This invention concerns the field of liquid crystal display devices and more specifically a process and device for controlling the switching between two states of a multiplexed bistable nematic display unit.
The purpose of the invention is to optimise the electronic line and column addressing signals of a multiplexed bistable display unit in order to eliminate visual disruption of an image that has already been memorised, when addressing the screen to display a new image.
According to the physical nature of the liquid crystal used, nematic, cholesteric, smectic, ferro-electric, etc. devices can be distinguished. In the nematic display units, which are the subject of this invention, a nematic, achiral or chiralised element is used for example, using a chiral doping agent. In this way, a spontaneously uniform or slightly twisted texture is obtained, whose thread pitch is slightly bigger than a few micrometers. The orientation and anchoring of the liquid crystal close to the surfaces are defined by layers or alignment treatments applied to the substrates. In the absence of a field, in this way a uniform or slightly twisted nematic texture is imposed.
Most of the devices proposed and manufactured to date are monostable. In the absence of a field, a single texture s created in the device; this corresponds to an absolute minimum of the total cell energy. In a field, this texture is continuously deformed and its optical properties vary according to the voltage applied. When the field is cut, the nematic once again returns to the single monostable texture. Those skilled in the art will recognise from these systems the most common operating modes of nematic display units: twisted nematics (TN), super-twisted nematics (STN, electrically controlled birefringent (ECB), vertically aligned nematics, etc.
Another class of nematic display units is that of bistable, multistable or metastable nematics. In this case, at least two distinct textures can be created in the cell, with the same anchoring on the surface and stable or metastable in the absence of a field. To switch between the two states, suitable electric signals are applied. Once the image has been registered, it remains in memory in the absence of the field thanks to its bistability. This memory of bistable display units is very interesting for many applications. On the one hand, it makes possible a very low image refresh rate, which helps considerably in lowering the consumption of portable devices. On the other hand, for rapid applications (e.g. video), the memory guarantees a very high rate of multiplexing, making high-resolution video possible.
Description of the Bistable Screen Called BiNem (
Recently, a new bistable display unit (document 1) has been proposed.
It is formed of a layer of chiralised or cholerestic nematic liquid crystal between two blades or substrates, of which at least one is transparent. Two electrodes respectively positioned on the substrates allow electrical command signals to be applied to the chiralised nematic liquid crystal situated between them. On the electrodes anchoring layers direct the liquid crystal molecules to the desired directions. On a master blade, the molecule anchoring is strong and slightly angled, on the slave blade it is low and flat. The anchoring of the molecules on these surfaces is monostable.
An optical system completes the device.
At the liquid crystal layer level, two textures, U (uniform or slightly twisted) and T are stable in the absence of a field. The uniform texture may be slightly twisted to favour the device's optics. This is obtained by an angle between the direction of the anchoring on the master blade and on the slave blade. The two textures are 180° different and are topologically incompatible. The spontaneous pitch po of the nematic is selected at almost 4 times the thickness D of the cell (po≅4d) in order to make the energies of u and T essentially equal. Without a field, there is no other state with a lower energy: U and T have a true bistability.
Changing from One Texture to Another by Breaking the Anchoring
Physical Principal
The two bistable textures are topologically distinct, it is impossible to transform one into the other by continuous volume distortion. The transformation of a U texture into a T texture or vice versa therefore requires rupture of the anchoring on the surfaces, induced by a strong external field, or by moving one of the lines of disinclination. This second phenomenon, which is much slower than the first, can be neglected and will not be detailed herein.
Any alignment layer of a liquid crystal can be characterised by a zenithal anchoring energy Az. This energy is always finite. It can then be shown that there is a field threshold EC that is also finite (anchoring break threshold), that gives the surface, regardless of the previous texture in the absence of the field, a homeotropic texture (H).
The breakage of the anchoring requires a field to be applied at least equal to the field threshold EC. This field must be applied long enough so that the re-orientation of the liquid crystal close to the surface ends in the homeotropic texture. This minimum time depends on the amplitude of the field applied, as well as the physical characteristics of the liquid crystal and the alignment layer. In the static case (field applied for a few milliseconds or more), EC=Az/√{square root over (K33εOΔε)}, where Az is the zenithal anchoring energy, K33 the elastic twisting coefficient of the liquid crystal, Δε its relative dielectric anisotropy and εo the dielectric constant of the vacuum.
Vc, the anchoring breakage voltage is defined as follows: Vc=EC.d, where d is the thickness of the liquid crystal cell.
The anchoring is considered to be broken when the molecules are perpendicular to the blade next to this surface, and when the return tension exerted by the surface on these molecules is nil. In practice, it is enough for the difference between the orientation of the molecules and the perpendicular at the surface to be sufficiently small, for example less than 0.5°, and that the tension that is applied to the molecules at the surface is fairly low. When these conditions are satisfied, the nematic molecules close to the broken surface are in an unstable equilibrium when the electrical field is cut off, and may either return to their initial orientation, or turn in the opposite direction and induce a new texture, different from the initial texture by a twist of 180°.
The control of the final texture depends on the form of the electrical signal applied, and in particular the way in which this field is brought to zero.
Progressively lowering the pulse voltage minimises the flow, the molecules close to the master blade drop slowly down to their state of equilibrium, their elastic coupling with the molecules of the centre of the sample also makes them turn in the same direction, this movement spreads to the slave blade where the molecules turn rapidly in turn in the same direction, helped by the surface tension. The uniform state U is progressively built in the centre of the cell.
When the field drops sharply, the orientation of the liquid crystal is changed, first close to the strong surface (master blade), with a surface relax time equal to γ1L2/K, where L=K33/Az is the length of the extrapolation of the strong layer, and γ1 the rotation viscosity of the liquid crystal. This time is typically around a tenth of a micro-second.
The switching of the strong surface in such a short space of time induces high flow close to this surface, which spreads throughout the volume and reaches the weak surface (slave blade) after a characteristic time of less than a micro-second. The shearing force induced on the weak surface (slave blade) creates a hydrodynamic force on the molecules of this surface. This force is in the opposite direction to the elastic force induced by the angle of the master blade. When the shear force is strong enough, the hydrodynamic force on the weak surface is stronger, it favours the twisted texture T. When the shear force is weaker, the elastic force on the weak surface is weaker and it induces the uniform texture U.
The direction of rotation of the molecules in the cell is indicated by an arrow on
The volume is then re-orientated, with a characteristic relax time tvol equal to γ1d2/K, where d is the thickness of the cell. This time is significantly greater than the relax time of the strong surface, typically around one millisecond.
Practical Implementation
Taking account of the effect explained above, it is the way in which the electrical pulse applied to the terminals of each pixel is lowered that conditions the change from one texture to the other.
We will randomly call the change to the twisted texture T “write” and the change to the uniform texture U “erase”.
To obtain “write” on a pixel, and thus the change to texture T, the following is necessary:
1) A pulse must be applied to it, providing a field greater than the anchoring breakage field of the slave blade and then wait the time required for the pixels in the molecule to change. The breakage field depends on the elastic and electrical properties of the liquid crystal material and its interaction with the anchoring layer deposited on the slave blade of the cell. It is around a couple of volts to about ten volts per micron. The time for the molecules to change is proportional to the rotational viscosity, γ, and inversely proportional to the dielectrical anisotropy of the material used and the square of the field applied. In practice, this time can be as low as a few micro-seconds for fields of 20 volts per micron.
2) The field must then be reduced quickly, by creating within a few micro-seconds, or at most a few dozen micro-seconds, a swift drop in the control voltage. This swift drop in voltage, of amplitude ΔV, is such that it is capable of inducing, in the liquid crystal, a sufficiently intense hydrodynamic effect. To produce the T texture, this drop must imperatively make the voltage applied change from a voltage greater than the breakage voltage Vc, to a value that is smaller than it. The time for the applied field to drop is less than one tenth of its duration or 50 micro-seconds in the case of long pulses.
To “erase”, the following is required:
1) The molecules must also be changed
2) A “slow drop” must be carried out. Document (1) shows two embodiments of this “slow drop”, shown diagrammatically in
The characteristic pulse forms for the change from one texture to another are given in
Classic Multiplexing Principle
In the case of an average resolution dot matrix screen, those skilled in the art know that it is out of the question to connect individually every pixel to an independent control electrode, as this would require a connection for very pixel which is topologically impossible as soon as the screen becomes complex. It is possible to save connections by using the multiplexing technique when the electro-optical effect used is not linear, which is the case for usual liquid crystal technologies. The pixels are grouped using a dot matrix system into n groups of m pixels each. There are for example n lines and m columns for the dot based screens or n figures and m parts of figures for digital displays. In the sequential addressing mode, which is the most widely used, one line is selected at a time, then the following line and so on until the last line is reached. During the time required to select a line, the column signals are applied at the same time to all of the pixels of the line. This method allows an image to be addressed in a total time equal to the addressing time of a line multiplied by the number of lines n. With this method, m+n connections are required to address a screen of m×n pixels, where m is the number of columns of the matrix in question. A multiplexed dot display screen is illustrated in
The electrical signal seen by the pixel is the difference between the signal applied to the line and the signal applied to the column of which the pixel is the intersection.
This principle of screen, shown in
The drawback with passive multiplexing is that a pixel is sensitive to the column signals throughout the time that the image is addressed, and not just when its line is activated. This means that a screen pixel successively receives, during the image write time, the column signals from its entire column. We can consider that the signals applied to the pixel outside of the time its line is selected as parasite signals, which interfere in the electro-optical response of the liquid crystal pixel. More precisely, for passive dot matrices, such as TN or STN or one of their variants, the state of the liquid crystal in a pixel is almost solely dependent on the mean quadratic value of the voltage that is applied to it during the time that the image is addressed, in normal operating conditions. Therefore the final state of the liquid crystal molecules, which is to say the optical transmission of the pixel, is determined by the rms value of the voltage applied during the time that the image is addressed. The consequence is the limiting of the number of lines of the screen expressed by the criterion of Alt and Plesko (document 3).
Multiplexing Principle Applied to the Binem
The BiNem screens considered are also formed by n×m pixels (
The write and erase signals applied to the pixels are created by the combination of line and column signals. They permit writing and erasing to be performed line by line, and thus rapidly of the screens in question.
Signals must be applied to the lines and columns such that the resulting voltage at the terminals of the pixel are of the type described in
The possibility of changing between the U and T textures and reciprocally by multiplexing, is shown by the electro-optical curve shown in
Write Zones
For P2 voltages higher than about 11 Volts, the voltage drop at the end of plateau 2 is sufficient to write. For P2 voltages lower than 5V, the voltage drop at the end of τ1 has written, the voltage of plateau 2 is lower than VC, the voltage drop at the end of it can no longer generate the texture change.
The voltage drop value ΔV required to write is equal to approximately 6V and the break voltage VC approximately 5V.
Erase Zone
It can be seen on the curve in
The values of the second plateau corresponding to one or the other of the textures are shown in
Multiplexing the BiNem According to the Prior Art
F1 and F2 are defined as the two operating points located at the point of inflection where the optical transmission curve rises or falls shown in
for the line signal: A1=16V A2=10 V
for the column signal: C=2V
for the pixel terminal signal: P1=16V, P2E=8V, P2I=12V.
These values vary according to the properties of the liquid crystal and the alignment layer, and can easily be adjusted for other screens produced using the same principle with different materials. An example of this is detailed in document (4).
Multiplexing Variants—Obtaining a Nil Mean Value
In order to take account of the problems of damage due to electrolysis of certain liquid crystal materials subjected to a constant voltage, it is often useful to apply signals to the pixels with a nil mean value.
The line signal driver must, in the previous cases and due to the symmetrisation, supply a voltage of +/−A1 which is to say a total excursion of 2.A1. A notable simplification of the divers can be obtained if the maximum excursion is reduced to a value below 2.A1. To do this, it suffices to change synchronously the mid operating point Vm of the line signal and the corresponding column signal at the second polarity. If we take case 7, this implies adding a common voltage, Vm to all of the line and column signals during the symmetrisation phase.
Limits of the Classic Method of Multiplexing the BiNem
The classic method of multiplexing the BiNem can limit the optical performances of the images displayed. In fact, the pixel signal is composed of two contributions: the signal resulting from the line and column signals during the period in which its line is selected, plus parasite signals that correspond to the column signals applied to the pixel outside of the period in which its line is selected.
a, 10b, 10c, 10d and 10e respectively show the line signals, erase column signals, write column signals, erase signals to the terminals of a pixel and write signals to the terminals of a pixel.
In practice, the amplitude of the column signals is much lower than the anchoring breakage threshold. The parasite signals cannot in any case cause the textures to change. Nevertheless, they cause temporary disruptions to the optical response by deforming the texture of the pixel without breaking either the strong or weak anchoring. The optical appearance may be severely disrupted during the total duration of the addressing of the screen. This may cause for example dither, a loss of image contrast, etc. After all of the image has been written, the parasite voltages disappear and the pixels return to their initial, stable texture until the next addressing cycle.
If the total time required to address the image is short, the dither of the image is not easy to see by the observer.
However, for larger screens where the image write time is longer, it is better to eliminate these temporary disruptions. It is preferable that an image replaces the other progressively line by line, without disrupting the other lines. In order to do this, the mean quadratic voltage of the parasite signals Vrms must be lower than the Fréedericks threshold voltage VF, because then the elasticity of the liquid crystal is sufficient to fight the disrupting field. Therefore, to avoid disruptions during the change of image, the following is necessary:
Vrms<VF (1)
[τ2/(τ1+τ2+τ3)]C2<V2F (2)
The above formula takes into account the integration time the duration τ1+τ2+τ3, equal to the time between two successive column signals. This calculation hypothesis is only correct if:
τ1+τ2+τ3<τCL (3)
where τCL is the characteristic response time of the liquid crystal for column pulses of amplitude C. In fact, if the time between two successive column signals is greater than the response time of the liquid crystal, then the integration time to be taken into consideration is the shortest, i.e. equal to the response time of the liquid crystal. The criterion to be respected is in this case more severe. We will then look to position it at τ1+τ2+τ3<τCL.
To respect the equation (2), a first method is to minimise C. The lower limit of C is imposed by the electro-optical response curve shown in
When the minimisation of C is insufficient for condition 2 to be satisfied, the relationship τ2/(τ1+τ2+τ3) must be reduced.
For example, it is possible to provide an additional time τ3 positioned between the pulses of the different lines to reduce further the mean quadratic value of the parasite voltages. This method unfortunately increases the image write time,. Furthermore, if the inequality (3) is not respected, this option is not effective.
Here is a numerical calculation by way of example:
For the liquid crystal materials used in these devices, the Fréedericks threshold voltage VF varies from 0.65 to 1.5 Volts. Let us consider the most unfavourable case of 0.65 V
Where τ1=τ2=500 μs and τ3=0 and a signal C=2 V we have:
Criterion 1 is not respected.
The characteristic response time of the liquid crystal is given by the formula:
where γ is the rotational viscosity and k the elastic constant of the liquid crystal. Typically, γ=80. 10−3 Pa 5 and K=7 10−12 N. d is the thickness of the cell typically 1.5 *m and V the C column voltage typically 2 V.
We calculate that τCL=1 ms. The inequality (3) is respected but only just; there is no margin to increase τ3 as then it would be necessary to calculate Vrms in a shorter space of time.
In these conditions, typical of the BiNem display unit, there will therefore be dither when the image is addressed.
The inventors propose a new process to eliminate the dither effect. It involves modifying the column signal so as to reduce the Vrms value with respect to the classic case, while continuing to synchronise its drop with that of the line pulse.
The addressing process of a bistable nematic anchoring breakage liquid crystal dot matrix screen, according to this invention, is characterised by the fact that that it comprises at least the step consisting of applying, to the electrodes of the screen column, an electrical signal whose parameters are adapted to reduce the mean quadratic voltage of the parasite pixel pulses to a value lower than the Fréederickzs voltage, in order to reduce the parasitic optical effects of addressing.
Two variants are proposed to achieve this result. The first variant consists of reducing the time τC during which the column signal is applied, this time becoming less than to the time τ2 of the duration of the second plateau of the line signal.
The second variant proposed consists of changing the form of the column signal so that the effective voltage is reduced. These two variants will be detailed in the following description, which is in no way restrictive.
This invention also proposes a dot matrix screen addressing device.
Two operating points compatible with multiplexed addressing can be noted.
This invention applies in particular to the BiNem devices described in document 1 using two textures, one of which is uniform or slightly twisted and in which the molecules are at least virtually parallel to one another, and the other which differs from the first by a twist of around +/−180°.
Description of variant 1 according to the invention
The new column signal C′ is applied for a time τ0 <τ2, keeping the amplitude of C′ about the same as that of C, as an increase of C′ would increase the rms value of the parasite voltage applied to the pixels, and a reduction in C′ would no longer allow switching to take place due to the limit indicated by the electro-optical curve of
In this we find in
The advantage gained from the reduction in the column signal time is twofold:
1) This variant minimises the parasite signal as the line pixels not selected only receive the voltage C′ during the time τC, which is close for example to τ2/2. The inventors have also experimented with symmetrisation of these signals by the methods described in
The Vrms voltage of the parasite signals becomes in this case:
In the previous numerical example and with for example τC=τ2/2 and C′=C=2V we have
The rms value has been lowered with respect to the classic case but without however passing below the Fréederickzs voltage. The dither effect will therefore be reduced but not eliminated.
2) By shortening the column pulse, while synchronising its drop with that of the line pulse, the “slow drop” is achieved using three plateaux. With this method, in the case of erasing, the hydrodynamic flow of the liquid crystal is reduced compared to that obtained with a two plateau pulse. In fact, the maximum instantaneous voltage drop between each of the three plateaux is smaller than between two plateaux, with the same line voltage. This consequently further favours the switch to the U uniform texture. For writing, the hydrodynamic flow is not modified with respect to the two plateaux example, as the instantaneous voltage drop is identical. The inventors have shown that this method allows, without complicating the control electronics, to obtain switching between the two states even when the viscosity of the liquid crystal material increases a low temperatures.
The line signal illustrated in
The erase column signal illustrated in
The write column signal illustrated in
The voltage present at the terminals of the pixel as part of a erase operation, illustrated in
The voltage present at the terminals of the pixel as part of a write operation, illustrated in
It can be noted however that in the case of erasing a pixel, the intermediate step has an amplitude between the initial amplitude A1, the strongest, and the final amplitude A2−C′, the weakest, whereas in the case of a pixel being written, the intermediate amplitude A2 is smaller than the initial amplitude, which is the strongest, A1, and the final amplitude A2+C′.
Description of Variant 2 According to the Invention
The form of the column signal is modified so as to reduce its effective voltage with respect to that of a standard column signal composed of rectangular pulses. The duration of the column signal may also be reduced with respect to a classic τ2, in order to benefit from the advantages of variant 1.
By way of a first example, we will take a sloped type column signal. The amplitude of this signal increases linearly with time until it reaches a maximum peak voltage C″, then is brutally brought back to zero synchronised with the end of the line pulse.
The maximum value of the column signal C″ may be increased with respect to the classic value of C, which permits switching between the two textures (see electro-optical curve of
An example of signals corresponding to example 1 of variant 2 is given in
The Vrms voltage of the parasite signals becomes in this case:
In the previous numerical example and with for example τC=τ2/2 and C″=C=2V we have:
The rms value has been lowered with respect to the classic case and variant 1. Criterion 1 has now been verified and there is no longer any dither when the image is addressed.
The signal illustrated in
The erase column signal illustrated in
The write column signal illustrated in
The voltage present at the terminals of the pixel being erased, as illustrated in
Once again, the A2 value for
The voltage present at the terminals of the pixel being written also has three successive sequences: a first sequence A1 of amplitude A1 and duration τ1, a second sequence of amplitude A2 and duration τ2−τC, and a third sequence with a progressively increasing amplitude of duration τC, passing from an initial amplitude A2 to a higher value of A2+C′. Thus in the case of
By way of a second example, we will take a rising column signal with two plateaux, C1 and C2, with respective duration of τC1 and τC2. An example of signals corresponding to example 2 of variant 2 is given in
Experimental Results with the Two Variants
In order to demonstrate the pertinence of the invention, the optical transmission of a pixel of a BiNem screen during the addressing of an image was measured. Due to the arrangement of the polarisers, the uniform texture given in this case was the white optic state, and the texture written was the black state. When the line of the pixel is addressed, the pixel is changed to a uniform texture (white state) and then it is subjected to parasite column signals for the rest of the image addressing. The optical transmission will then drop to an intermediate value between the black and the white values. The optical response is measured for the three following cases:
toothed column signal−amplitude C−duration τC=τ2
toothed column signal−amplitude C−duration τC=τ2/2
slope column signal−amplitude max. C−duration τC=τ2/2
The characteristics of the BiNem screen and the addressing signals are very close to the values given in the numerical example.
It can be observed in
In conclusion, the inventors present a method that allows the switching between the two states of the pixels of a bistable liquid crystal dot matrix passive screen switching by surface breakage to be controlled. The original signals proposed use a line signal with two plateaux, and a column signal that is retarded with respect to the start and ending exactly at the end of the second plateaux of the line signal and of varied form, either classic tooth shaped or for example a slope. This method allows either rapid drop signals, to permit the twisted state to be obtained, or a slow drop with three plateaux to obtain the uniform state, to be applied simultaneously to the screen pixels. On the one hand the invention reduces and in some cases even eliminates the parasitic effects when the image is changing and on the other hand makes switching easier by making the erase signal form closer to that of a slowly decreasing curve.
Document 1: patent FR 2740894
Document 2: “Write and erase mechanism of surface controlled bistable nematic pixel” M. Giocondo, I Lelidis, I. Dozov, G. Durand.
Document 3: Alt. PM, Pleshko P. 1974, IEEE Trans Electron Devices ED-21 , 146:55
Document 4: “Recent improvements of bistable Nematic displays switched by anchoring breaking, proceeding of SID 2001, 224 227”.
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Number | Date | Country |
2740894 | May 1997 | FR |
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20030146894 A1 | Aug 2003 | US |