This invention relates generally to predictive modeling, and more particularly to predicting train consist reactions to specific stimuli.
Typically, when a train consist moves from one location to another, knowledge of the effects of incurred stimuli of the consist as the consist moves along the tracks is useful for increasing the efficiency consist movement. Therefore, a train consist predictive model would aid railroad transportation companies in improving operations. However, modeling the movement of a train consist is complex and time consuming.
Therefore, it would be desirable to provide an effective method of modeling movement of a train consist so that kinetic characteristics, such as stopping distance, speed, and acceleration can be determined and utilized to improve the movement of freight from one location to another.
In an exemplary embodiment, an adaptive train model (ATM) includes a semi-empirical mathematical model of a moving train consist used for simulating and predicting train reaction to external stimuli. The consist includes at least one locomotive and at least one railcar. The ATM utilizes a system including at least one sensor located on the train consist, a database, and a computer.
More particularly, the ATM is used for predicting such things as, train acceleration, train speed after one minute, and a shortest braking distance of the train consist. The model is adaptive because it is built and updated while the train is moving. The model has a set of unknown parameters that are updated as the train consist is moving and new data are collected. Then, based on the most recently measured data, those parameters are used for predicting movement characteristics of the train consist.
As used herein, the terms “train consist” and “consist” mean a train having at least one locomotive and at least one railcar. However, a “consist” may include a plurality of locomotives physically connected together with one locomotive designated as a lead locomotive and other locomotives designated as trailing locomotives, and a combination of railcars (freight, passenger, bulk) physically connected to the locomotives.
The ATM is a semi-empirical model using a set of initially unknown coefficients. Those coefficients are determined and adjusted based on the most recent collected stimuli data and train reaction to those stimuli, such as acceleration. Once determined, the coefficients are used for predicting train kinetic characteristics for a period of time. The ATM is semi-empirical because it takes in account the most important elements of consist kinetics but considers as unknown their interaction. The ATM makes the assumption that the train consist length is constant, the load the consist is carrying is uniformly distributed along the consist, the brakes on all railcars have the same unknown efficiency, and the spiral curvature (1/R) of the track has a linear variation with distance.
Table 1, below, defines the notations that will be used to describe the ATM and how the notations are used to predict consist kinetic characteristics.
1The field CURVE in track database.
Model Description
The ATM determines the train kinetic elements based on a force balance. As the train moves, there are forces pulling the train forward and other forces pulling the backward. The forward forces accelerate the train movement, while the backward forces have a braking effect and create a deceleration. The effect of the vertical forces are considered only as an element affecting the rolling friction of the consist.
In an exemplary embodiment, a balance of forces applied to a consist at time t is
F(t)=M(Kr+Krvv(t))+Kav(t)2+MKe1E1(t)+MKe2E2(t)+MKe3E3(t)+MKe4E4(t)+MKpCp(t)+MK1C1(t)+Kb1B1(t)+Kb2B2(t)+Kb3B3(t)+Kb4B4(t)+Kr1R1(t)+Kr2R2(t)+Kr3R3(t)+Kr4R4(t)+KdD(t)+KtT(t). (1)
The meaning of the function and coefficients is described below.
A rolling forces term, M (Kr+Krv v(t)), is the sum of all forces that act on a train moving along an ideal straight horizontal line when no brake or throttle is applied. Those forces can be determined on each independent railcar. They are caused by the friction between rail and wheels, rail elastic deformation under railcar weight, deformation (compression) of the rail understructure caused by railcar weight, bearing friction, and other forces in direct relation with the railcar weight and railcar speed. Adding the effect of all railcars, gives a force that is dependent on train total mass and speed.
Kr is the only coefficient in the ATM that does not have an associated element. Krv is associated with train speed. As the consist speed changes, Krvv modifies the value of the rolling forces.
Aerodynamic forces are expressed by the term, Ka v(t)2. The aerodynamic forces are caused by the friction between the moving train consist and the stationary air. The total force depends on locomotive aerodynamic profile, railcar aerodynamic profiles and the sequence of different railcar types along the consist, such as, flat bed, single stacked, double stacked, caboose, gondola, etc. For such reason the value of the coefficient should be different from one consist to another as each consist has its own aerodynamic profile.
Elevation caused forces are expressed by M (Ke1 E1(t)+Ke2 E2(t)+Ke3 E3(t)+Ke4 E4(t)). It is assumed that the consist has up to four segments, each uniformly loaded. This assumption is important for modeling the movement of very long consists, where distribution of weight has an important contribution on the speed determination. The size of each segment is determined from loading information provided in a consist description. If such information does not exist, all four segments are considered to be of equal length. For small consists (less than 20 railcars) or uniformly loaded consists, such as coal, ore or other specialized consists, the whole train is considered as one segment.
As a train travels over hills and valleys, some sections of the train are moving uphill, while other train sections are rolling downhill.
A force fij created by section j of segment i of the consist is tangential to the ground and has the value
fij=wijcos(π/2−αij). (2)
Factor wij is the weight of consist section j of segment i. Since the load is assumed to be distributed uniformly along the segment, the weight of the section j of segment i should be
wij=Mjglij/Lj. (3)
Then an elevation effect on consist section j of segment i is
fij=Miglij/Licos(π/2−αij). (4)
Values 1ij are the “footage” determined by a track database using two successive elevation records. The first and the last sections of the consist should be determined according to the position of the head and the tail of the train with respect with the surrounding terrain. As the train travels, the size of the train sections are changing continuously, thus they are time dependent. Constraint
is verified at each moment t. The value of cos(π/2−αij) is approximately the same as the value of the field “slope” in a track database divided by 100.
Ei(t) is determined by
The DB_DIRECTION factor defines the vertical direction each segment of the consist is moving. If the segment is on a downhill slope, DB_DIRECTION is set to negative one (−1), otherwise its value is one (1).
Term g Mi/Li is a constant that was not included in (6). Thus, value of Kei should be g Mi/LI, giving
Kei=gMi/Li. (7)
From equation (7)
KeiLi/g=MI, and (8)
Noise associated with the data collection and database inconsistencies are not considered, therefore, the sum is an approximation of train weight.
Braking forces caused by direction change are expressed by the term M (Kp Cp(t)+K1 C1(t)). Each change in track direction has three distinctive segments, the entry easement, the circular curve and the exit easement. The entry easement is a spiral with the curvature varying from 0 to a final value of 1/R. In other words, the radius of the turn varies along the easement from ∞ to R. The curve is a circle with a constant radius of R. The exit easement is symmetrical to the entry easement. It starts with radius R and ends with a radius equal with ∞. When a railcar is moving at constant speed along the circular section of the track, it is affected by the centrifugal acceleration determined by
Fc=mv2/R. (10)
When the railcar is moving along a straight track, 1/R is zero and the centrifugal force is nonexistent. The reason for building the entry end exit easements is to prevent the centrifugal force discontinuities from zero to the value created by the movement on circular track. Radius R is determined by using a DC field from track database, giving
R=180/π100/DC=5729.58/DC. (11)
The centrifugal force is compensated for by raising the outer rail of the track, thereby tilting the railcar inward. The point of the railcar center of gravity O depends on the level of railcar loading and the type of load. There are two main forces acting on a railcar moving on a circular track, a railcar weight (w) and a centrifugal force (Fc). The centrifugal force is dependent on railcar mass, speed and track curvature. The railcar weight is dependent on railcar mass and gravitational acceleration. These two forces are composed into a resultant (w′). In order to prevent train derailment, the position of this force should always be between the two rails. Therefore,
w′=sqrt(w2+Fc2), and (12)
w′=msqrt(g2+(v2/R)2)=msqrt((Rg)2+v4)/R. (13)
The ideal position of this force is perpendicular to the track. Such position corresponds to a speed vd recorded in the data base for that particular curve and is strictly related with the amount of superelevation. The force w′ is decomposed in two components, one is perpendicular to the track (Fp), while the other is parallel to the track (F1). The component perpendicular to the track is the “apparent” weight of the railcar and the component parallel to the track creates lateral friction. Therefore,
Fp=w′cos(θ)=msqrt((Rg)2+v4)cos(θ)/R, and (14)
F1=w′sin(θ)=msqrt((Rg)2+v4)sin(θ)/R. (15)
The angle θ′ is between forces w and w′, giving
tan(θ)=Fc/w=(mv2/R)/(mg)=v2/(Rg). (16)
Θ is the superelevation angle and should be equal to the angle between forces Fp and w. The superelevation angle should satisfy the relation
tan(Θ)=vd2/(Rg), (17)
sin(Θ)=vd2/sqrt((Rg)2+vd4);cos(Θ))=Rg/sqrt((Rg)2+vd4), and (18)
sin(θ)=v2/sqrt((Rg)2+v4);cos(θ)=Rg/sqrt((Rg)2+v4). (19)
The angle θ is the difference θ′−Θ. Therefore,
cos(θ)=cos(θ′−Θ)=cos(θ′) cos(Θ)+sin(θ′) sin(Θ), and (20)
sin(θ)=sin(θ′−Θ)=sin(θ′)cos(Θ)−cos(θ′)sin(Θ). (21)
Which gives
cos(θ)=((Rg)2+v2vd2)/(sqrt((Rg)2+vd4)sqrt((Rg)2+v4)), and (22)
sin(θ)=Rg(v2−vd2)/(sqrt((Rg)2+vd4)sqrt((Rg)2+v4)). (23)
Replacing the values in (14) and (15), gives
Fp=m((Rg)2+v2vd2)/(Rsqrt((Rg)2+vd4)), and (24)
F1=mg(v2−vd2)/sqrt((Rg)2+vd4). (25)
These two forces are associated to the sections of track that are not tangent (straight). Fp represents the braking force caused by the effect of gravitation and centrifugal acceleration. If the effect of gravitation was already included in rolling forces, the relation in (24) should be adjusted by subtracting m g, giving
Fp=m(((Rg)2+v2vd2)/(Rsqrt((Rg)2+vd4))−g). (26)
The effect of all sections of the train that are on a circular track at a moment t is
and using (15) gives
Value mi is the mass of the train on each circular section i of track. For a uniform train loading the value should be proportional with the section length. The final expression of forces is then given by
Similar formulae are associated with forces developed by the train sections in easements. Since the radius of easement is variable, forces associated with easements are considered to be half of the forces created in circular sections. Such a supposition is correct if easements have a linear variation of a curvature 1/R. Removing constant terms, the expression of the “perpendicular force effect” for sections of train located in curve sections of track is
and the “lateral force effect” is
where δi are 1 for circular sections and 0.5 for easements.
Braking forces caused by the operation of the consist brakes are expressed by Kb1 B1(t)+Kb2 B2(t)+Kb3 B3(t)+Kb4 B4(t). The sum of four terms Kbi Bi(t) denote the total braking force applied to the train. The value of this sum will differ from zero only when the brake shoes are pressing the wheels on at least one railcar. After an engineer reduces the pressure in brake pipe, the brake shoes along the consist are successively applied against the wheels increasing the total braking force to a maximum value, railcar by railcar. Although all shoes are pressing the wheels with the maximum force, the total braking force does not remain constant. As the train speed decreases, the friction coefficient between the wheels and shoes changes its value modifying the value of the train total braking force.
The friction coefficient between the wheels and shoes is in direct relation to the material composition of the brake shoes. Brake shoes can be made from cast iron, cast iron with high phosphorous, or high friction composition blend of organic and inorganic materials. In addition, the static and dynamic friction coefficients are different from one shoe type to another. The following formulae determine the friction coefficient.
For cast iron shoes the friction coefficient is,
Ci=0.18+0.28*exp(−0.25*v), and (33)
For high composition shoes the friction coefficient is,
Cc=0.255+0.11*exp(−0.07*v). (34)
The variation of pressure in brake cylinders 38 depends on a variety of factors, such as, the length of brake pipe 32, air temperature, humidity, the operational status of a brake valve 42, and the amount of slack in the brake shoes. However, there are likely more factors, some unmeasurable or unknown, that effect the pressure in brake cylinder 38. To compensate for variations two models that evaluate the brake cylinder force in two opposite conditions are used, one supposes that the pressure is building fast in brake cylinders 38, while the other considers that the pressure is building much slower. Although, the two pressure models are designed to match the braking force developed by short trains and long trains, their linear combination can mimic the time variation of the braking force for a large variety of trains in many external conditions. The proper combination of those two pressure models with the friction coefficients is a critical task of the Adaptive Train Model.
The model for fast building pressure uses a pressure drop causing equalization
Ep=(Pa1.18285856+84.14968969)/12.43010076, (35)
a reference pressure
Rp=min(Ep,Δp), and
a rigging equation
Rigg=min(0,max(1,(12.4301008*Rp−84.1496897)/Pa1.18285856)). (36)
The rigging value should be between 0 and 1. Therefore, brake cylinder maximum force equals
Bcf=(345.0445077*Rp−4986.482562)*Rigg, and (37)
modified time equals
T=max(0,(t−2.53325611)*(297.383526/(0.08709894*L+1))0.77418566*[1/(−0.02072556*Pa−0.00036791*Pa2+6.47422981)+1/(−0.00423106*Rp+0.00137952*Rp2+0.02506324)]. (38)
If Δp>Ep, the modified time is replaced by
T=T(1+25.2474268(Rp−Ep)/Pa−148.737743((Rp−Ep)/Pa)2). (39)
Therefore, the braking force for fast building pressure is given by
Bff=min(0,max(1,(T+3.86950758*T2+0.23164628*T3)/(16367.9101+111.652789*T+27.61345048*T2−0.0026229*T3)))Bcf. (40)
The model for slow building pressure uses a pressure drop causing equalization
Ep=(Pa1.186922636+83.5394856)/12.47984, (41)
a reference pressure
Rp=min(Ep,Δp), and (42)
a rigging equation
Rigg=min(0,max(1,(12.47984*Rp−83.5394856)/Pa1.18692264)). (43)
The rigging value should be between 0 and 1. Therefore, brake cylinder force is given by
Bcs=(346.46923*Rp−5015.0018)*Rigg, and (44)
modified time equals
T=max(0,(t−4.99998034)*[297.383526/(0.08709894*L+1)]0.77418566*[1/(−0.00781443*Pa−0.00034658*Pa2+6.76259649)+1/(0.07532957*Rp+0.0020505*Rp2+0.93285061)]. (45)
If Δp>Ep, the modified time is replaced by
Ts=Ts(1+2.47330639(Rp−Ep)/Pa−8.92733905((Rp−Ep)/Pa)2). (46)
Therefore, the braking force for slow building pressure is given by
Bfs=min(0,max(1,(Ts+2.00986206*Ts2+0.81412194*Ts3)/(0.00067603+169.361303*Ts+8.95254599*Ts2+0.58477705*Ts3)))Bcs. (47)
Taking into consideration the model for fast building pressure and the model for slow building pressure, the total braking force has four components
The balance of forces equation (1) also takes into consideration the brake release pressures. When an engineer restores the pressure in the brake pipe to the initial value, the brake shoes are removed from wheels and the dragging force created by the brake application decreases. The ATM considers brake release as a force opposing the braking force. The ATM has to identify the proper coefficients such that the release force cancels the brake force when shoes are in fact completely removed from wheels. As in the brake application, two conditions are considered, a fast release model and a slow release model.
The model for fast release utilizes a pressure drop causing equalization
Ep=(Pa1.18285856+84.14968969)/12.43010076, (48)
a reference pressure
Rp=min(Ep,Δp), and (49)
a rigging equation
Rigg=min(0,max(1,(12.4301008*Rp−84.1496897)/Pa1.18285856)). (50)
The rigging value should be between 0 and 1. Therefore, brake cylinder maximum reference force is given by
Bcf=(345.0445077*Rp−4986.482562)*Rigg. (51)
Thus, the fast release force is given by
Rff=min(0,max(1,(t+3.86950758*t2+0.23164628*t3)/(16367.9101+111.652789*t+27.61345048*t2−0.0026229*t3)))Bcf. (52)
The model for slow release utilizes a pressure drop causing equalization:
Ep=(Pa1.186922636+83.5394856)/12.47984, (53)
a reference pressure:
Rp=min(Ep,Δp), and
a rigging equation:
Rigg=min(0,max(1,(12.47984*Rp−83.5394856)/Pa1.18692264)). (54)
The rigging value should be between 0 and 1. Therefore brake cylinder reference force:
Bcs=(346.46923*Rp−5015.0018)*Rigg. (55)
Thus the slow release force is given by:
Rfs=min(0,max(1,(t+2.00986206*t2+0.81412194*t3)/(0.00067603+169.361303*t+8.95254599*t2+0.58477705*t3)))Bcs. (56)
Taking into consideration the model for fast release and the model for slow release, the total release force has four components
The dynamic brake force is represented by Kd D(t). The value in pounds of D(t) is determined by
D(t)=I2v2Nax/591.43, (57)
where I is a current in Amperes, v is a speed in feet/s and Nax is a number of powered axles.
The traction force is represented by Kt T(t), where T(t) is the traction effort and is dependent on locomotive type and train speed. Kt will be one if the train has only one locomotive, the locomotive efficiency is 100% and the locomotive wheels do not slip.
For trains using more than one locomotive type, or not using the same number of locomotives all the time, T(t) will be the sum of traction efforts developed by all active locomotives.
Since a train mass M does not change value during the trip, the relation in (1) is divided by the total train mass. The result is the expression of train acceleration
a(t)=Kr+Krvv+Kav2+Ke1E1(t)+Ke2E2(t)+Ke3E3(t)+Ke4E4(t)+KpCp(t)+K1C1(t)+Kb1B1(t)+Kb2B2(t)+Kb3B3(t)+Kb4B4(t)+Kr1R1(t)+Kr2R2(t)+Kr3R3(t)+Kr4R4(t)+KdD(t)+KtT(t). (58)
In this relation all current and past values of speed, acceleration, throttle position, pressure in brake pipe, and position on track can be used for determining coefficients Ki. Once the coefficients are determined, they can be used for predicting the consist speed, acceleration, and other values at any moment of time.
Determining the Coefficients.
In one embodiment, to determine the coefficients for the ATM, the Least Squares Method (LSM) is utilized. In one embodiment, the behavior of a real world object depends on a set of measurable independent stimuli x1, x2, . . . . xn. To any set of stimuli, the object provides a measurable reaction y. Therefore a mathematical relation that approximates the reaction of the object to those stimuli is developed.
The independent set of variables x (stimuli) and the dependent variable y (reaction), are measured. Measuring those variables, m times gives the following table of measurements M:
X1,1 X1,2 . . . X1,a Y1
The dependent variable y can be determined by a linear combination of other independent variables x, giving the equation
The dimension m of the table is variable. At any time another experiment can be made and the new set of values added to a previously built table.
For any set of chosen or determined values of aj coefficients an approximation y′ is determined. The difference between the measured y and the determined y′ is the approximation error ε, where
By choosing different sets of aj coefficients, the errors εi change. In one embodiment, the values of aj that minimize the expression
are calculated. The global error E depends on aj values only, while all other elements in relation (61) are measured numerical values. Then the partial derivative of E with any ak will be zero, for example,
∂E/∂ak=0 for k=1, 2, . . . n. (62)
Therefore, replacing the value of E from (61) in (62) and differentiating gives the equation
The term a ∂ aj/∂ ak is 1 when j is equal with k and zero in all other cases. Ignoring the constant term −2 gives the equation
Changing the summation order and moving known elements on the right hand of the equation gives
Both summations by i are using measured numbers. Those summations provide the matrix that is used for determining the unknown ai coefficients. Using the notations
gives the final form of the system of equations
The relation (67) is a system of n equations with n unknown variables aj. The matrix of this system X and the right hand term Y are determined from the measured data. The values of unknown coefficients aj are found by solving the system of equations (67). After determining coefficients aj, the individual error for each measurement is determined using
Replacing the expression of error ei in (65) gives
If one of the xi,j has the value one, then the individual errors also have the property
If measurements are not all made in the same conditions, weighting factors reflecting our confidence in the validity of each measurement are used. In such a case, the expression is minimized by
where each independent error has a different weight. Additionally,
If the approximation has a free term, the property
The relation (58) defines the train acceleration. The following table is a mapping of the train movement model to least square method notation.
The measured parameter x0 always has the value 1. Time t is not explicitly used in this model. All xi values are determined using the latest measured acceleration, speed, train position and pressure in equalizing reservoir 36 shown in
The X matrix is symmetrical with the positive diagonal. As a result, indefinitely adding elements to the matrix causes data degeneration and loss of precision. In order to prevent data degeneration each measurement is weighted. Thus, the weight of the present measurement is set to one, the weight of the measurement before that is set to a smaller value and the weight of each preceding measurement is set to yet a smaller value.
The value ε is set to a positive number smaller than 1 and the series 1, (1−ε), (1−ε)2, (1−ε)3, . . . converges to zero. By considering the series of weights for consecutive measurements, after an infinite number of measurements, any positive term on the diagonal of the LSM matrix will have a value limited according to the equation,
where ℑ is the maximum value between one and the largest absolute value of the considered parameter. From (74), applying the weighting procedure presented above to LSM generates a matrix that has all terms on the diagonal smaller than ℑ2/ε, where 0<ε<1. Additionally, equally weighted measurements (corresponding to ε=0) create a condition for floating point errors, and that large values of ε (almost one) assure better precision for number representation, but gives too small of a weight to prior samples, practically eliminating them from selection.
The optimal value will be somewhere between zero and one. Using ε=10−3 with 32 bit floating point representation provides 4 correct decimal digits. Using ε=10−5 with 64 bit floating point representation provides 11 correct decimal digits of the result.
The term x[1,1] is associated to the free term. Without any weighting, this number is equal with the number of samples considered for determination. When using weights, the term is called “the apparent number of samples”. Using the weighting procedure the value of x[1,1] converges to 1/ε.
The sum in (74) is performed for an infinite number of terms and there is no need to store more data than the current evaluated x vector. The weighting of data is realized by “aging” the X matrix and the Y vector before adding the latest collected data. If X(n) is the matrix X for step n and Y(n) is the vector Y in the same step, the next step elements are
X(n+1)=(1−ε)X(n)+∥xn+1,jxn+1,k∥ for j,k=1, 2, 3, . . . m, and Y(n+1)=(1−ε)Y(n)+yn+1∥xn+1,k∥ for k+1, 2, 3, . . . m. (75)
From (75), the following corollary is derived.
If X(n) has the inverse P(n) and X(n+1)=X(n)+x(n+1)x(n+1)T, then P(n+1)=P(n)−[P(n)x(n+1)][[x(n+1)TP(n)]/(x(n+1)TP(n)x(n+1)+1)]. (76)
However, if there is problem in the initial matrix, X(0) is null and it has no inverse. To overcome this inconvenience without destroying the precision the initial value of X(0) is set to some small values on the diagonal, for example 10−5, with the rest of the matrix set to zero. During the process the small value is overwritten by larger x(n)x(n)T values. The inverse of X(0) is P(0) with all elements set to zero except for the diagonal that has the inverse of each element from the diagonal of X(0) divided by m.
A Y vector is updated according to
Y(n+1)=Y(n)+accx(n+1), and (77)
the values of aj coefficients are determined according to
a(n)=P(n)Y(n). (78)
When performing the matrix operations the total number of computer operations is 13 m2+2 m+1. The Gauss-Jordan triangulation method, requires for solving the same problem, m3+(m2−m)/2 operations.
Model Confidence
All variables in the ATM are independent. Therefore, all coefficients determined will be independent. Thus, the real train behavior and measurements are not affected by large errors, and after a short period of time, the value of each coefficient will be approximately the same from one second to another.
The stability of coefficient values effects the stability of predictions that are provided. One way to measure the quality of information gathered by the model is to monitor the differences between the predicted speed and the measured speed. The speed may be predicted for one minute, 15 seconds, or only one second. The potential disadvantage is that the quality of a prediction at a time after the prediction was actually made is unknown.
For a one second speed prediction the response is available after one second, but is affected by the measurement noise, and the one minute prediction provides a response after one minute, which is too late. A five second or fifteen second prediction is sufficient for judging the quality of model predictions.
Each speed measurement vk is associated with the value {overscore (v)}k, predicted a few seconds earlier. For a large set of measurements or predictions the variance σ is associated according to the equation,
The only values that have to be stored are n, the sum of the square values
and the sum of the values
As a new value {overscore (v)}k is predicted, it is stored in a circular array from where it is retrieved when the corresponding vk measurement is available. The differences between the values are used for updating the value of the variance σ2. The confidence coefficient is determined as a function of |(vk—vk)/σ| or (vk—vk)2/σ2 in accordance with the following table.
The confidence column is determined by the modified ERF function,
Value ε is the absolute value of the difference between the last measured value and the corresponding predicted value. The relation,
where x is |ek/σ|, provides an approximation of the ERF function with errors between −0.00067 and +0.001315 for 0≦x≦3.4.
The ATM determines the instantaneous train consist acceleration. Predicted values such as acceleration, speed, and distance are integrated starting with the present position, speed, and acceleration. If all the coefficients are already determined, the equation (58) is written as
a(t)=Φ(t). (80)
The beginning of the prediction is considered as t=0. The numerical integration is performed in steps. Thus, step i=0 corresponds to t=0, step i=1 corresponds to t=Δt, and so on. The size of Δt is capable of being equal to one second, a half second, 0.1 seconds, or smaller and larger values. A better prediction will be provided using a smaller value so that the value a0 equals the acceleration value measured at t=0.
When determining the acceleration, the Φ(t) function uses two determined values, the current locomotive position and the speed. To maintain consistency with other relations, the function parameter used is i. The notation Φ(i) represents the value of the function determining the acceleration, using a speed value vi and a distance di.
In one embodiment, the speed is determined by utilizing the known Euler method, giving the equation
vi=vi-1+Δtai-1. (81)
The distance is determined by the speed value at the beginning and the end of the time interval, according to
di=di-1+Δt(vi+vi-1)/2. (82)
The acceleration is provided by the relation (58) symbolized as the Φ(i) function. Φ(i) uses the new position di to identify the length of the consist affected by elevation change and track curvature and the most recent determined vi speed, accordingly
ai=Φ(i). (38)
The acceleration is considered to be constant for the length Δt. The error in determining the distance dn is approximately Δt2Φ(τ) dn/12 where 0<τ<nΔt. When Φ(t) has negative values (braking) a shorter distance is given. Therefore, using the Euler method for approximating the stopping distance, provides smaller values than actual stopping distance.
The relative error of distance determined with the Euler method is proportional with Δt2, and requires one evaluation of function Φ(i) per iteration.
In another embodiment, the speed is determined by using the known Milne method for second degree equations y″=f(x, y, y′). Each integrated parameter is determined twice. A predicted value is determined first and a corrected value is determined second. Thus, the speed prediction is given by,
di=di-3+3(di-1−di-2)+Δt2(ai-1−ai-2), and
ai=Φ(i). (84)
The correction is given by,
di=di-1+Δt(vi+vi-1)/2−Δt2(ai−ai-1)/12, and
ai=Φ(i). (85)
The Milne method requires two determinations of Φ(i) function per iteration and the relative error is proportional with Δt5.
Initial values, a0, v0, d0, are the last measured values. Additionally, Milne's integration method requires a−1, v−1, d−1, a−2, v−2, d−2, a−3, v−3, d−3, which are the values measured in the last three steps before the integration starts. Since the data collection time interval is one second, Δt is one second.
The speed after one minute is determined by using the integration procedure presented in (83). During the integration, the function Φ(i) is evaluated keeping constant the pressure in the brake pipe and the traction force. Each step of integration determines ai, vi, di from previously determined four triplets. The integration continues for sixty steps giving the predicted value of v60.
The shortest breaking distance is determined by using the same integration method until the speed vn becomes zero. During the integration the pressure in brake pipe 32, (shown in
Model Management
Using information from a consist description, default or initial values for model coefficients are determined. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that the errors caused by incorrect or incomplete consist information, do not decrease while new data is collected, so the quality of predictions does not improve with time.
The ATM uses the system of linear equations given above. The system of equations is updated every second with new data about the consist performance. Therefore by solving the system of equations an updated model is given every second.
The normal least squared matrix (LSM) generated for a consist is suitable to be transported and used as initial data on another consist with identical or close characteristics. Information about differences in consist structures is used for reshaping the initial normal matrix.
In accordance with the above table,
Analyzing the variation of all model coefficients determined between time 1400 and 2000, it is seen that predictions made between seconds 1520 and 1850, which are closer to 100%, are made using a set of coefficients that do not properly predict the variation of acceleration when the railcar brakes are fully applied at second 2006. Although the acceleration variation is not perfectly modeled, the estimation errors compensate for each other and the whole prediction provides a very accurate stopping distance.
Since the model already has data about stopping the train with a full service brake application, the stopping distance is determined having an error between −4.2% and −2.7%.
Thus, the data collected by a train consist during one trip can be used as initial data for the ATM when the consist makes another trip with the same amount of load. For example, consists moving ore or coal perform the same trip again and again with the same consists, loaded with almost the same amount of ore in one direction and always empty in other direction.
Despite those differences, the stopping distance is predicted with errors only between −4% and −10%. This range of errors is caused because although some of the initialization information was useful, it also included data that does not fit the characteristics of the consist being characterized.
When the brakes are applied at second 685, the new information associated with this event helps to improve the quality of prediction of the stopping that is about 1400 seconds away at the time.
Looking at the variation of the prediction after second 2000, when the full service brake is actually applied, the quality of prediction first goes down from 100% to 96%, then, as the model acquired new data about train reaction to a full service brake, the quality moved up to 99%. Such variation is characteristic to models that improve the quality of coefficients. Since the previous prediction was 100%, it means that the global prediction was good, while the acceleration variation during the stopping was less accurate.
Model Database
Referring to
While the invention has been described in terms of various specific embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that the invention can be practiced with modification within the spirit and scope of the claims.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/173,602, filed Dec. 29, 1999, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
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6263266 | Hawthorne | Jul 2001 | B1 |
Number | Date | Country | |
60173602 | Dec 1999 | US |