The invention relates to rapid automatic tuning the parameters of a digital proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for automation of technological processes with programmable logic controllers.
In many cases, the programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are used for automation of technological processes. A PLC usually consists of a CPU and some input and output signal modules. This composition of electronic modules processes signals from digital and analog sensors and controls the various drives of compressors, pumps or valves.
It is frequently necessary to maintain a temperature, pressure, liquid level or gas volume constant by automatic regulation in a segment of an industrial plant. This can be achieved by means of a PID controller, which has proven its reliability and universality through long-term application.
Manual parameterization of a PID controller is not complicated if, for example, a temperature or pressure sensor is located near an actuator (valve or pump), or if the actuator influence on a sensor is not so significant.
However, the manual parameterization of a PID controller becomes much more complicated when a sensor is far away from an actuator, and it is affected with a significant delay. Or, for example, the refrigerant overheating temperature in a chiller is controlled simultaneously by two values from a temperature and pressure transducer. In these or other cases, the manual parameterization of a PID controller requires considerable experience and extensive knowledge of the process equipment. Therefore, it can be helpful to have a device that could do this automatically.
Solving the automatic tuning problem of a PID controller may be compared to the search for an optimal solution. An important factor is determining the initial PID controller parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd (i.e., proportional Kp, integral action Ki, and derivative action Kd coefficients) that serve as a starting point for the adaptive tuning method.
Scientific publications and inventions on this subject prefer the automatic tuning methods of a PID controller based on the fuzzy logic mechanism, which allows to achieve a result with high solution quality. However, the overall value of this solution is also high, considering the following features:
The relatively high computational load of the fuzzy logic mathematical means. The PLCs usually perform various tasks for automation of technological processes and can simultaneously use several PID controllers for this purpose. If the fuzzy logic mechanism is permanently used with PID controllers for modifying the control variables, the cumulative computational load may be very high even for modern PLCs.
Linking to the specific problems. A rule set of the fuzzy inference method as well as the function parameters for fuzzification and defuzzification are usually chosen to solve a clearly defined problem. This leads to loss of universality of such a solution method.
There are also alternative solutions that use various methods depending on the complexity of controlled systems. At that, the adaptive tuning process usually consists of two stages [1, 2]. In the first stage, the Ziegler and Nichols method is used to set a closed control loop on the stability boundary.
In [1] an assumption is often made about a type of a controlled system of second or third order. Thus, in the second stage the necessary methods for tuning the PID controller parameters are selected: the pole placement, Banyász-Keviczky's or Dahlin's method. Conclusions [1] indicate that this automatic tuning method was tested only on second- and third-order controlled systems.
In [2] only one problem is solved, namely, the automatic tuning of PID controller parameters for a heat exchanger. For this purpose, the Augmented Ziegler and Nichols method is used in the second stage, but a choice of tuning coefficients is not disclosed.
The aim of the invention is rapid automatic tuning the PID controller parameters by analog feedback of an actual value for automation of technological processes with programmable logic controllers.
The proposed invention is based on the use of nine tuning equations derived by reverse engineering of a PID controller. The adaptive tuning of the PID controller parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd is performed separately in time, i.e. at any time point t only one PID parameter is modified. This feature is characterized by equations derived for the adaptive tuning method. Therefore, no simultaneous modification of all three PID controller parameters is allowed. In some tuning equations, the additional limiting coefficients are used to ensure a smooth attenuation of the adaptive tuning method and to prevent an abrupt modification of PID controller parameters in the final phase.
Features of the invention:
The adaptive tuning method is compact, independent of other methods and algorithms, mathematically balanced (i.e., minimal computational resource requirements), and easy to implement.
Setting up a PID controller by this method does not require a preliminary evaluation of a controlled system and the creation of its mathematical model. This implies its universal applicability, i.e. no linking to a specific controlled system.
Possible application restriction:
The method convergence depends on the given initial values of the PID controller parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd analogues to the search algorithms for a minimum in optimization problems.
All features that accentuate novelty of the invention are described in detail in the claims attached. However, the essence of the invention is shown in the following detailed description with references to drawings of the best mode for carrying out the invention:
The following detailed description with accompanying drawings refers to the best mode for carrying out the invention, which should not be considered as a stripped-down form of the invention object. All amendments and supplements contained in the claims are disclosed in the relevant claims.
The best mode for carrying out the invention is described below.
The proposed invention relates to the adaptive tuning of a PID controller described by a standard equation as follows [3]:
in which:
yt is a control variable at time t;
et is a control error between a setpoint w and an actual value xt at time t, which is calculated as et=w-xt;
Kp is a proportional coefficient;
Ki is an integral action coefficient;
Kd is a derivative action coefficient.
The PID controller (1) is a basis for reverse engineering to derive the tuning equations for parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd. This derivation method is characterized by the following sequence of steps:
Step 01: Eliminate an integrator represented explicitly in a PID controller. This is achieved by differentiating both sides of equation (1) according to the time t[3]:
Step 02: Fixing two of the three PID controller parameters at any time point t. To maximally simplify the derivation method of tuning equations, two of the three PID controller parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd are used as fixed values in succession. That is, Ki and Kd are used as fixed values in tuning equations for Kp at time t. Kp and Kd are used as fixed values in tuning equations for Ki at time t+1. And Kp and Ki are used as fixed values in tuning equations for Kd at time t+2. Thus, the adaptive tuning of all three PID controller parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd is performed separately in time, i.e. only one PID parameter is modified at any time point t. To separate the parameter modifications in the tuning method over time and determine the iteration steps, three additional indices k for Kp, m for Ki, and n for Kd are used (see
Step 03: Derive an equation to calculate an adjustment step value dKp k for the proportional coefficient Kp. For this purpose, the parameter Kp k is expressed from (3), and the derived equation is differentiated according to the time t:
in which:
dyt is a control variable change at time t, which is determined as dyt=yt-yt−1;
d2yt is a 2nd order differential of the control variable yt at time t, which is calculated as d2yt=dyt-dyt−1;
det is a 1st order differential of the control error et at time t, which is calculated as det=et-et−1;
d2et is a 2nd order differential of the control error et at time t, which is calculated as d2et=et-2⋅et−1+et−2;
d3et is a 3rd order differential of the control error et at time t, which is calculated as d3et=et-3⋅et−1⋅et−2-et−3;
Ki m−1 i is the actual integral action coefficient Ki at time t, which was modified in iteration step m−1;
Kd n−1 is the actual derivative action coefficient Kd at time t, which was modified in iteration step n−1.
Step 04: Determine a rule to adjust the proportional coefficient Kp in iteration step k as follows:
in which:
Kp k−1 is the actual proportional coefficient Kp at time t, which was modified in iteration step k−1;
αp k is an adjustment speed for the proportional coefficient Kp in iteration step k.
Equation (5) limits the maximum modification of the parameter Kp up to ±0.5 to prevent uncontrollability of the tuning method.
Step 05: Derive an equation to calculate an adjustment speed αp k for the proportional coefficient Kp. For this purpose, equation (5) is substituted into (3), and the control error et is expressed from the derived equation. Considering that a limit of etas t→+∞ equals zero, αp k is expressed from the derived equation:
This equation is characterized by an additional limitation of the parameter αp k in the range from 0.0001 to 1 depending on the control error et. This ensures a smooth attenuation of the adaptive tuning method in the final phase. In addition, this prevents an abrupt modification of the proportional coefficient Kp when the control error et approaches zero.
Step 06: Derive an equation to calculate an adjustment step value dKi m for the integral action coefficient Ki. For this purpose, the parameter Ki m is expressed from (3), and the derived equation is differentiated according to the time t:
Step 07: Determine a rule to adjust the integral action coefficient Ki in iteration step m as follows:
in which:
αi m is an adjustment speed for the integral action coefficient Ki in iteration step m.
Equation (8) limits the maximum modification of the parameter Ki up to ±0.5 to prevent uncontrollability of the tuning method.
Step 08: Derive an equation to calculate an adjustment speed αi m for the integral action coefficient Ki. For this purpose, equation (8) is substituted into (3), and the 1st order differential of the control error det is expressed from the derived equation. Considering that a limit of det as t→+∞ equals zero, αi m is expressed from the derived equation:
This equation is characterized by an additional limitation of the parameter αi m in the range from 0.0001 to 1 depending on the control error et. This ensures a smooth attenuation of the adaptive tuning method in the final phase. In addition, this prevents an abrupt modification of the integral action coefficient Ki when the control error et approaches zero.
Step 09: Derive an equation to calculate an adjustment step value dKd n for the derivative action coefficient Kd. For this purpose, the parameter Kd n is expressed from (3), and the derived equation is differentiated according to the time t:
Step 10: Determine a rule to adjust the derivative action coefficient Kd in iteration step n as follows:
in which:
αd n is an adjustment speed for the derivative action coefficient Kd in iteration step n.
Equation (11) limits the maximum modification of the parameter Kd up to ±0.5 to prevent uncontrollability of the tuning method.
Step 11: Derive an equation to calculate an adjustment speed αd n for the derivative action coefficient Kd. For this purpose, equation (11) is substituted into (3), and the control error et is expressed from the derived equation. Considering that a limit of et as t→+∞ equals zero, αd n is expressed from the derived equation:
This equation is characterized by an additional limitation of the parameter αd n in the range from 0.0001 to 1 depending on the control error et. This ensures a smooth attenuation of the adaptive tuning method in the final phase. In addition, this prevents an abrupt modification of the derivative action coefficient Kd when the control error et approaches zero.
Step 12: Select a digital PID controller. The PID velocity algorithm is the most suitable variant for this adaptive tuning method (see [4], p. 1085):
in which:
dyt+1 is a control variable change for the time t+1;
dt is a sampling time of a digital PID controller.
In this equation the actual values of the PID controller parameters Kp, Ki, and Kd are always used at time t.
A choice of the PID velocity algorithm is caused by the following criterion:
Direct integration of control errors et into the control variable yt. In practice, this allows the control variable yt to be forcibly modified as needed without explicitly correcting an integrator for seamless functionality (as distinct from the PID position algorithm)
Finally, a flowchart shown in drawings
Demonstration of the Invention
To illustrate the description, the invention is demonstrated on some mathematical models of controlled systems.
To demonstrate the invention, the adaptive digital PID controller developed for a PLC in the programming language SCL (Structured Control Language [5], see Appendix A) was used with some transfer functions as controlled systems (see Table I).
Since the transfer functions G(s) in the Laplace s-domain cannot be used explicitly in a PLC, they are to be converted beforehand into equivalent equations of the time domain. For this purpose, the transfer functions G(s) are first converted by the MATLAB function c2d from the Laplace s-domain into similar discrete transfer functions in the Z-domain with a sampling time dt=0.1 s (see Table II).
The transfer functions in the -domain are then converted into recurrent equations of the time domain as polynomials as follows (for details, see [4], pp. 443-444):
t=b1⋅xt−1+b2⋅xt−2+b3⋅xt−3+b4⋅xt−4+α0⋅yt+α1⋅yt−1++α2⋅yt−2+α3⋅yt−3+α4⋅yt−4, (14)
in which:
yt is a control variable of a PID controller at time t;
xt is a controlled system response on the control variable as a simulated sensor value at time t.
All polynomial parameters (14) for the simulated controlled systems are given in Table III.
The simulation was performed on a computer-aided PLC simulator as a closed control loop (see
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[2] Sukede Abhijeet Kishorsingh et al., “Auto tuning of PID controller”, 2015 International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC), IEEE, May 28-30, 2015, pp. 1459-1462, XP033170865.
[3] “Three Types of PID Equations”,
[4] Lutz H., Wendt W., “Taschenbuch der Regelungstechnik mit MATLAB and Simulink”, 10., ergänzte Auflage, Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel, Haan-Gruiten, 2014.
[5] International standard IEC 61131-3:2013. Programmable controllers—Part 3: Programming languages.
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This invention is preferably used in automation systems of industrial facilities with programmable logic controllers, where the individual tuning of PID controller parameters is required to regulate the technological processes in production.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/DE2019/000338 | Dec 2019 | US |
Child | 17809162 | US |