Argonne National Laboratory along with the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Northwestern University, and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory propose that an NSFNET NSS be located at the Argonne main facility in Chicago. The Argonne National Laboratory is a large, multiprogram facility owned by the U.S. Government and operated by the University of Chicago under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. This proposal will provide a major access point to NSFNET, to CICnet, and to the National Research and Education Network. It will provide access to national resources by the academic, government, and industrial research enterprises in the Chicago area and provide access to major research resources located in the area by scientists throughout the nation. These resources will be made even more accessible by establishing an interagency gateway at Argonne between NSFNET, ESnet, MILNET, and the NASA Science Network. Furthermore, Argonne and its four partners in this proposal are committed to provide whatever support may be needed to ensure the success of the node in providing excellent NSFNET access service in the Chicago area for inbound and outbound network traffic.***