Author: Masaharu Kubo, Ryoichi Hori, Osamu Minto and Kikuji Sato Title: “A Threshold Voltage Controlling Circuit For Short Channel MOS Integrated Circuits”, 1976 International Solid State Circuit Conference of IEEE (all pages), no month. |
Author: Tsuguo Kobayashi and Takayasu Sakurai Title: “Self-Adjusting Threshold-Voltage Scheme (SATS for Low-Voltage High-Speed Operation”, 1994 Customer Integrated Circuits Conference (all pages), no month. |
Author: Ricardo Gonzalez, Benjamin M. Gordon and Mark A. Horowitz Title: “Supply and Threshold Voltage Scaling For Low Power CMOS”, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 12, No. 2, Aug. 1997 (all pages). |