Adhesive constructions; and, methods

Adhesive constructions are provided. In general, the adhesive constructions include first and second fields pressure sensitive adhesive. The amount of adhesive or coverage of adhesive in the two fields differs to advantage. A particular preferred adhesive construction is provided which includes a flexible substrate defining an outer perimeter edge and having on a side thereof an adhesive pattern which includes at least two adhesive fields, preferably arranged as: an outer perimeter adhesive field adjacent to the outer perimeter edge; and an inner adhesive field spaced from the outer perimeter edge and completely surrounded by the outer perimeter adhesive field. The preferred outer perimeter adhesive field is a discontinuous pattern of adhesive with adhesive covering no more than 80% of an area of a portion of the side of the flexible substrate defined by the outer perimeter adhesive field; and, the preferred inner adhesive field has adhesive covering at least 90% of an area of a portion of the side of the flexible substrate defined by the inner adhesive field, preferably in a continuous pattern. In typical preferred adhesive constructions, the inner adhesive field surrounds an adhesive-free region. Also provided are a preferred roll stock with such an adhesive construction secured to it, and preferred methods for constructing such arrangements.


The present invention relates to adhesive constructions and methods for manufacturing and using such constructions. In preferred applications, the invention particularly concerns adhesive constructions from which a label, cover or other adhesive component, can be applied from a release liner, in an effective and convenient manner.


In general, in many industries adhesive constructions are applied using high speed dispensing equipment, from a roll of individual constructions. The roll generally comprises individual elements in a line or column, adhered to a release liner, During an application process, the adhesive constructions or elements are sequentially stripped from the release liner and are applied to a package or other substrate on which such a construction is desired. Arrangements of this type are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,351,426 and 4,661,189, the complete disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.

Adhesive constructions can be used in a variety of applications. For example, they may be used as labels or as covers. In other instances they may be used as components in larger systems, for example as a layer in a laminate.


An adhesive construction is provided. The adhesive construction involves a flexible substrate having a selected adhesive pattern, of pressure sensitive adhesive, on at least one side thereof. The selected adhesive pattern of pressure sensitive adhesive preferably includes at least a first adhesive field and a second adhesive field. In preferred constructions: the first adhesive field is a discontinuous pattern of adhesive with adhesive covering no more than 80% of an area of the portion of the first side of the flexible substrate defined by the first adhesive field, the area of that portion of the first side of the flexible substrate defined by the 80% adhesive field preferably being at least 10 square millimeters (sq. mm.), typically at least 30 sq. mm.; and, the second adhesive field preferably covers at least 80% (typically at least 90%) of an area of a portion of the first side of the flexible substrate defined by the second adhesive field; the area of the portion of the first side of the flexible substrate defined by the second adhesive field being at least 10 sq. mm., typically at least 30 sq. mm. Preferably there is more adhesive and more surface coverage, per unit area, in the second adhesive field than in the first adhesive field.

Adhesive constructions as defined herein may have still further adhesive fields thereon, as long as (preferably) the first and second adhesive fields are present.

In preferred adhesive constructions according to the present invention, the first and second portions of the selected adhesive pattern are preferably defined (respectively) by an outer perimeter adhesive field; and, an inner adhesive field. The preferred outer perimeter adhesive field is arranged along (or to border) a perimeter edge or edge portion of the flexible substrate. In such preferred embodiments, the inner adhesive field is completely surrounded or circumscribed by the outer perimeter adhesive field. In general, as described above, there is a higher amount of adhesive or higher coverage of flexible substrate surface by adhesive, in the region of the inner adhesive field, than in the region of the outer perimeter adhesive field. Preferred arrangements and amounts of coverage, are described.

In certain preferred arrangements, there is also provided an adhesive-free region on the flexible substrate. Preferably the adhesive-free region comprises an inner adhesive-free region completely surrounded or circumscribed by an inner (or second) adhesive field. In selected embodiments, the adhesive-free region is substantially transparent.

The adhesive construction will typically include, during a portion of its life prior to application to a package or other substrate, a release liner secured to the flexible substrate with the defined adhesive fields therebetween. The release liner generally would comprise a silicone release layer, to facilitate the separation of the release liner from the flexible substrate, during a labeling or covering operation, i.e., an application process, so that the flexible substrate could then be adhered to an appropriate package or other substrate.

Methods of preparing preferred adhesive constructions according to the present invention are provided. In general, the methods include: applying adhesive to create the different pressure sensitive adhesive fields defined; and, conducting appropriate die cutting and waste material stripping operations to achieve the generation of the individual adhesive constructions secured to a common release liner. In general, preferred die cutting operations will be conducted such that die cutting: is through a layer of laminate which will eventually become the flexible substrate of the adhesive construction; and, is in overlap only with adhesive in the first type of adhesive field, and thus in a pattern surrounding or circumscribing adhesive in the second type of adhesive field.

Preferred methods include applying adhesive to create a first, (for example outer perimeter) adhesive field and a second (for example inner) adhesive field by utilizing a printing approach, typically a dot screen printing approach, in which more adhesive is applied to the region that will become the second (inner) adhesive field than is applied to the region which will become the first (outer) perimeter adhesive field. This can be accomplished for example, by varying the number of dots or weight (wt.) of adhesive per unit area.

In typical manufacturing operations, a two layer laminate is prepared comprising two flexible webs secured to one another by adhesive. One of the flexible webs would comprise a release liner layer, and the other would comprise a flexible substrate web or layer that, when die cut, would form the flexible substrates of individual adhesive constructions for generation of the preferred constructions as characterized. The adhesive pattern between the two webs would typically have two regions: a region of adhesive in a concentration that, after a die cutting operation, would form the first (outer) perimeter adhesive field; and, a region of higher adhesive concentration which, after the die cutting operation, would form the second (inner) adhesive field. In preferred constructions, the adhesive fields of the laminate are organized such that during a die cutting operation, die cutting of the flexible substrate web only occurs in overlap with regions of lower adhesive concentration.


FIG. 1

is a schematic plan view of an adhesive construction according to the present invention; the view of

FIG. 1

being toward a side having adhesive thereon.

FIG. 2

is a schematic, fragmentary, plan view of a continuous roll of adhesive constructions in accord with

FIG. 1

secured to release liner; the roll of

FIG. 2

being useable in a process to apply adhesive constructions according to

FIG. 1

to various substrates.

FIG. 3

is a schematic, fragmentary, plan view of a laminate roll stock from which a continuous roll in accord with

FIG. 2

can be prepared;

FIG. 3

being taken of a side having thereon a transparent flexible web from which individual adhesive constructions will be die cut.


Referring to

FIG. 1

, reference no.


depicts an adhesive construction according to the present invention. In general, adhesive constructions


according to the present invention may be applied to packages or other substrates, for example as labels, covers or other components, depending upon the particular application. When utilized as a label, typically printed matter or graphic matter will have been applied to the adhesive construction


. The adhesive construction


would then be applied to a container or other substrate as a means of adhering the printed matter in place, as a label. When used as a cover, the adhesive construction


may or may not contain printing or graphics, but in general would be applied over a portion of a substrate for which coverage is desired. Such a portion of substrate may be, for example, an aperture or hole, i.e., window; or, it may be printing material or other material which is desired to have covered and protected. It is foreseen that in many preferred applications, adhesive constructions


according to the present invention will be applied as substantially transparent windows over an aperture or substrate, for example, over a hole in a package box. By “substantially transparent” in this context, it is meant that adequate light passes through the flexible substrate under normal viewing conditions, so that items can be readily viewed through the adhesive-free region of the flexible substrate. Of course, there is no requirement that the flexible substrate be substantially transparent, for many of the benefits of the present invention to be obtained.

As indicated above, the adhesive constructions may be used as other components and systems. For example, medical systems may involve use of such arrangements to adhere a component of a medical system in place. In addition, the arrangements may be utilized in shields or as components in laminates, or in other manners as components in mechanical or electrical systems.

Still referring to

FIG. 1

, the preferred adhesive construction


depicted comprises a transparent flexible substrate


having a first side


(facing the viewer) and an opposite second side


(directed away from the viewer). For the particular arrangement shown, the first side


has adhesive


applied thereto, as described below, for securing the adhesive construction


in place, during use. The opposite side


is typically adhesive-free, although such is not required for all applications. Side


will sometimes be referred to as the adhesive side of the substrate


, or of the adhesive construction



As indicated above, in general adhesive constructions according to the present invention are utilized by removal from a release liner and application to a package or other substrate. The adhesive construction



FIG. 1

, is depicted after removal of the release liner.

In general, the materials selected will involve use of an adhesive


which is, typically, a pressure sensitive adhesive, i.e., secures upon contact and pressure. The material chosen for the flexible substrate


will generally be one which is adequately strong or tough to allow for the manipulations required during an application process, and to remain in place for the intended use. Some usable materials are characterized below.

Referring still to

FIG. 1

, the flexible substrate


of adhesive construction


generally defines an outer perimeter edge


. For the particular adhesive construction


depicted, the outer perimeter edge


defines a quadrilateral shape, in particular a parallelogram. The particular adhesive construction


depicted is rectangular. It is noted, however, that principles according to the present invention can be utilized in accord with adhesive constructions having a variety of outer perimeter configurations, including for example those having irregular shapes, circular shapes, square shapes, triangular shapes, etc.

Still referring to

FIG. 1

, the adhesive construction


includes at least two different adhesive fields (or regions of adhesive) on the adhesive or first side


. The two different adhesive fields




comprise: a first adhesive field


and, a second adhesive field


. It is noted that other adhesive fields different from adhesive fields




could also be provided in the arrangement


, provided at least the first and second adhesive fields




, preferably as defined, are provided. In general, the first adhesive field


comprises an adhesive field defining an area of the substrate


on which there is no more than 80% coverage by the adhesive, preferably in a discontinuous pattern. Preferably the second adhesive field


is an adhesive field position to cover a selected area of the substrate, wherein there is at least 80% adhesive coverage, typically at least 90%, preferably at least 95%, and most preferably at least 99.5%. Most preferably the adhesive in the second adhesive field


is applied in a continuous pattern. Preferably the amount of adhesive coverage in the first field


is less than in the second field, in terms of wt. per unit area; and, preferably each of the first and second fields




is in a pattern having a perimeter covering at least 10 sq. mm., typically at least 30 sq. mm., of the substrate



While the characterizations in the previous paragraph are general, for adhesive fields according to the present invention, for the particular preferred arrangements depicted the first adhesive field


and the second adhesive field


are provided in preferred configurations, to achieve selected advantages. In particular, for the arrangement depicted in

FIG. 1

, the first adhesive field


comprises a perimeter adhesive field


and, the second adhesive field


comprises an internal adhesive field


. In general, the preferred perimeter adhesive field


is configured with the following characteristics: it borders the outer perimeter


along at least one side and preferably entirely around the adhesive construction


; and, it preferably completely surrounds or circumscribes the internal adhesive field


. The particular preferred adhesive field


depicted, has the configuration of a rectangular frame


having a constant width and having, as its outside edge



, the outer perimeter


, and having as its inside edge



, an interface or border with the internal adhesive field



The particular, preferred, internal adhesive field


depicted, circumscribes or surrounds central region


, in which there is no adhesive. That is, region


is, in preferred embodiments, adhesive-free. The particular preferred internal adhesive field


depicted is in the form of a rectangular frame


of constant width, having as its outer border



an interface or border with inner border



of adhesive field


; and, having as its inner border



, a border surrounding an adhesive-free region described below. It is foreseen that internal fields


having a frame configuration


will be used in preferred embodiments, however, alternatives are applicable with principles according to the present invention.

Still referring to

FIG. 1

, a characteristic of the preferred perimeter adhesive field


is that within the field


, adhesive coverage on the flexible substrate ranges between about 30% and 80% of the surface (or area) of the flexible substrate


covered or defined by the perimeter adhesive field


. That is, at least 30% of the surface of the first side


of the flexible substrate


, (in the region defined by borders






of the perimeter field


) is covered by adhesive, and preferably not more than about 80% is so covered. Most preferably the coverage is no greater than 70%. Another characteristic of the preferred perimeter field is that it has a width, i.e., dimension of extension inwardly from the outer perimeter edge


, indicated by dimension A, of at least 0.8 millimeters (mm.), and typically at least 1 mm. and up to 5 mm.

In preferred embodiments, the adhesive pattern in the perimeter adhesive field


is discontinuous. By “discontinuous” in this context, it is meant that the pattern comprises a plurality of spaced adhesive spots, islands or regions



, each of which is surrounded by adhesive-free region, as opposed to a continuous pattern in which there are no readily identifiable spaced spots, regions or islands of adhesive.

Another preferred characteristic of the perimeter field


, is that immediately along the adhesive construction outer perimeter edge


, the perimeter field


does not include an extension of more than 15 mm., preferably not more than 8 mm., and most preferably not more than 5 mm. without the edge


having intersected a region, spot or island of adhesive. That is, there is no substantial extension of edge


, on surface


, which is completely adhesive-free. Alternately stated, adhesive in the region of perimeter adhesive field


is applied in a discontinuous dot, spot or island pattern, with the dots (spots or islands) having been deformed or squished as a result of a laminate construction method used to prepare construction


. Preferably, the dot pattern is such that the edge


encounters the adhesive dots or deformed dots (spots or islands) often enough so that along the edge there is no extension greater than about 15 mm., preferably not more than 8 mm., (most preferably not more than 5 mm. and typically less) over which an adhesive dot (spot or island) is not encountered or intersected.

In general, the typical arrangement of adhesive application will be applying the adhesive dots from a screen printing process. A typical such process would use about a 50 line screen (i.e. a screen of 50 lines per inch in each direction). Different adhesive patterns or amounts can be applied in different areas, by using an appropriate lacquer mask, in accord with typical screen printing techniques. A useable approach would be to provide a full tone print, where the second type of adhesive pattern is to be applied, and a half tone print (half as many dots per unit area) in a region to provide the first type of adhesive pattern. It is noted that alternate screens from 50 lines per inch can be adapted and used.

Still referring to

FIG. 1

, for the particular embodiment depicted, the internal field


is generally characterized by having a width inwardly from internal edge



of perimeter adhesive field


, of at least 0.8 mm., typically at least 3 mm. and typically not more than 10 mm. Also, preferably, the internal adhesive field


is characterized by having a greater percentage of surface area having adhesive coverage, in the region defined by the second (internal) adhesive field


, than is covered by adhesive in the region defined by the first (perimeter) adhesive field


. Most preferably, the amount of adhesive coverage in the internal adhesive field


is at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, typically at least 95%. In typical preferred embodiments, the adhesive coverage in the internal adhesive field


is continuous. By the term “continuous” in this context, it is not meant that coverage is necessarily 100%, indeed the adhesive arrangement may have various fine pin holes in it. However, when the pattern is continuous the adhesive is not in isolated spots, islands or regions, and it typically covers greater than 99.5% of the surface area of the substrate


defined by the outer borders






of the internal adhesive field



It is noted that a continuous adhesive pattern


can be formed by applying the adhesive in a discontinuous dot or printed pattern, by a process as characterized and then squeezing down the laminate to spread the dots into abutment with adjacent dots, thus forming a continuous pattern. This will be a typical preferred approach, as characterized below.

Another preferred characteristic of adhesive constructions according to the present invention, is that during manufacture, the total amount of adhesive applied in the region that will define the internal adhesive field


is at least 30% greater, per unit area, than is the total amount of adhesive applied to define the perimeter adhesive field, per unit area. Most preferably, the amount of adhesive application in the internal adhesive field on a per unit area basis is about 1.5 to 5 times the amount of adhesive applied in the region that will become the outer perimeter adhesive field to the perimeter adhesive field, on a per unit area basis; typically 1.5-2.5 times. (The ratio for full tone versus half tone, of course, would be 2:1).

Thus far the term “adhesive construction” has been used to characterize a construction comprising a flexible substrate as characterized, with adhesive fields characterized thereon. It is noted that in some instances herein, the term “adhesive construction” will be utilized to refer to such an arrangement with attached thereto a release liner, which can be stripped from the remainder of the adhesive construction, so that a resulting adhesive construction comprising a flexible substrate and adhesive, without a release liner can be applied for use.

Attention is now directed to FIG.


. In

FIG. 2

, there is depicted an adhesive construction


, according to the present invention in the form of a roll for delivery of individual adhesive constructions


. Machine direction for application is shown by arrow


. The roll construction


comprises a continuous strip


having secured thereto, in a line, a plurality of spaced covers


. The covers


may be generally in accord with adhesive constructions


, and are positioned on the continuous strip


with the adhesive side



FIG. 1

) of each construction


directed against strip


and the non-adhesive side


facing the viewer.

For the particular preferred arrangement


depicted in

FIG. 2

, the individual adhesive constructions


each comprise a transparent substrate


, so that adhesive fields




are viewable.

The continuous strip


preferably comprises a release liner


, for example a silicone coated paper, from which the individual adhesive constructions


can be readily removed in a commercial labeling or application process; the silicone coating being at least on the side facing the covers


. Since each of the constructions


has a first (perimeter) adhesive field


in accord with the preferred description for adhesive construction


, stripping of the individual constructions


from roll construction


in a high speed application process is facilitated. This is in part because the low coverage of adhesive in first (perimeter) field


helps the lead edge



of each adhesive construction


to be started to separate from the continuous strip


of release liner. Unlike the arrangements of U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,351,426 and 4,661,189, in which there is no adhesive along the outer perimeter edge, the presence of at least 30% adhesive coverage in the perimeter field


facilitates operation by allowing for greater control and label application; and, after the construction


is applied to a package or other substrate, perimeter field


facilitates the label being retained in place and not inadvertently lifted and separated from the substrate to which the construction


has been applied. This latter advantage, inhibition of unintended or undesired separation from the substrate, is an important advantage of arrangements according to the present invention which utilize a perimeter field


as the first adhesive field.

Still referring to

FIG. 2

, it is noted that regions


on the release liner


, between and around individual adhesive constructions


, are generally adhesive-free. This results from a manufacturing operation in which any adhesive in these regions is stripped from the arrangement, as the roll construction


is formed.

Herein, the term “continuous” when used in reference to label roll construction


is generally meant to a strip


which is sufficiently long to include at least ten individual adhesive constructions


thereon, typically oriented in a single column or row. It is noted that typically a roll construction


will comprise at least 100 to 500 meters of continuous strip


, with at least 1,000 to 5,000 individual constructions


in a row thereon. In some instances the roll construction


will include more than one row or line of constructions



Attention is now directed to FIG.


. In

FIG. 3

, a roll stock


is shown, from which roll constructions



FIG. 2

, in accord with the present invention can be made, the machine direction for manufacture being shown by arrow


. In general, the roll stock


comprises a laminate of two flexible webs




with adhesive


positioned therebetween. The adhesive


is provided in a preferred pattern as characterized herein, to eventually form the preferred fields




described above, for individual adhesive constructions


. In general, web


comprises a web of release liner material which, after appropriate cutting application, will form continuous strip


, FIG.


. Web


, on the other hand, comprises a web of material which, after die cutting, will form the flexible substrates


of the various individual adhesive constructions



For the particular embodiment depicted in

FIG. 3

, flexible web


of the roll stock


is depicted as a transparent material, allowing viewing of adhesive field


and the surface of web


thereunder. To facilitate understanding, web


is fragmented for viewing web


, at region




FIG. 3

, the particular roll stock


depicted comprises two rows




of spaced adhesive free areas


, over which two rows of individual adhesive construction


will eventually be formed. The phantom line indicated at


depicts a cut line which will eventually be made through the release liner stock


, to separate the rows




of roll stock


into strips of labels having a single line of labels. Phantom lines


indicate where die cutting through the web


, but not through the release liner stock


, will take place, in order to generate the individual substrates


, FIG.


. The die cutting operation will be described in greater detail, below. The particular roll stock


depicted includes narrow adhesive-free strips


along each side edge


, to facilitate handling.

Still referring to

FIG. 3

, roll stock


includes two types of adhesive fields thereon. The first type of adhesive field is indicated generally at


. A portion of field


comprises an adhesive field which, in a final label product, will generate first (perimeter) fields


, FIG.


. Thus, the first type of adhesive field


preferably comprises adhesive coverage of between 30% and 80% coverage of the surface area defined by its borders






, most preferably coverage as defined for FIG.



The second type of adhesive field is indicated at


and, in the final adhesive constructions


, will form second (internal) fields


, FIG.


. Thus, preferably the second type of adhesive field


comprises at least 80%, and most preferably continuous adhesive coverage in the regions defined by borders






Still referring to

FIG. 3

, it is again noted that the roll stock


includes a plurality of spaced adhesive-free regions


in which there is no adhesive between the two webs




. Regions


, in the final label roll construction



FIG. 2

, form unsealed regions



Still referring to

FIG. 3

, it is noted that all die cut lines


are positioned in overlap with adhesive fields


of the first type. That is, during the die cutting operation to form the individual constructions, covers, components for labels, the die cutting is preferably through web


in overlap with regions where, between the web


and the web


, there is positioned adhesive field


of the first type. As a result, the die cutting operation avoids die cuts in regions in which there is a higher percentage of adhesive such as is found in adhesive fields of the second type.

By the term “overlap” in this context, it is meant that the strike of the die cut from the viewpoint of FIG.


through web


in a portion directly above region



After the die cutting operation, once waste material from web


is stripped away, the resulting adhesive constructions


or covers



FIG. 2

, will have a perimeter edge along which there is a perimeter adhesive field of the type indicated at


, FIG.


. It is noted that in general, the material selected for the adhesive, the release liner


and the substrate web


will be such that adherence of the adhesive to the substrate


material is greater than the adherence of the adhesive to the release liner


. One result of this is that when waste or scrap material from web


is stripped away after die cutting, the regions of release liner


which remain and which are not covered by the individual die cut adhesive constructions


, are adhesive-free.

In a typical cutting operation, then, die cutting to form individual adhesive construction, occurs in the regions indicated at lines


to define a die cut pattern or perimeter pattern circumscribing individual labels or covers. The resulting waste material between adhesive construction or covers is stripped from the roll stock


, leaving continuous web


intact with a plurality of spaced adhesive constructions


is secured thereto. Web


can be cut, into strips, by cutting along line


between the rows of adhesive constructions, to result in two one lane roll constructions


each of which is as shown in FIG.


. This final cutting operation, to form the individual rolls


, would be through adhesive-free regions as a result of the stripping of waste material of layer


from layer


, after die cutting.

In general, roll stock


in accord with

FIG. 3

, is readily manufactured by a process of applying an appropriate adhesive pattern to one of the two webs




, and then bringing the two webs together in a continuous operation. Various methods can be utilized to apply the adhesive, typically dot or spot printing being preferred. With dot or spot printing, variations in the amount of adhesive applied in various locations, to generate the two types of adhesive fields




characterized, can be readily conducted. In a typical operation, the adhesive is applied in a dot or spot pattern on one or the other of the two webs




, prior to the webs being brought together to form the laminate


. A transfer printing process can be utilized.

When the webs are brought together, typically they are squeezed together in a nip or bite between rollers. In a typical printing operation, a higher concentration of dots or spots is placed in a region which will become the inner portion


, with a continuous adhesive pattern. Even though the spots in this region may be created in an isolated continuous pattern, as a result of the squeezing process the spots in this region will spread and join with one another, to form the continuous pattern. In the region which will become the first (outer perimeter) adhesive pattern


, however, typically the spot pattern is sufficiently low in population, so that even after the squeezing operation a discontinuous pattern of adhesive still results. This can be readily accomplished by using 30%-60% (by wt.) of adhesive, per unit area, of adhesive for the region to become the discontinuous pattern, than is used in the region to become the continuous pattern. Typically, dots applied at 20-100 dots/inch, will be convenient to generate such patterns. A usable printing process is screen printing using a screen at 50 lines/inch, with half tone printing for pattern


, and full tone for pattern



In general, for the preferred arrangements of

FIGS. 1-3

, the adhesive patterns are defined with respect to perimeter patterns and inner patterns. It is noted that in general the principles relate to application of at least two different patterns of adhesives on a substrate, generally referenced as a first pattern and as a second pattern. The first pattern would in general define at least 10 sq. mm. (typically at least 30 sq. mm.) of area with a discontinuous adhesive pattern covering no more than 80% of the defined area, preferably of no more than 70%; and, the second adhesive area would define at least 10 sq. mm. (typically at least 30 sq. mm.) with adhesive covering at least 80%, preferably at least 90%, typically at least 95% with adhesive, most preferably in a continuous pattern covering at least 99.5% of the area. For such arrangements, preferably the second area of adhesive comprises at least 30%, per unit area, more adhesive than is found in the first adhesive region. Of course, in preferred constructions such as those described, the first adhesive region is a perimeter adhesive region and the second adhesive region is an inner adhesive region. However, from the example provided, it will be understood that alternate arrangements of the two adhesive patterns are available, and, indeed, there may be still further adhesive regions provided on the substrate. In addition, the first adhesive region could be broken into more than one separate area, each of which has a minimum area of at least 10 sq. mm.; and/or the second region could be broken into more than one region, each of which has a minimum area of at least 10 sq. mm.

Preferred Materials

A variety of materials can be utilized in arrangements according to the present invention. Typical preferred materials would be as follows:

(1) for the label substrate, a usable material is, for example, clear 2 mm. biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP), for example, as available from a variety of films companies such as Armstrong Specialty Films, Inc., Mukwongo, Wis., 53149;

(2) for the release liner, a utilizable material is 43 pound diversified Kraft paper with a silicone release coating, such as is available from the Siltech Division of Technicote, Co., Miamisburg, Ohio 45342.

(3) for the pressure sensitive adhesive a variety of commercially available pressure sensitive adhesives can be used, with the specific choice generally being dependent upon the desired conditions of application. Usable pressure sensitive adhesives are available, for example, from H. B. Fuller, St. Paul, Minn.; Ashland Petroleum, Columbus, Ohio 43216; and, Hartland Adhesives of New Berlin, Wis.

Typically, the amount of adhesive applied during the printing operation in the regions that will form the first (perimeter) fields



FIG. 1

, is about 35-65% (usually 40-60%) of the amount of adhesive applied in the regions which will provide the internal adhesive field


, FIG.


. The wt. % given is meant to refer to the weight of adhesive applied per unit area.

Preferred Configurations and Dimensions

While a wide variety of configurations and dimensions may be utilized in arrangements according to the present invention, it is foreseen that in typical applications, the adhesive constructions will be parallelograms, typically rectangles or squares. In general, it is anticipated that in typical preferred constructions the perimeter adhesive fields will be of even width around the perimeter, typically about 1 to 10 mm. wide; and, the internal adhesive field


will be a framed construction having an even width around the frame, typically about 10 to 40 mm. wide. It is foreseen that in general, the central region of the label will be a region that has no adhesive thereon, and will typically comprise at least about 30% and generally about 40% to 80% of the total perimeter area of the label or cover; the term “perimeter area” in this context, refers to label area as defined by the outer perimeter of the label or cover.

The above specification, examples and data provide a general description of the manufacture and use of the composition of the invention. Many embodiments of the invention can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. An adhesive construction comprising:(a) a flexible label substrate having a first side and defining an outer perimeter edge; (b) a first adhesive field comprising pressure sensitive adhesive and defining an outer perimeter adhesive field positioned on the first side of the flexible label substrate and adjacent the outer perimeter edge, (i) the first adhesive field being a discontinuous pattern of spaced adhesive dots with adhesive covering no more than 70% and at least about 30% of an area of a portion of the first side of the flexible label substrate defined by the first adhesive field, (ii) the area of a portion of the first side of the flexible label substrate defined by the first adhesive being at least 30 sq. mm., (iii) encountering some of the adhesive dots in the first adhesive field; each adhesive dot encountered by the outer perimeter edge being spaced from a next closest adhesive dot encountered by the outer perimeter edge by a distance along the outer perimeter edge of 5 mm. or less, and (iv) the outer perimeter adhesive field having a dimension of extension inwardly from the outer perimeter edge of at least 1 mm.; (c) a second adhesive field comprising pressure sensitive adhesive and defining an inner adhesive field spaced from the outer perimeter edge and completely surrounded by the first adhesive field, (i) the second adhesive field covering at least 90% of an area of a portion of the first side of the flexible label substrate defined by the second adhesive field, (ii) the area of a portion of the first side of the flexible label defined by the second adhesive field being at least 30 sq. mm., and (iii) the inner adhesive field having a dimension of extension inwardly from the outer perimeter adhesive field of at least 3 mm.; (d) an adhesive-free region on the first side of the flexible substrate completely surrounded by the inner adhesive field, (i) the adhesive-free region comprising at least 40% of a perimeter area defined by the flexible substrate outer perimeter edge, and (ii) the adhesive-free region of the flexible substrate being transparent; and (e) wherein the first adhesive field and second adhesive field are applied in a single screen-printing process.
  • 2. An adhesive construction according to claim 1 including:(a) a release liner to which the flexible substrate is secured by the first adhesive field and the second adhesive field.
  • 3. An adhesive construction according to claim 1 wherein:(a) the inner adhesive field comprises a continuous adhesive field over the area of the portion of the first side of the flexible substrate defined by the inner adhesive field.
  • 4. The adhesive construction according to claim 1 wherein:(a) the amount of adhesive application in the inner adhesive field on a per unit basis is about 1.5 to 2.5 times the amount of adhesive in the outer perimeter adhesive field.
  • 5. The adhesive construction according to claim 4 wherein:(a) the inner adhesive field comprises a full tone adhesive screen print; and (b) the outer perimeter adhesive field comprises a half tone adhesive screen print.
  • 6. The adhesive construction of claim 1 wherein:(a) the outer perimeter edge defines a rectangular pattern; (b) the outer perimeter adhesive field defines a rectangular frame; and (c) the inner adhesive field defines a rectangular frame.
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