In the past, closets were equiped with garment hanger rods made from wood dowels or galvanized pipe. A high percentage of todays shelving is wire—form welded aluminum which provides a longitudinal lower rod for hanging garments using a variety of hanger designs. There are two types of shelving: those where the transverse rods are bent at the front downward vertically and welded to a lower longitudinal rod. The spacing of the trans-verse rods vary by fabricators. Some are one inch and others are 12 inches in their spacing. The one inch space allows no slidability and the 12 inch improves that factor. This invention provides the maximum slidability by simply hanging the add-on hook with the small radius bend on the upper front longitudinal shelf rod every 12 inches. The wooden add-on-rod, with the slotted bottom, is pressed onto upward facing bend of the lower add-on hook. One-quarter inch of the add-on hook should be exposed at each end of the rod. By adding additional hooks and rods, a continuous slidable rod is created.
This invention has two (2) small, individualy removable parts. The homeowner will find them easy to handle and install. The hook is “S” shaped with a small bend at the top, facing backward and downward; a stem extending downward vertically; a large foward-bend at the bottom ending upward to the tangent point; extending upward ¼ inch parallel to the stem. The rod is 12 inches long is rounded on top and slotted the entire length of the rod on the bottom. To assemble, two hooks are hung on the upper front transverse rod of the shelf spaced 12″ apart; a rod is pressed onto the upward facing end of the hook, leaving ¼″ exposed at both ends; going in either direction, one rod and hook are added to provide any length without the use of fasteners. Garments do not have to be removed from their current placement until the installation is completed.
The add-on hook is cut, to a length of 6.75 inches, from ⅛″×½″ cold rolled flat steel: the hook top is bent into half circle with a ⅜″ dia. facing backward and downward; the stem goes vertically downward; the lower hook is bent forward and upward with a 1¼″ dia. to a half circle tangent point; extending upward ¼″ parallel to the stem of the hook; the add-on rod is made of maplewood; it is ½″ wide, by ⅝″ high by 12″ long; has a rounded top; a slot ¼″ high by ⅛″ wide that runs the entire length of the rod on the bottom; to assemble, two hooks are placed 12″ aprart and a rod pressed onto the upward facing end of the hook, leaving a ¼″ exposed at each end; only one hook and one rod are required to go in either direction to make any length of continuous hanger rod.
FIELD OF SEARCH; 248/220.2., 222.2, 251,304,305.317,339,340, 211/90,94,105.1,106.123, 162,181.
U.S. Patent Documents
Views of add-on hook and rod assembly;