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5784007 | Pepper | Jul 1998 | A |
5784061 | Moran et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5784365 | Ikeda | Jul 1998 | A |
5784504 | Anderson et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5784616 | Horvitz | Jul 1998 | A |
5786998 | Neeson et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5787156 | Katz | Jul 1998 | A |
5787201 | Nelson et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5787259 | Haroun et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
5788507 | Redford et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5788574 | Ornstein et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5789892 | Takei | Aug 1998 | A |
5790198 | Roop et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5790201 | Antos | Aug 1998 | A |
5790202 | Kummer et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5790753 | Krishnamoorthy et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5790935 | Payton | Aug 1998 | A |
5790974 | Tognazzini | Aug 1998 | A |
5791294 | Manning | Aug 1998 | A |
5791991 | Small | Aug 1998 | A |
5793413 | Hylton et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5793631 | Ito et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5793753 | Hershey et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5793813 | Cleave | Aug 1998 | A |
5793888 | Delanoy | Aug 1998 | A |
5793964 | Rogers et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5793972 | Shane | Aug 1998 | A |
5794164 | Beckert et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5794174 | Janky et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5794210 | Goldhaber et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5794249 | Orsolini et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5795156 | Redford et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5795228 | Trumbull et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5796634 | Craport et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5796866 | Sakurai et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5796945 | Tarabella | Aug 1998 | A |
5796952 | Davis et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5797001 | Augenbraun et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5797395 | Martin | Aug 1998 | A |
5798519 | Vock et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5798693 | Engellenner | Aug 1998 | A |
5798758 | Harada et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5798785 | Hendricks et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5799082 | Murphy et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5799109 | Chung et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5799219 | Moghadam et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5799267 | Siegel | Aug 1998 | A |
5799292 | Hekmatpour | Aug 1998 | A |
5800268 | Molnick | Sep 1998 | A |
5801422 | Rostoker et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5801432 | Rostoker et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5801747 | Bedard | Sep 1998 | A |
5801750 | Kurihara | Sep 1998 | A |
5801753 | Eyer et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5801787 | Schein et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5802220 | Black et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5802243 | Yao et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5802284 | Karlton et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5802361 | Wang et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5802492 | DeLorme et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5802510 | Jones | Sep 1998 | A |
5805082 | Hassett | Sep 1998 | A |
5805154 | Brown | Sep 1998 | A |
5805155 | Allibhoy et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5805167 | van Cruyningen | Sep 1998 | A |
5805204 | Thompson et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5805763 | Lawler et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5805804 | Laursen et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5805806 | McArthur | Sep 1998 | A |
5805815 | Hill | Sep 1998 | A |
5806005 | Hull et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5806018 | Smith et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5808197 | Dao | Sep 1998 | A |
5808330 | Rostoker et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5808564 | Simms et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5808566 | Behr et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5808608 | Young et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5808694 | Usui et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5808907 | Shetty et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5809172 | Melen | Sep 1998 | A |
5809204 | Young et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5809214 | Nureki et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5809267 | Moran et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5809415 | Rossmann | Sep 1998 | A |
5809437 | Breed | Sep 1998 | A |
5809471 | Brodsky | Sep 1998 | A |
5809476 | Ryan | Sep 1998 | A |
5809481 | Baron et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5809482 | Strisower | Sep 1998 | A |
5810680 | Lobb et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5811863 | Rostoker et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812086 | Bertiger et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812087 | Krasner | Sep 1998 | A |
5812123 | Rowe et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812124 | Eick et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812205 | Milnes et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812591 | Shumaker et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812749 | Fernandez et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812769 | Graber et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5812776 | Gifford | Sep 1998 | A |
5812930 | Zavrel | Sep 1998 | A |
5812931 | Yuen | Sep 1998 | A |
5812937 | Takahisa et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5814798 | Zancho | Sep 1998 | A |
5815092 | Gregg, III et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5815135 | Yui et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5815145 | Matthews, III | Sep 1998 | A |
5815551 | Katz | Sep 1998 | A |
5815577 | Clark | Sep 1998 | A |
5816918 | Kelly et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5818438 | Howe et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5818441 | Throckmorton et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5818510 | Cobbley et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5818511 | Farry et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5818935 | Maa | Oct 1998 | A |
5818965 | Davies | Oct 1998 | A |
5819019 | Nelson | Oct 1998 | A |
5819020 | Beeler, Jr. | Oct 1998 | A |
5819156 | Belmont | Oct 1998 | A |
5819227 | Obuchi | Oct 1998 | A |
5819284 | Farber et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5819288 | De Bonet | Oct 1998 | A |
5821880 | Morimoto et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5821925 | Carey et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5822123 | Davis et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5822523 | Rothschild et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5822539 | van Hoff | Oct 1998 | A |
5822606 | Morton | Oct 1998 | A |
5823879 | Goldberg et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5825283 | Camhi | Oct 1998 | A |
5825943 | DeVito et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5826195 | Westerlage et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5828402 | Collings | Oct 1998 | A |
5828419 | Bruette et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5828420 | Marshall et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5828734 | Katz | Oct 1998 | A |
5828809 | Chang et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5828839 | Moncreiff | Oct 1998 | A |
5828945 | Klosterman | Oct 1998 | A |
RE35954 | Levine | Nov 1998 | E |
5829782 | Breed et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5830067 | Graves et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5830068 | Brenner et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5831527 | Jones, II et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5832119 | Rhoads | Nov 1998 | A |
5832212 | Cragun et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5832223 | Hara et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5832279 | Rostoker et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5832474 | Lopresti et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5832528 | Kwatinetz et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5833468 | Guy et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5834821 | Rostoker et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5835087 | Herz et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5835126 | Lewis | Nov 1998 | A |
5835717 | Karlton et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5836817 | Acres et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5837987 | Koenck et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5838237 | Revell et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5838314 | Neel et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5838326 | Card et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5838383 | Chimoto et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5838889 | Booker | Nov 1998 | A |
5838906 | Doyle et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5839088 | Hancock et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5839438 | Graettinger et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5839725 | Conway | Nov 1998 | A |
5839905 | Redford et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5840020 | Heinonen et al. | Nov 1998 | A |
5841367 | Giovanni | Nov 1998 | A |
5841396 | Krasner | Nov 1998 | A |
5844552 | Gaughan et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5844553 | Hao et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5844620 | Coleman et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5845227 | Peterson | Dec 1998 | A |
5845240 | Fielder | Dec 1998 | A |
5845288 | Syeda-Mahmood | Dec 1998 | A |
5845301 | Rivette et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5847661 | Ricci | Dec 1998 | A |
5847688 | Ohi et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5848158 | Saito et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5848187 | Bricklin et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5848373 | DeLorme et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5848396 | Gerace | Dec 1998 | A |
5848397 | Marsh et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5848410 | Walls et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5850218 | LaJoie et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5850352 | Moezzi et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5850446 | Berger et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5850470 | Kung et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5851149 | Xidos et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5852232 | Samsavar et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5852351 | Canada et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5852437 | Wugofski et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5852676 | Lazar | Dec 1998 | A |
5852823 | De Bonet | Dec 1998 | A |
5854856 | Moura et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5854923 | Dockter et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5854994 | Canada et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5855007 | Jovicic et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5855008 | Goldhaber et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5857036 | Barnsley et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5857149 | Suzuki | Jan 1999 | A |
5857155 | Hill et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5857181 | Augenbraun et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5857201 | Wright, Jr. et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5857911 | Fioretti | Jan 1999 | A |
5860073 | Ferrel et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5861881 | Freeman et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5861886 | Moran et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5861906 | Dunn et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5862256 | Zetts et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5862260 | Rhoads | Jan 1999 | A |
5862262 | Jacobs et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5862264 | Ishikawa et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5862292 | Kubota et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5862325 | Reed et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5862391 | Salas et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5862509 | Desai et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5864125 | Szabo | Jan 1999 | A |
5864165 | Rostoker et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5864323 | Berthon | Jan 1999 | A |
5864481 | Gross et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5864635 | Zetts et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5864667 | Barkan | Jan 1999 | A |
5864704 | Battle et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5864823 | Levitan | Jan 1999 | A |
5864848 | Horvitz et al. | Jan 1999 | A |
5867118 | McCoy et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867150 | Bricklin et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867205 | Harrison | Feb 1999 | A |
5867208 | McLaren | Feb 1999 | A |
5867221 | Pullen et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867223 | Schindler et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867226 | Wehmeyer et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867233 | Tanaka | Feb 1999 | A |
5867386 | Hoffberg et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867404 | Bryan | Feb 1999 | A |
5867579 | Saito | Feb 1999 | A |
5867597 | Peairs et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867603 | Barnsley et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867795 | Novis et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867799 | Lang et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5867821 | Ballantyne et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5870030 | DeLuca et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5870150 | Yuen | Feb 1999 | A |
5870151 | Korber | Feb 1999 | A |
5870493 | Vogl et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5870502 | Bonneau et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5870710 | Ozawa et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5870724 | Lawlor et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5870754 | Dimitrova et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5871398 | Schneier et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5872380 | Rostoker et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5872508 | Taoka | Feb 1999 | A |
5873080 | Coden et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5873660 | Walsh et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5874914 | Krasner | Feb 1999 | A |
5875108 | Hoffberg et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5875183 | Nitadori | Feb 1999 | A |
5875265 | Kasao | Feb 1999 | A |
5875446 | Brown et al. | Feb 1999 | A |
5876286 | Lee | Mar 1999 | A |
5877759 | Bauer | Mar 1999 | A |
5877803 | Wee et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5877906 | Nagasawa et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5878135 | Blatter et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5878222 | Harrison | Mar 1999 | A |
5878356 | Garrot, Jr. et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5878417 | Baldwin et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5879233 | Stupero | Mar 1999 | A |
5879235 | Kaneko et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5880411 | Gillespie et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5880720 | Iwafune et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5880731 | Liles et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5880743 | Moran et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5880768 | Lemmons et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5880769 | Nemirofsky et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5881231 | Takagi et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5883621 | Iwamura | Mar 1999 | A |
5884046 | Antonov | Mar 1999 | A |
5884267 | Goldenthal et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5884282 | Robinson | Mar 1999 | A |
5884298 | Smith, II et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5885158 | Torango et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5886707 | Berg | Mar 1999 | A |
5886732 | Humpleman | Mar 1999 | A |
5886743 | Oh et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5886746 | Yuen et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5887133 | Brown et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5887243 | Harvey et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5887269 | Brunts et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889236 | Gillespie et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889477 | Fastenrath | Mar 1999 | A |
5889506 | Lopresti et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889523 | Wilcox et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889852 | Rosecrans et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889868 | Moskowitz et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889896 | Meshinsky et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889919 | Inoue et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5889950 | Kuzma | Mar 1999 | A |
5890061 | Timm et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5890068 | Fattouche et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5890079 | Levine | Mar 1999 | A |
5890147 | Peltonen et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5890152 | Rapaport et al. | Mar 1999 | A |
5892346 | Moroto et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5892536 | Logan et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5892767 | Bell et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5893095 | Jain et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5893110 | Weber et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5893111 | Sharon, Jr. et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5893113 | McGrath et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5893126 | Drews et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5893130 | Inoue et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5894323 | Kain et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5895371 | Levitas et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5895470 | Pirolli et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5896176 | Das et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5896369 | Warsta et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5898391 | Jefferies et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5898392 | Bambini et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5898434 | Small et al. | Apr 1999 | A |
5898762 | Katz | Apr 1999 | A |
5898835 | Truong | Apr 1999 | A |
5899700 | Williams et al. | May 1999 | A |
5899975 | Nielsen | May 1999 | A |
5899999 | De Bonet | May 1999 | A |
5900825 | Pressel et al. | May 1999 | A |
5901214 | Shaffer et al. | May 1999 | A |
5901244 | Souma et al. | May 1999 | A |
5901246 | Hoffberg et al. | May 1999 | A |
5901255 | Yagasaki | May 1999 | A |
5901287 | Bull et al. | May 1999 | A |
5901342 | Heiskari et al. | May 1999 | A |
5901366 | Nakano et al. | May 1999 | A |
5901978 | Breed et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903261 | Walsh et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903317 | Sharir et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903454 | Hoffberg et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903545 | Sabourin et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903654 | Milton et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903678 | Ibenthal | May 1999 | A |
5903732 | Reed et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903816 | Broadwin et al. | May 1999 | A |
5903848 | Takahashi | May 1999 | A |
5903892 | Hoffert et al. | May 1999 | A |
5905251 | Knowles | May 1999 | A |
5905433 | Wortham | May 1999 | A |
5905493 | Belzer et al. | May 1999 | A |
5905800 | Moskowitz et al. | May 1999 | A |
5907293 | Tognazzini | May 1999 | A |
5907322 | Kelly et al. | May 1999 | A |
5907323 | Lawler et al. | May 1999 | A |
5907328 | Brush, II et al. | May 1999 | A |
5907446 | Ishii et al. | May 1999 | A |
5907491 | Canada et al. | May 1999 | A |
5907793 | Reams | May 1999 | A |
5907836 | Sumita et al. | May 1999 | A |
5908454 | Zyburt et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5909183 | Borgstahl et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5909559 | So | Jun 1999 | A |
5910987 | Ginter et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5910999 | Mukohzaka | Jun 1999 | A |
5911035 | Tsao | Jun 1999 | A |
5911582 | Redford et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5912696 | Buehl | Jun 1999 | A |
5912989 | Watanabe | Jun 1999 | A |
5913040 | Rakavy et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5913185 | Martino et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5913727 | Ahdoot | Jun 1999 | A |
5913917 | Murphy | Jun 1999 | A |
5914654 | Smith | Jun 1999 | A |
5914712 | Sartain et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5914746 | Matthews, III et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5915026 | Mankovitz | Jun 1999 | A |
5915034 | Nakajima et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5915038 | Abdel-Mottaleb et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5915068 | Levine | Jun 1999 | A |
5915214 | Reece et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5915250 | Jain et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5916024 | Von Kohorn | Jun 1999 | A |
5916300 | Kirk et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5917405 | Joao | Jun 1999 | A |
5917491 | Bauersfeld | Jun 1999 | A |
5917725 | Thacher et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5917893 | Katz | Jun 1999 | A |
5917912 | Ginter et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5917958 | Nunally et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5918014 | Robinson | Jun 1999 | A |
5918213 | Bernard et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5918223 | Blum et al. | Jun 1999 | A |
5920477 | Hoffberg et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5920694 | Carleton et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5920854 | Kirsch et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5920856 | Syeda-Mahmood | Jul 1999 | A |
5920861 | Hall et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5922040 | Prabhakaran | Jul 1999 | A |
5922074 | Richard et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5923362 | Klosterman | Jul 1999 | A |
5923376 | Pullen et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5923780 | Morfill et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5923848 | Goodhand et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5924053 | Horowitz et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5924486 | Ehlers et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5926117 | Gunji et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5926624 | Katz et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5928306 | France et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5928325 | Shaughnessy et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5929753 | Montague | Jul 1999 | A |
5929849 | Kikinis | Jul 1999 | A |
5929850 | Broadwin et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5929932 | Otsuki et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5930250 | Klok et al. | Jul 1999 | A |
5931901 | Wolfe et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5931905 | Hashimoto et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5932863 | Rathus et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5933080 | Nojima | Aug 1999 | A |
5933100 | Golding | Aug 1999 | A |
5933125 | Fernie et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5933811 | Angles et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5933823 | Cullen et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5933827 | Cole et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5933829 | Durst et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5935004 | Tarr et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5935190 | Davis et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5937037 | Kamel et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5937160 | Davis et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5937163 | Lee et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5937392 | Alberts | Aug 1999 | A |
5937421 | Petrov et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5937422 | Nelson et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5938704 | Torii | Aug 1999 | A |
5938717 | Dunne et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5938721 | Dussell et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5938757 | Bertsch | Aug 1999 | A |
5940004 | Fulton | Aug 1999 | A |
5940073 | Klosterman et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5940387 | Humpleman | Aug 1999 | A |
5940572 | Balaban et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5940821 | Wical | Aug 1999 | A |
5943427 | Massie et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5943428 | Seri et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5945919 | Trask | Aug 1999 | A |
5945944 | Krasner | Aug 1999 | A |
5945988 | Williams et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946083 | Melendez et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946386 | Rogers et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946406 | Frink et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946488 | Tanguay et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946629 | Sawyer et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946646 | Schena et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5946664 | Ebisawa | Aug 1999 | A |
5946687 | Gehani et al. | Aug 1999 | A |
5948026 | Beemer, II et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5948038 | Daly et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5948040 | DeLorme et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5948061 | Merriman et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5949921 | Kojima et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5949954 | Young et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5950137 | Kim | Sep 1999 | A |
5950176 | Keiser et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5951620 | Ahrens et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5952599 | Dolby et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5952941 | Mardirossian | Sep 1999 | A |
5953005 | Liu | Sep 1999 | A |
5953541 | King et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5953650 | Villevieille | Sep 1999 | A |
5953677 | Sato | Sep 1999 | A |
5954773 | Luper | Sep 1999 | A |
5955973 | Anderson | Sep 1999 | A |
5955988 | Blonstein et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5956025 | Goulden et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5956038 | Rekimoto | Sep 1999 | A |
5956423 | Frink et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5956487 | Venkatraman et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5956660 | Neumann | Sep 1999 | A |
5956664 | Bryan | Sep 1999 | A |
5956716 | Kenner et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5957695 | Redford et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5959529 | Kail, IV | Sep 1999 | A |
5959536 | Chambers et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5959580 | Maloney et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5959592 | Petruzzelli | Sep 1999 | A |
5959623 | van Hoff et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5959688 | Schein et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5960362 | Grob et al. | Sep 1999 | A |
5960383 | Fleischer | Sep 1999 | A |
5960409 | Wexler | Sep 1999 | A |
5961569 | Craport et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5961572 | Craport et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5961603 | Kunkel et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5963092 | Van Zalinge | Oct 1999 | A |
5963167 | Lichten et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5963264 | Jackson | Oct 1999 | A |
5963582 | Stansell, Jr. | Oct 1999 | A |
5963645 | Kigawa et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5963670 | Lipson et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5963746 | Barker et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5963966 | Mitchell et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5964463 | Moore, Jr. | Oct 1999 | A |
5964660 | James et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5964821 | Brunts et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5964822 | Alland et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5966126 | Szabo | Oct 1999 | A |
5966533 | Moody | Oct 1999 | A |
5966658 | Kennedy, III et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5966696 | Giraud | Oct 1999 | A |
5968109 | Israni et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5969598 | Kimura | Oct 1999 | A |
5969748 | Casement et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5969765 | Boon | Oct 1999 | A |
5970143 | Schneier et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5970173 | Lee et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5970206 | Yuen et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5970455 | Wilcox et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5970473 | Gerszberg et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5970486 | Yoshida et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5971397 | Miguel et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5973309 | Livingston | Oct 1999 | A |
5973376 | Rostoker et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5973643 | Hawkes et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5973683 | Cragun et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5974222 | Yuen et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5974368 | Schepps et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5974398 | Hanson et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5974412 | Hazlehurst et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
5974547 | Klimenko | Oct 1999 | A |
5977884 | Ross | Nov 1999 | A |
5977906 | Ameen et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5977964 | Williams et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5978484 | Apperson et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5978578 | Azarya et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5978747 | Craport et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5978766 | Luciw | Nov 1999 | A |
5978804 | Dietzman | Nov 1999 | A |
5980256 | Carmein | Nov 1999 | A |
5982281 | Layson, Jr. | Nov 1999 | A |
5982324 | Watters et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5982411 | Eyer et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5982853 | Liebermann | Nov 1999 | A |
5982891 | Ginter et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5982928 | Shimada et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5982929 | Ilan et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983092 | Whinnett et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983099 | Yao et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983158 | Suzuki et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983161 | Lemelson et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983171 | Yokoyama et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983176 | Hoffert et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983190 | Trower, II et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983236 | Yager et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5983295 | Cotugno | Nov 1999 | A |
5986200 | Curtin | Nov 1999 | A |
5986644 | Herder et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5986655 | Chiu et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987136 | Schipper et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987213 | Mankovitz et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987306 | Nilsen et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987381 | Oshizawa | Nov 1999 | A |
5987454 | Hobbs | Nov 1999 | A |
5987498 | Athing et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987509 | Portuesi | Nov 1999 | A |
5987511 | Elixmann et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987519 | Peifer et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987552 | Chittor et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5987979 | Bryan | Nov 1999 | A |
5988078 | Levine | Nov 1999 | A |
5989157 | Walton | Nov 1999 | A |
5990687 | Williams | Nov 1999 | A |
5990801 | Kyouno et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5990878 | Ikeda et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5990885 | Gopinath | Nov 1999 | A |
5990893 | Numazaki | Nov 1999 | A |
5990927 | Hendricks et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5991406 | Lipner et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5991441 | Jourjine | Nov 1999 | A |
5991498 | Young | Nov 1999 | A |
5991690 | Murphy | Nov 1999 | A |
5991735 | Gerace | Nov 1999 | A |
5991751 | Rivette et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5991799 | Yen et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5991806 | McHann, Jr. | Nov 1999 | A |
5991832 | Sato et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5995094 | Eggen et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5995643 | Saito | Nov 1999 | A |
5995649 | Marugame | Nov 1999 | A |
5995673 | Ibenthal et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5995882 | Patterson et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5995978 | Cullen et al. | Nov 1999 | A |
5995997 | Horvitz | Nov 1999 | A |
5996006 | Speicher | Nov 1999 | A |
5999091 | Wortham | Dec 1999 | A |
5999124 | Sheynblat | Dec 1999 | A |
5999126 | Ito | Dec 1999 | A |
5999179 | Kekic et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
5999216 | Kaars | Dec 1999 | A |
5999664 | Mahoney et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
5999808 | LaDue | Dec 1999 | A |
5999878 | Hanson et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
5999940 | Ranger | Dec 1999 | A |
5999997 | Pipes | Dec 1999 | A |
6000000 | Hawkins et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6000044 | Chrysos et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6002393 | Hite et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6002394 | Schein et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6002443 | Iggulden | Dec 1999 | A |
6002444 | Marshall et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6002450 | Darbee et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6002491 | Li et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6002798 | Palmer et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6002808 | Freeman | Dec 1999 | A |
6003030 | Kenner et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6003775 | Ackley | Dec 1999 | A |
6005513 | Hardesty | Dec 1999 | A |
6005548 | Latypov et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6005561 | Hawkins et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6005563 | White et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6005565 | Legall et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6005597 | Barrett et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6005602 | Matthews, III | Dec 1999 | A |
6005631 | Anderson et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6006218 | Breese et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6006257 | Slezak | Dec 1999 | A |
6006635 | Stojkovic et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6008802 | Iki et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6008803 | Rowe et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6009153 | Houghton et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6009210 | Kang | Dec 1999 | A |
6009323 | Heffield et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6009330 | Kennedy, III et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6009356 | Monroe | Dec 1999 | A |
6009363 | Beckert et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6009386 | Cruickshank et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6009403 | Sato | Dec 1999 | A |
6009420 | Fagg, III et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6009452 | Horvitz | Dec 1999 | A |
6009465 | Decker et al. | Dec 1999 | A |
6011537 | Slotznick | Jan 2000 | A |
6011787 | Nakano et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6011895 | Abecassis | Jan 2000 | A |
6011905 | Huttenlocher et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6012046 | Lupien et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6012051 | Sammon, Jr. et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6012052 | Altschuler et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6012071 | Krishna et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6012083 | Savitzky et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6012086 | Lowell | Jan 2000 | A |
6012984 | Roseman | Jan 2000 | A |
6013007 | Root et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6014090 | Rosen et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6014184 | Knee et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6014406 | Shida et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6014634 | Scroggie et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6014638 | Burge et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6015348 | Lambright et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6016141 | Knudson et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6016485 | Amakawa et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6016509 | Dedrick | Jan 2000 | A |
6018292 | Penny, Jr. | Jan 2000 | A |
6018342 | Bristor | Jan 2000 | A |
6018346 | Moran et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6018372 | Etheredge | Jan 2000 | A |
6018659 | Ayyagari et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6018695 | Ahrens et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6018699 | Baron, Sr. et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6018710 | Wynblatt et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6018738 | Breese et al. | Jan 2000 | A |
6020845 | Weinberg et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6020880 | Naimpally | Feb 2000 | A |
6020883 | Herz et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6021218 | Capps et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6021231 | Miyatake et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6021403 | Horvitz et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6023223 | Baxter, Jr. | Feb 2000 | A |
6023232 | Eitzenberger | Feb 2000 | A |
6023241 | Clapper | Feb 2000 | A |
6023242 | Dixon | Feb 2000 | A |
6023267 | Chapuis et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6023507 | Wookey | Feb 2000 | A |
6023694 | Kouchi et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6023724 | Bhatia et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6023729 | Samuel et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6024643 | Begis | Feb 2000 | A |
6025788 | Diduck | Feb 2000 | A |
6025837 | Matthews, III et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6025844 | Parsons | Feb 2000 | A |
6025868 | Russo | Feb 2000 | A |
6025869 | Stas et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6026368 | Brown et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6026375 | Hall et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6026388 | Liddy et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6028271 | Gillespie et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6028537 | Suman et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6028548 | Farmer | Feb 2000 | A |
6028599 | Yuen et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6028604 | Matthews, III et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6028857 | Poor | Feb 2000 | A |
6028937 | Tatebayashi et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6029045 | Picco et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6029046 | Khan et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6029092 | Stein | Feb 2000 | A |
6029141 | Bezos et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6029195 | Herz | Feb 2000 | A |
6031525 | Perlin | Feb 2000 | A |
6031531 | Kimble | Feb 2000 | A |
6031580 | Sim | Feb 2000 | A |
6032051 | Hall et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6032054 | Schwinke | Feb 2000 | A |
6032084 | Anderson et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6032089 | Buckley | Feb 2000 | A |
6032097 | Iihoshi et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6032141 | O'Connor et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6032156 | Marcus | Feb 2000 | A |
6033086 | Bohn | Mar 2000 | A |
6034677 | Noguchi et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6035021 | Katz | Mar 2000 | A |
6035038 | Campinos et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6035339 | Agraharam et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6035714 | Yazdi et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6036086 | Sizer, II et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6036601 | Heckel | Mar 2000 | A |
6037933 | Blonstein et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6037998 | Usui et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6038337 | Lawrence et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6038342 | Bernzott et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6038367 | Abecassis | Mar 2000 | A |
6038436 | Priest | Mar 2000 | A |
6038554 | Vig | Mar 2000 | A |
6038561 | Snyder et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6038563 | Bapat et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6038568 | McGrath et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6040829 | Croy et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6040840 | Koshiba et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6041323 | Kubota | Mar 2000 | A |
6042012 | Olmstead et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6042383 | Herron | Mar 2000 | A |
6044170 | Migdal et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6044376 | Kurtzman, II | Mar 2000 | A |
6044378 | Gladney | Mar 2000 | A |
6044403 | Gerszberg et al. | Mar 2000 | A |
6044464 | Shamir | Mar 2000 | A |
6044698 | Bryan | Apr 2000 | A |
6047234 | Cherveny et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6047236 | Hancock et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6047258 | Allison et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6047289 | Thorne et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6047311 | Ueno et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6047327 | Tso et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6048276 | Vandergrift | Apr 2000 | A |
6049034 | Cook | Apr 2000 | A |
6049327 | Walker et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6049652 | Yuen et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6049758 | Bunks et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6049823 | Hwang | Apr 2000 | A |
6052081 | Krasner | Apr 2000 | A |
6052082 | Hassan et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6052120 | Nahi et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6052145 | Macrae et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6052481 | Grajski et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6052556 | Sampsell | Apr 2000 | A |
6052591 | Bhatia | Apr 2000 | A |
6052598 | Rudrapatna et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6052676 | Hekmatpour | Apr 2000 | A |
6053413 | Swift et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6054950 | Fontana | Apr 2000 | A |
6054991 | Crane et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6055333 | Guzik et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6055335 | Ida et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6055337 | Kim | Apr 2000 | A |
6055478 | Heron | Apr 2000 | A |
6055513 | Katz et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6055542 | Nielsen et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6055560 | Mills et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
6055569 | O'Brien et al. | Apr 2000 | A |
D424061 | Backs et al. | May 2000 | S |
D424577 | Backs et al. | May 2000 | S |
6057808 | Tajima | May 2000 | A |
6057844 | Strauss | May 2000 | A |
6057845 | Dupouy | May 2000 | A |
6057872 | Candelore | May 2000 | A |
6057890 | Virden et al. | May 2000 | A |
6057966 | Carroll et al. | May 2000 | A |
6058179 | Shaffer et al. | May 2000 | A |
6058238 | Ng | May 2000 | A |
6058307 | Garner | May 2000 | A |
6058338 | Agashe et al. | May 2000 | A |
6060989 | Gehlot | May 2000 | A |
6060995 | Wicks et al. | May 2000 | A |
6060996 | Kaiser et al. | May 2000 | A |
6061018 | Sheynblat | May 2000 | A |
6061021 | Zibell | May 2000 | A |
6061050 | Allport et al. | May 2000 | A |
6061097 | Satterfield | May 2000 | A |
6061468 | Kang | May 2000 | A |
6061503 | Chamberlain | May 2000 | A |
6061561 | Alanara et al. | May 2000 | A |
6061632 | Dreier | May 2000 | A |
6061658 | Chou et al. | May 2000 | A |
6061680 | Scherf et al. | May 2000 | A |
6061709 | Bronte | May 2000 | A |
6061779 | Garde | May 2000 | A |
6064336 | Krasner | May 2000 | A |
6064376 | Berezowski et al. | May 2000 | A |
6064378 | Chaney et al. | May 2000 | A |
6064398 | Ellenby et al. | May 2000 | A |
6064438 | Miller | May 2000 | A |
6064854 | Peters et al. | May 2000 | A |
6064967 | Speicher | May 2000 | A |
6064970 | McMillan et al. | May 2000 | A |
6064976 | Tolopka | May 2000 | A |
6064980 | Jacobi et al. | May 2000 | A |
6065042 | Reimer et al. | May 2000 | A |
6065047 | Carpenter et al. | May 2000 | A |
6066075 | Poulton | May 2000 | A |
6066794 | Longo | May 2000 | A |
6067045 | Castelloe et al. | May 2000 | A |
6067121 | Shigihara | May 2000 | A |
6067500 | Morimoto et al. | May 2000 | A |
6067561 | Dillon | May 2000 | A |
6067564 | Urakoshi et al. | May 2000 | A |
6067570 | Kreynin et al. | May 2000 | A |
6069622 | Kurlander | May 2000 | A |
6070167 | Qian et al. | May 2000 | A |
6070228 | Belknap et al. | May 2000 | A |
6070240 | Xydis | May 2000 | A |
6070798 | Nethery | Jun 2000 | A |
6072421 | Fukae et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6072460 | Marshall et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6072494 | Nguyen | Jun 2000 | A |
6072502 | Gupta | Jun 2000 | A |
6072934 | Abecassis | Jun 2000 | A |
6072983 | Klosterman | Jun 2000 | A |
6073489 | French et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6075466 | Cohen et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6075467 | Ninagawa | Jun 2000 | A |
6075526 | Rothmuller | Jun 2000 | A |
6075551 | Berezowski et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6075568 | Matsuura | Jun 2000 | A |
6075570 | Usui et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6075575 | Schein et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6075895 | Qiao et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6075987 | Camp, Jr. et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6077201 | Cheng | Jun 2000 | A |
6078269 | Markwell et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6078284 | Levanon | Jun 2000 | A |
6078308 | Rosenberg et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6078348 | Klosterman et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6078502 | Rostoker et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6081206 | Kielland | Jun 2000 | A |
6081229 | Soliman et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6081621 | Ackner | Jun 2000 | A |
6081629 | Browning | Jun 2000 | A |
6081691 | Renard et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6081750 | Hoffberg et al. | Jun 2000 | A |
6081780 | Lumelsky | Jun 2000 | A |
6083248 | Thompson | Jul 2000 | A |
6083353 | Alexander, Jr. | Jul 2000 | A |
6084510 | Lemelson et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6084512 | Elberty et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6084870 | Wooten et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6085162 | Cherny | Jul 2000 | A |
6085244 | Wookey | Jul 2000 | A |
6085256 | Kitano et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6085320 | Kaliski, Jr. | Jul 2000 | A |
6087952 | Prabhakaran | Jul 2000 | A |
6087960 | Kyouno et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6088484 | Mead | Jul 2000 | A |
6088635 | Cox et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6088651 | Nageswaran | Jul 2000 | A |
6088654 | Lepere et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6088722 | Herz et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6088731 | Kiraly et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6091882 | Yuen et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6091883 | Artigalas et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6091884 | Yuen et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6091956 | Hollenberg | Jul 2000 | A |
6092038 | Kanevsky et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6092068 | Dinkelacker | Jul 2000 | A |
6094164 | Murphy | Jul 2000 | A |
6094169 | Smith et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6094618 | Harada | Jul 2000 | A |
6094689 | Embry et al. | Jul 2000 | A |
6095418 | Swartz et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6097073 | Rostoker et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6097285 | Curtin | Aug 2000 | A |
6097313 | Takahashi et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6097392 | Leyerle | Aug 2000 | A |
6097441 | Allport | Aug 2000 | A |
6097974 | Camp, Jr. et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6098048 | Dashefsky et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6098065 | Skillen et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6098106 | Philyaw et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6098458 | French et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6100896 | Strohecker et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6101289 | Kellner | Aug 2000 | A |
6101510 | Stone et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6101916 | Panot et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6104316 | Behr et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6104334 | Allport | Aug 2000 | A |
6104338 | Krasner | Aug 2000 | A |
6104401 | Parsons | Aug 2000 | A |
6104705 | Ismail et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6104712 | Robert et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6104815 | Alcorn et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6104845 | Lipman et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6107944 | Behr et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6107959 | Levanon | Aug 2000 | A |
6107961 | Takagi | Aug 2000 | A |
6107994 | Harada et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6108555 | Maloney et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6108637 | Blumenau | Aug 2000 | A |
6108656 | Durst et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6108715 | Leach et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6111523 | Mee | Aug 2000 | A |
6111541 | Karmel | Aug 2000 | A |
6111580 | Kazama et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6111588 | Newell | Aug 2000 | A |
6111883 | Terada et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6112181 | Shear et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6112186 | Bergh et al. | Aug 2000 | A |
6113494 | Lennert | Sep 2000 | A |
6114970 | Kirson et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6115053 | Perlin | Sep 2000 | A |
6115471 | Oki et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6115482 | Sears et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6115611 | Kimoto et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6115724 | Booker | Sep 2000 | A |
6118403 | Lang | Sep 2000 | A |
6118492 | Milnes et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6118521 | Jung et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6118888 | Chino et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6118899 | Bloomfield et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6119013 | Maloney et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6119095 | Morita | Sep 2000 | A |
6119098 | Guyot et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6121915 | Cooper et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6121923 | King | Sep 2000 | A |
6121924 | Meek et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6122403 | Rhoads | Sep 2000 | A |
6122514 | Spaur et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6122520 | Want et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6122593 | Friederich et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6124810 | Segal et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6125230 | Yaginuma | Sep 2000 | A |
6125387 | Simonoff et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
D432539 | Philyaw | Oct 2000 | S |
6127945 | Mura-Smith | Oct 2000 | A |
6127970 | Lin | Oct 2000 | A |
6127975 | Maloney | Oct 2000 | A |
6128003 | Smith et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6128469 | Zenick, Jr. et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6128482 | Nixon et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6128501 | Ffoulkes-Jones | Oct 2000 | A |
6128608 | Barnhill | Oct 2000 | A |
6130677 | Kunz | Oct 2000 | A |
6130726 | Darbee et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6131066 | Ahrens et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6131067 | Girerd et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6133847 | Yang | Oct 2000 | A |
6133853 | Obradovich et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6133874 | Krasner | Oct 2000 | A |
6133909 | Schein et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6133910 | Stinebruner | Oct 2000 | A |
6133912 | Montero | Oct 2000 | A |
6134483 | Vayanos et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6134532 | Lazarus et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6137433 | Zavorotny et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6137950 | Yuen | Oct 2000 | A |
6138072 | Nagai | Oct 2000 | A |
6138073 | Uchigaki | Oct 2000 | A |
6138155 | Davis et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6138173 | Hisano | Oct 2000 | A |
6138915 | Danielson et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6139177 | Venkatraman et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6140140 | Hopper | Oct 2000 | A |
6140943 | Levine | Oct 2000 | A |
6140957 | Wilson et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6141003 | Chor et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6141010 | Hoyle | Oct 2000 | A |
6141488 | Knudson et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6141611 | Mackey et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6141699 | Luzzi et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6144318 | Hayashi et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6144338 | Davies | Nov 2000 | A |
6144366 | Numazaki et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6144401 | Casement et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6144702 | Yurt et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6144905 | Gannon | Nov 2000 | A |
6144917 | Walters et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6145003 | Sanu et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6145082 | Gannon et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6147598 | Murphy et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6147678 | Kumar et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6148179 | Wright et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6148261 | Obradovich et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6149519 | Osaki et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6150927 | Nesbitt | Nov 2000 | A |
6150937 | Rackman | Nov 2000 | A |
6150961 | Alewine et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6150980 | Krasner | Nov 2000 | A |
6151059 | Schein et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6151208 | Bartlett | Nov 2000 | A |
6151551 | Geier et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6151600 | Dedrick | Nov 2000 | A |
6151624 | Teare et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6151631 | Ansell et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6151643 | Cheng et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6152856 | Studor et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6154123 | Kleinberg | Nov 2000 | A |
6154172 | Piccionelli et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6154207 | Farris et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6154222 | Haratsch et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6154658 | Caci | Nov 2000 | A |
6154723 | Cox et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6154737 | Inaba et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6154745 | Kari et al. | Nov 2000 | A |
6154758 | Chiang | Nov 2000 | A |
6157317 | Walker | Dec 2000 | A |
6157411 | Williams et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6157413 | Hanafee et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6157465 | Suda et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6157621 | Brown et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6157890 | Nakai et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6157924 | Austin | Dec 2000 | A |
6157935 | Tran et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6159100 | Smith | Dec 2000 | A |
6160477 | Sandelman et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6160841 | Stansell, Jr. et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6160988 | Shroyer | Dec 2000 | A |
6160998 | Wright et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6161062 | Sicre et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6161071 | Shuman et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6161097 | Glass et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6161125 | Traversat et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6163316 | Killian | Dec 2000 | A |
6163338 | Johnson et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6163345 | Noguchi et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6163681 | Wright et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6163711 | Juntunen et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6163748 | Guenther | Dec 2000 | A |
6163749 | McDonough et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6164534 | Rathus et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6165070 | Nolte et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6166627 | Reeley | Dec 2000 | A |
6167188 | Young et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6167238 | Wright | Dec 2000 | A |
6167239 | Wright et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6167253 | Farris et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6167255 | Kennedy, III et al. | Dec 2000 | A |
6167369 | Schulze | Dec 2000 | A |
6169543 | Wehmeyer | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6169894 | McCormick et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6169901 | Boucher | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6169902 | Kawamoto | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6169969 | Cohen | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6169976 | Colosso | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6169992 | Beall et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6170075 | Schuster et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6172674 | Etheredge | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6172677 | Stautner et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6173066 | Peurach et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6173316 | De Boor et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6175728 | Mitama | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6175772 | Kamiya et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6175782 | Obradovich et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6175789 | Beckert et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6175868 | Lavian et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6175922 | Wang | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6177873 | Cragun | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6177931 | Alexander et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6178261 | Williams et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6178263 | Fan et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6178506 | Quick, Jr. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6179713 | James et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6181335 | Hendricks et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6181343 | Lyons | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6181778 | Ohki et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6181922 | Iwai et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6181988 | Schneider et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6181994 | Colson et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6182006 | Meek | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6182069 | Niblack et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6182089 | Ganapathy et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6182094 | Humpleman et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6182509 | Leung | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6183365 | Tonomura et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6183366 | Goldberg et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6184798 | Egri | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6184847 | Fateh et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6184877 | Dodson et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6185427 | Krasner et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6185484 | Rhinehart | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6185491 | Gray et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6185586 | Judson | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6185625 | Tso et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6188354 | Soliman et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6188381 | van der Wal et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6188397 | Humpleman | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6188777 | Darrell et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6188909 | Alanara et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6189098 | Kaliski, Jr. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6192165 | Irons | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6192282 | Smith et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6192314 | Khavakh et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6192340 | Abecassis | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6192478 | Elledge | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6195104 | Lyons | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6195475 | Beausoleil, Jr. et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6195542 | Griffith | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6195557 | Havinis et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6195654 | Wachtel | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6196920 | Spaur et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6198920 | Doviak et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6199015 | Curtwright et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6199045 | Giniger et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6199048 | Hudetz et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6199076 | Logan et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6199082 | Ferrel et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6199099 | Gershman et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6201493 | Silverman | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6201903 | Wolff et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6201996 | Crater et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6202008 | Beckert et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6202023 | Hancock et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6202027 | Alland et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6202096 | Williams et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6202211 | Williams, Jr. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6203366 | Muller et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6204798 | Fleming, III | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6204804 | Andersson | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6204852 | Kumar et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6205330 | Winbladh | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208247 | Agre et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208290 | Krasner | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208335 | Gordon et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208355 | Schuster | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208384 | Schultheiss | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208435 | Zwolinski | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208799 | Marsh et al. | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208805 | Abecassis | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208844 | Abdelgany | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6208862 | Lee | Mar 2001 | B1 |
6211777 | Greenwood et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6211907 | Scaman et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6212299 | Yuge | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6212327 | Berstis et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6212552 | Biliris et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6212553 | Lee et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6215441 | Moeglein et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6215890 | Matsuo et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6215898 | Woodfill et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6216129 | Eldering | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6216264 | Maze et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6216265 | Roop et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6218964 | Ellis | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6219057 | Carey et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6219669 | Haff et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6219696 | Wynblatt et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6219839 | Sampsell | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6222465 | Kumar et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6223124 | Matsuno et al. | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6225890 | Murphy | May 2001 | B1 |
6225901 | Kail, IV | May 2001 | B1 |
6226389 | Lemelson et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6226396 | Marugame | May 2001 | B1 |
6226631 | Evans | May 2001 | B1 |
6229137 | Bohn | May 2001 | B1 |
6229542 | Miller | May 2001 | B1 |
6229913 | Nayar et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6230501 | Bailey, Sr. et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6233389 | Barton et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6233468 | Chen | May 2001 | B1 |
6233591 | Sherman et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6233610 | Hayball et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6233734 | Macrae et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6236360 | Rudow et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6236365 | LeBlanc et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6236652 | Preston et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6236975 | Boe et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6237049 | Ludtke | May 2001 | B1 |
6238290 | Tarr et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6239081 | Korzilius et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6239742 | Krasner | May 2001 | B1 |
6239794 | Yuen et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6240207 | Shinozuka et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6240365 | Bunn | May 2001 | B1 |
6240555 | Shoff et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6243450 | Jansen et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6243683 | Peters | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6244873 | Hill et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6246471 | Jung et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6246479 | Jung et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6246672 | Lumelsky | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6246688 | Angwin et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6246935 | Buckley | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6247019 | Davies | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6247135 | Feague | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6247176 | Schein et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249218 | Blair | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249252 | Dupray | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249292 | Christian et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249294 | Lefebvre et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249348 | Jung et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249606 | Kiraly et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249817 | Nakabayashi et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6249873 | Richard et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6250148 | Lynam | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6250601 | Kolar et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6251017 | Leason et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6252539 | Phillips et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6252544 | Hoffberg | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6252598 | Segen | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6253187 | Fox | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6253203 | O'Flaherty et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6253258 | Cohen | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6253326 | Lincke et al. | Jun 2001 | B1 |
6255942 | Knudsen | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6255953 | Barber | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6256033 | Nguyen | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6256400 | Takata et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6260088 | Gove et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6260147 | Quick, Jr. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6262722 | Allison et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6262772 | Shen et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6263268 | Nathanson | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6263360 | Arnold et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6263363 | Rosenblatt et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6263384 | Yanase | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6263501 | Schein et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6263503 | Margulis | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6263507 | Ahmad et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6264555 | Glazman et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6264560 | Goldberg et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6265844 | Wakefield | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6266057 | Kuzunuki et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6266667 | Olsson | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6266814 | Lemmons et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6267672 | Vance | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6267675 | Lee | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6268849 | Boyer et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6268853 | Hoskins et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6269187 | Frink et al. | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6269188 | Jamali | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6270013 | Lipman et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6271858 | Dalal et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6272405 | Kubota | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6272537 | Kekic et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6272632 | Carman et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6273771 | Buckley et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6275231 | Obradovich | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6275648 | Knudson et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6275692 | Skog | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6275774 | Baron, Sr. et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6275849 | Ludwig | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6275854 | Himmel et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6275989 | Broadwin et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6279029 | Sampat et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6281792 | Lerg et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6281808 | Glier et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6282464 | Obradovich | Aug 2001 | B1 |
D448366 | Youngers et al. | Sep 2001 | S |
6283860 | Lyons et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6285794 | Georgiev et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6285899 | Ghaem et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6285931 | Hattori et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6286142 | Ehreth | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6287201 | Hightower | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6288643 | Lerg et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6288716 | Humpleman et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6289112 | Jain et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6289304 | Grefenstette | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6289319 | Lockwood | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6292109 | Murano et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6292274 | Bohn | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6292624 | Saib et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6292747 | Amro et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6292889 | Fitzgerald et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6294987 | Matsuda et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6295001 | Barber | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6295346 | Markowitz et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6295449 | Westerlage et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6295492 | Lang et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6295513 | Thackston | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6295530 | Ritchie et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6297732 | Hsu et al. | Oct 2001 | B2 |
6297768 | Allen, Jr. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6298302 | Walgers et al. | Oct 2001 | B2 |
6298348 | Eldering | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6298445 | Shostack et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6298482 | Seidman et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6299308 | Voronka et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6301245 | Luzeski et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6304674 | Cass et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6304816 | Berstis | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6305018 | Usui et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6307504 | Sheynblat | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6307751 | Bodony et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6307952 | Dietz | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6307955 | Zank et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6308175 | Lang et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6308269 | Proidl | Oct 2001 | B2 |
6308328 | Bowcutt et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6308565 | French et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6310886 | Barton | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6310971 | Shiiyama | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6310988 | Flores et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6311011 | Kuroda | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6311060 | Evans et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6311152 | Bai et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6312175 | Lum | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6312337 | Edwards et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6313786 | Sheynblat et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6313853 | Lamontagne et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314184 | Fernandez-Martinez | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314326 | Fuchu | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314364 | Nakamura | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314365 | Smith | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314366 | Farmakis et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314399 | Deligne et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314406 | O'Hagan et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314415 | Mukherjee | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314420 | Lang et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314422 | Barker et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314452 | Dekel et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6314457 | Schena et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6316710 | Lindemann | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6316934 | Amorai-Moriya et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317090 | Nagy et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317132 | Perlin | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317718 | Fano | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317761 | Landsman et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317777 | Skarbo et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317781 | De Boor et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317881 | Shah-Nazaroff et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317884 | Eames et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317885 | Fries | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6318087 | Baumann et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6320495 | Sporgis | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6321257 | Kotola et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6321318 | Baltz et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6321991 | Knowles | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6323803 | Jolley et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6323846 | Westerman et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6323894 | Katz | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6323911 | Schein et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6324338 | Wood et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6324393 | Doshay | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6324450 | Iwama | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6324519 | Eldering | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6324542 | Wright, Jr. et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6324650 | Ogilvie | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6326903 | Gross et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6326962 | Szabo | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6326982 | Wu et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6327049 | Ohtsuka | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6327073 | Yahav et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6327418 | Barton | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6327473 | Soliman et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6327536 | Tsuji et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6327590 | Chidlovskii et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6327607 | Fant | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6329984 | Boss et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6330021 | Devaux | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6330022 | Seligmann | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6330499 | Chou et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6330976 | Dymetman et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6331877 | Bennington et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6332086 | Avis | Dec 2001 | B2 |
6332127 | Bandera et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6333703 | Alewine et al. | Dec 2001 | B1 |
6333919 | Gaffney | Dec 2001 | B2 |
6335569 | Joshi | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6335725 | Koh et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6335963 | Bosco | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6335965 | Katz | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6336099 | Barnett et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6338059 | Fields et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6339370 | Ruhl et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6339842 | Fernandez et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6340959 | Inamori | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6340977 | Lui et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6341195 | Mankovitz et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6341280 | Glass et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6341288 | Yach et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6341290 | Lombardo et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6341374 | Schein et al. | Jan 2002 | B2 |
6341523 | Lynam | Jan 2002 | B2 |
6343218 | Kaneda et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6343318 | Hawkins et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6343377 | Gessner et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6343810 | Breed | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6343990 | Rasmussen et al. | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6344906 | Gatto et al. | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6345104 | Rhoads | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6345239 | Bowman-Amuah | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6345288 | Reed et al. | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6346045 | Rider et al. | Feb 2002 | B2 |
6346933 | Lin | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6346951 | Mastronardi | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6347290 | Bartlett | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6347313 | Ma et al. | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6349134 | Katz | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6349308 | Whang et al. | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6349339 | Williams | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6351222 | Swan et al. | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6351776 | O'Brien et al. | Feb 2002 | B1 |
6353398 | Amin et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6353839 | King et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6353850 | Wies et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6356281 | Isenman | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6356899 | Chakrabarti et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6356933 | Mitchell et al. | Mar 2002 | B2 |
6357043 | Ellis et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6359636 | Schindler et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6360093 | Ross et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6360102 | Havinis et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6360949 | Shepard et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6360951 | Swinehart | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6362730 | Razavi et al. | Mar 2002 | B2 |
6362748 | Huang | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6362888 | Jung et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6363160 | Bradski et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6363254 | Jones et al. | Mar 2002 | B1 |
6363421 | Barker et al. | Mar 2002 | B2 |
RE37654 | Longo | Apr 2002 | E |
6366288 | Naruki et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6366701 | Chalom et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6366893 | Hannula et al. | Apr 2002 | B2 |
6367019 | Ansell et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6367080 | Enomoto et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6369811 | Graham et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6370448 | Eryurek | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6370475 | Breed et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6371850 | Sonoda | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6373528 | Bennington et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6373573 | Jung et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6373841 | Goh et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6373851 | Dadario | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6374237 | Reese | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6374286 | Gee et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6374290 | Scharber et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6374406 | Hirata | Apr 2002 | B2 |
6377209 | Krasner | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6377296 | Zlatsin et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6377712 | Georgiev et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6377825 | Kennedy et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6377860 | Gray et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6377986 | Philyaw et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6378075 | Goldstein et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6379251 | Auxier et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6380931 | Gillespie et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381341 | Rhoads | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381362 | Deshpande et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381535 | Durocher et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381575 | Martin et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381602 | Shoroff et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381603 | Chan et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381677 | Beardsley et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6381747 | Wonfor et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6382897 | Mattio et al. | May 2002 | B2 |
6384744 | Philyaw et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6384776 | Martin | May 2002 | B1 |
6384819 | Hunter | May 2002 | B1 |
6384829 | Prevost et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6385592 | Angles et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6385653 | Sitaraman et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6388579 | Adcox et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6388714 | Schein et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6389340 | Rayner | May 2002 | B1 |
6389464 | Krishnamurthy et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6389483 | Larsson | May 2002 | B1 |
6390922 | Vange et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6392591 | Hsu et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6392692 | Monroe | May 2002 | B1 |
6393443 | Rubin et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6393574 | Kashiwagi et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6394899 | Walker | May 2002 | B1 |
6396523 | Segal et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6396544 | Schindler et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6396546 | Alten et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6396951 | Grefenstette | May 2002 | B1 |
6397080 | Viktorsson et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6397259 | Lincke et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6400304 | Chubbs, III | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6400314 | Krasner | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6400690 | Liu et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6400845 | Volino | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6400953 | Furukawa | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6400958 | Isomursu et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6400990 | Silvian | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6400996 | Hoffberg et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6401027 | Xu et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6401029 | Kubota et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6401085 | Gershman et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6404352 | Ichikawa et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6404438 | Hatlelid et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6405033 | Kennedy, III et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6405132 | Breed et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6405252 | Gupta et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6408174 | Steijer | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6408257 | Harrington et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6408437 | Hendricks et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6409401 | Petteruti et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6411254 | Moeglein et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6411696 | Iverson et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6411744 | Edwards | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6411936 | Sanders | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6412110 | Schein et al. | Jun 2002 | B1 |
6414671 | Gillespie et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6414750 | Jung et al. | Jul 2002 | B2 |
6414955 | Clare et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6415188 | Fernandez et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6415210 | Hozuka et al. | Jul 2002 | B2 |
6417782 | Darnall | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6417797 | Cousins et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6418324 | Doviak et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6418380 | Pica | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6418424 | Hoffberg et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6418433 | Chakrabarti et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6421002 | Krasner | Jul 2002 | B2 |
6421429 | Merritt et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6421453 | Kanevsky et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6421606 | Asai et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6421608 | Motoyama et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6421675 | Ryan et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6421726 | Kenner et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6421738 | Ratan et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6424912 | Correia et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6424979 | Livingston et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6425004 | Hardjono | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6425828 | Walker et al. | Jul 2002 | B2 |
6427032 | Irons et al. | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6427132 | Bowman-Amuah | Jul 2002 | B1 |
6429789 | Kiridena et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6429812 | Hoffberg | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6429899 | Nio et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430164 | Jones et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430358 | Yuen et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430359 | Yuen et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430488 | Goldman et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430504 | Gilbert et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430539 | Lazarus et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430554 | Rothschild | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6430567 | Burridge | Aug 2002 | B2 |
6430997 | French et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6433734 | Krasner | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6433784 | Merrick et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6434400 | Villevieille et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6434524 | Weber | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6434561 | Durst, Jr. et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6434568 | Bowman-Amuah | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6434581 | Forcier | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6434614 | Blumenau | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6434621 | Pezzillo et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6436049 | Kamiyama et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6437692 | Petite et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6437836 | Huang et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6438523 | Oberteuffer et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6438579 | Hosken | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6441832 | Tao et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6442169 | Lewis | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6442332 | Knudson et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6442391 | Johansson et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6442485 | Evans | Aug 2002 | B2 |
6442571 | Haff et al. | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6442748 | Bowman-Amuah | Aug 2002 | B1 |
6443843 | Walker et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6445308 | Koike | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6445398 | Gerba et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6446065 | Nishioka et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6446076 | Burkey et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6446130 | Grapes | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6446261 | Rosser | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6448979 | Schena et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6449041 | Jung et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6449473 | Raivisto | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6449476 | Hutchison, IV et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6449540 | Rayner | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6449616 | Walker et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6449639 | Blumberg | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6449688 | Peters et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6450407 | Freeman et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6452484 | Drori | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6452535 | Rao et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6452910 | Vij et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6453471 | Klosterman | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6454626 | An | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6456234 | Johnson | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6456852 | Bar et al. | Sep 2002 | B2 |
6457010 | Eldering et al. | Sep 2002 | B1 |
6457025 | Judson | Sep 2002 | B2 |
6459425 | Holub et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6459823 | Altunbasak et al. | Oct 2002 | B2 |
6460036 | Herz | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6460181 | Donnelly | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6463272 | Wallace et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6463462 | Smith et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6463585 | Hendricks et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6466198 | Feinstein | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6466260 | Hatae et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6466336 | Sturgeon et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6466654 | Cooper et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6466734 | Yuen et al. | Oct 2002 | B2 |
6466796 | Jacobson et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6468155 | Zucker et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6469639 | Tanenhaus et al. | Oct 2002 | B2 |
6469753 | Klosterman et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6470138 | Um et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6470263 | Ito et al. | Oct 2002 | B2 |
6470381 | De Boor et al. | Oct 2002 | B2 |
6472982 | Eida et al. | Oct 2002 | B2 |
6473559 | Knudson et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6473609 | Schwartz et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6473688 | Kohno et al. | Oct 2002 | B2 |
6473794 | Guheen et al. | Oct 2002 | B1 |
6476830 | Farmer et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6476834 | Doval et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6477143 | Ginossar | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6477150 | Maggenti et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6477239 | Ohki et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6477579 | Kunkel et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6477705 | Yuen et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6480144 | Miller et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6480699 | Lovoi | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6480889 | Saito et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6480900 | Habert | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6483094 | Yahav et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6483513 | Haratsch et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6484080 | Breed | Nov 2002 | B2 |
6484148 | Boyd | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6484149 | Jammes et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6484156 | Gupta et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6486874 | Muthuswamy et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6486892 | Stern | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6487539 | Aggarwal et al. | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6489955 | Newhall, Jr. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6489970 | Pazel | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6490525 | Baron, Sr. et al. | Dec 2002 | B2 |
6490553 | Van Thong et al. | Dec 2002 | B2 |
6490698 | Horvitz et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6491217 | Catan | Dec 2002 | B2 |
6493338 | Preston et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6493633 | Baron, Sr. et al. | Dec 2002 | B2 |
6493637 | Steeg | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6493707 | Dey et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6493875 | Eames et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6496107 | Himmelstein | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6496117 | Gutta et al. | Dec 2002 | B2 |
6496575 | Vasell et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6496598 | Harman | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6496689 | Keller et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6496778 | Lin | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6496826 | Chowdhury et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6498895 | Young et al. | Dec 2002 | B2 |
6498970 | Colmenarez et al. | Dec 2002 | B2 |
6498972 | Rao et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6498987 | Kelly et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6498989 | Pisetski et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6499027 | Weinberger | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6502033 | Phuyal | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6502125 | Kenner et al. | Dec 2002 | B1 |
6503195 | Keller et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6504138 | Mangerson | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6504491 | Christians | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6504631 | Barry et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6505046 | Baker | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6505086 | Dodd, Jr. et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6505100 | Stuempfle et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6505101 | Brill | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6505123 | Root et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6505348 | Knowles et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6507349 | Balassanian | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6507585 | Dobson | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6507810 | Razavi et al. | Jan 2003 | B2 |
6508706 | Sitrick et al. | Jan 2003 | B2 |
6509707 | Yamashita et al. | Jan 2003 | B2 |
6509908 | Croy et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6509912 | Moran et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6510387 | Fuchs et al. | Jan 2003 | B2 |
6510417 | Woods et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6510458 | Berstis et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6512922 | Burg et al. | Jan 2003 | B1 |
6512930 | Sandegren | Jan 2003 | B2 |
6513160 | Dureau | Jan 2003 | B2 |
6515595 | Obradovich et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6515623 | Johnson | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6516311 | Yacoby et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6516338 | Landsman et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6516467 | Schindler et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6516664 | Lynam | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6518950 | Dougherty et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6519037 | Jung et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6519466 | Pande et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6519571 | Guheen et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6519646 | Gupta et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6520407 | Nieswand et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6522333 | Hatlelid et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6522682 | Kohli et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6522875 | Dowling et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6522977 | Corrigan et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6523172 | Martinez-Guerra et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6525687 | Roy et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6525688 | Chou et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6525749 | Moran et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526041 | Shaffer et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526268 | Marrah et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526335 | Treyz et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526349 | Bullock et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6526352 | Breed et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526395 | Morris | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526411 | Ward | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526423 | Zawadzki et al. | Feb 2003 | B2 |
6526449 | Philyaw et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526577 | Knudson et al. | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6526581 | Edson | Feb 2003 | B1 |
6529153 | Dijkstra | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6529159 | Fan et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6529829 | Turetzky et al. | Mar 2003 | B2 |
6529909 | Bowman-Amuah | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6529940 | Humble | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6530083 | Liebenow | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6530840 | Cuomo et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6531982 | White et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6532007 | Matsuda | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6532448 | Higginson et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6532469 | Feldman et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6532494 | Frank et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6535743 | Kennedy, III et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6536037 | Cuheen et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6537324 | Tabata et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6538187 | Beigi | Mar 2003 | B2 |
6538701 | Yuen | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6538757 | Sansone | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6539200 | Schiff | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6539232 | Hendrey et al. | Mar 2003 | B2 |
6539304 | Chansarkar | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6539336 | Vock et al. | Mar 2003 | B1 |
6539375 | Kawasaki | Mar 2003 | B2 |
6539544 | Ebisawa | Mar 2003 | B2 |
6539931 | Trajkovic et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6540141 | Dougherty et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6542076 | Joao | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6542077 | Joao | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6542464 | Takeda et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6542734 | Abrol et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6542743 | Soliman | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6542748 | Hendrey et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6542749 | Tanaka et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6542750 | Hendrey et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6542758 | Chennakeshu et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6542793 | Kojima et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6542794 | Obradovich | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6542925 | Brown et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6542933 | Durst, Jr. et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6543052 | Ogasawara | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6545578 | Yoshiyama | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6545601 | Monroe | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6545669 | Kinawi et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6545722 | Schultheiss et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6546385 | Mao et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6546399 | Reed et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6546405 | Gupta et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6546419 | Humpleman et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6549130 | Joao | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6549145 | Hsu et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6549612 | Gifford et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6549719 | Mankovitz | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6549751 | Mandri | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6549776 | Joong | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6549844 | Egberts | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6549891 | Rauber et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6550012 | Villa et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6550057 | Bowman-Amuah | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6552682 | Fan | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6553129 | Rhoads | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6553178 | Abecassis | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6553436 | Ando et al. | Apr 2003 | B2 |
6554433 | Holler | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6556824 | Purnadi et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6556832 | Soliman | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6556950 | Schwenke et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6557031 | Mimura et al. | Apr 2003 | B1 |
6559773 | Berry | May 2003 | B1 |
6560281 | Black et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6560461 | Fomukong et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6560534 | Abraham et al. | May 2003 | B2 |
6560578 | Eldering | May 2003 | B2 |
6563418 | Moon | May 2003 | B1 |
6563505 | Mills et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6563523 | Suchocki et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6563796 | Saito | May 2003 | B1 |
6564144 | Cherveny | May 2003 | B1 |
6564217 | Bunney et al. | May 2003 | B2 |
6564379 | Knudson et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6564383 | Combs et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6567035 | Elliott | May 2003 | B1 |
6567533 | Rhoads | May 2003 | B1 |
6567536 | McNitt et al. | May 2003 | B2 |
6567606 | Milnes et al. | May 2003 | B2 |
6568754 | Norton et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6570530 | Gaal et al. | May 2003 | B2 |
6570555 | Prevost et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6571193 | Unuma et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6571235 | Marpe et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6571279 | Herz et al. | May 2003 | B1 |
6572662 | Manohar et al. | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6573831 | Ikeda et al. | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6573883 | Bartlett | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6574538 | Sasaki | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6574548 | DeKock et al. | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6574558 | Kohli | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6574617 | Immerman et al. | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6577329 | Flickner et al. | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6577716 | Minter et al. | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6577953 | Swope et al. | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6580373 | Ohashi | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6580390 | Hay | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6580808 | Rhoads | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6580904 | Cox et al. | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6580979 | Howard et al. | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6583866 | Jung et al. | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6584382 | Karem | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6584403 | Bunn | Jun 2003 | B2 |
6584552 | Kuno et al. | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6586968 | Schauer et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6587046 | Joao | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6587127 | Leeke et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6587835 | Treyz et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6588013 | Lumley et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6590507 | Burns | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6590529 | Schwoegler | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6590588 | Lincke et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6590602 | Fernandez et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6590660 | Jung et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6591304 | Sitaraman et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6593723 | Johnson | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6594500 | Bender et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6594616 | Zhang et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6594688 | Ludwig et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6594705 | Philyaw | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6595859 | Lynn | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6597311 | Sheynblat et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6597443 | Boman | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6597812 | Fallon et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6597903 | Dahm et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6599130 | Moehrle | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6600417 | Lerg et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6600475 | Gutta et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6600914 | Uhlik et al. | Jul 2003 | B2 |
6601012 | Horvitz et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6601057 | Underwood et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6603405 | Smith | Aug 2003 | B2 |
6603488 | Humpleman et al. | Aug 2003 | B2 |
6603973 | Foladare et al. | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6606495 | Korpi et al. | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6606554 | Edge | Aug 2003 | B2 |
6606744 | Mikurak | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6606746 | Zdepski et al. | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6609004 | Morse et al. | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6610936 | Gillespie et al. | Aug 2003 | B2 |
6611201 | Bishop et al. | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6611598 | Hayosh | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6611654 | Shteyn | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6611755 | Coffee et al. | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6611757 | Brodie | Aug 2003 | B2 |
6611813 | Bratton | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6611867 | Bowman-Amuah | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6611957 | Ebisawa | Aug 2003 | B2 |
D479228 | Sakaguchi et al. | Sep 2003 | S |
6612932 | Stern | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6614349 | Proctor et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6614385 | Kuhn et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6615039 | Eldering | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6615088 | Myer et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6615099 | Muller et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6615134 | Ando | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6615136 | Swope et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6615137 | Lutter et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6615166 | Guheen et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6615208 | Behrens et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6615268 | Philyaw et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6616038 | Olschafskie et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6616047 | Catan | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6616071 | Kitamura et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6616533 | Rashkovskiy | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6617369 | Parfondry et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6618504 | Yoshino | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6618593 | Drutman et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6618670 | Chansarkar | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6618727 | Wheeler et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6618732 | White et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6621452 | Knockeart et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6622083 | Knockeart et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6622165 | Philyaw | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6622304 | Carhart | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6624833 | Kumar et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6624881 | Waibel et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6625335 | Kanai | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6625578 | Spaur et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6625581 | Perkowski | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6628227 | Rao et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6628233 | Knockeart et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6628295 | Wilensky | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6628304 | Mitchell et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6628928 | Crosby et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6629033 | Preston et al. | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6629133 | Philyaw et al. | Sep 2003 | B1 |
6630884 | Shanmugham | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6630924 | Peck | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6631404 | Philyaw | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6632138 | Serizawa et al. | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6633238 | Lemelson et al. | Oct 2003 | B2 |
6633255 | Krasner | Oct 2003 | B2 |
6633294 | Rosenthal et al. | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6636763 | Junker et al. | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6636892 | Philyaw | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6636896 | Philyaw | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6638314 | Meyerzon et al. | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6638317 | Nakao | Oct 2003 | B2 |
6640097 | Corrigan et al. | Oct 2003 | B2 |
6640145 | Hoffberg et al. | Oct 2003 | B2 |
6640184 | Rabe | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6640202 | Dietz et al. | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6640335 | Ebisawa | Oct 2003 | B2 |
6640336 | Ebisawa | Oct 2003 | B1 |
6641037 | Williams | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6641087 | Nelson | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6643652 | Helgeson et al. | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6643661 | Polizzi et al. | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6643692 | Philyaw et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6643696 | Davis et al. | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6645068 | Kelly et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6646559 | Smith | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6647128 | Rhoads | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6647130 | Rhoads | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6647257 | Owensby | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6647269 | Hendrey et al. | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6647270 | Himmelstein | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6647328 | Walker | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6647371 | Shinohara | Nov 2003 | B2 |
6650288 | Pitt et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6650761 | Rodriguez et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6650983 | Rao et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6650984 | Rao et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6651053 | Rothschild | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6654689 | Kelly et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6654725 | Langheinrich et al. | Nov 2003 | B1 |
6656050 | Busch et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6658151 | Lee et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6659861 | Faris et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6661372 | Girerd et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6661468 | Alten et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6661773 | Pelissier et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6661918 | Gordon et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6661919 | Nicholson et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6662091 | Wilson et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6662106 | Evans | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6662195 | Langseth et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6662642 | Breed et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6663105 | Sullivan et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6664969 | Emerson et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6664978 | Kekic et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6664991 | Chew et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6665539 | Sih et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6665541 | Krasner et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6665640 | Bennett et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6665659 | Logan | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6665706 | Kenner et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6668133 | Yuen et al. | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6669088 | Veeneman | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6669562 | Shiino | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6669564 | Young et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6670905 | Orr | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6670912 | Honda | Dec 2003 | B2 |
6670971 | Oral | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6671620 | Garin et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6671684 | Hull et al. | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6671818 | Mikurak | Dec 2003 | B1 |
6673019 | Kamiyama | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6674877 | Jojic et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6675081 | Shuman et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6675204 | De Boor et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6675385 | Wang | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6675386 | Hendricks et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6677894 | Sheynblat et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6677969 | Hongo | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6678004 | Schultheiss et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6678075 | Tsai et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6678250 | Grabelsky et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6678516 | Nordman et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6678612 | Khawam | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6678664 | Ganesan | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6678687 | Watanabe et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6680674 | Park | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6680694 | Knockeart et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6680695 | Turetzky et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6680746 | Kawai et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6681029 | Rhoads | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6681031 | Cohen et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6681114 | Chang et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6681121 | Preston et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6683941 | Brown et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6684137 | Takagi et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6684194 | Eldering et al. | Jan 2004 | B1 |
6684250 | Anderson et al. | Jan 2004 | B2 |
6686844 | Watanabe et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6687504 | Raith | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6687608 | Sugimoto et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6687612 | Cherveny | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6687696 | Hofmann et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6687745 | Franco et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6687906 | Yuen et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6688081 | Boyd | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6688522 | Philyaw et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6688523 | Koenck | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6688525 | Nelson et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6690017 | Remillard et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6690294 | Zierden | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6690358 | Kaplan | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6690380 | Hussain et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6690681 | Preston et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6690918 | Evans et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6691019 | Seeley et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6691107 | Dockter et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6691109 | Bjornson et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6691123 | Gulliksen | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6691151 | Cheyer et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6691194 | Ofer | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6691914 | Isherwood et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6692259 | Kumar et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6694258 | Johnson et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6694316 | Langseth et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6694356 | Philyaw | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6697103 | Fernandez et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6697629 | Grilli et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6697730 | Dickerson | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6697792 | Bunney et al. | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6697824 | Bowman-Amuah | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6697838 | Jakobson | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6697924 | Swank | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6697949 | Philyaw et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6698020 | Zigmond et al. | Feb 2004 | B1 |
6699127 | Lobb et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6700482 | Ververs et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6700990 | Rhoads | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6701144 | Kirbas et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6701311 | Biebesheimer et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6701315 | Austin | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6701354 | Philyaw et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6701363 | Chiu et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6701369 | Philyaw | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6701523 | Hancock et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6703971 | Pande et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6703972 | van Diggelen | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6704024 | Robotham et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6704028 | Wugofski | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6704651 | van Diggelen | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6704699 | Nir | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6704930 | Eldering et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6707421 | Drury et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6707581 | Browning | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6708100 | Russell et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6708203 | Makar et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6708208 | Philyaw | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6709335 | Bates et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6711474 | Treyz et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6711475 | Murphy | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6711660 | Milne et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6712702 | Goldberg et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6714139 | Saito et al. | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6714236 | Wada et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6714665 | Hanna et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6714677 | Stearns et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6714723 | Abecassis | Mar 2004 | B2 |
6714793 | Carey et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6714917 | Eldering et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6714969 | Klein et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6715077 | Vasudevan et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6716103 | Eck et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6718174 | Vayanos | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6718239 | Rayner | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6718263 | Glass et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6718308 | Nolting | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6718551 | Swix et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6720915 | Sheynblat | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6720920 | Breed et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6720984 | Jorgensen et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6721286 | Williams et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6721578 | Minear et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6721713 | Guheen et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6721747 | Lipkin | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6721748 | Knight et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6721871 | Piispanen et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6721921 | Altman | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6721954 | Nickum | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6724342 | Bloebaum et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6725031 | Watler et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6725125 | Basson et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6725139 | Miller et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6725159 | Krasner | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6725203 | Seet et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6725260 | Philyaw | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6725421 | Boucher et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6727914 | Gutta | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6728000 | Lapstun et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6728323 | Chen et al. | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6728514 | Bandeira et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6728528 | Loke | Apr 2004 | B1 |
6728617 | Rao et al. | Apr 2004 | B2 |
6730913 | Remillard et al. | May 2004 | B2 |
6731238 | Johnson | May 2004 | B2 |
6731799 | Sun et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6731940 | Nagendran | May 2004 | B1 |
6732369 | Schein et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6732372 | Tomita et al. | May 2004 | B2 |
6734799 | Munch | May 2004 | B2 |
6734821 | van Diggelen | May 2004 | B2 |
6735506 | Breed et al. | May 2004 | B2 |
6735601 | Subrahmanyam | May 2004 | B1 |
6735630 | Gelvin et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6735632 | Kiraly et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6738013 | Orler et al. | May 2004 | B2 |
6738066 | Nguyen | May 2004 | B1 |
6738078 | Duncombe | May 2004 | B1 |
6738519 | Nishiwaki | May 2004 | B1 |
6738697 | Breed | May 2004 | B2 |
6738800 | Aquilon et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6738814 | Cox et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6738978 | Hendricks et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6741188 | Miller et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6741745 | Dance et al. | May 2004 | B2 |
6741842 | Goldberg et al. | May 2004 | B2 |
6741871 | Silverbrook et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6741933 | Glass | May 2004 | B1 |
6741980 | Langseth et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6742026 | Kraenzel et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6742183 | Reynolds et al. | May 2004 | B1 |
6744938 | Rantze et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6744967 | Kaminski et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6745011 | Hendrickson et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6745021 | Stevens | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6745038 | Callaway, Jr. et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6745183 | Nishioka et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6745234 | Philyaw et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6745391 | Macrae et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6745937 | Walsh et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6747596 | Orler et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6747632 | Howard | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6748195 | Phillips | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6748306 | Lipowicz | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6748318 | Jones | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6750852 | Gillespie et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6751452 | Kupczyk et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6751464 | Burg et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6751574 | Shinohara | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6752317 | Dymetman et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6752498 | Covannon et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6753883 | Schena et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6754485 | Obradovich et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6754585 | Root et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6754632 | Kalinowski et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6754698 | Philyaw et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6754710 | McAlear | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6754904 | Cooper et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6756938 | Zhao et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6756997 | Ward, III et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6757362 | Cooper et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6757544 | Rangarajan et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6757574 | Gardner et al. | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6757611 | Rao et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6757661 | Blaser et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6757715 | Philyaw | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6757740 | Parekh et al. | Jun 2004 | B1 |
6757783 | Koh | Jun 2004 | B2 |
6758398 | Philyaw et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6758746 | Hunter et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6758754 | Lavanchy et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6758755 | Kelly et al. | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6759970 | Horita et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6760463 | Rhoads | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6760537 | Mankovitz | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6760661 | Klein et al. | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6763040 | Hite et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6763386 | Davis et al. | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6764395 | Guyett | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6764403 | Gavin | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6765726 | French et al. | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6766494 | Price et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6766956 | Boylan, III et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6768944 | Breed et al. | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6771208 | Lutter et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6771283 | Carro | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6771290 | Hoyle | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6771629 | Preston et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6772047 | Butikofer | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6772330 | Merkin | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6772331 | Hind et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6772338 | Hull | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6772340 | Peinado et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6772433 | LaJoie et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6773177 | Denoue et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6773344 | Gabai et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6774367 | Stephan et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6774846 | Fullerton et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6775392 | Rhoads | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6775422 | Altman | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6775605 | Rao et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6775655 | Peinado et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6775802 | Gaal | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6778073 | Lutter et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6778136 | Gronemeyer | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6778885 | Agashe et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6778924 | Hanse | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6778988 | Bengtson | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6779004 | Zintel | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6781920 | Bates et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6781963 | Crockett et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6782315 | Lu et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6783071 | Levine et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6783460 | Galyean, III et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6785421 | Gindele et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6785551 | Richard | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6785670 | Chiang et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6785688 | Abajian et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6785721 | Immerman et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6785902 | Zigmond et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6786793 | Wang | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6788249 | Farmer et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6788315 | Kekic et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6788809 | Grzeszczuk et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6788815 | Lui et al. | Sep 2004 | B2 |
6788882 | Geer et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6789073 | Lunenfeld | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6789252 | Burke et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6791472 | Hoffberg | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6791536 | Keely et al. | Sep 2004 | B2 |
6791588 | Philyaw | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6792112 | Campbell et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6792263 | Kite | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6792351 | Lutter | Sep 2004 | B2 |
6792452 | Philyaw | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6792607 | Burd et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6795699 | McCraw et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6795966 | Lim et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6798429 | Bradski | Sep 2004 | B2 |
6799050 | Krasner | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6799221 | Kenner et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6799326 | Boylan, III et al. | Sep 2004 | B2 |
6799327 | Reynolds et al. | Sep 2004 | B1 |
6801124 | Naitou | Oct 2004 | B2 |
6801159 | Swope et al. | Oct 2004 | B2 |
6801637 | Voronka et al. | Oct 2004 | B2 |
6801658 | Morita et al. | Oct 2004 | B2 |
6801662 | Owechko et al. | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6801843 | Rao et al. | Oct 2004 | B2 |
6801907 | Zagami | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6804396 | Higaki et al. | Oct 2004 | B2 |
6804524 | Vandermeijden | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6804659 | Graham et al. | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6807534 | Erickson | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6807558 | Hassett et al. | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6809653 | Mann et al. | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6810323 | Bullock et al. | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6812860 | Schwarzwalder, Jr. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6812961 | Parulski et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6813039 | Silverbrook et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6813366 | Rhoads | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6813501 | Kinnunen et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6813542 | Peshkin et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6813560 | van Diggelen et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6813777 | Weinberger et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6814663 | Edwards et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6816111 | Krasner | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6816458 | Kroon | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6816710 | Krasner | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6816719 | Heinonen et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6816727 | Cox et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6816734 | Wong et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6816850 | Culliss | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6816878 | Zimmers et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6816894 | Philyaw et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6816904 | Ludwig et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6819268 | Wakamatsu et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6819919 | Tanaka | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6819991 | Rao et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6820237 | Abu-Hakima et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6820269 | Baucke et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6820277 | Eldering et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6822639 | Silverbrook et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6822661 | Sai et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6823075 | Perry | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6823244 | Breed | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6823388 | Philyaw et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6824044 | Lapstun et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6824057 | Rathus et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6825956 | Silverbrook et al. | Nov 2004 | B2 |
6826592 | Philyaw et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6826607 | Gelvin et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6826775 | Howe et al. | Nov 2004 | B1 |
6827259 | Rathus et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6827267 | Rathus et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6827645 | Morita et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6828993 | Hendricks et al. | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6829333 | Frazier | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6829437 | Kirby | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6829475 | Lee et al. | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6829606 | Ripley | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6829650 | Philyaw et al. | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6830187 | Rathus et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6830188 | Rathus et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6831637 | Mack | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6832116 | Tillgren et al. | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6832178 | Fernandez et al. | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6832251 | Gelvin et al. | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6832373 | O'Neill | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6833785 | Brown et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6833936 | Seymour | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6834195 | Brandenberg et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6834804 | Rathus et al. | Dec 2004 | B2 |
6836799 | Philyaw et al. | Dec 2004 | B1 |
6837436 | Swartz et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6839020 | Geier et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6839021 | Sheynblat et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6840861 | Jordan et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6842715 | Gaal | Jan 2005 | B1 |
6842761 | Diamond et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6842774 | Piccioni | Jan 2005 | B1 |
6845370 | Burkey et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6845383 | Kraenzel et al. | Jan 2005 | B1 |
6845913 | Madding et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6847686 | Morad et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6847822 | Dennison et al. | Jan 2005 | B1 |
6847872 | Bodin et al. | Jan 2005 | B2 |
6850252 | Hoffberg | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6850693 | Young et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6850893 | Lipkin et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6851063 | Boyle et al. | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6853849 | Tognazzini | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6853907 | Peterson et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6853913 | Cherveny et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6853916 | Fuchs et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6853982 | Smith et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6854016 | Kraenzel et al. | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6854035 | Dunham et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6854642 | Metcalf et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6856282 | Mauro et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6857016 | Motoyama et al. | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6859212 | Kumar et al. | Feb 2005 | B2 |
6859799 | Yuen | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6859831 | Gelvin et al. | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6861980 | Rowitch et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6862046 | Ko | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6862553 | Schwenke et al. | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6863612 | Willis | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6865171 | Nilsson | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6865284 | Mahoney et al. | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6865395 | Riley | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6865746 | Herrington et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6865825 | Bailey, Sr. et al. | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6867734 | Voor et al. | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6868193 | Gharbia et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6868331 | Hanebrink | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6868389 | Wilkins et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6870616 | Jung et al. | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6871139 | Liu et al. | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6871146 | Kelly et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6871186 | Tuzhilin et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6871346 | Kumbalimutt et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6873723 | Aucsmith et al. | Mar 2005 | B1 |
6873854 | Crockett et al. | Mar 2005 | B2 |
6874683 | Keronen et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6876496 | French et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6876926 | Kirkland et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6877001 | Wolf et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6879701 | Rhoads | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6879957 | Pechter et al. | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6880005 | Bell et al. | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6880113 | Anderson et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6880122 | Lee et al. | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6880123 | Landsman et al. | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6880124 | Moore | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6882299 | Allport | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6882718 | Smith | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6882837 | Fernandez et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6882905 | Hall et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6882977 | Miller | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6882978 | Ebisawa | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6883747 | Ratkovic et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6885920 | Yakes et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6885940 | Brodie et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6886104 | McClurg et al. | Apr 2005 | B1 |
6888497 | King et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6888932 | Snip et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6889896 | Silverbrook et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6890256 | Walker et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6891838 | Petite et al. | May 2005 | B1 |
6891953 | DeMello et al. | May 2005 | B1 |
6892264 | Lamb | May 2005 | B2 |
6895170 | Lambert et al. | May 2005 | B1 |
6895238 | Newell et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6895240 | Laursen et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6895249 | Gaal | May 2005 | B2 |
6895324 | Straub | May 2005 | B2 |
6898592 | Peltonen et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6898762 | Ellis et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6900758 | Mann et al. | May 2005 | B1 |
6901057 | Rune et al. | May 2005 | B2 |
6903684 | Simic et al. | Jun 2005 | B1 |
6904029 | Fors et al. | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6904160 | Burgess | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6904171 | van Zee | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6906619 | Williams et al. | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6907118 | Henderson et al. | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6907224 | Younis | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6907238 | Leung | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6911997 | Okamoto et al. | Jun 2005 | B1 |
6912395 | Benes et al. | Jun 2005 | B2 |
6912398 | Domnitz | Jun 2005 | B1 |
6914891 | Ha et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6915126 | Mazzara, Jr. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6915208 | Garin et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6915955 | Jung et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6916096 | Eberl et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6917331 | Gronemeyer | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6917722 | Bloomfield | Jul 2005 | B1 |
6917724 | Seder et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6920129 | Preston et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6920431 | Showghi et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6920494 | Heitman et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6922664 | Fernandez et al. | Jul 2005 | B1 |
6922725 | Lamming et al. | Jul 2005 | B2 |
6925182 | Epstein | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6925368 | Funkhouser et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6925567 | Hirata | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6926374 | Dudeck et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6927806 | Chan | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6928396 | Thackston | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6928414 | Kim | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6929543 | Ueshima et al. | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6930634 | Peng et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6931254 | Egner et al. | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6931454 | Deshpande et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6931592 | Ramaley et al. | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6933837 | Gunderson et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6934578 | Ramseth | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6934963 | Reynolds et al. | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6934964 | Schaffer et al. | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6937187 | van Diggelen et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6937732 | Ohmura et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6937742 | Roberts et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6937872 | Krasner | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6938024 | Horvitz | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6938079 | Anderson et al. | Aug 2005 | B1 |
6938209 | Ogawa et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6939155 | Postrel | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6940646 | Taniguchi et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6941144 | Stein | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6941574 | Broadwin et al. | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6942575 | Mergler | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6943955 | Kaschke et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6944315 | Zipperer et al. | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6944540 | King et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6947571 | Rhoads et al. | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6947772 | Minear et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6947922 | Glance | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6947930 | Anick et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6948183 | Peterka | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6950058 | Davis et al. | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6950502 | Jenkins | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6950534 | Cohen et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6950638 | Videtich et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6950804 | Strietzel | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6950818 | Dennis et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6950850 | Leff et al. | Sep 2005 | B1 |
6950990 | Rajarajan et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6952155 | Himmelstein | Oct 2005 | B2 |
6952281 | Irons et al. | Oct 2005 | B1 |
6952698 | Delaire et al. | Oct 2005 | B2 |
6954728 | Kusumoto et al. | Oct 2005 | B1 |
6955605 | Young et al. | Oct 2005 | B2 |
6956467 | Mercado, Jr. | Oct 2005 | B1 |
6957073 | Bye | Oct 2005 | B2 |
6957186 | Guheen et al. | Oct 2005 | B1 |
6957384 | Jeffery et al. | Oct 2005 | B2 |
6958984 | Kotzin | Oct 2005 | B2 |
6961562 | Ross | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6961660 | Underbrink et al. | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6961731 | Holbrook | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6963899 | Fernandez et al. | Nov 2005 | B1 |
6964608 | Koza | Nov 2005 | B1 |
6965754 | King | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6965767 | Maggenti et al. | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6965816 | Walker | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6965912 | Friedman et al. | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6967566 | Weston et al. | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6968057 | Rhoads | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6968567 | Gordon et al. | Nov 2005 | B1 |
6968736 | Lynam | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6969183 | Okubo et al. | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6970102 | Ciolli | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6970462 | McRae | Nov 2005 | B1 |
6970834 | Martin et al. | Nov 2005 | B2 |
6970849 | DeMello et al. | Nov 2005 | B1 |
6970915 | Partovi et al. | Nov 2005 | B1 |
6970917 | Kushwaha et al. | Nov 2005 | B1 |
6972669 | Saito et al. | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6973030 | Pecen et al. | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6973166 | Tsumpes | Dec 2005 | B1 |
6973320 | Brown et al. | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6973378 | Yamada | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6973664 | Fries | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6973669 | Daniels | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6975266 | Abraham et al. | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6976071 | Donzis et al. | Dec 2005 | B1 |
6978297 | Piersol | Dec 2005 | B1 |
6978453 | Rao et al. | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6980816 | Rohles et al. | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6981262 | DeMello et al. | Dec 2005 | B1 |
6983200 | Bodin et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6983483 | Maze et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6985105 | Pitt et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6985169 | Deng et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6985839 | Motamedi et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6985922 | Bashen et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6985962 | Philyaw | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6987221 | Platt | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6987964 | Obradovich et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6987987 | Vacanti et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6988026 | Breed et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6988034 | Marlatt et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6989766 | Mese et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6989822 | Pettiross et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6990080 | Bahl et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6990407 | Mbekeani et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6990497 | O'Rourke et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6990548 | Kaylor | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6990590 | Hanson et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6991158 | Munte | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6992655 | Ericson et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6993421 | Pillar et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6993429 | Obradovich et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6993456 | Brooks et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6993511 | Himmelstein | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6993532 | Platt et al. | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6993570 | Irani | Jan 2006 | B1 |
6993580 | Isherwood et al. | Jan 2006 | B2 |
6995788 | James | Feb 2006 | B2 |
6996670 | Delaire et al. | Feb 2006 | B2 |
6996720 | DeMello et al. | Feb 2006 | B1 |
6996778 | Rajarajan et al. | Feb 2006 | B2 |
6999779 | Hashimoto | Feb 2006 | B1 |
6999782 | Shaughnessy et al. | Feb 2006 | B2 |
7000180 | Balthaser | Feb 2006 | B2 |
7000469 | Foxlin et al. | Feb 2006 | B2 |
7001681 | Wood | Feb 2006 | B2 |
7002942 | Kotzin | Feb 2006 | B2 |
7003134 | Covell et al. | Feb 2006 | B1 |
7004390 | Silverbrook et al. | Feb 2006 | B2 |
7006881 | Hoffberg et al. | Feb 2006 | B1 |
7006950 | Greiffenhagen et al. | Feb 2006 | B1 |
RE39038 | Fleming, III | Mar 2006 | E |
7010492 | Bassett et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7010512 | Gillin et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7010546 | Kolawa et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7010616 | Carlson et al. | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7010681 | Fletcher et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7013339 | Schwager | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7013478 | Hendricks et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7016055 | Dodge et al. | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7016084 | Tsai | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7016532 | Boncyk et al. | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7017171 | Horlander et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7017189 | DeMello et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7020637 | Bratton | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7020651 | Ripley | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7020663 | Hay et al. | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7020701 | Gelvin et al. | Mar 2006 | B1 |
7020751 | Kershaw | Mar 2006 | B2 |
7021836 | Anderson et al. | Apr 2006 | B2 |
7023979 | Wu et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7024321 | Deninger et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7024363 | Comerford et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7024393 | Peinado et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7024549 | Luu et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7024552 | Caswell et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7024660 | Andrade et al. | Apr 2006 | B2 |
7025209 | Hawkins | Apr 2006 | B2 |
7027055 | Anderson et al. | Apr 2006 | B2 |
7027660 | Hersch et al. | Apr 2006 | B2 |
7027773 | McMillin | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7027801 | Hall et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7027975 | Pazandak et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7028082 | Rosenberg et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7028269 | Cohen-Solal et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7035427 | Rhoads | Apr 2006 | B2 |
7035907 | Decasper et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7036094 | Cohen et al. | Apr 2006 | B1 |
7038855 | French et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7039393 | Kite | May 2006 | B1 |
7039676 | Day et al. | May 2006 | B1 |
7039935 | Knudson et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7042345 | Ellis | May 2006 | B2 |
7042363 | Katrak et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7042440 | Pryor et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7042454 | Seligman | May 2006 | B1 |
7043489 | Kelley | May 2006 | B1 |
7047411 | DeMello et al. | May 2006 | B1 |
7047491 | Schubert et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7047498 | Lui et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7049953 | Monroe | May 2006 | B2 |
7050606 | Paul et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7050988 | Atcheson et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7051080 | Paul et al. | May 2006 | B1 |
7051352 | Schaffer | May 2006 | B1 |
7051353 | Yamashita et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7051943 | Leone et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7054465 | Rhoads | May 2006 | B2 |
7054818 | Sharma et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7055169 | Delpuch et al. | May 2006 | B2 |
7057607 | Mayoraz et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7058204 | Hildreth et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7058223 | Cox | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7058508 | Combs et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7058626 | Pan et al. | Jun 2006 | B1 |
7058635 | Shah-Nazaroff et al. | Jun 2006 | B1 |
7058697 | Rhoads | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7060957 | Lange et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7062379 | Videtich | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7062437 | Kovales et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7062510 | Eldering | Jun 2006 | B1 |
7062527 | Tyrrell, III | Jun 2006 | B1 |
7062706 | Maxwell et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7064656 | Belcher et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7064681 | Horstemeyer | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7065345 | Carlton et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7065351 | Carter et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7065483 | Decary et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7065507 | Mohammed et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7066391 | Tsikos et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069186 | Jung et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069188 | Roberts | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069240 | Spero et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069272 | Snyder | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069308 | Abrams | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069395 | Camacho et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069562 | Kushnirskiy et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7069576 | Knudson et al. | Jun 2006 | B1 |
7069582 | Philyaw et al. | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7070098 | Lapstun et al. | Jul 2006 | B1 |
7072846 | Robinson | Jul 2006 | B1 |
7072849 | Filepp et al. | Jul 2006 | B1 |
7072934 | Helgeson et al. | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7072963 | Anderson et al. | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7073129 | Robarts et al. | Jul 2006 | B1 |
7075643 | Holub | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7079639 | Smith | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7079713 | Simmons | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7079857 | Maggenti et al. | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7079993 | Stephenson et al. | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7080140 | Heitman et al. | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7082359 | Breed | Jul 2006 | B2 |
7082407 | Bezos et al. | Jul 2006 | B1 |
7084780 | Nguyen et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7084859 | Pryor | Aug 2006 | B1 |
7085637 | Breed et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7085683 | Anderson et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7085755 | Bluhm et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7085845 | Woodward et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7086187 | Bandak | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7089206 | Martin | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7089330 | Mason | Aug 2006 | B1 |
7089583 | Mehra et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7092723 | Himmelstein | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7093759 | Walsh | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7095401 | Liu et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7096218 | Schirmer et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7096234 | Plastina et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7096486 | Ukai et al. | Aug 2006 | B1 |
7098891 | Pryor | Aug 2006 | B1 |
7100195 | Underwood | Aug 2006 | B1 |
7103018 | Hansen et al. | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7103197 | Rhoads | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7103460 | Breed | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7103511 | Petite | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7103574 | Peinado et al. | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7103848 | Barsness et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7104890 | Tsuda et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7104955 | Bardy | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7106717 | Rousseau et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7107285 | von Kaenel et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7107309 | Geddes et al. | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7107706 | Bailey, Sr. et al. | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7109859 | Peeters | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7110525 | Heller et al. | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7110576 | Norris, Jr. et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7110776 | Sambin | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7110880 | Breed et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7110982 | Feldman et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7111240 | Crow et al. | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7111787 | Ehrhart | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7113110 | Horstemeyer | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7113596 | Rhoads | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7113614 | Rhoads | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7113771 | Kotzin | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7113779 | Fujisaki | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7113860 | Wang | Sep 2006 | B2 |
7113918 | Ahmad et al. | Sep 2006 | B1 |
7116781 | Rhoads | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7116894 | Chatterton | Oct 2006 | B1 |
7117170 | Bennett et al. | Oct 2006 | B1 |
7117374 | Hill et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7117504 | Smith et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7117518 | Takahashi et al. | Oct 2006 | B1 |
7119716 | Horstemeyer | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7120129 | Ayyagari et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7120248 | Hopkins et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7120508 | Peshkin et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7120619 | Drucker et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7120872 | Thacker | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7121469 | Dorai et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7121946 | Paul et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7123926 | Himmelstein | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7124004 | Obradovich | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7124093 | Graham et al. | Oct 2006 | B1 |
7124101 | Mikurak | Oct 2006 | B1 |
7126583 | Breed | Oct 2006 | B1 |
7127143 | Elkins, II et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7127525 | Coleman et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7130807 | Mikurak | Oct 2006 | B1 |
7130885 | Chandra et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7131061 | MacLean et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7131062 | Nguyen et al. | Oct 2006 | B2 |
7133862 | Hubert et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7134131 | Hendricks et al. | Nov 2006 | B1 |
7136530 | Lee et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7136710 | Hoffberg et al. | Nov 2006 | B1 |
7136814 | McConnell | Nov 2006 | B1 |
7136838 | Peinado et al. | Nov 2006 | B1 |
7136866 | Springer, Jr. et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7136871 | Ozer et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7137077 | Iwema et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7137124 | Lamb et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7139445 | Pilu et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7139723 | Conkwright et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7139983 | Kelts | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7142099 | Ross et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7142844 | Obradovich et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7143091 | Charnock et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7146260 | Preston et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7147246 | Breed et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7147558 | Giobbi | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7149696 | Shimizu et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7149698 | Guheen et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7149741 | Burkey et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7151768 | Preston et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7151864 | Henry et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7151946 | Maggenti et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7152207 | Underwood et al. | Dec 2006 | B1 |
7152236 | Wugofski et al. | Dec 2006 | B1 |
7154638 | Lapstun et al. | Dec 2006 | B1 |
7155335 | Rennels | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7155676 | Land et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7158758 | Lim et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7158953 | DeMello et al. | Jan 2007 | B1 |
7158956 | Himmelstein | Jan 2007 | B1 |
7161926 | Elson et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7162433 | Foroutan | Jan 2007 | B1 |
7164662 | Preston et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7165040 | Ehrman et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7165041 | Guheen et al. | Jan 2007 | B1 |
7165098 | Boyer et al. | Jan 2007 | B1 |
7165268 | Moore et al. | Jan 2007 | B1 |
7167586 | Braun et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7170492 | Bell | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7171016 | Rhoads | Jan 2007 | B1 |
7171189 | Bianconi et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7171381 | Ehrman et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7171468 | Yeung et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7171624 | Baldwin et al. | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7173538 | Pedraza et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7174054 | Manber et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7174126 | McElhatten et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7174253 | Videtich | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7174286 | Martin et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7174332 | Baxter et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7176791 | Sakaki et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7177623 | Baldwin | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7177935 | Bradshaw et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7178049 | Lutter | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7178106 | Lamkin et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7180473 | Horie et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7181017 | Nagel et al. | Feb 2007 | B1 |
7181438 | Szabo | Feb 2007 | B1 |
7181488 | Martin et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7181744 | Shultz et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7181761 | Davis et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7184048 | Hunter | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7184866 | Squires et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7185275 | Roberts et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7185286 | Zondervan et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7185355 | Ellis et al. | Feb 2007 | B1 |
7187847 | Young et al. | Mar 2007 | B2 |
7187947 | White et al. | Mar 2007 | B1 |
7188216 | Rajkumar et al. | Mar 2007 | B1 |
7188307 | Ohsawa | Mar 2007 | B2 |
7190480 | Sturgeon et al. | Mar 2007 | B2 |
7191447 | Ellis et al. | Mar 2007 | B1 |
7194421 | Conkwright et al. | Mar 2007 | B2 |
7194512 | Creemer et al. | Mar 2007 | B1 |
7194755 | Nakata et al. | Mar 2007 | B1 |
7197234 | Chatterton | Mar 2007 | B1 |
7197465 | Hu et al. | Mar 2007 | B1 |
7197472 | Conkwright et al. | Mar 2007 | B2 |
7197716 | Newell et al. | Mar 2007 | B2 |
7199885 | Dodge et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7202776 | Breed | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7202898 | Braun et al. | Apr 2007 | B1 |
7203158 | Oshima et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7203300 | Shaffer et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7203597 | Sato et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7203721 | Ben-Efraim et al. | Apr 2007 | B1 |
7204041 | Bailey, Sr. et al. | Apr 2007 | B1 |
7206305 | Preston et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7207041 | Elson et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7207042 | Smith et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7209915 | Taboada et al. | Apr 2007 | B1 |
7209969 | Lahti et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7210100 | Berger et al. | Apr 2007 | B2 |
7212296 | Dodge et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7212661 | Samara et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7212811 | Dowling et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7215965 | Fournier et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7216121 | Bachman et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7216145 | Collings, III | May 2007 | B2 |
7216224 | Lapstun et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7218779 | Dodge et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7218940 | Niemenmaa et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7219013 | Young et al. | May 2007 | B1 |
7219123 | Fiechter et al. | May 2007 | B1 |
7219304 | Kraenzel et al. | May 2007 | B1 |
7221669 | Preston et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7221959 | Lindqvist et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7222078 | Abelow | May 2007 | B2 |
7222780 | Lapstun et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7224282 | Terauchi et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7224480 | Tanaka et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7224820 | Inomata et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7224886 | Akamatsu et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7225040 | Eller et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7225979 | Silverbrook et al. | Jun 2007 | B2 |
7227526 | Hildreth et al. | Jun 2007 | B2 |
7227842 | Ji et al. | Jun 2007 | B1 |
7228340 | De Boor et al. | Jun 2007 | B2 |
7231357 | Shanman et al. | Jun 2007 | B1 |
7234645 | Silverbrook et al. | Jun 2007 | B2 |
7236493 | McRae | Jun 2007 | B1 |
7236941 | Conkwright et al. | Jun 2007 | B2 |
7236969 | Skillen et al. | Jun 2007 | B1 |
7239747 | Bresler et al. | Jul 2007 | B2 |
7239949 | Lu et al. | Jul 2007 | B2 |
7240843 | Paul et al. | Jul 2007 | B2 |
7242492 | Currans et al. | Jul 2007 | B2 |
7242988 | Hoffberg et al. | Jul 2007 | B1 |
7246118 | Chastain et al. | Jul 2007 | B2 |
7249266 | Margalit et al. | Jul 2007 | B2 |
7254581 | Johnson et al. | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7256341 | Plastina et al. | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7257426 | Witkowski et al. | Aug 2007 | B1 |
7257545 | Hung | Aug 2007 | B1 |
7257567 | Toshima | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7257570 | Riise et al. | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7259747 | Bell | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7260534 | Gandhi et al. | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7262798 | Stavely et al. | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7263367 | Sabot | Aug 2007 | B1 |
7263521 | Carpentier et al. | Aug 2007 | B2 |
7268700 | Hoffberg | Sep 2007 | B1 |
7269188 | Smith | Sep 2007 | B2 |
7269289 | Wu et al. | Sep 2007 | B2 |
7271737 | Hoffberg | Sep 2007 | B1 |
7272497 | Koshiji et al. | Sep 2007 | B2 |
7272637 | Himmelstein | Sep 2007 | B1 |
7274800 | Nefian et al. | Sep 2007 | B2 |
7274988 | Mukaiyama | Sep 2007 | B2 |
7275049 | Clausner et al. | Sep 2007 | B2 |
7277693 | Chen et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7277925 | Warnock | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7283567 | Preston et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7283904 | Benjamin et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7283974 | Katz et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7283992 | Liu et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7284192 | Kashi et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7286522 | Preston et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7289806 | Morris et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7295101 | Ward et al. | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7295925 | Breed et al. | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7298248 | Finley et al. | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7298289 | Hoffberg | Nov 2007 | B1 |
7299186 | Kuzunuki et al. | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7299969 | Paul et al. | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7301494 | Waters | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7302339 | Gray | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7302419 | Conkwright et al. | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7302468 | Wijeratne | Nov 2007 | B2 |
7305442 | Lundy | Dec 2007 | B1 |
7305445 | Singh et al. | Dec 2007 | B2 |
7305467 | Kaiser et al. | Dec 2007 | B2 |
7308112 | Fujimura et al. | Dec 2007 | B2 |
7308483 | Philyaw | Dec 2007 | B2 |
7317696 | Preston et al. | Jan 2008 | B2 |
7317723 | Guru | Jan 2008 | B1 |
7317836 | Fujimura et al. | Jan 2008 | B2 |
7318106 | Philyaw | Jan 2008 | B2 |
7320025 | Steinberg et al. | Jan 2008 | B1 |
7328450 | Macrae et al. | Feb 2008 | B2 |
7330693 | Goss | Feb 2008 | B1 |
7331523 | Meier et al. | Feb 2008 | B2 |
7339467 | Lamb | Mar 2008 | B2 |
7340469 | Alghathbar et al. | Mar 2008 | B1 |
7343160 | Morton | Mar 2008 | B2 |
7343317 | Jokinen et al. | Mar 2008 | B2 |
7343364 | Bram et al. | Mar 2008 | B2 |
7343614 | Hendricks et al. | Mar 2008 | B1 |
7343616 | Takahashi et al. | Mar 2008 | B1 |
7348963 | Bell | Mar 2008 | B2 |
7349552 | Levy et al. | Mar 2008 | B2 |
7349976 | Glaser et al. | Mar 2008 | B1 |
7350204 | Lambert et al. | Mar 2008 | B2 |
7352358 | Zalewski et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7353199 | DiStefano, III | Apr 2008 | B1 |
7353533 | Wright et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7358434 | Plastina et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7359121 | French et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7359782 | Breed | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7362902 | Baker et al. | Apr 2008 | B1 |
7362999 | Petschke et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7363314 | Picker et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7363347 | Thomas | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7363643 | Drake et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7363645 | Hendricks | Apr 2008 | B1 |
7367887 | Watabe et al. | May 2008 | B2 |
7370002 | Heckerman et al. | May 2008 | B2 |
7373243 | Tengler et al. | May 2008 | B2 |
7373345 | Carpentier et al. | May 2008 | B2 |
7375728 | Donath et al. | May 2008 | B2 |
7376581 | DeRose et al. | May 2008 | B2 |
7377421 | Rhoads | May 2008 | B2 |
7379563 | Shamaie | May 2008 | B2 |
7379566 | Hildreth | May 2008 | B2 |
7379707 | DiFonzo et al. | May 2008 | B2 |
7383263 | Goger | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7383341 | Saito et al. | Jun 2008 | B1 |
7385501 | Miller et al. | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7385736 | Tseng et al. | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7386127 | Bar-On | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7386477 | Fano | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7389591 | Jaiswal et al. | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7392212 | Hancock et al. | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7392287 | Ratcliff, III | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7392475 | Leban et al. | Jun 2008 | B1 |
7395507 | Robarts et al. | Jul 2008 | B2 |
7401140 | Goulden et al. | Jul 2008 | B2 |
7403693 | Shteyn | Jul 2008 | B2 |
7403769 | Kopra et al. | Jul 2008 | B2 |
7404084 | Fransdonk | Jul 2008 | B2 |
7404520 | Vesuna | Jul 2008 | B2 |
7409434 | Lamming et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7409707 | Swander et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7411982 | Smith | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7412077 | Li et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7412158 | Kakkori | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7415181 | Greenwood et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7415670 | Hull et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7418346 | Breed et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7418476 | Salesky et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7421093 | Hildreth et al. | Sep 2008 | B2 |
7421155 | King et al. | Sep 2008 | B2 |
7421454 | DeShan et al. | Sep 2008 | B2 |
7424543 | Rice, III | Sep 2008 | B2 |
7424618 | Roy et al. | Sep 2008 | B2 |
7426438 | Robertsson | Sep 2008 | B1 |
7426486 | Treibach-Heck et al. | Sep 2008 | B2 |
7430312 | Gu | Sep 2008 | B2 |
7433068 | Stevens et al. | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7433885 | Jones | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7433893 | Lowry | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7436496 | Kawahito | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7437023 | King et al. | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7437312 | Bhatia et al. | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7437351 | Page | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7437368 | Kolluri et al. | Oct 2008 | B1 |
7437475 | Philyaw | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7437751 | Daniels | Oct 2008 | B2 |
7450736 | Yang et al. | Nov 2008 | B2 |
7450955 | Himmelstein | Nov 2008 | B2 |
7451005 | Hoffberg et al. | Nov 2008 | B2 |
7451102 | Nowak | Nov 2008 | B2 |
7452275 | Kuraishi | Nov 2008 | B2 |
7457862 | Hepworth et al. | Nov 2008 | B2 |
7460690 | Cohen et al. | Dec 2008 | B2 |
7461168 | Wan | Dec 2008 | B1 |
7463896 | Himmelstein | Dec 2008 | B2 |
7466823 | Vestergaard et al. | Dec 2008 | B2 |
7471236 | Pitt et al. | Dec 2008 | B1 |
7477780 | Boncyk et al. | Jan 2009 | B2 |
7477783 | Nakayama | Jan 2009 | B2 |
7477909 | Roth | Jan 2009 | B2 |
7478323 | Dowdy | Jan 2009 | B2 |
7480929 | Klosterman et al. | Jan 2009 | B2 |
7484008 | Gelvin et al. | Jan 2009 | B1 |
7484237 | Joly et al. | Jan 2009 | B2 |
7487107 | Blanchard et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7487112 | Barnes, Jr. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7487424 | Nam et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7487529 | Orlick | Feb 2009 | B1 |
7489812 | Fox et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7490045 | Flores et al. | Feb 2009 | B1 |
7490333 | Grimaud et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7492367 | Mahajan et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7493487 | Phillips et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7493572 | Card et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7493641 | Klosterman et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7496548 | Ershov | Feb 2009 | B1 |
7496638 | Philyaw | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7496757 | Abbott et al. | Feb 2009 | B2 |
7496943 | Goldberg et al. | Feb 2009 | B1 |
RE40653 | Fleming, III | Mar 2009 | E |
7499630 | Koch et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7504983 | Chen et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7505772 | Himmelstein | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7505785 | Callaghan et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7505956 | Ibbotson | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7505959 | Kaiser et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7506020 | Ellis | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7506250 | Hull et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7506265 | Traut et al. | Mar 2009 | B1 |
7508810 | Moinzadeh et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7509134 | Fournier et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7509673 | Swander et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7512254 | Vollkommer et al. | Mar 2009 | B2 |
7518605 | Lin et al. | Apr 2009 | B2 |
7519397 | Fournier et al. | Apr 2009 | B2 |
7522995 | Nortrup | Apr 2009 | B2 |
7523067 | Nakajima | Apr 2009 | B1 |
7523126 | Rivette et al. | Apr 2009 | B2 |
7525450 | Miller et al. | Apr 2009 | B2 |
7529811 | Thompson | May 2009 | B2 |
7533040 | Perkowski | May 2009 | B2 |
7536032 | Bell | May 2009 | B2 |
7536189 | Himmelstein | May 2009 | B2 |
7536547 | Van Den Tillaart | May 2009 | B2 |
7542966 | Wolf et al. | Jun 2009 | B2 |
7546254 | Bednarek | Jun 2009 | B2 |
7548961 | Fernandez et al. | Jun 2009 | B1 |
7549159 | Shay | Jun 2009 | B2 |
7552075 | Walsh | Jun 2009 | B1 |
7552381 | Barrus | Jun 2009 | B2 |
7555142 | Hildreth et al. | Jun 2009 | B2 |
7560701 | Oggier et al. | Jul 2009 | B2 |
7561312 | Proudfoot et al. | Jul 2009 | B1 |
7562122 | Oliver et al. | Jul 2009 | B2 |
7568213 | Carhart et al. | Jul 2009 | B2 |
7569269 | Takada et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7570805 | Gu | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7571121 | Bezos et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7574020 | Shamaie | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7574407 | Carro et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7574422 | Guan et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7574434 | Galuten | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7574513 | Dunning et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7576679 | Orr et al. | Aug 2009 | B1 |
7576727 | Bell | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7577665 | Ramer et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7577722 | Khandekar et al. | Aug 2009 | B1 |
7577828 | Sammer et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7577872 | DiBartolomeo et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7580932 | Plastina et al. | Aug 2009 | B2 |
7584215 | Saari et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7587370 | Himmelstein | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7587412 | Weyl et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7590262 | Fujimura et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7591597 | Pasqualini et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7593552 | Higaki et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7593605 | King et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7594000 | Himmelstein | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7594185 | Anderson et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7594189 | Walker et al. | Sep 2009 | B1 |
7596269 | King et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7596391 | Himmelstein | Sep 2009 | B2 |
7598942 | Underkoffler et al. | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7599580 | King et al. | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7599715 | Himmelstein | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7599844 | King et al. | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7599855 | Sussman | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7606741 | King et al. | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7607147 | Lu et al. | Oct 2009 | B1 |
7607509 | Schmiz et al. | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7613634 | Siegel et al. | Nov 2009 | B2 |
7614055 | Buskens et al. | Nov 2009 | B2 |
7616840 | Erol et al. | Nov 2009 | B2 |
7619623 | Hoppe et al. | Nov 2009 | B2 |
7620202 | Fujimura et al. | Nov 2009 | B2 |
7624104 | Berkhin et al. | Nov 2009 | B2 |
7624146 | Brogne et al. | Nov 2009 | B1 |
7624424 | Morita et al. | Nov 2009 | B2 |
7629899 | Breed | Dec 2009 | B2 |
7630986 | Herz et al. | Dec 2009 | B1 |
7634407 | Chelba et al. | Dec 2009 | B2 |
7634465 | Sareen et al. | Dec 2009 | B2 |
7634468 | Stephan | Dec 2009 | B2 |
7640268 | Gotoh et al. | Dec 2009 | B2 |
7647329 | Fischman et al. | Jan 2010 | B1 |
7647349 | Hubert et al. | Jan 2010 | B2 |
7650319 | Hoffberg et al. | Jan 2010 | B2 |
7657907 | Fennan et al. | Feb 2010 | B2 |
7660813 | Milic-Frayling et al. | Feb 2010 | B2 |
7664315 | Woodfill et al. | Feb 2010 | B2 |
7664734 | Lawrence et al. | Feb 2010 | B2 |
7665109 | Matthews, III et al. | Feb 2010 | B2 |
7668340 | Cohen et al. | Feb 2010 | B2 |
7672543 | Hull et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7672931 | Hurst-Hiller et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7680067 | Prasad et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7680298 | Roberts et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7681147 | Richardson-Bunbury et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7683954 | Ichikawa et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7684592 | Paul et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7689712 | Lee et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7689832 | Talmor et al. | Mar 2010 | B2 |
7698344 | Sareen et al. | Apr 2010 | B2 |
7698545 | Campbell et al. | Apr 2010 | B1 |
7701439 | Hillis et al. | Apr 2010 | B2 |
7702130 | Im et al. | Apr 2010 | B2 |
7702624 | King et al. | Apr 2010 | B2 |
7704135 | Harrison, Jr. | Apr 2010 | B2 |
7706611 | King et al. | Apr 2010 | B2 |
7707039 | King et al. | Apr 2010 | B2 |
7710391 | Bell et al. | May 2010 | B2 |
7710598 | Harrison, Jr. | May 2010 | B2 |
7712113 | Yoon et al. | May 2010 | B2 |
7721307 | Hendricks et al. | May 2010 | B2 |
7725492 | Sittig et al. | May 2010 | B2 |
7729530 | Antonov et al. | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7729901 | Richardson-Bunbury et al. | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7730190 | Coile et al. | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7733853 | Moinzadeh et al. | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7742953 | King et al. | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7746345 | Hunter | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7747281 | Preston et al. | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7747291 | Himmelstein | Jun 2010 | B2 |
7757254 | Shoff et al. | Jul 2010 | B2 |
7760182 | Ahmad et al. | Jul 2010 | B2 |
7761451 | Cunningham | Jul 2010 | B2 |
7764219 | Pitt et al. | Jul 2010 | B2 |
7769633 | Jokinen et al. | Aug 2010 | B2 |
7769740 | Martinez et al. | Aug 2010 | B2 |
7769745 | Naaman et al. | Aug 2010 | B2 |
7779002 | Gomes et al. | Aug 2010 | B1 |
7783304 | Himmelstein | Aug 2010 | B2 |
7783617 | Lu et al. | Aug 2010 | B2 |
7783622 | Vandermolen et al. | Aug 2010 | B1 |
7788248 | Forstall et al. | Aug 2010 | B2 |
7792040 | Nair et al. | Sep 2010 | B2 |
7793136 | Lutter | Sep 2010 | B2 |
7793326 | McCoskey et al. | Sep 2010 | B2 |
7796116 | Salsman et al. | Sep 2010 | B2 |
7802084 | Fitzgerald et al. | Sep 2010 | B2 |
7802724 | Nohr | Sep 2010 | B1 |
7804440 | Orr | Sep 2010 | B1 |
7806322 | Brundage et al. | Oct 2010 | B2 |
7809167 | Bell | Oct 2010 | B2 |
7809367 | Hellaker | Oct 2010 | B2 |
7812860 | King et al. | Oct 2010 | B2 |
7818178 | Overend et al. | Oct 2010 | B2 |
7818215 | King et al. | Oct 2010 | B2 |
7822871 | Stolorz et al. | Oct 2010 | B2 |
7830388 | Lu | Nov 2010 | B1 |
7831586 | Reitter et al. | Nov 2010 | B2 |
7831912 | King et al. | Nov 2010 | B2 |
7834846 | Bell | Nov 2010 | B1 |
7844907 | Watler et al. | Nov 2010 | B2 |
7844996 | Chen et al. | Nov 2010 | B2 |
7847685 | Miller et al. | Dec 2010 | B2 |
7848763 | Fournier et al. | Dec 2010 | B2 |
7852262 | Namineni et al. | Dec 2010 | B2 |
7859402 | Miller et al. | Dec 2010 | B2 |
7865308 | Athsani et al. | Jan 2011 | B2 |
7870199 | Galli et al. | Jan 2011 | B2 |
7872669 | Darrell et al. | Jan 2011 | B2 |
7891004 | Gelvin et al. | Feb 2011 | B1 |
7894670 | King et al. | Feb 2011 | B2 |
RE42256 | Edwards | Mar 2011 | E |
7898522 | Hildreth et al. | Mar 2011 | B2 |
7904187 | Hoffberg et al. | Mar 2011 | B2 |
7904569 | Gelvin et al. | Mar 2011 | B1 |
7907976 | Himmelstein | Mar 2011 | B2 |
7912645 | Breed et al. | Mar 2011 | B2 |
7920714 | O'Neil | Apr 2011 | B2 |
7925708 | Davis et al. | Apr 2011 | B2 |
7941433 | Benson | May 2011 | B2 |
7949191 | Ramkumar et al. | May 2011 | B1 |
7965222 | Pitt et al. | Jun 2011 | B2 |
7966078 | Hoffberg et al. | Jun 2011 | B2 |
7971157 | Markovic et al. | Jun 2011 | B2 |
7983835 | Lagassey | Jul 2011 | B2 |
7987003 | Hoffberg et al. | Jul 2011 | B2 |
7990556 | King et al. | Aug 2011 | B2 |
7996793 | Latta et al. | Aug 2011 | B2 |
7999721 | Orr | Aug 2011 | B2 |
8005713 | Sanz-Pastor et al. | Aug 2011 | B1 |
8005720 | King et al. | Aug 2011 | B2 |
8006263 | Ellis et al. | Aug 2011 | B2 |
8018467 | Solanki et al. | Sep 2011 | B2 |
8019648 | King et al. | Sep 2011 | B2 |
8020028 | Lutter | Sep 2011 | B1 |
8024766 | Addington | Sep 2011 | B2 |
8031060 | Hoffberg et al. | Oct 2011 | B2 |
8032477 | Hoffberg et al. | Oct 2011 | B1 |
8035612 | Bell et al. | Oct 2011 | B2 |
8035614 | Bell et al. | Oct 2011 | B2 |
8035624 | Bell et al. | Oct 2011 | B2 |
8046801 | Ellis et al. | Oct 2011 | B2 |
8072470 | Marks | Dec 2011 | B2 |
8073821 | Zahavi et al. | Dec 2011 | B2 |
8073921 | Thomas et al. | Dec 2011 | B2 |
8074076 | Courtois | Dec 2011 | B2 |
8081849 | King et al. | Dec 2011 | B2 |
8082258 | Kumar et al. | Dec 2011 | B2 |
8117445 | Werner et al. | Feb 2012 | B2 |
8146156 | King et al. | Mar 2012 | B2 |
8165916 | Hoffberg et al. | Apr 2012 | B2 |
8169436 | Rivera et al. | May 2012 | B2 |
8173634 | Liu et al. | May 2012 | B2 |
8175921 | Kopra | May 2012 | B1 |
8191088 | Edwards et al. | May 2012 | B2 |
8214387 | King et al. | Jul 2012 | B2 |
8234641 | Fitzgerald et al. | Jul 2012 | B2 |
8267783 | van Datta et al. | Sep 2012 | B2 |
8272964 | van Datta et al. | Sep 2012 | B2 |
8302030 | Soroca et al. | Oct 2012 | B2 |
8332406 | Donaldson | Dec 2012 | B2 |
8347357 | Chen et al. | Jan 2013 | B2 |
8352400 | Hoffberg et al. | Jan 2013 | B2 |
8361987 | Cohen et al. | Jan 2013 | B2 |
8364136 | Hoffberg et al. | Jan 2013 | B2 |
8369967 | Hoffberg et al. | Feb 2013 | B2 |
8402356 | Martinez et al. | Mar 2013 | B2 |
8402490 | Hoffberg-Borghesani et al. | Mar 2013 | B2 |
8405654 | Rivera et al. | Mar 2013 | B2 |
8458695 | Fitzgerald et al. | Jun 2013 | B2 |
8473836 | Flake et al. | Jun 2013 | B2 |
8483546 | Borghesani et al. | Jul 2013 | B2 |
8505090 | King et al. | Aug 2013 | B2 |
8516266 | Hoffberg et al. | Aug 2013 | B2 |
RE44566 | Goldberg et al. | Oct 2013 | E |
8554623 | Higgins et al. | Oct 2013 | B2 |
8560390 | Higgins et al. | Oct 2013 | B2 |
8574074 | van Datta et al. | Nov 2013 | B2 |
8578413 | Ellis et al. | Nov 2013 | B2 |
8578423 | Ellis et al. | Nov 2013 | B2 |
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20010003099 | Von Kohorn | Jun 2001 | A1 |
20010003176 | Schena et al. | Jun 2001 | A1 |
20010003177 | Schena et al. | Jun 2001 | A1 |
20010003193 | Woodring et al. | Jun 2001 | A1 |
20010005804 | Rayner | Jun 2001 | A1 |
20010007086 | Rogers et al. | Jul 2001 | A1 |
20010009855 | l'Anson | Jul 2001 | A1 |
20010011226 | Greer et al. | Aug 2001 | A1 |
20010013009 | Greening et al. | Aug 2001 | A1 |
20010014915 | Blumenau | Aug 2001 | A1 |
20010018628 | Jenkins et al. | Aug 2001 | A1 |
20010025245 | Flickinger et al. | Sep 2001 | A1 |
20010025254 | Park | Sep 2001 | A1 |
20010025274 | Zehr et al. | Sep 2001 | A1 |
20010026533 | Schwager | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010027412 | Son | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010029610 | Corvin et al. | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010032125 | Bhan et al. | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010032132 | Moran | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010032133 | Moran | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010032137 | Bennett et al. | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010032252 | Durst, Jr. et al. | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010032333 | Flickinger | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010034237 | Garahi | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010034643 | Acres | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010034762 | Jacobs et al. | Oct 2001 | A1 |
20010035880 | Musatov et al. | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010037232 | Miller | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010039210 | ST-Denis | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010042001 | Goto et al. | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010042002 | Koopersmith | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010044309 | Bar et al. | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010044809 | Parasnis et al. | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010045104 | Bailey, Sr. et al. | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010047297 | Wen | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010047298 | Moore et al. | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010047384 | Croy | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010049620 | Blasko | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010049636 | Hudda et al. | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010052058 | Ohran | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010052123 | Kawai | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010052847 | Auerbach | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010053252 | Creque | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010054181 | Corvin | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010055411 | Black | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010056434 | Kaplan et al. | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010056463 | Grady et al. | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010056540 | Ober et al. | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20010056544 | Walker | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20020001317 | Herring | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020002504 | Engel et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020002899 | Gjerdingen et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020004743 | Kutaragi et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020004744 | Muyres et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020007307 | Miller et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020007310 | Long | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020008619 | Lerg et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020008637 | Lemelson et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020010626 | Agmoni | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020010628 | Burns | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020010757 | Granik et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020012065 | Watanabe | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020012329 | Atkinson et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020013174 | Murata | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020013781 | Petersen | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020013941 | Ward, III et al. | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020014742 | Conte et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020014976 | Yoshida | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020016171 | Doganata et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020016750 | Attia | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020018076 | Gianola | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020018982 | Conroy | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020019774 | Kanter | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020019849 | Tuvey et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020019857 | Harjanto | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020022476 | Go | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020022516 | Forden | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020022924 | Begin | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020022927 | Lemelson et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020022993 | Miller et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020023000 | Bollay | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020023091 | Silberberg et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020023215 | Wang et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020023230 | Bolnick et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020023957 | Michaelis et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020023959 | Miller et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020026345 | Juels | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020026355 | Mitsuoka et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020026496 | Boyer et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020026638 | Eldering et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020029350 | Cooper et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020032608 | Kanter | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020032626 | DeWolf et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020032906 | Grossman | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020032907 | Daniels | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020033844 | Levy et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020034757 | Cubicciotti | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020035596 | Yang et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020035605 | McDowell et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020036750 | Eberl et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020037735 | Maggenti et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020038182 | Wong et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020038456 | Hansen et al. | Mar 2002 | A1 |
20020040475 | Yap et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020042914 | Walker et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020044042 | Christensen et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020044687 | Federman | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020046084 | Steele et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020046087 | Hey | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020046095 | Wallace | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020046102 | Dohring et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020046262 | Heilig et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020049389 | Abreu | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020049527 | Kohno et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020049781 | Bengtson | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020049788 | Lipkin et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020049968 | Wilson et al. | Apr 2002 | A1 |
20020051262 | Nuttall et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020051521 | Patrick | May 2002 | A1 |
20020052214 | Maggenti et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020052747 | Sarukkai | May 2002 | A1 |
20020052785 | Tenenbaum | May 2002 | A1 |
20020052786 | Kim et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020052875 | Smith et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020054059 | Schneiderman | May 2002 | A1 |
20020054089 | Nicholas et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020055833 | Sterling | May 2002 | A1 |
20020055876 | Gabler | May 2002 | A1 |
20020055906 | Katz et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020055919 | Mikheev | May 2002 | A1 |
20020056107 | Schlack | May 2002 | A1 |
20020057892 | Mano et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020059094 | Hosea et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020059577 | Lu et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020059590 | Kitsukawa et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020059599 | Schein et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020059610 | Ellis | May 2002 | A1 |
20020061760 | Maggenti et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020061778 | Acres | May 2002 | A1 |
20020065844 | Robinson et al. | May 2002 | A1 |
20020067308 | Robertson | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020067475 | Waibel et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020067730 | Hinderks et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020069218 | Sull et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020069240 | Berk | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020069405 | Chapin et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020069529 | Wieres | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020070852 | Trauner et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020072965 | Merriman et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020072966 | Eldering et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020073000 | Sage | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020073235 | Chen et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020073236 | Helgeson et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020073424 | Ward, III et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020077906 | Remler | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020078441 | Drake et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020082048 | Toyoshima | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020082077 | Johnson et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020082901 | Dunning et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020082910 | Kontogouris | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020082913 | Li | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020082941 | Bird | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083435 | Blasko et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083439 | Eldering | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083441 | Flickinger et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083442 | Eldering | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083443 | Eldering et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083444 | Blasko et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083445 | Flickinger et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020083451 | Gill et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020087401 | Leapman et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020087402 | Zustak et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020087403 | Meyers et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020087887 | Busam et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020087973 | Hamilton et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020087975 | Schlack | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020087980 | Eldering et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020090203 | Mankovitz | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020091569 | Kitaura et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020091928 | Bouchard et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020094868 | Tuck et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020095411 | Caldwell et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020095501 | Chiloyan et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020095673 | Leung et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020095676 | Knee et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020098891 | Graham et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020099600 | Merriman et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020099611 | De Souza et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020099653 | De Souza et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020099695 | Abajian et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020099738 | Grant | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020099812 | Davis et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020099952 | Lambert et al. | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020100040 | Bull | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020100044 | Daniels | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020100052 | Daniels | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020102966 | Lev et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020102999 | Maggenti et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020103870 | Shouji | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020105423 | Rast | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020107073 | Binney | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020107075 | Stephan | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020107730 | Bernstein | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020109680 | Orbanes et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020111154 | Eldering et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020111172 | DeWolf et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020111213 | McEntee et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020111825 | Martin et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020111865 | Middleton, III et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020111956 | Yeo et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020111960 | Irons et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020112035 | Carey et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020112047 | Kushwaha et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020112233 | Cantu Bonilla et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020112240 | Bacso et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020112249 | Hendricks et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020112250 | Koplar et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020113815 | DeGross | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020114004 | Ferlitsch | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020114466 | Tanaka et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020116284 | Steelman et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020116582 | Copeland et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020118676 | Tonnby et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020118880 | Liu et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020120589 | Aoki | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020121969 | Joao | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020122040 | Noyle | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020122052 | Reich et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020123928 | Eldering et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020124255 | Reichardt et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020125411 | Christy | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020129368 | Schlack et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020133398 | Geller et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020133400 | Terry et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020135504 | Singer | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020135815 | Finn | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020136407 | Denning et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020138331 | Hosea et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020138493 | Shapiro et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020138840 | Schein et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020143639 | Beckett et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020143652 | Beckett | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020143901 | Lupo et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020144010 | Younis et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020144262 | Plotnick et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020144263 | Eldering et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020147633 | Rafizadeh | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020147638 | Banerjee et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020147645 | Alao et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020147766 | Vanska et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020147982 | Naidoo et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020151992 | Hoffberg et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020152117 | Cristofalo et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020152267 | Lennon | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020154631 | Makansi et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020154817 | Katsuyama et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020155878 | Lert, Jr. et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020155891 | Okada et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020157002 | Messerges et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020161625 | Brito-Valladares et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020161639 | Goldstein | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020163579 | Patel et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020164977 | Link, II et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020164999 | Johnson | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020165026 | Perkins et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020165764 | Wade et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020169840 | Sheldon et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020170685 | Weik, III et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020173317 | Nykanen et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020173349 | Ach, III | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020173359 | Gallo et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020173907 | Ando | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020173971 | Stirpe et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020174073 | Nordman et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020174185 | Rawat et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020174424 | Chang et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020175936 | Tenembaum | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020178153 | Nishioka et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020178161 | Brezin et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020178211 | Singhal et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020178223 | Bushkin | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020178442 | Williams | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020178445 | Eldering et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020178447 | Plotnick et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020181501 | Nova et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020184047 | Plotnick et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020184086 | Linde | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020184088 | Rosenberg | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020184130 | Blasko | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020184224 | Haff et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020184626 | Darbee et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020184642 | Lude et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020185590 | Yahav et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020191847 | Newman et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020193066 | Connelly | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020193938 | DeKock et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194058 | Eldering | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194143 | Banerjee et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194215 | Cantrell et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194585 | Connelly | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194590 | Pong | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194596 | Srivastava | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194598 | Connelly | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020194607 | Connelly | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020196254 | Suzuki et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020198632 | Breed et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020198633 | Weimper | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020198786 | Tripp et al. | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020199198 | Stonedahl | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20030001018 | Hussey et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030001816 | Badarneh | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030001849 | Devins et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030001854 | Jade et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030004724 | Kahn et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030004810 | Eldering | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030004991 | Keskar et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030005445 | Schein et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030008661 | Joyce et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030009367 | Morrison | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030009495 | Adjaoute | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030009602 | Jacobs et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030009752 | Gupta | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030009762 | Hooper et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030011684 | Narayanaswami et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030012555 | Yuen et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030014307 | Heng | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030014312 | Fleisher | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030014414 | Newman | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030014659 | Zhu | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030014754 | Chang | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030016005 | Leibowitz et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030018430 | Ladetto et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030018527 | Filepp et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030018797 | Dunning et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030019939 | Sellen | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030022953 | Zampini et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030027558 | Eisinger | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030028433 | Merriman et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030031465 | Blake | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030032409 | Hutcheson et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030032476 | Walker et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033321 | Schrempp et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033331 | Sena et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033394 | Stine | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033405 | Perdon et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030034462 | Remillard et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030035075 | Butler et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030036881 | Remillard et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030036944 | Lesandrini et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030037163 | Kitada et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030037181 | Freed | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030037336 | Leftwich | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030039411 | Nada | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030040957 | Rodriguez et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030040962 | Lewis | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030041267 | Fee et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030041329 | Bassett | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030043042 | Moores, Jr. et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030045998 | Medl | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030046148 | Rizzi et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030048293 | Werkhoven | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030053536 | Ebrami | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030054888 | Walker et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055689 | Block et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055722 | Perreault et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055883 | Wiles, Jr. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055896 | Hu et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030056219 | Reichardt et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030059208 | Ando et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030060188 | Gidron et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030060247 | Goldberg et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030060956 | Rao et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030060980 | Prakah-Asante et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030062997 | Naidoo et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030065762 | Stolorz et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030065788 | Salomaki | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030065982 | Grimaud et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030066092 | Wagner et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030067542 | Monroe | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030069877 | Grefenstette et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030069880 | Harrison et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030070087 | Gryaznov | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030070091 | Loveland | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030070167 | Holtz et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030073496 | D'Amico et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030074252 | Chandler-Pepelnjak et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030076347 | Barrett et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030076367 | Bencze et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030078064 | Chan | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030078978 | Lardin et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030079224 | Komar et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030079226 | Barrett | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030079227 | Knowles et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030080878 | Kirmuss | May 2003 | A1 |
20030080992 | Haines | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081121 | Kirmuss | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081122 | Kirmuss | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081127 | Kirmuss | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081128 | Kirmuss | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081557 | Mettala et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081784 | Kallahalla et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081934 | Kirmuss | May 2003 | A1 |
20030081935 | Kirmuss | May 2003 | A1 |
20030084449 | Chane et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030084456 | Ryan et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030084461 | Hoang | May 2003 | A1 |
20030088786 | Moran et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093187 | Walker | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093311 | Knowlson | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093329 | Gutta | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093384 | Durst, Jr. et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093400 | Santosuosso | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093545 | Liu et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093792 | Labeeb et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030097227 | Bloch et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030098352 | Schnee et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030098800 | Jambhekar et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030099375 | Sefcik | May 2003 | A1 |
20030100375 | Wakae et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030100965 | Sitrick et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030100982 | Rao et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030101292 | Fisher et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030101329 | Lahti et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030101341 | Kettler, III et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030101449 | Bentolila et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030101451 | Bentolila et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030101454 | Ozer et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030103484 | Oommen et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030103644 | Klayh | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030104867 | Kobayashi et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030107578 | Willis et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030110171 | Ozer et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030110495 | Bennington et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030110499 | Knudson et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030114157 | Spitz et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030115074 | Freeman et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030115318 | Wueste | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030115417 | Corrigan | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030115587 | Kendall et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030115599 | Bennington et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030115602 | Knee et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030119528 | Pew et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030120630 | Tunkelang | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030125853 | Takagi et al. | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030126150 | Chan | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030126250 | Jhanji | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030131356 | Proehl et al. | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030135513 | Quinn et al. | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030139966 | Sirota et al. | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030144044 | Pisarsky | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030144048 | Silva | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030144865 | Lin et al. | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030149528 | Lin | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030149574 | Rudman | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030149618 | Sender et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030149623 | Chen | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030149678 | Cook | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030149975 | Eldering et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030151507 | Andre et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030153340 | Crockett et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030153341 | Crockett et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030153342 | Crockett et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030153343 | Crockett et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030154010 | Rao et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030154011 | Rao et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030154293 | Zmolek | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030155513 | Remillard et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030158872 | Adams | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030159157 | Chan | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030160975 | Skurdal et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030161298 | Bergman et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030163369 | Arr | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030163482 | Bunney et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030163524 | Gotoh et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030163813 | Klosterman et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030164858 | Klosterman et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030165241 | Fransdonk | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030169181 | Taylor | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030169185 | Taylor | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030171910 | Abir | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030171988 | Sugihara | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030171990 | Rao et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030172050 | Decime et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030172376 | Coffin, III | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030173405 | Wilz, Sr. et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030177278 | DeNatale | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030177490 | Hoshino et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030182053 | Swope et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030182254 | Plastina et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030182315 | Plastina et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030182375 | Zhu et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030182399 | Silber | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030182567 | Barton et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030182663 | Gudorf et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030187719 | Brocklebank | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030187751 | Watson et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030187886 | Hull et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030188310 | Klosterman et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030188311 | Yuen et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030189499 | Stricklin et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030190961 | Seidman | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030191690 | McIntyre et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030191742 | Yonezawa et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030191799 | Araujo et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030191816 | Landress et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030193409 | Crank | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030195021 | Yamashita et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030195801 | Takakura et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030195837 | Kostic et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030195851 | Ong | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030196201 | Schein et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030198462 | Bumgardner et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030199292 | Greenberg | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030200152 | Divekar | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030200452 | Tagawa et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030204620 | Cheng | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030204632 | Willebeek-LeMair et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030204640 | Sahinoja et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030204847 | Ellis et al. | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030206100 | Richman et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030208756 | Macrae et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030208758 | Schein et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030212527 | Moore et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030212608 | Cliff | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030212710 | Guy | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030212760 | Chen et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030212996 | Wolzien | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030214405 | Lerg et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030214528 | Pierce et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030215211 | Coffin, III | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030216961 | Barry | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030220835 | Barnes, Jr. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030221030 | Pontius et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030222819 | Karr et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030222981 | Kisak et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030223381 | Schroderus | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030223637 | Simske et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030225516 | DeKock et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030225547 | Paradies | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030226141 | Krasnow et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030226142 | Rand | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030229537 | Dunning et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030229718 | Tock et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030229893 | Sgaraglino | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20030229900 | Reisman | Dec 2003 | A1 |
20040001217 | Wu | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040002326 | Maher | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040002348 | Fraccaroli | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040002380 | Brosnan et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040003392 | Trajkovic et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040003396 | Babu | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040003413 | Boston et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040006424 | Joyce et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040006509 | Mannik et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040006740 | Krohn et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040008651 | Ahmed | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040009813 | Wind | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040010492 | Zhao et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040010591 | Sinn et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040010601 | Afergan et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040010806 | Yuen et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040014454 | Burgess et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040014457 | Stevens | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040015397 | Barry et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040015437 | Choi et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040015478 | Pauly | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040015588 | Cotte | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040015608 | Ellis et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040019420 | Rao et al. | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040019521 | Birmingham | Jan 2004 | A1 |
20040022416 | Lemelson et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040023200 | Blume | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040025174 | Cerrato | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040028295 | Allen et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040029895 | Takeuchi et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040030595 | Park | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040030670 | Barton | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040030798 | Andersson et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040031050 | Klosterman | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040031058 | Reisman | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040034536 | Hughes | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040034686 | Guthrie | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040034697 | Fairhurst et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040034752 | Ohran | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040036718 | Warren et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040039648 | Candelore et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040039796 | Watkins | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040039827 | Thomas et al. | Feb 2004 | A1 |
20040043758 | Sorvari et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040043817 | Willis | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040043819 | Willis | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044567 | Willis | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044569 | Roberts et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044571 | Bronnimann et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044574 | Cochran et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044576 | Kurihara et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044623 | Wake et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044627 | Russell et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044736 | Austin-Lane et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040044952 | Jiang et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040045025 | Ward, III et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040049428 | Soehnlen et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040049515 | Haff et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040054264 | Ogura | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040054589 | Nicholas et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040057348 | Shteyn et al. | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040059625 | Schrader | Mar 2004 | A1 |
20040064453 | Ruiz et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040064550 | Sakata et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040067752 | Himmelstein | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040068409 | Tanaka et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040068483 | Sakurai et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040068552 | Kotz et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040068724 | Gardner, III et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040070538 | Horie et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040070602 | Kobuya et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073361 | Tzamaloukas et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073482 | Wiggins et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073483 | Cohen et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073630 | Copeland et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073642 | Iyer | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073874 | Poibeau et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073899 | Luk et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040073924 | Pendakur | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040078263 | Altieri | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040078266 | Kim | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040078292 | Blumenau | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040078621 | Talaugon et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040078809 | Drazin | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040078815 | Lemmons et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040078820 | Nickum | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040083133 | Nicholas et al. | Apr 2004 | A1 |
20040084109 | Piccinino, Jr. et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040088558 | Candelore | May 2004 | A1 |
20040088583 | Yoon et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040090121 | Simonds et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040093141 | Rao et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040098165 | Butikofer | May 2004 | A1 |
20040098744 | Gutta | May 2004 | A1 |
20040102248 | Young et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040103024 | Patel et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040103429 | Carlucci et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040103439 | Macrae et al. | May 2004 | A1 |
20040107033 | Rao et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040107136 | Nemirofsky et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040107437 | Reichardt et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040110565 | Levesque | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040111200 | Rao et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040111317 | Ebisawa | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040111484 | Young et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040116183 | Prindle | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040117091 | Prakah-Asante et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040117272 | Shehab | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040121835 | Willis et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040121842 | Willis et al. | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040122856 | Clearwater | Jun 2004 | A1 |
20040126747 | Fujisawa et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040128286 | Yasushi et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040128514 | Rhoads | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040128670 | Robinson et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040130550 | Blanco et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040133480 | Domes | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040133518 | Dryall | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040137929 | Jones et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040137980 | Aenlle | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040139025 | Coleman | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040139047 | Rechsteiner et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040139064 | Chevallier et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040139106 | Bachman et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040139107 | Bachman et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040139400 | Allam et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040139465 | Matthews, III et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040140352 | Walker et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040143478 | Ward | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040143495 | Koenig | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040145459 | Himmelstein | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040145496 | Ellis | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040147265 | Kelley et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040148221 | Chu | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040148341 | Cotte | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040148424 | Berkson et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040148625 | Eldering et al. | Jul 2004 | A1 |
20040152477 | Wu et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040152517 | Hardisty et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040152518 | Kogo | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040153360 | Schumann | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040153363 | Stehling | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040153385 | Allibhoy et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040153453 | Brodie et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040158492 | Lopez et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040158858 | Paxton et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040162064 | Himmelstein | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040162758 | Willis | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040162759 | Willis | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040163101 | Swix et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040163134 | Willis | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040164228 | Fogg et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040168063 | Revital et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040168188 | Bennington et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040168189 | Reynolds et al. | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040168202 | Ebihara | Aug 2004 | A1 |
20040169678 | Oliver | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040172324 | Merriman et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040172331 | Merriman et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040172332 | Merriman et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040172343 | Allibhoy et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040172550 | Sai | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040176170 | Eck et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040176995 | Fusz | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040177001 | Salinas | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040181688 | Wittkotter | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040181808 | Schaefer et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040183829 | Kontny et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040186766 | Fellenstein et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040186771 | Squires | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040186859 | Butcher | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040189512 | Takashima et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040189691 | Jojic et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040193371 | Koshiji et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040193413 | Wilson et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040193488 | Khoo et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040194123 | Fredlund et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040194128 | McIntyre et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040194138 | Boylan, III et al. | Sep 2004 | A1 |
20040199575 | Geller | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040201500 | Miller et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040201629 | Bates et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040201683 | Murashita et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040203851 | Vetro et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040203909 | Koster | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040203931 | Karaoguz | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040204238 | Aoki | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040204247 | Walker et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040204266 | Owens et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040204806 | Chen et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040204953 | Muir et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040205101 | Radhakrishnan | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040205151 | Sprigg et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040205157 | Bibelnieks et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040205508 | Wecker et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040205534 | Koelle | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040205807 | Wilcoxson et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040206809 | Wood et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040209602 | Joyce et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040210472 | Lew et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040210489 | Jackson et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040210653 | Kanoor et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040210661 | Thompson | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040210824 | Shoff et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040210935 | Schein et al. | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040215931 | Ellis | Oct 2004 | A1 |
20040219977 | Ebisawa | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040220850 | Ferrer et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040220858 | Maggio | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040221018 | Ji | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040221310 | Herrington et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040224772 | Canessa et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040225562 | Turner | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040225715 | Gottfried | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040229194 | Yang | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040229632 | Flynn et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040230593 | Rudin et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040230994 | Urdang et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040234932 | Hughes et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040236585 | Kohnke et al. | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040236791 | Kinjo | Nov 2004 | A1 |
20040243455 | Smith | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040243466 | Trzybinski et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040243470 | Ozer et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040243623 | Ozer et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040248569 | Kondou et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040248649 | Arai et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040249786 | Dabney et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040250131 | Swander et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040250201 | Caspi | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040252051 | Johnson | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040252679 | Williams et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040254795 | Fujii et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040254831 | Dean | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040254957 | Hyotyniemi et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040255148 | Monteiro et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040256454 | Kocher | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040258274 | Brundage et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040259553 | Delaney et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040260470 | Rast | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040260609 | Loeb et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040260618 | Larson | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040260669 | Fernandez | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040260804 | Grabarnik et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040261098 | Macrae et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040261125 | Ellis et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040263337 | Terauchi et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040266535 | Reeves | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040266537 | Morris | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040267611 | Hoerenz | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040267715 | Polson et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040267734 | Toshima | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040267880 | Patiejunas | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040267952 | He et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040268237 | Jones et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20040268347 | Knauerhase et al. | Dec 2004 | A1 |
20050000213 | Cameron | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050003797 | Baldwin | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050005168 | Dick | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050005242 | Hoyle | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050005246 | Card et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050009506 | Smolentzov et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050010765 | Swander et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050010949 | Ward et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011012 | Sun et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011013 | Schrott et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011014 | Schrott et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011015 | Schmidt et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011016 | Pasquier et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011017 | Legrand et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011026 | Hafliger et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011042 | Hupp et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011043 | Comstock | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011084 | Stephenson | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011085 | Swigart et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011088 | Theurer et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011089 | Duke | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011090 | Bedretdinov | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011533 | Ruben | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050011534 | Kampel | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050012510 | Thibedeau et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050013114 | Ha | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050013297 | Eriksson | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050013586 | Bhatia et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050015267 | Barringer et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050015451 | Sheldon et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050015599 | Wang et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050015804 | LaJoie et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050015815 | Shoff et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050017333 | Bohr | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021387 | Gottfurcht | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021396 | Pearch et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021397 | Cui et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021403 | Ozer et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021465 | Segerstrom | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021470 | Martin et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021666 | Dinnage et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021853 | Parekh et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050021980 | Kanai | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050022010 | Swander et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050022114 | Shanahan et al. | Jan 2005 | A1 |
20050025242 | Ma et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050025732 | Ansmann et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050026569 | Lim et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050027587 | Latona et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050027595 | Ha et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050027699 | Awadallah et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050028034 | Gantman et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050028188 | Latona et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050028195 | Feinleib et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050028201 | Klosterman et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050028208 | Ellis et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050028218 | Blake | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050029534 | Ochiai et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050029536 | Sugitatsu et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050029537 | D'Evelyn et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050029539 | Toda et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050029680 | Jung et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050030007 | Sakata | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050032577 | Blackburn et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050033700 | Vogler et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050033713 | Bala et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050033970 | Anson et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050034319 | Terrazas | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050034734 | Tweardy | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050038698 | Lukose et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050038702 | Merriman et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050039178 | Marolia et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050041578 | Huotari et al. | Feb 2005 | A1 |
20050050027 | Yeh et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050050043 | Pyhalammi et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050050070 | Sheldon | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050050222 | Packer | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050055321 | Fratkina et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050055345 | Ripley | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050055725 | Stewart | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050060264 | Schrock et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050060350 | Baum et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050060365 | Robinson et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050060381 | Huynh et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050065950 | Chaganti et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050065980 | Hyatt et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050070221 | Upton | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050071665 | Zimmer et al. | Mar 2005 | A1 |
20050075155 | Sitrick | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050075172 | Coleman | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050075908 | Stevens | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050076051 | Carobus et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050076060 | Finn et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050076095 | Mathew et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050086187 | Grosser et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050086467 | Asokan et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091107 | Blum | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091108 | Frost | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091111 | Green et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091118 | Fano | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091146 | Levinson | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091184 | Seshadri et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091302 | Soin et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091578 | Madan et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050091626 | Okano et al. | Apr 2005 | A1 |
20050096750 | Kagan et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050096755 | Heizmann et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050096975 | Moshe | May 2005 | A1 |
20050096983 | Werkhoven | May 2005 | A1 |
20050097008 | Ehring et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050097335 | Shenoy et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050097599 | Plotnick et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050097622 | Zigmond et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098596 | Yano et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098597 | Cottrell et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098598 | Kuhn | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098599 | von Foerster | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098600 | Yeh et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098601 | Dragov | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098602 | Mintzer | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098603 | Mochizuki et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098604 | Marks | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098605 | Edelstein et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098606 | Takeuchi et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098607 | Bartley et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098609 | Greenhut et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050098610 | Onobori et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050101192 | Foskey | May 2005 | A1 |
20050101193 | Godard | May 2005 | A1 |
20050101386 | Lavanchy et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050102177 | Takayama | May 2005 | A1 |
20050102202 | Linden et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050102610 | Jie | May 2005 | A1 |
20050105552 | Osterling | May 2005 | A1 |
20050106643 | Saatcioglu | May 2005 | A1 |
20050107158 | Kanisawa et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050108001 | Aarskog | May 2005 | A1 |
20050108095 | Perlmutter | May 2005 | A1 |
20050108195 | Yalovsky et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050108213 | Riise et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050108322 | Kline et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050112030 | Gaus | May 2005 | A1 |
20050113170 | McHugh | May 2005 | A1 |
20050114357 | Chengalvarayan et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050114375 | Frieder et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050114380 | Eldar et al. | May 2005 | A1 |
20050114526 | Aoyama | May 2005 | A1 |
20050120003 | Drury et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050120006 | Nye | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050125117 | Breed | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050125286 | Crippen et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050125513 | Sin-Ling Lam et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050125823 | McCoy et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050130656 | Chen | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050130725 | Creamer et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050131727 | Sezan et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050132281 | Pan et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050135366 | Trappeniers et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050136949 | Barnes, Jr. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050137765 | Hein et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050138660 | Boyer et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050139649 | Metcalf et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050141709 | Bratton | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050143174 | Goldman et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050144063 | Spector | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050144073 | Morrisroe et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050144074 | Fredregill et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050144475 | Sakaki et al. | Jun 2005 | A1 |
20050148377 | Goldberg et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050149396 | Horowitz et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050149397 | Morgenstern et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050149538 | Singh et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050149726 | Joshi et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050149964 | Thomas et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050151849 | Fitzhugh et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050153654 | Anderson et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050153760 | Varley | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050154608 | Paulson et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050154640 | Kolluri et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050154699 | Lipkin et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050154717 | Watson et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050154760 | Bhakta et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050155056 | Knee et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050155083 | Oh et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050159220 | Wilson et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050159970 | Buyukkokten et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050160080 | Dawson | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050160442 | Kaplowitz | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050164757 | Ebisawa | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050165640 | Kotorov | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050165644 | Beyda et al. | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050165699 | Hahn-Carlson | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050166240 | Kim | Jul 2005 | A1 |
20050171865 | Beardow | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050171955 | Hull et al. | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050177385 | Hull et al. | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050177413 | Blumberg et al. | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050177430 | Willis | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050177431 | Willis et al. | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050177461 | Rosefelt et al. | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050178940 | Granick | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050179685 | Kake et al. | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050180330 | Shapiro | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050182693 | Alivandi | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050182737 | Brown | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050182824 | Cotte | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050183110 | Anderson | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050185825 | Hoshino et al. | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050187786 | Tsai | Aug 2005 | A1 |
20050192025 | Kaplan | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050192071 | Matsuno et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050192864 | Ganz | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050193014 | Prince | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050193054 | Wilson et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050193075 | Haff et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050193396 | Stafford-Fraser et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050193411 | Funston | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050193414 | Horvitz et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050193425 | Sull et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050195157 | Kramer et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050195696 | Rekimoto | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050197977 | Buck et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050198075 | Plastina et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050202385 | Coward et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050203801 | Morgenstern et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050203804 | Suzuki et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050203807 | Bezos et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050203811 | David | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050204381 | Ludvig et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050204388 | Knudson et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050205671 | Gelsomini et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050209995 | Aksu et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050210101 | Janik | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050216295 | Abrahamsohn | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050216300 | Appelman et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050216346 | Kusumoto et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050216348 | Martin et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050216581 | Blumenau et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050216855 | Kopra et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050216936 | Knudson et al. | Sep 2005 | A1 |
20050219375 | Hasegawa et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050220359 | Sun et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050222801 | Wulff et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050222908 | Altberg et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050223039 | Kim et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050227749 | Bender et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050228683 | Saylor et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050228797 | Koningstein et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050229215 | Schein et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050231746 | Parry et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050233741 | Zamani et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050234781 | Morgenstern et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050234851 | King et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050234907 | Yamagishi et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050235030 | Lauckhart et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050235199 | Adams | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050235310 | Bies | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050235318 | Grauch et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050235320 | Maze et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050235338 | AbiEzzi et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050235811 | Dukane | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050240476 | Bigott | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050240962 | Cooper et al. | Oct 2005 | A1 |
20050246314 | Eder | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050246436 | Day et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050246736 | Beyda et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050247769 | Potter et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050251448 | Gropper | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050251539 | Parekh et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050251822 | Knowles et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050251824 | Thomas et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050251827 | Ellis et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050254366 | Amar | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050256768 | Robinson | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050256867 | Walther et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050256923 | Adachi | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050259675 | Tuohino et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050260984 | Karabinis | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050261062 | Lewin et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050261962 | Chuah | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050262058 | Chandrasekar et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050262101 | Halpern et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050262132 | Morita et al. | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050262569 | Shay | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050262570 | Shay | Nov 2005 | A1 |
20050264417 | Miller et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050265169 | Yoshimaru et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050266858 | Miller et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050266906 | Stevens | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050266907 | Weston et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050267638 | Peshkin et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050267819 | Kaplan | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050268342 | Shay | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050270358 | Kuchen et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050270537 | Mian et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050272442 | Miller et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050273510 | Schuh | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050275505 | Himmelstein | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050276570 | Reed et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050278314 | Buchheit | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050278333 | Daniels et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050278483 | Andruszkiewicz et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050278712 | Buskens et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050278741 | Robarts et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050283395 | Lesandrini et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050283401 | Swix et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050283640 | Cheston et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050288954 | McCarthy et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050288999 | Lerner et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050289054 | Silverbrook et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20050289542 | Uhlig et al. | Dec 2005 | A1 |
20060003795 | Yamanaka et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060004667 | Neil | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060007108 | Utsumi et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060007312 | James | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060010400 | Dehlin et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060010440 | Anderson et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060011728 | Frantz et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060014727 | Karsan et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060015571 | Fukuda et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060015904 | Marcus | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060018198 | McDonald et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060018208 | Nathan et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060018209 | Drakoulis et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060019676 | Miller et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060020062 | Bloom | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060020631 | Cheong Wan et al. | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060020662 | Robinson | Jan 2006 | A1 |
20060023715 | Chen et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060023717 | Trachtman et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060023718 | Joly | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060023806 | Huang et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060023937 | Tessadro | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060023945 | King et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060025985 | Vinberg et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060026013 | Kraft | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060026067 | Nicholas et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060026188 | Najork et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060026219 | Orenstein et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060026263 | Raghavan et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060029259 | Harrington et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060030334 | Hashimoto | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060031108 | Oran | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060031505 | Ashley | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060031551 | Agresta et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060031883 | Ellis et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060034218 | Ozluturk et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060036462 | King et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060036570 | Schaefer et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060036853 | Chen et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060037011 | Shi et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060037044 | Daniels | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060040719 | Plimi | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060041484 | King et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060041538 | King et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060041590 | King et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060041605 | King et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060041635 | Alexander et al. | Feb 2006 | A1 |
20060045374 | Kim et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060047563 | Wardell | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060047615 | Ravin et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060047663 | Rail | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060048046 | Joshi et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060048330 | Rust et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060052837 | Kim et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060053058 | Hotchkiss et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060053077 | Mourad et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060053097 | King et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060053225 | Poikselka et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060059091 | Wang et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060059253 | Goodman et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060062094 | Nathan et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060067296 | Bershad et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060069612 | Hurt et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060069616 | Bau | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060069749 | Herz et al. | Mar 2006 | A1 |
20060072724 | Cohen et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060074750 | Clark et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060074853 | Liu et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060075032 | Jain et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060075252 | Kallahalla et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060075327 | Sriver | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060075508 | Guo et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060080356 | Burges et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060081714 | King et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060082591 | Emerson et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060083217 | Bae | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060085392 | Wang et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060085408 | Morsa | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060085419 | Rosen | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060085477 | Phillips et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060085517 | Kaurila | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060085816 | Funk et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060085825 | Istvan et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060089876 | Boys | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060090084 | Buer | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060090186 | Santangelo et al. | Apr 2006 | A1 |
20060093971 | Liu et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060095516 | Wijeratne | May 2006 | A1 |
20060095538 | Rehman et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060098900 | King et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060100978 | Heller et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060101285 | Chen et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060101514 | Milener et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060103665 | Opala et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060103893 | Azimi et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060104515 | King et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060109266 | Itkowitz et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060111970 | Hill et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060112098 | Renshaw et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060112410 | Poli et al. | May 2006 | A1 |
20060114451 | Wang et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060116924 | Angles et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060119900 | King et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060122983 | King et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060123053 | Scannell, Jr. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060124496 | Gasque | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060129313 | Becker et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060129605 | Doshi | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060132349 | Stern et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060136629 | King et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060136720 | Armstrong et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060136910 | Brickell et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060136911 | Robinson et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060136966 | Folk | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060138219 | Brzezniak et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060143650 | Tanikawa et al. | Jun 2006 | A1 |
20060146169 | Segman | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060146766 | Nakajima et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060150249 | Gassen et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060155398 | Hoffberg et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060155735 | Traut et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060156336 | Knudson et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060161671 | Ryman et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060161829 | Kobayashi | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060161894 | Oustiougov et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060165571 | Seon | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060167747 | Goodman et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060167784 | Hoffberg | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060168591 | Hunsinger et al. | Jul 2006 | A1 |
20060173838 | Garg et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060173859 | Kim et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060173910 | McLaughlin | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060173916 | Verbeck Sibley et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060173985 | Moore | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060178822 | Lee | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060179476 | Challener et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060184508 | Fuselier et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060184579 | Mills et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060184937 | Abels et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060193471 | Stehle | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195438 | Galuten | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195462 | Rogers | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195513 | Rogers et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195514 | Rogers et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195515 | Beaupre et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195516 | Beaupre | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195521 | New et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195695 | Keys | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195789 | Rogers et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195790 | Beaupre et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195859 | Konig et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060195860 | Eldering et al. | Aug 2006 | A1 |
20060200253 | Hoffberg et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060200258 | Hoffberg et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060200259 | Hoffberg et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060200260 | Hoffberg et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060200780 | Iwema et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060206259 | Stiller et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060206576 | Obradovich et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060206715 | Cowan et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060206811 | Dowdy | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060206900 | Ooyama et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060206931 | Dillaway et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060209021 | Yoo et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060209957 | Riemens et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060212330 | Savilampi | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060212347 | Fang et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060212350 | Ellis et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060212401 | Ameerally et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060212558 | Sahinoja et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060212562 | Kushwaha et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060212894 | Knudson et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060218187 | Plastina et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060218536 | Kirilline et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060218544 | Chakraborty et al. | Sep 2006 | A1 |
20060224895 | Mayer | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060225065 | Chandhok et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060227945 | Runge et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060229940 | Grossman | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060230141 | Willis | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060234639 | Kushwaha et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060234698 | Fok et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060235816 | Yang et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060236257 | Othmer et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060236408 | Yan | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060239579 | Ritter | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060242139 | Butterfield et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060242178 | Butterfield et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060242259 | Vallabh et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060242667 | Petersen et al. | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060242703 | Abeni | Oct 2006 | A1 |
20060248209 | Chiu et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060253323 | Phan et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060253330 | Maggio et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060253874 | Stark et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060256371 | King et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060258368 | Granito et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060259240 | Hashimoto | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060259592 | Angeline | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060259783 | Work et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060259889 | Crosetto | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060265503 | Jones et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060265733 | Chen et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060265734 | Chen et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060266839 | Yavid et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060268667 | Jellison, Jr. et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060271395 | Harris et al. | Nov 2006 | A1 |
20060274060 | Ni et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060274828 | Siemens et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060277098 | Chung et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060277574 | Schein et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060282311 | Jiang | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060282455 | Lee et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060283952 | Wang | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060288044 | Kashiwagi et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060288366 | Boylan, III et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060288367 | Swix et al. | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060294421 | Schneider | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060294566 | Zlattner | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20060294575 | Rogers | Dec 2006 | A1 |
20070009245 | Ito | Jan 2007 | A1 |
20070013560 | Casey | Jan 2007 | A1 |
20070014536 | Hellman | Jan 2007 | A1 |
20070015519 | Casey | Jan 2007 | A1 |
20070016476 | Hoffberg et al. | Jan 2007 | A1 |
20070016507 | Tzara | Jan 2007 | A1 |
20070016926 | Ward, III et al. | Jan 2007 | A1 |
20070026854 | Nath et al. | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070027771 | Collins et al. | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070030539 | Nath et al. | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070033613 | Ward, III et al. | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070038931 | Allaire et al. | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070042765 | Bailin et al. | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070043766 | Nicholas et al. | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070043829 | Dua | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070043860 | Pabari | Feb 2007 | A1 |
20070050254 | Driscoll | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070050409 | Bugir et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070050673 | DiBartolomeo et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070050712 | Hull et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070050842 | Smith et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070051217 | Weber | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070053513 | Hoffberg | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070054677 | Himmelstein | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070055980 | Megeid et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070060056 | Whitaker et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070061022 | Hoffberg-Borghesani et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070061023 | Hoffberg et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070061146 | Jaramillo et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070061487 | Moore et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070061735 | Hoffberg et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070063875 | Hoffberg | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070066287 | Papulov | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070067104 | Mays | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070067267 | Ives | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070067775 | Shultz et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070068708 | Marks | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070070038 | Hoffberg et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070072591 | McGary et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070073583 | Grouf et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070073641 | Perry et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070073756 | Manhas et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070074214 | Ueno et al. | Mar 2007 | A1 |
20070075622 | Guo et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070078706 | Datta et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070078712 | Ott, IV et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070078714 | Ott, IV et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070078989 | van Datta et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070079326 | van Datta et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070079331 | van Datta et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070079335 | McDonough | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070082678 | Himmelstein | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070083611 | Farago et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070084807 | Holmes et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070086061 | Robbins | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070087756 | Hoffberg | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070088852 | Levkovitz | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070089151 | Moore et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070092053 | Sato | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070094081 | Yruski et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070094082 | Yruski et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070094083 | Yruski et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070094363 | Yruski et al. | Apr 2007 | A1 |
20070100690 | Hopkins | May 2007 | A1 |
20070100956 | Kumar | May 2007 | A1 |
20070101360 | Gutta et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070106681 | Haot et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070107010 | Jolna et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070112762 | Brubaker | May 2007 | A1 |
20070115868 | Chen et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070115897 | Chen et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070118425 | Yruski et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070118546 | Acharya | May 2007 | A1 |
20070121843 | Atazky et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070126874 | Kake | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070130012 | Yruski et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070130137 | Oliver et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070130232 | Therrien et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070130594 | Hidary et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070134193 | Pauly et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070136048 | Richardson-Bunbury et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070136235 | Hess | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070136256 | Kapur et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070136264 | Tran | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070136689 | Richardson-Bunbury et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070141020 | Barritault et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070143345 | Jones et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070146812 | Lawton | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070150168 | Balcom et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070150359 | Lim et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070150919 | Morishita | Jun 2007 | A1 |
20070155411 | Morrison | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070156677 | Szabo | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070157242 | Cordray et al. | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070159455 | Lin | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070161382 | Melinger et al. | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070162850 | Adler et al. | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070162945 | Mills | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070167226 | Kelly et al. | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070168430 | Brun et al. | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070169121 | Hunt et al. | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070173266 | Barnes, Jr. | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070174471 | Van Rossum | Jul 2007 | A1 |
20070179792 | Kramer | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070179987 | Lim | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070180493 | Croft et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070185599 | Robinson et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070190506 | Jeng et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070192299 | Zuckerberg et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070192329 | Croft et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070192839 | Fee et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070194119 | Vinogradov et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070198506 | Attaran Rezaei et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070198563 | Apparao et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070198612 | Prahlad et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070198656 | Mazzaferri et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070203591 | Bowerman | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070203790 | Torrens et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070204266 | Beaty et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070204308 | Nicholas et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070207797 | Pitt et al. | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070208561 | Choi et al. | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070208685 | Blumenau | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070208732 | Flowers et al. | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070214133 | Liberty et al. | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070214408 | Straub et al. | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070219708 | Brasche et al. | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070219940 | Mueller et al. | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070228306 | Gannon et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070233585 | Ben Simon et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070233806 | Asadi | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070238076 | Burstein et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070239348 | Cheung | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070239517 | Chung et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070240079 | Flynt et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070244760 | Bodnar et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070244880 | Martin et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070249406 | Andreasson | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070250761 | Bradley et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070259653 | Tang et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070259716 | Mattice et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070260508 | Barry et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070260604 | Haeuser et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070263932 | Bernardin et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070271286 | Purang et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070271297 | Jaffe et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070271340 | Goodman et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070271582 | Ellis et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070271610 | Grobman | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070273758 | Mendoza et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070276940 | Abraham et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070279494 | Aman et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070279711 | King et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070282621 | Altman et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070282675 | Varghese | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070288228 | Taillefer et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070288278 | Alexander et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070288310 | Boos et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070288589 | Chen et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070294096 | Randall et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070294689 | Garney | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070294740 | Drake et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070299935 | Plastina et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070300142 | King et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20080002074 | Lee et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080004802 | Horvitz | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080004948 | Flake et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080004990 | Flake et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080005264 | Brunell et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080005313 | Flake et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080005651 | Grefenstette et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080010206 | Coleman | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080010655 | Ellis et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080011829 | Roth | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080013429 | Chen et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080014255 | Tagawa et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080015748 | Nagy | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080016187 | Neil et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080021957 | Medved et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080022054 | Hertzberg et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080023550 | Yu et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080026804 | Baray et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080026838 | Dunstan et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080027881 | Bisse | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080028031 | Bailey et al. | Jan 2008 | A1 |
20080028674 | Jackson et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080031213 | Kaiser et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080031625 | Okuda et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080033897 | Lloyd | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080040283 | Morris | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080040749 | Hoffberg et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080046298 | Ben-Yehuda et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080046317 | Christianson et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080046417 | Jeffery et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080046592 | Gilhuly et al. | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080046948 | Verosub | Feb 2008 | A1 |
20080065471 | Reynolds et al. | Mar 2008 | A1 |
20080070588 | Morin | Mar 2008 | A1 |
20080071136 | Oohashi et al. | Mar 2008 | A1 |
20080071775 | Gross | Mar 2008 | A1 |
20080072134 | Balakrishnan et al. | Mar 2008 | A1 |
20080072874 | Baeuerle | Mar 2008 | A1 |
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20080082467 | Meijer et al. | Apr 2008 | A1 |
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20080172632 | Stambaugh | Jul 2008 | A1 |
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20080184312 | Schein et al. | Jul 2008 | A1 |
20080184313 | Knudson et al. | Jul 2008 | A1 |
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20080189742 | Ellis et al. | Aug 2008 | A1 |
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20080199042 | Smith | Aug 2008 | A1 |
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20090030406 | Hickingbotham | Jan 2009 | A1 |
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20090079813 | Hildreth | Mar 2009 | A1 |
20090082701 | Zohar et al. | Mar 2009 | A1 |
20090082950 | Vorona | Mar 2009 | A1 |
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20090083788 | Russell et al. | Mar 2009 | A1 |
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Child | 09260802 | US | |
Parent | 10162079 | US | |
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